How to Create Midjourney Prompts with ChatGPT | Prompt Engineering

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I have seen a few tutorials out there about how  to use ChatGPT with Midjourney to create its   prompts, but I feel like there's something missing.  She's right. There is something missing. The results   can be unpredictable, and most of them are actually  focused on the paid version of ChatGPT version 4.   So if I have the version 3.5, which is free, what do  I do then? So, I want to show you in this video what   I did to optimize the way that I use ChatGPT in order to create my prompts for Midjourney. And for that you're gonna need some understanding  of how Midjourney works, what you can do with   commands, with parameters... the more you know about  Midjourney the better you can explain to ChatGPT what he should do, what he can do... or she... the bot.  And I highly recommend that you have the Midjourney's  documentation open as well and on a different  tab, so that you can modify on the go all the   instructions that you give to ChatGPT in order  to achieve what you're looking for. But before we   start I just want to say welcome back, or welcome  if you're new here. I am Bella and if you like this   type of content don't forget to subscribe to the  channel, so you don't miss any new content. And like   this video if you enjoy it, leave your comment, I  love reading all your thoughts, everything helps   with the crazy YouTube algorithm. So thank you in  advance. Let's do this. Okay. So, the first thing we   need is a Template, and by template I mean the  structure that the prompt needs to have so that   we can use in Midjourney to obtain our images. So, for example a template would be: the prefix, the scene, the suffix and the parameters. Or the  prefix, the scene, the suffix. Or you can be even   more specific. If you're looking for images for  example always with a cat in it you can break it   apart and say that your template has a suffix, a  cat, a location, or an environment, and a suffix. And   parameters whatever you want to add afterwards. So you can play a bit around with these templates. Remove one of these items, add another one to see  if you can better work around these structures to   achieve what you are looking for. For the example  in this video I'm going to go with the most   simple one, that allows GPT to run wild and free to  generate creative outputs for me, so I can generate   images on Midjourney. So, let's teach ChatGPT how our  prompts should look like following this template. So first we start defining to the bot the basic  anatomy of this prompt. Here, basic prompt anatomy.   And how does a prompt for Midjourney should  look like? Well, it should start at least with   the command imagine, that's the command that generates  images. But you know that, you know that, I know. And   here we add our template it should have a prefix,  scene, and a suffix. Now, in reality when you're   yourself writing prompts to Midjourney, these  elements can actually overlap each other, right?   Let's inform the ChatGPT that this can happen. And  we are going to use like parenthesis here and just   say that this categories can overlap. Now, we have  to explain what each of these elements is. So we   go ahead and we start with the prefix. And the  prefix should define the image artistic medium   and the style. One thing that I add that I noticed  after using for a while, is that it doesn't know   that it can actually use artists names for example  to follow the same artistic style. So let's tell   him that he can also use artists names to follow  their styles and color patterns, color palettes, for   example. And now for the scene, it simply defines  the content and the theme right? What is supposed   to be in that picture. If there's a person in there,  if there's an animal, where it is, so characters, and   environment. Great. And the suffix modulates the  prefix and the scene. It can give more emphasis   to one element than another, you can set the vibe,  the mood of the picture, the mood of that image.   Amazing. And now another thing you can do you  can also give ChatGPT an example of how that   prompt should look like. You can use any prompt  that you have already used in the past and you   liked the results. And with this example that you  you provide the ChatGPT it's going to permutate,   to iterate through the same structure that you,  that you have there, but with new ideas and new   sentences. But the structure is going to be very  similar to your example so you can try with and   without and see what fits best for you. Amazing.  And now, to separate our instructions from our   request, I'm going to use here three hashtags. And now, we can request. I want 10 new prompts   that's the way they should look like, and I wanted  to I want them to illustrate the theme gaming. And   once we hit enter, these are the results that we  get. So let's go to Midjourney now and see what we   can get from these prompt generated by ChatGPT.  So now what I'm gonna do, I'm gonna copy one of   these resulting prompts from GPT and paste in Midjourney  and we have like a comic style one. Which   is pretty cool. And by the way if there any of  these images is really appealing, you really like   like how it looks like, and you would like to use  for book covers, for printing T-shirts or whatever   you want don't forget to check it out my other  video about how to upscale these images so that   you have enough resolution for printing let's  see another one of these images. Now, let's see   this nostalgic tribute to gaming history. We get  a bunch of colorful controllers and video games. Now another thing you can do to increase even  more your possibilities to generate a specific   art is using permutations in Midjourney. So I'm  going to teach GPT how to create prompts using   these variation, these permutations. I'm going  to copy what we previously used as an input   for instructions to GPT and just change a little  bit some stuff. And paste here in the input field   and now we are going to add the information  uh required so that he, the GPT knows how   he can create prompts using these variations. So  let's say that he can group that. You can group   variations in list lists like this. Okay, perfect  and now how permutation works in Midjourney?   You just have to add different elements for the  same component inside brackets for example you can   generate three different prefixes so we create we  open brackets, prefix one, two and three. We can have   two different scenes in one scene two, or a suffix  one and two. And Midjourney itself it's going to   iterate through all the possibilities that you  have there and create in four images for each   one of those possibilities. But it's important to  remember that each one of these items inside this   list has to be a single word or a phrase without  comma, because otherwise you're gonna break the   syntax. So, we have to let GPT know as well. So we're  gonna say: Important... otherwise we break the syntax.  Perfect. And now instead of create 10 prompts that  illustrate the theme gaming, I'm gonna change gaming   to cat. Because why not? Everything with cats  is good. So, let's keep "cat" here. And now I also   want it to have two different variations for I  think different variations is uh redundancy so   two variations for prefix and three variations  for scene. And we hit enter to see what we get   Awesome! So these are our results and as you can  see um we have these brackets now containing two   items which are the two prefix that we asked and  there's the second one contain the the second list   after the comma has three different elements to  for three different scenes. Each of these prompts   is going to generate six different images (prompts) right?  Two times three possibilities. So we'll have six   prompts out of one. I'm going to copy one of those  like this one with the dreamy landscape, and paste   on Midjourney. And you can see here that as soon  as you press enter, Midjourney is going to ask you   "are you sure about what you're doing?" "do you know  what you're doing?" This is going to generate six   different prompts. "Do you want us to create  all those images?" This is important because of   course, the more images you make the more GPU time  you use. So, I'm gonna say yeah yes. Oh and by the   way, there's also this button here that allows  you to preview all the prompts that are going   to be used out of this permutation prompt. So if  I click here you can see there's a list and you   can see all the possible variations out of that  permutation prompt. And here we have our first cat   with our first prefix, which is acrylic painting. And oh my God I really like them. Look at this! It's   a bit Van Gogh style, I feel like. But they are  so colorful, so beautiful. I love it. And our second   acrylic painting with our second scene this time  bold and vibrant colors everywhere. Oh look at these cats they are so beautiful. Even ugly cats are  beautiful cats. There are no ugly cats. And our   fourth image is already now the second prefix the  second option which is this artwork. But with uh   now we go to through this three different scenes  with the second option of prefix right so we   get these different cats uh oh my God this one is  beautiful I love this one! But it has too many ears.   The cat has three ears. This covers everything,  but it's really important that you keep practicing   that you keep you know alternating between these  different elements. As I said you can add new   things to your template. I am going to leave a  link down below if not now, if it's still not  there, you can come back a little bit later, as soon  as possible I'm going to put this in a shareable   Google Docs, all the possibilities that you can  use that I have already used I also have already   done a list of the parameters. And ChatGPT uses the parameters a little bit um randomly... So just be certain that you check them out if you  if you don't like one of those suggestions you can   change it. But I got some pretty wild things some  pretty good things. It's very different. I'm gonna   leave everything there and I hope you get the most  beautiful images and the best part is even if you   have the free GPT version, you know, you can  keep your conversation there so you just have   to teach GPT in one chat once and then you can use  forever. So... I mean "forever" it's a huge word... maybe   there's no more GPT in a hundred years. I don't  know. But anyway I hope you guys like it. I hope   this was super useful for you. I hope you enjoyed. Give this video a thumbs up if you liked it, please. And again don't forget to subscribe to the Channel  please consider doing it so it helps a lot with   this YouTube Crazy algorithm. It's been a battl. I can only say that. It's been a fight, you know. And yeah I hope you have a lovely rest  of the day wherever you are morning, day,   and night. Thank you so much for watching  and I see you guys in the next one! Bye!
Channel: Bella Capilla
Views: 8,304
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Keywords: midjourney prompts, midjourney prompts tutorial, midjourney prompts tips, ai art, midjourney ai, chat gpt, midjourney tutorial, midjourney ai tutorial, midjourney tips, prompt engineering, how to use midjourney, chatgpt tutorial, midjourney permutations, image prompts, prompt guide, midjourney art, midjourney tutorial prompts, midjourney image prompt tips, chatgpt mid journey prompt generator, chatgpt midjourney, prompt engineering chatgpt, chatgpt
Id: RdP-Ns5u9VM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 15sec (675 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 02 2023
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