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[Music] all right here we go we're pulling it out of the jungle oh man there we go she's up it's covered in dress yeah it is help oh okay you're ready to roll a broken bow yep this is the head so the head's already been switched maybe the car runs no no way welcome to today's video everybody and i'm really excited because today i'm very hopeful that we're going to get a particular car started you guys know we're back in okinawa yes we are on vacation but i made sure with may she's in the car chilling in aircon that i could have at least a couple hours on our vacation so that we could do one thing and that is to try and get this thing started and running but before i want to touch anything on this car let's give it a bath [Music] [Music] so we've just done a pretty quick pressure wash to try and get as much of the foliage and just any gunk on it off it and uh this thing's come up really good uh we can see a few more like little rust spots like surface rust coming through here on the sill there and whatnot nothing i'm worried about stuff that we knew we're gonna have to get addressed i'm still surprised there's no rust whatsoever around this sunroof but we'll get that checked as well when we get to the body part so you can see just me rubbing my hand on this more dirt just keeps coming off it so like i said just a quick pressure wash but this thing came up so good you get a really good look at this artwork that was like airbrushed into it's like a little grim reaper there but uh the wheels came up really really good certain places they're going to need to be re-polished like you can see here the metals got a bit discolored no matter how much i rub on that that's fine that'll all like clean up really nice with some polish but yeah car looks a thousand times better even with just a quick wash managed to get like all in the seams here and get everything out too so shouldn't get any more like deteriorated or worse or rust anymore and you can see here the paint's like coming off in this section here yeah so not too worried about it and we cleaned out the engine bay pressure washed everything in here too so it's nice and clean i'm not too worried about water getting in any senses or anything like that because i'm going through all of that today and uh we're taking the valve cover off actually today as well so got some fresh uh parts to go in there so may got out of the car she's here to help now is that so you can match my height yeah get those shots first bird's eye view high shots like this be careful that's pretty hard i have neck problems that's true mae has neck problems because she's always looking up at me because my husband is too i honestly i don't mind you taking a foot off me you can just chop it off then then i'll actually fit in like smaller japanese cars like cappuccinos rx7s and stuff like that anyways that aside today's job is we're going to take the valve cover off again i'm going to pull those rusty cams out not going to even bother trying to clean them i've got some brand new hks step one cams that i grabbed from okachana yashiro factory while i was still in mainland and i also got a set of hks spark plugs and uh we're going to change all those out and we'll see if we get this thing started we're going to try first on some parts cleaner oh we're also going to be doing an oil change of course um but yeah we're going to try first on some parts cleaner see if that doesn't get it to um start and if it does then we'll try and see if we can get some gas in here now i'm sure the gas in here isn't that great but i do have a full five gallon uh thing of high octane gas that we can put in there and hope that kind of mixes with the old gas and like let us get it running you know obviously we need to drain this but we don't i don't really know where i can drain this old gas to be honest over here so you know we'll work with what we've got right now and that's what we've got so yeah hopefully be at the end of this video we might hear this sr start you excited yeah another sylvia another silvia that's right another day another day another silvia i like that that's a new shirt imagine just having like like when i when i when i said ichigozoku guys like and that means 15 gang i meant i wanted a gang of 15s like a gang is how many more than a plural i don't know if it's a specific number but maybe i need like 20 sylvias for that i don't know anyways we're ranting on this is cringe let's get into wrenching get the valve cover off get the new cams on we'll go through everything and show you guys what's up yeah don't drop the tens right me shhh i'll get it from the other side these are in here really loose so things are looking really good under here now that we got these cams out i can really see that the damage was really localized to the cams my rocker arms here do have a little bit of surface rust on them but that's going to come off right away just a bit of parts cleaner so that's just residue from the cam so i'm just going to go through rub these with my fingers i don't have a brush or anything but that's all they need we'll get that all nice and clean reassemble and then put the fresh cams in so i'm going to get to doing all my rocker arms right now you guys don't want to see that that's boring and then um yeah we'll pick it up once we're ready to drop these fresh cams in you guys probably would have seen i marked the chain and everything on the sprockets so that everything can stay in time the best thing about srs is timing chains and as long as you don't drop the chain down in there and you put something like you know i use a long pointy nose pliers to hold the chain off to the side as long as your markings all stay there you can just put it all back together and not have to worry about timing it's super awesome actually one of the many things i love about srs i don't like srs about these but i mean you can fix that with a vl vvl head right in the air anyways so i'm gonna go through clean every single rocker once again and then we'll be good making sure everything's in the right place too though i already found one of the locators on the wrong side so just triple check everything all right we're getting our vct gear on i'm so scared i mean there is a talk spec for this but a couple agga duggars today will be okay what's a good dagger the sound that that makes torque spec yeah it's called good and tight oh i love having brett around he's like tommy 2.0 i know right he's like tommy but he's happy i know yeah all righty fresh hks step one cam just placing it for now and then um we'll get the other one in there line it all up get the chains on and we'll be good it's all coming together these cams i thought they were pond cams but i don't see any tomae markings on them anywhere so it's super sauce these look like stock cams uh time normally has like a a marking here with their part number and everything there's nothing on these games so so what's probably another thing that that shop owner stole and sold to someone i've had so many dms and messages from people like bro i'm so sorry i did not know that that car was owned by someone the owner of the shop just was like yo you want some parts i'll sell you this i'll sell you that and he took it off the car and sold it to them so seems like it happened a lot nothing on here whoa that was quick you want to explain about the mr dinosaur here alright source approved actually i don't think that's probably not what was your bracket i suppose you guys tell us in the comment section what this is oh that type of dinosaur yeah yeah i don't know either were you ever into dinosaur sam um i guess as a kid i was yeah so i just finished putting in the new hks cams everything went really really smoothly i obviously don't have a torque wrench or anything like that to make sure everything's correct um but i just took my time and went really really slowly and i tried to make sure i wasn't over tightening any of the cam caps um this is the shortest wrench adjustable or well i guess torque wrench thing that i could find and i just held it like this while i tightened everything that's gonna give me somewhere in the ballpark um but obviously this motor is gonna be coming out once we get this thing to my shop and i can do everything properly this is just to try and see if we can get it running get it kind of putting around so we can transport it worst-case scenario if we can't get it transporting we'll put this thing on a pallet and it'll go as a stationary car but as you can see cams are in we're kind of good now i flushed a bunch of fresh oil through the head so hopefully uh hopefully this should run now um timing should all be the same and good i just got to put my tensioner back in and yeah i think i think we're good valve cover back on coil packs in we'll change the plugs and then i think it's uh it's go time we start cranking this and see if we get it firing so next clip you'll see is engine back together with the valve cover on and then [Music] spark plugs let's do that because i want to check see what they look like a few moments later so some time has passed now i actually discovered that on a couple of the rockers whoever assembled this head the locating shim was on the wrong side on the right side to the left side so we had to take the cam off again and do a bunch of other stuff but i have my new hks plugs in there now and i wanted to show you guys the old plugs these look brand new um they just look very suited up from this thing running too rich like it's not too carboned on there but i can like bring it rub it off with my finger there's no like water or signs or anything like that in there looking through the top i didn't see any pistons like that look like they had water or anything in there either um but i did drop a little bit of oil in each one of them so that will help like lube up the rings a bit so she's probably gonna be smoking when she starts up i think that's a given um i'm gonna check for gas leaks in a little bit right now i actually am draining the oil into an oil pan so we'll pull that out and take a look at that in a bit but everything's back together head side coil packs and new spark plugs as well with those new hk cams so fingers crossed we don't have any problems i'm a little sketched out with how some of those locator shims were on the wrong side um but yeah hopefully we don't have any problems if this doesn't spit a rocker or anything like that um but yeah we should be okay so i just drained all the old oil out of it and you can see that there's just like some broken down like oil in there with a bit of moisture so that white floaty stuff like it's not grainy or anything it's kind of just like moisture or water like a little bit of that like floating in the top of the oil for the most part though like oil's not too bad there's no metal shavings or anything like that in it so i'm pretty hopeful honestly this this may all be okay anyways i've got the fresh oil in there i'm kind of ready to start cranking this thing and build up some uh some oil pressure so i'm gonna let the jack down here and then uh we might be good to roll okay previously we had a fuel leak here where it was spraying out um and i just tightened the fittings and it seems like we don't have anything now if i turn the key and we prime this you can hear that this gets up to pressure and it doesn't seem to spray out anywhere move this around it doesn't leak so maybe we're okay now um i'm gonna obviously keep a close eye on it because we don't want fuel going everywhere but yeah you can definitely hear fuel passing through that um but i've got the chem angle sensor unplugged because i want to just hear this thing rotate around and we want to see the oil pressure light go off the dash that lets us know that the engine has pumped some fresh oil and everything through everything then we can go and crank it it's something we want to see also the turbo too so um i'm gonna try to crank this now will it crank lock up i i don't know i put this winch green screen down and uh let's see [Music] that didn't sound that great all right played some musical batteries let's see how we go now oh that sounds better sounds okay i want to see that oil light disappear off the dash though i want to see that oil getting pumped around all right we'll give it a break for a bit i'll get another battery pack on there but that sounds pretty good compression i don't know it's hard to tell because i'm not standing in front of the engine to really hear what it sounds like but it sounds okay it's rotating so that's a plus we'll let the battery thing chill for a little bit and then uh do another like 30 seconds of cranking we should have oil pressure everywhere we need it that sounds much better now we're looking ready for that oil light it's gonna take a long time this thing has been sitting no the turtle's kind of spinning guys that's what i want to see all right stop let it chill for a bit longer this is exciting you haven't seen this thing run in a long time right now did you ever see this running uh just at the car show at the car shows this is gerald by the way he's kind of like drift guru out here in okinawa he's got the hookups um dude this is so exciting it actually like from hearing it out here compression timing kind of sounds good like if the timing was off i would have heard like some valve slapping or something because i was a little bit worried that i got the chain mixed up it sounds a lot different than out there yeah it does sounds really good oh i'm nervous i'm nervous but it's a good nervous it's oh man this could just all start hopefully fingers crossed see if we can get oil pressure now it is the oil pressure light just went off the dash which means we're good now there's no way it's going to start this easily right if i just plug the cam angle sensor in there's there's no way that it's just going to start that easy um joe could you give me a hand please and uh i guess crank this thing i'm gonna man the pots cleaner and see if we can get this thing running at all uh yeah i'll scream at you if you need to stop yeah crank it no way right no no way dude no way no way no way yeah go dude i mean we haven't even i haven't put fresh gas in this yet is yep no is it idling right now there is no way oh shut it off shut it off shut it off there is no way there is no way right now did that just idle by itself it did yes there is no way dude can you believe that dude this thing sat for years dude okay hang on hang on hang on i can't believe this is even running on the old gas should put that fresh gas in the tank just mix it up i mean you can hear the bearings and stuff on like the power steering and whatnot it's not happy but do i give it a little blip i don't want to oh yeah it's going to do that a lot i think did the turbo spinning there is no way right now i cannot believe this there is no way there is just no way this is happening right now there is no way that this is running and idling like this yo no way i i thought it was going to fight me and be a lot harder than this the fact that it's just running right now what the hell oh yeah dude it's fine it's definitely uh it's gonna smoke a lot from the manifold with all the heat wrap yo look at all the spiders running out of it oh man that's fine there is no way yo i we we need a party tonight or something there is no way no freaking way no way no way just no way hang on first turbo sounds did you hear it [Music] no so that noise is like a bearing i think it's a power steering power steering doesn't look happy yeah all of that is all from the heat wrapping and like all the moisture and crap and spider nests on there yeah this is insane oh look at that big spider he's not gonna be happy there is no way right now [Music] it sounds so happy i can't believe this like you've got to be joking right how it's running it's idling fine that power steering pulley that power steering pump is not happy though yeah like a few hours of work change camps new oil plugs and it's running it's actually running one thing i've noticed about this car is there are a lot of spiders running away from the engine bay now like lots of them um but that aside i want to see if these things like if this is gonna even move like is it trans okay or anything like we don't know so first drive in abandoned s15 question mark is that about to happen i'm just gonna you know put that away from that hot steamy downpipe that's that's a big yikes there i think maybe that's meant to go over the top i don't know i'm gonna yeah i'm gonna fix this so after a little bit of cable management some zip ties i think uh i think we're good for first drive i'm scared is this like is it trans okay is does it move i don't know i don't know let's all find out together oh power steering is not happy see the seat go back oh that's better a little too far back though bullet will it move the answer is no we have no clutch no clutch no clutch looks like the clutch needs bleeding or something there's no clutch we might need to bleed it or the lines broken oh yeah it's back it's back we got this now we're in first gear will it move whoa no way are we driving this around right now no this should not be allowed this is this is not okay this is not okay this thing was abandoned for like so long and i'm just driving it away it's like i stole it i stole this car a second time the first guy who stole it the guy who ran that dodgy workshop the brakes work dude it's definitely going to need some work doesn't have a good tune but it can putt around and i think that's what's important the fact that this thing pucks around do that nismo cluster is doing things to me that is awesome [Music] [Music] [Music] like it feels a little responsive the tune's way off but it's pretty good [Music] it sounds crazy go in the back go up the back i want them to hear the noise [Music] uh [Music] did we yeah for real yeah no i'm so mind blown that this thing's running i want to do a burnout but we're not gonna get ahead of ourselves we accomplished today's mission the car is one it's running two it's driving i didn't think those two were gonna happen in the same video but yeah i'm beyond stoked i hope you guys are stoked put it down in the comment section but yeah we're gonna park this thing back in clean up dude i can't wait till may season this thing's running that's gonna be cool [Music] out now [Music] i stole it at least the hambrick [Music] mind-blowing that this still runs like that and look you just turn the key to start again straight away you would not know that this thing sat for so long so mindling well we got this thing running today and i am still mind blown that it it it was so easy i was expecting it to fight me i was expecting that everything i was doing there was still going to be some major problem um i was really worried about timing and and whether or not that was going to be okay but dude this thing ran and it runs fine it runs like there's no problem with it whatsoever i feel like i feel like i stole this car like i'm just waiting for something to be completely wrong with it or something you know what i mean like it just feels too good to be true but um yeah there it is we need to come up with a name for this we need to come up a name for all my s15s because if we just keep getting more and more of them um which i'm sure we will as things progress in the channel we're probably gonna get at least another couple like one or two s15s because i don't think i can make this a manhattan practice car now so i need to find another one of those anyone in okinawa got an s15 for sale that's kind of like rusted out and not worth you know doing anything but turning into mayhem missile let me know dm me but yeah i'm i'm still mind blown by this like i have no words i hope you guys are just as excited as i am and i cannot wait to get this thing running driving but well it just it's like so close like it's just we're at that point now it feels amazing but anyways guys i've been ranting on for a while now i need to go uh meet up with the wife at the hotel but i hope you guys are excited smash that like button write us a comment and subscribe and i'll see you all in the next one peace out jump up can't believe [Music] no no way dude no way no is it idling right now there is no way
Channel: SAMMIT
Views: 756,848
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SAMMIT, Japan, Vlog, Japanese, Adam LZ, Turbo build, Engine Build, Cars, Car, Project Car, drive, Turbo, Garrett, cheap, affordable, diy, how to, import, drift, drifting, Nissan, jdm, rhd, autovlog, 180sx, 200sx, 240sx, S15, R33, R34, Skyline, R33.4, abandoned, okinawa, saved, saving, running, first start, it runs, save, Abandon, Silvia, S15 Silvia, SR20, SR21
Id: 5CD_pxO3M7U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 22sec (1762 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 29 2022
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