Hot Chili Violin Challenge (and other painful foods)

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Hello, guys. Welcome to another episode of TwoSet Violin. You may have seen that some people sent us a video of these musicians playing... while suffering 'cause they're eating chili. And they asked us: Why don't you make a video of you playing the violin while eating chili? - Well. - Mmm. See, here's the thing. Being aspiring Ling Lings, we must practice 40 hours a day. And now— Now, you might be wondering: If you practice 40 hours a day, how did you get the time to eat? (both) HMM! - 40 hours a day! - WHOA! When do you eat? I don't know! Well, here's a secret. Ling Ling eats while he practices! So Ling Ling can actually eat anything while playing the violin perfectly at the same time. Mhm. And by that, we mean anything. So, we have a very special episode of the Ling Ling workout today, where we have six violin repertoire and, instead of six challenges, we have six different foods that we will be... ingesting. Aggressive foods. We have Really aggressive! Like the small ones, they're like, super spicy so we're gonna die. We got onion. Raw onion. We got Brett: Dude, it looks like a turd. Eddy: We got - Brett: The natto. Brett: We will have to mix that up. And there's some Vaporwave mints. Eddy: Alright. Brett: So they all have their consequences. Eddy: This is gonna be so painful. Eddy: Oh, what happened? Eddy: I think you twisted the bottom of it by accident. Eddy: Oh, actually no it's fine. Brett: Uhh... Oh, wait. Alright so. Scissors paper rock? Yes. (both) Scissors paper rock! Dammit! I want... Strategically, what's better, to go first or second? Well, what are the worst ones there? I think chili... Cinnamon... I'm gonna go first, just get it out of the way... painful. So concertos first? I'll be playing for you all... They've been folded up to make sure we don't cheat. Alright have fun. Here you go. I'll feed it to you. No! My honor. Wait wait wait! - Wait wait wait wait wait! - Green turd! - Dude, I'm actually nervous. - You gotta like, chew on it. *chewing noises* Have fun! Dude it's on your teeth! It's not that bad! Really? Yeah, it wasn't that bad. Ah okay! Well there you go. Was that even wasabi? I don't know. I bought wasabi. Maybe I bought the wrong thing. Whatever. It tastes like wasabi. But it was just... - It's, it's... - Wasn't that strong. Alright, it was Australian wasabi guys. Yeah, but... They didn't know how to make real wasabi— Maybe! 'Cause the real wasabi really burns. Anyway, next one! Oh lucky! Just, anything but the chili. - Anything but the chili. - Get the chili, get the chili, get the chili. What! NO! - That chili is really spicy. I know it. - All of it? At least three. At least three. Dude, you think your stomach's gonna hurt. This is gonna burn! Get your violin ready, bro! Get your violin! Keep going! Keep going. Keep going! I'm crying! Dude, I don't know what's in that wasabi, but my stomach hurts. Let's just get this video over with, - I'm so - - Dude that was actually a turd, what you ate. Beethoven's Spring. Dude. Beethoven's Spring and... Raw onion. Dude, we're actually getting all the worst ones. Oh! Oh, that's nasty. You gotta keep eating it! You gotta keep eating it! It's alright! Swallow it! Get rid of it! I can't swallow it! Are you serious?! - Are you serious? - I can't! It's beautiful! It's fresh, healthy, organic! It's spring! Dude I can't swallow it, bro. It's disgusting! Oh, yuck! I'm feeling the burn with you at the same time. It tastes like shit! Oh yuck! That's disgusting. Dude, put that away. Put that away. I don't wanna see that. All right. Guys... That was Beethoven's Spring Onion. Yeah. Spring Son— Onion Sonata. Oh no! Oh no— *laughs* Anyway. I'm playing - Please get cinnamon. Are you serious?! So dumb! This is so dumb! Wow, what are the chances?! I didn't put too much in 'cause I think too much is actually risky. Be careful if you— If you feel like choking, don't... spray it onto your violin. Just— You can spray it over anywhere, just don't get it on your violin. Don't get it on the camera or the mic. Oh yeah, wow great one. I'm gonna just really control my airways when it goes down. Just, try not to choke. You're freaking me out. "Try not to choke." It's not that much. Don't spit on— Oh! No! Can you swallow it? Oh, spit it out, bro. Spit it out. Spit it out, spit it out. Wow, that was actually... worse than I thought it was. - Yeah. - This is so bad. Alright. Natto just— I don't like the taste of it, but... - it's not too bad. - Ah. Airwaves is good. Oh, I need Airwaves. - Bach. Adagio. - G minor, okay. Please get Airwaves. - Airwaves, oh! - Oh nice, Airwaves! How many? Is it chewing gum? Yeah. Oh well then— Oh, that's fine! No, but it's really like... Oh really? Okay. Just 'cause I feel bad, I will do three Airwaves at once. What am I playing? Bach. Should be fine. I'll wait for it to take effect. "Take effect!" 'Cause there's like a delay, with Airwaves. Okay, it's starting. Oh. That's all right. Whoa, that's actually really nice! Yeah, *mumbles* It's like... Clears up your nose! All right. I wish they'd sponsor us for this. - I know. - I'm making them look good. And of course, it's... I kinda remember having this. Sorry for chewing like such a savage. So natto's like a really acquired taste, right? - Yeah. - You have to mix it? Have you had it before? Oh... Bro... Smells pretty bad. It looks horrible! It's better than raw onions, bro. Does it smell bad? How much should I eat? I don't know. OH! - It smells pretty bad. - That's nasty! Dude, it's like spider eggs. - This? - Yeah, go. Go! Oh my god! Brett: Oh my god. An unexpected... Unexpected terror, natto. Oh, this is disgusting! I don't know how you guys do it, those of you that eat natto. Argh. Dude, that was horrible. I thought I'd like it! Have you had it before? - I thought I had it before - - Nah, bro. Nah, I haven't have this before. Dude, it's horrible! The aftertaste in my mouth is disgusting. We should do one, mix everything. (offscreen) You don't understand Japanese culture. I know I don't. This is what it feels like when people eat Yeah. Yeah, that's what it feels like. Oh, that's so weird. Okay, guys. Don't eat— It's an acquired taste, so I guess I gotta get used to it. Yeah. Anyway, thanks for watching. If it was Ling Ling, he would have eaten all six at the same time. And Ling Ling would have made a dish out of all six at the same time. Dude, the natto was disgusting. Dude, my stomach feels like - I keep burping as well. Keep, keep— I mean, s— If you like classical music, subscribe. If you don't like the viola... If you like the viola— I mean if you don't like the viola, subscribe. Disgusting!
Channel: TwoSetViolin
Views: 685,167
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twoset violin, violin, viola, cello, music, classical music, ling ling, ling ling workout, practice, chili, chilli
Id: pMUrbqG3GvI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 10 2019
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