Link's Loves - Skyward Sword, Ocarina of Time, & Twilight Princess

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[Music] hello everyone today we will be analyzing in detail the best romantic matches for each incarnation of the legend of zelda's protagonist link we zelda fans usually strongly like or dislike certain characters so much that we ship them with link despite any contradicting facts or situations that would realistically prevent the ship from ever being canon no really some of us are so adamant about who we ship our protagonist with that we're willing to fight to the death with anyone who disapproves of the ship but in most cases just arguments over the interwebs anyways here we will analyze each link's relationships with a variety of characters to once and for all decide who the best match for each link is this video will be the first of a two-part series and in this session we will explain why some iterations of link don't have enough evidence to justify a romance within the games being the heroes from zelda one and two diminished cap four swords four swords adventures and a link between worlds following my explanation for why those games do not have a definitive match for each of those respective links we will analyze the love interests for the goddess's chosen hero aka the hero of legend or hero of the sky from skyward sword the hero of time from ocarina of time in majora's mask and the hero of twilight from twilight princess in the next video coming soon we will discuss the legendary hero from a link to the past the oracle of ages and seasons and link's awakening small fry aka the waker of winds from the wind waker in phantom hourglass the royal engineer of spirit tracks and the hylian champion from breath of the wild be sure to subscribe to our channel and click on the notification bell so you will know when the next part is released on that note let's get started my name is andy welcome to zelda [Music] we are going to begin to go over the links that don't have enough reasonable love interests for link starting with the games that launch the series the og legend of zelda and the adventure of link during the era of the nes the story and lore of the zelda franchise was still being developed and mainly had the feel of a medieval fantasy world with the cliche save the princess routine unless you for some reason want to ship link with one of the old ladies he finds throughout the world or impa the only possible romance link has in the original legend of zelda is zelda herself even the ship doesn't have much grounds for a couple of reasons zelda is only shown at the very end of the game after defeating ganon the closest interaction they have to romance zelda telling him thanks link you're the hero of hyrule not even a you're my hero kinda lame i know and unfortunately zelda 2 aka the adventure link is in the same situation as its predecessor except now there is a choice between two different zeldas the one from the previous game and the zelda playing sleeping muting there isn't any more content given on the previous zelda the only thing from the new zelda that can be taken as romantic is her giving him an embrace as the curtain falls at the closure of the game it's not shown whether this was just a hug or a thankful kiss but it really doesn't matter it's still just part of the cliche save the princess trope and doesn't mean there is a romantic relationship now it is worth noting the healing ladies who wear luxurious red dresses during the adventure lincoln stop in each village and go into these ladies houses and come out with full health it's rather suspicious and i'll let everyone else use their imagination on what's going on in there but really come on nintendo i thought this was a family company in a kids game anyways four swords four swords adventures in the minish cap are excluded from our analysis because there isn't any clear love interest presented and or hinted at by any content within the games in these games link and zelda are childhood friends but they're still young and their relationship is clearly just friendship malin also appears in the minish cap and four swords adventures but lacks the relationship she has with link in ocarina of time i'm not saying z-link and mailing ships are impossible for these games but for these games it's basically fan fiction the last link i decided doesn't have a probable ship is from a link between worlds this was a tough decision for me as i could pick out a few matches filling but they were mostly far-fetched the first match i was considering analyzing that was irene the witch's granddaughter link and irene seemed to become friends after meeting and she'd even give some rides around hyrule on her broom however there isn't any suggestive dialogue between the two so i had to rule her out as a candidate the only other two characters in the story that have potential are zelda and hilda link does not directly have a close relationship with either zelda or hilda but link's slow ruling counterpart ravio certainly does if playing in hero mode ravio's diary can be read from his house in low role which shows his relationship with hilda it reads she wants to do the right thing i wish i could help her but leaving is my only option she's being duped doesn't she realize that he's just a leech there's no choice but to go i have so little magic enough to go there maybe not to come back but tomorrow must be the day i may never see her again but i vow to save her from all this this not only shows his intentions to help save low rule and hyrule but also to help his princess who he appears to care for realize and correct her wrong doings from this i can say a between ravio and hilda is possible and reasonable but unless you go out on a limb and say link and zelda have to be together because of their counterparts ravios and hilda's relationship there's not much more romans to get from this game now that's out of the way let's begin our analysis with the first link in the timeline from skyward sword scoured sword has a good amount of npcs all of which have their own unique personalities and livelihoods to them among these characters are kina and karen who are friendly acquaintances of link but don't have anywhere near as much potential as the others that being said our only competitive bachelorettes for this hero of the sky are beatrice the item check girl and of course link's childhood best friend zelda it's worth noting that some fans shipped link with fee but this is actually an impossible match fee is the spirit that resides within the goddess master sword which is laid to rest at the end of sky resort and supposedly remains there until the events of ocarina of time the temple of time was even built on top of the seal temple from scour's sword and there is not a known occurrence of the master sword being drawn between the two games if you'd like to know more about this topic i briefly discussed at the end of one of our theory videos explaining how the sacred realm could have originated from the silent realm another reason fee absolutely cannot be in a romantic relationship with link other than being a robotic spirit without true emotions she even says she will enter a deep sleep without end at the end of skyward sword now that i've finished explaining why shipping fee and link is ridiculous let's get back to our two candidates starting with beatrice it's clear that pietrus has an unhealthy crush on link as you progress throughout the game and revisit the item check in the bazaar pietrus will initiate every interaction by flirting starting off subtle but as time progresses gets to the point of calling him darling some of her dialogue goes as follows i don't suppose you don't come here just to see me do you um nothing there's nothing wrong it's not like oh hey that guy's back i'm so happy or anything like that but if you think how often we meet you have to admit that our relationship has gone beyond employing customer you know you you came to see me i'm so happy and it gets even cringier as we go on so i'm just going to stop there the player gets to choose whether to play along with the flirting or completely shut her down there's a side quest where link can go speak with peter's father peter and he'll explain how he thinks his daughter has an unwanted admirer regardless of whatever responses the player has said to pietrus at this point and wants link to figure out who it is afterwards the player or link can choose to confess his love to pietrus which will make her all giddy and give him five gratitude crystals or blatantly tell her that he only comes for the atom check and that's it if he does the latter link will tell her father peter what's really going on and will he will reward him with five gratitude crystals ultimately though pietrus really isn't significant in the lore of the game because whether you confess love in air quotes to beatrice or despiser it really doesn't affect the story and link's actions regarding zelda speaking of zelda let's get into her uh i mean let's talk about her anyone who has played skyward sword is familiar with the bond between this link and zelda the opening sections of the game even directly imply romantic relationship between zelda and link their closeness is shown immediately by link being woken up by zelda's loftwing delivering a letter she wrote and through zelda having given link the nickname sleepyhead zelda's father headmaster kapoora even lets us know that link and zelda have been clothed since they were young children and even tells how zelda was upset when link began spending so much time with us with his loft wing saying do you recall when lincoln that loft wing of his first met what a sight the little boy just hopped up on that bird and gracefully flew away without even a moment of instruction they were meant for each other and judging by how jealous you were that day i'd say the friendship you shared with this bird didn't go unnoticed by you my dear you can even see by the look on zelda's face that she loves link more than a friend and its implied link feels the same way through his embarrassment when zelda sees him lazily gazing at the sky as the story progresses the hints suggesting a love interest between the two main characters gets much stronger we're introduced to gruese who obviously has a huge crush on zelda which kind of makes a comedic high school style love triangle except for the fact that zelda's never shown to light bruce in any way until they all become friends of the year end of the game but that's on the point groose views link as lazy and thinks that he doesn't deserve zelda's attention despite their close friendship and goes as far as imprisoning link's loftwing in an attempt to prevent link from competing in the wing ceremony and getting the sail cloth that zelda crafted for the ceremony however for poor groots seld has plans to make sure link won her sale clock later on in the game the player can access solo's bedroom where link can go through zelda's diary which reads today is the big day the wing ceremony finally link can take its big step forward to becoming a knight i can't wait to see him promoted a full knighthood but i'm a little worried he might have some trouble winning the race lately link hasn't taken his flight training seriously someone needs to make sure he doesn't mess up his chance so i've made up my mind tomorrow i'll wake him up extra early and make sure he gets some last minute practice whether he likes it or not he has to win or we won't be able to perform the wing ceremony together she seems to want that moment with link at least as much as cruz wants it with her during the ceremony following link's victory there's one moment that makes zelda history zelda starts to get a little flirty during the ceremony and asks link if he knows what the last part of the ceremony is the player can choose three different responses one of which is simply uh-oh if the player chooses that option zelda will coincidentally say and just what are you thinking and regardless of whatever response is chosen she steps forward getting so close to link it looks like they're going to freaking kiss then she makes me want to punch my tv by telling link he has to jump off the statue and then pushes him off these two make a cute couple but dang zelda knows how to kill the mood they nearly kill link too anyways after the two performed the ceremony zelda even asked link out by asking if you would like to go fly around the clouds with her which they are shown doing in the very next scene she tells him how wonderful performing the ceremony was with him and that she will always remember the day these hidden bits in the game show how much zelda wanted to perform the ceremony with link and suggest that zelda might love link but is it mutual the answer is unarguably yes if you look back at the scene near the beginning of the game with kapoor's monologue and zelda gazing at link the name of the track playing is appropriately titled romance another variation of the song called romance in the air is also played during links in zelda's quote unquote date when they go out flying together is the fact that these titles are called romance and there's a romance in the air pun intended a coincidence i think not i highly doubt the romantic theme would be pushed so strongly here if there wasn't a mutual interest we can also determine whether link loves zelda romantically when she gives her sail cloth to him during the ceremony link does his goofy you've got an item pose and the game text says you got the sail cloth now you can jump from any height without fear of a painful landing in its small text it says it smells nice too [Music] this is likely the developer's comedic way of letting the player know that link is glad to have won the race and zelda's gift zelda is also shown to be the most important person in his life and is justified by zelda hylia during an emotional cutscene where she says i knew that if it meant saving zelda you would throw yourself head first into any danger without even a moment's doubt i used you shortly after she begins to seal herself away to maintain the seal and demise and during this she tells link that even though she is highly reborn as immortal she is still her father's daughter and more importantly she tells him i am still your zelda when the ceiling is complete and the glowing within the amber light crystal zelda is sealed within stops link just looks at her and cries this is the only time in any zelda game where link is actually shown crying so this just shows how much he cares for zelda once link unites the triforce and destroys demise in their time zelda awakens from her slumber and begins to walk towards link she begins to stumble and link runs forward to catch her in his arms when she regains her strength she tells him good morning sleepyhead then they are shown walking out hand in hand to go see in butt and groose this is such a heartwarming moment that if it isn't considered sweet and romantic then i don't know what is let's rewind a bit to discuss the lopsided love triangle we mentioned previously between link zelda and groots which is broken prior to this emotional cutscene when link awakens the gate of time and defeats the imprisoned link looks back at grues before he walks through the gate as if asking grooves to come with him however gruse chooses to stay behind and says he'll make sure the imprison doesn't break free again and asks link to tell zelda what's up for him here gruse is basically telling link hey i'm not the guy i thought i was you're the guy meant for this go get her although greece was kind of a jerk at the beginning this is where you can tell link and groose begin to become friends and we can begin to sympathize with grueso a lot more i've written her theories about from other fans but holy godzilla could have had a romantic relationship prior to the events of the game and zelda's duty to protect the triforce and knowledge of her divine origin at the end of the game caused them not to pursue a romantic relationship i must admit the thought of not to ship nikon zelda because of their duties and new experience is a mature thought but we have mentioned too many signs to prove the romantic relationship for this not to be the case and i've saved one last thing from from the end of the game to put this to rest my final piece of evidence to prove that z-link is the most reasonable ship for the goddess chosen hero lies within the post-credits scene in this scene we see other inhabitants of skyloft come down to the surface such as colin stritch and zelda's father gapora towards the end we see colin strich and gruys fly away in their loftwings then zelda tells link that she wants to live on the surface and ask link what he will do now he simply gives her a big smile then immediately after their two loft wings fly into the sky side by side just like a couple i believe it's most logical to interpret the loft wings flying off together to mean link is choosing to stay behind with zelda on the surface if this hasn't convinced you of the skyward sword zealand for whatever reason i don't know what else to say this is probably the most canon romance link has in the entire franchise so sorry i've given the facts and i'm right i'm not even sorry to say that beatrice doesn't stand a chance against zelda so that means zelda is the hero of skye's best match the next link we have in line is the hero of time from ocarina of time in majora's mask this time there's a lot more competition our notable bachelorettes that we will analyze consist of sarya the kokiri who was the hero of time's childhood friend princess ruto of the zora of course princess zelda and finally malin the young redhead girl from london ranch [Music] we are also giving an honorable mention to naburu of the gerudo there isn't necessarily any evidence suggesting a romantic relationship between her and link but she does say some suspicious things to him such as she'll do something great for him if he helps her and later in the chamber of sages tells him if only i knew you would become such a handsome man i should have kept the promise i made back then really how is ocarina of time rated appropriate for kings point is there is some suggestive content here and i've seen a small number of people ship lincoln nebu because of these small details but other than that there's nothing to justify a romance between them not to mention the huge hcat it's also important that we're only looking for a match for the year of time leading to the child timeline only since he no longer is present in the adult timeline it's kind of sad when you think about it for the adult timeline but at least link knows what the older versions of these people will be like in the future the first real interest we're going to talk about is sarya when link is initially leaving kokiri forest zarya stops link at the bridge and we can see from the look on her face that she's sad to see him leave she then tells him that she knew he would leave one day because he wasn't a kokiri and despite this asks him we'll be friends forever won't we sawyer then gives link her ocarina and says when you play my ocarina i hope you will think of me and come back to the forest to visit me link later does come back to the forest and travels through the lost woods to find sorry in the sacred forest meadow here she is sitting on a tree stump and says this is her favorite place to be then teaches link sorry a song after link travels 7 years into the future link comes back to this location and finds zarya's tree stone vacant the cut scene in the game highlights the empty stump and shows link staring at the stump for a while before sheik interrupts his thinking we don't know exactly what this is supposed to mean but i'm willing to bet link is recalling his memories of sorry and wishing to see her again at first glance asari and young ship is cute but once we incorporate some lore we can easily see this isn't practical the gokiri remains children forever and although link is raised as a kokiri he is actually hylian which means she becomes an adult while she never will additionally sages appear to sacrifice their normal lives throughout the entire series this is shown in the post-credits scenes of ocarina of time where we see the sages flying across the sky in balls of light then regaining their physical forms and looking down upon hyrule we can even see maido and king sora lamenting over the loss of sarya and princess ruto respectively overall these reasons make it impossible for a silent relationship from being a reality despite their close bond the next bachelorette we have in line is princess ruto the two first meet inside jabu jabi's belly as kids she is really autocratic with link right from the beginning just as she is with everyone else but after he rescues her she seems to have developed a huge crush on him after escaping from jabu jabu's belly princess ruto agrees to give link the zora sapphire then later describes it as the zora's engagement ring and that her mother instructed her to give it only to the man who will be her husband link doesn't really acknowledge this at all and seems to just take it because he needs it to open the door of time later link can talk to azor in zoro's domain who will tell him that he is all ruto's been talking about lately in the future within the water temple ruto even refers to link as her fiance and tells them she never forgot the vows we made to each other then after defeating the water temple she tells him as a reward i grant my eternal love to you and you can see here that link flinches then she continues to say well that's what i want to say but i don't think i can offer that now i think here it's clear to see that links in ruto's relationship goes along the lines of i love him but he doesn't love me back due to link's reaction the chamber of sages and general dismissiveness of their engagement even if link did love ruto back there was no way they could have ended up together the hero of twilight is known to be a direct descendant of the hero of time and he doesn't appear to be part zora so we can determine that the hero of time did not end up making babies with ruto now that we're done discussing ruto we're left with two more major candidates zelda and malin let's begin with zelda when link meets zelda early on in ocarina of time she immediately trusts him just because he resembles someone from her dreams which seems a little odd then again they're only about 10 years old at this time so she could have been just naive rather than telling link everything because she had an instinct crush on him between the events of ocarina of time imagery's mask zelda tells link although it was only a short time i feel like i've known you forever i'll never forget the days we spent together in hyrule and i believe in my heart that a day will come when i shall meet you again i'm praying that your journey be a safe one what we can take from this is that when link was returned back to his original time at the end of ocarina of time and went to warn zelda gandolf's plans he also spent a significant amount of time with her and the two became close friends just because they became good friends doesn't mean they could have romantic relationship but let's delve deeper an ocarina of time zelda disguised as sheik poetically told him time passes people move on like a river's flow it never ends a childish mind will turn to noble ambition young love will become deep affection and yadda yadda i believe zelda while in disguise could be confessing to a crush she immediately had on him while they were kids which has also grown into quote deep affection roberto even asks in the chamber of sages you're searching for prince of zelda right ha you can't hide anything from me which only makes me think that zelda slash sheik was referring to her own young love slash deep affection then again this is just my interpretation and zelda could have been referring to ruto since this is said in the ice cavern of zoro's domain before the water temple whereas link encounters ruto again now my last exhibit that could suggest a romance between zelda and the hero of time is a little farfetched but please bear with me at the end of majora's mask the happy mask salesman tells link right before his departure shouldn't you be returning home as well whenever there is a meeting a parting is sure to follow however the parting may not last forever whether the parting be forever or merely a short time that is up to you zelda's only appearance in majora's mask is the cutscene i mentioned earlier result is giving her farewells before hers links parting majora's mask has many deep messages and quotes in it and this is no exception to link this could mean that although he and zelda have parted for now he can choose to reunite with zelda if that's what he decides is most important for him like i said previously this idea is rather far-fetched for a couple of reasons first off this is just one interpretation of the quote and it said right before link leaves termina so it's more likely to be intended for his farewell with tattletail and skull kid secondly if we interpret it to apply to link's parting with zelda we also have to allow it to apply to other characters such as sarya navi and even malin who we'll talk about in just a second although my interpretation of the happy mask salesman's quote is flimsy all the previously mentioned evidence is still valid making zelda a highly possible match for link before we conclude who the best match for the hero of time is we still need to discuss malin's connection with link the two first meet in castletown as kids she immediately notices notices link's kohiri clothes and navi then begins to call him fairy boy it sounds just like the type of demeaning yet cute nickname an elementary school girl would give to a boy they like later over at long line ranch malin is found seeing what is known as eupona song she then tells link that her mother taught it to her before she passed away and proceeds to teach it to link if malin wasn't already fond of link she likely would not be sharing such personal details about her life so soon i can also confidently say that link left a meaningful impression on malin and this isn't just some spontaneous christ throughout the week malin recognizes link after seven years not by his appearance but by the way he interacts with the opponent and knows her song malin's father talon also gives a large chant into a romance between malin and link in the chicken coop lincoln play a mini game which talon calls the super cuckoo find in mini game where link needs to find three super cuckoos among a normal flock within 30 seconds after succeeding talon says to link hey you you've got the talent to be one of the world's best cowboys how do you like to marry malin huh haha i was just kidding i think you're a little young for that aren't you ha ha usually depicted as a lazy head in the clouds dude so i don't think this is just some witty joke he made up on the spot he was probably telling link what he was really thinking then realized it's not appropriate for their age and try to cover it up nevertheless this can really strengthen malin's chances at matching with link the last hint we get as a child in ocarina of time is from a gossip stone outside the temple of time which states they say that malin of longline ranch hopes the knight in shining armor will come and sweep her off her feet someday nick may not have the shining armor but he sure does make a good night this plus all the small details we mentioned earlier is enough to justify a possible romance between link and malin there are many theories out there claiming that in one way or another the events of majora's mask were not real and i'm not going to go into the details right now that's for another time hint hint for now i'm just going to assume malin's adult and child counterparts respectively cremia and romani represent the connection between malin and link we'll be making a theory video soon regarding termina which will help justify this assumption so please bear with us romania is constantly calling link hue and even gives him the nickname grasshopper similar how to malin called him fairy boy although link learned opponent's song from malin in ocarina of time the player cannot actually play the song majora's mask until romani re-teaches it to him she describes it as the song of two who are bound by trust not only are romani and child male and physically identical but also behave the same way too in fact each of these things i mentioned happened previously with melon in ocarina of time so i believe it's reasonable to make the claim that despite whether termina is real or not romani and cremia represent interactions between malin and link the way that romani also describes opponent song is also interesting a song of two who are bound by trust on the surface level players who would just assume that she is referring to the bond between link and opponent however if we remember that malin's mother taught her the song obviously before she passed away we can tie some strings together malin routinely sings this song but her mother taught her so is it possible that she treats it as a way to express her love and bond with her mother although they are no longer together this is also consistent with my assertion that romani represents malin as cremias and romani's parents also died of an unknown cause prior to the events of the game due to this i believe malin could be sharing this song with link as a subtle way to share her love with them and create a bond between them link's interaction with the older sister cremia who represents adult malin gives us insight into his feelings for malin in a side quest link can help cremia protect her milk from the attacking gorman brothers when completing this quest for the first time cremia gives length or a money mask but if repeated after rewarding time she will instead reward him with a big hug during this the game text says you feel all warm and fuzzy inside sai you could get used to this especially with all the naughty content going on over there i'd have a pretty warm and fuzzy feeling too in all seriousness though the fact that link gets the warm comforting feeling you get when you're with someone you love when being hung by cremia has to mean something significant this is probably the most direct hint of link's affection towards malin slash chromium slash armani within majora's mask but there is something romani tells link at some point that may be of significance she tells him my sister cremia has someone in town she likes but that person is supposed to get married the day of the carnival i'm not going to explain the rest of the lore because behind this story because the other details don't really matter in this case but cremia being in love with someone in clock town could mean something if we continue on my idea that cremia and romani represent malin we interpret this as a message to link that if he cares about malin he needs to get with her while they're young before it's too late after romani tells link about cremia's crush she thanks him again for helping protect the cows from abduction and invites link to live with her in crimea armani offers her bedtiling to show how much she's willing to give up for him ultimately though we know that link doesn't take the offer because he leaves termina at the end of the game but this is proof that romanian malin took an immediate liking to link upon meeting him and want to spend more time with him that's about all the in-game material we have for malin now it's time to finally conclude who the best match for the hero of time is as we mentioned the odds are stacked against naburu due to the age difference between her and link and that the only reason some people ship them is from one innuendo also not likely for sauria since she is a kohiri that's being a child forever ruto's affection for link doesn't seem mutual and his descendants don't seem to be part zora so she's probably not his match either that leaves us with zelda and malin who both seemed possible according to the evidence we mentioned earlier [Music] to conclude this we will need to look at the hero of twilight setting since he is known to be a direct descendant of the hero of time he lives in ordon village which is a small community beyond the fairen province which supports themselves primarily through farming and ranching is ranching even a word link even works as a ranch hand at the ordon ranch if the hero of time ended up marrying princess zelda and having children with her his descendants would most likely not be living in such a poor region so isolated from the rest of hyrule although link is known to have spent a noteworthy amount of time with zelda between ocarina of time and majora's mask this cannot be used as evidence for zelda over malin since link must have also visited malin during this time period as well as a child in ocarina of time opponent was always at long long range meaning that after returning to the child timeline at the end of ocarina of time he must have visited malin and built up a trusting relationship with her so she let him take a pona with him on his journey as seen in majora's mask due to this and the fact that link and twilight princess does not seem to have any lineage to the royal family it seems unlikely that the hero of time ended up marrying zelda on the other hand this information strengthens the arguments from allen village does not seem too old perhaps around 100 years which should mean if it which would mean it's founded shortly after the events of ocarina of time it's highly possible that following the undefined war or catastrophe that occurred after ocarina of time and melon got together and departed into the woods to create a new life together since malin grew up on longline ranch and link was raised as a kokiri in the forest it would make sense that they established a new home for themselves somewhere in what would become known as the ordono province since the village's main trade goods are dairy products it makes sense that lincoln malin have brought some cattle to sustain themselves since that's what they were accustomed to over time a handful of other refugees from the war slash catastrophe must have settled in the area eventually creating ornan village there's even other coincidences that connect ordon village with long long ranch and twilight princess two of the village children are even named mallow in tallow which if you look closely is just malin and talon without the n at the end of their names i know these are mainly inferences so it's not concrete evidence but it appears that shipping link in malin still works out perfectly so there we have it although there is some possibility for a romance between link and zelda the best match for the hero of time is the young redheaded ranch girl malin and finally the last link we will discuss in this video will be the hero of twilight most competitive bachelorettes we have for this link are princess zelda well should be known as queen's album but that's an official title for whatever reason midna link's companion and friend throughout the game and last but not least ilya link's childhood friend from oregon village this time our honorable mention goes to telma the bar owner from castletown we're only giving her this because i've seen a noteworthy amount of people ship telma and link despite the huge age gap the only grounds for this ship is tama's occasional wink and sometimes clawing like honey but this is probably just due to her general flirty and strong personality not because she's got something for this young dude probably less than half her age besides she appears to have a thing for renato the shaman at kakariko village after link escorts talma ilya and the wounded prince rallies to kakaroko village thoma tells link i may just stay here a bit longer i'm still worried about ilya and well never mind about the rest immediately after saying this the camera pans to renato who had just walked away moments before tama then chases after him and the two begin talking overall the thomas ronaldo ship makes much more sense than the telema link shipping but it's still worth mentioning due to all of the online discussion now let's get into the real candidates starting with zelda if i'm being completely honest there isn't much regarding twilight princess's incarnation of zelda with link after all she's only seen a few times throughout the entire game and hardly interacts with link at all during her few appearances though we can gain a general understanding of her personality she appears to be quiet and reserved it still has a selfless desire to help her kingdom due to the ambiguity of links and zelda's relationship in twilight princess many fans like to ship them together because they see you together but we need to analyze link's relationships with the other characters before we can make any assumptions about his relationships with zelda since link's companion midna is with him for nearly the entire game there's a lot more information about the relationship to work with than there is for zelda initially mina planned to use link for her scheme against saint however after spending time with link she decides she needs to help him save high will too as the two journey together their bond increases and when mina comes clean about her initial intentions she asks link if he will come with her to save both the twilight and hyrule from sense oppression then she affectionately touches his face link responds to this with a smile meaning he will continue to help her which also makes sense because otherwise there won't be much of a game by the end of the game the two are very protective of one another which is shown during the fight with ganondorf when midnight uses her powers to transport lincoln zelda to safety and links rage when he thinks ganondorf killed minda of course this doesn't guarantee that mina and link have a romantic relationship but it does prove they care for each other at least as close friends after being cursed to her in form for the entire game minna finally transforms into her true self after link kills ganondorf when link sees her in her humanoid form for the first time he pauses and aminda asks what say something am i so beautiful you've no words left link just gives her a big smile and the credits begin this is the only time where we see min actually flirting towards the beginning of the game she would mischievously tease him which later transitioned into an affectionate sarcasm but this quote just seems like flat out flirting to me finally during a mid-credit scene lincoln and zelda accompany mina back to the mirror chamber before mina uses the mirror of twilight to return back to her world she tells link link i see you later was mina trying to say link i love you before she cut herself off the world may never know mainly because mina destroys the mirror of twilight after she goes through if mina had not destroyed the mirror of twilight romantic relationship between her and link might have been possible following the events of the game but alas life sucks and finally eliot will be the last topic of discussion before we decide the best match for the hero of twilight ilya and link appear to be roughly the same age maybe a year or two difference and seem to be childhood friends elia's theme shares the same melody as opponent song from the ocarina of time the same song that malin was taught by her mother so assuming our conclusion that malin and link became a couple is true this similarity between the songs implies a romantic interest between between link and ilia near the beginning of the game ilya notices opponent is injured in rebuke's link for not taking enough care of opponent when elia's father beau tries to defend link ilya reprimands him too during this there's a funny moment where both link and beau are looking down at the ground while getting yelled at by ilya but the second she stops and turns away they give each other this priceless look and it's hilarious you can totally tell they're thinking ugh women or something like that right before link is supposed to depart on his journey to hyrule and the plot of the story launches elias shows how much she cares about link when she asks him can you at least promise me this no matter what happens on your journey don't try anything out of your league please just come home safely in which link responds by giving her a big smile and nodding then all of the game crap happens but let's not worry about that right now because we're too busy focusing on the love lives of fictional characters later when link awakens the light spirit lenairu it tells link about the danger of the few shadows in history of hyrule through that one super creepy cut scene anyone who's played the game i'm sure knows what i'm talking about it begins by telling how the people of hyrule once lived in peace the vision shows link and ilia standing together symbolizing the people of hyrule living in harmony then it tells of how rumors of the triforce and sacred realm corrupted the hearts the people and wars broke out to obtain possession of the triforce to represent this ilya's eyes are shown turning into a blink white and she pulls a knife in an attempt to kill link link however has also been corrupted and instead kills ilya then pursues the triforce the point of using lincoln ilia in this cutscene is to show how a peaceful people even people who care about each other turned on each other in one of the great wars of hyrule's history since the developers used link and ilia to represent this message it just shows how close links and ilia's relationship actually is when link finds ilya she suffers from severe amnesia and doesn't even recognize link when they meet once link finds the horse call ilya made for him at the beginning of the game and shows it to her she spontaneously begins to remember everything as she starts to recall everything she tells link i i knew you once yes this feels so familiar the scent of hay when we were young you and i you were always there you were always beside me link in the hd remake a tear slowly rolls down her cheek as she says that last part there's a short emotional montage of both of them back in hold on spring after regaining her memory and quickly catching up with link she tells them you don't need to worry about me any longer when you return i'll be waiting for you she means this literally too in the final credit scenes elia is shown waiting by link's house back in orland village for him to return and in the very next scene link is shown riding a pona through farron woods back towards the village this implies that after dealing with any loose ends from his quest link returned back to orion village to assume his life there with ilya as we mentioned there's no clear way of link ever being with midnight because of the mira twilight being destroyed and even though a relationship with zelda is possible there isn't much evidence suggesting it either plus link's returned to ordon village at the end of the game implies that he's returning to ilia and thus we conclude that ilia is the most probable match for the hero of twilight to recap we concluded that the most likely couples are zelda with the hero of the sky malin with the hero of time and ilya with the hero of twilight remember if you're interested in the second part of the series please subscribe to our channel and enable notifications so you won't miss an upload if you enjoyed this video please leave a like and leave a comment letting us know when you think of our analysis and anything you think we should have included that being said thank you very much for watching and we hope to have you with us next time
Channel: Zeldom
Views: 357,045
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Legend of Zelda, Link's Loves - The Best Romances in every Zelda Game (Part 1, Link's love interests, Links loves, Zelda, Zelda Skyward Sword, Zelda lore, Zeldom, best romances in zelda, best zelda romances, ilink, legend of zelda, legend of zelda romances, link, link romances, link ships, link's loves, links loves, loves of link, malink, nintendo, romances in zelda, top zelda romances, twilight princess, zelda romance, zelda romances, zelda theories, zelda x link, zelink
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 2sec (2462 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 22 2020
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