How Harrow Synergized Warframe

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foreign [Music] [Music] though but there isn't a Nova Umbra in the game hmm well questions that scientists can't answer aside today we got hero the cultists I mean uh uh bdsms nope Oh wrong one the priest yeah close enough hero is the offensive support who can dish out insane crits heal up squaws and bless die juicy energy and when I mean blessing that energy I'm talking about a whole lot of energy hero much like nutis is a fan favorite ever since his released first arriving in the chains of hero update which gave us the horrifying man in the wall but jump scares aside we got a pretty good Warframe Harrow is considered the other half tinnitus one is a damage dealer and the other is a Caster support both offensive frames were possessing a Synergy cycle originally I'd planned these two to be together but due to very high demand they're both getting their own Spotlight which means more editing for me but while nidus may have shook the community with this raw violence and grotesque strength Harrow bless the community with insane red crits hero is the OG offensive support hero was the only real competitor to Trinity Harrow had a lot of unique qualities going for him high Shields crib bonuses and a lot of fire rate and reload boosters Hera was the all-in-one package and as an added bonus channel the inner might of nidus and gave the community another Synergy God a great passive and four abilities that play into each other perfectly for this reason alone Hera was praised as the second best Warfare frame in terms of design at the time although he came with a big catch the thing with nidis is that he is playable in squads and is not impossible to make your stacks and kit work with Harrow oh geez yeah let's just put it this way if you're a complete loner then hero is meant for you have any teammates nearby you're essentially a Sitting Duck Harrow has to do the heavy lifting he has to chain enemies out for overshields he has to get headshot kills for energy generation he has to sacrifice his shields for team Buffs then rinse and repeat Harrow has to do everything by himself if he wants to make use of his abilities any Ally that tries to interfere won't end well and well this is Warframe chances are your teammates are going to assist in the murder count or often times steal her from you and that's really Hero's main issue if anyone tries to interfere with his critical cycle the whole kit kind of Falls apart and this isn't a problem that surfaced in recent times ever since his release Harrow has always been like that it's a bit bizarre considering Warframe always has a focus on cooperative play yet de releases a character that is better oriented for solo play but that's not a bad thing entirely hero just so happens to have been thrusted into a Sandbox filled with a bunch of mesas and sarens not much you can do despite his shortcomings hero is still a great frame to have in squash and it is more than possible to get the ball rolling and start seeing those juicy crits that alone gives heroin a lot more value as his support comparison others in that class and while Harrow may be in a very respectable position in today's roster he's had quite the Joyride in the past so let's explore what this religious fanatic was up to back in 2017. Harrow launched alongside the chains of Herald Quest unsurprisingly and immediately took the community by storm it was like night is all over again four abilities that made sense an active and engaging design system and a rewarding gameplay loot however Harrow didn't quite land the mark on release despite having a solid concept his abilities just didn't have that push and he needed some much needed boost to his abilities thankfully a week later he got a lot of Buffs Penance got buffed the duration was boosted and the bonuses were increased thurible also got buffed as well and his channel was sped up drastically and surprisingly Covenant also got a buff as well these were solid Buffs to his kit and now Hera was ready to go ER kind of you see during this time Trinity still had a monopoly on the support meta while Harrow did bring offensive utilities and boosts to the team Harrow had to work for it while Trinity well all she had to do was press a few buttons and chill because of this Harrow sort of remained in the shadows of Trinity he wasn't a horrible Warframe far from it he was just a second class support if you want to play Hero that way offensive wise hero was actually much stronger well after the link Nerf Harrow offered a lot of valuable Buffs such as crit energy overshills and reload plus fire raid which made a lot of weapons way more manageable under Hero's command Harrow had solidified himself as a solid Warframe despite his shortcomings and falling behind Trinity when it comes to energy generation but Harrow did have one trick up his sleeve that did Grant him a lot of use in the general meta and that was Covenant this is Hero's ultimate and it allows hero and allies within range to become immune to all sources of damage for a short period of time then after the duration was over the ability takes the accumulated damage and converts it into critical chance for everyone headshots however gain bonus critical chance this ability was hero's main bread and butter and allowed him and allies to essentially red crit with almost every weapon and more importantly before the Arcane rework Harrow became one of the best supports for idlon hunts do you see with the eidolons after destroying each limb the island will pulsate a wave of magnetic energy that deals a lot of damage and will deplete the energy very fast there was no rank 5 RK nullifier back then so hero was used instead to offset the magnetic field with Covenant and yeah that was his Only Rule and I launched so I mean I guess it kind of worked out you can also opt for a longer duration builds your DPS would get bonus grip for the final shot but Hero's main duty was to protect the team during this short period of time during each limb and for a long while Harrow simply remained as a solid Warframe good for idling hunts and a generally good Warframe for most activities we are also long past the neuromar shadow step meta but despite this Harrow did well with a lot of melee weapons too as players found out that you can just hatch out enemies with a melee weapon so instead of having to aim people would just Spam side attacks with whips as they cover the most ranged with the old Prime reach however melee's aside Harrow did possess one big issue that plagued him for years and years until his prime was released is form Harrow for some forsaken reason had one of if not the worst form in the entire game at the time Harrow and Octavia had the very special special idea of being warframes that didn't drop in one place what do I mean by this well with nidis you just had to do Salvage sure it was tedious but that's just one Mission Harrow and Octavia on the other hand had the bright idea of having each component drop on different nodes up until this point it was very simple do the quest or boss or X Planet node all three parts were located in one place or one Quest Harrow didn't like this idea and instead added a really stupid twist Hero's chassis was quite easy as you can obtain this by simply playing the game it was a drop from corrupted fish right enemies not a big deal Harrow systems on the other hand oh boy hero systems was a rare drop on defection missions but more importantly defection rotation C I'm not joking when I say this defection rotation C was the worst farm at the time it was horrible it was tedious it was a slog Fest grinding for hero systems before they finally buffed it and update 30.7 was arguably the most tedious farm right up there with Octavia these two plague the community they were actual demons and it was a huge relief to see these drop rates get buffed so yeah it's not as bad as it once was but go and farm the primes just just do it okay thankfully the helmet was obtained from Koopa spy which wasn't that bad saying fleece on endless Mission so yeah it's still a huge pain in the ass but it's not as bad as defection this was the real bane of Hero's existence farming his base version and when hero Prime finally did release it was a huge relief for the community as now you can easily farm for the better version Harrow also received some augments that boosted his efficacy over the years lasting Covenant is fantastic as you can sustain your Red Crib buff indefinitely if you keep Landing headshots warning throwable was decent as now you grant more energy if allies take damage but this augment did get buffed to be 50 damage reduction with plus one energy when damaged instead of 40 and 0.5 and tribunal was also a solid mod that allowed penis and durable to work on Ally kills although this only works on enemies that are chained from condemn which is the caveat with this Mod update 27.2 was also a great update for Harrow as with the introduction of a universal Shield gating he became even stronger as well Heroes oriented on Shields and the introduction of adaptation which was back in the arbitrations update was also great for Harrow as his passive allowed him to tank from his shield instead of on health which boosted his survivability by a huge margin and the Lich update which introduced so many amazing weapons like the kubazar Cuba ogres and Kubota was really good for Harrow because well he boosted these weapons to the next level with fast fire Rage reload speed and huge red crits but my personal favorite being the coup with Shakur this was basically made for hero and over the years Harold just kept on getting better and better as more stuff was introduced the Arcane rework allowed Harold to utilize more fire rate and damage for guns and when sisters of power was dropped we got a whole host of new weapons which hero abused like it was no tomorrow and as Charity faded away into a relevancy Harrow took the center stage when it came to energy generation as this offensive style did benefit the team more at the cost of having a more proactive energy engagement system the subzoom system from heart of demos also flew right over his head and sure you have some leeway with hero instead of nidus but in all honesty Hero's abilities were flowing together perfectly so hero wasn't really a prime frame for replacing abilities but with that said there are strats and unique bills that do make the most use of the helmet so the option isn't entirely off the table nourish is a prime example since you can still give allies a nourish buff which will indirectly boost team energy generation and come late 2022 with the archon shards Harrow just got better and better and with the yellow stars boosting casting speed this freed up a new mod slot while Harrow himself still struggles to do his whole cycle in his Squad he is very good for solo play and can be useful in a team as providing red crits is always valuable even if you can't land those headshots and you also don't need enemies for Penance as you just sacrifice your Shields Harrow was just a jack of all trades and did his job very well and while Wiz Spencer strain may have outclassed him Harrow Still Remains as a very solid Warframe that can offer a more offensive style of support and if you like ability cycling Harrow is definitely the Warframe for you so with that said let's check out heroin 2023 Hero's passive is really good and allows him to cycle his abilities much like Knight is Harold has 200 over Shields this means that Harrow has the highest over show cap in the entire game whereas other frames only get 1200 note this is an overshill cap not regular Shields Harrow also spawns in with a 100 energy filled at the start of every Mission now how does this passive work with Hero's kit simple condemn hero Slims is durable to cast a spectral after image forward that travels along the ground for 20 meters with a width of two and a half meters as his after image travels it emits a glowing wave of gassy energy that completely immobilizes enemies in chains for 6 seconds each enemy change restores Shield points to Hero which can accumulate into over Shields Shield restoration is boosted by strength wave distance and width by range and duration by duration The Shield points are only granted if you cast condemn on enemies that are not affected so you can't repeat cast Unchained enemies condemn is also a sub ZOOM so every frame can use it and in all honesty it's not a bad subsum giving you a lot of Shield regeneration as well as easy access to headshots which makes using the later much easier as well but more importantly because of the huge overshow game hero gets from this ability it perfectly weaves into his second ability Penance hero now sacrifices his Shields to gain attack speed and fire rate as well as boosting his reload speed the more Shields you sacrifice the longer the bonuses will last and you can refer to the duration constantly giving Penance a near infinite uptime as long as you have shields the max cap of this duration is also a 120 seconds you also don't have to mod for much duration on Harrow either as I'll explain more in detail later but with Penance in particular and a medium duration setup you can keep refreshing the ability again and again up to 120 seconds Penance can also restore defense object's Health by 50 per second however the mirror defense Target in particular is not affected by this the buffers are boosted by strength as well so having high strength means you're going to have a very high reload speed buff and fire rate bonuses you also don't have to worry about defenses as Arcane ages is an excellent Arcane with Harrow and you can basically regenerate your Shields to full asterisk prompt you can also use rolling guard after casting Penance to gain a 3 second immunity or you can cast condemn and penis at the same time to essentially regenerate your Shields back to full this ability is really good and gives Harrow a host of Buffs that other frames can only dream of he is able to make any weapon manageable and bypasses Quality of Life mods like Fast hands or Gunslinger as he can turn any weapon into a fast firing Beacon of death and thankfully for us penins also plays perfectly into Hero's third ability which is durable durable allows hero to channel the inner might of religion and drains his energy to create an aura around him upon killing an enemy while thurible is active will also refund energy to hero and allies within the radius but getting a headshot kill will amplify the energy refund depending on how much energy sacrificed and will give back a huge amount of energy you and allies nearby and this also perfectly plays into condemn because kandam will stun enemies in place where their heads are clearly visible making it very easy for headshots and this once again also plays perfectly Independence as you gain bonus fire rate and reload speed allowing you to hit headshots way easier energy per kill uses the following expression when accounting for Ability strength and ability efficiency but unfortunately the headshot multiplier is not affected by mods however if you do drain more energy you will see a higher refund deployables like zenist or also work as if you get the kills with the disc that will also refund energy durable is great in general just for Passive energy generation and while you do have to work for it unlike Trinity it's a solid ability anyways and helps allies to run negative efficiency builds the ability also has one augment called warning durable which in all honesty is not that great even even though the Dr applies to Hero himself as well you have to channel the ability to keep the Dr in the plus one energy gain so it's not really worth it despite the mod getting a boost from Power strength if you do want more damage negation you'd have to consult Harrow about his ultimate foreign breaks free from his shackles in a whirlwind of energy imbuing himself and allies inside his Affinity range upon casting the ability everyone in range including Harrow will become completely invulnerable to damage and status effects for 6 seconds while you are immune any enemy damage prevented by all affected players during this time accumulates into a total pool this pool then converts that damage into crit chance for everybody the immunity duration is affected by duration but the Affinity range is not affected by any range but is instead affected by abilities like mending Unity the status immunity also protects against knockdowns and staggers which makes this pretty useful for just defending from any CC after the first phase all affected players received their retaliation buff which provides an additive weapon critical chance bonus lasting for 12 seconds ends on base retaliation also provides a five percent base critical chance plus extra critical chance converted from Total damage prevented at a rate of 1.50 per 100 damage points prevented Additionally the combined critical chance percentage is multiplied by four times on headshot hits the retaliation duration is affected by duration base critical chance and extra critical chance percentages are affected by strength while the damage points prevented and headshot multiplier are not the body shot crit chance bonus is capped at 50 percent while the headshot bonus is capped at 200 percent this means that every single weapon under Hero's command on a headshot will land tier 2 crits with a very high chance to land a tier 3 crit which is a red crit Arcane Avenger also works and you can stack the plus 45 from that onto retaliation this crate bonus itself is also a flat value so weapons that have low crit like ogres will land Chris anyways under the buff the crit chance is also apply to deployables such as designer store and also affect Warframe exalted powers like exalted Blade the protection and retaliation Buffs also affect both players and their companions Covenant is just op free red crits for gays and Immunity for the initial duration but to make things even better Harrow has been blessed by an incredible argument to make this setup even juicier lasting Covenant headshot kills increase a bonus duration by three seconds up to a Max cap of 119 seconds and you can refer to duration with each kill this means that hero can provide a critical chance bonus that is a flat value and can restore its duration indefinitely from headshots which also further plays into his entire kit in a perfect synergized format chain enemies gain Shields sacrifice Shields gain Buffs sacrifice energy chain enemies use buff to kill chain enemies gain energy back repeat cycle Arrow has given us Unity a kit where each ability naturally flows together just like nidus Harrow is a Synergy God and while hero may have a tough time competing against the likes of Mesa or saren he has provided players an extremely solid weapons platform while also being a complete Warframe with a unique design that allows active and engaging play a Warframe that isn't set and forgets or irrelevant due to low stats a Warframe that reward skilled play and offers a unique playstyle not seen elsewhere hero can do it all and while his base version is a big pain in the ass to farm for I would highly suggest farming for hero Prime if you haven't already he will bless you literally anyways that's gonna be it for me if you enjoyed this video and want to see more in the future then be sure to hit that like button and subscribe your support is greatly appreciated let me know your thoughts of my hero down below and I will see you guys next time peace [Music]
Channel: NovaUmbral
Views: 87,314
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warframe, new duviri warframe, new duviri updates, new warfrmae updates, new warframe updates, new warframe game, when warframe crosplay, new warfrmae prime, warframe game, warframe prime, warframe fashion, fashionframe, warframe update, citrine warframe, update warframe game, new warframe content, new prime warframe, hildryn prime warframe, hildryn warframe, warframe hgildryn, prime access, umbra forma, warframe new content, warframe nerfs, steel essenc, brozime
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 43sec (1363 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 24 2023
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