Hiding In A Bunker? Turned Into Zombies & Murdered? Where Are The Vallow Children?

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today's video is brought to you by Ray Khan go to by Ray Khan calm slash Kendall Ray for a 15 percent off your order today hey guys welcome back to my channel so crazy times wearing right now huh I have to say it feels kind of weird just getting on here and acting normal and making videos as if there's not a pandemic going on in the world right now that I know all of you are probably being affected by in some way but many of you have told me how having content during this time is really getting you through it getting you a distraction and today's video should definitely do that for you it's confusing and weird and I'm still trying to make sense of it all today I'm gonna be telling you about - missing minors JJ valo and Ty Lee Ryan I'm sure a lot of you have heard of this case it's gotten a ton of media coverage so many people have talked about it we actually did a podcast on it back in January but so much has happened since we recorded that episode that I really wanted to get on here and make a video that kind of just lays everything out and try to make sense of this madness of course this is an ongoing case there will be information that comes out after this video goes up I probably will have to do an updated version at some point hopefully when we get more information hopefully I honestly thought we would have more by now but we don't but there have been some updates some new details that have come out just in the past week even thought it would make the most sense to just kind of go over some of the people that are involved with this first of all Joshua Jackson or JJ valo who is seven years old and he is the son of Laurie and Charles who I will explain who they are in a second he is their adopted son and he also has autism JJ had a remarkable memory he was reading at 3:00 he was doing math at 3:00 and the books he read was not see the rabbit run it was books marrying Kate Woodcock or JJ's biological grandparents who Woodcock's kept in close touch with their grandson often facetiming from their home in Louisiana you know talking first thing he always says Papa what's your new favorite toy show moment ball his family said that he was always smiling he was always making jokes he's just an upbeat kid and he had an older sister named Kylie now they're not biologically related as JJ was adopted but Kylie and JJ were really really close now Ty Lee is 17 she is Laurie's daughter biologically from a previous marriage she's described as clever witty spunky fun and the family was really well loved by people that knew them like family friends they report that they were really nice people that they were generous and friendly and outgoing and people like to hang out with them Ty Lee had a lot of friends and her friends said that Lauri was really nice to them so who exactly is Lori Lori valo is 48 years old and she is also a Mormon she was very into being part of the LDS community and really loved her religion so Lori has actually been married five times her first marriage was in 1992 and they didn't have any kids and there's not much detail out about that as of right now that marriage ended pretty quickly then in October of 1995 Lori gets married again to this guy named William and they have a son named Colby but eventually she got divorce from William as well so then in 2001 Lauri married her third husband and his name was Joseph Ryan and they had Ty Lee Ryan together then in 2004 she ends up getting a divorce from Joseph in 2006 the cycle continues and she marries her fourth husband who is named Charles valo Charles is known as a really nice guy he's a successful businessman and before they got married he was actually a Catholic but converted to the LDS Church after being with Horry so then in 2014 they adopted JJ so before all this happened Lauri and Charles were living in Chandler Arizona but eventually at the end of 2014 they decided to move to Hawaii with the kids Kauai to be exact which is a beautiful island Charles and Lauri had opened some type of like juice bar smoothie bar situation in Kauai and that's why they moved there with and they all really enjoyed this I mean no one was opposed to the movie and Laurie even flew one of ty Lee's friends out for the summer to hang out with her so she wouldn't be lonely her family looked like kind of like my second family I would even like to call like her mom my mom so it shows how much Laurie cared about her daughter and Ty Lee was very happy like people who are around them described them as a normal family that they were all getting along really well and everything was good or it seemed but while they were in Hawaii Laurie was first introduced to this writer named Chad de Belle now Chad is an interesting fella okay he's got a lot of crazy thoughts up top he's really known for his series called standing in holy places the series that he wrote contains five different books that are basically about how the current world is a total mess he says that we're failing that we have you know really fallen off track we're confused and misled and that the world is basically going to come to an end and the people will suffer for what we've done here on earth and in his books he talks about how the LDS people need to deal with it now I want to point out that Chad is not a typical LDS member he is definitely what you would consider to be radical he has a lot of really out there beliefs that I don't think actually line up with the Mormon Church he is just taking everything that much further this time in Chad's life he was married to this woman named Tammy and they had five kids together they were living in Utah at the time and they also owned a small book publishing company called Spring Creek Book Company not only that but Chad was a regular on this very odd podcast called preparing a people this is pretty much a doomsday podcast it's talking about the end times how you know the world is gonna come to an end and obviously it's common for some people who are radicalized in their religion to talk about the end of the world to talk about doomsday prepping or the rapture and that's basically what this podcast was all about now you can't actually go back and listen to these podcast episodes because every single episode that Chad was on has been deleted since this whole story has come out so Chad is a typical kind of cult leader personality he claims he has special abilities to talk to higher powers and get information that the rest of us just aren't being told he also thinks he's a psychic and gets visions from the future and they're not looking good he said the world's gonna end and it's not gonna be good for the non-religious folk they think that the end of the world is coming soon like 2020 soon July 2020 to be exact so in June of 2015 Chad and his wife Tammy purchased a house in Salem Idaho and the reason that they did that was because Chad said he had a vision that he was supposed to move there so they did they packed up their five kids and moved to Salem so then moving forward a little bit in time to 2017 Laurie and Charles valo decided to actually leave Hawaii and move to Chandler Arizona then fast forward again a year later to April 3rd 2018 and this is when Laurie's third husband Joseph randomly dies of a heart attack moving forward in the year to December 5th 2018 Chad and Laurie actually meet up in person both of them came on that preparing a people podcast for a few episodes Laurie was becoming increasingly more radical within her religion and really started believing in a doomsday so she and Chad had quite a bit in common and that's why they were on the podcast together and this is when sparks just started fast-forward a couple more months to February of 2018 Chad actually decides to file for divorce from Laurie it may have been because Laurie was starting to spend a little time with Chad we're not sure about that but also Charles says that Laurie was just completely off her rocker apparently at this point she was claiming to be God had stolen $35,000 from his bank account and was threatening to kill him so he was like [ __ ] this I'm getting a divorce so he filed and what's so bizarre about this whole time is right after this Laurie goes missing and not just for a week or two weeks or a month she goes missing for 58 [ __ ] days she left Charles behind and he claimed that he had no idea where she went or what she was doing but she left behind her two kids Ty Lee and JJ with Charles but eventually she came back and there's a bunch of information that we're totally missing here it'll be interesting to see how things come out over time but something weird happened and for some reason Charles decided to cancel the divorce from Lori and they start trying to work on their relationship again for a period of time so now we need to talk about a woman named Melanie Bordeaux Melanie is actually Laurie's niece and she's very similar to Laurie in fact that she believes in all of this doomsday stuff and is very radicalized and she's married to a guy named Brandon Bordeaux but in June of 2019 she randomly decided that she wanted to get a divorce according to Brandon he thinks Laurie had something to do with this or that you know Melanie being introduced into Laurie's whole world and what she was doing is what he thinks led her to leave him because he said everything was fine in their relationship and suddenly she just bailed he said that he cannot figure out what in the actual relationship went wrong and he's just completely shocked that she actually filed for divorce now around this same time Laurie also decides that it's not gonna work out with Charles who's now given her multiple chances and she just wants to go ahead and get divorced and be done with him so they go their separate ways so at this point Laurie and the two kids Kylie and JJ are living in a house by themselves that's being paid for by Charles valo and he is living in his own place at the same time now this is where [ __ ] really starts to hit the fan in July of 2019 Charles went to Laurie's house to pick up JJ at this time Laurie's brother who has named Alex Cox I know there's many characters here I told you Alex Cox is living with Laurie Kylie and JJ so when Charles came to the house to get JJ apparently him and Laurie got into a huge fight apparently JJ was already in the car when all this happened but Ty Lee was in the house in her room according to Laurie's brother Alex it got heated really fast Laurie and Charles were just going at it apparently and eventually Ty Lee went and grabbed a metal baseball bat and was using it to defend her mom or you know threatening to use it but according to Alex Charles took the bat from Ty Lee and just started wailing on Alex so Alex said he ran went to his room got his gun and shot Charles in self-defense and killed him I'm on one where's your emergency it's at five five three one South for Pb billy-oh paramedic both I'm in policing and Angeles uh there's a Honda fight with my brother-in-law and I shot him in self-defense okay let me get the medics on the phone and is he hurt baby alive yeah there's what is he's not moving how long ago it just happened a couple of minutes fire department would to see address with me emergency type on a 3-1 and what did the emergency um I I shot my brother-in-law okay what part of this body is injured uh I'm sorry we're in the chest okay see you're awake and responsive or unconscious unconscious is he breathing I can't tell are you wanting are you willing to go over to him and check sure okay do you just let me know if you see his chest going up and down how old is he it's not moving he's 60 okay and are you wanting to start CPR no I don't know how to do that I can walk you through it okay what I want to do is you're going to put one hand in the center of his chest the other hand is going to go right on top of it okay you're gonna interlock your fingers keeping your arms straight and you're going to press down hard and fast into his chest and go two inches down and fairly quickly one two three four PD we're gonna stage for you okay thank you just keep going with those compressions PD did you have any other questions yes what's your name sir my name is Alex last name is Cox Felix where are you and out now Oh in the living room where's the gun it's in a bedroom who else is there in the house with you just me hey were you guys arguing when this happened yeah and you said there's nobody else there just you and him correct correct I know that's confusing no one was in the house at the time he is calling but at the time of the actual incident there were in the house look erm no so just you what happened yeah he came to me with a bat no it wasn't Houston he went there to your sister is he where he correct uh no I think she's a taking her son to school I'm officer should be there let me know when they get inside to use the front door open yeah it's unlocked isn't that so bizarre he's acting like he doesn't give a [ __ ] like he's not even being affected at all even if you didn't like this person that just died wouldn't it still be a traumatic experience being attacked with a bat and then having to fight in self-defense like wouldn't you at least be like a little out of breath or just a tiny bit of emotion he's acting like he's calling and ordering a pizza so what you're seeing now is police body cam footage and they released quite a bit I put a lot in here you can go ahead and skip to the timestamp on the screen if you don't want to watch it but I thought it was interesting to see how Alex is reacting to the police and talking to them also it's really important to understand this whole incident because many people believe that the reason Kylie and JJ are missing right now is because they were possibly witnesses to whatever happened here and maybe Alex's story is not what actually happened who else is in the house okay just have a seat right there let's get FD in here have a seat you have some ID on you sir yeah what happened today how did it get to this what's going on what happened you know what happened today though like just in the last 20 minutes he came to you came at me with a bat okay it was the 11 year or visiting okay is this son inside no okay so it was just you at the house and he came how long what time did he come to pick up pick up the son yelling at me okay what was he yelling at you about my sister because I'm thinking of the tussle with him earlier he told me not to interfere anymore with them right hey Matt okay so he showed up in the house with a bat in his hand okay so there was a scuffle earlier about earlier meaning earlier this week earlier this morning this morning before they before your your wife left my sister for your sister well yeah okay who lives here with you and you're just visiting okay so you're over here visiting your sister in your knees yes okay and there was a tussle between your sister and her husband yes and does the husband live here or no no okay is he an ex husband or just current husband they're working on that gadget so at some point earlier today they get into a some type of domestic just this morning then they left they left meaning who both of parties if you leave also if you stayed here so you guys are kind of talking in between or what who are you who are you no no just go back I appreciate it thank you sir thank you so you were just so it's just you ins and your brother-in-law yes okay where was the badass in the living room so you get in an argument what is it over so my knees came out with her bat and he took the bat away lemon I thought you said your niece left so before before your your sister and your niece left at some point your sister and her husband are arguing and then your niece pulls out a bat your niece yes okay right so let my sister believe my knees how long ago did they leave it's been like an hour ten minutes okay so it's not terribly long I don't know okay then where are you at it where you go through every room okay you went to your Romina your room you're staying you yeah okay you brought your a brought a gun with you yeah you always bring their gun hi who are you okay just stand over there for just a second guys walk me through it so you go back in your room with the gun yes nice on I'm stopping okay then what happened okay got your the wife just showed up I think that per second where's the weapon at now you so after you shot them you put it back in the room or yeah okay and what you do with your phone okay and then what you do once you put your gun back grab your phone after you was you laying there in the living room they're still guys hang tight just for a second don't go in there partner hang tight don't go in there just now guys it's an Alec crime scene so hang tight okay primer done I'm gonna I'll just hold right here okay you want to just grab that inside perimeter yeah curiosity how long have you known him long is that how long they kind of in America ago do you normally have a good relationship with a guy did you sleep here last night so what time did you bout wake up this morning normal day this morning wake up it's just you your sister niece anybody else in the house besides you three this morning brother-husband gotcha okay so police actually muted a lot of this because Ty Lee is a minor and they didn't want to have that release to the public but Dateline actually did release a few clips of Laurie talking and just notice how unbothered Laurie is about her ex husband being shot how long have you lived here like me oh Jesus yeah you would think police would think this whole thing is weird but shockingly police believed them and ruled the whole thing is self-defense and it's just so odd because if they had looked into what was going on with Charles and Laurie they would see that you know they were trying to get a divorce that Charles had been trying to get her put into a mental institution because he was so worried about her mental condition it's just odd that they didn't look into this background at all like most self defense cases especially when someone's acting is weird as alex was on the phone they'll look into it a little bit more but they were just like okay cool self-defense sounds good moving on and the strangest thing about all of this is that night they decide to throw a pool party that's right the day that Laurie's husband the father of her son JJ dies they decide to throw a pool party neighbors reported hearing loud music and that it seemed like someone was celebrating even if this is your ex that you absolutely hated who the [ __ ] throws a pool party on the same day that someone died at that house something's weird here the next day Laurie decides that she is just going to text Charles as two sons and let them know that their dad died over text and this is the message that she sent them hi boys I have very sad news your dad passed away yesterday I'm working on making arrangements and I'll keep you informed with what's going on I'm not sure how to handle things just want you to know that I you and so did your dad Hart are you kidding me can you imagine getting that text message no information about how I died or what happened so they respond Laurie what happened where is he and what happened I'll call you when I can bub he's here in Arizona we're in Arizona when did all this happen how's JJ doing what funeral home is he at Laurie what the [ __ ] happened you can't just tell us our dad died and then disappear you're not too busy to just let us know he died and disappeared Laurie it's been three hours you're not that busy I don't care what you're doing and she responds by saying I'm sorry that you're upset I'm upset too I'm trying to get JJ ready for bed I'm waiting to hear back from the medical examiner to make sense out of all of this myself please be patient with me it's a crushing situation all the way around I'm still trying to processing it too and what it means for JJ um when and where is the funeral how did all this happen I want an explanation question work two hours later question mark I'm still working on arrangements and I'm sorting things out the best I can I'll let you know when I know why aren't you telling me what happened I'd asked numerous times just tell me question mark question work okay Laurie it's been three days you let us know that our father passed away over a text message three days and we haven't heard from anyone the only information we have is that one text from you saying he passed away you disappeared after that we need any information you have what happened when did it happen how did it happen where is he now he was our dad and we loved him very much we deserve answers also why have you been the only one to contact us we haven't heard from Colby or Ty Lee I know they are affected too I called Colby recently and he didn't answer it's JJ safe and what does he know I need to be kept in the loop about this all this isn't a nonchalant topic you can just throw a text at me to which she says these are your dad's wishes he and I discussed this a lot over the years we have been together my plan is to have him cremated as he wished and then take all five of you kids to Hawaii to spread his ashes he did not want a funeral he wants a celebration of his life I've been overwhelmed but I'm going to try to start these arrangements today JJ is doing good but he does not know his daddy is gone it's tough because he doesn't really understand he says daddy's in California working I know how much he loves you boys and always has I have a lot of things to do with the business and contacting people and it's still also difficult today I'm trying to put a memorial page on the funeral home website I'll send you the link when I have it I love you and so does your dad to which he says I appreciate this information but I will ask these questions again because I still haven't been given an answer what happened when did it happen how did it happen where is he now is there a funeral and when is it who have you told about his death give me all the information you have please my brother and I deserve to know - what she just never replied eventually they said well if you won't answer those questions can we please have his watches and other stuff he was talked about and had around to which Laurie says of course still not acknowledging the fact that she's not telling them how their dad died send me the address you want me to send you stuff to Kay is supposed to clean out the Houston house I told her to let you and blank have whatever you want first then she could give the have or give the rest away I know he wanted you to have all that you want and that's all we have from that conversation I don't know if it continued any further so then about a month after Charles died Laurie randomly decides to get rid of JJ's service dog he had gone a service dog named Bailey and was really enjoying having her but Laurie for some reason called the people who gave her the service dog look the train company and said that it wasn't working out and she needed to give the dog back she didn't give any specific reason but she did tell them that JJ's dad had passed away and that things were just crazy right now so they thought this was really weird but they took the dog back and it placed her with a different family so let's continue to go through the timeline August 10th 2019 JJ's grandmother kay who was very close with him spoke with him on FaceTime it was a really short conversation everything seemed fine but this was actually the last time that she would talk to JJ then in the following weeks after that Laurie JJ Kylie Laurie's brother Alex and her niece Melanie all moved to rexburg idaho and Rexburg is not too far from Salem Idaho where Chad lives and not only that but Rexburg has a huge Mormon community the only reason I know about Rexburg is because I've seen it on 90 day fiancé I don't know how many of you watch that show but there was a guy that was extremely religious and he was living in Rexburg and they said like pretty much everyone that lives there is Mormon so I looked it up and it turns out statistically 95 percent of this area is Mormon so it makes sense of why they move to this area but what's weird is they all ended up moving into separate apartments in the same apartment complex which is kind of weird for families to like I'm sure some people do it it's not that weird but in this situation it's a little weird you know so people that were living in the complex like neighbors and stuff say that they saw Kiley and JJ in the area like outside and stuff some of the neighbors even said that JJ played with their son so we know that they were for sure at this apartment complex then on September 8th Lori Ty Lee and JJ all went on a day trip to Yellowstone National Park and police we're able to find pictures of Ty Lee from this day and as far as we know this is the last time that anyone saw Ty Lee a lot of people have brought up that maybe they had type of bunker doomsday bunker somewhere near this area and that maybe after their hike they went into it it's just a theory but people have thrown it out there so then on September 17th JJ was seen on a neighbor's ring doorbell cameras we can confirm that at that time he was at the house but the last time that JJ was officially seen was on September 23rd at his school the following day the 24th Laurie goes to the school and unenrolled him from school and tells the people at the school that she's going to home-school him from now on they thought this was weird but it's your right to do that and you know many people homeschool but it was a little abrupt they thought so that's weird but also Ty Lee was also not in school at the time not even enrolled in high school even though Lori claims now that Kiley had already graduated early somehow which there's no proof of that so then on October 1st 2019 Lori had signed up for a self-storage unit now there's actually surveillance video of Lori at the storage unit and at first most people thought that she was with Alex her brother in this video but now a lot of people think it could possibly have been Chad but at first it was believed to be Alex so then on October 2nd Brandon who is Melanie's husband if you remember I know this is so confusing okay just bear with me so Brandon just a normal day for him he's driving home from the gym when he was shot with what the media first reported as a paintball gun it was red as he was pulling into his driveway and apparently it completely shattered the window of his car and he claims that it missed his head by inches and what's so strange about this is he didn't see who it was but he did recognize the car that the person was in it was a cheap and not just any Jeep but Charles Val OHS Jeep now if you remember Charles valo died so somebody has his Jeep so at first Brandon thought that it was possibly Alex that shot at him who is Lorde's brother but there's that security footage of Lori at the storage unit and Alex claimed that he was the guy with her so then a week goes by and it is October 9 Tammy Chad's wife that he has five kids with is standing in the driveway of their Salem Idaho house she was just unloading her groceries when some masked man approached her and started shooting at her with what she thinks was a paintball gun Tammy said that she freaked out yelled for Chad and that the man just ran away and she reported the incident to the police then on the next day October 10th a venmo payment was sent from Ty Lee to her brother Colby who if you remember are both biologically related to Lauri but have different fathers and you know how in bed mo you can write like a little message about what your payment is about or send a message or whatever she wrote we love you and then six days later on October 16th another venmo payment went through from Ty Lee to Colby and this time all it had was a heart and then a couple days after this October 19th Tammy Chad's wife randomly dies of unknown causes in her sleep her death was actually said to be from natural causes Chad just said that she was coughing before she went to bed to sleep and just never woke up but the thing is as Tammy was a completely healthy person she had just visited with her family like a month before this and was doing sports and running around and seemed completely fine to them she was only in her 40s it just seemed really weird and the craziest part about this is police actually figured out way later after all this happened that chad was making statements to people saying that he thought that she was going to die that he had predicted her death if you remember Chad thinks he's a psychic he said he was having visions that this was going to happen so Tammy's family decides that they do not want to do an autopsy on her for whatever reason and they have her buried and Chad got a pretty nice sized check for her death from her life insurance policy for $430,000 but police don't think anything is suspicious about this and take his word that she just died of natural causes so then after Tammy dies a couple days later on October 25th one of ty Lee's friends who lives in Arizona got a text message from her and it was actually responding to something that she had sent like way before this but all it said was hi miss you guys - love ya and this was actually a response to a text that she had sent to Ty Lee on October 19th so - taken her like a couple days six days or so to get back to her which she thought was really out of character for her and she also said that the message just didn't seem like ty Lee wrote it she said she normally spelled things out completely and that it just didn't sound like her so then two weeks after Tammy died Chad and Lori you know newly single since both of their spouses have died in the last year get married now they actually interviewed Chad's family to see what they thought of everything and they said that when they had met worried they were under the impression that she had no case and that according to Chad and Laurie that tighly had passed away in 2017 and they knew nothing about JJ and as time is going on JJ's grandparents are getting really worried because Laurie stopped communicating with them and the last time that they had talked to JJ was in August on that FaceTime call they kept trying to get in touch with him and just cut in so finally on November 26 they called the police and asked for a welfare check to be done on JJ and Ty Lee so this is when the police got involved with this whole case I go to Chad and Laurie's apartment and Chad actually comes out to talk to them with Alex Laurie's brother so they're standing outside talking to the police and police are asking where the kids are and this was when Chad starts to say that he doesn't even really know what's going on with Laurie he says he doesn't even know her that well and has no idea about any kids really good to her even though he is married to this woman I also want to note that some new information just came out after I filmed this the day after I felt that the ring that Laurie Valley wore after her wedding to chad day bail was purchased more than two weeks before Tammy died so they had planned to get married before she had even passed away and then on October 2nd she was also searching for wedding dresses he claimed that Laurie wasn't home so they asked for her phone number so they could contact her and talk with her and Chad said that he didn't know her phone number because again he barely knows her Alex ended up telling the police that JJ actually was staying with his grandparents in Louisiana but police immediately me that this was alive because they have just been sent there by their grandparents who were concerned and wondering where they were so police left this whole situation feeling like something is really really off eventually they finally get in touch with Laurie and she tells them that JJ is actually in Gilbert Arizona staying with friend so later on they did look into this and they found out that he definitely was not staying with this friend the specific friend that she was talking about actually told police she hadn't seen JJ in years so because the stories aren't matching up they still have no idea where these kids are and they're starting to be really concerned they go back to Chad and Laurie's apartment the next day this was November 27th and this time they had a search warrant but when they went back to the house Chad and Laurie had already hightailed it the [ __ ] out of there and went to Hawaii not guilty looking at all so then a few days later November 29th alex cox ends up marrying this woman named Zulema and apparently she's some type of like life coach but she is very similar to Lori that she believes all this doomsday stuff apparently her and Lori got along just great and really liked each other and had you know plenty to talk about and then a few days after this Laurie's nice Melanie also gets married to this guy named Ian polo ski so a few days after this December 1st police figure out that Laurie and Chad had gone to Hawaii and it was confirmed that neither Ty Lee or JJ were with them based on the flight records then on December 6 police actually got a call from the friend that Laurie claimed JJ was staying with and she said that Laurie had called her and told her to lie to the police and tell them that JJ was in fact with her so she was like what the hell now and told the police so at this point police are like something extremely weird is going on here these kids are probably in danger and as they start looking into this family and seeing all these strange suspicious deaths that have gone on they start to think that maybe something bigger is going on here the one death that specifically stood out to them the most was because it was just so random and with all this sketchy [ __ ] going on they decided they needed to look back at that whole situation so they had her body exhumed and they did this so that they can do an autopsy and we are still waiting for results on that I'm not sure why it's taking so long but they said that the results can take a year so it's gonna be a long time before we know and when they tried to look into the death of Joseph who was Laura's third husband one who died from a heart attack they were not able to do anything like that because he was actually cremated so they didn't have anything to immediately arrest Lori and Chad which a lot of people have been critical with but I think they really wanted to kind of have all their ducks in a row and have the evidence before they filed formal charges but they were definitely keeping a close watch on Chad and Lori while they're just you know doing their thing in Hawaii at one point they checked into a resort and the resort staff confirmed that they didn't have any kids with them so then a few days after this on December 12th Alex [ __ ] Laurie's brother was found unresponsive on his bathroom floor in his apartment back in Arizona and this is so weird because he and this new woman Zulema had only been married for a week and a half now according to police they are in the same boat with Tammy when it comes to Alex because the autopsy results are gonna take a really long time there still hasn't been anything to come out so then finally on December 20th police made a formal announcement to the public telling everyone that Ty Lee and JJ had been missing this is right around the time that you guys started sending me links on this and I just thought it was so weird so then the new year comes January 3rd 2020 and police performed a full search on Chad's house that he used to live in with Daniel they're on the phone sometimes we still livin with Tammi and they ended up taking a ton of items out of the house including cell phones different documents heaters etc then two days later on January 5th Colby who is Lori's son from another marriage uploaded a YouTube video basically begging his mom Lori to bring JJ and Ty Lee back safe you have an opportunity to put this all to rest I know that it's hard maybe for you maybe it's something you don't want to do I don't know I really really want to see Thailand JJ I really want this to be over on January 7th JJ's grandparents held their own press conference and announced that there would be a $20,000 reward for the children's return good morning everybody my name is Larry Woodcock my wife Kate Woodcock and we are here to speak about the MS two missing children JJ valo and Ty Lee Bryan the main topic of this conversation - this today it's the reward that we are posting there's a $20,000 reward I have a tendency to get very emotional when I talk about the children I get extremely emotional when I talk about JJ JJ is my horn and I'm hoping that this will allow one person one person to simply say I saw I know where he's at and and give us that information so that we can bring JJ and we can bring Ty Lee back if they're here it no matter where they're at in the United States we're here to offer a twenty thousand dollar reward so a few weeks went by police actually served Chad and Laurie with a court order that requires Laurie to provide physical evidence that tighly and JJ were safe and well the next day on January 26th the police pulled Chad and Laurie over in their rental car and seized it and in the car they found both JJ and ty Lee's birth certificates they also found JJ's school registration his iPad they also found ty Lee's debit card and realized that there were charges on it that were made between that time and when she was last seen in September so who was using the card around this time police ended up searching Chad and Laurie's current apartment and they realized that there were no items in the apartment that a kid would have there was no trace of either of them having stayed there so they believed they never were with them and they also realized that JJ was on a medication that he needed to take every single day and it hadn't been filled for nine months so Laurie of course failed to produce the children in court the day ended as it started like every day since September 23rd no sign of Laurie Veloz kids that court ordered deadlines defied and it's unclear what happens now third a journalist actually went to the storage unit that Laurie was caught on camera you know putting stuff in the unit with no man and it turns out that the storage unit was unpaid and abandoned so they could access it this is when they found a bunch of clothes personal items pictures and other things that belong to JJ and Ty Lee there was nothing like a body or anything in there for a while people were starting to think that they stored them in there but no there was just some items so then finally on February 20th police have enough to arrest Lori and they do today police arrested Lori valo in Hawaii officers on the Hawaiian island of Kauai announced Laurie valo has been arrested on a warrant out of Idaho Vala was facing a slew of charges including abandoning her children seven-year-old Joshua and 17 year old Ty Lee Ryan she is being held on five million dollars bond she's officially being charged with two counts of dissertation and non support of dependent children she's also being charged with resisting or obstructing officers criminal solicitation to commit a crime and contempt of court and her bond was set at five million dollars so they were clearly worried that she would leave if they set it any lower and her whole attitude the entire time she's been incarcerated is like she just doesn't care there's court footage of her where she just doesn't seem that worried and a lot of people brought up the fact that this is probably because she thinks the world is going to end in July and with the way things are looking nowadays just kidding but that's what Lori and Chad believe they believe the world is coming to an end so I think they've had this really like no i'm serious approach to all this and our just act like whatever about it because they think everything's gonna go to [ __ ] anyway so chad on the other hand wasn't arrested they have no proof that he did anything wrong but he has been questioned heavily during the time that lori was arrested by the kids okay to get some of that this morning Chad day Bell breaking his silence to ABC News is there anything that you would like to say to people at all who are no more concerned about the kids are concerned about you and your wife anything at all you want to say to the de belt refusing to answer questions about the whereabouts of his missing stepchildren 17 year old Ty Lee Ryan and seven year old JJ Val oh and can you tell me mr. de Vil are the kids or the kids okay on Monday day bill was spotted visiting the Hawaii Jail where his wife Laurie valo is being held on a five million dollar bail valo seen in this recently unearthed video competing from mrs. Texas in 2004 facing possible extradition to Idaho and criminal charges related to the disappearance of her children last September I hope there is justice and I hope the children about this could be taken care of very easily why don't you say where the kids are on March 4th Laurie appeared in court for the last time before she was extradited on March 5th June Rexburg Idaho Laurie made her first official court appearance in Rexburg on March 6 and the judge actually did reduce her bail to $1,000,000 which she's still not able to post bail for so she's still in jail thankfully she did try to reach out to a bunch of different bail bond companies but none of them want to work with her because they're worried that she's going to leave you know that she'll post bail and go into hiding and then they will be out of a million dollars so she has not been able to post bail she won't be able to and she's still in jail so they're moving towards a trial but on March 13th the judge actually removed himself from the case which is very weird apparently this was requested by Laurie's defense team a new judge was assigned to the case and as of right now we are waiting for the next hearings to start in May but Laurie's two attorneys have actually withdrawn from the case in the last week so I'm not sure who's gonna be defending her I'm sure she'll find someone but it's interesting that so many people have taken themselves out of this case now really recently Brandon Bordeaux the one who was married to Melanie and was shot outside of his house with a people gun he actually has come forward recently and said that he thinks that he was Alex Cox that did it and that he now has proof he hasn't been able to show the evidence that he was Alex though because he's in ongoing court battle right now with Melanie trying to get divorced from her and he can't talk about certain things but he claims he does have proof that it was Alex that night that shot him so that would mean that it wasn't Alex at the storage unit and that it was probably Chad I'm sure a ton more information is gonna come from Brandon in the future because he actually had hired his own private investigator for all this and he claims back on October 31st his private investigators saw that Alex was helping Melanie pack up all of her stuff fill it into a giant u-haul and left with her and that they had left a bunch of stuff outside like toys mainly kids stuff that they wouldn't need anymore out on the road with a sign that just said free so clearly they weren't too concerned about much I think what we're starting to realize is all these people think the world is ending soon so they don't care about stuff or what the police think or what the public thinks Brandon also has stated that he thinks that Melanie has more information about what happened to JJ and Ty Lee Brandon has claimed that Melanie was part of a cult now so if she was part of a cult it's probably a cult with Chad Laurie Alex and the rest of them it's starting to look like they were all part of a cult and he specifically said that in this cult that numerous members have been killed off like flies and then most recently a letter written by in palos key who is Melanie's husband remember she just married this guy and in this letter he states that Melanie told him that Chad and Laurie told her that Ty Lee and JJ had become possessed and were zombies zombies are human bodies that have had their original spirits forced from them and have been possessed either by a demon or a disembodied spirit Melanie was concerned that Laurie believed Kylie and Joshua needed to die and she stated that she was worried that Al may have taken care of the kids al is Alex [ __ ] Laurie vallis brother and the man who shot and killed Laurie's last husband and was convicted of assaulting the husband before that they don't look at it as murder they're looking at it as saving people that they care about as the court document stated that they believed their children had turned into zombies so that was their duty to kill them sadly I can see this being a total possibility when we did our podcast on this before all this other information to come out I really was starting to think that maybe Laurie and Chad had a doomsday bunker somewhere and that they were just keeping Ty Lee and JJ you know protected and safe and in the bunker and in a way that's kind of wishful thinking to hope that they're safe in a bunker somewhere but as time goes on it's starting to look less and less likely especially with these new details about what Melanie was saying that they were zombies and that they may have had to take care of them and you know with all this pressure on Laurie it seems like she probably would have brought the kids out of hiding if that were the case by now of course it's still possible that they are out there and police are looking in Yellowstone National Park hoping to maybe find something and so far we have no idea what they have found because they're not releasing their findings the grandparents of JJ are just absolutely heartbroken over all this all they want is answers they just want to know where he is and if he's safe they're just shocked that Laurie has become involved in this cult and that she's changed completely they said that they just don't know who this person is anymore and that she had a drastic personality change when she met Chad so that's kind of where we're at at this point obviously JJ and Ty Lee are still missing I wanted to put out descriptions of them just in case someone happens to see them JJ is seven years old with brown hair and brown eyes he's four feet tall and weighs 50 pounds Ty Lee is 17 years old with blonde hair and blue eyes she's five feet tall and weighs 160 pounds anyone with information regarding the whereabouts of these children are asked to contact the Rexburg Police Department at 208 359 3000 or the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children neckman at 800 The Lost I will do updates on Twitter and if anything huge happens I'll put it on the community tab and then eventually hopefully I can make an update video and kind of fill in some of the blanks and make a little more sense out of all this but for now this is what we have I want to know your theories I want to know what you think happened let me know in the comments below but before I go I wanted to finish telling you guys about Ray Con as you guys know some earbud brands are really really expensive and that's why I love ray con they start at half the price of other premium wireless earbuds they're really comfortable they have multiple size options and that ensures that they stay in your ear they come in a tiny little pill shaped case and what's so awesome is they charge right in there so you can take them with you on the go in your purse the pair that I'm using are the everyday II 25s and they have six hours of continuous playtime seamless bluetooth pairing a more compact design and they come in new colors go to buy recon comm slash Kendall ray to get 15% off your order be sure to give this video a like on your way out it does help me out quite a bit but that is it for me today guys I hope you're all staying safe staying clean wash our hands and I will you guys next time where'd you go seems like it's been forever
Channel: Kendall Rae
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Keywords: kendallraeonyt, kendallrae, kendall rae, lori vallow, jj vallow, news, idaho, crime, lori vallow daybell, vallow, missing, tylee ryan, chad daybell, lori daybell, inside edition, true crime, missing idaho kids, lori vallow and chad daybell, daybell, us news, lori vallow update, missing children, dateline, 48 hours mystery, mile higher podcast, dateline mystery, crime documentary, id discovery, cold case files, 48 hours, documentary, arizona, true crime podcast, cold case
Id: SxtXiuCAuhE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 36sec (2976 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 31 2020
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