Fixing the "Blown" Subaru WRX STI...

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good morning guys welcome back to the channel today is the day that I want to start diagnosing what exactly is going on with the new pick up the new O six STI that we picked up yesterday the more I look at this car the more work it needs there's so many little things like look at the hood for example I don't know if someone couldn't figure out how to get the splitter off but it looks like they cut a hole in it to get to the hood scoop bolt to get it scoop off just a little things like that it's just weird but the first thing we need to do today are the first thing I want to figure out in general with this car is why it's smoking why there's roughly 2 quarts of too much oil in the car kind of just diagnosed run through it and figure out everything that this car needs the first thing I noticed is that this battery is dead so while we are diagnosing this thing I'm gonna pull out the battery to get that battery on the charger if it won't hold a charge we got to go pick up a new battery first things first let's throw on the charger see what happens and then we can get this thing jack up in the air get some oil drained out I might change it I haven't decided yet if I have a well here I'll change it but if I don't I'll just drain some out and see what happens one thing I was thinking is if the coolant level is low in the engine oil level is high we could definitely be having a mixing issue which probably would be a head gasket issued so coolant would be going into the oil making the oil level super high but when looking over it I don't see any cool in the oil or I don't see any oil in the coolant be pretty easy to tell especially oil in the coolant but I definitely don't see any of that going on so let's get this battery out get on the charger get this thing up in the air some oil drained out kind of look over the bottom side of this car and see what the hell is going on what in the hell is this some sort of cardboard setup that they got going on no sensor hanging down let's just go ahead right now and drain about to oil out of here try to get to the proper level and as soon as that batteries charged up we can fire it up and go for drive see what happens [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] when we originally looked at the oil level yesterday when we were checking out the car I was thinking maybe it's about two quarts high but when I dream that we'll and I put it into containers check out how much freakin oil is in this car or was in this car we have a whole gallon so for corks right here little over four quarts right here so that's already twice as much that it should be we have maybe half quart there and we still have a core in a half two quarts in pan so this thing was more than double full of what it should have been which is weird I was thinking maybe it was about exactly twice it's full maybe he went to go get the oil changed or he changed oil and they forgot to drain out the old oil main just dumped in a whole gallon or five quarts of new oil this is freakin crazy I don't know if this thing is gonna I don't really know if this thing's gonna run properly but what do we have to lose now I'm just gonna dump in the proper amount of oil start it up and see what happens I don't have any fresh oil here I really don't want to go to the store right now so we are putting in the old oil back in out the car if we don't have any crazy issues going on then we can actually do a proper oil change let's put this into perspective a sti takes a touch over four quarts of oil they easily had 10 quarts of oil in this car that is absolutely insane I don't even know how it fit that's insane so we got it all filled up we got to topped off to the proper level let's go ahead throw the battery back in the car I'm gonna make sure the coolant level is good we can start this thing up I'm guessing it's gonna still smoke there's no way that having 10 quarts of oil in the engine didn't do something but I guess it let's just see what happens [Music] [Music] [Music] we definitely have some cool leaking over here [Music] I can smell it burning off something over there and there's a little bit of coolant on the ground already we definitely have a leak on this hose right here as you can see she's pretty damn loose so I'm tightening that up that could just be dripping down onto like the turbo or the exhaust manifold and oh my god yeah that thing leaks bad it's going to tell you that thing up but yeah it could be leaking and causing all the smoke right there our cool attempts are still good our oil pressure is good we are hitting some sort of like boost cut or something but we did got a check engine light so I'm gonna go on the axis before we got here and read the codes so that check engine light is for a p zero five zero two which is a vehicle speed sensor circle oh I guess that explains why our speedometer doesn't work so the car has been sitting for probably an hour I'm gonna check the coolant level cool level like there seems fine the level in the turbo reservoir seems fine the car is still throwing quite a bit of smoke right on startup so that makes me that makes me think that it would be valve stem seals which makes complete sense seeing how there was 10 quarts of oil in here that could have definitely done some damage on some seals we could also be a turbo issue or a bottom end issue those are really the three things that would cause a car to burn oil but being that it smokes right on cold start it's usually a symptom of bad valve stem seals now with that being said there was so much goddamn oil in this car that there could still be oil residue left in the exhaust from when is smoking before when it was obviously pushing the oil past everything before with all the extra oil so I think I'm gonna go put some more miles on the car really to go drive it see if we can get the car to overheat at all and if it doesn't I don't think we have any sort of coolant issue coolant leaking issue we didn't fix all the cool leaks on the car I don't see anything else leaking now so I think if it did overheat when the previous owner had it it was probably because there were so many leaks that the coolant level got too low and it did overheat and if it did overheat bad enough it would definitely take out the head gaskets potentially warped the heads if it got extremely warm but I really don't think we have a overheating issue I think this car does have an oil burning issue though so I'm gonna go drive some more just get some more miles on it try to burn any residue that may be left in the exhaust system and if we still have that issue we can start diagnosing pull the downpipe off check the turbo seals make sure the turbos fine we can do a leak out test a compression test but honestly guys a compression leak down test on this motor is so goddamn hard because it is a horizontal motor so the spark plugs are literally right by the frame rail it is possible it's definitely possible I think the easiest way to do is to pull off the motor mount jocke the side of the motor up and then go about your leak down and compression test but we can also pull the whole entire motor out and not that much more time and do a leak down test while the motors outside of the car I am pretty confident the bottom end is fine being that it has such little miles on it we should be completely good to go there but I just kind of want to double-check everything out before we go driver though I am gonna do a quick wash on the engine bay just get it all cleaned up so we can't actually diagnose this thing properly let's clean it up let's go drive the car let's come back and if it still smokes is they can do it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] alright boys we got it all cleaned up I noticed the whole time I'm washing the exterior well is idling it was still smoking a little bit and it to me it smells like oil so if that's the case if it's still burning oil just sitting there idle it's probably gonna be either a bottom end issue or what I think highest probability of it being the turbo seals so oh my god I'm just gonna drive real quick make sure we don't have overheating issue come back to the shop let it cool down pull off the downpipe check out the turbo see what's going on so we drove in 15 minutes no help overheating issues we let it sit there an idle for another 10 no overeating issues I don't think we have bad head gaskets like the salt we're saying I think we do have an oil burning issues in the meantime though if anyone has stock STI seats front seats for sale or also trade I want oh um seats back in this car because my fat ass probably fits in these things [Music] what I thought was like fuel cutter boost I was actually just like a blip mode so when the check engine lights on you can't read past 5k and I kept hitting that I was I thought it was like fuel cut so just completely cut out but I reset the check engine later quick did a quick poll for the boys before it came back on Amy I every are just fine so I would just say like a oh that mode you could say my go ahead pop off the intercooler make sure you don't have a ton of oil in the intercooler and then from there we're gonna remove the downpipe it's also a lot easier to remove down pipe but the intercooler is off hmm turbo is completely dry but there is a ton of oil as you can see leaking out of the intercooler hmm almost makes me think it is a bottom end issue the turbo C must be okay I'm not gonna 100% rule that out but I just want to jump straight into it and do a compression test let's get some compression numbers on this thing then it's either gonna be the turbo seals are bad or the valve stem seals so on this side there's not a ton of stuff to pull off usually just a battery that should give us enough space to access the coil packs pull those off and get to the spark plugs this side we're definitely gonna pull off the intake which isn't a huge deal and then we're gonna do side to side so we're gonna do the passenger side first there's a motor mounting nut right here we're gonna pull that nut off Jack this out of the motor up and that'll give us much more space to access the spark plug in the coil pack [Music] so the plugs look fine they don't look wet at all which is a very very good sign let's go ahead do a compression test on the side student numbers we get and we can do the driver's side [Music] [Music] [Music] we're out anywhere from 150 155 psi on all four cylinders so I'm pretty confident that this bottom end is completely fine I am talking to turbo lob of America right now about the oil in the intercooler to see if bachelorhood seals can't push oil into the intercooler and they said it definitely can so I think either we have bad valve stem seals or bad turbo seals we shut they narrow it down to either one or the other I don't feel like doing the turbo seals and then putting it all back together and it's still smoked but I also don't feel like doing the valve stem seals and having the same issue I think what I'm gonna do right now is put the car completely back together except for the intercooler maybe when it had so much damn oil in it pushed a ton of oil into the intercooler and it's just slowly draining out and burning out so I'm gonna put the car back together I'm gonna flush out the intercooler with gasoline and I flushed her around let it sit in there for a while and then drain out all the oil and gas out of the intercooler put the car back together maybe it'll stop smoking then I don't really know let's give it a shot [Music] [Music] so we got the intercooler all cleaned out that is what came out of it super dirty gas I really don't think that was enough oil to cause all the smoke that is spitting out but obviously it doesn't hurt to have a clean intercooler I'm still leaning toward valve stem seals being bad that is what my heart was telling me I could be wrong I've been wrong before but I think for now it's just a good idea to throw it all back together go drive it a little bit get some miles on it I wish we had tires because these are a little sketchy to drive on before we throw the downpipe back on I am going to take off all of us here app as you can see it's already falling off a little bit sketchy especially if your oil on here app I've never really been a huge fan of it so you haven't ripped all that off get the dump pipe back on because the intercooler on and we can go for a drive [Music] [Music] she is all back together guys let's go ahead fire it up guess I should probably put this on and see what happens I may be just barking down the wrong tree here maybe the oil in the intercooler isn't really what is causing it to smoke because I know there's gonna be blow by no matter what with an arrow operator you're still getting get blowed by I did a ton of reading online a lot of people with the same exact Crawford AOS still have oil in the intercooler but I don't know if they are getting as much as we had I really wish there was a sure way to tell the pin point if it's gonna be the turbo seals or the valve stem seals I forget to either one of the two I know the bottom ends fine we have perfect compression 150 psi on every single cylinder so the bottom end is completely solid it runs good it runs healthy so I know it's either I'm confident it is either the stem seals or the turbo seals I wish there was a way to pinpoint which one [Music] [Music] the second that the check engine light comes on for that wheel speed sensor the car hardly idols and then it does that 5,000 RPM rev limiter again man I can't really wait to get to the bottom of this smoking issue we may have resolved it I don't really know I'm gonna go back to the shop just let it sit for a while cuz that's what it smokes the most when it sits for a while you gotta fire it up and then I'll just smoke a shit-ton so can't wait to get to the bottom of that issue so we can move on to like making the car nice we already ordered new tires because we can't really drive on these tires long distances probably should be driving on them at all but new tires we're gonna change the steering wheel I'm not a fan of the steering wheel obviously put STI seats back in it I don't like these seats kind of clean up the interior some of the gauge stuff is really weird I don't know why there's like a breeder debt dip temp gauge there's a rear diff temp there's a trans temp to oil temps oil pressure and boost but no AFR which is kind of weird so get all that situated and then move on to the exterior we got to fix up the wheels I think I'm gonna run these wheels even though the reps fix up the wheels a little bit throwing tires on Makos wheels a different color clean up the headlights clean up the body lower it because it's got stock suspension on it so lower it a little bit get it down to earth you know start enjoying the car a little bit but we got to figure out the smoking issue first so this background of chopped let it sit for about 15 minutes fire back up to ovens [Music] all right it's been about 10 15 minutes let's do a warm start for the boys and see how much smoke comes out damn alright let's wait I don't know an hour to this time there was no smoke that came out a lot of time off to look out the camera kind of review the footage and see but I don't think I saw anything come out I really really really need to get different wheels on this car so we can actually drive it get miles on it I do know that the water pump is leaking I smell it cool and burning so I jumped under the car and the water pump is leaking a little bit but I don't want to fix that until I know that we don't pull the motor because I don't want to pull the radiator pull the water pump change the gasket and then put it back together and then take it all back part you know I'm saying first things first if this thing's not smoking that's gonna save us a lot of time and money I'm a fit always set of om or stocky about ten wheels on here or I may pull two gram lights off the ebo eight but I don't want to get that car off the road I want to keep that car in the road because they're still doing the engine braking on that car but at the same time I need to drive the STI to figure out if it's gonna keep smoky or not oh man pulled out my om Evo ten wheels we're gonna run these guys temporarily while we wait for the new tires and I want to figure out what wheel color we're gonna do on this car I'm highly debating kind of remaking my old STI Black Hawk is TI really low to the ground red wheels I don't know I think it looks sick but at the same time I don't know if I feel like making the same car twice that is so freakin bad as insane I was that still holding air not bad honestly looks pretty similar to the OMS TI wheels not a bad look for the car honestly let's double check that our oil level is topped off our Colt level stopped off do one more start see what happens if it smokes oh well if it doesn't dope the cost a little bit to warm to check right now there is still quite a bit of pressure on the cap but oil levels good it's hot up sent to the top full mark and I'm gonna see how long it'll last like that but let's fire it up and if we don't get any smoke I'm just gonna go drive the car for the next few days and live life really the only thing that we changed today was pulling a good amount of oil out of the intercooler so maybe it makes sense as to why that would fix the issue if we got 10 quarts of oil in there probably I don't know how much oil in the intercooler but technically oil in the engine pushed a ton of oil through the air wheel separator into the intercooler kind of just shot there we put the proper amount of oil in there and there's still a ton of oil in the intercooler cut event slowly leaking out and causing it to smoke the last two starts who did no smoke imma let it sit overnight and fired up in the morning see what happens so that being said that is gonna be it for today guys I know all we did was kind of just do some random diagnosing on the car didn't find anything crazy but we may have fixed the issue for no cost whatsoever it's not as the case that makes me a very happy camper peace out guys I'll see you tomorrow
Channel: Devin Niemela
Views: 165,405
Rating: 4.9570966 out of 5
Keywords: Devin, Niemela, Dvniemela, Devin Niemela, Subaru, WRX, STi, WRX STI, STI Burning Oil, STI Smoking, TJ Hunt, Adam LZ, Dustin Williams, Evan Shanks, Illiminate, Bobbi Wallace
Id: uwFVfj8aF9E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 52sec (1552 seconds)
Published: Sat May 23 2020
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