WHERE IS Alissa Turney?! + Featuring Her SISTER

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[Music] hello everyone welcome back to my channel and welcome to another where is video I'm actually super nervous to film this video this is different than anything I've ever done about a month ago I was contacted by a girl named Sarah attorney she deemed me on Twitter and told me about her sister her sisters name is Alyssa Turney alyssa has been missing for years a very very long time and I'm gonna explain it all to you but I had the opportunity to actually work with her sister Sarah on this video it made it incredibly real having a family member working with me telling me their side of things and it made this so much more personal and so I'm really nervous and excited and just so ready for you guys to hear this story the story is so important and needs way more eyes than it has it hasn't gotten any media coverage since like 2009 and there's so much to it I have so many questions there and I want you to share this video like this video leave us a comment spread the word talk to your friends because we are trying to blow this thing up and we are going to use the hashtag justice for Alyssa on all social media you can use that hashtag and part of the conversation this video is going to be long it might be a little confusing there's going to be a lot of clips of Sarah I wanted Sarah to be able to you know tell as much of her story through her own words as possible so there's going to be a lot of clips of her in this before we get started I wanted to talk about Florin you guys have been watching me a long time you probably know that when I started my whereís videos that I also started raising money for an amazing organization called the thorn I'm excited to tell you guys that through the videos that we have done so far on missing people we have raised over $20,000 for thorn thank you everyone who has bought a shirt I was getting comments a while back that it was boring to listen to me talk about thorn or explain what they do in my where his videos so I actually started cutting back the time that I would talk about it and since I started doing that he saw way less purchases and so I am going to take that time from now on to talk about thorn it's important if it bothers you or you don't want to hear it twice you can fast-forward it you guys know that that's born on a YouTube video imagine that so if you don't know what Thorne is it's amazing organization that was created by Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher and they are the cofounders of this and their mission has been to help create new technology that will assist in rescuing children out of human trafficking human trafficking is a huge problem in this country around the world it's a huge problem people have no idea the extent of it truly you're taking matters into their own hands instead of leaving it up to the government to figure it out thorn is the organization that said let's go use technology and innovation to solve this issue we have to stay on the front cutting edge of that technology because the criminals they're on the front cutting edge one of the first things that Demi and Ashton did was they built a technology task force and the whole idea is to bring the brightest minds and technology together to brainstorm around this issue Microsoft and Facebook and Twitter and Google are competing every day in business but they've all agreed to work together to find a solution to human trafficking and a sexual exploitation of children so this month we have a new design that was created by a subscriber this is completely unique you won't see anyone else with this and this design was created by Katie Thank You Katie you know who you are thought this was such a cool design that pretty much anyone could wear open your mind it's got the mountains in there it's just really unique and fun and I loved it it's going to be available during this campaign remember this is limited edition it will not always be available don't forget the most important thing is that 100% of the profit goes to thorne like I don't get a dime of it this is straight-up I mean that's pretty awesome how many products can you buy and 100% of the profit goes to something you know if the shirt is not your style or you don't want to buy t-shirts if you still want to help thorne I've worked with Lawren to set up something pretty cool there is now a donation link set up it will be in the description box you can donate any amount that you want to and you don't have to buy a shirt or do anything to now this will all go back into the total and I won't be able to let you guys know how much this specific video raised in honor of Elissa in the next words video let's go ahead and get into talking about Alyssa this is Alyssa Turney she was born on April 3rd of 1984 Alyssa was just three years old when her mother Barbara met and married a man named Mike terney Mike had three kids from his previous marriage Barbara had two so they came together it's kind of a Brady Bunch situation and this is when a Sarah comes into the picture Sarah is Mike and Barbara's daughter and they were kind of as this big blended happy family however in the early 90s Barbara was diagnosed with cancer and passed away shortly after the diagnosis and Alyssa was only nine years old at the time and from that point on Sarah and Alyssa were raised by Mike well you should know about Alyssa is that she was strong and caring and kind and she tried to spread happiness in this world she was always up for anything she was spontaneous and so much fun she did typical teenage things she went to the mall she hung out with friends it was nothing crazy and Alyssa was thought of to be a bit of a wild child and I have to say I relate so much to this been very confusing exactly what Mike is talking about but seems that Alyssa had IEP a special education plan and as someone who's had one of those and was constantly referred to as the wild child as a kid I really really relate to her and that's why this case really grabbed me because I understand what that's like to be labeled like with too much energy and just out of control and I had ADHD I'm not sure exactly what Alyssa had but she was up quite a handful a little pistol go to college she was a very lively person careful don't jump on top of anybody Alyssa some people might call it difficult to deal with and I don't know teen years though were pretty normal he's kind of just the typical American teenager she was described as someone who is very outgoing cared more about her boyfriend in social life than she did about school like many of us at that age I it was carefree spontaneous and up for anything like I mentioned she was born in April 3rd making her in Aries which describes pretty much all of the above Alyssa did like to have fun she was definitely known as a partier she sometimes skipped class and drank underage so I guess things got a little tougher for Mike when it came to raising her as the girls got older as it does with most children however I have Sarah about this and she told me that Mike really over-exaggerated her wild side that he made her seem way more wild and out of control than she actually was so it's hard with not having Alyssa here right now to defend herself to say exactly how she was so Alyssa went to school at Paradise Valley High School in Phoenix Arizona 17 years old at the time and was working at a jack-in-the-box so let's go to the day that she went missing it was May 17th 2001 her stepfather Mike dropped her off at school as normal Mike picked her up early from school that day now this has been very highly criticized because there was no reason to pick her up that day but he did he picked her up early and they went to lunch and while they were at lunch they actually started arguing according to Michael Alyssa was upset because she wanted to be able to stay out till whatever time she wanted and not tell him where she was and not constantly checked in and this was not okay with mike adonai told as long as you're under my roof we're gonna have to check in with daddy because daddy's a nervous wreck if you don't so she was upset after lunch oh definitely upset mike says that they returned home and ELISA stormed off to her bedroom Mike said soon after that he left the house to go pick up his daughter Sarah from school when my dad picked me up that day I didn't notice anything weird about his behavior he seemed frantic that ELISA wasn't answering her phone but he was pretty frantic about her behavior anyway so it wasn't anything strange the only thing that was kind of weird that I just realized a few years ago really was that day I was smoking cigarettes with my friends and now smoking cigarettes was pretty much one of my only rules with my dad of course a 12 year old you probably shouldn't let smoke cigarettes but is especially close to his heart because our mother had passed of lung cancer from smoking cigarettes so that was one of the huge rules in my house so I had to smell like cigarettes it was only moments before that I was probably smoking these cigarettes and then I got into his truck there was no way he didn't smell it so now looking back on it that's so weird the day ELISA went missing was the last day of seventh grade for me we were on a field trip to a water park and we've got back to the school probably about 3:30 when school was supposed to be let out anyway my dad wasn't there so I walked to a friend's house which was pretty normal I would walk to this friend's house all the time after school they lived very close by we were very good friends we had smoked some cigarettes at my friend's house and just doused each other with perfume right before he got there so the whole time I'm thinking that for sure I'm gonna be in trouble for smoking cigarettes it was one of my only rules I would have been in huge trouble he says nothing about that and instead he says will you call your sister she's not answering her cell phone I call again and again and again and there's no answer so we get to the house probably about ten minutes later it was a relatively short Drive I went straight to her room I noticed that her backpack was dumped out all over the ground and then I heard the buzzing on her dresser and that was where I known her cellphone and then the note dad and Sarah when he dropped me off at school today I decided that I really am going to California Sarah you said you didn't want me around look you got it I'm gone that's why I saved my money dad I took $300 from you Alisa now experts have reviewed this note and they were able to determine that this is Alyssa's handwriting most likely however they're not sure when it was written and it's possible that she could have written is known at any time she actually did have plans that night according to a friend to go to a party so it was really really weird for her to just be like oh I'm going missing on the last day of school like this is a happy day she's about to start summer there's no way no way I know for a fact that she would not have contacted any of her friends but what's weird is that if the note was written that day wouldn't she have mentioned anything about her dad's fight with her the fact that they just got in his huge of argument I get at least reference it and she's planning to run away don't you think she just would have left directly from school and would never have had him pick her up early and if she did go home and pack her stuff up and had this whole plan to leave anyway why would she have gotten in a fight with her dad over whether or not she should check in with him at night or she had a curfew I mean these aren't things that you would pick an argument about if you know all I'm moving to California and none of this will matter anyway I don't know what my father did right after that I I believe he says that he was making some phone calls calling her boyfriend her friends people like that but there was no formal search that night no one got together to look for her I thought it was totally normal I thought maybe she just got mad at him and went to a friend's house I thought for sure she would be back the next day if not even that night a few weeks before she went missing Mike contacted her aunt Lynette and this is Barbara's sister said that she had started smoking pot and was wondering if she could come to Lynette's house for the summer and Lynette actually agreed to this and said yes and that was kind of unusual because the relationship had kind of gone sour with Barbara's family after she passed away Lynette thinks that Mike thought she was gonna say no and she thinks that he knew she was gonna say no so he called to kind of set things up when she said yes it kind of shocked him and so he freaked out and kind of changed his whole plan said he didn't need her help anymore and many people think that that's because he was worried that Alyssa would go there and tell her things that were happening to her possibly at the home it seems that maybe Alyssa wasn't being treated very well by Mike there could have been some really sketchy things going on and that maybe he was worried that she would tell in it and that's why he didn't have her go there Mike called the police to file a missing persons report and this is when he told them that she had run away to her aunt's house in California and because she had gotten in an argument with her dad it was the last day of school and she had written this note police decided that she was a runaway they didn't put out any Amber Alert or any missing persons you know normal protocol they didn't go search for her in the surrounding areas nothing they just said she ran away they also learned that when she went missing Alyssa had a decent amount of money in her bank account she had $1,800 in there and this was unusual because Alyssa didn't take any of it out normally when people run away they take a everything they have they normally save up money and take it all and go Melissa didn't take anything important with her and that's really weird is in that note she said that she had money saved so why would she say that and save money and then just not bother to take it out my analyst had definitely had a rocky relationship at times they were known for butting heads and several people claimed that Michael was abusive to her Mike was very strict and kept a extremely close eye on Melissa it was like almost obsessed with her he would go through her things he would go check in with her at work see if she was there monitor her phone calls be completely up in her business basically my relationship with my father was really great when I was a kid we were very close he was my only parent and I definitely clung to him I was definitely a daddy's girl but our relationship was so different than the relationship he had with Melissa he would it closely want to realize that he didn't do that to me I was free to do as I wanted if you look at how I was treated when I was 17 years old and the way Alyssa was treated when she was 17 years old it's night and day at 17 she was allowed to go to parties she wasn't allowed to go drink with friends which of course is completely fine you don't let your seventeen-year-old drink but he was so strict and monitored everything she did when I was 17 my boyfriend moved into the house my father bought me a mini-fridge and filled it with beer it's just completely different you would have to watch over Lissa to make sure that she didn't put herself in harm's way and again she was talking about running away so monitor phone calls did you go to her place of work well I certainly did I would go there and check to make sure once I had suspected she was not being there when she said she was gonna be there I went and checked what would you do when you went there just to look at her to watch the what she's working at make sure everything's okay he said Alyssa talked to him about how she was sexually assaulted by her father when she was younger and I think it's important to note that one of her teachers also said that Alyssa and talked about this kind of thing happening she didn't report it or anything so it's kind of like one of those things but it's really really weird basically Alyssa told her boyfriend that one day when she was younger he picked her up from school early and he took her in his car to some unoccupied area and tried to sexually abuse her Simone Melissa's friends also claimed that Alyssa told them that she was sexually beautiful however Mike claims that he never actually used her and I want to make it clear that I'm not saying he did we're just talking about everything here this man is innocent till proven guilty in a court of law there was also a man named David who was Mike's nephew and David had stayed at their house for about six months between 1998 and 1999 one night he got home from work late and when he got in the house everyone was already sleeping so he decided to watch a VHS tape and this tape was labeled dr. Dolittle when he put in the VHS he was shocked to see a video of a woman laying on the couch with nothing but shorts on Mike was covering her face with newspaper but David said he was pretty sure that it was the next shot there was another woman and David believes that this could have been one of Alice's friends he was also only in shorts with her face covered he said that Mike was just sitting in the room and he said he was so disturbed by this tape that he packed up all his stuff and left he was wondering why these girls were just sitting there like were they drugged and I have no way to verify if any of that is true and Mike says that it's not he said that David was a drunk that was living in his house was constant driving drunk and he had to kick him out so that whole part of this has been kind of like a big question mark about a week after Alissa disappeared a phone call came in to the house around 5:00 a.m. while Mike was sleeping I claims that it was Alissa he said that she was very aggravated and was basically just cursing at him and yelling at him until she eventually hung up Mike said that he called the police right after this and asked that they could track the phone number or anything and they told him no Mike claims that after this he went out to go check nearby payphones in Phoenix he also said that he wasn't able to use star-69 to trace the call back because he got another call before it and he said that he wasn't sure they'd be able to do a long-distance which would mean that he believed she was in California so in the statement he's totally contradicting himself do you think she's in Phoenix or do you think she's in California Mike said that he didn't want Alyssa's name to fade out so he started posting flyers so Mike says he became his own detective doing whatever he could think of posting flyers around town contacting the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children he even sued the phone company for records of that early morning call a week after Alissa disappeared that number was traced back to a payphone in Riverside County California until 2006 Mike got a phone call from detective Murphy and he told there was a convict and a Florida prison name was Thomas heimer and he was nicknamed psycho and he confessed to murdering ELISA back in 2003 he was sentenced to life in prison for killing a young woman and he actually claims that he killed a total of 21 women even admitted to killing Jaycee Lee Dugard who as most of you know is not dead she was held captive for years her story's incredibly interesting I'll link it below but she's not dead so he was lying about her but the FBI decided to do a interview with him and he was able to successfully identify Alice's picture from a lineup of photos and it was only then in 2008 that Alyssa's missing-persons case was taken seriously by any detective very very important to note how long it took police to pick up this case and take it seriously I mean that is so shocking and disappointing because they miss out on a lot they were way late to the game and that could be part of the reason that we don't know what happened to ELISA today it could have checked in with so many of her peers interview two people at the school check to the cameras check traffic cameras I mean so much could have been done and it's all just missed opportunity anyway going back to Lima or psycho he claims that he met ELISA in Phoenix in a hotel in 2001 however there was a lot of elements of his story that just didn't make sense the claim that she was a heroin addict and that is something that's very hard to hide from your family and no one else reported ELISA having a problem with heroin or ever getting into drugs like heroin he also said that she had some sexual traits that were unusual but her boyfriend said that they weren't true the detectives basically weren't very convinced that he did it they basically thought he was just looking for attention which people actually do this there's a lot of cases of people claiming to have killed people and then police proving that they did it it's like the weirdest thing it's some weird attention thing or fantasy or people that just have completely lost track with reality they gave him a polygraph test and he totally bombed it kept changing his story and eventually they decided that he just wasn't credible however later on something big came out detectives figured out that Mike had some type of surveillance system set up in his house filming indoors like most people have their security cameras on outside their house he had them in the house he literally had them up in vents hidden secretly surveilling his children and when he was asked about these cameras he denied that he was using them to spy on his children he said they were simply for security however they found out that he actually was filming them in one instance he filmed Melissa and her boyfriend making out on the couch he even had shown this to Sarah at some point it was just super bizarre my father used a few different types of surveillance in the home there was a passive recording system on the home phone that was there even before I was born and then I was probably about 10 or 11 when we had something stolen out of our front yard in which my father got video cameras for the front which seemed pretty natural I wasn't very alarmed by any of that again it seemed kind of normal for him to do surveillance he M had a lot of lawsuits he was going through it it seemed kind of quirky I guess but nothing to be alarmed about and then I found out about the camera in the vent he showed me a picture of Alyssa on the couch with a boy making out to which I didn't think much of either I was very brainwashed and I didn't think that any of this was not in good faith I thought this was fall to protect Alyssa I thought that Alyssa was more rebellious than she really was I thought that she was in danger like my father always told me so I didn't tell Alyssa I really should have and that's definitely one of my regrets now but I didn't realize how weird it was after Alyssa left my father even moved me into the master bedroom where the video monitors were and let me have full kind of reign over the surveillance system and then on top of that I had to ask him to take the camera out of the vent because Alyssa was gone and he no longer needed to monitor her and he did he took it down even went as far as to get me a camera detector which is a little device you can get to make sure there's no secret cameras on you I'm drinking at Brookstone or a Radio Shack or something like that but he got that for me to make sure that he wasn't surveilling on me without me knowing again it just comes down to how differently they were treated we had two completely different experiences as teenagers so one thing that detects started asking is where's the footage of your house on the day that Alyssa went missing if you have all this equipment set up in your house why don't you know exactly where she went according to aunt Lynette Mike had told her back in 2001 that the cameras weren't on that day he also claimed that he offered these tapes to police and they weren't when police asked to see the tapes in 2007 said no because he'd already washed them himself and there was nothing to see and so he claimed that he decided to get rid of them he never turned that footage over to detectives even if the tapes showed nothing they didn't show her leaving a house or didn't give any solid clues they still would have shown what Alice was wearing what her temperament was like and plenty of other things that investigators could have looked further into it turns out that Mike used to be a deputy in the 70s so he should know how important it is to never get rid of any evidence especially video tapes now I also wanted to point out the fact that since he was a deputy in the 70s he knew how to make someone seem like a runaway and not a missing person detectives also figured out that there was a system in place in his house and this system recorded any phone calls in going or outgoing Alisa did call on the home phone where is the recording of it you'd think of all times you would have it on while you're waiting for a call from your missing daughter another thing that's really weird is that Mike sold their family car within a year of Liz's disappearance they're also told me that detectives later figured out that Mike had two of the same truck and that the family only saw one of them and he had one somewhere else so detectives were never able to search the last car that Alisa was in detectives said that the family was always really willing to do interviews with them everyone except he had refused to do any interviews with police Barbara he claims that he was always up for doing an interview with them they just never called the schedule and this is when police started to think that Mike had some type of paranoia and hostility towards them so this is when they started getting really suspicious of Mike and the police were not the only ones Alissa's bonds Teresa and Lynette also said that they found a lot of inconsistencies and things that Mike was telling them biggest thing here is that Mike never actually disclosed to anyone else that he had taken her out of school early even Sarah didn't know that until 2020 covered this back in 2009 it wasn't until the ABC 20/20 special about ELISA and I began to think that my father had anything to do with it but when that show aired I found out that he took her out of school early that day and I found out that she was being sexually abused these weren't things that I knew before the show aired so it wasn't all at once but slowly over time that it began to make more sense to me and then you have the internet community of hundreds of thousands of people telling me that he is a terrible person but then you still have a handful of very close people to him that tell you that he's a great guy and tell you all the wonderful things that he's done for him over the years there's still people today they cannot believe it that don't believe it that don't speak to me because they love him so much he was very normal it's very hard to believe even today now he says that the reason ELISA wanted to be picked up early was to break up with her boyfriend she was trying to avoid him at the school break up with him later that day so he picked her up so that she could avoid him at school and Alyssa's boyfriend said the last time he saw her she popped her head into his classroom and said hi she told him that she was being picked up early and that she would see him later so the whole avoiding thing makes this zero sense and remember she was also supposed to be at a party that night with a friend it's hard to believe that Alyssa was going to break up with her boyfriend because according to everyone around them they had a really good relationship almost seemed like there was a jealousy between Mike and her boyfriend according to Sarah he would literally orchestrate fights between them and he would record them fighting and he presented it to the police as evidence that it may have been her boyfriend shortly after all of this Mike came up with a new story for what he thought happened out of the blue he claimed that a local union hall was responsible for Elissa disappearance basically Mike said that he was an electrician in the 80s and that the Union Hall had a grudge against him for making a complaint about working in dishes now this whole Union thing is super confusing and there's a lot more than he's been covered investigators wanted to look at the tourney house they were hoping to find any evidence they were not sure they'd find you know it's been a long time at this point but they actually got Mike as he was coming out to the mailbox they approached him and they found that he had two pistols on him seven magazines filled with ammunition and nice on that is an insane amount of weapons just to walk to the mailbox so authorities were able to enter the house at this point because he was arrested they found a total of 19 guns and get this 26 pipe bombs also found some documents one of them being super super weird I found a formal contract which Mike had notarized and he had Elissa sign this contract and the contract basically said that she had never been sexually assaulted by him super weird and very confusing but Mike actually has a history of creating like legal signed documents with Elissa involved with them they also found a 98 page document written by Mike and he was basically an outline for a super violent plan remember that Union Hall that he had beef with basically Mike claims that they wanted revenge on him for making those complaints about his working conditions and to get back at him they took and killed Alisa in this report he said that the union hall actually dumped Alice's body in desert center California about 200 miles from Phoenix and in this long document Mike said that he had planned to attack the Union Hall as revenge so this doesn't make any sense Mike has always claimed that he thought she ran away to California now he's saying that she was taken and murdered by this Union home investigators believe that when they found this note and found everything that he was only weeks away from actually executing an attack on so my thoughts on the Union is first of all I would love to apologize to the Union for everything that my father has done I am so sorry that anyone has to live in fear be afraid or that they had to give bulletproof windows I mean that just has to make a completely terrible way to live your life and to work and I know nothing I can do can make it better but I am so sorry that you had to go through that but I think that the Union is completely blown out of proportion it's my understanding that when my father first got into the Union that he had complained of working conditions and that he was getting some type of harassing phone calls that my brothers can verify and that there was one incident in person and this was back in the early 80s or possibly even the 70s that this happened so I think these small incidents these is one group of people that were kind of picking on my dad maybe just got totally blown out of proportion I don't think anything happened after that I don't think anyone was after him this entire time I don't think that anything to do with my sister I think that they are really a scapegoat for his anger I think that he is found a target that he can look at that is tangible for him and then he can plan something towards it it's just completely horrible I think that there was absolutely no connection 2010 Mike was sentenced to 10 years in prison for possessing destructive devices it's important to know that he was attacked for his plan against the Union and for possessing all these things a little while back there was a podcast read on Elissa and Mike actually did an interview with the girl who was doing a podcast and during this interview he said that he never had planned to attack the Union at all and that the only thing that he had in his house was basically fireworks to make loud noises in case he wouldn't make loud noises in the interview he said that he had all these things because he was actually planning to go to the Union and kill himself to raise awareness about illicit we went to visit him at a federal prison near Phoenix where he's being held for those weapons and explosives charges he's not charged with anything related to Alyssa's disappearance so they raid your house with a search warrant and they find some pretty disturbing things they had not amazing so what were you planning to do I wanted the attention brought to ELISA because in my mind I believe anything adverse happened to ELISA it was done by a union sara was going through some of this stuff and she found a map that was a California and it has coordinates on it they looked at the coordinates it was in the middle of nowhere in the desert Sara sent to the police but it was never looked into and back in 2003 a hiker actually was hiking in desert center and came across some phones they were not even able to identify gender with these bones and the tests came back completely inconclusive so we have no idea if those were Liz's bones or not so this week Sarah actually I was going through home video and she came across something crazy and sent it to me and I could not believe it when I saw it recording and let's say a stupid [ __ ] a little bit more sara has created websites dedicated to finding Elissa until I'm shown evidence otherwise she's on the beach sipping margaritas living a brand new life you know that's the way I want to think of her I won't let myself think negatively without evidence and now Sarah has started websites devoted to another cause her father he it's not him everyone who knows my dad is shocked Sarah and her brother Mike refused to believe any connection between their father and Alyssa's disappearance there was a time when I was actively working to get my father for you from prison I truly believed that he was innocent I didn't think that he could do anything terrible like this my thoughts were holy crap my last pair in the entire world is gone what can I do to get him back I essentially acted as his legal assistant full-time I would file papers for him I would draft documents I would send them off I would do everything he asked me to do because I thought I was working to get him back I was working to write name wrong there was no way you'd be this horrendous person that people are telling me he is I had a whole group of family and friends behind me they couldn't believe it either so to me it didn't seem as crazy as it does now it was probably a year after the 20/20 episode had aired that I thought that he was guilty and again over time it just didn't add up and I took down the site and I stopped advocating for him and I told him I stopped advocating for him and I told him why and he just averted and never answered my questions and didn't care he laughs about it he tongs me but I asked him a few months ago why did you do this did you do this he tells me that he will confess on his deathbed if that's not a confession I don't know what is the entire family including my brothers believe that he murdered Elissa I think my father took a Liz out to the middle of the desert tried to sexually assault her like he had done many times in the past she fought back she said she was going to tell someone and he stabbed he was very familiar with the desert he was in law enforcement he would know what to do he had probably thought out what to do many times before this I think he buried her relatively close I think that he came home washed up set the scene and then came and picked me up I think he intended for me to walk right into her room and to find these things why was I the first one to enter the room why did I find the cell phone and I found that note as a parent wouldn't you rush ahead to go find any trace of your daughter that you're so frantic about from the beginning and then he called the police five hours later very nonchalantly saying that she had just run away to an aunt's house but he knew where she was that's not the way you report your missing child if you intend for someone to look for them but he didn't he didn't intend for anyone to look for her there was no search party that night he knew exactly what he was doing Sarah explained to me how important it is to get attention for this and how detectives are encouraging her to get as much awareness as possible is the hashtag justice for Alissa to share this video share a photo of her stir the pot a little bit so that we might be able to actually get things going I don't think my father will ever confess but I think this case will go to trial what the police told me was to try to get as much media involved as I can and that's exactly what I'm doing I need you to like this video I need you to share this video I need you to talk to your friends about this if someone sees something if a lawyer sees something if a prosecutor see something that they see in this case please do something about it we have the answers in this case we just need some help getting it through the litigation you can help you can share this I want to say that I have no way to determine whether or not Mike turning was involved in this I will say his behavior is beyond weird to me and still cannot be explained the story makes no sense and I think one of the major problems here was that this wasn't looked into for so long mike has finishes jail sentence and he's about to go off probation making him a free man of course he's never been convicted for killing Alissa or anything like that it was purely having those weapons so there has been zero justice for Alissa I'm going to put a very important petition below if you have a second to sign that that would be awesome Sarah thank you for letting me talk about your sister thanks for opening up and I really really hope we can get some answers one day you should not have had to miss out on all these years with your sister it makes me want to cry thinking about it seriously because of all of the times having my sister that I wouldn't have had if one of us if something happened to one of us so I don't know this case is just really hit me hard and I hope more than anything that we can get some answers for her but that's it for me today guys be sure to check out our thorne campaign for this month remember one hundred percent of that money is going directly towards fighting back against human trafficking of children there's also that donation link so don't forget about that I'm going to leave Sarah's Twitter below so you can connect with her there if you have any more questions and that's it for me today guys I want to end now with a clip directly from Sarah herself one thing I want people to remember about this case is that we have our answers we have what we need to solve this and finally little as a rest in peace we basically have a confession we just need you we need your help share this talk to your friends lawyers prosecutors anyone you may know please help this ELISA is a real person just left a big hole in my heart her friends hearts and her brothers hearts we all suffer without her one thing I want to say is that if you were a victim of abuse no matter who it is how close they are into your family how scary they might be you need to tell someone and if that person doesn't help you need to go to another person into another person and maybe just call the police yourself if it's happening to you I want you to seek help I don't want you to be afraid and I want you to know that there are wonderful people out there who will help you you don't have to live in a cycle of abuse you don't have to live afraid every single day you don't have to live like that you don't deserve that and someone will help you just reach out for help I also want to say Thank You Kendall thank you for making this video about ELISA and helping me get the word out where'd you go seems like it's been forever where'd you go where'd you go [Music]
Channel: Kendall Rae
Views: 2,941,487
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Where is, Alissa, turney, alissa turney, missing alissa, missing, true story, interesting, educational, informative, awareness
Id: h4izLpteKSY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 31sec (2311 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 19 2018
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