Where To Find Huge Dragon Egg In Palworld (3 Locations)

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in today's video I'm going to teach you where to find dragon eggs in power world now I'm going to teach you a few different methods because there's a few different locations you can actually go to each of them are slightly different and they can each give you dragon eggs and this is the best chance of finding them now before I get into what I just want to say if you want to learn how to make money from playing video games click the link at the top of the description and there's a free training guide on how to do it so let's get right into the video now the first place that you're going to want to go to get your dragon eggs is to this section of the map it's like the total left of the map and it's basically like this heated area around here so there's lots of volcanoes lots of hot stuff around here now when you're actually trying to find a dragon egg no matter what location you pick on this video I think I'm going to show about three um you need to make sure that you're going high up now the higher you are the more chance you have of finding a dragon egg that's one of the common things we found is that dragon eggs seem to spawn higher up so you know altitude means the higher chance of finding a Dr dragon egg this spot over here is on the total left side of the map um total west side and over here you can see it's all like LV and stuff if you can fly around here to this specific point you're going to find these like buildings they're like quite flat but um they have good surface area on them which means that you're going to be able to find eggs on them quite easily and while you can't necessarily um well I can't tell you exactly where egg will be cuz it is like random for you if you fly around the roofs of these buildings there's a chance that you will find one of these eggs now as I said they are very rare to find um and it's a lot easier to do in the day because you can actually kind of see a lot better as you can see I mean it's at the daytime now and I can actually look around there's also a chance they will spawn on top of the mountains but it's going to be um it's going to be harder to find them you have to fly over you know rocks and all that stuff to get them whereas this is a a little bit easier to pinpoint them so this is the first place I'd recommend go to the west side of the map and just fly around the roofs of these buildings and you might find the dragon eggs you'll also find a lot of scorching eggs and stuff like that um so it's not like a waste of time you will find some kind of eggs here uh but it might just be hard to find a dragon egg so you can see there there's a scorching egg there and um that is where a dragon egg would spawn in one of these sort of egg shell Nest thingies so I can grab myself that and basically yeah just fly around here and eventually you will find one in one of these locations now if you don't want to find one in this location or you're finding it hard then I'll show you the next location in a second one more thing I want to say about this location is that you need to bring yourself some heat resistant um armor because if you don't then you're going to burn quite quickly and you're going to die so make sure you have your armor with you to ensure that um you stay safe basically so that's location number one and I think this is quite a good one but let's move on to location number two so the next location that we have is very close to the last one so last time we were kind of looking up in this region up on the mountains here the next one we're going to go for is this place called the ruin Fortress City now this is a great one because a lot of eggs spawn here and um it's kind of easier to fly around it's not you know the terrain is not so high and low you know it's a bit more consistent so it's kind of work to actually fly around it um so yeah here I am you can just see what we want to do is just look across the top of the buildings and just fly around until we find the eggs that we're looking for they can be on any of these buildings and it's quite easy to see here because the contrast of the egg color compared to the you know towers and stuff is quite you know it's easy to spot but basically you can just fly around this location here and you're going to find lots of eggs here and eventually you'll find a huge dragon egg here so keep just looking around here it's not um it's not too too much stuff here to look through and obviously the stuff does respawn and regenerate sort of thing so if you've um looked through here and you've let it spawn back in the stuff spawn back in you're going to be able to look around here again so you can kind of do like circuits of it I guess and um that's going to allow you to find it a little bit quicker instead of having to sort of fly to complete new locations each time so what you can see I'm doing here is I'm just literally scouting out the whole area looking for the different eggs and it's not going to be an instant process like it will take time these are designed to be hard to find for a reason but this is just you know one of the best locations you can go by actually finding it so fly around here and we'll have a see if we find anything now again with this location you will need to have the heat resistant armor if you don't then you're going to die very quickly and it's just going to be a big nuisance to get your stuff back so make sure you actually invest a bit of time making that before you try and do this it's also a lot easier if you have a flying power like I do here because it's going to make you it's going to allow you to um just get around the area a lot quicker and spot eggs a lot quicker if you're walking on the floor it's like 10 times harder to actually spot eggs as you can see here I've been able to collect quite a few we have um this huge scorching egg here which I was able to find because I was flying around but I think if I wasn't flying around I wouldn't be able to now the last location that we've actually found a lot of success or we've seen people see a lot of success finding the dragon eggs is in this section at the very bottom of the map and it's called the fisherman Village location so I'm just going to jump off here and I'm just going to claim this location and you can look on the map it's at the very bottom here it's called Fisherman's point and all along this beach essentially if you fly along this beach and you look well you can look on the roof and stuff like that but if you fly along the beach it's a large scorching egg you fly on the beach here you're going to see lots of um different eggs you're going to see lots of like you know Shipwrecked boats stuff like that that have eggs in them you can also see these like containers they can contain them um you can even go up to those rocks just try and stay in the vicinity where it's sort of like this whitish sand color and all around here is where you're going to have a good chance of finding them we've seen a lot of people find them in this location so this is probably one of the best locations you can actually look for them and M Mount obsidian in general is like the hot spot for [Music] them if we look around here this is where we've got a high chance to find them now be aware that it literally can take you hours to find them so don't get discouraged I've seen people take 3 hours to find one egg so don't be discouraged if you're not finding them straight away don't think are the location's rubbish because it's just that they are very hard to find and you know they're designed to be hard to find um yeah just keep flying around these locations and I guarantee you will find one eventually um take note of where you find like eggs and that's likely where they're going to spawn again yeah that's basically how you go about finding them so if you enjoyed the video and found it useful be sure to like And subscribe and as I said earlier if you want to learn how to make money by playing video games click the link at the top of the description and there's a completely free training guide which explains exactly how to make money playing video games so thank you for watching and I will see you in the next video
Channel: Easy Earl
Views: 30,988
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, palworld guide, palworld tips, palworld best pals, palworld tips and tricks, palworld gameplay, palworld review, palworld egg locations, where to find huge dragon egg palworld, palworld where to find huge dragon egg, palworld breeding, palworld where to find dragon egg, palworld multiplayer, palworld early access, palworld advanced tips, palworld game, palworld pals, palworld how to, palworld best base location, palworld huge dragon egg location
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 19sec (499 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 29 2024
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