Titanfall’s Brutal Frontier War | FULL Titanfall Lore

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during the years of 2200 up until the early 2700s humanity would find itself involved in a galactic civil war over the standard things we always fight wars over land and resources two factions during these hundreds of years the imc aka the interstellar manufacturing corporation and the frontier militia would fight against each other throughout the galaxy laying to waste a ton of civilizations as well as causing thousands if not millions of casualties during this time a form of weapon would be created something that had never been used in ground combat before but would change warfare forever that would be the titan together with the titans a ground of highly experienced soldiers known as pilots would rule the battleground using speed agility and pure tactical supremacy against their enemies they would be the turning point for battles and would be able to control these titans either remotely or by jumping in them and manually controlling them helping them to become a force to be reckoned with for hundreds of years these two factions fought against each other leading to what was known as the frontier war but what caused this war what was the build-up to it who were the imc and the frontier militia and what was the final outcome of the war well today we explored the significant events during the hundred years war labelled the frontier wars of titanfall [Music] [Music] sometime between the 21st century and the 23rd century humanity's population was at the highest it's ever been industry had taken over earth and ventured out into other planets of the solar system whilst humanity struggled to manage food and resource demand industries were thriving and technology was constantly evolving pushing their interstellar exploration to new heights during this time an extraction industry under the name of hammond engineering was making its name for itself growing its corporation and helping companies gain resources to pump into manufacturing titans not only for military purposes but for also other smaller but more important roles such as agriculture logistics shipping and salvage and many other tasks involved in that industry it was said that hammond engineering were the minds behind the titan designs as well as all the other machines within the universe such as the spectres and marvin's their technology grew so much over the 15 years since their first setup that they grew into one of the biggest corporations humanity had ever seen becoming almost an empire all over the world because of their endless growth and demand for titans across earth and the other core worlds worlds where humanity thrived hammond engineering under the new name of the imc or interstellar manufacturing corporation began taking over them in what were the core worlds war angel city which inhabited billions if not trillions of humans fell to the imc after a certain amount of time all of the core worlds were in the control of the imc's massive empire their combat effectiveness was unmatched and anyone who were to try and come against their rule would feel their power hit them hard after years controlled in the core worlds where the heart of humanity thrived the imc eventually went on to develop a piece of revolutionary technology called the jump drive a device that would allow humanity to explore deep space in a matter of seconds helping the imc to branch out their empire and explore new planets for resources and possible areas to set up their manufacturing facilities after using the jump drive for the first time the imc discovered brand new planets right on the edge of their region of space they would name these planets the frontier these would consist of planets that were desert-like terrains like the badlands a jungle land of harmony and an almost earth-like world known as eden the imc was fast to colonize these planets within the frontier setting up their bases almost immediately here they would continue to create brand new titans extract new resources and ultimately build up their ever-growing empire these worlds wouldn't contain any real competition for humanity no inhabitants were all that hard for the imc to take over with some creatures being huge leviathans who slowly walked over the world winged flyers and pack hunter prowlers dangerous beasts who could easily kill individual soldiers but with the power of the imc forces these creatures would not bother them at all however it was said that on a few of these frontier worlds there had been sightings of primitive stone age civilizations through the sites of ruins and temples within swamplands and lagoons whether these civilizations still exist is unknown but with the imc's quick setup of their industries it's very unlikely they survive during it with the new discovery of the frontier planets and the setup of the industries there the imc decided to reward those at the top of their forces who had proven themselves in their time there the imc would implement the imc servicemen's readjustment act also known as gi bill which allowed former soldiers of the imc's conflict within the court system to be given land and money to settle within the frontier setting up businesses and ultimately protecting those new worlds and building them up from scratch things were looking good for the imc their exploration into the depths of space was a huge popularity boost for them back in the core worlds and it helped them to expand their empire search for more resources and reward those within the imc with new land business opportunities and ultimately a new life the imc had spent a long time out within the frontier exploring all the new planets no one had ventured to before they also were setting up more defenses and developing their titans and military power however with the imc spending a lot of time out in the frontier their popularity back on earth angel city and the other core worlds was diminishing their supporters were turning their backs on them riots were ensuring and all support for the frontier had died because of this conflicts broke out throughout the core worlds meaning the imc had to take action almost immediately this meant they had to leave the frontier and focus back on securing the core worlds because of the imc turning towards the conflicts within the core worlds the new civilization set up by ex-imc soldiers within the frontier went on living away from imc control and because of that they were allowed to develop their societies the way they wanted the lack of control was so good for them that the frontier worlds began to thrive massively resources were plentiful the people were happy and the industry was thriving this also affected the mentality of the civilians who lived within these worlds as they realized they didn't need the backing of the imc to really live their lives or be successful decades passed and the imc would eventually return to the front line to enforce their empire once again as they had done within the core worlds however on their return it became clear that the frontier worlds had not only survived and carried on as usual but they had also thrived and become their own unique worlds filled with prosperity for the imc it was like looking at a gold mine after the core worlds were suffering deeply due to customer demands and a real lack of any new resources the imc saw the frontier systems as the perfect worlds for gathering resources to help boost their popularity within the core worlds and help bring their empire back to the golden days immediately on arriving back at the frontier the imc declared eminent domain claiming they had invested in the frontier from the start and everything they had built up was now theirs the frontier population was obviously not happy with this statement seeing it as an almost invasion and that the imc were claiming what was ultimately not rightfully theirs this did not stop the imc however and they immediately started setting up manufacturing and mining sites on a variety of the planets stripping them of all their resources that made them so beautiful in the first place tensions rose within all of the worlds as the imc just walked all over these planets that had been independent for decades the civilians watched as their homes were ravaged for resources forests were destroyed landscapes became barren with just machinery taken over it was like their homes had become unrecognizable despite being once linked to the imc as ex-soldiers the inhabitants of the frontier worlds had had enough of the imc's intrusion in their worlds stating the frontier was independent and the imc was illegally invading the frontier militia was formed almost immediately after the imc started spreading their empire all over the frontier with this set up the frontier militia started striking at numerous imc garrisons these actions by the frontier militia started an all-out war between the frontier planets and the imc this war would go on to be just the start of the conflict being labelled as the titan wars [Music] sadly during the titan wars a lot of details and records were lost meaning any real data on what happened is scarce it is believed however that during this war the frontier militia did not really have any access to any real functioning titans and because of it had to improvise and create anti-titan weapons it was this or be massacred by the imc's mighty army of new atlas titans plummeting to the frontier's surfaces a few years into the war however the militias started fighting their feet within the battles using more guerilla tactics to outmaneuver the imc and their forces thanks to these tactics the militia were able to steal some of the imc titans and reprogram them for their own forces it is also unknown if the pilots for the militia during this war were imc defects or the militia who were able to develop enough training resources to create their own pilots although it is unknown what ultimately happened during this time it is almost certain that during this time titans for the first time in their existence fought against each other pilots would test each other's skills as they try to dominate the battleground and it was the first time where someone had equal technology to the imc during this time the infamous imc ship the ims odyssey was put into service being one of the imc's most cherished ships it was sent to be at the forefront of many of the battles during the titan wars led by frontier commander vice admiral marcus graves and captain james mcallen it was the pride and joy of the imc with a lot of battle experience but during the conflict the imc's treatment of the frontier civilians would not sit well with james mcallen leading to a conflict between the two officers eventually near the end of the conflict mcallen had had enough and mutinied along with a large portion of the ship's crew including another commander called commander vector graves allowed mcallen to take the ship however later denied his actions and portrayed the events to be a hostile takeover of command after fleeing from the imc with the now damaged odyssey mcallen and his crew would crash in a somewhat unexplored planet called troy stranded away from both the frontier militia and the imc they set up a town there in the wreckage and sent out an sos signal hoping for a friendly face to find them after a few years of this initial conflict the titan wars came to an end but it was unknown who fully won it however from the looks of the events after the titan wars it looks like it was an imc victory as they were able to continue to build on the frontier and thrive from the stolen land but the titan wars were just the start of the problems within the frontier not wanting to cave to the imc's threat the militia still wanted to fight for their land and homes but this time would take a new approach to fighting the imc forces [Music] after the events of the titan wars the frontier militia changed up their tactics to make sure their attacks on the imc were as deadly as they could have been and really affected their war effort and mining facilities the militia started conducting more guerrilla approaches against the imc both the frontier worlds and the core worlds however these operations were known within the higher-ups of the imc as they were hunted down by admiral graves during this time the imc would go on to hire mercenaries to bolster their combat effectiveness their immediate faction they turned to was cuban blisk and his apex predators a mercenary group that had a great track record and were deadly in battle with only the best being part of it the role of the apex predators within the frontier war was to be part of the counter-insurgency operations conducted by the militia cutting down any forces that wanted to use guerrilla tactics on the imc forces the first big notable battle during this war was on the planet of victor within the frontier here the goal was for the first militia fleet to take out an imc refuelling station the imc however were quick to respond and took out a lot of the militia forces the first militia fleet was able to escape however but this led to the imc sending probes out to try and find them in sector bravo 217. this probe however would go on to reveal that the sector was inhabited by some unknown survivors it was then found out to be that the survivors on this planet were the ex-imc crew led by leader mcallen the militia were fast to act and found mcallen through his sos signal here the militia agreed to help extract the stranded colonists but demanded mcallen's help with taking out his old employers at the imc finishing them once and for all mckellen agreed to this and became a commanding officer for the marauder corps an elite team who were attached to the first militia fleet with mcallen now helping the militia with their tactics to take out the imc they would go on to see a series of militia victories during the war these would be huge victories for the frontier militia with wins happening within angel city outpost 207 base golden and air based sierra as well as this the militia would go on to take down the imc's flagship the ims sentinel and wipe out the 1991st combat support group in the process the apex predators during this time would go throughout the planet's massacring people in their path utilizing their new brd-01 spectres if anyone got in blisk and the predator's way they would either be killed straight up or captured and sent to the area's division for testing what the testing would be we don't know but either way if you were found by the apex predators and the spectres it was not going to be fun the war quickly turned to the planet of dementor and its moons the plan was made by mcallen once again as he believed this to be a crucial battle for the militia stating if they won this the imc would be put on the back foot and victory would be almost guaranteed as it would be able to control the rest of the wall the imc wasn't going to give this base up however as it was a central link for transit between the frontier and the core worlds this was the seat of power for the imc losing this base would mean they wouldn't have a rally point or key refuelling station for their effort in the frontier worlds the battle of dementor started in space's fleet battles but the militia were quick to react and deploy a force of pilots along with mcallen and his ogre ogre-class titan to the central reactor core of the main facility the imc were quick to respond as well sending in every military force they could including cuban blisk who chased down mccannon before he could destroy the core the battle was huge not only on the ground but also in the air mccallum was able to reach the reactor in the heat of the battle ahead of cuban blisk as he locked him out of the chamber he started sabotaging the core making it unstable with minutes left before the core went up he reached out to his old friend graves pleading with him to join the militia to fight for a worthy cause and turn down the brutal nature of the imc the reactor went up and graves was forced to watch his old friend and the whole of dementor get destroyed this was a huge blow for the imc their central hub had been destroyed their link between the core worlds and the frontier was gone and their military control had dramatically decreased without dementor the imc would struggle to make jumps into the frontier meaning they had to settle for more fuel intensive faster than light jumps which were not efficient for controlling the wall the militia was showing their strength they had turned the war on its head and they were now in control of what was going on in fact some say it went from being a rebellion to a full war of equal parties both as tactically equal as one another after watching dementor get destroyed along with his old friend and on top of that having the imc ignoring his orders graves sided with the militia and became field commander the war continued to wage on within the frontier and the core worlds the imc had lost their edge over the militia and both were seen as equals in terms of pure military force battles took place all over the place with new forces being introduced into battles new titans new stalkers anti-titan weapons and robotics reapers ticks and many more the apex predators continued to out-maneuver their opponents and battles were won on both the imc and the militia side but because of the battle of dementor the imc were really starting to fall back because of their lack of a jump point between the frontier and the core worlds the imc started focusing on gathering more resources with their reaper squadrons here the imc conducted resource raids on the planet harmony specifically near the city of haven the frontier militia continued to fight back with good effect the imc started slowly losing ground to the militia war machine it was finally time for the militia to end this war and take back the frontier from the imc but the imc were desperate at this stage knowing full well the militia wouldn't just surrender on their own terms the imc had to come up with a plan to almost force them into surrendering and giving up the frontier here they would use a piece of alien technology which was discovered by general marda and the heiress division on the world called typhon known as the ark the ark would be used in a fold weapon that would be used to destroy any planet they see fit their thinking was to destroy the frontier planets and their moons meaning the militia would be forced to surrender or billions if not trillions of frontier civilians would be killed as a test the imc used the ark to destroy the moon of typhon scattering it into pieces which formed its own ring around the planet the imc spent a lot of time trying to create a casing for the ark so they could transport it with ease the ark however always was unstable meaning lots of prototypes for the casing were thrown out of the window a case was finally made however and the ark was ready to be transported but before the imc could transport it from the ims draconis to their fold weapon a lone newly made pilot by the name of jack cooper and his vanguard titan bt 7274 managed to make their way to the ark with the help of the pilot squad known as 6-4 after fighting off the apex predators throughout their journey they were able to take out viper who was able to annihilate hundreds of ships during this battle through the use of his fast and nimble titan that could use flight to his advantage after defeating viper bt used his chassis to store the ark stopping the imc from using it as a weapon but almost immediately cuban blisk and the remaining apex predators captured cooper and bt destroying bt's chassis and stealing back the ark cooper was on his own or so he thought after saving bt's data chip the militia sent him another titan chassis and cooper was able to re-initiate bt and uphold the mission cooper and bt made their way to the weapon the imc and the apex predators were pairing for the ark and in doing so were able to take out all of the remaining predators apart from cuban bliss cooper and bt manually stopped the sequence but there was only one way the ark could be destroyed bt had to sacrifice himself to uphold the mission he threw himself into the explosion taking himself out and the ark cooper watched as the imc's super weapon was destroyed along with his titan who he had formed an extremely close bond with once again the militia had shown their military strength and now the imc's plan of forcing the frontier militia to surrender was gone they were ultimately weak and the militia had bested them again in the words of blisk they were better decades passed after operation broadsword as the two forces continued to fight the war came to a close however it was not stated who exactly won or if there was a treaty involved for both sides regardless with the multiple defeats for the imc and the lack of the apex predators being able to help bolster their forces it was pretty clear that the frontier militia had made a huge dent in the imc's empire and looks like they had gained their freedom once again but the war had consequences homes had been destroyed loved ones had been lost and after supposedly hundreds of years of fighting both the imc and militia had lost too much the imc and militia disappeared going back to the core world and the frontier to rebuild what had been destroyed during the frontier war cuban bliss now without his mercenaries took one of the more abandoned frontier planets and sent out recruitments to try and build back up his apex predators setting up battlegrounds where certain individuals would compete to be the best earning their place within the apex predators and being able to call themselves apex legends it is unknown what comes next for humanity but after a war like that heroes were made technology evolved and death and destruction had ruined homes hopefully life could carry back on as normal for the frontier worlds and the people can live in peace away from the control of the imc empire but known humanity's greed for power it's only a matter of time before those lands rich in resources become a target once again hey guys thanks for watching i hope you all enjoyed this video on lore behind the frontier war it's very hard to write about titanfall law a lot of the time as most sites don't actually have that many facts it's just a lot of guesswork but hopefully i did it justice if you like this video please do give it a like and share and if you haven't subbed already please do hit that sub button and the bell for more lore videos on the titanfall universe and others like metro fallout and bioshock if you enjoyed this video then why not support me on discord twitter twitch or even on patreon or become a channel member on youtube and speaking of which i'd like to quickly thank my supporters big thanks to our big fish ducane23 our sharks jp dylan and our new patreon connor as well as our four huge megalodons sinus morgan brazier jjd896 and well such gaming also big thanks to our youtube channel member our wise one jambu thank you all so so much for your support it really does mean the world to me it really really does but that is all for now thank you again for watching and i shall see you all in the next one cheers [Music] you
Channel: WiseFish
Views: 241,360
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: titanfall 3 leaks, titanfall lore, titanfall frontier war, titanfall IMC, titanfall frontier militia, titanfall frontier defense, titanfall 2, titanfall universe, lore behind titanfall, respawn entertainment, apex legends lore, kuban blisk lore, apex predators lore, jack cooper titanfall, titanfall 3, titanfall story, full story titanfall, titanfall 2 campaign, titanfall 1, respawn entertainment is the best, titanfall 2 underrated, titanfall 2 lore, titanfall campaign
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 53sec (1433 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 19 2021
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