BIGGEST PLOT TWIST EVER!! Michael and Dalia Dippolito Story

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hey guys welcome back to my channel and welcome back to another true crime video and y'all better buckle up because this one is insane this story is extremely interesting and we telling you guys the story of Mike and Dalia Dippolito so this story takes place in 2009 in Boynton Beach Florida now we're gonna be talking about Michael Dippolito who was a definitely kind of a gym tan laundry type of dude really into working out very obsessed with reality TV actually and he met this girl named Dalia actually as an escort and they were together less than a year before they decided to get married and it was so interesting is Mike actually got divorced from his wife his previous wife and only five days later married Dalia five days later they both said that their relationship was very sexual partying and having fun together but they both have this obsession with reality TV likely Jersey Shore and they really were interested in possibly getting on reality TV one day they were really interested in the whole idea of having a career on reality TV now Michael had a really bad history involvement with drugs he was dealing steroids out of his apartment at one time he was involved with organized crime I guess you could say he really ran with the wrong crowd so years before this he had finally gotten in trouble with the law and he was on probation so he had been on probation for years in 2009 and he'd been fighting been clean he really cleaned his life buck was trying to get things together after having such a turbulent first part of his life and it was very strange as soon as he married Dalia all these strange things started happening about a month after they got married there was a knock at his door from a probation officer and he was pretty surprised because he'd had probation officer visits but this time the probation officers said that they wanted to do a search his house and this had never happened to him you've got like a little too comfortable didn't realize this could actually happen and they came in and they searched his house and they didn't find anything luckily for him because I think he had stuff so this was like a completely random raid and that's really odd when someone's been on probation for years and hasn't violated it - just randomly come and search their whole house so he was really suspicious shortly after that when he was out about the police stopped him again and said they had an anonymous tip that he was dealing drugs out of his car so they searched the whole car and agent find anything he got away with it again he couldn't help but thinking like why is this happening to me but he really started to feel like someone was out for him and when you're in it you know organized crime there's plenty of people that might come at you for revenge years later after some time passed there was another anonymous call to the police that he was dealing drugs and they searched his car again this time they found a little bag of cocaine tucked up in his spare tire somehow Michael incredibly talked to himself out of being arrested so he was fine they let him go on that one which was surprising but at this point Michael realized someone is definitely trying to sabotage me trying to get me back in prison he was going through all the people in his head that could have possibly been doing something like this and I believe after this they had one more just random surprise search of his home so he never went back to jail because of any of it but there were all these different times that the police got these anonymous random tips from people and it seemed like someone was definitely out to get him or destroy his life so Dalia went to a friend Mohamed and told him confided in him that Michael had been abusing her she's an abusive relationship she got in too fast and she doesn't know how to get out and Mohamed actually went to the police because he was concerned for her Dahlia went to the gym early in the morning a little bit before 6:00 a.m. and while she was there she received a call from the police sergeant he called her at around 6:40 a.m. and he told her that she needed to come back to her residence right away when she got there there was yellow tape on the grass around her front door she went to the sergeant and here you can just watch the clip of what happened next I'm sergeant ranzie I'm the one who called you thank you for coming I'm sorry to call you we had a disturbance at your house and there were shots fired is your husband Michael okay I'm sorry I can't go with these detectives if you want to help your husband okay if you want to help your husband you need to go to the station with these gentlemen and tell us everything you know about who he knows police connected to the war we've already taken care of an animal control all right now everything's under control and we'll take care of everything else okay thank you guys so obviously Dalia was heartbroken I mean her husband just got murdered in their home and maybe it was the same person who had been trying to ruin his life so they brought Dalia into the police station you know and they actually brought in the man who killed Michael and let her talk to him you know this guy you know who this guy's he's never seen him before do you know her what were you doing coming out of her house any mother and you might be wondering why I seem kind of light-hearted about all this what if I told you that Michael never died in fact he wasn't even in the apartment the whole thing was set up are you confused yet okay so now that I've gotten that part oh if you remember Dalia met with that guy Mohammed before this all happened and she told him I am really concerned for my safety and I think you need to kill my husband and Mohammed was like wait a second I I am killing anybody like what are you talking about and then she said that if you don't do it I'll have to do it and start making these threats and he got really angry with her and she left then Muhammad went to the police and told them that she was interested in killing her husband she asked if I needed someone who can kill her husband for her I got really mad so the police set her up with Muhammad and cameras in the car and check out their conversation me going filing for divorce and he'll come after my period and all his friends are just like organized crime or whatever when are you getting implemented today you just need the price of the gun certain you want you're planning a murder his long as I kind of get suspicious of you or nobody's gonna be able to point a finger at me make sure really you're gonna give him four new fingerprints all over and at that moment the detectives realized ah we've got her this is real she just handed him $1,200 in a picture of the husband that she wants murdered so the police actually before all this happened after they recorded Muhammad getting the intent out of her they wanted to take this a step further so they had Muhammed pretend to arrange a time that Dalia could meet with a someone who kills people for a living and this guy that they set her up with she talked about all this was actually an undercover narcotics officer and she thought that he was a hit man who was gonna kill her husband and the reason they went so far with this to have her actually meet with the hit man film it is just prove her intent further because it makes us the case much more strong because when Dalia talked to Mohammed they can't really prove that she was gonna follow through with this this is we're all just ideas so they needed to prove that she'd actually go to the extent of killing him in order to get justice for Michael by the way if you haven't figured out clearly the person who had been calling in volleys anonymous tips was Dalia and only a month after they got married so it seems like her intent was to destroy his life all along prescription so I came here they pretty much Park in this exact spot right here this is Witte Jeep an undercover police officer Dahlia thinks she is meeting an actual hit man in his cherry-red convertible shocked because I didn't think she was going to be now what's crazy enough about Dahlia is that she actually thought she didn't have the money to pay this guy whatever amount you know they made up for this whole thing she couldn't afford it so she started saying well why don't you get him get Michael while he's coming out of the bank get him like right after he gets out of the bank because he'll have all this money on him and you can take it from him because he has this business partner and he's got a page he's gonna have much cash in him and you just take that as your payment she was gonna have him pay for his own death so anyway to make their case even stronger they decided to stage the whole thing they arranged everything to happen like this and Michael had no idea chachi you and Brian will go with me we'll go out to the house and get the husband telling why we're there and why he has to come with us we'll bring him down to the station you guys did he briefed him after that Frank er somebody will call the wife have her come back over there at which time he will talk to her she should be leaving for the gym at 6:00 and she's gonna leave the front door open so that witties supposedly the alleged killer get into the house and kill her husband no I heading out to location the suspect has left the house she went to the gym start Sheridan and the rest of his team is gonna notify the husband of what's happening and we're gonna set up our own lock crime scene contact her and bring her back and make her believe that the actual murder has taken place the day that they decided to set this whole thing up they went to Michael they talked to him and they said hey you know your wife's planning to kill you you have to come with us right now I can't even sure I know where she's at he went with them he cleared the house they brought him back to the police stations can I have your key coz when we leave Thanks in while he was at the police station he was watching all of the undercover footage of her talking about how she was killed and everything one person killed how long after you get married can you start or do you ever feel that something's not right about a month in him by the way the money starts disappearing and had drugs planted on my truck I came out one day and we leave him in the morning and officer person is this your truck yes it isn't and you know what he wanted this can I search it is an activity I ordered someone called my absolutely even searches officer searched the truck there's nothing in the truck he lets me leave the next day I went to get gasoline in the truck there was drugs I'm against that what do you suspect it planted it a hunch wasn't my wife well with all motivations doing that you're on probation at that point yes and at that point you know were to installing $100,000 from I think whoever I walked you went down though that's why today honestly I'm not very surprised the fact that I hold it and in the meantime dolly went to the gym like she normally does and they called her I need you to call me as soon as you can ma'am it's urgent sergeant ranzie can help you because this MS police this is sergeant Frank Ramsey Boynton Beach Police Department we're at your residence ma'am are you nearby ma'am I need to talk to you it's very urgent when you come home and involve your husband there's been an incident okay can you come right back to your residence please ma'am I'll tell you everything you need to know when you get here and when she got there you know she had her reaction now now that you know that she knew that this was gonna happen that she arranged watch this clip again I'm sergeant ranzie Thank You husband Michael okay I'm sorry I can't got the two detectives taking the car back to the stations you want to go in house to seal right in case you want to see him obviously we wouldn't let that happen because it's a crime scene but I'm sure she wanted to seem to verify the fact that he was actually that it's pretty amazing how she acted I mean for me it was like so obvious it was such a fake emotion and so they brought her to the police station they sat her down and at first they had her actually see the killer and that was her real reaction [Music] they decided to break the news to her that the whole thing was a setup you're going to jail today Chris elicitation brother you're under arrest that's not to cover police officer we found everything that you did did you hear what I just told you everything is listen to me everything has been recorded listen to you're going to do as soon as I'm done they're going to come in here and handcuff you your husband is well it's over done once I walk up coming back here to talk to you and no one else is needed what do you want to do before I leave here because next officer comes here and I handcuff you and take you to jail no you don't see it amazes me that Dahlia continued continued to just pretend it was oh I didn't do anything oh there's literally footage of her saying and she was still trying to go with this lie so that is some serious you know compulsive lying she must have some type of disorder where you don't have any guilt when you lie like that you can lie so freely and even in situations where you're clearly caught just continue the lies I mean it's just delusional so what happened to poor Michael during all of this well he's been in the police station listening to her whole conversation with the police and so they decided to bring him in after she found out the truth and check oh my god please come here come here come here please Mike come here please come here it's amazing to me that she was literally order shouting orders at him come here come here Michael like you just tried to have him murdered you think he wants to come hang out with you and even in jail she had calls to him where she was trying to pretend like you all somehow wasn't true I took the call because I had to I just had to hear what she was gonna say it was pretty shocking the whole thing and so they went to court and she hired a defense team and the defense team came up with this entire defense strategy that basically Michael was in on the whole thing to their defense made zero sense but they basically were trying to say that they both really wanted to be on reality TV and they agreed together to pull this huge stunt and then she just got played in the whole thing which is just so inaccurate and as soon as they interviewed Michael you know he was like no I had no involvement or any idea about any of these things why would I call the police on myself I mean this makes no sense right so obviously this didn't hold up in court at all in the trial the jury completely rejected all of her claims that means and she was sentenced to 20 years in prison I've been advised that the jury has reached a verdict ladies and gentlemen when the jury comes in I know some of you are here just because you're you know interested in this case but some of you might have a lot of emotional investment in the case and so if you think that receiving the verdict soon of course you have an emotional outburst now would be the time to perhaps step outside but in the circuit court of the 15th Judicial Circuit Criminal Division inland for Palm Beach County Florida the case number two thousand nine nine seven seven one state of Florida versus diary Dippolito verdict we the jury find as far as to count one we found the defendant guilty of solicitation to commit first-degree murder and her lawyers decided to appeal it because they heard that one of the jury members found out some misinformation on Dalia that she was planning to kill her husband with antifreeze and this wasn't actually true so they got the whole trial thrown out and they got to do a completely new trial and a second trial she really tried to argue police entrapment but the police set her up and that she was innocent in all this which as we know makes no sense because we can clearly hear her say several times she wants to have him killed even getting money out to have him killed I mean it's pretty ridiculous that they even tried to fight this so hard it seems like such a slam dunk now the reason that she was able to argue that the police department was corrupted because they had been working with the popular TV show cops this particular department so she tried to argue that they were only doing this and filming it and the reason it is filmed to those films the first time I saw this case was on cops it was filmed because they were there so she tried to argue that this was all part of them trying to gain more you know deals with cops crazy thing about this trial is that the jury was split completely in half it was a deadlock trial so it was declared a trial back to the Dalia Dippolito retrial which is now a mistrial at this point it had been eight years and she hadn't spent any time in jail she's been on house arrest but finally this summer this last summer this is why I'm waiting to make this video because I knew this third trial was going to happen in 2017 in the summer I wonder why if it was done to a full final conclusion to this and the jury finally did find her guilty I'm mr. plea you may be seated does the defense wish to poll the jury to poll the jury and that what that means is that the clerk is going to ask each of you by number so let's call it your number it's fairly simple one bit anti-climatic because that you saw that when I discharged the alternates I gave them certificates appreciation you're going to have those same I'm now going to discharge you from service in this case again with our thanks we're going to take you out if you're not able to print the judgment if you're not able you can always submit it later okay you can do it on Monday all right all right we're in recess this time the jurors all unanimously decided that she was guilty this summer she was actually sentenced to 16 years in prison but since she's already served eight years on house arrest she only has to serve half of this time in jail so she's only getting like about eight years in jail for this crime one of the main reasons that they did this is because in the meantime Dalia gave birth to her first son but it's very unfortunate for a son to have to grow up without their mother most of their life so I'm curious I really want to know what you guys think about this I mean this doesn't happen that often at least not in like the main headlines and the whole situation was just so interesting to me I would love to know what you guys would think a fair sentence would be because I don't know I'm just so torn on it because at the end of the day no one died which is good everyone's still alive and she does have a son but on the other hand if this wasn't set up and she actually did set this up and he got murdered and she got away with it like most hitmen are able they're like professionals if you find a good one so good at their job they can make it look like someone else did it and with all his you know baggage in his past and his troubled times and he's had it makes sense maybe someone finally came back his past came Taunton and killed him so she may have gotten away with it so from that standpoint it's kind of like she's did everything that she would have done if this was real so where do you draw the line so I didn't completely you know undecided about what I think I really want to hear your guys's opinions and how long you think someone should be in jail for something like this do you think the sentence was fair do you think it's too much do you think it's too little I want to know your thoughts on this whole thing and you know what this is actually really nice for me doing a crime video where no one dies so it's been a rough week here on YouTube very upsetting and tragic so I was like this is a perfect time for me to make a video just about an interesting crime without anyone dying and you know it's a good day a good day be sure to give this video a thumbs up if you enjoyed it it really does help me out actually thumbs up thumbs down either way it helped me so I was thinking so funny when like people who don't like me like thumbs down like videos it literally helps me so thank you I did want to mention real fast I did an interview on BBC about the whole Logan Paul situation that my last video was about you want to hear it I put on my second channel so I'll have a link to it below and yes that is it for me any guys I hope you're having a great one stay safe and don't setup any murders okay all right we'll see you [Music]
Channel: Kendall Rae
Views: 2,012,234
Rating: 4.9596472 out of 5
Keywords: Interesting, true, story, storytime, Dalia, Dippolito, kendall rae, MHP, mile higher podcast
Id: RjrZRSQgk8Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 52sec (1492 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 04 2018
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