Where Does YouTube Send New Viewers NOW IN 2020?!

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Tiny_Pay 📅︎︎ Jan 09 2020 🗫︎ replies
it's been about a year since I made a video called where does YouTube send new viewers and in that year YouTube's gone through some changes and obviously the algorithm has changed because the algorithm always does I don't know what the algorithm is but YouTube has a big building with algorithm written on the outside of it now I'm pretty sure some black magic goes on in there that picks what videos you want or what I want or what anybody wants so now that it's been a year and said changes have occurred I am curious to see if YouTube will send me to different places and the first thing that I noticed is and again I'm doing this non scientifically I just have an incognito window up I could turn on a VPN I don't know if that would actually I'm kind of curious about that BOOOM VPN okay so I'm currently in Los Angeles I'm gonna just to make this different I'm gonna operate out of say Chicago okay so I'm going to Chicago I don't know if it's gonna be any different you saw was on the front page but I didn't show you very much that was my fault because I didn't do a a B test I didn't even like compare what it actually was I didn't even go over what it actually was am i stupid I just leave these up to more professional people but I'm gonna blaze forward with confidence and stupidity like any [ __ ] would I'm just gonna keep bashing my head against it and hope that something changes okay so boom one thing that I will notice compared to last year there was no recommended section when I first came in there now there is if I control f5 is it different it's a different recommended section so it's trying to give recommended videos actually you know it's a mixed bag of like older videos to newer videos which is actually interesting because YouTube has a habit of only recommending new videos or at least they did in as far as I know okay let's go down a little bit let's go past trending cuz trending is doesn't make any sense at all let's see we got a gaming full playthrough holding breadth-first 17 minutes very impressive so now Hilda no-tell soaps more SNL wrapping SNL seems to be a biased for a lot of SNL the one big difference that I noticed when I first come on to YouTube it is a lot of TV content I don't think I noticed that last time or at least it didn't stand out if that was the case there's like let's see one who Harbor three four five six seven movie trailer yeah I'll count that eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen okay so that's thirteen out of the top like 35 or so that's a pretty high proportion of just TV videos being recommended to people and I get it if someone's coming into youtube new youtube want to want to put forward things that might be familiar or at least eye catching or appealing and a lot of these videos are old this one's six years old this one's four years old two years old it is recommending older videos which is great because YouTube has an enormous backlog of great videos that don't often get recommended and I'm not saying that these are them but these represent that idea at least so that's that's actually a step in the right direction with new content flooding into YouTube all the time it often doesn't leave room for the old stuff that people liked in the past that new viewers might actually enjoy watching this is all anecdotal this is just observation what I'm here to determine is where YouTube will lead me last time the problem was that it was very easy to get to like conspiracy videos weird places on the internet that wouldn't exactly be where I would send new viewers are these going to send me to better places and not like better places like I'm gonna die I hope it doesn't send me there the first thing I have to say is that my my eye isn't really drawn to anything specific here oh here we go throwing water into the air and negative 52 below I want to see that that sounds cool that sounds like a cool thing that I would want to see so I'm gonna see that it is 50 below here in Fairbanks and I thought I'd come out here with some hot water and throw it up in the air so you can see it fly away as a cloud it's not actually too bad for this cold it is not bad it's a nice negative 55 got some hot water here let's go through it in the air and see what happens okay just throw it right up splashes down on yourself oh that's cool that's nice oh thanks for the slow-mo it's not real slow-mo but I'll take it see that's cool okay good got that video that was good I enjoyed that up next porch pirate versus glitter bomb I think amy has told me about this one before I go on any further I'm gonna go back to the homepage I'm actually gonna click on the homepage button now what is it huh this is not what I thought it would show me but I can see what it's doing the videos are shorter six minutes three minutes two minutes two minutes six minutes seven minutes 444 149 533 32 that's a lot of short videos the video I watched was a short video there was more a home recording of a single event and a lot of these kind of fall into that category that I think is a better guess of what content I might like beyond what I just watched that is fascinating but if I was watching this video I think that if I was new to YouTube it would autoplay because autoplay is enabled then it would go straight to this one so let's see what this is this guy stole my package and he's about to open it in his house what he doesn't know is that this is a new and improved custom built bait package that is recording him on four different cameras that just released a pound of the world's finest glitter along with some other nasty surprises but to understand how we got to this point we need to go back one and a half years because that's when someone stole a package from my porch and the police wouldn't do anything about it even with the video footage which made me sad and so drawing inspiration from one of my childhood heroes I decided to make a bait package to lure would-be thieves and the Internet seemed to like it but despite my best efforts 1.7 million packages are either stolen or go missing every day hello Macaulay Culkin Macaulay Culkin yeah I'd live - alright so I'm not gonna just do a reaction to this whole video I get the concept I would like to watch this in my spare time but let's just assume that I watched it Oh God oh no it's Mark Roberts video being talked about on Jimmy Kimmel I see what they're going for I see what they're going for and that's fine but I'm not convinced about that one I don't think I would I think if I was new to YouTube I would probably lose my patience and then I might start looking down in the suggested I'm trying to put my mind into the brain of someone who's new to YouTube has never seen this before it's just I see it I'm just working a nine-to-five job I come home and I just want to relax and I've been hearing about this YouTube thing and I've been afraid of it because I had I'm not used to it but then I checked it out for the first time is that a newness honest that's not one of the unis honest is that their frickin newness honest that is Harry Danube Hero sidetrack not what the and that probably just ruined my recommendations but I just had to give big preach to parrots News and back into the mind of a person who's new to YouTube I've only got an hour before I go to go pick up the kids from soccer practice okay so it's more like science and experimentation videos which is pretty cool in all honesty these suggested videos are much better than the suggested videos of getting before going from the hydraulic press thing or the big whatever the machine was and then instantly going into all the garbage YouTube content and I'm perfectly fine with calling that garbage YouTube content because oh boy howdy it was yeah but this is actually good because I can see the brains in jars inside the algorithm building all cranking and thinking and trying to get in my own head and suck me into their algorithm so that they can understand what I want I can see it happening and as scary as I described that this is a good thing measuring how much pee is in your pool of course I want to see that so the is that this is another mark robber video so it's the same person that was made the last video but that was appealing to me so I can see how that would go forward now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go back to the home page and look at this now almost every video is a short video found our stolen trailer I can see how that would relate because of the stolen packages pouring molten salt into water that's just like peeing in a pool you pour your molten salt into the water how to escape quicksand I don't know how to do that I this seems like some weird cult thing I don't know what's happening here it's like people pressing on the fabric of reality between demand if the wind could calm down for just a moment they could have replaced this with music I didn't know that they were recording this video in a category 5 hurricane holy crap ok so the key to surviving quicksand is to get on your knees and wiggle that's what I've learned from that good very informative that is interesting especially considering that V recommended is actually pretty good at giving me things that I think I might actually want to watch again I'm putting myself in the mind of someone else this isn't exactly my content but you know it's me being like oh what draws me based on what the thumbnail is what the title is what the content is I was trying to actually be picky about it and it's pretty good so now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna forget all that get out of here and I'm gonna see if I can get to a conspiracy theory video and how quickly I can do that because that is my control from last year and that's the metric that I want to know so I'm gonna close this out I'm gonna change my VPN location we're going Washington DC let's see what those freaks in Washington DC get from YouTube ok this seems pretty basic again it's not what I had before it's not what I was looking at the trending page is still there what I'm gonna try to do is I'm gonna try to get to a conspiracy theory video actually I'm willing to bet that a comparison between the rarest human mutations might get to something about mole people how is your experience when visiting a creators channel page on YouTube to view that channels content absolutely outstanding - not applicable usually actually that's how I give it users I don't even look at the sub box I don't look at the sub feed at all I go straight to a channels videos of the channel that I like that's how I consume my YouTube content probability comparison rarest human mutations left-handed one in ten Wow sociopath I don't know if sociopath E is 125 that's a lie that's a lot of sociopaths green eyes one in 50 so there are more green eyed people than sociopaths one in 59 for autism 185 for twins one in a hundred Psychopaths okay that is different than sociopaths but what in a hundred okay so if there's seven there's probably now closer to eight billion people on earth that means there's 80 million Psychopaths okay whatever yada yada yada that's my point of this video is not to analyze the accuracy of whatever this is I'm gonna go from here I'm gonna try to get to conspiracy theory video how about ten animals that were scarier than dinosaurs okay top 10 animals that were scarier than dinosaurs what do you get what's just go to number one pageant huge lizard flying in circles around you like that now just imagine lots of them the prehistoric time sound like an I don't care man this is getting this is getting strange as he'll and what the hell are you doing in here get out of here alright top ten okay so I'm getting a lot of 10 that's the thing that I'm noticing 10 animals look 12 10 10 2013 10 5 10 15 10 10 11 10 the algorithm is being I think much more logical than you know it would be than it was last time it's what I meant to say okay 15 most mysterious creatures in the world from a mysterious six-foot humanoid creature - hair blobs found in Indonesia this species of fish like some other animals both on land and off have roots that date back over a hundred and twenty fossil records indicate that the fish 120 120 what you didn't you got missing files missing file I didn't catch what the contact was who whatever okay we got some more top tens we got a lot of top tens I'm actually not ooh mythical 13 mythical that might actually get me Oh 10 creepiest things caught on camera I wanted 10 mythical gimme mythical Umi BOSU me BOSU they have a cloud-like gray torso and snake-like limbs the name of this spirit consists of the kanji Umi Lee Japanese okay whatever this is actual content that's fascinating by now I had already gotten to conspiracy videos things were already getting weird but in the suggested videos here I'm not seeing conspiracy stuff which I thought I would like this is a recipe for mythical sea creatures like it would it would go to like aliens and then alien like abductions and then the government hiding aliens that I haven't seen it yet it is very related to the content that I was watching - a few exceptions like genius graffiti art that will make you smile or funny tick tock memes compilation top 5 loudest sounds and mother nature if I'm not in this video I'm gonna lose it rock slide I know so many of your brought like that didn't sound that loud [Laughter] am I in here I look like a penis strange phenomena strange phenomena now we're getting somewhere now we're getting strange phenomena moving fires in appeared on the Internet in scientists strange dark residues daily online revolution on state universe okay okay okay okay okay Jess cheon's the cloud was caused by aliens they dismissed him they dismissed them which must mean they're hiding something a new giant hole in planet Earth I don't believe this but I'm clicking on it because I think it'll leave me somewhere nearly one okay go away go away go it's will die okay this so this is saying something like this could happen that's not a conspiracy though I want conspiracy I am really having to try to get to the good juicy conspiracy theories I am really trying something major is happening in 2020 what's happening what are they doing to our water trying to turn this game I'm assuming that everyone in government has to speak like a pirate at all times that's just myself so that's my conspiracy theory the government was taken over by the matrix this is where the movie was based from disinformation did they just replace the sound of the bullets falling down with their own sound effect yeah they did not nearly enough for 70 years scientists have been telling us that we are little particles of quantum energy I don't know if they've been saying that and now we believe them the existence of a conscious mind an intelligent mind he said this mind is the matrix the movie the matrix this is where the movie was the same word it's in the field so the field that worked I don't deserve conclusion here ok all right so that it wasn't conspiracy theory it was a lot of pseudoscience and stuff and like oh I'm guessing it was a motivational video more than anything the science is really muddy but I guess that's not really conspiracy because no one's trying to hide anything from us god damn it I thought that was it that's not I mean it's so so close god it's tough I can't find one like a real conspiracy theory video cuz like I don't care if there are videos that are like talking about spirituality or stuff like that that's not inherently bad the inherently bad ones are those that have pushed crackpot conspiracy theories to try to get something out of someone that's what that is god that's no I don't think that qualifies is conspiracy theory where did they go I ran back on the home page top 5 scary signals from outer space I feel like something's changed in the world I feel like YouTube's evolved I feel like maybe maybe they've moved on maybe they've recruited enough smart brains to their algorithm machine well I guess we've learned something oh I will readily admit that no system that YouTube implements for its algorithm will be perfect it never will because it'll always have some kind of a bias it'll always have some kind of a type of content that it wants to push people towards but honestly in the first time I've ever seen this one of the most objective ways that I've ever seen videos get suggested to me I obviously asked for that type of content I was pushing for a conspiracy theory video I don't think anybody could have gotten like more meticulous and like looking for something about a pyramid and like those signals of the government's blocking us from getting our messages from our overlords or they're already among us in all the periods are signing to wake up sheeple I didn't see any of it so I guess this is a good thing this is a good thing it's been about a year since I made the last video and going into 2020 now we know that YouTube is and I think as anyone who starts with YouTube what happens is you you watch the videos that you like you eventually gravitate towards a specific type you find the channels that are making that type of content you subscribe to them and then you become involved in their communities those would be the stages of getting into YouTube I think and then from there you find out about more people that they work with and through collaborations and other stuff like that and this probably was the best that I've seen now you could say whatever you want about the home page suggesting more TV stuff than actual stuff by creators cuz perfectly honest that I think is a problem because let me just go back into this I closed it I opened it we're going to YouTube okay yeah this looks like exactly what it was before because like the number of like individual creators that I see on this front page for people getting suggested content is a little low a lot of its companies a lot of its TV shows a lot of its celebrities a lot of its movie trailers a lot of its that kind of stuff and I get it that kind of stuff people do want to see but also there's some amazing content out there by creators that I think people would love to see and I think YouTube could do their creators a favor by putting more of that forward by having some kind of curation to get the people that are making amazing content every day and not companies and again this is just a personal bias like I think that individual creators are what made YouTube YouTube and I feel like they should be the ones that are put forward as the best example of what individual creators can do and it can really get new viewers into the heart of what makes YouTube special but again I know the algorithm seeks views above all else if I had to make a tweak that's the only thing I'd say but overall this is much better than it was last year maybe next year I'll be surprised and when I look at it again it'll be creators that make amazing things and it'll be less of the TV shows and recycled content from companies that make content like this which is fine I guess but the more they do that the more YouTube will feel like YouTube but kudos to YouTube for what they've done so far because frankly this is a step in the right direction so yeah I guess I'll make this an annual thing I'm next year I'll do it again and see where we go from there or if some big change happens on YouTube that I need to know about I will check it out so thank you everybody so much for watching if you want to see more of my videos or maybe the last video I did on this to see it a year ago it's in the description below subscribe for more amazing content for me an individual creator ring the bell to be notified whenever I an individual creator decides to get off my lazy ass and make a video and check out my other videos that I made I got a bunch like 4,000 it's on my channel click my name click my face down there so thank you for watching if you're new to youtube and you're watching this for the first time I don't know how you got to my video but let me know in the comments below if you enjoyed the video hit the like button because I'm assuming that's what it's for and not a thing to be chased after for the sake of ego I think we as youtubers don't actually know what the like button does if it does anything YouTube would never tell us that's a fact subscribe for more content if you want to see it if you don't know how the sub box works you subscribe and then you check your subscriptions on your account and every time I upload a video it'll be there maybe but if you definitely want to be notified when I get a new video because you love me so much and you love this face click the bell and that means you'll get a notification whenever I release a video which might be at 2 a.m. I don't I I don't really have a set schedule at the moment I'm trying to get back into it but you know things are busy thanks again and as always I will see you in the next video bye-bye [Music]
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 3,704,260
Rating: 4.9720612 out of 5
Keywords: where does youtube send new viewers, youtube, youtuber, youtubers, markiplier, funny videos, youtube deep dive, exploring youtube, bottom of youtube, watching videos, funny clips, funny, reactions, markiplier reacts, markiplier reactions, funny video reactions, strange videos, bizarre videos, deep dive, 1 year later, 2020, where does youtuber send new viewers now in 2020, browsing youtube
Id: XA2LT97Z4Ho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 21sec (1341 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 09 2020
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