The Suspicious Disappearance of Fawn Marie Mountain: Missing Since 2012

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(soft music) - Hi guys. Welcome back my channel. Happy to have you here for another video. And for today's case, we are doing another family collaboration, except for normally I have family involved in actual video. Normally they film clips and we added in, but this time it'll be a little different. I worked with the family to get information because there is little to no coverage on this case actually. The family member that I worked with to help me kind of fill in some of the blanks is actually Fawn, the victim's cousin. And she was not really involved in her life at this time. And she didn't know she was missing for a few years after she went missing. I know that sounds crazy. I'll explain everything in a bit, but she didn't feel like it would be super beneficial for her to be in the video, but she has been Fawn's advocate. She has been reaching out to a lot of content creators to cover this case because they need awareness. My friend, Daniel Hallin, which I'm sure a lot of you guys know her. She's an awesome, True Crime YouTuber. If you don't know who she is, you're missing out. I will link her channel below. She's such a great victim's advocate. And she asked me to cover this case. And when I looked into it, I was blown away at how this was handled. I mean, what a mess. And this is one of those videos where you can be an active, true crime viewer. There's gonna be several things that you can do in order to help move this case along because it's sadly really gone nowhere over the years. But before I jump into the case, I'm really excited to let you guys know about a new partnership that I'm doing with Art By Jack, who some of you may remember when I did a collaboration with her for thorn last year, we made a really cool rose theme jewelry collection. She still does jewelry, but she also sells tons of beautiful crystals. I have so many of her crystals in my home. As you can see, just in my background, crystals are all over my house. I have a huge collection. I absolutely love them. I think they're so beautiful. I love that they come right from our earth. One of my favorite crystals is Mexican Onyx. I have a ton of Mexican Onyx in my house. So Jacqueline recently just sent me a bunch of Mexican Onyx pieces and they're so beautiful. She has a huge selection and we are going to be working together to raise money for her justice now, which is very cool. So if you are also into crystals like me, you can shop her site and 25% of your purchase will go right to her justice, which is really, really generous of her. It's really cool she actually just moved to Colorado. So we're gonna be doing lots of projects together in the future, but this is gonna be an ongoing partnership for quite a while. Sometimes buying crystals online can be really sketchy, but you can trust Jacqueline. She's super ethical about where she gets her crystals from making sure that they're authentic. She's very fair in her pricing. She has a very wide selection of crystals. Like every type you can imagine, and she has smaller, more affordable pieces and you know, larger ones as well. She's super careful about where she sources everything from. And she has a great reputation in the crystal world. I really trust her. She runs her business like a boss, and I'm so excited to be working with her. She's such a nice person. I really appreciate her donating 25%. That's quite a bit. So anytime you need to get crystals, you can use that code KENDALLRAE and you'll be donating 25% of your purchase to Her Justice. If you haven't heard of Her Justice, they are an awesome organization to support. - At Her Justice, we provide legal services to low income women in crisis in the areas of family matrimonial and immigration law. Last year, Her Justice provided legal services to over 3000 women and there are over 4,000 children. Her Justice makes sure that our clients receive that access by connecting them with private attorneys from around the city so that our clients have access to the legal tools that give them safety, security, and self-sufficiency. - I've been displaying a bunch of crystals that are gonna be available on the day that this video drops. So if any of them catch your eye, go and snatch them up. So I'd like to start all of these family involved videos, even though there's not gonna be family included in the actual video in this one, they will be looking at the comments. And this goes for all my videos, of course, but I'd like to really make a point of this on videos where I know the family is excited about this going up, they're looking for support and they're gonna be reading that comment section. So just a quick reminder that not everything that you think needs to come out of your mouth are typed into the YouTube comments. It's really not helpful. There's always people with opinions on the victim, on their family members, what should have been done differently, judgment, speculation, and it's just really disrespectful and hurtful to the families. I've had several people who have come on my channel who have been hurt by this comment section. And every time it happens, it really breaks my heart because in a way I feel responsible. I'm bringing them on to my channel. I want this to be a safe place. And 95% of you, I'd say more like 98% are wonderful and are supportive and take the time to go follow these families on social media and send them well wishes and sign their petitions or fundraiser, whatever it is. And I am really grateful for my audience. I mean, you guys blew me away with the last family involved video. We did a ton of fundraising. I'll talk more about that later in this video, but I am really, really proud of the majority of you. I just want to remind those of you who have not been so kind to family members to just keep your mouth shut. I'm just gonna say it. It's just not worth it to write something mean to someone who's already been through trauma. Can we just all agree to do that? Write whatever you want about anyone else, but the family of the victim and victim themselves, off limits. So let's get into the case. Today we're talking about Fawn Mountain, which I think is such a beautiful name, Fawn Mountain, just like oh, music to my ears. Fawn's full name was Fawn Marie Mountain. And she was born on March 2nd, 1987. And she was raised with her brother Allan in the small town of Altoona, Pennsylvania by her mother, Dorothy and her stepfather. As a child, she was known to be very outgoing, adventurous, fun, sweet, caring, really good kid. - Fawn was an outgoing girl. She would do anything for anybody. - She was very close growing up with her cousin, Bridget. They would do holidays together. spend a lot of time together. And they kind of got estranged over the years. I'll explain that a bit more. But as kids Bridget said that they were very close and she loved Fawn. Fawn was also described as someone who was always willing to go above and beyond for someone, always had anyone's back, was willing to give them a favor, help them out in a pinch. She was just always there for people. - She go on with me to school everyone. - But unfortunately Fawn did face a lot of challenges and trauma in her early life. Her home was very dysfunctional, very chaotic, sometimes can be very loud and scary. And not only that, Fawn also faced a lot of abuse, sexual abuse from people in her own family and family friends as well. So she developed a lot of trust issues and it caused a lot of problems for her later in her life. But despite the dysfunction for the most part, Fawn seemed to be a happy person. Her friends in school never really knew how bad things were for her growing up because she just was such a fun and happy go lucky person. She was involved in her school. She loved art and she loved pizza. She also played basketball and kickball and she enjoyed swimming, riding her bike and shopping at the mall as well. Fawn also gave out a very warm vibe. People felt comfortable with her. They felt like they could open up to her. She had gorgeous Auburn curls, thick hair, blue eyes. And she was a very loyal person to her friends and family. And if someone ever hurt one of her friends and family, she would go crazy on them. She definitely had that side to her where she could be a Spitfire. So like I said, Bridget and her were close growing up. And Bridget said that they were honestly more like sisters than cousins, even though Bridget was a little older than Fawn. Bridget ended up having a baby at 16 years old. And she was pretty scared, but Fawn was there for her through the whole process. - Fawn and I were already close to begin with, but we got even more close because she was just, she just grew so attached to my daughter. - When Bridget had her daughter Fawn loved her. She loved kind of being an aunt to her and it brought Bridget and Fawn closer together as well. Fawn also ended up getting pregnant at a young age a little bit after, and this happened an abusive partner and she actually had two babies with this person. And this guy really brought her down to a very low level. I mean, destroyed herself esteem was horrible to her. He made her life miserable. So she ended up struggling so much through the abuse that she wasn't able to really get a solid job and really fend for herself and take care of her children. So eventually she lost custody of both kids. Fawn was devastated and she unfortunately like many children of abuse coped with all the trauma that she had been through in her life and the pain from now losing her kids on top of it, by turning to alcohol and drugs. And this led to a series of abusive relationships, Fawn seemed to always end up with someone who would mistreat her or take advantage of her in some way. Eventually Fawn got pregnant again with another abusive partner. This time it was a baby girl. And unfortunately she was still born. Her name is Cayden and she was absolutely crushed by the loss of her daughter. Vaughn ended up having Cayden cremated and her ashes became one of the most important possessions that she had. She also got a tattoo on her back to represent her daughter that said RIP Cayden with angel wings. So later on in 2009, Fawn ended up meeting this woman named Heather Divert at a local spot in Altoona called the Island. And she really liked Heather. And this would end up being her first relationship with a woman. So she was really excited to experience something new. They had a very strong connection and their relationship moved really fast. So fast that Fawn very quickly ended up moving in with Heather. Her mom, Dorothy was pretty worried about her moving in with Heather. She's an adult. She can do whatever she wants, but she did say that there was something that was making her feel uneasy that she just felt like Fawn seemed different. Also, I just wanna say so many of you have been pointing out that Bernie pants and you've been worried about him. Nothing's wrong with him, I promise you. Bernie has very bad anxiety and panting is like his way of coping with it, I think he yawns and pants all the time. Like, trust me, he's not hot. Our house is always freezing because Josh is a polar bear. He's got sick or anything. He's been doing this since he was a puppy. And he's been to the vet many a times. Trust me way too many times. This guy has convinced me to take him to the emergency room for absolutely nothing like four or five times. So trust me, nothing's wrong with him. I don't know why you pant. Why do you pant dude? Bernie, why do you pant? So I'm sorry if it annoys you. I don't know why he does it sometimes. I think it's sometimes stress. Like he is worried 'cause Josh isn't in here and if one of us isn't in the room he pants. So, yeah. But anyway, Fawn said something really strange when she told her mom she was gonna move away. She said that she was never gonna come back to Altoona for some reason, which is strange because the cities are only 20 miles away. - She said to me, mum, she said, can we go for a walk? And I was like, okay, we'll go for a walk. So we went for a walk and she said, mom, I said, what? She said, Heather wants me to move the Claysburg with her. And I'm afraid if I go with Heather, to Claysburg the lady she says, I'm never coming back to Altoona, which she was right. She never came back. - So the two of them ended up living in several apartments together before they decided to settle in a trailer park in Claysburg, which is about 25 minutes from Altoona. So they moved into this trailer and Heather's brother, Mike also lived in the trailer next door with his girlfriend, Stephanie. And then Heather's parents also live nearby in an area called East Freedom. And their names are Mike Senior and Lois. And they owned a butcher shop that was attached to their house. And Heather and Mike would sometimes work at the butcher shop. So Mike's girlfriend, Stephanie had a lot of feelings about his sister, Heather for a while. She felt a little uneasy about her. And when she met Fawn she instantly became concerned because she could tell that Fawn was such a nice person, that she was very down to earth and genuine, and she didn't want her to get hurt by Heather. From Stephanie's point of view, Heather was a difficult person. She had hard time keeping a job. She had seen her have a lot of outbursts. She knew that she could be quick tempered and she worried about Fawn. And get this for other partners of Heathers' from the past have filed either protection from abuse orders or restraining orders against her over the years. And I've gotten a restraining order against someone. And it's hard to do. Like it's not just something you can walk in and get done. There has to be proof in most situations, most judges are like kind of strict about doling those out. So four people were able to get restraining orders or protection from abuse orders. You know that a lot of has gone down with Heather and her past relationships. And as soon as Fawn moved in with Heather, she became totally possessive and controlling of her every move. She literally would never let her out her sight. She would bring her to work with her sometimes and leave her in the car locked and she would make it so that the alarm would go off if she tried to get out of the car and she would know. So Fawn would just have to sit in the car and wait while Heather was at work because Heather didn't trust her at all. This also prevented Fawn from trying to get a job. She was stuck in another abusive relationship. And I know there's so many people out there who don't understand abusive relationships and think, why didn't she just leave? Why does she keep getting into these situations? Is it her fault that she ends up with these types of people? And you just can't understand, unless you have been around someone who has been through an abusive relationship or you have been through one yourself, how hard it can be to break free from that. And just what it does to you mentally, after being beaten down by abusive words and violence and sexual harassment from her childhood for years, that really starts to affect your self esteem. And the rare times that she would let Fawn actually stay home alone, she would padlock the door so she couldn't leave. And she didn't even trust Fawn to answer the phone. She would have all the incoming phone calls to the house, forwarded to her cell phone. And Fawn herself wasn't even allowed to have a cell phone. Heather wouldn't let her have one. She spent most of her time in the trailer or in Heather's car, locked in there alone. And she was really losing contact with the outside world and becoming depressed. She became isolated from most people, really pulled back and was completely under Heather's control. And it's one of those relationships where Heather was the one who she depended on. She didn't have anywhere else to go. She didn't have any money. So she had to rely on Heather. So it was a very unfair dynamic. But since Fawn had been through so many abusive relationships, this was kind of what she was used to. And in a lot of ways, she thought that Heather cared about her and that's why she was so on her case, she was protective of her because she didn't want anything to happen to her. Many people who have been in abusive relationships are susceptible to falling under the control of another abusive relationship. - She didn't see it as controlling. She saw it as she cares about her. She wants to protect me. - And at first it was just the control and some verbal abuse, but eventually things turned physical. One day, Fawn was visiting with her mother, Dorothy, and she was wearing a sweatshirt and was using the hood clearly to try to hide something around her neck and asked her to take it off and when she did, there were marks and Fawn admitted that Heather had choked her. - She comes down with his long hoodie on. And the hoodie was up over her head and I'm like, can you please take that hood off? So she winds up and she takes her hood down real slow. And then she went like this. And I said, what the... And she said, Heather choked me out. I was like, what do you mean Heather choked you out? She said, Heather came home from the bar one night, was drunker than a skunk. She said, she wound up, covered my hands, covered my feet, turned around and sat on me and took her up to my neck. She had wrote marks coming to clear around her neck. - And this actually wasn't the first time that Heather had hurt Fawn. There had been a few times that she had to go to the hospital and this wouldn't be the last time either. She did it many times. Fawn made several trips to the emergency room while she was with Heather, but she was stuck. She couldn't leave. She had no way to take care of herself. I mean, she didn't have a phone. Heather had her so locked down from his social life. Anything that just makes someone's life normal. She was taking all of that away from her stripping, who she was. And after so many of Fawn going into the emergency room with these clear abuse injuries, they started asking her if she was safe at home. And if there was any abuse going on in her household and Heather did not like that. So she started taking her to a different to a hospital. - [Stephanie] She went to the emergency room so many times. She started going to different hospitals because they were asking her too many questions. - Eventually, things got so bad that Fawn knew she couldn't stay with Heather. And several times she tried to run away. Fawn would literally have to escape from the trailer. She'd have to sneak out when Heather wasn't looking and run over to Mike's trailer where Stephanie was because Stephanie really was there for her and was concerned about her. She knew how Heather was when she would manage to sneak away she would ask to call a friend to come pick her up or she would ask for a ride over to her mom's house in Altoona. Now Fawn and her mother, Dorothy had a very strange relationship at times. They were a lot alike and they truly did care for each other, but that didn't mean they didn't have their fair share of arguments and dysfunction. Every time Dorothy would express concern for Fawn and her relationships, Fawn would want to change the subject. She definitely didn't like talking about that stuff with Dorothy. And Dorothy loves her children. She really cares for Fawn. And she had that mother's intuition that Fawn was in trouble. That's something really bad could happen, but she didn't really know how to do anything about it because Dorothy does have some cognitive deficiencies that make it difficult for her to see the entire picture. Even though she knew that Fawn was probably in trouble, she didn't know how to go about helping her. And I don't wanna get too much into that because that's Dorothy's private information. But I think it's important that you guys understand that she does have some cognitive deficiencies. Now just like Fawn, Dorothy didn't work much. And she also didn't drive, Fawn didn't drive either. So they were both completely dependent on other people to take care of them for the most part. So one time when Fawn escaped the trailer and went back home to her mom, Dorothy was hoping that she would stay for good this time. But Heather, wasn't the type to just let Fawn leave. She had to go track her down. She would figure out where she was at, whether it was her friend's house or her mom's house, track her down and bring her home. So one day in February of 2011, things were really bad and Fawn was desperate to get away from Heather. So Heather brought her to work with her and left her in her car with the door, locked in the alarm on, but Fawn decided that she was just gonna take the chance and open that car door even if the alarm went off and run as fast as she could. So she did. She opened the car, alarm went off, she takes off running and she finds a phone, calls her friend, Jackie to pick her up. And Jackie was gonna bring her to her mom's house but first she was gonna drop her off at the trailer so she could get a few things and then they would continue on to her mom's house. The reason that she wanted to go back to Heather's trailer is because her daughter's ashes were there and she wanted to get them because in the past, when she had run away, Heather had threatened to dump them out. That is the most evil shit. So she knew she had to go back. She had to get the ashes, but when she got there, she realized she didn't have the keys to the trailer. So she decided it was worth it to break in and get the earn. But Heather found out about it and reported it to the police. And you're not gonna believe this, but Fawn was charged with breaking and entering into her own property and she was also charged with felony burglary and trespassing. She was ordered to pay $2,700 in fees, which was gonna be a lot for her. And she had to be on probation. So then, and after all of that happened, Dorothy, her mom gets a restraining order in the mail, not from Heather, from Fawn. Heather had found a way to cut off bonds, only lifeline, only other supporter. And I don't know how that bullshit happened. I mean, maybe it's just different state to state with how easy it is to get a restraining order, because it's not like there was evidence of why she needed to be restrained from Dorothy. And I'm sure Fawn was pushing that hard. It was clearly Heather. Heather had figured out how to cut out her only lifeline. And now Heather was really locking Fawn down. She wasn't even allowed to leave the trailer without her permission. She wasn't allowed to have anyone there do anything without Heather's permission. And she still didn't even have a cell phone. Stephanie, her neighbor tried everything that she could to help Fawn. She knew she was in a horrible situation. Luckily their trailers were close enough together that they could open the window and talk to each other that way. So she was a huge supporter in her life. And after not being able to talk to her mom, she was really all she had left, but she wasn't even allowed to be talking to Stephanie. She had to do this secretly behind Heather's back. That's how strict Heather was on her. And during these secret conversations, Fawn said several times to Stephanie how badly she wanted to get away from Heather, but she didn't know how. She didn't have anything and she felt so controlled. She was really stuck in that cycle of abuse where she felt like she couldn't break free. At this point, it had been a while had gone by, it had been so long since she had talked to really any of her friends or family. Now she hadn't talked to her mom in a long time and Dorothy didn't fully understand what was going on. Why was she getting this restraining order? And she no longer had contact with Bridget, her cousin or any other family members. She was really isolated and that's exactly what Heather wanted. And it turns out that the reason Stephanie was so concerned for Fawn was not only because she knew how horrible Heather could be. But her brother, Mike, who Stephanie was with was also very abusive to her. It seemed to just run in the family. And even Heather's parents were helping her keep watch on Fawn. One day, her mother, Heather's mother, drove past their trailer and saw Fawn talking to Stephanie through the windows and told Heather. So she boarded up the fucking windows. But even with the windows boarded, several neighbors could hear their fights outside of the windows. There were very chaotic, violent, loud fights happening in the trailer all the time. Some people called the police and the police were sent there more times than they can even count. And one time, several witnesses, including Stephanie saw Heather choke Fawn so hard and for so long that she became unconscious. One time Bon got up the courage to try to run away again. But Heather followed her and almost ran over her in her truck. After that Fawn ran away from her and escaped into a neighbor's house. But Heather followed her in and literally dragged her out and back to the trailer. And this went on for a while. And in October, 2012, Fawn got so desperate that she decided she was gonna make the move to try to get back to her mom's house even though this restraining order was in place. But when she got there, Heather found out and she contacted police who arrested Fawn's mother, Dorothy because the restraining order was violated. And poor Dorothy had to spend two days in jail because of that. But despite the restraining order and spending time in jail, Dorothy was even more worried about her daughter now than ever. So she continued to call the police and try to get welfare checks on her as often as she could, because she'd never heard from her. - My gut instinct said, there's something wrong, call CDO. Turned around wound up and they made the statement in Ms. Mountain, we have already checked. Your daughter is fine. - They made contact with her and it has been documented in their reports that they did physically see her at her listing an address at that point. - The last documented welfare check on Fawn Mountain was in November of 2012. Later that month when Thanksgiving rolled around, Fawn spent Thanksgiving with Heather's family, of course, over the holiday weekend, Heather's parents had to clean up their butcher shop and get it ready for hunting season, which started the following Monday. And over the weekend that Sunday Fawn, Heather, and Mike as well her brother all went over to the house to help clean the butcher shop. They washed down the shop with bleach, sterilized everything, which is an important part of owning a butcher shop, obviously. When they were finished, Mike Senior passed out beers to everyone as kind of a payment for helping out. And Heather didn't like for Fawn to drink. So she was very upset that they had given her a beer as well. But she didn't want to like freak out in front of her family. So Fawn was able to drink and she was having a good time. In fact, she was almost off probation. She had paid off a lot of her fines. So she was feeling really good and enjoying her night. After everyone finished up their beers, they said good night to Heather and Mike's parents and then they all went back to their trailers. When they first pulled up to the trailers, Heather got out of the car and helped Mike unload something from his car and it in his house and Stephanie and Fawn waited in the car. They were just casually chatting and Fawn mentioned to Stephanie that she was planning on having a relaxing night, watching some scary movies and heading to bed at some point. When Heather and Mike came back from the car, Mike and Stephanie went into their trailer and Heather and Fawn went into theirs. But sadly, this would be the last time that Stephanie would see Fawn. So that Monday, November 26th, Lois and Mike Senior, their parents came to pick up Mike and Stephanie to bring them back to the butcher shop, to help out some more. And when they got there, Heather was outside smoking a cigarette. While they were waiting for Mike and Stephanie to come out of their trailer they talked with Heather for a little bit. And when Stephanie and Mike came out, they thought this was odd. They weren't used to seeing Heather without Fawn. I mean, she literally brought Fawn everywhere with her. She thought it was weird that she had just left her in the trailer. So Stephanie walked up to Heather and asked her where Fawn was. And that's when Heather told her that she had gotten up to go to the bathroom at 3:30 in the morning and Fawn wasn't there. She said, she looked all over for her, couldn't find her. And she was gone. But she didn't seem to be freaking out in any way. - I didn't even know Fawn was messing or anything. I just thought it was odd that she wasn't out there too 'cause usually Heather didn't leave her out of her sight. And I said, where's Fawn at? And she said, well, I got up at like 3 o'clock in the morning to go to the bathroom, she's gone. - And then Mike leaned over to Stephanie and whispered as a joke, "I bet Heather killed her." Stephanie knew that he was just joking around. But as soon as he said it, she felt a pain in her heart. She just felt like something was wrong. She knew that Fawn would come to her if she was trying to escape Heather, that she probably would have let her know if she was gonna run away, but she hadn't heard from her at all. And she had no idea who she would have contacted for help. And Heather's behavior from the beginning was just bizarre because every other time that Fawn had run away, Heather would track her down. She would go around the town, go to all of her friend's house, ask people if they had seen her, she would not let Fawn out of her sight. And this was the first time in six years that she suddenly didn't seem to really care that Fawn had run away. She didn't try to track her down. She didn't even call her mom to see if maybe she was over there, nothing, which Stephanie knew was very suspicious from the beginning. - For six years, anytime that girl would leave her, I mean, she would be losing her mind, going house to house, seeing if anybody seen her or took her anywhere or... Who leaves at 3 o'clock in the morning, in the middle of winter and doesn't take anything. - Soon Stephanie got even more worried because she realized that Fawn didn't take anything with her. Literally nothing, not even her daughter's ashes. She would have taken Cayden's ashes if it was the only thing that she brought. It was the most important thing to her. And she was so worried that Heather would dump them out if she left them there. So there's just no way that she would have voluntarily left without them. Also, this is the middle of the night in the winter in Pennsylvania. She didn't bring any jackets. She didn't have a phone. She has no money. Where would she have gone? - Who leaves at 3 o'clock in the morning, in the middle of winter and doesn't take anything. - So Stephanie called Dorothy and told her that Fawn was missing and asked if she was over there. Dorothy of course said, no. And as soon as she heard her daughter was missing, she contacted the police. - My gut instinct said, there's something wrong. - But she was told that fund couldn't be listed as a missing person because she was an adult. And then about a week after Fawn goes missing, Heather's father comes over to her trailer and redoes like the whole thing. I mean, they like completely remodeled it. They torque the carpet, the floorboards, they put in new flooring. And this was all in the middle of winter when they had never talked about doing this beforehand, it was just all of a sudden they decided to remodel the trailer. And even though it was the middle of winter, they also decided to build a dog run in their backyard and they poured a concrete slab for it. Now, I don't know if that's normal to do. I've never really seen a dog run with concrete in it. I guess some people would do it. I have a dog run in my backyard, but it's on grass so that they can go to the bathroom. I don't know, maybe that is something that people do, but I thought that was kind of odd. Anyway, they never finished the dog run, but they did pour the concrete slab, which is weird. - [Stephanie] They took out the carpet, the floorboards, like the plywood, like that's on a trailer. They took it out, ripped it all out, put all new, like flooring in and everything. - And then a week after that Heather packs up all her shit and moves to Ohio. And she really didn't have a hard time getting over Fawn or spend much time worrying about her because two months later she met a new girlfriend in Ohio and brought her back to Pennsylvania. And then get this, about six months after Fawn went missing, their family decided to close up their butcher shop. Yeah, and they sold pretty much all of the equipment, very sussed. And when people would ask Heather about Fawn she would give everyone different stories. At one point, she claimed that Fawn was in prison in Ohio. And that when the police had called her to ask to release her back home, Heather refused. Another time she was telling this story to someone and she said that the prison was an Arizona, not Ohio. Obviously she was telling some people that she just left in the middle of the night. It seemed like she would just tell people different stories based on who they were. And she never alerted most of Fawn's family that she was missing. Obviously her mother, Dorothy knew she was missing, but like I said, she had some cognitive deficiencies and had trouble contacting people or making a lot of progress in all of this. And the police seem to really take advantage of that. I'll discuss that more later, but not a lot of Fawn's family knew she was even missing, including her cousin, Bridget. In April of 2015, Fawn's uncle called trying to look for her. And it was because of her stepfather was in the hospital and didn't have much time left and he wanted to say goodbye to her. But Heather didn't even mention to them that Fawn had left. - Fawn's stepdad was in the hospital dying. They were trying to get a hold of Heather. She acted like Fawn went missing and came back and was staying there. And yeah, it was telling her uncle. And then that she was there. - Finally, her family friend decided to go to the trailer and actually look for her themselves. But when they got there, Heather confessed that she had left years ago. So her mom, Dorothy, ended up contacting the Social Security Administration and letting them know that Fawn probably wasn't getting any of her welfare checks. So they sent a notice to the trailer saying that Fawn had to do a face-to-face meeting with them in order to continue receiving these checks. And it wasn't until then, and I know this is hard to believe, but it wasn't until then that police decided to file a missing persons report. This is three years after she first went missing that a report is finally filed. And remember her mom thought that she had reported it and they really took advantage of her and the fact that she has these cognitive deficits, but finally the Greenfield Township Police Department decided to step in and handle the case. They interviewed everyone that knew Fawn and took official signed statements. But after that, they didn't do much else. Dorothy tried her best to keep on them, keep up with what was going on. But it wasn't long before the police seem to notice that she didn't really have the ability to push back at them or understand fully what they were talking about at times. And so they took advantage of that and brushed Fawn's case off. Every time she would talk to them, they would just talk in circles, confuse her more. And the case never went anywhere. So it wasn't until June of 2017, when her cousin Bridget finally found out that Fawn was missing and she was shocked. She had absolutely no idea that this had happened. She found out because another family member had given Dorothy a ride to the store and she casually mentioned that she hadn't seen Fawn in years. So she obviously freaked out and she contacted Bridget. Over the years, Fawn and Bridget had really drifted apart. Not because of anything bad life just took them in different directions. And Bridget had a baby and was very caught up in raising her children. Fawn went into the party scene a little bit more. And they were just in totally different places in their lives. So they sort of lost contact and she had no idea she was missing for five years. Remember Bridget had moved away. So there wasn't a lot of connection between their families after that. For her, that has been one of the most frustrating things because so much time was lost when Fawn really did need an advocate. And so Bridget's really stepped up and has tried her best to get as much attention on this case as possible. And hopefully start to get things moving after all of this time. At the time her and Dorothy were still connected on Facebook but they didn't really talk. She hadn't spoken to her in years, but when she heard that Fawn was missing, of course, she DM-ed her and asked her what happened? Dorothy filled her in all about Heather and about Stephanie and how she had been an ally to her. So Bridget decided to contact Stephanie. Stephanie was super happy to hear from Bridget. She had been worried about Fawn throughout all of these years. So she immediately replied to Bridget and gave her her number and said, call me as soon as you can. When I talked to Bridget on the phone, she told me about that call and how Stephanie is just still heartbroken over what happened and worries so much about Fawn to this day and what could have happened to her. She wants to see justice for her, and she just knew something bad happened in that trailer. So she started telling Bridget everything that she knew, the two of them talked for hours and Stephanie told Bridgette everything that she knew. But of course it had been five years. A little bit of it was foggy, but it didn't take long for Bridget to realize just how bad things had been for Fawn in her last few years. So Stephanie started to help her get names of people who might know information. And Bridget started just contacting people and trying to put together her own investigation. Every person told her that they already gave reports and everything that they knew to the police, but all that information was somehow gone. That's right. Records just magically gone somehow. Bridget also realized that the initial investigation into Fawn's disappearance was pretty terrible. There were so many possible leads, so many loose ends things that didn't make sense that they just did not bother to follow up on. - Greenfield Township dropped the ball big time. This could have been investigated way further and more in debt. - So Bridget decided to contact the police herself and talk to somebody. And that's when they told her that the officer who was on the case had left years ago and no one was ever reassigned to Fawn Mountain's case. And not only that they found out later that this police officer had actually been fired along with the police chief. So that shows you what kind of department they're dealing with here. They told her that they would get back to her when they figured out what was going on and how they were gonna move forward with the case. And she waited, but no one ever did. She called again and demanded answers and really started pushing back at them and that's when they finally just said, no one's on her case and we're not gonna put anyone on her case. Also all of the original files even signed witness statements were just gone. No one knew where they were. It was such a shit show of an investigation. It's just sad hearing about things like this. - We got in touch with the Greenfield township police to find out what has been done thus far. And by that point, nothing. - So obviously since Heather had mentioned something about Fawn going to jail, Bridget decided to get to contact different jails and see if she had ever been there. They checked all the systems and databases, and there was no record of Fawn staying in any of the prisons that Heather had mentioned. - I did a lot of my own like work and phone calls and meeting with people and finding out what they knew. I know in Greenfield township, did database searches throughout all the states 'cause then there was at one point Arizona, she was supposed to be in Arizona, according to Heather, all of these states, they check the databases and, nothing. - So in August of 2017, something good finally happened. The state police ended up getting involved and Bridget said they have been so much better to work with and they care much more about figuring this out. The trooper who's leading the case right now is named Trooper Martini. She has been a big contact for Bridget to work with along the way. And she's done a much better job of keeping Bridget and Dorothy as well, updated on what's going on. So although Stephanie and Bridget strongly feel that Heather was involved in Fawn's disappearance, the police had no solid evidence of that. So they didn't have a clear person of interest, but they did say immediately that they suspected foul play. - We're going as far as even stepping out and saying, we suspect that foul play is involved with this. - Since Fawn's disappearance, like I said, Heather moved on, she had a new girlfriend who had kids and they were all staying with her. But eventually that woman also got tired of the abuse and ended up leaving and filing a restraining order against Heather. So the pattern continues. And this time Heather was actually arrested and charged with felony strangulation, but she ended up pleading guilty to lesser charges. So she was only given 24 months of probation for that. This woman actually ended up marrying Heather. So she left the state when all of this happened without even getting a divorce. And as far as anyone knows, her and her kids are still in therapy trying to cope from all the trauma they experienced while living with Heather. Then in fall of 2017, Heather is evicted from their trailer. And according to a witness, Heather completely stripped the trailer before leaving. She pulled out wires, light fixtures, anything she could, but whoever this witness was that saw her doing this wants to remain anonymous because they are also afraid of Heather. Once Heather was gone, the police were able to search the property. They brought in cadaver dogs and they excavated the concrete slab that was in the backyard thinking they might find remains, but unfortunately nothing was found. Bridget was very hopeful that maybe Fawn would be there and they could finally put an end to all this, but that was a big disappointment for them. And then after all this, the trailer ended up being torched. And there were a lot of rumors that Heather did it for obvious reasons, but it was actually the choice of the trailer owner because it was left in such bad condition. So I guess this is a common practice to just burn ones that are beyond fixing. So eventually Bridget decided to try and contact media stations and get some awareness on Fawn's case. She and other family members did several interviews. And there were a few news stories, but it wasn't enough. And unfortunately, cases like this often attract some of the worst people out there that just want to take advantage of victims. And Dorothy was a good person for some people to take advantage of. She was a mother who also was easily manipulated just by nature, but was also desperate to find her daughter. So this YouTuber, Nebula's Diary claimed that she contacted Fawn's spirit using a ghost radio and other paranormal tools. And I see this all the time. It is so wrong, especially without permission from the family, people that are making it as content for others to view. I mean, there's a line that's crossing it. Her mother got hopeful and thought that she was really making contact with Fawn. And she told her a terrible story of what she said Fawn was telling her happened through these devices. She told her that Heather murdered her, used her butcher skills to chop her up, put some of her remains in concrete and then put the rest in meat and sold it. Not only that this YouTuber told Dorothy that she knew that the police knew exactly what happened to Fawn and that they were just keeping it secret from her. And poor Dorothy believed her. Dorothy ended up calling Bridget nearly hysterical thinking that this really could have happened. So Bridget told me that she started freaking out too. Like at first, her rational side told her, it's probably not. But then she started trying to contact Trooper Martini and see if there was anything like this going on. And Trooper Martini was actually out of town and wasn't answering the phone. So Bridget herself started to get worried that maybe this was true. But when she came home, she had shared Bridget that she would be the first one to know, their family would be the first to know if they knew anything close to what happened to Fawn. And they truly didn't. Many psychics contacted Dorothy and they're all telling her different things. So it got so bad to the point where Bridget had to step in and block a lot of them from being able to contact Dorothy and monitor who was talking to her because it was affecting Dorothy so much. I mean, it's just terrible that there's people like that who will take advantage of a family. And they have asked this YouTuber Nebula's Diary to take down the videos about Fawn but she refuses. So it just pisses me off so much. So in June of 2018, Bridget felt like they really needed to build a support group. So she started a Facebook page. It's called Bring Fawn Marie Home. And over the years she's been trying to raise awareness about bonds case and Bridget and her other friends have also posted thousands of missing persons flyers. They've even designed t-shirts and sold them to help raise money for things like billboards. And this year in February of 2021, the Facebook page grew from only a couple hundred followers to over 7,000. And Bridget has no idea how that happened, but they're super thankful to have the support that they do. So I'm gonna ask you guys right now to head on over there if you have a Facebook account and just join the page, send some words of support. It means a lot trust me. Also this May Bridget held a candlelight vigil and nearly 100 people came to it. And it was covered by the local news. - Gather everybody that wants answers and wants justice and wants to know what happened to Fawn all in one place and pray for that. - She has an army behind her now. - Yes. - And we're not gonna stop until we get some answers. - Yeah. - [Woman] Wow. (indistinct chatters) - So in cases like this, where there are not a lot of leads and they're desperate for awareness, one of the best ways to get awareness, especially in that community are billboards. And billboards can be really expensive. They were able to raise some funds through the Facebook page to get some billboards. And right now the billboards are up, but Bridget was explaining to me that they're not currently paying for them, but the company has been nice enough to keep them up as long as another customer doesn't come along and want to buy the space. So that's what she's worried about right now is she doesn't have the funds to continue keeping the billboards up. So it would be awesome if you guys want to donate even $1, $5, whatever you can and help her keep these billboards up. Cause it could be crucial to the case. In my last family collaboration on Alicia Navarro, you guys really stepped up, you donated thousands of dollars via the Go Fund Me and I also donated all of the ad revenue from the video, which was, I put a lot of extra ads on this isn't normal, but it was $15,000. And I'm really grateful for everyone that like sat through all the ads, watched the video multiple times to get the ad revenue up higher. So she's gonna be able to do a lot with nearly $20,000 that we raised from that video. So thank you to everyone who has donated, if you are able to, for this case, I want to do the same thing for Fawn. If this video is monetized and I hope it is please YouTube, please, I will be donating all the ad revenue to Fawn's family, of course, for billboards and whatever else they need, who knows what tools they might need in the future. And you can really make a difference because it only costs about $500 per month to keep these billboards up. So every dollar counts. Bridget has also been using a lot of her own money to keep the billboards going, but she can't continue to afford that. She did tell me that she feels hopeful. She really likes Trooper Martini and the state police have been so much better to work with. And she told me she's hopeful that we might see some movement soon. And she actually says that a lot of this could be due to the billboards. So they help a lot. Bridget and Stephanie have become really close friends with this and they've also become close with Dorothy as well as Fawn's brother. And they are all working hard to fight until they get justice for Fawn. Stephanie is no longer with Heather's brother. They had a very tumultuous relationship as well. She and Bridget, I just point blank asked her if they thought Mike was involved and they don't. They honestly don't think that he knew what happened or has any information or helped in any way. But of course it is possible that he knows something, it's possible he has information that he hasn't shared with the police. Who really knows? So now it's up to the state police to conduct those interviews, try to get more information and put the pieces together. A lot of people are frustrated with the state police. They think they have not made enough progress so far, but Bridget just drilled home to me that she really does think that they are helping and that they will continue to do so. And that we could see a resolution for this one day. And I really hope so. The Pennsylvania Crimestoppers is offering a $10,000 reward for any information that leads to finding Fawn. Fawn has ebony hair that may be dyed black or dark brown. She has blue eyes, pierced ears and lip. She also has an arm Cayden tattoo with angel wings on her back and a Braden tattoo on her neck. Sometimes she will answer to the nickname Bambi. So of course, if you know any information you can contact the Pennsylvania state police at (814) 696-6100. And please, follow the Facebook page. That's where they put most of the information out. I talked with Bridget about also creating a Twitter account because I think that can be helpful too. So I'll have that linked below if we go ahead and do that also, we have just created a petition. So if you would like to sign that, it only takes a couple of seconds and it can really help out this family. So be an active, true crime viewer guys. Give back to the victims of the content that you're watching. If you don't have the money to donate, to just sign or follow, show a little bit of support, because these are real people going through these horrific things and the more support that they can get the better off they will be. And there will be a higher chance of possibly resolving these cases. That's all I have in this case. This one is so frustrating. So incredibly sad how people can get away with things like this, that the police weren't following up. It's just let go so easily. And that so many years went by that Bridget just didn't even know. I mean, that just breaks my heart. Bridget is such a nice person. She literally rescues kittens for a living. She's so nice. And if she had known any earlier, she would've done everything she could, but thankfully she end up finding out and was able to get involved. And it's mostly thanks to her that Fawn has gotten the coverage that she has, which hasn't been that much. Hopefully there will be more, but that is gonna be it for me today guys. I wish there was more to share with you on this case, but that is it. All the information that you need from contacting policemen information to ways to help the family are all linked below, along with my Her Justice collection and my new collaboration with Art By Jack. So go get yourself some Christmas treat yourself. Stay safe out there guys. And I will see you next week. (soft music)
Channel: Kendall Rae
Views: 1,977,665
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Keywords: kendallraeonyt, kendall rae, true crime, crime, crime documentaries, criminal justice, news, documentary, investigation, real crime, cold case, documentaries, crime watch daily, true crime daily, crime documentary, crime stories, unsolved mysteries, timeline, buzzfeed unsolved, true crime documentary, real stories, heather dibert, fawn marie mountain, fawn mountain, missing person, missing, disappeared, disappearance, dateline, id discovery, kendall rae crime, kendall rae youtube
Id: LRyLicCReeE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 55sec (3055 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 18 2021
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