Where To Buy Liquidation Pallets Online! | Pallet Flipping Tutorial

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today i'm going to be giving you my top picks for palette flipping websites that you can purchase palettes from online try saying that five times in a [Laughter] [Music] row [Music] what is up beautiful people today here with another episode of side hustle sunday today we're gonna be talking about liquidation palettes and palette flipping so i want to give you my top six websites that i use for purchasing liquidation palettes online so if you come to my channel in the last few months looking for liquidation palettes or looking for where you can purchase liquidation pallets this is going to be the video for you so what i'm going to be doing is i'm going to be going into the computer and we're going to be looking at each one of these websites and exactly how i purchase those palettes online so a lot of people think that this is like a big huge long drawn out process but it's actually very easy um there's some skill to looking at the manifest if you have a manifest available um also knowing about the shipping and understanding um you know getting a case versus getting a palette um those are a couple things that you may need to learn um so me and april are working on a course that's going to give you like the basic foundation for doing liquidation palettes it should be out in about a week from today um so if you want to check that out please do so also if you like these types of videos please like share and subscribe with your friends also hit that bell icon so you get notifications whenever i release new videos about liquidation palettes alright so let's start out with bulk.com bolt.com is the one of the first websites that we actually use um to actually liquidate or buy liquidation pallets on um it's one of the easiest to use that i've found because they actually have an app and i can just quickly pull up the app look at the um the liquidation palettes that they have um and then i can actually go think go in order everything and it's super quick and super simple i don't have to go on a computer um and i don't have to do anything other than go on to the app uh and do that so if you look at bulk.com they have a very simple website you can look at um they have office um and computer stuff consumer electronics home and garden apparel and accessories uh toys and baby and then also general merchandise and then also you can go and sort everything by the condition so you can go new like new unexpected returns scratching them and salvage then you can also search the newly added um palettes or boxes and that's another cool thing about bulk.com is that they actually have both pallets and boxes so you don't necessarily have to get a big huge pallet and worry about um you know freight shipping anything like that you can actually just get um the cases and the shipping is like 30 on the cases um and another good thing about bulk is that you can actually get um choose a warehouse because they have multiple warehouses all over the united states you can actually get a pallet from a warehouse that's close to you so you can get it pretty quick so we've seen if we order from our tennessee uh warehouse we can get pallets in like as little as two or three days so it's actually pretty good especially if you want to get product quick um so if you go over to um you know let's just look at some new stuff new stuff is generally a lot more expensive than the unexpected returns obviously um but you know you sometimes they put some gems out there and they normally don't last long so you just go in here and you can look at these are um cases you can see case right here this kind of says that it's the case it tells you how many items it is um it also tells you um if the ground shipping is included so on this box right here we'll click on it it says this box right here is 277 and then 30 ground shipping so that means to your door you're only going to pay 307 now i say that um but if you don't have a resale certificate um i would highly recommend you get a resale certificate before you actually purchase online pallets because they will have to charge you sales tax unless you have a reseller certificate which exempts you from sales tax so if you look right here it tells you that this box right here has 252 items in it and that's one dollar and 22 cent per item so you can very quickly go down here they have photos they also have the upc code as well as the asin if it's on amazon so it's really good for doing research if you want to do research before you purchase these palettes you don't want to do like mystery box um scenario bulk is really good because you can do a lot of research up front and know exactly if you can send these items into amazon or how much they're selling for on ebay just general research um also you can see you can kind of do a quick look always whenever i pull one up on bulk.com i'll go through and i'll look at all the photos just to kind of see if it's stuff that i like um so like we'll just cruise through these um this looks like makeup um some flonase more makeup uh just a hodgepodge this is kind of like a hodgepodge kind of palette um but another cool thing about bulk.com is that you can click on download the complete manifest so whenever you download the manifest it'll actually pull up everything that's on uh the palette itself all right so if you're looking at the manifest i'm going to kind of give you a little overview of what the manifest looks like it gives you the palette id which tells you what the palette number is what it is the category which is general merchandise it gives you the license plate number which you can actually use if you want to do like an inventory thing you don't want to use the upc codes you can use these lp numbers and that scans each item so if you're putting into like a square software or into a register or something like that you can use that barcode because they do have that barcode on each item um so it gives you the category of the brand um and then a product name as well as upc code and the asin and the original retail value and the condition so whenever you're looking at this manifest you can do a lot of research from here if it doesn't have the upc code it has the asin number um so for the majority of the items they have the upc codes when i say the majority i think all of the items have upc codes for the most part um unless it's just something like amazon item that doesn't have a upc code it won't have a upc code obviously and sometimes also if it's something that's unknown they'll just say unknown they'll just give a value um just based on what they think the value of it is because i believe that bulk.com goes through each one of the pallets and cases um touch each of the items to manifest those so um you can do a lot of research i've done really well with bulk.com looking at the manifest looking at the um the items that's on the palette and see if i was gonna be overall profitable now there are some caveats to this now what i have seen is that you do have to do your research because you can't just take the manifest and think that it's just going to be 100 um correct because sometimes we are humans um they make errors so you can go in here you may see you know a pack of um onesies and it may say 343 dollars and you know for a you're not three hundred and forty three dollars so you do have to look for that um so do your research if you if you have time to go in here and look at a palette you can do um your research so so i'm gonna say about both all right so the next liquidator i'm gonna look at is liquidation.com this is actually the first uh website i actually purchased uh liquidation palettes from um so liquidation palettes you can get uh any kind from anywhere they have clothing accessories jewelry watches consumer electronics computers networking housewares lighting and general merchandise and tools and machinery so looking at the liquidation website it can be a little overwhelming liquidation is a bid site so each one of their pallets are you have to bid on them um we don't really like doing bids too much me in april um because sometimes the bids can kind of go up and i think that's what the extreme unboxing show is probably going to affect the most is the bid sites because a lot of people just know about liquidation.com a lot of people just think that they have to come on here to purchase websites or purchase so a lot of people think they just have to come on here to purchase pallets and they are going to be bidding bidding bidding just trying to get one and i think the prices can be inflated because new people probably won't understand the value that you need to get a liquidation palette at um so we'll just kind of go through one of them just to kind of look at what you are going to be looking at so this right here is a it's closing today at 7 15. it is 7.05 so this one closed in 10 minutes um it's audio it has beat solo headphones um some kind of amplifier and it has an msrp of 1795 so that's the full price msrp uh value all right so if you look at this um this right here it doesn't give you too many pictures whenever you go on liquidation.com it doesn't really give you lots of pictures um but you know you can kind of get a general idea of what um is in the palette based on that so right now we see that the palette is going for 336. um and then also you need to look at what the shipping cost is going to be so this right here is in so this palette right here is actually coming from las vegas nevada so i've actually purchased from this place before um a couple of times and shipping from las vegas to chattanooga tennessee is a lot it's a very expensive so if i look at this and i see that the pounds is like 100 200 300 pounds um i'm probably not gonna go with that pallet because of the shipping cost that's going to be associated with that but this right here only has 67 items in it it's an electronics palette so generally generally those are a lot uh cheaper to ship um these are um unexpected returns so you don't really know what you're going to get so let's look at the shipping first so the first thing you can do is you go down here to shipping details and you look at what the minimum shipping fee the minimum shipping fee on this one is 40 dollars and 25 cents but you can get a quote so you can click on get a quote it already has my information in here so all i have to do is click calculate shipping costs so it's gonna give me a shipping cost so my estimated shipping cost is 101 dollars and eight cents um and also that does not include the buyers premium um so on liquidation.com there is a buyer's premium that you have to pay so you have to pay the price of the pallet you have to pay the shipping you have to pay the sales tax and you also have to pay the buyer's premium all those things are not included in that bid price so whenever you're purchasing from liquidation.com you want to make sure that you are looking at actually what the price the total price of the liquidation palette is because if you don't you're going to get into a lot of trouble all right so i talked a little bit about the buyer's premium so the buyer pre buyers premium is going to be right here this is going to tell you what the buyer's premium is so it's 10 of whatever the total cost of the pallet is um so it does tell you this i i've never seen one that's different they're always 10 whenever i do those um but they may be different if one that you look at all right so this lot is actually manifested so let's go and look at the manifesto just to see exactly what the items are um it has a lot of uh it has netgear um it nighthawks it has some beats by dre um it has some assorted electronics which you don't really know what that is when it says assorted electronics um it has some ink cartridges um it has a few things it has a lot of low priced items and then it has a few like kind of higher priced items the only problem with purchasing a liquidation palette that has like one or two big items is that you're really banking on getting those items in a really good condition are getting them in a state that where you can resell them for quite a bit of money to kind of get your money back for the palette so i would not recommend getting a palette that has one or two large items that pays for the whole palette the hope is that you get one of those items that pays for the whole palette but you don't want to bank you don't want to put your money on a pallet that you may or may not get your money out of all right so now let's move on to wholesale ninjas wholesale ninjas is a website that we've used quite a bit of times um we actually just purchased from them um maybe two or three weeks ago so wholesale ninjas is a just a straight priced um website so whatever the price is what you pay they give you quotes on shipping um and they also have a breakdown service so if you don't want if you can't get a whole pallet to your house same for instance you live on a road that you can't like receive a big huge truck on you can do the palette breakdown service so what they do is they break the palette down and then all they do is send you the boxes so this target one that we just got recently um they broke it down to 30 boxes and they just sent us 30 um boxes via ups as opposed to a big huge palette um so if we look at the wholesale ninjas website um you can see right here i clicked on palettes and they've got target case packed that's one that we just got for 750 um they've got target palettes they've got target general merchandise two palettes you can get four palettes you can get six palettes and they give you just one just one price for those items um also they have different things like wholesale stuff so they got this right here has 990 of them uh on it they have some luffa sponge um they've had these items for quite a while wholesale ninjas also has a lot palette so you can go in here and if you like makeup you can buy makeup if you like health and beauty sometimes they have health and beauty um so this website changes very regularly so you have to look on here and kind of see what they have um but the reason i like wholesale ninjas is because i don't have to bid on them and i can just purchase them for a straight price so if i know if i got you know eight hundred dollars i can go and buy one of these target pallets and i'll have new merchandise all right so now let's jump over to quick lot so quick likes is one that's kind of controversial we've ordered from uh quick lots quite a bit um before but you know some people don't really like quick lights because of some of the merchandise that you get from it but i've never had any problems with their merchandise um so quick lots also is a straight priced website so that means that you pay whatever the price is that they have and a lot of their cases and pallets have shipping built in so it just the price is what it is so right now we're looking at the cases you can get a mystery box you can get a phone case box apparel mystery box designer apparel and a designer shoes mixture box so these mystery boxes you don't really know what's in them they kind of give you like a little preview like a photo of what could be in those boxes so don't look at these photos and think that that's what you're going to get because you're going to be um very upset when you look through it and you don't have these items in there but this is just a general idea of what could be in these boxes and i've never had any problems with uh quick lots before we've ordered some band palettes which are palettes of just just a podge podge of stuff but you have like two or three you know well not really two or three you had like five or six kind of big items um and we only paid like 195 for the palace so it's very cheap um i think we had like microwaves and we had all kind of stuff inside of our palette but the bulk of the palette is just like really cheap stuff but you know you can go in here you can get a mystery box of these cell phone cases and it's 295 dollars they kind of give you a synopsis of what is actually in the box so you get 100 items um so your cost is 2.95 per item um it tells you it's retail ready so that means they don't have a lot of cuts and tape and all this kind of stuff on them um and they do get sitting in the case so you don't necessarily have to worry about you know receiving a truck to your house or to your business something like that so now that is the cases let's look at the pallets so the pallets are a little bit different um because they are a little bit higher priced um not a little they're a lot a bit higher priced um you know like this apparel designer apparel is four thousand dollars but it's supposedly for 25 000 worth of merchandise um they have brand new shoes um we've gotten one of those pallets brand new shoes they were all brand new um electronic palettes five thousand dollars which is kind of expensive um you know and then they have that's it that's all they have right now now they do have some other items or some other uh liquidation palettes every now and again you do have to come over here and check and see if they got those items in um we've also gotten the power plug uh pallets before and we've gotten the electronics pallets before so they are a really good resource if you're trying to get merchandise pretty quickly and want to get like some clean stuff all right the next liquidation site that we're going to look at is smaller lots this is one that's relatively new i believe their parent company is mid tennessee wholesale something like that but this is smaller lights.com if you are on facebook and you are looking up liquidation palace you've probably seen an advertisement for smaller lots if you want to see an unboxing of smaller lights um go to my other channel palette jacking so that'll be youtube.com pallet jacket and we actually unbox three of these smaller lots palettes um extra boxes i'm sorry um but these uh smaller lights are exactly what they say they are smaller lights they are very um small boxes but they do have value inside of those boxes and out of the boxes that we got we were actually profitable if you look at all three of the boxes that we had um so just looking through the small lots website you can see that the prices are very very cheap they're very affordable and you can also make offers on the boxes themselves so once we click on one of them it actually gives you a manifest so the manifest just like bulk.com you can really go through and look at the profitability before you actually make you make your purchase on this website it gives you the unit cost it gives you what the item is and it also gives you the asin if it is an amazon item now that doesn't necessarily mean that you are going to get an item that you can sell because these are unexpected returns so just because it's in the box doesn't mean that it's full or unbroken um or untouched so you do you are taking the risk um looking at the manifest and making a decision off of the manifest because this palette right here or this box is 371 um and it has about uh about a thousand dollars worth of items in it so you know that's a little more that's about 30 37 of retail which is kind of high um but you could at least double your money so a lot of times when we look at liquidation pallets we look to double our money so if we bought this pallet or this box and it was 371 um if we could make 700 from this box we would probably be okay with that also on smaller lots the shipping is included inside of the price so 371 is what you pay you don't pay any additional for shipping all right so last but not least it's one that we've only used one time before but it's worth a mention is marketplaceliquidation.com so they have a lot of clothing a lot of target stuff a lot of chef pools a lot of discontinued items and different things like that so the reason i chose this site was because we purchased some pop sockets from this website we got like 173 of them um it was actually a really good price and we did really well with the pop sockets and um if we ever see those pop cycles again on this website we will purchase from them but what i like about this website is you can get small um boxes you don't have to get like big huge palettes um so if you are a new person and you are a person that um want to get into liquidation palettes but don't have a lot of money i don't have a lot of space you can actually get into these smaller cases just to kind of get your business started all right i know that was a ton of information but i wanted to make sure that you were able to look at each one of these websites and kind of make a decision on your own i will leave a link to all of those websites down in the description section below so take some time look over the websites and see if these are companies that you would like to do business with um if you are a new liquidator or if you really want to get into liquidation palettes and palette flipping um you can actually go to these websites and kind of do some research before and see if this is going to be a business for you if you want to check out unboxings from these liquidators you can go over to my channel at uh youtube.com slash pallet jacking palette jacking just like the hat says palette jacking um and we do unboxings on that channel uh of these liquidators not necessarily just these we do a lot of other liquidators as well so if you like these types of videos please like share and subscribe i really appreciate it also hit that bell icon so you notifications whenever i release new videos i will see you guys on the next [Music] no no no no no no no no no no no no
Channel: T.J. Lovelady
Views: 18,715
Rating: 4.9812427 out of 5
Keywords: liquidation, liquidation pallets, pallet flipping, reselling on ebay 2020, returns pallet unboxing, extreme unboxing, flipping pallets, where to buy liquidation pallets near me, where to buy liquidation pallets from amazon, buying liquidation pallets, tj lovelady, how to start a pallet liquidation business, pallet liquidation business, bulq, wholesale ninjas, quicklotz, wholesale ninjas unboxing, liquidation sites, reselling liquidation, liquidation pallets reviews
Id: -U6j8apLLpI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 30sec (1290 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 19 2020
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