WHERE IS Kyron Horman?! Portland Boy Disappears From School

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hey guys welcome back so it has been quite a while since I've done a where is which you don't know where is is a series I do on my channel and it talks about different missing-persons cases it's been a cool series because not only our view case is very interesting it's so important to get these stories out to people as many people as possible and I just figured as a youtuber the least I can do is try to use my platform to you know share some of these stories and today we're going to be talking about the case of Chiron Horman so I've been following this case for a little over a year now and it's really really crazy because today is actually in May 25th and you're seeing this a week later but the data in filming is May 25th and is National Missing Children's Day and I didn't even know this but this morning literally just saw it posted to the internet an hour ago highroads mom actually gave a speech in that speech she says something that really hit home for me she touched on how important it is to get stories like this out there and bring awareness to them when you Miss Desiree on and for those of you who may not know me already and my son is Tyra Norman somedays the hope that our child will come home is all that keeps us going it is our job as parents to keep our child's case in the public eye when there's not regular media coverage some cases get forgotten I hope that you take our story and go back to your homes and download flyers and photos and share them not just of Chiron but of all missing children in persons in the state of Oregon get more involved please share their stories all it takes is one person to see his face and report that tip that could bring him a home and it just made me feel even better about filming this today after seeing that from hurt really felt like I was meant to talk about Chiron today and I have a very strong feeling that this case will be solved fairly soon honestly in my opinion I mean obviously no one knows the future but I do think it's possible so I'm ready to start telling you guys about the case and everything that happened with it but before we start that I have two little announcements number one and this is really exciting the main reason that I haven't done aware is video in a while is because I've been waiting for a project that I've been working on the fall all together and fall into place so I'm really excited to tell you guys about it I wanted to do something positive with these warez videos you know it's great to spread awareness and everything but how can we do something positive to actively help you know Missing and Exploited Children so I have found an organization called thorn which is actually founded by Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore but the right to pursue happiness for so many is stripped away it's raped it's abused it's taken by force fraud or coercion it is sold for the momentary happiness of another my day job is as the chairman and the co-founder of thorn we built software to fight human trafficking in the sexual exploitation children I've seen video content of a child with the same age as mine being raped by an American man there was a sex tourist in Cambodia in six months with 25% of our users reporting we've identified over 6,000 trafficking victims 2,000 of which are minors this tool is in the hands of 4,000 law enforcement officials in 900 agencies and we're reducing the investigation time by 60% this tool is effective to fishing it's simple it's better it's smarter but it's an amazing organization that is focusing on innovative tools and technology to possibly solve and help children that are being sexually exploited online which as you guys know many missing-persons cases that people often end up in sex trafficking so this is all about developing new technology to stop people from doing that the exact trafficking industry is huge and the u.s. is actually the number one producer of child pornography so thorn is all about creating new and innovative technologies that will help be able to solve some of these cases quicker track down online predators they're doing truly amazing work and their donations actually break down like this exact amount that they would need to do certain things and you can see exactly where your money is going so anyway I thought it would be cool if we could focus in on thorn you know make it my channel's mission to help thorn and to aid in this new technology development which is just so important I have come up with a new idea to sell limited edition merch and 100% of all the profits that we make off of these shirts and t-shirts and stuff are going to go to form 100% of it which is so cool so I have not a very artistic person so I reached out to my subscribers via social media and asked if any of them are graphic designers that would like to be part of this project and I got so many responses that thanks to everyone who went ahead and filled out a response we have a few designers and each one of them has made a design that they think is fitting for this channel and whatever way they see way that's body positivity or investigation or conspiracy theories or whatever it is I asked them to make a design that represents them as an artist and each time I put out aware is video there will be a new set of merchandise available that will be limited-edition for 21 days from the day that this video is posted this month our designer was Brandon he is super super nice he actually had the YouTube channel that I'm going to link below I hope you guys can go maybe check it out support him since he created this awesome piece for us for the project and this is what he designed I'm so obsessed with this design you guys how cool I am definitely going to be ordering one once the campaign launches I think they come in t-shirts and employee options there's a couple different options there description box if you want to check them out and what's so cool is if you really like this series and you really feel passionate about thorne you can purchase it every single time that I post aware is video and collect them all so I'm going to definitely be getting them all because they're all limited edition things but you'll never see any whale tab because they're designed by subscribers to this channel I just think it's such a cool way for us all to get involved and give back and I'm excited to you know see how much we can raise for thorne because I will be keeping a running total so I hope you guys are as excited about that as I am one other thing I did want to say I don't know how many of you have seen my video on Kristin smart but it was the second missing persons video that I did and I actually heard back from her family and they were really really grateful for the video they said that I did a better job than most you know reporters have done so it meant a lot to me I guess her mom was really happy with it and they reached out to me again recently and wanted me to share this information with you guys that they have now decided to make the Christmas smart website which used to be a missing-persons website and they're actually trying to make that a foundation so if you're interested in that it will be a link to Christmas Mart's foundation in the description box as well as a new website called dig up the yard which is all about convincing the police to finally dig up the remains of Kristin smart in the location which most of us think that they are I'm sorry I know that was a really long introduction we can go ahead and get into the chyron hormon case now I just had a couple things I had to share you guys okay so chiron hormon pyrin hormann was born on september 9th of 2000 q and he disappeared on June 4th of 2010 and when he disappeared he was only 7 so he'd be quite a bit older now he's the kind of son that every father hopes they're going to have he likes to get dirty he's definitely a typical seven year old pick it's dirty all the time he was actually taken from his elementary school Skyline Elementary School in Portland Oregon on that day and nobody knows what happened or where he went ever since he was only in second grade and his father is named Kane Mormon and Kane actually had cheated on Desiree while she was pregnant with Chiron which was pretty crazy they actually both got remarried and lived in separate houses in separate areas Kane actually remarried a woman named carry and carry actively raised Chiron because Chiron ended up living with cane and carry for all of his life not because Desiree was a bad mom or anything they both got remarried to people who had kids from other marriages there's other kids involved Desiree was sick with severe kidney problems I had gotten to the point where I was in the hospital usually three or four times throughout the year two kidneys were failing yeah I was so sick that I was passing out at time Aaron would you know hurt himself if I happen to have passed out Desiree says she went to Canada for treatment and gave Kane temporary custody of Chiron but when she got back still recovering and drowning in medical bills they decided together that Chiron would be best off staying with his dad felt like it was best for Chiron his name is his dad they were really really close and friends say Terry was an attentive stepmom active in Chiron school Byron's mom would visit him often in Portland OR Chiron would make the trip on weekends and holidays to her house five hours south in Medford Oregon I think even though she had you know separated from Kane she knew Kane was still a really good dad and felt like that was the best place for him she sent us said that she regrets it so Terry actually had an older son from a previous marriage and he lived with them for a brief period of time however Kane and him were not getting along so he was actually kicked out and really nothing to do anything but it's important that we should probably know they also have a daughter together named Kiara hi Reza had a science fair at his school he was in seventh grade and they did some type of science fair and he actually did a project on tree frogs and this is a picture of him this is actually the last picture of him which is very odd because he's wearing a CSI shirt but I just noticed that was kind of weird but anyway that day Harry Gorman brought in school normal day just nothing out of the ordinary got the school about 8:15 I believe it was kind of like an open house ish type thing that day you know there wasn't a lot of security going on but it is also you know a little while ago but it was a science fair and I had five surgeon stuff like that to where the doors were just open and parents were able to come in and out and see the projects and stuff so cool actually wasn't starting that day till 10 a.m. however Terry brought him to designs fair stayed for a little bit and there's an infamous picture I took of him took that picture and then she said that she loved at 8:45 a.m. which was still an hour and 15 minutes before classes started and she said the lot of times she thought Chiron was walking down a hallway towards his classroom and she was going on opposite direction to her car there's two levels to the school okay but his his is on his class on top and so he went up the stairs by the office I went up the stairs that are by the gym and then I've got the baby and he are diaper bag and so he beat me up you know the stairs and then he was going down the hallway I stood I saw him go I stood at the top and watched him write about his he got to his door his classroom door the back I felt last thing I remember at the back of his head right by this right by the stairs to his door this class was right where you can see the stairwell they're lying for the stairwell and left for his classes at what does the first class started the teachers realized that Chiron was not there but he was march absent and no one at the school decided to contact Terry or cane or Desiree and let them know that Chiron was at school because normally when a younger kid doesn't show up to school day they normally Collins checked just in case they got lost walking to school or something happened so anyway that was kind of bizarre Tyrone was normally fooled to get off the bus at home at 3:30 and when he didn't get off the bus at 3:45 Carrie freaked out and called school but they realized that he wasn't at school that day they immediately reported him as a missing person this wasn't just a temporary mix-up Chiron was really missing the school secretary dialed 911 out to parents in the Portland School District skyline's second grader Chiron Harmon did not arrive home from school today that call set off shockwaves of disbelief I'm very worried and I hope he's okay not really really bizarre and some people have brought up the idea well maybe he just left well according to his teachers and family and friends none of them believe that because they said that Chiron was actually a pretty timid kid was kind of shy and not super outgoing and no one really thought he would just leave the school Gina Zimmerman a parent from Skyline says the Chiron she knows would never just walk out of school especially on such an important day so that's been kind of ruled out obviously when the police came they questioned all the parents because in situations like this oftentimes children are taken by someone they trust so they obviously were very interested in Terri decorator husband drove a couple hours from where they lived all the way to meet with Kane and Terri and police at search teams started combing the area Chiron's mother Desiree and her husband Tony raced up to Portland from their home in Medford Oregon when they heard the awful news they had called chiron stepmother Carrie hormann just before jumping in the car I had told her I'm coming up there and she said you are and she seemed surprised at that which I thought was strange said of course I am I'll be there and you know four or four and a half hours they were completely dedicated can see from these photos they just look absolute at all four parents Aaron's parents all four appeared in public for the first time members of the family stood side-by-side look closely and you can see some interesting body language between Chiron's mother Desiree on the left in the sweater and his stepmother Terri she reached she put her arm around you at one point it's a little strange for your ex-husband's new wife to be hugging you and caressing you it just seemed strange to me that strange feeling for Desiree had been steadily growing into full-blown suspicions it started when all four family members submitted to lie-detector tests Tony tells Dateline he noticed right away that something wasn't gelling for detectives because they asked Terry Horman to submit to a polygraph more than once what's really strange is Terry in her statement claims that she thought a stranger in this school which is super odd because when it closes the people in the school be strangers to her most people other parents wishing you every other parent she couldn't describe this stranger she just remember seeing someone there which I just think is kind of odd have you been brought that up so the police obviously asked her to recount that whole day in account for where she was the entire day and this was her exact payment to police she said that she left the school around 8:45 a.m. and she ran errands at the local grocery store so about 10:00 10:00 and between 10:10 a.m. and 11:30 9 a.m. she states that she drove her daughter around town in an attempt to use the motion of the vehicle to suit the toddler's earring she then states that at 11:39 she went to the local gym and worked out till about 12:40 p.m. and by 12:21 p.m. she had arrived home and posted pictures of chyron at the Science Fair earlier that day the woman spoke to Terry the day chiron went missing and she called the encounter odd aundrea lucky ran into Terry hormon here at the Fred Meijer long Walker road the day chiron disappeared I think the only thing that seemed odd about it perhaps is that we were just passing each other by and she does in a few seconds with her daughter being sick in her arms made it a point to show me the photo the photo Terry showed on drea was the now-famous picture Terry took of chiron in front of his science fair project so if you haven't already figured it out Terry is a pretty suspicious person in this cold case and most people who follow this case believe that she had something to do with Kyra's disappearing now I want to say up front I do not know that Terry Corman is responsible for this I do not know that 100% to be fact but I think after you listen to a bit more of this video you may realize that it's quite possible she had something to do with Kyra's disappearance those first hours of crisis Desiree had an unsettling feeling that maybe she wasn't hearing the full story there was something in my gut that just didn't feel good first of all people out of school have told Desiree that they saw Perry leaving with Chiron according to eyewitness accounts multiple adults that can vouch for the fact that Terry walked out the side entrance of the school with Chiron in tow we know this because Karen's friend even saw him with her right outside the school according to Desiree people told her that she took pictures of Chiron at the science fair and then immediately took him in the car and left Perry has has really inconsistent statements to the police which has been really frustrating every husband used to actually work in law enforcement so he said that he prepared to all the parents for how this was going to go Tony has had a unique perspective from day one he's not only chiron stepfather he's also a police detective back in Medford Tony says that first night because he knows so much about how police operate he was walking the family through what to expect I explained to each each person that now our lives are not private anymore that the investigators are going to want to know very detailed information about our lives he says Terry Tyron stepmom seemed to bristle at the idea that she would be questioned this is when the two of them say they started to notice Terry acting super-weird instantly started to express some displeasure at that and and not one it was feeling like she was persecuted and I thought that was kind of an unusual reaction that early not seeming to be very interested in the police being up in her business they talked about polygraphs and she didn't want to take one in fact she ended up taking polygraph test and she failed two polygraph tests there was actually a time where she refused to take a polygraph test don't care if they ask you to take ten polygraphs you've got to do it and has just always had very strange behavior it's been a lot made of the fact that you've taken three polygraphs polygraph operators have reported that you failed the first two polygraphs and that you walked out in frustration on the third one of her reasons for failing it was that she is ass and couldn't see the person asking the questions and couldn't lip read them so the first one was approximately hour-long I'm very hard of hearing virtually deaf in my left ear so I have to look at people when I talk to them to understand what they're saying he was behind me when he was doing the first polygraph after through the context the person unless they're saying their facial expression that helps a lot the other one she blames on the actual administrator of the test but then they didn't do a good job of doing it so as the investigations went on Desiree and her husband said it was very obvious that Terri was not interested in being questioned and did not like this whole thing retired FBI agent George who soon he said she didn't show the kind of emotion he'd expect from a mom who lost a child she loved at some point in going down that mental checklist on someone that you've lost there is going to be an emotional impact somewhere in that list that's going to break you down this did not happen which just kind of points to suspicion in the first place you think if this was your son that you pretty much raised most of his life that you'd be you know wanting to do anything that you can to help if it were me I would take as many polygraphs as I needed to in another really strange element to this is that Terry cellphone records did not match up with where she said she was during the day like the times did not match up it was enough for Desiree to finally say in public what she had been thinking in private for weeks we have for Terry hormann to fully cooperate with the investigators to bring Chiron home I absolutely believe that Terry Harmon is responsible for Chiron's disappearance in the past Kerry has been arrested for drunk driving I thought I might as well share her previous record with you guys she actually had her son in the car so she had to plead to reckless endangerment five years ago she was convicted of drunk driving and pleaded guilty to reckless endangerment because her older son was in the car with her at the time shell has been very very interesting behavior after Chiron had first while the world's been out looking for Chiron allegedly his stepmother has been busy with other things dozens of emails including graphic photographs very very soon after he went missing she was already having a texting and sexting sorry a sexting relationship with Cain's one of his old friends from high school Jane and Terry live right up the street from me Chloe's an old high school friend of Kane they recently reconnected come to find out according to court documents that Michael cook was having an affair with Teri Korman court papers alleged Terry and Michael cook exchanged sexually explicit text messages and pictures cook had admitted to KGW that he sexted with Terry but denied having sex with her I'll play in some of the clips of dr. Phil talking about this with her you say whatever like I'm going to get any ever again tell Jason Statham I'm available for whatever I'll pin you down and sit on you insert evil grin with latex whoops did I say that out loud if you didn't have your son tonight I would show you what I think of you I'm grand going to bed underwear and tank top think about that do you want to pick then you send a photo and say that's only the left one aim to please did you want something bigger another photo I want you so bad I don't know what it is about you but I'm very attracted to you give me 15 minutes and I will make you moan does that seem like a mother figure I mean Terry was definitely like a mother figure in Karen's life does that seem like something a mother figure would do right after their child goes missing just like have a texting sexting affair it's unbelievable he weeks after Karen went missing Kayne actually moved out of the house and media caught wind of this and made this huge deal about it and so police actually released information about why he did that and it's very interesting day that came without the help he was informed by police about the information and the information was this this guy came forward to the police station when he thought Harry and his whole thing going on it and claimed that a little while back Harry had hired him as a landscaper to kill her husband for her Kane says police informed him of a harrowing discovery about six months before chiron went missing Cain's wife Terry had allegedly tried to hire a landscaper to kill him I didn't believe it at first it was something that I couldn't even wrap my head around at the time there's been no indication in your marriage that things were that bad or that she was upset with you this whole thing had never been confirmed I mean the guy could be making it up it's kind of a strange thing to just make up and I think the police have a little more evidence of it than they share because that's very vague and keen as to be heard whatever information they have he moves out of their house immediately and took their daughter with him and that same day Harry called 9-1-1 twice around 5:15 there was a breast call and around 11:30 9:00 there was a call about child custody probably relating to Chiara however Kane was not home during either of these calls Dana actually has full legal custody of Chiara whatever information the police have on Terry was definitely enough to get full custody of her and King all the filed for divorce which was a good move and he told the police that he thinks his ex-wife Terry actually harmed or took chyron which is just terribly sad I mean I can't imagine that guilt as a parent just knowing that you let this woman into your house I mean she may have killed or harmed or just did something not good to your son I mean I really cannot imagine how he feels it's probably terrible in court can actually testify that Terry suffers from postpartum depression after she had their daughter Chiara started acting very different he claimed that she's extremely emotionally disturbed and she's also an alcoholic a lot of the reports I've read have said that she was really angry at Kane for making her older son without I told you guys about earlier in this video according to Desiree she has some serious hostility towards Chiron actually Desiree had said she hated my son and Ezra says they have even documented the hate that Harry had toward Chiron I wish there was some more evidence and information available but I can definitely see how a stepmother especially with mental problems like that may target some of her anger towards this innocent child that Cain loved so much so teri actually moved she tried to completely change her life in fact she now goes by Terry Moulton which is her previous name or you know before she was married she actually tried to legally change her name to Claire Sullivan which is a character from one of her mystery murder novel she said that she needed to start a new life and the new name would allow her to do that and the court actually denied her for a while people didn't know that she was going by charing Moulton so this kind of went unnoticed for a little while but she actually was arrested twice since Chiron went missing I believe one was for some type of auto theft and the other one was from stealing a gun from a roommate she had also had a boyfriend since who had filed a restraining order against her and claims that she held a knife to his throat and tried to kill him she's definitely had a lot of weird encounters with people over the years and most recently this was actually just in court very recently they're looking into her being involved in a murder for hire plot from 30 years ago apparently she was targeting a man named Sean ray he said a strange man with a gun came after him and that Terry yelled he's here for you this would have happened back in summer of 1990 so before Chiron was even born he claims that the two of them were eating Chinese food together actually at a park and is sitting on the grass eating Chinese food when a man came out of a bush with a gun and came after him chances are that the longer time passes Chiron will not most likely come home but what we can hope for at this point is obviously make love for Karen to come home obviously that would be ideal but it would be you know best for the family to have some closure to just know what happened at least and to get some justice for Chiron so I think the main focus needs to be on Carrie and bring her to justice her behavior is so beyond odd the reason that they haven't been able to actually you know book her for this and charge her for this is because of the lack of physical evidence there's no body there's no proof that he was murdered there's like barely any physical evidence however I do have some good news to report Desiree has recently said that they do have some evidence some physical evidence that they think you know will be coming along this year the investigation has been reopened recharged and everything and they really think they're getting close to maybe being able to get some justice for Chiron his mom says she's more hopeful than she's been in a really long time and seeing her speak today she looks strong I truly believe that justice will come for Chiron in some shape or form I really hope that many of you will follow the story and you know keep up with this one I also thought it would be really cool and I haven't thought of doing this before but if I link Facebook page and Twitter for Chiron because I thought the Chiron Twitter account posting today about National Missing Children's Day I thought it'd be cool if my subscribers just you know send them some well wishes just say you're from the Kendall Rae family and and send them some type of you know love support just something to make them smile on their Facebook or Twitter I think that would be very very cool make sure not to put that in any type of testing just on any type of page that is dedicated to Chiron's like I said his mom truly think that this might even be solved this year so keep your eye out with all things positive thoughts that we will finally get justice for Chiron this poor child's all I'm gonna cry it just it makes me so sad you see so adorable and innocent I feel like we've all known a child like Chiron I I certainly do I can think of one person that reminds me a lot of Chiron and it's just so sad it happens to the wrong people it always does and I really really hope for his family's sake that they get some type of justice and closure for this whole situation it's just so heartbreaking I'm going to put a tint phone number in the description box as well as a tip email address please do not send any jokes or any fake things there these are for real tips only however if you do think you have a tip no matter how small or silly you may think it is might help to crack this entire case do you think you may have seen him these are age progress photos of him as he pi look really different now probably isn't wearing glasses anymore and it may have changed quite a bit so just keep your eyes open and if you see anything or think you know anything please get that information to the right people anyway you guys I know these videos are heavy but I think they're so important if you would like to support Thorne's effort and fighting back against child predators online please consider buying one of these shirts or hoodie there's a link in the description box make sure to give this video a big thumbs up if you like these videos there's definitely more where is videos coming I have a long list of people that I'm going to already working on their cases be sure to stick around for that subscribe if you're not already I upload new videos on Tuesday Thursday and sometimes they surprise video on Sundays but that's it for me hey guys I hope you're having a great day stay safe and I will talk to you next time bye [Music]
Channel: Kendall Rae
Views: 2,214,485
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kendall Rae, 2017, Education, Technology, Science, History, investigation, investigate, true, id, missing, kyron, horman, thorn, ashton kutcher, disapeared, natalie holloway, maura murray, krisitn smart, madeleine mccann, missing children, missing people, slove, unsolved, mysterty, mysterious
Id: vwFCSb7nV0w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 19sec (1759 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 02 2017
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