Where Are Your Keys | John Ramirez

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you see it is the joy of the Lord that is my strength it's an instant it's not an emotional thing it's an encounter okay so it doesn't matter what's happening the joy of the Lord is my strength no matter where I'm going through no matter if some days I smell like toast is that it is a strength and it's the joy and it's the love of Jesus Christ that brings me through and you know God was I was sitting there and God was saying to me before I get into my message tonight God was saying to me remind the people see you can you can believe youre saved but you're not saved you can think you're saved but you're not saved you could you could say well you know I received Jesus when I was five years old but you're in the world you're after the world but you're not after the cross you got one foot in you got one foot out and then you say I'm going to have it no you're not because you could sing all the Hallelujah song you can know all the scripture but you still could go to hell there's pastors and the leaders and there's people in hell today they it's amazing because there's people that grew up in the church and they're in hell today and God was saying to me when I was sitting there God was saying tell them the story about the but the young lawyer true story by the way I heard it from a pastor friend of Mine and he said ok Lord I say it but just for someone here it'sfor someone here and the story goes like this before I get into my preach anything I have a little time right to preach right was in the last service all right so listen I'm so grateful to come here I really been very touched to come to this ministry I've been to a lot of ministry a lot of TV shows I mean the only TV show I tell the people earlier I haven't done Sesame Street trying to get in and as a competition between me and Big Bird so I can eat I can eat cookie monster out I love cookies I just got a thing with cookies just saying but something special in this house and I preach I been to places that I preacher ate as pretty I have been to places then I preach to 8,000 people in 3 days but when I came here this is to move in the spirit such a sweet spirit there's a purity it's hard to find purity in the church in ministry it's hard to find that purity see I see things in the spirit you can tell me all you want you can you can you can sugarcoat it you can dress it you can tell me all you want but do you know why there's nothing that the Holy Spirit will not reveal to you I've been I've been to ministries and God has shown me things and I just go to minister like like you know like I said I said true story with you I had a beef with Creflo Dollar I had a beef this was crazy to ask him for jetl I'm on Delta he wants to jet so I had this whole thing you know we're careful good they know and then I got invitation to his show I said try we're gonna set it off I'm gonna let him know how I feel im gonna throw my two cents in there and when I got there the guy's a nice guy honestly one of the nicest people I met on TV land with me? you see so so I came here but I I know there was an awesome ministry but not only awesome but powerful you could be awesome and not powerful you could be awesome but still lacking you can be awesome and still married to demons I'm coming down your way don't worry about it so put on your seatbelt but when you awesome and powerful then you got something special and you got that pastor and my that's my homie right here I know he don't laugh a lot but I don't you don't smile a lot but I won't be like you he from Brooklyn oh you for broke me you don't smile Brooklyn is John Gotti you know mafioso Genovese and so this is God told me said his story because this story is for someone you see there was there was a person and committed in the town he committed murder there was a person based on the true so he committed murder he committed murder so he had his young lawyer to defend him so the young lawyer went to court to defend him and he got the young lawyer he sat there and he defended this guy and this guy committed murder he was guilty so the young lawyer was very brilliant very smart he had he had a charisma he could he got him off so when the jury came in they got him off and he said he's not guilty even though he was guilty even though he was guilty he deserved the death penalty he got him off years later the same man got in trouble and committed murder again he ended up in court but this time around he went to the court he looked up and when he looked up in the court the person that was his lawyer now was his judge so God came Jesus the Son of God came to be your lawyer but now he's coming back not as your lawyer he's coming back at your judge what are you gonna do are you gonna keep playing games are you gonna surrender ask yourself that because this is for someone in the house this is for someone in the house you know let me say something 50% of the church it's gonna take the mark of the beast im gonna prove it to you 50% of the church will take the mark of the beast you can see the devil strategy is television media music movies you with me so when see the reason I know and check yourself before you wreck yourself with me all right let's go ghetto and man check yourself before you wreck yourself because I'm half of you are sitting here and you will take the mark of the beast and the reason you would take the mark of the beast let me tell you why the reason why you sit on you sit in front of TVs you watch fllth you watch nastiness they blasphem they curse the name of Jesus they Mock the nation you don't change the channel and the devil is conforming your mind dumming your mind dummy your mind that you have no reverence and that all and respect and honor for the name of Jesus Christ so I say do that do it you know the sad thing about it someone curse your mama out you ready to throw down someone curse your mother out curse your daddy out you ready roll your hair back and throw the Vaseline and go outside throw down so what cursing the name of Jesus and you do nothing about it you don't even move you're gonna compel to change your channel how dare you curse the name that I've been saved under click you sit on that filth that garbage and what happens your mind is getting sealedl neutralized so the name don't be nothing to you anymore give me the mark that will be you and when you take that mark kiss yourself God because you ain't going to heaven I used to work for this lady cheesecake lady she was Jewish and I needed a job jack I was broke I'm broke I mean stinking broke you know so she gave me Monday Wednesdays and Fridays to work she'll give me hundred dollars a day that's 300 that was money back then 300 I went to my I would go to Marshalls and change the prices thought it's bad you know what Marshalls had that the price and they got the little red sticker I look for the red sticker and other things and put the price on that and then I repent later because it's stealing that's how broke I was I mean bad broke and this lady would say to me she knows I'm a preacher I've got part-time and preach but that wasn't not even full-time ministry I was part-time and preach she say to me I hate Germany she would tell me I hate Germany I said well I'm with you baby you know I'm with you I know Hitler and the Holocaust I feel you I feel your pain then she said hate Jesus too- I said hold up chill I said let me talk to you let me let me put you in your place I used to drive this cheesecake van full of cheesecakes in the back one of the best cheesecakes in the world by the way and I would drop cheesecake and all the restaurants all the delis in New York City and I said let me tell you something to you you wanna hate Germany I'm with you I feel you I'm with you but if you say so much about Jesus you know this piece of crap you got parked outside before the Cheesecake I parked that in Harlem and people would eat cheesecake for free in Harlem all right and you know why I call you I take the train call you I tell where I park your piece of crap in Harlem you say somebody Jesus you say something say something say one more thing and now I'm broke I needed money I say oh my gosh she gonna fire me I need your $300 man no 300 I would like $3,000 I couldn't I mean yeah I worked those $300 I stretched those 300 and when she give me the Christmas bonus 500 that was like you know a lot of bingo like the grandma on bingo place but you mess with the name of Jesus you can fire me I'm gonna put you in your place I'm gonna turn you respect that name you respect that name because they're not you know I'm not going to let you mock that name what are you doing to your name to the name of Jesus Christ what did it mean to you what it what is it when people mock your name mock that name that you've been saved you've been sanctified you've been purified you've been made holy what are you saying do you still watch your TV and giggle and laugh and and suck it all in and I'm not saying am i saying sell your TV that's not why I'm going cuz I like watching my football I like watching my I mean I don't watch basketball anymore but I watched my baseball and I watch my sport and I watch stuff that I know in the contents of work you know not this done to disrespect God you know Shark Week I'm doing I've got a California people say you come in the water you come in surfing I said first of all Puerto Ricans don't surf let's get that straight Porto Rican people don't surf and now jaws is out there am i calling home early am i gonna be no shark snack no I don't surf now you wanna play volleyball we can do that but you ain't gonna catch me no water I went to the Bahamas I preached in the Bahamas and I remember I got in the water I mean I said I was up to here and my friend named Jose every Puerto Rican name is Jose I don't know what's wrong with that John get out of the water John get out of the water and I'm like What what then it hit me I got out the water whats going on he's like I cut me a little tiny cut sharks are gonna come they're gonna get you I say thank you for saving my life I owe you one I want to save your spiritual life today I want to save your spiritual life today you see the physical don't mean nothing if you don't have the spiritual this is the thing I don't understand this is the thing I my message today is where are your keys you know it's funny you know what the hypocrisy the hypocrisy today is the hypocrisy today it's see the book the book of Acts our church started in the upper room with 120 people and when they dropped in your street it turned the street on fire it turn the street on fire 3,000 people got saved and then the church fast forward ended up in the book of Galatians a church got hit by the Holy Spirit and then later on they're trying to do things and they won't understand they're trying to things by work by the flesh they try to do that all these kinds of things and Paul say who had bewitched you you were running your race who bewitched you see this the devil knows hindering delay blockages and distraction those are the devil's weapons hindering delay and distractions and blockages so you won't fulfill your purpose in your destiny you ever seen someone like 50 something years now he try and dance as I do you can't be doing the twist wait gon do sit down it past your time and many of us trying to do things now we try to play catch-up or God and this is it this is the thing I want to talk to you about this is the thing I want I just want to talk to you about the hypocrisy in the church I want to talk see I'm gonna bring it to you because in the church see we got keys keys keys keys to the house keys to the garage keys to the car and then when you lose the keys to the house the keys to the car the keys to the garage you get upset you get oh I lost the key I can't believe now I gotta go to the locksmith I gotta change the lock it's gonna cost me money I can't believe that I lost the keys to the car what was I thinking I mean I must be an idiot I don't know what's going on order this and then you go on and on and you tell your grandmother you tell Julio you tell Juan you keep going on and and you call people on the phone can't you believe I lost the keys I don't know what I was thinking you know I'm not my house I don't know some time I have the keys to my house down so on my break in Julio live next door I heard he's a crook all about upset by losing the keys but the sad thing about it you had lost the keys to the kingdom and you're not even upset the devil has taken the keys to the kingdom out of your hands and you live in like you got the keys to the kingdom and you don't have assets to the kingdom anymore and you're not even crying about that the keys of the kingdom that the devil took off your hand that God entrusted you with I'm coming at you I'm leaving tomorrow anyway it's an amazing thing because you see in the book of Luke in the book of Mark God told the disciples God told the disciple who do they say I am each other disciple who does say I am the disciple said well you know uh you know I heard down the block you know I heard down the block they think you're John the Baptist and you know what he said who you think people say I am think about it what a statement who do you think people say I am and the disciples like scratching their heads and said well you know they said you are hmm I think they're dying over there they say you took you did to John the Baptist and we turned the corner and people saying you Elijah you know so many people say that you might be a prophet of old raised from the dead and Jesus flipped the question on them and say who do you say I am then who do you say Jesus flip the question who you said who who you say I am and they were like whoa they were lost then what didn't have no respond and then crazy Peter come out of nowhere you are the Christ the Son of the Living God and Jesus said flesh and blood has never revealed that to you my father in heaven and then jesus said a powerful statement Jesus said upon Peter upon this rock I will build my church in the gates of hell will not prevail I give you the keys of the kingdom I give you the keys of the kingdom we not tell my friends of the keys I'm giving the keys of the kingdom Peter I give you the keys of the kingdom we're not talking out of physic today the keys of the kingdom it is amazing the keys of the kingdom he's not given to you it's not a physical thing Jesus won't saying I'll give you access I'll give you access to the kingdom and some of you don't have access to the kingdom because you had lost the keys but you're not even pissed off about it you don't even upset about it you lose your house keys no one would break into your house your house is broken I was busted I break into your house you don't need a TV is not even updated access to the kingdom access to the kingdom you understand what God is saying to us God is saying he God said I saw Lucifer fall like lightning that means I dropped him you want to get you know 2020 I dropped him and then Lucifer saying okay I lost the first fight I want a rematch so God says I put the church on the earth get your rematch and we losing the fight because we lost the keys of the kingdom and we have no access to the kingdom so the Bible the Bible says this you have lost access you have lost the keys of the kingdom the Bible says it is you have to understand this because it's not God says this that you're the keys of the kingdom the asset to the kingdom whatever you bind on earth is bound in heaven so it's a physical thing here bound here but a supernatural thing up there you you can bind all you want here but actually you have no supernatural opportunity no supernatural moment and no supernatural victory because it will be bound in a spiritual round and then supernatural round and without the keys what are you gonna lock how you unbinding loose how you gonna cage up that devil that's trying to kill you always good it's coming preaching to myself it's about impact it's about spiritual impact the devil said that the of the kingdom of heaven suffered violent but the violent take it back by force and you're trying to beat the devil with white gloves compromising negotiating we don't negotiate with the enemy said people celebrate Halloween right I'm gonna be the Little Mermaid a marine spirit that's what you gonna be a water spirit you're gonna change your identity for one night open doors and gateways and portals now the devil own legal rights because you open the door but you want to dress a little Ariel I dress like the crab guy ya marine spirit too and we dress like these things and we become these things and we become part of it an identity that is dead but you don't hear you don't hear satanists oh I can't wait for Good Friday to go to church oh you can't you don't even sit and say I can't wait I'm gonna take off my black clothes I'm iron it I'm gonna do my nails in black you know I can't wait to go ahead and sing hallelujah because they fear the devil more than we fear God see the pastor we were talking in the car he say something to me that brought revelation and I'm gonna bring it to you I didn't say the last services see the devil has power but he doesn't have the right power against the right believer see the devil has power but not power about the right believer now if you're Mickey Mouse believer and you one of these wannabe Christians but you're Christian to your chicken coop Christian always pecking and gossiping then the devil got legal rights over you over your mouth because whatever you speak out of your mouth you become if your home speaking divorce you'll get one if you if you speaking defeat you'll get it too because whatever you speak you bring to life and if his death that's coming out your mouth death is coming for you see I don't care what situation I'm in I'm always gonna speak life you see I seen too much in Jesus to doubt if twenty years ago God bought me out of that did he could bring me out of this God changed now the devil couldnt kill me when I was in the world can't kill me now that I'm in Jesus I'm betting your wish come bring it cause it won't happen so I just want you to check your pocket and your pocketbooks whatever you won't call it or your man bag you got keys where are your keys where are your keys where are your keys but Jesus put us here in the physical he give us access he gave us keys because there's a supernatural thing and the natural has to touch the supernatural and sad to say many of us lost our keys how John? but the devil took them from you you gave him up the church has lost its power because they have lost the keys so you can't touch and agree with heaven because you don't have access you don't have power we don't touch and agree so your hand has to clap or God has to be a rhythm you have to have the rhythm in heaven in your life that's someone that go to places and witches come up from anywhere listen I've been to Japan witches show up I ate your sushi dont play with me I don't like sushi I've been to the Caribbean and witches show up so what you want some of this I been to Germany fought witchcraft in Germany I've been everywhere I don't care are you crazy I people said you don't you have an entourage I say yeah me and the Holy Spirit that's my entourage yeah I don't need to carry my toothbrush or my hairbrush I know how to brush my own hair let me see I have the keys I hold on to my keys more then I hold on to my own life I hold on to my keys because you see my keys give me access to heaven I can open up the portals of Heaven I can open up heaven I can open up heaven I can open up so I can open up I could open up the Michaels quarters and release warring angels from heaven I got the keys I got access I can stand I can stand in third heaven with Jesus Christ the highest of the highs of them every devil every witch every warlock every demonic principality everything is under my feet I've at least from heaven I can move things into heaven around because I got keys I have authority keys of power Jesus authority I can bind and loose anytime I want I can I can move anything in the heavenlies to take out keys it's funny because in the book of Acts the demon told the sons of sceva with Jesus we know he got keys he has authority Paul we know he got keys and authority where yours and you give them a beat-down I mean you want someone give you beatdown you and your clothes fall off that's a good beatdown because they had no keys I'm talking to someone here talking to someone here keys see you see this is if I take the keys away from you then you have no you have no access to heaven you have no power you have no power to change things you have no power to move nothing and you have no power to transform anything you with me the devil knows the devil understand the access having keys you got access to heaven and the devil understand that the power it is the key the Holy Spirit is my key the Holy Spirit's my key so it's a metaphor it's not it's not physical keys it is my relationship with the Holy Spirit I hate people say I don't know if I should smack them or kick them I have to fast my brother so I can hear from the Holy Spirit you have to fast and know the voice of the Holy Spirit really me but fast from watching those pornographic movies you watching maybe you fast from that. fast so fast so you can get off Facebook but you spend 20 hours Facebook and 15 minutes with Jesus then you tell me you're saved you're not saved I'm gonna fast because I I won't I need to hear from God really well you know via your Bible I fast because God has me on an assignment I don't fast because I need to know his voice or his voice I know his voice I don't have to fast to know the voice of God because I spent I went home and I got keys and have access and I have the Holy Spirit it's time to get the keys back from the devil today it's time to get your keys back from the devil today but jesus is coming back he won't be your lawyer he's gonna be your judge in the mark of the beast is around the corner because the anti-christ is walking the earth today there being a shift people panic people put their trust more on sanitizer than Jesus but you wont raise up holy hands but youre a devil in disguise you're a Pharisee it's time to come and bow your knee and I'm not judging you cuz I don't have to judge you that's not my job my job is to get you to heaven stop playing games and get your keys back get your purpose back get your destiny back whatever God invested in you whatever God put in you the saddest thing about a Christian is to die with your purpose and your destiny and get to heaven before time and you're gonna go to heaven and you got nothing to say and Jesus gonna say I just I just have sorry another to it you or some of yours will get in by the back row of heaven you wont even get into the front door cuz you barely made it I didn't sign up for this to barely make heaven I when I get to heaven I'd be like a Billy Graham I'd be like a Nicky crew and now me he's not there yet praise God for help but I'd be like a David Wilkerson I go in there and people wanna say thank you John thank you John yeah thank you for watching I was in your service I got saved you preached and devils came off me I want you having it gonna be a whole bunch of people a whole bunch of people because I did my job I ran my race I didn't have to be in your lane I love the pastor here the pastor here he's an amazing man man mazing man they know how to run their race there and what about nobody else you do you I do me we get together we know we give the devil a migraine God made a team he made no one better than nobody cuz when you run your race if it's two miles you run them if I run ten when we get to heaven God give you the same prize who has bewitched you now you're running a different race without keys no access to heaven was the last time you move from glory to glory well I thought you had a Jesus moment instead of a TV moment so show me the moment when was the last time you had any content with God when was the last time you heard his voice in your ear all you just hear gossip people come up to me tell me what you want tell you tell me I heard shut up shut up and get out my face if you can't bring the person with you it didn't shut up God called me to edify not crucifying anybody because you know what I could be talking about you and then tomorrow I might need you because right tomorrow I might be sitting in the mountaintop having a peppermint pattie then tomorrow my fall I might need you to pray for me I might you you I'm I need you to stand with me I'm I need love on me I might need you to restore me I don't crazy you know you fall and you want mercy some pastor fall you want throw rocks he's just as humans you are now if he comes to repentance and he said that I'm sorry I repent I did it wrong you know I made a mistake I'm good with that I can live with that you're still my pastor because he's human like me but if you're not you denying it and you lying about it and now you need I don't have no respect for you there's no one is exempt from any situation listen Charles Templeton Charles said there was a friend of Billy Graham the best friend of Billy Graham Charles Templeton graduated with Billy Graham he was more charismatic than Billy Graham he was more knowing that Billy Graham actually he's when he started his church he had 1,200 members at the time that was a mega church and because the devil sucker-punched him because he saw he saw a picture of a dead African woman a dead baby and the devil sucker punch him he renounced his ministry he became an atheist yeah watch what you watch but the devil used that and get you out of the game this man was anointed the graduate of Billy Graham had a church or hundred members and because he opened the door to the enemy the devil sucker punch him and he left and became an atheist the first book he wrote was farewell God and they went up to Billy Graham thanks buddy what do you say about your friend bigger and say he's still my friend he stole my homie I pray for him he didn't throw him under the bus prayed for him and you know what happened Charles Templeton and ninety years old this is reporter young reporter Christian reporter went up to a Canada Toronto Canada and knocked on his door and he said could I speak to mr. Charles maam and the lady said Charles is sick he's not doing well he said Charles knew when I was coming he told me I can do an interview with him is it okay you asked him I came from far but you just asked him I'm here he says no then I leave but at least tell him I'm here they said that was his wife his wife says stay right here I'll be back came back later minutes later she said Charles to come and sit in the room Charles came down in a robe at the age of 90 and the interviewer asked him what kind of question young young Christian reporter and some more kind of questions and in the end it prompt them in the spirit and he said Charles could I ask you my last question before I leave and Charles said hit me he said well who was the greatest man you ever met and Charles cried he said the man Jesus Christ and He gave His life back to Jesus the man lost his keys and got him back at the age of 90 my question is in my altar call who owns your keys who you could get angry if you lost your house keys you lose your car keys you could get angry but the key to the kingdom that God has given you access to the Holy Spirit and his son Jesus Christ by the finished work of the cross and you just give up the keys like that and you don't have them and you can't bind and loose anything you can't even tie your shoes with that and you talking to me that you're sitting here today you tell me everything is cool in the hood with you when you help out you're faking Jesus you're faking a false gospel you're drinking the kool-aid that they're feeding on TV or whatever Church you go to your pastors crazy leave I'm serious you tell your pastor you can call me I love them no I'll lay hands on them but your eternity and your salvation in one point to mean in your pastor i sat on a dead church for a long time in the Bronx as a young Christian and I was I was very frustrated I said if this is Christianity I have more power than the devil I will do more things with the devil then we do here the pastor said we're gonna cop a hylia that's a night vigil 12 o'clock we're eating cake and coffee theres not be hylia the worship I was used to being up all night now we're having you know pancake and coffee I said whatever 12:01 I said what we're having cake and coffee he said pancake you know no no Punkie oh yeah I mean my Puerto Rican accent is killing me let me finish this up coffee cake burn coffee caking coffee at 12:01 demons are running crazy and we're having coffee I said what happened are we gonna go to like 4:00 in the morning oh you know what we're doing it next time we're doing next time we'll get them next time get them next time they all over here all over me we'll get them next time but there might not be a next time and I went to all that pastors taking sabbaticals sabbaticals we take a step back or either will you die you rapture pastor said it church is closed when we rapture so something even might stay behind so it might be partially open fruitloop Christians delusional Christians medicated Christians stay behind stay behind you better wear neck brace but they don't cut your head off so I mean actually honestly the antichrist it's gonna be a Muslim the only religion I know cuts hair is Muslims I used to cut heads but I always cut chicken not people I was the chicken killer I think I killed more chicken than Frank Perdue I'll had a PhD my question is to you are you saved are you really saved are you partial saved are you like Job in the book job chapter 38 I knew of him now I know him Job was righteous Job thought he know Jesus Jesus is God by the way in case you read your Bible in the book 38 chapter 38 cause theres 42 chapters and historians said he'd go into a trial for one year and he told them put your pants on I talked to you now you don't want God to talk to you they said it did my Bible said demons tremble what they see when demons tremble and demons supposed to be all that in the bag of chips and when they see God they tremble so I'm asking you a question are you saved if you were to die tonight would you make heaven another question is if Jesus want to walk him right now and tell my Jesus not the Pope holy all a bishops own so I by the bishop now yeah five people new church your bishop not be sure if Jesus woke eight tonight Jesus say in the last supper he says something powerful he says one of you is to betray me and you know disciple said me Lord is it me I mean think about it it's in me I walk with you for three years and I'm gonna make a mess up now is it me Lord or am I gonna betray you know what talk to me who is it there was so concerned that was so like the heart beating off the chest knowing that I can't mess it now if Jesus walking right here right now walking right here right now be able to walk they say what is that I make in heaven what would you say what would you say is it me Lord are you gonna sit there with your pretty self and your fake makeup and no one will make out that that might be back you know I don't want to ugly grab my life slap it on baby that's funny it was funny hey listen I don't go to Puerto Rican churches I don't preach in Puerto Rico you all I'm mano I went to Puerto Rican church when I was a young Christian and the pastor threw me out he asked me to come preaching he told me I had to court me with two bodyguards out to the street yeah ten people because I was wordly because I had a watch and I had a I had a crucified on with G and now with Jesus I had a crucifix and he that was worldly he escorted me out of the church I say stupid how am I gonna tell time madam in an Indian I don't know the moon in Sun tell time haven't got time that's stupid are you I'm not such time I need a watch Dora mundi anno Mundi ah no sir why you know the law you clothes you feel well I'm a Christian suppose have one you didn't complain when I had it upside down now I'm on the right side you throw me out of church and then when when he threw me out they have I know Spanish Harlem I don't know if you know Spanish Harlem they had 300 people outside hanging out playing running up and down he got ten cats in his church because me wearing a watch I wasn't wholly meanwe makeup I'm not wholly if I brush my hair too good on my whole if I look like a sexy Puerto Rican which I am I'm my holy holy hit holy comes within its sound that's why I love when I meet brothers got tattoos you know hey man am I saying I'm a promoting tattoos that's not what I'm here for I'm saying when brothers look crazy and they dressed normally dressed they dress like that in my young generation here they dress like this see this is the real church this is the endtime Church right here this is it this is it this is this is this existence of God looking for this is what's there and bring it to the devil like you never seen it before yes young you're young general y'all looking looking my brother got a Yankee hat you Yankee fan or you just worrying because you want to represent who y'all Yankee fan yes or no I don't live I don't live I don't read lips Yankee fan you my homey how many Yankee fan my mother used to bring me to the stadium it was a dollar fifty we sat in the worst seat by time we got up there the game was up to the seventh-inning we started going climbing up the stairs and and we got started climbing up the stairs and by time you got up there there was no one up there it was cold it was somewhere it was caught up that's how high we were but my mom she's my hero because the closest thing to God is a good mother she's my hero I take care my mom I buy her stuff I gave her financial blessings I take care of my mom but I know what my mom used to get beat up I know my mom didn't buy clothes for herself so she can feed me my brothers and I take care of my mom I bought an awesome coat I bought like two coats I got I got these sneakers right here I got off a woman my my walk all over she's 73 I bought by I Drive for five hundred dollars on her because he invested in me so I said mom I got you now because the Bible said they don't take it your family you worse than an unbeliever and if you don't take if you father's hit you don't take your kid you going to hell I take care of my daughter my daughter had a good job she made fifty five thousand a year my daughter I still pay her I pay half of her rent every month because I'm telling her what I can do for you when you were little I got you now because God showed me how to be a father I take care my daughter can't bless her I take care of my stuff I give her give her stuff so let me know your daddy's here to stay and I pray for my daughter for boys I want my daughter marry no frog I'm doing the wedding I'm doing the wedding Amen oh man your frog I'm doing the wedding I'm told this is the wedding my here I'm walking down now hard if I say well who's gonna marry her and I'm walking down now my daughter said who don't marry her oh my god ma'am I don't I'm gonna marry my daughter my daughter that's why I love the young generation I want to pray for you today I want to stand with you today and if you lost the keys come get him cuz Jesus got the keys bye and Jesus will trust you and give you back the keys and the keys it's not a it's not a physical thing and it is access to the kingdom ashes to God I said to the holy spirit I said to your purpose and your destiny man I was sold out for the enemy sold out beyond you kidding man I was like poor I'm moving I moved up beyond my peers in the devil side moved up up the ranks moved up contract with marine spirit contract with Devils in the in the cemetery mode of Astra projecting devil separatory devil which cracked all kind of devil I make I moved up people don't believe hi I pass all these people behind moved up climbing a rolling ladder 25 years of my life wasted a bad father which care for my family I did witchcraft for my brother put him in jail for 5 years witchcraft to people so they can get sick people can die which crowd to get people of miscarriages in abortion which crashed suicide spirits put in suicide spirit on people so they can kill themself the devil is real that they were play for keeps don't take him lightly witchcraft to take over regions in neighborhood because if I took over the region and took took the region off of the people of the church the church sponsor over the region not the devil this church always the region because they're not afraid of the devil they're bringing you to the devil they don't talk about the devil don't bring it to the devil because it'll set the people free that's right bring it bring it up chance the sound Jesus come and I pray for you you come and I pray for you first of all you know Jesus you don't know Jesus raise your hand if you don't know Jesus Christ raise your hand don't be shy don't be embarrassed because you gotta know him now then meet them in eternity and then he'll send you to hell simple do you know Jesus Christ I can point people here that don't know Jesus Christ and you're playing games you have fallen from grace and you playing games and you think you know Jesus you created a Jesus in your mind that is not the Jesus in the Bible that's why Paul said who has bewitched you because they created a Jesus in their mind it wasn't the same way that Paul was preaching to them and we created Jesus in mind to justify our sin and the devil is laughing at you I don't need cars I don't need yachts I don't need boats I don't need helicopters don't need it if God wants to bless you with it and trust you with it that I'm cool listen I've got people coming up to me I'll tell you an opportunity to do movie deals in Hollywood and to other things and I said let me hear from let me go talk to the king when God says ready then I'm ready I mean it's supposed to meet not sooner or later it's supposed to meet Mel Gibson I said Lord you let me know what is ready cuz you're not ready I'm not coming to that meeting you're not gonna lust me with the spirit of lust been there done that got the t-shirt if God is not in it I don't want it and I'm I'm mocking Hollywood am i mocking my friends in California they've been great and awesome to me but the bottom line is I'm moving with the rhythm of heaven raise up your hand my sister for a minute this is me and Jesus this is me and Jesus and we can't do this one hand can't clap by itself because I own anything I don't owe the world nothing I don't care hungry tired broke disgusted robbed bankruptcy losing property eating pizza and Chinese food I ate more Chinese food than a Chinese person I ate more pizza than an Italian broke disgusting but I still have Jesus wrote one book and today I'm off to my fourth book with a high school diploma A in gym A in lunch the rest of F and DS C but I'll leave you with this the reason I could do great things in Christ cuz I got keys in my hand clap of his and another reason why God has the pen of my story I don't hold the pen he has their pen of my story and Lord you write my story let him write yours the altar call is simple my last altar call do you know Jesus you walk in here would you make heaven yes enough talk to me you're gonna make heaven let me talk to the lukewarm Christians that are here that that are not making heaven a form of Garland's but denying the power and I say there were a lot of love and respect because you know what you're never gonna sit under here this ministry here and we're accountable for your soul we're not here to try to fill up the altar listen the less people come to the altar the quicker I believe they eat some chicken wings but I rather starve I eat nothing and pray for you all night long I'd rather pray for you I rather stand with you I'd rather get your keys back I'd rather get your purpose back I want you to get your destiny back I want you to get God's best back and you're like I don't need folk I need you to come up and make right with God anybody wanna make peace with God come up I pray for you Hey this is Pastor Vlad and thank you for watching this sermon. 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Channel: HungryGeneration
Views: 444,566
Rating: 4.9047418 out of 5
Keywords: healing miracles supernatural today, pastor vlad hungrygen, hungry generation, exorcism demons, hungry gen, vladimir savchuk, John Chi in US, miracles sermons fire, intimacy with holy spirit, worship, freedom from demons, relationship with Holy Spirit, crazy deliverances, John ramirez, ex satanist John ramirez
Id: A3vY8_PMRv0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 2sec (3062 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 19 2020
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