Which Headgasket should I use for my High Horsepower Subaru?

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[Music] [Music] good morning guys and today is going to be a great day you guys just watch us building the short walk for Travis's car today is gonna be the day we get that thing into a long walk and I'm gonna try to make it a lot more interesting than the last video I put a lot of information in that video that I usually don't show about my engine building I was trying to open up for you guys there but the downside to it is there's a lot of information and a lot of clips in that video so it's a lot of time lapse I might've made you guys a little bit bored if he did make it feel all the way on the video thank you for watching and checking that out but today I'm gonna do my best to actually talk through a lot of this and break it up more so that way you're not just sitting there watching time lapses with ongoing music forever I actually just got done editing that video and that took a lot longer and I would like but I'm excited we're onto the new morning we're gonna get this thing knocked out first thing we need to do today we need to get this scene up into the garage did the everything out that we're gonna need today and we can start getting those head gaskets on and I'm gonna show you guys all about those head gaskets and that way I can give you in-depth information that I should have given you on series gray and I didn't get the chance to so let's get this thing upstairs turbo so before we get that upstairs I don't know what you can hear me right now eze screeching door oh how nice this time or not before we get that short walk here let me talk before we get that short walk actually up here we are gonna get the white STI moved out of the driveway we're gonna get series gray out of the garage so that way we have more room to work makes it easier so let's get the scene started and get them moved man I think sure does sound good without ptomaine well you guys think drop it in the comments [Music] next up let's get series grace started up and moved out and I knew you guys always enjoy the cold starts on series gray so let's get a cold start for the boys set this up for you guys see we can get this to sit there all right should be good [Music] I wish you guys could smell this right now because cold-start 85 nothing gets better [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so they get this day started obviously we still need green short walk up but we're gonna take this guy here we're gonna get this pulled out because this is the one that was obviously just in this car and it's going back in his old oh six over here which for those of you that haven't seen it or don't know it's gonna be that car right there so you want to see more check out the old builds over here we need to get the same pulled out because we're gonna get the oil pan off and we're gonna use the killer B baffle and pick up and pan assembly from this car we still need to take our motor mounts off as well and we are gonna get that stuff off of this before we pull the short block off of the stand because well I only have two stands usually I don't need more than two but for right now as many motors are sitting around we do because we look back there we still have the white cars motor sitting on the ground right now so this one's gonna get the head studs take me out of it and we are gonna saran wrap that's what I like to use when storing a block where some oil in the cylinders Tran wrap it I don't know how long this block is gonna sit here or how long it will be until we get over to his oh six order because obviously when you're building two cars it takes a bit of time and we're going a different direction and we were with not oh six obviously and we do have a set of cylinder heads that we need to get put together for this car Travis had one already but it was completely a bare cylinder head and then he picked up another one to go with it same D 25 WX head those of you that are concerned that it's a different head but we have it that one's complete so we need to get them rebuilt and assembled and we need to figure out what we need for that car but first we're gonna be getting this one done first and then we'll kind of come back to that one and figure out what all we need so let's get this short ball pulled out today I know I'm kind of rambling on and we're gonna get the oil pan off the motor mounts off probably get the headsets pulled out of it for now so that way we can get the same saran wrapped and ready to go for the next car so let's get this thing pulled out and get to it [Music] now that we got everything off of this old motor that we need for now for this car we got it to the point to where I got the head studs out of it so that way I can strain wrap it I'm gonna see if I have some saran wrap I don't think I do so I'm gonna probably have Travis picks them up so for now this thing's still draining oil obviously because I just took the pan off I'm just gonna put a towel down sit it down on the floor for now and then we'll go ahead and saran wrap this later so I'm gonna get this thing off the stand and then guess what guys it's time to get that new motor out here and on the stand so we can start getting it together so I know I cried for the hell how do you guys on the last video trying to make up for it in this video we're gonna make this one fun this is going to be a good video it's gonna be a lot of knowledge and I'm gonna try to give you guys in this video as well I did get that short walk up here it is now on the table and we have all our parts laid out here and we are gonna get to work so let's take a look here here we have that new short walk we just built for Travis we need to finish this thing up by getting all the oil galley plugs into it and we need to get to the back of it here we have the back plate so we need to put a plate on there there is a plug that goes in there and then we have a plate obviously an oil cook don't forget that plug right there guys it's very easy mistake to be made and we forget that when you go start your car it's gonna pee all the way out right by the clutch so don't forget that one this thing though we can get these when it's on the stand but to get it on the stand we obviously need to put our bottom studs in because when these come from out front they don't have them so we have those studs for it obviously you got those head gaskets laid out we are gonna be touching base on these here soon I'm gonna go over those with you guys we got our OEM gaskets their heads are decked and drilled out to the 1/2 inch head studs we also want ahead and have them check them to make sure everything's good to go and we got the clean bill of health so we can use those got our valve covers all hot tank cleaned we have a new gates timing belt kit on it because this one had a gates racing timing belt and they tend to not last very long so we went ahead and put a new timing belt kit on it so let's get these back studs in the block that way we can get it up onto the engine stamp and we can actually start getting close to putting those on because we can get the heads on this week where we do a lot of it so let's get to it guys these are crusty but they'll work since we sold Travis's other motor well that one was just a pain since we sold his other motor obviously the studs went with it it doesn't matter which way these go guys I'm just trying to put the crustier part over here so those obviously went with the other motor so we have the Robbie's off of one that no longer runs anymore so that's what I'm doing as when we get these things to the pin count real quick come on geez I'm sterile bussing hopefully I move this over to the edge - I'll be better oh look at that what so let me get those tango [Music] alright guys it's pretty important to make sure that this is clean obviously when you're working on your engine so take the towel make sure you have a clean towel we're gonna wipe this off one last time even though it's a brand new surface that way we can make sure that this is all 100% clean and ready to go now we got that clean let's grab one of our head studs now this is work is the most important guys and this is probably the most important thing in the whole video is if you are working with an aftermarket head stud such as the half-inch hips Ted a lot of people will have troubles get him in the block now it's not the machine work out front does a really good job at making sure these are machined right I've never had any issues with their work at all but when you put the head stud in you're not going to be able to put the center ones in until you do the gasket because they need to screw through a gasket on a half-inch because that's too big so we'll start with putting this on the outside now there is no need to put air feet lube on the bottom they don't call for that on the bottom they call for it on the top so we're gonna put this in the block it's in the wall right now normally you would just go ahead and tighten it right guys I want you to spin it backwards and you'll feel the head stood actually drop down and then once it does that see how easy this goes in so that is the key to making sure that these go in nice and smooth is to actually spin them backwards to give them the drop-down so I'm gonna grab a couple more here and get these in the walk these are kind of a pain to get out of these tubes at this end so let's see about getting this one in like set it back and then feel it drop and then once you feel it drop you spin in look it undergoes in super easy guys I can't stress this enough how important out of this to do because otherwise you could end up cross threading in one of these and it would never be good obviously to have a cross thread and hence done or head so that won't hold the torque so let me get these all out no I'll catch you guys all up so I'm speed for you just real quick enough that he's in the ball [Music] apologize guys if my head was cut off there obviously you guys know that I don't usually record like this so I went ahead and fixed it hopefully this is better now moving into our next step with these head studs as we come in the block now this is the next important step guys there's no reason to torque these down to some crazy tightness they just need to be snug in the walk so when we're going in here you can see that's all we need and I'm using a small quarter inch drive ratchet it's not using anything that really gives me a bunch of leverage on here but you just want these to be snug in your walk so that's all that we need now that we've got all these in the block we're going to move on to the head gasket and I'm going to talk to you guys about that so I'm gonna kind of zoom in here so you guys see exactly what we're working on with that gasket so moving on we have our Athena head gaskets right here I know this is kind of gonna be difficult to land so zoomed in so when you pull these out they're wrapped up now be careful I'm actually changing all right this would be better for you guys so here we have our Athena gasket it's all wrapped up now be sure not to when you take this apart let these rings fall out or get damaged in any way now we need to get this opened up I think I left my razor blade downstairs but these will do the trick here just drag them to crops get this scene opened up no next important part these rains on these gaskets do go a certain way pull hard to record like that guys so let's take a look at here like normal we have the gasket all unwrapped now we have these rings now don't let these rains fall out and let them get damaged and they do go a certain way I'll try to see if this thing can catch it as it you can see the group there that's gonna go towards the cylinder head if you look at the other side it's completely smooth and that's the part that's going to go on our block that is important so we can go ahead and move this rein up there move this ring out of there too good we're gonna be putting these on so we set them like that now the next thing is we gotta get one of our head so values casings again both of them actually and we have to screw these through the center too before we can put the gasket on the motor now the reason why we have to do that is because these outer holes are larger for dowel pins they're in the block whereas these ones are smaller in the center so you have to screw a half-inch or bigger head stud through the gasket first before you put it on so let's get those screwed through here and get this on the block [Music] now when you're putting the gasket onto the motor here it's important that you kind of leave it elevated off of the bottom because you don't want it to catch these threads so again when we're doing this I like to put my hand underneath here just to hold the gasket and then we're going to spin backwards you'll feel a drop same thing on this one and then we can screw these guys down in once we get those threads past the top of the wok we can let the gas gets it down just like so and just like that we got our gasket on we just need to tighten these two Center studs now so let me get those screws down I'll grab the Allen and we'll get these tight [Music] [Music] as you saw we got these put in place they're kind of a press fit sometimes so you have to just work your way down make sure they're completely flat on the block also the other important tip is make sure the motor is up and down like this you don't want to be doing that when it's on its side because if you don't put one of these on right you are gonna have some big issues so just make sure that they sit down nice and flush then the next step when we get this cylinder head on make sure the heads to sitting all the way down on the ball because if these things move and it's underneath and you bolt the head down on top of the gasket and that firing obviously you're just gonna have a whole bunch of issues when you start up the car so as you can see this is what they look like on their this is what I have been using that works really well I'm gonna talk to you guys face-to-face now it's probably one of the most common questions I get on my DMS or Instagram or anything like that about sewers what kind of head gasket should I run on my high horsepower Subaru well it's gonna come down with a lot of different variables here kind of touch base on this dino it's probably the elephant in the room there's a lot of people that do not like this gasket that I'm showing you right here now it's kind of like I've talked about before that if you have a problem with the car and something happens as far as a lean issue or detonation issue and if something goes wrong the car misfires these gaskets are not forgiving whereas your old-style multi-layer steel gaskets AJ Pro steel that 99% of you are okay running those have more forgiving this than this gasket right here if something happens with this gasket it's going to be dead or detrimental where it's gonna hurt either to block the head or a lot of your cooling system what am i these does fail we've had a fail before it it ends up blowing up the radiator so blooms are right here out it's no longer reusable so you have to buy a new radiator now when you pull it apart you have to assess how much damage you have on your block and your head now that's the other downside of these gaskets is every time we pull the head off of the wok you have to machine because these grooves bite into the head so every time it comes apart you now have to machine the head and deck it is another term to where you can get those grooves out get the head of plotting it so you have to take that into mind when running these gaskets what are your goals with your car what is the power goals that you have what are you gonna use the car for those all play variables now the reason why I'm doing these gaskets on the Travis car is because Travis is a close friend of mine he has a sponsorship program through me I do offer it to some customers out there so whoop that being said he's gonna push the limits of his car and that's kind of Mordor we like that that's where I like to go a little sponsorship as far as parts testing okay he's gonna push the limits of his car we already know we're gonna max out the turtle warm car yeah that was the plan from day one so the 3576 is going to get maxed out now whether it be thirty five forty pounds it's it's questionable because we haven't really pushed that turbo down far before so it's gonna be interesting to see where it starts blowing hot air and where the power starts kind of falling off on that turbo money yes on that turbo is right around 38 to 42 pounds right in that center area that's where the turbo is gonna be capped out but I could be wrong it could go further now you guys saw I like the video over to side 4 series gray when we put it on the dyno I was like you know what it's gonna be a daily driver car 800 wheel 40 pounds or less boost and cylinder pressure we find now when we got on the dyno I should already know it yeah I tend to push things a little too far or when I get on the dyno I don't stop pushing the cars I'm a numbers person that's just the end of it everyone that knows me knows I could go number obviously like the part of the town but I end up pushing the limits that's where we have type of blue behind me that's where we constantly push the limits for you guys to try to make you know movement in the platform to where we can see how the whole does power and I say this part that power they're more reliable now I don't think there really is a time for reliable when it comes to thousand horsepower on four cylinder and it's kind of a gray area where no one will talk about it and a lot of the things are hidden when it comes of that I tend to be very honest with my customers and I'm trying to be a lot really transparent with YouTube as well and it definitely brings some hate you know I can do up for you comments guys especially on the video where I said the car blew up it didn't really it didn't blow up but yes we didn't ruin it a head gasket on there because we had too much solar pressure and if you look at the comments there's a lot of hate on it and that's to be expected I know Steve was kind of hesitant to have me post that video and I tended reassure them you know that we want to be more transparent with it because I do have customers that come and asking me I want a thousand horsepower car the drive every day and the end of it is it's just not reality and you have these cars that make more than 100 horsepower per cylinder to the hospital state is on an engine 100 horsepower per cylinder now what does that guys it's only 400 horsepower we've definitely surpassed that as far as reliability that's kind of Travis he understands the fact that I said always say 700 is to end up for reliability after 700 wheel things become a maintenance now maintenance meaning heavy after replacement is maintenance and depend on how you treat the car is gonna how it's gonna treat you and that's what any build that's with an Atari to have a brand-new stocker and you just beat on it and go race like the light what do you think is gonna happen it's gonna break so I do have a lecture that I give customers and I know it turns on off-track sure of the head gaskets but what I'm getting at is I'm trying to be as transparent as I can with you guys and showing you things that work and don't work and why we use things that are why we don't use things so the thing that gasket is a great gasket is it for everyone no it's not like I said 99% of you will use je pro seal multi-layer gasket or a factory OEM head gasket which I use the factory OEM head gasket up to 500 wheel a Mustang and after that I go to a JD Pro seal now JD Pro seal generally 840 pounds or less is a good gasket there a good gasket all around but like I told the Unitas things become maintenance with that type a gasket and when you have that kind of cylinder pressure these gaskets here is what I try to push someone that's going to be trying to push the one that's their car is not just a full streetcar but it's kind of a weird town use these work great on the street and they don't have any issues of failing or leaking or any of those type of deals but what I'm getting at here is this gasket is for high cylinder pressure I would not recommend this for 99% of you but this is what we use when we are pushing the limits of parts so I wanted to kind of touch base that's what you're gonna see the title of the video is you know what gasket show you is on line horsepower super and my answer to you would be a je pro seal multi-layer steel gasket for 99% of you and then after that the guys are pushing the limits these fire lots or firings work really well now I haven't mentioned in the past then work closely with Germany and out front that's obviously all we use for blocks and we are looking at a different solution then this final off here the biggest downfall of this fire in here and lock gasket is the fact that it's a material gasket it's not a steel gasket so we'll this reading it can move guys and when you have a problem and I just and a misfire it's a move and break the gasket I've had him go out the front of the wall so we are trying to work on something to see what we can come up with now one going to happen I'm not too sure you've seen a lot of it we are working on the FA right now that's more of my focus then the hyper blue it's kind of on the back burner I think for this year that's not totally a hundred percent on that but I want to work on the FAO few guys and I hope this gives you a better understanding what head gasket you should use on your high horse fire suit and if you're just tuning in please go ahead and take a look at the other videos that we have to offer and you can follow the builds that we have but let's get back to work guys I'll stop talking your ear off I figured I'd just kind of have a one-on-one to let you know what we're working with why the reason it and yeah so let's get this head on this motor can grow really the goat now we got the gasket on we got the studs all tight we just need to get our air feed loop on the top of these gaskets gaskets on the top of these head stubs I do like to put the air if you glue on the washer and the ball on the nut as well just to kind of make sure that we have enough there and enough glue so they're not biting so let's get that head apart and get it on this block [Music] [Music] so we got our head ready to go on the block we have our internals here now I can set for those of you just tuning in these are ported heads they have BC valvetrain in them and BC 280 tamps these are single a VCS but we are deleting a BCS on this car we also have these drilled out to half inch head studs so that you can see but taking a look at these cams this is one thing I look at when I build all motors if you take a look here and I'm gonna see how clear this is and you see on this cam how it has just some light where there what I like to do on tamp like these were to have a boat really light wear on them is I like to grab a little bit of I like to grab some green scotch-brite pad and I'll take this and I will polish that up to clean that up and obviously you probably don't have to do this I'm sure the camps it's been freely before but that's just me being picky you can see on this one it has a little bit on it too so nothing crazy how many get those all polished up I'll show you what they look like after I get done going over here but I'm gonna break this up into little pieces so that way I can just fit it right on there like that show do that so let me polish it up and I'll show you what it looks like fast-forwarding only a couple minutes later guys this takes no time at all and the B honestly it's just that little thing that counts because these things look brand-new now and it's just this thing would focus so you can see everything looks good to go it they really look brand new again so it's just that little thing that goes on extra long ways let's go ahead and continue getting this hat on the block [Music] [Music] now that we got that ahead I'll torque down on the block I'm just gonna do time lapse on getting the rest of this thing together because guys we gotta get the same done and we said we're gonna get done on the weekend so we need to start getting to work we're a little bit behind so let's get this knocked out [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] there we got it guys you can obviously see that I put that oil pan pickup tube on here and I did a couple teens but the oil galley plugs in while I was waiting on the camera to charge and then I time-lapse aside for you guys I'm gonna leave this right here for now I think this video is going to be somewhat long because I kind of talked to you're off but we're gonna get right back onto this I'm gonna continue today actually but you guys will see this video the next day but we're gonna get back onto this complete that motor and get it into Travis this car thank you everyone for watching the video I hope this one was a lot more interesting it gave you guys a lot of information again and I try to make it to where I would actually talk and so just doing time lapses for you so I hope you guys enjoyed it again please check out our website if you haven't yet to the new subscribers we do have apparel and you can get one of these short blocks or long blocks on the website as well so be sure to check that out thanks guys have a good night [Music]
Channel: _BaderBuilt
Views: 29,262
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 1100whp sti, 1000whp sti, 900whp sti, 850whp sti, 800whp sti, 750whp sti, 700whp sti, 650whp sti, 600whp sti, 550whp sti, 500whp sti, 450whp sti, 400whp sti, 350whp sti, 300whp sti, 1000hp fa, 900hp fa, 800hp fa, 700hp fa, 600hp fa, 500hp fa, 400hp fa, 300hp fa, fa20, wrx, sti, bader sti, bader built, baderbuilt, hiboost sti, sti runs from cops, devin niemela, tj hunt, boosted boiz, hondaru, gapped, jrtuned, prime motoring, outfront motorsports, torque solution
Id: x5FRusEY87k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 49sec (2389 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 21 2020
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