GRIMOIRE | The New Arcane Energize

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in Warframe usually we get items which are sometimes flavor of the month flavor of the week or items that are just not even worth using but with this update de has proven something they want to make this game so accessible for every single player and that's a good thing while other people might feel like all their hard work and efforts have been thrown out the window because every new player can just pick up something and be as strong as they are without any time or effort spent into it for example Whispers And the walls just released and with it came Arcane dissolution this means you can break down your old arcanes and get a currency to buy new arcanes as you can see right now I dissolve some arcanes and I can buy any arcanes from these locations but this is random and this made Arcane energize so easy to farm but at the same time with all the updates we've been getting including this one arcade energized has becoming even more irrelevant as there are tons of builds that don't need it anymore because of the different ways we can substitute that Arcane and one of those substitutions is the new grimoire what's good folks it's nightmare frame here with a new warframe video I do apologize for that long- winded introduction I just wanted to give you a little bit of insight on what's to come because this weapon cuz I assure you this weapon is going to become very very useful for a lot of players but believe it or not it's not going to be for damage but for utility right now if you look at epap people don't necessarily use this weapon for damage it is one of the most meta primers in the game as it can provide you with several status effects without even modding for it to boost your damage or to crowd control enemies or to even synergize with specific builds hey nightmare what exactly are you saying well I'm saying the gmar is like the Epitaph it may have ordinary stats not bad stats but I would not use this weapon for damage let's go check out how this weapon works first of all let's have a look at the stats of this weapon it is innate electric so that means if you put any Elemental Bond it will combine with the innate electric saving you a modline which is pretty good actually however this is also a downside to this weapon hear me out being pure electric means it lacks other forms of modding it it it doesn't Force PR any other damage type with both of its normal and Alternate fire and this weapon isn't a beam weapon So It suffers for not having the means to stack up on the electric dot like the amp ranks or the Quant Vandal so for damage you're only left with two options go for raw DPS damage buildt which is either a corrosive or viral and when you mod for corrosive you're saving one spot or a gas and electric build if you do decide to armor strip that's 20% crit and a two times critical multiplier the 3.2 is because of Tenacious Bond don't worry about that 26% % status okay and this weapon is fully automatic without any reload meaning you can just stand there hold your fire button and it keeps firing and yes the shots are projectile and each shot has a small AOE explosion but notice the reticle it has a weird design now what is this design it looks like a gauge similar to an incarnate this gauge meter is for your alternate fire and you can only use that alternate fire when this meter is full alternate fire throws out a slow moving projectile this slow moving projectile deals damage over time until it disappears but notice the meter is recharging without me shooting that is also another good thing and the gauge continues to recharge even though it's holstered so if I go back I don't know why I'm doing this but as you can see it's filling up and of course when I come back it's fully charged and I can shoot my alternate fire again however if you want this meter to recharge faster you can hit enemies and you don't need head shot you can just shoot bodies or whatever it recharges since this is a new weapon archetype it is going to come with newer mods take a look at this section right here the Tome mods yes these are all the new mods some of them are exellis mods while the others are not all of these mods are utility based nothing to do with damage unfortunately for those thinking oh maybe we can do some crazy damage n no it's just utility based let's take a look at the invocation mods we have netra invocation this increases ability efficiency with alternate fire you don't have to kill anything just through your alternate fire and boom you get efficiency it just has to hit enemies vom invocation gives you strength you see what I'm saying rist invocation gives you duration and zanta invocation gives you energy regen over time three of these stank up to 15 while the energy one is at 10 which is just fine it's just fine for example here we have fast Canticle which I did use on my recent corvex video go check it out killing enemies will grant you Shield recharge and recharge delay now this says killing enemies grants this but there's a problem with this weapon it just doesn't have enough damage however these other mods don't require kills just alternate fire has to hit an enemy and no you cannot have all the vation Mods together you can only have one invocation mod at a time however you can have an invocation mod and an exus together here's another downside to this weapon it's not great against nullifiers it just gets pushed back the alternate fire just gets pushed back as you see right there every shot is then ricocheted off of the null fire bubble and just for something like Zant's invocation that gives you energy regen over time it is Amplified to the next level thanks to nourish let's take a look at the energy right now we're going to throw the alternate fire and we're getting quite a bit back not bad now what happens when we use nourish alongside this mod well it's crazy look how fast it's going so yeah this with nourish is insane okay after little fora session also what is going on with his head after a little form a session I did manage to make two usable builds when I say usable but they're just not that good compared to other weapons this particular build right now is a gas build and it's heavily reliant on Armor strip and some priming let's check it out and of course I'm using zaku here because I have zat's whisper and armor strip so we lock enemy in place armor strip it's killing something right you have to realize these guys are armor stri and I'm dealing Gas and Electric of course and what's even funnier is that any other weapon can do this also not only am I buffing this damage with armor strip but I'm also using Zant's whisper let's take a look at the other Loadout and this second Loadout is a corrosive damage build I'm pretty sure you've realized something both of them require a primer like here the DGA building up stacks of merciless that's going to be my main base damage so yeah it's killing stuff if I were to use the torid right now all right it's not even in incarnate mode and it's still killing faster than the freaking dome but yeah and and we're killing stuff I'm using one one of the exess mods that increases the fire rate because this weapon needs a lot of fire rate so not only the xess mod to give fire rate but also Arcane velocity and here we're getting the aid of the the duga to proc multiple status effects so I get that Gish overload buff so the corrosive build is pretty straightforward it is missing a mod but the final mod can be literally whatever you want additional fire rate is something that I highly recommend so yeah you can just put another for here or you could use one of the new mods here for some utility while also dealing some damage while the other one is gas this one requires you to armor strip I going to comes to gas you don't really need to have your Elemental mods ranked up just have a decent amount of status chance armor strimp and you're good to go anything that's armor stripped primed you're going you're going to destroy them pretty easily now I'm not sure how much this mod affects the alternate fire whether it's multiplicative or Stacks additively or if it even gets any bonus from it but of course my main primary Loadout is just this viral and radiation any type of invocation mod that you want I am personally going for this one because I feel like I would need more energy for you know specific builds and if I do need a buff in duration or whatever yes I could use these other ones I can drop this Elemental mod here and it could still be viral electric while I put another invocation mod over this one and the exus is just up to you if you really want additional energy gains I would highly recommend the Canticle this gives you a universal orb drop similar to what Lavos gives you but yeah this is the new grimoire not that great in terms of of damage pretty much a lot of things can outdps it but it is so good for utility so yes it is gamechanging in ways that it's going to affect future builds but as you saw it's not doing so well in the damage Department a very flexible tool to have in your Arsenal because not all your weapons have to be there for damage anyway folks that has been it from this video I do hope you enjoyed and learned something from it and if you did please feel free to leave a like share and subscri for more Warframe content streams and so much more do refer to the description thanks for watching and as always a peace bye-bye now
Channel: KnightmareFrame
Views: 185,656
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: grimoires, warframe grimoire, grimoire, warframe grimoire build, warframe grimoire how to, warframe grimoire mods, warframe, whispers in the walls, warframe voca farm, warframe voca, warframe stela, warframe vocai standing, warframe arcane
Id: 2D-fJjKrApg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 10sec (610 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 15 2023
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