WHERE IS Johnny Gosch?! Why Johnny CAN'T Come Home....

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hello everyone welcome back to my channel and welcome back to another episode of whereís if you are new to my channel where is is actually a series I started about a year ago now and it's a series where I talk about different missing-persons cases and try to raise awareness about the case today we are going to be talking about one of the most requested cases that I ever get and definitely one of the most famous missing-persons cases of all time and that is the case of Johnny Gosch because it is actually human trafficking Awareness Day and it's an extremely huge problem is a one hundred fifty billion dollar industry there are millions of people enslaved all over the world people who don't think this happens everywhere like you really need to learn more about this because it is absolutely something that affects everyone and one in four of these people is a child and with this series we are also of course raising money for thorne I'm gonna go quickly over that I'm going to include some more clips at the end about what thorne is and what they do and they fight against people who are exploiting children on the internet or so it's a really great organization to support and this month our design was designed by Ellie she's a subscriber Thank You Ellie Ellie's information will be linked below if you want to check out more of her work but she did an awesome design it comes in gray white and pink stay woke it's pretty lit design and remember that 100% of the money raised goes to charity I don't take a single dime of it let's begin if you have Netflix it's possible you may have seen a documentary called who took Johnny or maybe seen another documentary about him his case is very publicized and huge hugely complicated and intense so in this video I definitely will not be able to give you every single last bit of information there's a lot of areas I'm just gonna have to skip over and I really hope you guys do your own research because this goes deep there's a lot of corruption conspiracy in this missing-persons case and it is fascinating Johnny's story has spawned thousands of theories ideas people are constantly coming up with new theories of what happened to him he could be now he's very possible that he is still alive in fact his mom thinks he's still alive and I think he definitely could be and he was taken in 1982 so think about that he has been gone over 35 years now but most of my story from the night of the events that happened because there's like an official report and it's just not accurate so I went off of Johnny's mom's story because Johnny's mom and a mom of any child who's gone missing normally has the facts the straightest is the best person to go to for the real story so I will have a bunch of sources below and one of them will be her written recount of this whole thing it's very very long but most of my information is coming directly from her so today we're gonna be talking about the gotchas and Johnny's mom Noreen Gosch is going to be very prominent in this story so Noreen was married before she actually had Johnny to another man and it's crazy this woman is super super topic tons of respect for her because the previous husband was actually diagnosed with cancer and not only that they got hit with a huge tornado Noreen literally found her two children facedown in the gravel after the tornado and thank God they were still alive but she went out to save them and then her husband died like weeks after this tornado so this woman was tough as nails she got remarried and then she had Johnny with a man named John John gosh she had two kids from her previous marriage and then Johnny so according to Noreen the story really starts on September 3rd of 1982 official reports in the law of documentaries skip over this part completely but the gashes were at a high school football game one of the older gosh boys was playing in the game and Johnny came to watch with his parents while they were in the stands Johnny said that he wanted to go get himself some popcorn so they gave him some money and he went to go get popcorn but he never came back and they were really confused so John gosh went to go find him and they kind of near the concession stand actually talking to a police officer they were like having a full conversation no one knows what they were talking about Johnny I'm Johnny if he could stand towards like that and the edge of the football game you know where there's a fence so that they could see him from the top of the bleachers and keep an eye on him and he didn't want to sit with them which a lot of boys don't so he said ok and did that and for a while they were watching him and then awesome he was gone again so John went to find him again and this time Johnny was underneath the bleachers talking to a police officer again under the bleachers like in the dark so creepy so John brought Johnny back up to the bleachers to sit with them and then as they were leaving the game they were walking out of the stadium with a bunch of other people and Johnny pointed to the police officer he was talking to and said he was really nice I think I should be a policeman when I grow up and what was really interesting is that Noreen thought this whole thing was weird she thought it was a strange behavior for a police officer to continue to seek out one specific kid and talked so the next day Saturday normal day Johnny actually went to the movies with one of his friends that evening it was actually a really nice dinner Johnny's sister came into town from college with her boyfriend and his older brother was also home so everyone was home which was kind of rare for them and they had a nice dinner and they were all home and Noreen and refers to this as the Last Supper she said everyone was having fun joking laughing no one knew what was coming the next day Oh before Johnny went to sleep that night he asked his mom and dad if he could do his paper route by himself the following morning Johnny did the paper route and this was such a common job it's really interesting papers are like not a thing anymore like I guess I just haven't really realized it's been like this for a long time it's like you don't see papers on everyone's driveways and I think some people still subscribe to it but it's not nearly like what it was back then it was a very common job for people to be newspaper boys so normally John would do this paper out with Johnny since he was younger but this morning he really want to do it by himself and John actually said yeah that's fine you can do that but Noreen was like no you need to go with your dad I don't feel comfortable with you being outside alone so Johnny what upstairs I went to bed but then weirdly enough he came back down and talked to no rain for a second he gave her a hug and he said mom I will always love you you are the best then he smiled and went back upstairs and that was the last moment before Johnny went missing that marine would see him it's really strange is a call came in at 1:30 a.m. and Noreen's husband John answered this call we answered the call he said yes all right yes all right ok and then hung up and when she asked him who it was he said it was a wrong number now this was really weird because they had been getting calls like this almost every Sunday morning for a few weeks you didn't think much of it went back to sleep and then the next morning she was awoken to tons of calls coming in from people saying where's my newspaper so she got up and she figured that you know he may have overslept he didn't go do his paper I'll just probably honestly mad at him but when she went to his room she realized he wasn't there and his wagon was gone well I don't know why his dad didn't go with him it's really odd he also had their little dog tied to their wagon so the dog was with him so John said hey he's probably just running late I'll go help him finish up the route and you can make breakfast and it'll all go to the lake it plans to go to the lake that day so this is September 5th of 1982 sadly Johnny was not late on his paper route he had gone missing so John came back a little while later and when he got back he was completely French and came running and screaming johnny is gone his wagon was only two blocks from their house with the dog tied to it filled with newspapers so John quickly said call the police something has happened to him they called the police and they also had tons of people calling in about their newspaper because he was supposed to deliver it John actually went and finished delivering the papers with a neighbor and Nerine waited for the police and get this they waited 45 minutes for the police to show up and they were only ten blocks from the police station it took about 45 minutes before the police arrived the police work was only ten blocks away though in the meantime she started calling all of the other newspaper carrier boys and asking them if they saw Johnny there were several paper boys for the area and a couple boys had seen Johnny that morning John apparently left the residents sometime around 5:45 as a neighbor reported hearing a wagon being pulled through the back of his yard Mike was picking up his morning papers and noticed a car stopped and then back up to the point where John - was walking and appear that John spoke briefly to the drivers of the vehicle all the other boys editing on that morning had seen a blue car pull up near Johnny and asking for directions and Johnny didn't answer he actually just kept walking with his dog in the newspapers up to the stop sign and I'll try to put in a graphic so that you guys can see this a little better car left Johnny Johnny proceeded to wear newspapers have been dropped vehicle gets described as a two-tone blue two-door Ford Fairmont that car came back the man in there asked directions I think I told police he looked like he was mad about something he wasn't drunk but he looked like his boys were folding up newspapers at the corner soon an attorney actually named John Rossi he came to pick up newspapers for his children to deliver and he also talked to the man in the blue car I was there that morning Johnny was doing his wagon Johnny's dog was there with him there were two or three other carriers there doing the same I was the only adult oh there happened to be a car on 42nd Street and there was a guy in there and he was talking to Johnny Gosch Johnny said hey can you come over here and help this guy this car just swore he made a u-turn took off my thought it was kind of strange and he would do that according to the other boys that was there Johnny had a gut feeling that something was wrong and he actually said this is where I'm scared I'm going home and he started to walk away and as soon as he started doing this the driver of the blue car suddenly backed up and drove away from the scene attorney the other guy that was there he left as well and then the boys actually remember seeing the driver of the car flashed his lights three times and then one of the paper boys saw a man come out of two houses two random houses start to follow Johnny down the street and then they disappeared out of sight the witness that was sitting in the corner saw a tall man come out from between two houses and follow my son Mike saw an individual step from the curb on to 42nd and travel towards John - according to the paperboy was you know out of sight at this point he could hear the dog growl and that's all that he heard and at this point there were actually two other brothers that were doing the paper route coming up the same street and they were kind of in the area of Johnny at this time and they saw something pretty disturbing the next two people see him are two Juvenal newspaper carriers they reported seeing Johnny slumped over in his wagon that say hey Johnny he says hi maybe she's where the newspapers have been dropped and they were in a hurry they were running late and so they left and then neighbors heard a car door slam at about this time PJ Smith reported hearing a car door and upon sitting up in bed he observed a silver in black ford fairmont start up from the area where john gosh was last seen and made a left turn after rolling through the stop sign without stopping car ran the stop right there and it turned left they get their newspapers turn around and walk back by the same corner and when they walked by a wagon service newspaper and they're done this car that he saw was actually described as a black ford fairmont so there was multiple cars multiple people probably involved in this abduction so the police in this case were literally terrible this might be the worst place work I have ever heard of or seen after doing so much research on these cases I mean this was just atrocious the police had absolutely no interest in helping Johnny and this was back before there was rules against police department saying you have to wait a certain amount of time for us do anything like a lot of people don't know this but that old rule you know you have to wait 48 or 72 hours depending on the police station there used to be a rule you have to wait that long until they would actually start performing a search and everything which is so stupid because if there's if child goes missing I mean you need to do something right away but this all made no sense and eventually the laws change but back then they were like we can't help you for 72 hours so Noreen had already collected all of these witness statements from these boys before the police even got there there was no crime scene nobody saw anything that to us was an explanation for the boy's disappearance he just vanished and what was so annoying is that the police officer kept saying are you sure your son didn't just run away the cob looked at me and he said well has your son ever run away before kid never ran away that really upset us and they just thought like all cops do it's a runaway kid ran away now this kid didn't run away johnny was our paperboy know him knew his parents but out to dinner with them Johnny would not run away obviously he didn't run away like it makes no sense he was clearly out on a paper route he left the dog tied to a wagon all the newspapers and just disappeared he did not run away I mean this doesn't make any sense there he's never run away before that whole theory it's just [ __ ] obviously but the police department was really set on oh he ran away and that's what makes people think that there's almost some corruption in this case and that the police department may have been involved you you know remember that creepy police officer the police officer was like yeah whatever he ran away and he left their house and they didn't even hear from the police for eight hours can you imagine that was today that would be unheard of there that day 3:30 p.m. so keep in mind this was early in the morning that he went missing they finally came back to their house they asked her pictures of Johnny asked a few questions and left so she actually called the parents of some of the witnesses the other boys that saw Johnny that morning and the police had come to their house as well to ask some questions as they should have and they reported that the police didn't even bring a piece of paper anything to take notes with no clipboard nothing it's like they were told not to try hard on this case and was even crazier is the police chief his name was Orville Cooney he said that they should stay home and not talk to any media and basically be quiet and hide it's somewhat of a frustrating investigation but I'm very optimistic I think that we will find the boy and he will be alive I told them not even to participate in the searches for Johnny the whole thing was so weird because Johnny always came in and we'll give that up to do the newspaper Rob so this made no sense Johnny purposely left without his dad like when why did he want to go by himself suddenly it just didn't make any sense Oh marine and the public in the community really rallied by performing searches and everything on their own and not even kidding at one of the searches one of the police officers who was drunk at the time got up on a picnic bench and started screaming go home folks this is just another run away like literally discouraging people from searching there was a lot of corruption in this town I'm not going to get into a lot of that whole by government agencies we you have to prove that child's in danger to us he's a runaway until you prove he's in danger you can almost become catatonic you can almost go into a state of mind where you don't want to talk to anybody ever again not trust anybody ever again that's our boys life I mean the police chief I just got in trouble for beating someone else at a bar so there is so much corruption in the police department tons of the police officers had charges against them as well and things that they should have been fired for and they weren't so it's just a really corrupt police department and corrupt politics as well and I'm not going to get into all of that today but it's very very intriguing once you hear about it and you guys should also look into the Larry eqing investigation or the Franklin cover-up very interesting stuff and it will kind of help you understand how this stuff happens on a large scale because people just do not understand how corrupt and how systemic pedophilia rings exist in this country all over and I'm not exaggerating this is absolutely true innocent children like these can become big money in the highly lucrative business of child pornography and prostitution this is a catalog for pedophiles there are ads like this forty five-year-old man seeks contact with others interested in adolescent and pre-adolescent boys and girls well I went out to her as a parent because I knew she had a big fight on her hands we need to know that they must be cautious with their actions this is not some BS conspiracy theory this is real this is absolutely real and this is why I support foreign so closely you're probably really confused so let me keep explaining so Noreen really young alarmed people she's just Noreen as a woman who's been through so much [ __ ] that she's just very tough and stoic and has a plan she was very like action oriented to find she loved her son so much and people really mistook her for being overly not happy but like not sad people really gave her [ __ ] all over the country because she finally did a news like a TV you know the TV finally gave her some air time to make a little plea to whoever had her son 12 year old John Goffe had been delivering papers in this affluent neighborhood of West Des Moines that was the last time he was seen let us know what you want as far as anything Johnny we love you we're waiting for you to come home we're doing everything in our power to get you back and we're leaving the porch light on every night moms are like that a lot of people she was too okay and was to put together people started thinking she was crazy and she was also really pushing all the time because for years it went on where the police were barely helping she could get a lead and they wouldn't do anything so she had to become this person that was really pushy she had to fight for herself and some people ended up not liking her I think that our son was taken off the corner of 42nd and Marquardt I don't believe for one minute that he ran away or walked voluntarily with anyone he just wouldn't do that day after day police and volunteers searched for Johnny but the days turned into weeks months and years following this release that we made the FBI referred to us as loons that is a message to America that if you try to find your child and if you work diligently at it you may be referred to as loons by the FBI who are doing nothing to help the parents it was very weird at the time how this all happened because I mean missing children wasn't as big of a thing then although it was happening a lot people just did not know about it after she did that interview people would drive by the house thing I hope your son is dead somewhere he's dead you're never gonna find in like all these awful things Lisa nutjobs came out near their house I mean it was just a crazy crazy time now as I went on they found literally nothing there was no clues there was no no good leads or anything August of 1984 another boy named Eugene went missing Eugene Martin he was also a paperboy and they're on the same age as Johnny so she started thinking this has got to be connected who's in the same area of Iowa did I even mentioned yes that's all it takes place in Iowa I'm sorry I'm pretty sure you did not mention that you just feel completely lost you don't know what to do where to go who to talk to it's just like a movie being rerun that we're watching the movie except the actors are different mr. Martin did your son Yugi know about the Johnny Gosch case yes he's heard of it and he's been aware of this story no Johnny guys you know is it possible that the same person kidnapped both boys or is that just a coincidence it's possible at this point they have not determined whether there is a link between the two cases yet but there's a great many facts that are very striking are you hopeful that the trail for Eugene Martin might lead to Johnny - yes we are 1984 a milk company a local dairy company decided to put Eugene and Johnny on their milk Cartman and this is how milk carton phases started if you've heard of this there's a lot of people that have been displayed on milk cartons all over the world for a long time now missing children so Noreen really wanted to do any type of good work she could to help Johnny situation but also prevent this from happening to other people so she with a couple of other parents of missing children worked together and created the National Center for Exploited and missing children or Nick Nick she also implemented the Johnny Gosch bill which requires law enforcement to act immediately when there's a missing child for any reason so then in 1985 a dollar bill surfaced and it said I am Alive Johnny Gosch now to this day we cannot confirm that this was actually joining that road on this but it is definitely possible lady called us one night about nine o'clock at night and then she had received this bill and change at a grocery store in Sioux City Iowa and I asked her please send us the bill I sent you a dollar back for what you did it's taken care it's right it's also possible that someone saw his face on the milk carton had been following the story and just decided to be a prankster and put that out there and then in 1986 another boy named Mark Allen also went missing from the Des Moines Iowa area I'll never forget it as long as I lived the last thing he said to me as he walked out the door was save me some pizza mom I'll be hungry when I get home any waved when he got to the bushes and I waved at him and that was that and I never saw him again and then in 1998 the gosh is received a letter that they believed was from Johnny it was a typed letter that was postmarked Idaho and then the writer said he was Johnny and that he had been kidnapped that he had been forced to do terrible things his kidnappers had dyed his hair and given him a new name at the end he signed the letter your son Johnny gosh she's shocking and upsetting for Noreen as you can imagine and the biggest break in his case 1991 a man named Paul Bonacci comes forward and to have been in the car that took Johnny he said that he was part of the group that kidnapped any helped and assisted in the kidnapping twenty-four-year-old Paul Bonacci a victim of sexual abuse since the age of six is himself a convicted sex offender has been diagnosed with multiple personality disorder he was in jail he had been previously involved in the Franklin cover-up so I will let you guys definitely do your own research on that because that is a whole nother thing we will this video will be way too long this was a guy who from a very young age was put into sexual exploitation he was a victim of a child prostitution ring in Nebraska and he was actually in jail in Nebraska now he suffered from a really bad multiple personality disorder now if you don't know much about the ID or multiple personality disorder it is insanely complicated and very interesting like I don't think a lot of people quite understand it but having it's really like having multiple personalities I was just visiting someone I know that was dating a guy that had multiple personality disorders and oh my god it was the craziest story I've ever heard but that's not my story to tell she described it as basically he was a driver of a bus but there's all these other passengers on his bus and any one of them at any time could start driving the bus and that's who you see so these people they literally have different voices different attitudes and this is not just like some weird thing people do it's a real really real disorder that mainly starts when you have trauma in your childhood psychologists say that your personality is formed around five or six years old that you are who you are at that point and what happened to you in the early days of your childhood it's going to impact you hugely in your future so that's what happened Paul I mean he was in a child prostitution ring from the basically aware of what was going on English it is only through these personalities that he remembers the day he helped kidnap Johnny Gosch every time he would put his head down and call up somebody it seemed authentic it seemed to me that he couldn't fake that this guy probably wasn't capable of coming up with all these voices all these different things to say Benassi can call forth his alter egos at will first to emerge Mark Anderson 15 years old I remember him talking about was that this was a boy that they were gonna take Paul says a Des Moines accomplice snuck up from behind as the abduction was made when Ozzie did his part chloroforming Johnny I held him dumb for a second I put this thing that I mean I told me to over his face and a few seconds later he went out but he had these personalities where he would literally he put his head down and then he would come up as someone else it's a really bad multiple personality disorder and that's why a lot of people have dismissed him and said he's not a credible witness and he could be making all this up and he could be but why he got no reduction in his sentence or anything and he actually met with Noreen Gosch when Paul Benassi first surfaced I needed some time before I could go to the prison and sit down and meet with him I could have strangled him but I also knew that he had been forced to do it he had been a victim also just tell me what happened please I feel so bad about it because what they made me do Benassi drew a map of the clan a replica of one drawn by the kidnappers Noreen Gosch says this x marks the exact spot of the abduction so he basically said that there's a man named Emilio and this this is where I'm just not going to be able to get into everything it is a hugely complicated puzzle of multiple players here multiple states a a giant pedophilia ring that people do not want to know that this is real but it is absolutely very very real it happens in this country all of the time the amount of people that are sex trafficked in this country is insane I've said this before but you guys should really watch this documentary called Jane Doe it's on Netflix it will be very open to you about just how easy this happens and how many people get stuck in this brutal world that goes on and people just don't really want to face the reality that this does go up high in the government and it absolutely does there's a lot of officials and I don't know how far it goes and I don't know how many politicians or you know government officials in marriage and stuff who have these powerful positions I don't know how far they go into it or if they're even involved in actually doing things but I think that they benefit monetarily like they make money off of it you know that's a whole nother can of worms to get into so I'm gonna leave more resources on that type of stuff below so you guys can do more research because you should absolutely educate yourself about what's going on they found him gagged him and Paul I guess could be making this up but I mean it just why why would he make this tough and he even recalled several things about Johnny that he just wouldn't have known for instance he had a burn on his tongue he also knew about his scar on his leg and a stammer that he would get when he was nervous or upset so Noreen believes Paul fully she really thinks that he's telling the truth about his whole experience now in 2013 actually this Des Moines Iowa pedophile ring was finally busted by the FBI FBI actually rescued 105 kids from child sex trafficking trade so this is absolutely 1992 America's Most Wanted decided to take the case and America's Most Wanted has done excellent work they have great resources and they really want to help people I know what it's like to search for your missing child I know what it's like to not know what happened so I thought let's go back and look maybe somebody will have the guts to finally tell us what happened to John they actually met with Paul Bonacci since police weren't able or weren't I all interested in doing any type of investigation further into this every single piece of evidence that has ever come forward about this the police have just dismissed it's amazingly it is so frustrating two years ago a convicted child molester surfaced and said he helped kidnap Johnny the see claims that an organized ring of pedophiles abducts children and forces them into a life of child pornography and prostitution we didn't know who we were going after and we had a missing child who's been missing for ten years and the FBI was waving us off right from the very beginning saying these are not credible witnesses we don't believe this information is valid so we went into it pretty skeptically particularly when you have a character like Paul Bonacci who was clearly suffering from multiple personality disorder who had huge credibility issues and who had been in prison Oh Paul was innocent and on TV he took them to a place here in Colorado where I live and he took them to this house and in this house this is where he said that they were all kept [Music] Oh they kept us here and I almost couldn't do it to even go near the house because I had a phone and just your memories flooded back of the last time I was here was underground dug out area with boys initials carved in the wood now please never looked further into this or anything nothing it's pretty shocking are you familiar with a Johnny Gosch case he was an idol of paper boy who disappeared 30 years ago I am NOT personally familiar with that case probably the most crazy part of this whole story is that in 1997 norine claims that Johnny Gosch came to her house there was a knock on my door persistent knocking and I went at the door and I could see a young man standing out there and I kept looking at his eyes and the eyes don't change before I said who is it and that it's me Mom so for years she actually kept this to herself and there are people out there critics I think she's literally making it up but why would she she knew people weren't gonna believe for anyway so she didn't tell anyone but she finally was in court testifying about something and under oath was asked if she had ever seen him and she said yes so it finally came forward years later but in 1997 he came to her house to another young man with him and Johnny did not introduce him I said let me call somebody to help he immediately got very upset and he said they'll kill me if they know I'm been here he shared some information about how they traffic the kids through the country and that the kids were forced to do a lot of things that were illegal so therefore none of them would ever go to the police for help and then in a very short time it was over and he said I have to go at that point he was 36 years old then we're jumping a lot forward now to August in 2006 and denry skipping some things I want to talk about they just don't have time so please do your own research on this and I might I think I'm probably do a whole podcast episode on this but in 2006 Noreen received a bunch of photos of boys who are bound and gagged now I just don't like to show this type of stuff in my videos because I don't know who those kids are I don't know if it is Johnny and I don't know what they would want more people to see them in that condition so if you want to see the pictures you can find them easily with a Google search so I'm just not even including them into this video because some people get very upset by that stuff and I just find it to me disrespectful she did receive these photos and they look at unlike Johnny she's pretty damn sure it's Johnny I'm pretty damn sure it's Johnny he has now been missing what 35 years I think that's about right around 35 years he's been gone but they think he's still alive now what's crazy is a lot of people have different theories about who he is now and there's actually this theory that I thought had nothing to it when I first looked into it but now that I know a little bit more about it I think it actually could be possible a lot of people think that Johnny Gosch is actually Jeff Gannon now Jeff Gannon and you don't know who he is you probably don't he was a press guy for the White House during the Bush administration and no one had ever heard of him it was the oddest thing he just kind of appeared and then you know like journalistic experience or anything and was one of the few that were chosen to be able to be in the White House as a press person check out this clip of Bill Maher questioning it please welcome we've been trying to get him here for a long time Jeff Gannon Jeff how you doing I'm feeling great bill how are you I'm great thanks for the opportunity to be on the show thank you for being there it's a brave thing to do because I know you've had some controversy in the past we'll get to that I mean your reputation was a guy who was in the press room and people can't quite figure out why the credentials of talent news service no disrespect we're enough to put you in there it's one of the most exclusive clubs in the world the 20 or 30 people who get to sit there and ask the leader of the free world a question directly why do you think you were selected for that well there's lots of people that have that opportunity from various news services I'm a journalist and I was able to be in the room and ask the question but why among the thousands of journalists did they select you I'm just asking I I don't know the answer to that you had a job formerly as a as an escort well I've there's lots of allegations out there about things in my past but it came out this week the Freedom of Information request was granted and you made three dozen visits apparently to the White House at a time when there were no press briefings going on on 14 occasions the Secret Service has no record of your entry and exit time what were you doing in the White House now people think he not only looks like Johnny which he definitely does but Jeff Gannon Johnny Gosch now he actually had a whole other name that he went under James Dale Dunkirk but you know he went by Jeff Gannon for whatever reason he was actually connected to gay escort services when they started looking into him further so anyway he's been like totally sketch about this whole thing I'm gonna play some news clips where he's talking about it and I mean people are really mixed on this I mean gosh he was kidnapped back in 1982 his mother Noreen was here to tell her side of the story today we have the man who may know what happened to little Johnny some claim that former White House reporter Jeff Gannon may actually be the missing voice the internet was abuzz with words that former White House reporter Jeff Gannon may in fact be Johnny Gosch similar body markings and a lack of information about Ganon's early years I do not know if Gannon is Johnny or not only a DNA test would provide that information conclusively let's get right to the point are you willing to take a DNA test and settle the controversy once and for all yes or no absolutely I would definitely take a DNA test but that isn't even necessary because there's so much evidence to available to disprove these accusations that's a yes then well well he say yes my friend Jeff is there something my friend here Jeff who's come on our show today didn't do anybody else's show he's gonna tell us the fact Jeff how old do you first off I'm 48 years already eight years old my man Johnny Gosch he did would be 35 years old Lisa what was the question said he just said hey Jeff you said you would take a DNA I could set this whole thing up but let's get to the point why don't we walk over here for is to show that my friend Jeff is not Johnny Gosch Jeff there are dozens of people have known me most of my life that could definitely vouch for the fact that I am NOT this person look what happened to this this child and the suffering that his mother has endured is is a tragedy but it's also been very difficult for for me and my family my real mother and and and members of my family who have had to listen to these fabrications being spread in newspapers on television and on the Internet Jeff are you willing to take a DNA test yes or no yeah I don't know yes when I cut my finger yesterday there was plenty of DNA available you should have stopped by don't you want Lisa he's my friend let's hear from him what did you think when you saw Noreen Gosch let him stay there Jeff I feel that that this woman is being used by people who are trying to promote themselves as being investigators when they're not they're fabricators you're not always telling the truth your name isn't what you said it was then the liberal blogs come out and say that there's a difference where you resign not that there's anything wrong with it but can you see that people may not know that you're telling the truth here there are some people who really think it is him and then there's some who's not Noreen seems to be kind of on the fence about it I'm not sure what I think but it really wouldn't surprise me I mean if you're gonna hide something why not hide it in plain sight I mean it sounds pretty crazy but it is possible although I will say that there's a good chance he just there's something else he's being sketched about because he won't take a deal test and he no one knows his past and there's all these really weird elements to him I'm gonna link some good articles on this but it definitely could be because he's involved in something else that he's embarrassed about or doesn't want to talk about where he's running from something or he has different identity but you know Jeff Gannon denies being Johnny Gosch and if it is Johnny Gosch why would we force him I mean he obviously knows like he probably would want to come home if this was him or Johnny wherever he is he could be living in a mountain town somewhere he probably wants to come home but he knows he can't and there's many reasons why he knows way too much it's a danger to his family and so probably one of the craziest stories because I can't really say like if you see Johnny let people know because I don't think he wants to come home the whole thing is just so mind-blowing it's such a conspiracy there's so much to it so please do not let this video be the end of your research on this there's so many other great sources on and I'm gonna leave a ton of them below but I want to know what you guys think where is Johnny Gosch now do you think he's Jeff Gannon do you think he's somewhere else do you think he's someone else do you think you somewhere else and where do you think he is so super super interesting case I again would encourage you guys to check out the new design for thorn thorn is working to fight against this exact issue these pedophiles and it's excellent work that they're doing so please consider buying a shirt it can be found in my merch shop with all my other merchants of you want to grab something else so I'm just going to and this with some clips from thorne about what exactly they do for those of you who don't quite now one of the first things that Demi and Ashton did was they built a technology task force and the whole idea is to bring the brightest minds and technology together to brainstorm around this issue because of the communication that exists because of Technology and the internet you meet a stranger that has a similar interest to you and next thing you know you're sharing content around that particular interest that it might happen with cars and that might happen with hobbies but it also happens with with child pornography and human trafficking of underage children in 2004 when the National Center was receiving reports of potential child pornography the volume was approximately 450,000 files recently that number has expanded and we've now received over 17 million Microsoft and Facebook and Twitter and Google are competing every day in business but they've all agreed to work together to find a solution to human trafficking and the sexual exploitation of children what are the partners we're working on with one of our programs is Polaris Project they run the National Human Trafficking hotline in this country it is somewhat of an invisible issue but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist and that doesn't mean it isn't someone's daughter it isn't someone's sister the name toward itself has a beautiful connotation its horns protect the rows and the rows here are our children and their futures [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Kendall Rae
Views: 3,073,419
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: where is, kendall rae
Id: SQIL21KPaqo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 0sec (2520 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 11 2018
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