Which Disney Princess Are You? Quiz

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-<i> ( rooster crows ) </i> -<i> ( lion roars )</i> Welcome to Good Mythical More. You're always welcome here to hangout with us. Lonely Hashtag. This is when we find a very lonely hashtag on Instagram and then we add to it. This one is #BadHug. Link:<i> #BadHug.</i> Post your photo that makes sense with that hashtag, so it's not lonely anymore. - Bad hug. - Bad hug. #BadHug. Okay, if you want to find out what Disney princess you are then type in Ohmy.Disney.com/quiz /2014/06/25/quiz-which/-- Nope. -Disney-Princess-Are-You. - Again. - The nope-- The nope was confusing. - You have to do all that again. - Yep. - Can you start with https: - Yeah. //ohmy.Disney.com/quiz/ 2014/06/25/quiz- which-Disney-Princess-Are-You/? - Yes, I can do that. - Okay. Just go to... https://ohmy.Disney.com/quiz/ 2014/06/25/quiz- which-Disney-Princess-Are-You. And you can find out what Disney Princess-- You forgot the forward slash at the end. You're gonna have to do it again. I didn't think you-- Okay. If you wanna find out what Disney princess you are along with us as we find out via this quiz, then go to this URL. It is... https://ohmy.Disney.com/quiz/ 2014/06/25/quiz- which-Disney-Princess-Are-You/. Okay, got it! All right, that's the website that you need to go to. Again, that's-- No, just kidding. Okay. All right, Stevie, ask us the questions. <i> Okay, my favorite weekend--</i> Can you confirm what website you're on right now? No, don't. No, don't. We're done with that. <i> My favorite weekend activity is...</i> <i> curling up with a book, exploring a farmer's market,</i> <i> cooking, putting my feet up,</i> <i> anything outside, a walk in the woods,</i> <i> alone time, or hanging with friends.</i> Cooking alone. <i> Nope.</i> That is so sad and entitled. Alone time. I'm going with that. Solitude. Putting my feet up. <i> Mm-kay.</i> <i> I have to pick a random one.</i> <i> I guess I should also see what Disney princess I am.</i> Oh, really? Well, then who-- No, you need to fill it out for us. <i> Oh, no. They're filling it out.</i> - Okay, yeah, let's find out-- -<i> Don't worry.</i> -<i> Everyone will know. </i> - What is your answer? <i> I said reading a book.</i> Both: Okay. -<i> Okay, the animal-- </i> - That's a lie, but whatever. Makes you look good. <i> The animal who will lead my inevitable royal parade...</i> -<i> is... </i> - Oh, yeah. <i> a raccoon, a fish, a tiger,</i> <i> a dragon, a horse, an owl,</i> <i> an alligator, or a chameleon?</i> Can the horse be miniature? -<i> Sure. </i> - Tiger. I like a good tiger. You didn't say Snow Leopard, did you? -<i> I did not. </i> - Horse, man. What about snow bear? -<i> I did not. </i> - Um... horse. -<i> Okay. </i> - Preferably of the miniature variety. -<i> Okay. </i> - What's your answer? <i> I-- oh, it's a really difficult one,</i> <i> but I'm gonna go with dragon.</i> - Mmm. Okay. - She went with dragon. <i> The most important quality I look for in a prince is...</i> <i> I don't need a prince!</i> <i> That's my answer.</i> <i> Charm, kindness, dreaminess,</i> <i> humor, honor,</i> <i> personality, or smolder?</i> - Smolder. - Honor. That prince I just had on my lap a second ago... But personality-- speaking-- speaking of smolder. - That was quite a surprise. - Yeah. Didn't see that one coming. No. I didn't know that was gonna happen. - The thing that-- - I thought I was just gonna kiss a frog. The thing that you don't know is how long they were making out - before they cut from the frog. - Yeah. You know, that was what I had to endure. That's going on the socials. What's your answer? I've forgotten-- - Smolder. - Smolder? Yeah. I'm shallow. Personality doesn't seem like it should be an option. That's-- they're all personality traits. It's, like, by personality they mean what? I mean, 'cause to me it's either down to humor or honor. And I don't want someone to out humor me. I don't know. My wife does that a lot, and it's pretty charming. Oh! Now I'm all over the place. I'm gonna go with honor. - Hmm. -<i> Okay.</i> Should've gone with humor, though. Didn't. <i> My favorite place to burst into song is...</i> Thought you were gonna say flames. <i> ...a forest, a field of flowers,</i> <i> the beach,</i> <i> on the go, in my room,</i> <i> I don't sing,</i> <i> while doing chores, or under a willow tree?</i> - Ooh! - So in front of my kids so as to embarrass them thoroughly is not an option? 'Cause that's typically where I burst into song. <i> Maybe your kids are in a field of flowers.</i> Good point. Field of flowers. Your kids don't go outside. Good point. What's the indoor option? - Chores. -<i> In my room.</i> - Chores? -<i> While doing chores.</i> Chores. Chores is me. Which is-- That's Snow White. - You already entered it? - Chase: Yep. - Go back! - Chase: Nope. - Can't go back. - What am I, a field of flowers? I'm fine with that. I'm saying in the forest. In the forest. <i> Okay.</i> <i> My favorite hairstyle is...</i> <i> Why-- There's a picture of Lizzie McGuire on this one.</i> <i> ...a stylish bob, a high ponytail,</i> <i> long, really long, bangs,</i> <i> sleek and straight, half up, half down,</i> <i> a top knot, or curly?</i> I'm gonna go with a high ponytail. 'Cause it reminds me of a horse. Hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Long, really long. - Rapunzel. - Rapunzel. I am thinking about who this is gonna end up being. Rapunzel. Long, really long. <i> Some day I want to be...</i> <i> a baker, a business owner, a fashion designer,</i> <i> an animal activist, a singer, a writer,</i> <i> a soldier, or an athlete?</i> Hmm. Hmm. What was the first one? -<i> A baker. </i> - A baker. ( whispering ) Nah. I don't see you-- I don't see you as a baker. I wanna be a singer. "Sanger." A writer. - That's R-I-D-E-R, right? - ( laughter ) <i> Correct.</i> I'm gonna ride the horse at Link's parade. <i> In one word, my style is...</i> -<i> girly... </i> - Poppin'. <i> classic, timeless, retro--</i> <i> Wow, those are three-- Okay.</i> <i> Bohemian, vintage, functional, or colorful?</i> Vintage. Please read them again. <i> Girly, classic, timeless, retro, bohemian,</i> <i> vintage, functional, or colorful.</i> I think you choose bohemian. Timeless. <i> I live in a castle--</i> Oh, what was your answer to the last one? -<i> Uh-- </i> - You gave up, didn't you? <i> I've already-- Yeah.</i> "I've already moved on in my mind." <i> I live in a castle, in a cottage,</i> <i> in a small town, in a big city,</i> <i> with roommates,</i> <i> in a secluded area,</i> <i> on a farm, or in a mansion.</i> - Cottage. - Secluded area. <i> Oh, this is really difficult for me.</i> <i> Okay, got it.</i> - What? What? -<i> I live in a big city.</i> <i> It's 4 PM!</i> Where is your child? <i> That means it's time to...</i> <i> hit the gym, take a stroll, have tea,</i> <i> work on my chess game, see what my friends are doing--</i> - Chest game? - Yeah, work on that chest game. <i> Have a snack, take a nap, do my chores.</i> Tea. If I say take a nap, I'm Sleeping Beauty all day. Well, just say the thing that's honest, man. - I was gonna say-- there's no coffee? - This is serious. My chair just shrunk. I'm becoming a dwarf. - One of the seven. - Yep. -<i> What did you say, Link? </i> - Take a nap. Take a nap. -<i> Okay. </i> - Tea and nap. <i> Oh, here's a good one.</i> <i> My favorite color is--</i> <i> Well, now I have to-- I'm guessing this is green.</i> <i> I'm gonna say green.</i> <i> It's kind of like a little teal-ish,</i> <i> but I'm gonna go with green.</i> <i> And then the blue is also kind of a teal,</i> <i> but we'll just go with blue. So, green, blue,</i> <i> yellow, kind of like a burnt orange situation,</i> <i> and then a pink.</i> Blue. - Green. - I thought you were burnt orange. My real favorite color is gray. <i> Oh. Okay, I think that we got the results.</i> Are your eyes still closed, by the way? My eyes haven't been closed at all. Yes, they were. I saw your eyes closing and I decided to close mine, too. - That's weird. -<i> Oh, no.</i> <i> It appears as if the only person</i> <i> who got their results was-- was Darren.</i> ( crew chattering ) <i> Oh, what's Rhett?</i> <i> Rhett is Rapunzel.</i> Hey! <i> And Link--</i> -<i> Link's quiz reset itself. </i> - Link broke the quiz. <i> We've gotta get to the bottom of this.</i> -<i> So, one moment. </i> - What? What? <i> ( high-pitched tone )</i> <i> Okay, Link, the results are in.</i> <i> You are Jasmine.</i> <i> "You're stubborn, energetic, and compassionate.</i> <i> You wanna see the world</i> <i> and be allowed to make your own choices.</i> <i> And may we just say that choosing to wear</i> <i> those harem pants was a pretty great start?"</i> <i> That's all.</i> - This is-- - I like the breathability of a harem pant. From "Aladdin"? Is that Jasmine? -<i> Correct. </i> - Al-addin I think is what it's called. Al-addin, yeah. And who is Rhett? Rapunzel? -<i> Rhett's Rapunzel. </i> - What does that mean about him? - Describe that. -<i> I need to get that description</i> <i> that is not currently on my screen right now.</i> -<i> But-- </i> - Cool. <i> We don't have it.</i> <i> Rhett has long hair that goes out of a window.</i> -<i> And likes-- </i> - Likes to take risks? <i> Yep.</i> <i> And likes being barefoot.</i> - Likes heights. -<i> Yep.</i> Mm-hmm.
Channel: Good Mythical MORE
Views: 642,386
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Keywords: rhett and link, good mythical more, rhett and link good mythical more, good mythical more rhett and link, season 13, rhett, link, mythical, rhett which disney princess are you quiz, link which disney princess are you quiz, which disney princess are you quiz, rhett link disney, rhett link disney princess, disney princess
Id: EDcSeoO8fC4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 18sec (738 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 19 2018
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