When Your Boyfriend is a Musician - Edited

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[ music ] NYA heyyy bae i'm so sorry i'm late *sighh* where have you been? i've been waiting for half an hour   rehearsal went reallllly over time look, i promise i'll make up to you on the weekend we can watch a movie together, okay? *gAsP* well~~ i'm free on weekends... so um maybe we can go watch minions uh weekends yes BUT i'm teaching saturday 9 am to 3 pm   i also have a concert... and on sunday  i need to take my violin to luthier   Are you - Are you serious??? all you ever do is PRACTICE  and rehearse and teach never time for me... see? even now you're practicing!?? this is ridiculous ! who's more important??? me or the violin? bae~ don't be ridiculous of course i'll say the VIOLIN dUh AsPhpChBq i'm done with this!!! i'm breaking up with you you'll break up with me??? *sigh* the sorrow... i can use this in my playing if i channel this feeling   then my playing will be a lot more emotional and powerful don't forget to PRACTICE [ music ]
Channel: Queenies
Views: 577
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ZP_q_Zlr3mQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 44sec (104 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 23 2022
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