Where Is Cieha Taylor?! Car Found Running and Abandoned On Train Tracks?!

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100%. How does he go days without talking to his gf and not say anything to her friends/family? I also wonder if him or his friend have a relationship or some connection to people in the police department because I don't understand how he got cleared so quickly and why they're not looking into him more

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/banananaoatmeal 📅︎︎ Sep 26 2020 🗫︎ replies

Maybe I’m being too skeptical, but some of the things the family/best friend say are just too weird. The insisting that the Cieha’s shoes found near the train tracks were there as a “message” rather than just missed in the initial searches, and then the way the best friend describes the boyfriend and the names he apparently called Cieha... Called her a wicked demon and dirty and the n-word, seems like a really really strange way of insulting someone and doesn’t make much sense to me. Overall, this case is definitely extremely confusing and it seems like there’s a lot more to the story of her disappearance.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/suzy-creemcheese 📅︎︎ Sep 26 2020 🗫︎ replies

So has anyone snatched his ass up or yall just talking shit

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Bmoregeorge 📅︎︎ Jan 25 2021 🗫︎ replies

The Kendall Rae you tuber did a great video on Cieha. Her family and best friend Allison had recorded video bits for the story and they said her shoes were found in a drain close to her car. I don't know how relevant that is but it was also mentioned that the car was left on the tracks in the hopes of a train hitting it and destroying any evidence if something was done to Cieha in the car or trace evidence by a forensic team.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/pinkitty333 📅︎︎ Oct 29 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] hey guys welcome back to my channel so today i'm going to be doing a family involved video which i haven't done in a few months but i do this in cases normally where they're barely getting any coverage and there's little information to work with and the family has reached out to me about working on a video and getting that information out there i think it really helps to hear directly from a family member i don't know about you guys but that's really how i connect best to these victims is hearing their families speak about them and just seeing their love for them and you know how hard they're fighting to find answers or to get them back or whatever it is so today i have family and friends of kyah taylor joining me not here obviously but they sent me video clips to put into this video but before i tell you about kya's case i do have another thorn campaign to tell you about and i'm really excited for this one if you haven't seen recently i've been working with candles by victoria to donate a percentage of all sales that are sold through this channel to thorn we are gonna still be doing that and i'll leave the link below if you're interested but now we have another small shop joining us so i've also joined up with a small jewelry shop run by a girl named jacqueline and this has been in the works for months now i'm so excited to be finally telling you about it but we have created a collection of jewelry for thorn her shop is called art by jack studio and we work together to come up with three different pieces for thorn and 25 of the profit will be going to them so first up we have the rose ring which is actually a small rose i prefer to wear this one as a midi ring but you can get it in any size you want then we have another rose ring but this time the rose is printed into a plate and this one also comes in a variety of sizes i love rings i know you guys see me wear rings all the time and i also love roses so i knew eventually i wanted to create some type of ring for thorn and i know i will personally wear these all the time as a reminder of everything that we've done for thorn on this channel and all of you who have you know helped us do what we have done so far got a little sidetrack there but this is the last piece it is the rose resin necklace this is really really cool very unique and handmade in each necklace there is a small rose that is encased in resin and it is wrapped in wire of course and if you didn't know the reason that we have everything rose themed is that is what thorns symbol is thorin works to protect and save children from human trafficking as well as exploitation online so thorn sees children as the rose and themselves as the thorn protecting the rose so we put a lot of thought into this collection and i really hope you guys check it out we have limited stock for this so if you want one you've got to get it we probably will do another restock in the next month or two but definitely get your hands on them if you want when these are super super limited edition if you have any questions about the pieces i will link jaclyn's twitter below you can reach out to her she's always on social media and also if you end up throwing anything else from her shop into your cart she's gonna donate 10 on those items as well until october 1st so yeah check it out guys but let's go ahead and get into today's case so kyah taylor went missing this year in february 2020. as you guys know it's been a crazy year so much has happened i'm sure you guys are just as drained as i am and everyone else in the world feels right now and when there's so much going on and also so many missing people it's really hard for families to raise awareness about their loved one so kaya's family has done everything they can to get the word out about her going missing and they have reached out to several true crime youtubers to help spread the word social media has become so vitally important in true crime cases these days families are often told that's the best way that they can help is by raising awareness so kya's family has been doing that by trying to do their own social media campaign but you can only grow it so much when you don't have a platform so they have also reached out to several you know podcasts and true crime youtubers to help spread awareness about kaya so this is kaya annette taylor she's currently 28 years old and she's born on november 16th 1991. kya has been missing since february 6 2020 from plant city florida and this is a city in hillsborough county which is east of tampa it's a pretty small town you know not the smallest in the world but pretty small it has an estimated population of 34 000. plant city has a lot of farm land they're really known for their strawberries it's kind of where most of the country gets their strawberries from in the winter months kaya has two brothers and a sister and from what the family has told me kyla has a very fun and light-hearted vibe about her and from what i was able to gather myself because she did have a youtube channel she only had a couple videos on it but in those few videos you can just kind of see what a goofball she was greetings earthlings it is cosmic kaya from the cosmic kaya show reporting from an alternate universe today's juicy gossip is about how an attitude of gratitude can and will change the world simply because giving thanks greatly improves the quality of what it is you're showing appreciation to she seemed like a really good person and they also sent me this video clip of her shaving her head on new year's eve and apparently this was not out of character for her she just decided she wanted to shave her head and get a new start on new year's eve last minute and just went in the bathroom took a razor and shaved her head and she was that type of person who's just like super free-spirited and spur-of-the-moment and just fun like that you are terrifying and strange and beautiful something not everyone knows how to love kai is a very unique individual he's always been very eccentric and loved she always wanted to investigate or learn or be out in the world see things know things she was more curious than why is the sky blue she was more curious than that and she would find it out too she was an avid reader she read when she was four years old she could read teachers yeah her own reading group in kindergarten she was good teachers help her she loved nature she could be in the water 24 7. oh her voice her imitation of voices of the animals and people especially the dogs and the cats and the nicknames she always named people um this one was hopi this was just her aunt cindy like her second mom so me was monita my brother was dumbed and then her cat was babushka oh and her brother was bubby she loved to re-quote songs and movies she was very affectionate she loved to touch hug kiss rubbing your hair rub your feet hold your hands and it's one of the main things i miss right now she had a contagious slime kaya is the type of person who wants to enjoy every moment of life every high every low every moment in between she has this thirst for life that i've never seen in another person she hates to sit still she's always going going going like the energizer bunny i tell her that all the time she was a dreamer she loved to write poetry music she loved nature and gardening and animals she loved hanging out with her family she loved her family she loved going to the beach we would go to the beach at 1 2 a.m just because because we were sad because we were happy because we just wanted to watch heat lightning over the gulf of mexico i mean that's the type of person that she is she would call me up and be like are you awake you want to go to the beach this girl lit up a room um when she was uh just very young i don't remember the age she won miss pasco county fair uh she was absolutely one of the most beautiful children i've ever seen in my life and she had a personality to go right behind it um i remember when she was just barely two years old uh she was sitting in the front seat of um the car she was not in car seat we were parked and she was in just her underwear um and she looks at me and she falls out like she is passing out and i'm like hey what's wrong with you she says i just died act like i'm dying a bit of a backstory between kai and i we met when we were seven years old we were in the same grade when someone goes missing or passes away god forbid it's the little moments that you think of the most it's laying in bed with her sharing memes or sad quotes on tumblr just driving through the countryside listening to worship songs or going to church at midnight on christmas you would be holding hands doing spells or charging crystals or going to metaphysical stores reading tarot cards i miss the way that she would say my name when she called me alison ally's son kai is the type of person that when she walks into your life you never forget her she's always the center of attention even if she didn't want it but she usually did she loved to entertain people she was a great performer she was so smart the girl is so smart and she never gives herself enough credit she loves so deeply and so hard and i know that all she wants is to be loved in the same way so when kyle went missing her family said that she was couch surfing at the time she was kind of you know living in between places and she also had a boyfriend at the time and for this video i'm going to be referring to him as her boyfriend just because i don't want to have any legal issues or complicate this case more i know his name is out there i've heard it out there a few times but i'm not gonna be the one to say it but around the time that she went missing she was spending most of her time at her boyfriend's house she was pretty much living there on the day that kaia went missing she was wearing a striped dress the stripes were gray white blue and red and then she also had a pink sweater with her on february 6th kaya was with her boyfriend that day and we don't have much information about what they were doing or what was going on unfortunately at that time because her boyfriend really hasn't spoken up much as far as public interviews or talking to the family they've barely talked to him actually which is kind of odd he has talked to police but all of that hasn't been disclosed to the public but around 4 p.m she left after dropping her boyfriend off at his house so that was the last place that she was known to have gone and then later that day around 7 00 p.m so only a few hours later police got a call that there was a car that was on and running and left on the train tracks when they got there they found out that it was a black toyota solera and it was found abandoned at east trapnell road just west of jack tucker road in plant city and this is really close to where her boyfriend lives so like i said the car was still running with the keys inside on the train tracks which is very very suspicious or at least you would think so but police didn't seem to think so because they actually just decided that it was a hazard obviously for the train for the car and so they moved the car off of the train tracks out of the way turned it off locked it and left it there they didn't try to figure out whose car it was or try to see if something suspicious was going on they just left it so kyo was old enough that her parents weren't constantly checking in on her and it took a few days until everyone realized that she was missing her boyfriend never said anything which he's the one who was spending the most time with her at that time and obviously because the police didn't do anything about it they never heard about her car being found on the railroad tracks so it was days after that a missing person's report was actually filed and like i said the last place that kaya was seen was at her boyfriend's house dropping him off and her family believes that she never left his house that day so on february 9th her boyfriend's mother was actually driving some belongings to his house and on the way she saw kaya's car just parked there on the side of the road and the two of them ended up calling aaa to have them come out and unlock the car and just see what was inside it was discovered that her phone her driver's license her debit card were all left inside so if she had left on her own accord she probably would have taken those things especially her phone because kaya was known for having her phone with her at all times and her family just believes she would not have left it behind kaya loves her cell phone like it's an extension of her body to be honest if she's not texting or on social media the girl is taking photos wherever that phone was kaia was her phone is her literal lifeline she would not just leave it somewhere kai always had a phone uh tens of thousands of pitches all the social platforms it would be weird for anybody these days not to have their phone on them 24 7 all the time so it's just weird to know that the phone was found where it was found at she always had her phone if kyle was in the shower kai's phone was in the bathroom if she was in there doing her makeup her phone was in the bathroom with her she had music playing something was going on but she always had her phone always always always kaya never ever was without her phone and she would beg bar and steal to get that thing paid if she could because she needed her phone um she lived her life through a phone i went over to kennedy's house she had already called the dane city police department in the date state police department showed up they did an incident report not a missing person's report an incident report something felt very off about that but i just shrugged it off i mean nobody nobody knows how to act or react or what to say or do or think in this type of situation so the first thing that police did was look at her car and he did some forensic testing to see if they could find any clues or evidence they were able to find some fingerprints but they were all from people who were regularly riding in the car which could include her boyfriend police ended up putting out there that maybe it was possible that kaya had taken her own life kaya had struggled with depression in the past and had said some things about possibly taking her own life but her family said it has nothing to do with this and you know she moved through that many people go through that she said at this time in her life she was happy and there was no reason for her to do something like that plus it doesn't even make sense why would she leave her car on the railroad tracks and let's say she did take her own life where's her body why would someone want to commit suicide and hide it and act like they disappeared and put their family through that it just makes no sense i don't even know why the police put it out there it just doesn't actually fit with the case there's been a lot of reports about kaya's mental health but kyle loved life she loved life every time that she would get into that negative headspace she would talk herself out of it she would always say to everybody what are three things that you're grateful for and she would remind herself to be grateful every single day there is no way kaya was suicidal that day i do not believe it i know i know kaya more than anybody else in this world aside from her mother i know her our souls are connected in a way that i can't explain to anybody except her i know her this wasn't suicide she wouldn't walk away from her life she wanted to be better and do better police also did a physical search along with family and friends in the wooded area around where her car was found and it was really hard to believe that no one had seen anything because like i said plant city is really known for their strawberries and there are tons of people in this area around that time it's actually strawberry season so according to her family whenever they're out there looking for her they see tons of people and they just can't understand how no one saw anything the police also said that they looked at surveillance footage in surrounding areas but they haven't found anything that can help them they even took bloodhounds out to the area to try to help pick up any scent and they weren't able to find anything they also brought out helicopters and did an aerial search they put information about kaya on road signs for people driving by on february 20th they did a traffic survey in the area and they handed out over 500 flyers to people that regularly are in that area but no helpful leads have come back from that either so several weeks went by with nothing and obviously the family is feeling incredibly helpless for me it was it was devastating i remember falling down and just laying there and so fear and horror set in inside of me i remember thinking to myself what if i never get her back and i'm sad about that because um i didn't want to speak it into the universe it's like groundhog day in a nightmare it was almost as if it was surreal like it was i was going through the day through the emotions but it was it's still almost like a movie that we're watching and we want to hurry up and get to the end so we can find her first few days after i found out kai was missing i was uh i was upset i felt uh i felt helpless because i was in iowa and my mother was dealing with it in florida and i wish i could just drop everything and get get back down to florida but i couldn't i don't know the first couple days it was just like you're in shock because we actually had just uh saw kai on monday february 3rd it was my husband's birthday and we had came down to florida for his birthday and we had just saw her on friday following february 10th i honestly can't recall much of what happened that week i was in a very dark headspace i was dissociating but i was also on autopilot it was just a blur it still is there was over a dozen cop cars and i could hear the helicopters and the dogs barking and it like it hit me it's like i'm reliving those moments all over again every day but several weeks after she first went missing her shoes were actually found and they were found in a drainage pipe pretty close to where her car was found just up the road and this was really strange because this was an area that had been heavily searched by family by police i mean it's possible someone just missed these but her family feels like there's a good chance that someone purposely put the shoes there after she had went missing to give their family some type of hint or just to get rid of the evidence so that is a possibility as i said there's not that much to work with in this case i wish there was more that i could tell you there's not much more than that but there was another case that happened in plant city that could possibly be connected to kyah's case key word is possibly her name is veronica reyes diaz she is only 23 years old and she went missing just a few weeks before kaya did it was january 18th 2020 and veronica had plans to go out with a friend that night her husband stayed home for the night with their one-year-old and she took their other two kids with her to visit her friend who lives in plant city she eventually returned back home but then was picked up by her friend again later that night at 1 15 in the morning veronica was dropped back off at home and then she left the house again to go get her sons from her friend's house in plant city weirdly enough she makes it back with the kids gets them to bed but then leaves the house again and this was in the middle of the night but this time she didn't return and no one knows where she went after that so people have connected this to kyah's case because veronica's car was also found not only that but her keys and her wallet with cash inside was found inside the car but what's different here is her cell phone was not in the car and apparently they were able to get a ping on her phone that weekend that she went missing but after that it seems the phone was turned off so it seems like someone may have taken her and taken her phone of course there's a possibility that she left as well but you never want to just assume that so kaya and veronica's families have both been really frustrated with the police actually they feel like they haven't done as much as they possibly can i know kaya's mom feels like the police just aren't equipped enough that they really just don't have enough resources to do a proper investigation here dealing with law enforcement has been very difficult especially in the beginning we called the date city police because that's where my residence is in pasco county but the car was actually found in hillsborough county so we've actually been dealing with three different law enforcement departments and the first one that was called out did not take it serious they just gave me an incident number and didn't even claim it as a missing person that happened on february 9th on february 10th the hillsborough county sheriff's department picked it up and realized oh my we've you know we moved this car blah blah blah it started unfolding where the ball had been dropped and who did what but the detective that was assigned to her case 10 days later from the day thursday the time he got the file in the case it was 10 days later so he and his superiors did realize you know the things that had happened that were failures so there was a deep hurt if you will because i trust law enforcement i had a lot of confidence in them and it it really broke mine and it so it was hard however in dealing with detective my detective on the case he's done an amazing job for me he has tried to protect me too as far as my feelings and understanding how what i'm going through they've been so frustrated that back in june of 2020 they actually put together a protest and they did it right outside of the hillsborough county sheriff's office after they did the protest the sheriff actually came forward and said that they had a special project in the works to hopefully help with the case and this project ended up being a podcast i thought this was really interesting i had never heard of a police department making a podcast and honestly kudos to them for trying it didn't really go as well as i think they had hoped and that's for several reasons first of all the podcast world is brutal trust me i've been doing my podcast now for over two years how long has been three i don't know it is very hard to get views it's very hard to get downloads a podcast audience is very specific they have to really like your content to go and listen to a whole podcast i think they thought they would just put it on the internet and it'll go viral but that's just not how it works they should have worked with some type of social media consulting agency or maybe someone could start helping police departments with something like this because like i said they just barely got any downloads on this podcast and that's also because they named it unfinished business which is the name of two other really popular podcasts so that just really does not help in search results that's their biggest problem for sure the podcast is about a bunch of different cases the first episode was about kaya it's 12 minutes long which i think is pretty weak come on i put out like two hour podcasts like you're the police you have all the information you'd think they would understand that a podcast should be longer than 12 minutes i don't know super disappointing cool idea not so great execution if you want to listen to it i will link it below but unfortunately that didn't get much traction and didn't bring up any new good leads the police have been pretty tight-lipped about any possible evidence that they are hanging on to because this is an ongoing investigation there has been no one officially named as a suspect but kaia's family personally believes that her boyfriend could have been involved and i'm going to let them explain that a little more to you kaya and her boyfriend and i really i hate using that term for him because he's not worthy of being her boyfriend they met about five years ago or so at first it was just a fling it was just a hookup it was not serious it was just somebody that she had fun with um but over the last two years or so things definitely got a lot more intense on her end at least she definitely felt like she was in love with him she wanted to get married at him she wanted to have children with him it was very much a one-sided relationship he never posted about her on social media he never took her on dates he would blow her off on her birthday he would only show up when it was convenient for him he's just not a good person he was never considered a boyfriend to me was never welcome at my home i did not like the choices that they were making in the circle of friends that they were hanging with and it was a huge um strain on mine and kai's relationship during that time i don't know a lot about him but the things that have come up are all negative and destroyed her life basically and that's how i felt i think she saw it too she saw it coming the roads that she was taking but she kept traveling down that road because again kyle loved so hard that letting go even though it might have been for the best it was too hard for her she's the type of person who loves so deeply and she wants to be loved like that in return however when she felt his rejection which was pretty much immediate once things started getting serious when she felt that rejection she just loved him harder and she was willing to sacrifice anything for him whether it was friends family herself most importantly it's not a relationship that i personally approved of i know her family did not approve of it it just it was toxic it was abusive he would use her insecurities against her he would call her names constantly i saw it i heard it he would call her dirty he would call her a demon he would call her the n-word he would say that she was wicked just the meanest things a person could say he would just say that just because he could just to just to hurt her just upset her our investigation of him has shown nothing but negativity almost as if this was a game to him because there was domestic violence um we have racism racism quotes and our documented things that show how he thought outside um being with kaya police have not named her boyfriend as a suspect and of course there are other possibilities i mean it could have been someone else is there a possibility that her case is connected to veronica's that someone in the area is abducting women of course that's a possibility there's just no evidence right now to truly support that other than this similar case i'm really curious what you guys think about that obviously there are some differences it's not like her car was found on the train tracks as well her car wasn't running either so i'm not sure if they're connected and the whole train tracks thing is just so weird to me i really really want to know what you guys think about this because if this is some type of stage thing it doesn't really make a lot of sense if you wanted to stage it like kaya was hit by the train obviously that wouldn't work because if a train actually did come by and hit the car and when investigators got there there was no body inside of it there still would be the question of where is kaya you know what's the point of that are they trying to make it look like she set it up that way like she wanted to leave her lifestyle new life and have them find out about it by her car being hit by a train maybe someone put it there so that the police would find out that she was missing obviously it doesn't make sense for someone to leave that car there if they're trying to stage it like she was killed by the train but maybe this person wasn't thinking logically maybe this was something that happened kind of as a spur of the moment thing and they just thought that was the best way to get rid of her car i'm not sure i want to know what you guys think the theory that i have as far as i believe the car was staged because i know my girl there is no way that she would just walk away and drop her phone on the ground and leave i know her that well so that already started a really suspicious scene and to me constitutes a crime scene which was never treated as such i think that there was something happening between her and the boyfriend that might not have ended well i just know she would never ever just walk away from her life and not want to talk to anybody anymore my theory on why the car was on the railroad tracks i've gone over this a zillion times in my head i know this all csx railroads have cameras not that railroad tracks there's no cameras there that road is very well traveled uh but if it's a local car or something they really don't care about it there's other cars that's been known to sit on the side of the road for two months without even a tag on it it feels staged it definitely feels staged but at the same time who knows you know maybe she was in that car and maybe she wasn't maybe that car was purposely put there and where the car was found on those train tracks if you were to walk them it leads right up to the boyfriend's friend's backyard i mean did somebody just drive there put the car there run down the train tracks i don't know i don't know there's been a lot of talk of maybe sex trafficking which very well could be the case but there's just this feeling i have this feeling that it has to do with her boyfriend if you were to see the last text messages exchange between them and if you were to know the boyfriend know his friends know the kind of things that they were doing it would be a no-brainer something is telling me my in my gut that he knows what what happened to her he knows his friends now and because they had such a long period of time between the day that the car was put there and the day that i did the police report on the morning of the 10th i mean all that evidence was gone it had rained over the weekend dogs couldn't track anything there were no prints without any evidence of being staged right now just in this process uh of the investigation we don't know but personally i believe it was stage it was put there and it's it's not a coincidence that it was found a block and a half away from where the boy her boyfriend uh supposedly hangs out at at uh at the friend's house and they were the last people to see him it's it's that's not it's not coincidental as soon as we saw where the car was at we were like uh yeah no kaya did not leave her car there um somebody put the car there it was clearly staged i don't believe kai was ever in that car kai didn't leave her car on the train tracks honestly i don't think kai made it out of that house on thursday february 6. supposedly they were the last people to see her her boyfriend his friend and friend's father they were the last person to see her we've heard several different stories they say that she left they say she was erratic we don't know what happened we weren't there but what we do know is and what we believe in our hearts is that they do know what happened to her so either they did something personally or someone else that they know potentially did something to her but where her car was found at it's too close to that home for it to have sat there for four days and her boyfriend not contact my mother-in-law to say hey is kyle okay her car's abandoned on the side of the road they know something her family just wants answers they need closure they're desperate to know what happened or to find her on august 8th they held a vigil they still have quite a bit of community support and they have definitely gathered some support on social media i'm gonna really encourage you guys to go and follow them if you're on facebook that's really where they do all their updates and i can't tell you how much it means to these family members of victims to have community support to be able to make a post and have people like it and tell them to keep fighting that means the world to them so um first we just want to say thank you all to our followers who follow us on facebook at finding kaya also we have an instagram account finding kaya and basically um you know like the detective says what we're doing on social media is very effective it has brought in leads it has brought in tips so if anybody would like to continue to help us just you know like and follow our facebook page at finding kaya and um also we just appreciate all the prayers like we know that we're stronger together and we know that um if we touch and agree on things that the lord will hear our cry and he'll answer our prayers so we appreciate all the prayers and just continue to like share and follow the finding kaya page when you do type in kaya on facebook in the search bar you will see many pages and groups about kaya but finding kaya is the only reliable source we're also offering a five 000 reward to anybody that has information that brings her home to us you can find more information about that reward on the finding kaya facebook any any little small detail could bust the case wide open so if you have any information just reach out we also have an email set up at finding kaya yahoo.com we're desperate for answers we're almost eight months in our girl's still missing if you know anything at all please you know like my husband said find it in your heart to come forward i know for some of the victims that i've worked with in the past the communities that they've built around these cases have been what pulls them through and keeps them fighting so that's the easiest way to make an impact and help this family is just by following their page so i'll link that below they also are accepting donations for a private investigator they are trying to save up i will leave their cash app username below i will also be making a personal donation to their family like i said the easiest way that you can help is just by following the case and showing your support or leave a nice comment below please i hope i don't even have to say this but please do not say anything negative about kaya or the family in the comments seems like some people still don't understand that you just don't do that but just gonna say it anyway big thank you to kai's family for sending me those clips really does help i think the audience to understand what this is truly like for these families i've said this before but i know a lot of people view true crime as just entertainment and while it can be interesting to learn about these cases it's real for some people i mean this stuff doesn't stop for them when the video ends and they have to live this reality every day and sometimes live on for years without answers of what happened to their loved one so i like to include them when i can so thanks for being cool about that i really appreciate it be sure to check out our thorn jewelry collection by art by jack studio there'll be a link below definitely check that out if you have any information that can help police solve kya's case or veronica's case i will leave contact information below for you to get that information to the right people but that's it for me today guys stay safe out there and i will see you next week kai if you ever do get to see this video just come home we don't care we don't care the circumstance we don't care just come home everybody misses you please come home send us some kind of sign because that's where we're at seven months we just want closure and whatever that may be we are strong enough to handle whatever the outcome is but please please come home i'm missy karia and i love you so much i really kind of miss you and you're my question [Music] you
Channel: Kendall Rae
Views: 1,340,224
Rating: 4.9297552 out of 5
Keywords: kendallraeonyt, kendallrae, kendall rae, cieha taylor, cieha taylor missing, true crime, crime, mile higher podcast, mystery, crime watch daily, mile higher, crime documentary, unsolved, cold case, id discovery, dateline, buzzfeed unsolved, investigation, unsolved mysteries, news, unexplained, investigative, documentary, cold case files, mysteries, true crime daily, 20/20, unsolved mystery, true crime documentaries, crime documentaries, real crime, missing, 48 hours, dateline mystery
Id: wE2yIuVKBhI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 33sec (2313 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 25 2020
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