When Will God Finally Work A Miracle In My Life?

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Go with me to Matthew chapter 14 and this is  the miracle that's been recorded in all the   four gospels. You probably have heard it in the  Sunday school and you have probably have taught   it yourself and so, we're going to look at this  scripture right now, how it applies to the vision   of our house and how it applies to the role you  can play in this vision. Matthew 14 and verse 13,   When Jesus heard it, He departed from there by  boat to a deserted place by Himself. But when   the multitudes heard it, they followed Him on  foot from the cities. And when Jesus went out   He saw a great multitude. I want you to notice  if you believe underlining the Bible is not sin,   Jesus sees multitudes. He sees nations, He  sees the world. God is not a little God.   God is not trying to just build a religion. He  is the creator of heaven and the earth and He   loves every human being and every human being  has a value in His eyes. They are made in His   image and likeness and He loves everyone.  Now, my grandma has and she is right here,   grandma Maria. Everybody say Hi to Grandma  Maria. She's looking awkward, she's like   She has 16 children, one husband and I have to  make that, my grandpa already passed on to glory   and imagine my grandma's 16 children  going on a vacation. They didn't do   vacations though. So I'm just saying imagine  because at the time, when they grew up,   this was not possible and imagine my grandma  going with 16 children on the vacation.   On the way back from the vacation, they realized  halfway through it that five kids are missing. Lost them somewhere on the rest area. Imagine my  grandma looking to my grandpa and saying not a big   deal, we still got 10 here. Good success rate  actually. If you look at the percentage level,   5 out of 15, I mean still good  number majority is still with us.   Now, it's funny but no parent will ever  look at their family through percentages Why? Because you don't do math on kids, every  one of them matters. In fact, if you would only   lose one kid out of 15, what you would do is you  would create a chaos, right. You will go back.   Your schedule will be thrown out of the way, out  of the window. You will try to find that one kid.   Why? Because I mean we even do that with wallets.  You lose a wallet and you go and turn the house   over look for a wallet right. We do that with car  keys and we do that with children. So I want you   to notice that when God looks at the Tri-Cities,  He does not think and look at Tri-Cities through   math, oh 10% goes to church, hallelujah, we're  winning Jesus. No God looks at Tri-Cities and   even if one person does not know Him, one person  is hurting and suffering, God will leave the 99   and go for the one. So God loves you so much  and you may say, I don't want God. I don't want   to be with God, please understand, He doesn't  have the luxury of looking at our city through   percentages. He loves every single human being  because they are made in His image and likeness.   Every human being that is far from God  today that lives in sin, please understand,   I know we have advancement in technology, I know  we have advancement in science, I know we have   advancement, our phones are smarter, our cars are  faster, everything is better but sin is still sin.   Sin did not change to becoming less sinful. The  devil has not stopped being less devil. Demons   have not stopped tormenting people. Sickness  still hurts people. Depression still hurts   people. Addiction still destroys people whether  they are poor or rich, homeless or millionaires,   sin is still the same. Demons are still the same  and God is still the only solution and His Son   Jesus Christ and therefore when God looks at our  generation, when He's looking at you right now,   when He's looking at you right now, and hundreds  and thousands of people, He is moved with   compassion because He's a father. What you call  in our community, oh they're gay people, they're   trans people, oh they don't love God people.  They don't want to do anything with God, they're   rebels, they're heathens, they're deconstructed.  See, we have the ability to label people.   When you're a parent, you don't label kids. You  hurt for them. You bleed for them. You suffer   and I want us today to not have a view of a  Christian but have a view of the Father toward   our city and not to think like disciples that the  Bible says Jesus had compassion on the multitudes.   Jesus why? Because that's exactly why the father  and the mother would go back to wherever they left   their child and look for one. That's exactly  what you would do when you lose a wallet,   that's exactly what you would do when you  lose keys, you go and you look for that stuff.   The Shepherd leaves the 99 and goes for one. The  Bible says, He saw the multitudes. The scripture   says, He had compassion on the multitudes and then  thirdly, He healed the multitudes. Your therapist,   your doctor, medication, they all have their  limits, only the Creator can fix what is broken.   Only Jesus. What you heard today, He can deliver  the captives. You can have a program on your   computer that tries to control your urges but  only Jesus can help you be delivered from them.   You can go to a psychiatrist to help  you deal with your feelings but only   Jesus can help you to find forgiveness in  spite of all of that and maybe you're here   today and the world can help you to manage  your sin, only Jesus delivers us from it.   I want to challenge you today to let you know  that Jesus is not outdated because advancement   in technology, advancement in medicine and  advancement in everything, I mean the stuff   that how amazing that the stuff we have in our  world today with cars and technology and science   is incredible. None of it have come closer one  degree to solve the sin problem. None of them.   There's only one name that can do that and that  is Jesus. You can have a fast car, you can have   a smartphone and still be in need of Jesus Christ.  Why? Because none of that can fix a problem of sin   and I want you to notice this that Jesus heals the  multitudes, He has compassion on the multitudes   and He sees the multitudes. There's one more thing  He cannot do without His disciples and that is   He can't feed the multitudes without them and so  disciples come to Jesus with this brilliant idea.   If we go to verse 15, we're going to  do a little bit Bible reading today.   Verse 15 says, When it was evening, that  means its getting late. When it was evening,   His disciples came to Him, saying, “This is a  deserted place, and the hour is already late.   Send the multitudes away, that they may go into  the villages and buy themselves food.” Great idea   Jesus, we tired. Jesus, it's been enough and  this is Pasco, our Sanctuary fits 200 people,   we can't do anything more,  send the multitudes away.   Let's wait for the new building. So I want to  speak just briefly into our church right now.   We have to be very careful that we don't  make our Kennewick building into an idol   by postponing Revival until we move into  Kennewick. We have to be very careful that   we don't allow new people to come to know Jesus  because we're waiting for the new Kennewick   building to be finished. From now until next year  Christmas, in this year and a half or two years,   we can see thousands of new people being healed  and delivered. Jesus is not in heaven and saying,   oh I'm gonna hold on with healing. I'm gonna hold  on with deliverance and I'm gonna hold on until   you guys finish building. And many times, we have  this attitude, I'll be honest with you, I relate   with disciples because I would be like saying  Jesus we really can't do anything right now,   because we don't want to do like a fourth  service. We're tired with three services,   doing one more is just exhausting. Jesus also  there is no other place we can rent because we   checked out Pasco High district and they're  not available for us to use their facility,   we went to Kennewick High School District but you  know it's going to be a nightmare with children's   church and all of this stuff so there's just  Jesus, we just need to, could you keep the   people away from our church for the next two years  until we get into a new building. But see Jesus   doesn't think like that. We have to understand  is that that's how we think, why? Because we love Mediocrity. We love convenience. A guy was fishing  one time and every time that he caught a big fish,   he put it back into the lake. A guy next to him  was fishing. Noticed that so he had a question,   Why do you do that? So he came up to him  and he said, Listen I've noticed you,   you're fishing but you're throwing all the  big fish into the lake. What's the problem?   He says, oh it's a very simple problem.  At home, I have a small frying pan. So he's like if the fish doesn't fit the frying  pan. I have to put it back into the lake and the   guy's like well have you ever thought about buying  a bigger frying pan. He's like no, it's way too   expensive and that's how many of us are. We simply  postpone what God wants to do to another season.   Why? Because we have a small frying pan. Now, in  the beginning, we're saying no Vlad we don't have   a small frying pan, we have a small facility  but see the problem is not a lot of times with   facility, the problem is with our mindset and  the problem is with our convenience. If you're   taking notes, write a few things down, one of  them is there is no compassion in convenience.   Compassion will take you out of convenience and  convenience will take you out of your calling.   Anybody who's ever done parenting you know one  thing, convenience cannot be your number one goal.   You can't raise children in convenience.  Children will create inconvenience   because you cannot have compassion if you're  addicted to convenience. So what happens is   when we want to fulfill the calling of God  in our life as a church or as Christians,   we must understand there's going to be a cost and  a lot of times, the cost is not you dying on the   cross and many of us are like man, I'll die for  Jesus. Can you endure inconvenience for Jesus?   Because Jesus isn't asking you to be nailed  to the cross today He's just asking you   to endure a little bit of inconvenience and  for disciples that inconvenience was simply,   ah we're gonna miss our bedtime and that means  we're gonna stick around with people for about   five more hours and we really want to go home.  I really want to hit my pillow. I really want   to have my mom cook my food. I really don't want  to stay with these people for another four hours,   it's a little bit of inconvenience that I have  to endure and Jesus's compassion causes Him not   to be addicted to convenience. Convenience is not  bad but please understand, don't let convenience   rob you from your calling. You cannot fulfill your  calling and live in convenience. You cannot have   compassion and be addicted to convenience. You  cannot be mature and be addicted to convenience   because the first thing the love of God will do in  your life is to break you out of your convenience. I don't want to park at The Seventh-Day  Adventist Church. Convenience issue.   We don't want to have another service in a gym.  I don't want to sit in the service and watch   the guy on the screen. Convenience problem. It's  interesting, I just got a testimony right here of   a person who watched the video last week about  homosexuality, he was a Christian, married to   a gay man, going to church, watched the video and  God convicted him so much he left this comment and   reached out to me personally and got divorced  with his homosexual husband, the next day. A video If our ministry touches the world through video,  God can use even the video to touch people's lives   but see for a lot of us, it's not that God can't  move, it's that there is a small frying pan called   a limited mentality but this limited mentality  is pushing hearts of Jesus into Jesus you have to   conform to my convenience. Jesus please reduce  Your big vision to the level of my comfort.   Jesus come on, You got to consider my feelings. What would happen if Jesus would have  chose convenience instead of the cross? What would happen if instead of becoming an   embryo, growing in the womb of Mary, being  delivered and growing, learning to walk,   the God who made feet learns to walk. The  God who made the globe, learns to sleep   and do all of this stuff. What would happen  if Jesus would say that's not convenient.   The cross, that's not convenient. I am so glad He  didn't choose convenience, He chose my salvation.   And therefore today if I have to embrace a little  bit of discomfort to express His compassion to a   dying world which means if I need to come in a  little bit early, if I need to go a little bit   later, if I need to give all my resources,  I would do it with pleasure. Why? Because   compassion cannot live in the heart addicted to  convenience. I cannot fulfill my calling if I am   addicted to convenience. I have to be in love with  Jesus Christ and His heart has to impress mine,   stretch my heart and even if I don't care about  souls, I spend my life at the feet of Jesus and   Jesus pours out the love of the Father into  my heart by the Spirit and I begin to think   of souls and I begin to think of the price I can  pay so that I can have the compassion of Jesus,   stretch my heart and so I can see revival  through my life today. I'm preaching to myself. Can somebody say, Amen. Not to the part that I'm   preaching to myself but to  the part about convenience. Convenience says, ''There are many obstacles."  Compassion says, "This is an opportunity''. This is an opportunity. There is a loss. There  is a cost of overcoming challenges that we have   on our way but Church there's also a greater  cost of a lost opportunity of seeing miracles,   young people being raised and us, in a year  and a half seeing hundreds of people going from   darkness to light, going from sickness to healing,  going from being demonized to being delivered.   Pastors who left ministry, people who  deconstructed from Christianity finding   their faith again because we refuse to be addicted  to convenience. The big idea at the root of all   of this exists this that what the church is, the  church is about you or is the church through you   to the world. Because if the church is about me,  then it's about my convenience. But if the church   is about His vision then I have to be willing if  necessary lay my convenience at the altar and pick   up His compassion for the world. So while we are  going into a fourth service because right now,   we have no choice and we feel obligated to Jesus  to live out His mission as a church in these last   days to reach more people for Him. The other part  I have a feeling, I could be a hundred percent   wrong so I'm just gonna say what if the fourth  service will also be the fifth service in the gym.   What if before we move into a new building, we  will have another campus in Richland, next year.   What if when we move into the Kennewick  building, there will be a Pasco campus,   Richland campus and Kennewick.  What if something new is happening.   See the devil showed up at the Grammys  and God showed up at the University. Woke garbage showed up at our movie theaters so  did Jesus Revolution and Come Out in Jesus Name,   next month. It's almost like God is saying, God  is flexing His muscles and saying, I'm gonna raise   faceless nameless, I'm gonna raise young people.  I'm gonna fill them with power and in this hour,   in this day and age, they will make a difference.  There's a lot of churches that have multi-campuses   around the United States but our church, I'm not  saying we're better which is different and there   is a hunger for the move of the Holy Spirit, for  deliverance, for the miracles with Bible teaching,   with discipleship that's around the world.  We're meeting these people everywhere today,   what if all this is a setup for launching a Bible  College online for people to be discipled and open   their homes like in the Bible for revival where  these services that we have here will not only   be streamed to a gymnasium somewhere in Richland  but to somebody's home in California, somebody's   home in Toronto, somebody's home in Texas and then  these homes could become hubs and then they could   become campuses. We were given prophetic words  when we only had 20 of us here that churches   will be started like popcorn. We laughed at  that and we looked at that word like Sarah   did when Angel of God or the Lord says, you will  be pregnant. She was like, haha that was funny.   And God made her seed laughter. Isaac means  laughter but not in the mocking laughter but   in the laughter word this was impossible but it  became possible. What if God is setting us up and   preparing and maybe we wouldn't think of these  ideas ourselves but sometimes when God presents   a problem, He allows the problem that comes in  and there is no other solution except you have   to explore something that is innovative,  something that is different and God says,   I can do a miracle with that. You thought this  was an obstacle but actually it's an opportunity.   You thought this was a limitation but actually  it's an invitation for Me to do something that I   always wanted to do. I wanted you to get to your  bottom so that I can get all the glory, use your   five loaves and two fish to multiply My power, My  effectiveness, My glory and to touch the world. Amen. And so what begins to happen then is  disciples say of course, we don't want to do   it and Jesus says verse 16. “They do not need  to go away. You give them something to eat.”   An one of those mornings this is the verse that  threw the bottom off of my feet, it wrecked me   where I felt the Lord say, I'm not concerned  with your building. I'm concerned with people.   I will give the funds for the building but that  building is a tool, that building is not the goal.   They do not need to go away meaning, we can't  tell people honestly, forgive me for the language   I'm going to say, you guys can go to hell  or come back until we get a new building.   God doesn't want us to think like that. They  do not need to go away, you find a solution.   You find an answer. So God throws the challenge  to us because a limitation is time for innovation.   It's time for it's an invitation. God is saying we  can work together. I can figure out a solution. So   what can we do. So there are three things I want  to leave you with. Number one is I already have   mentioned this, alluded to this earlier is that  our limitation is actually an invitation for God   to do a miracle and God can do this miracle if  we submit this instead of make excuses and maybe   you're here today and you have limitation, you  have lack of this, lack of that, not enough of   this, not enough of this, not connected, not  having enough resources, I don't have enough   money, I wasn't born in the right tracks, whatever  the excuse is and that's what the excuse I said,   our Sanctuary is too small. Nobody's renting,  we can't find any other place and then you know   when we were in Colombia kind of calling Pasco  district, Kennewick district, calling different   churches, seven-day adventist churches as well  because they don't meet on Sundays looking at   everything and then I remember, me and Ilya looked  at each other and we said, wait we have a gym,   it fits 200 people, why don't we use it. I  mean it's not ideal nor did five loaves and   two fish was ideal but it was enough for Jesus  to do something and when we started to pray and   say okay what if this limitation is actually the  Lord inviting us and say think outside of the box.   What if your personal limitation right now, what  would happen if instead of you come up with an   excuse why nothing can happen in your life,  you actually find some faith and you say, I   can't do it. This is not enough to meet the need.  This is not enough but it's actually just enough   in the hands of My master. What could He do with  it. I know what I could do. Absolutely nothing.   Eat and I'll be hungry again in two hours  and if you're a teenager, in 30 minutes. But what could Jesus do with it?  I will never know until I try. And the Bible says this, we have here only five  loaves and two fish only meaning, it's not enough.   Again it's not enough for us but it's enough in  the hands of Jesus, that's one of the reasons   why in two weeks from now, the first Monday and  Tuesday and Wednesday we will go into a three-day   fast as a church. Why? Because every territory  we go physically, we first go spiritually.   This is God's work. Jesus wants to  advance His kingdom, it's not about us.   Notice this about these buildings if God could use  a university at Asbury, He can use our gymnasium,   He can use this auditorium, He can use us,  can somebody say Amen. The second thing I   want you to notice is verse 18. Very short  verse, Jesus says “Bring them here to Me.”   So the first thing I mention is that our  limitation is an invitation for God to do   a miracle. The second thing that I want to mention  and that is stress does not produce supernatural,   surrender does. Stressing over the fact that  you have very little, complaining over the fact   that God didn't give you enough, comparing your  little with somebody else's, feeling inadequate   doesn't produce miracles,  tears don't produce miracles   but you know what produces miracles not  complaining but surrendering what you do have.   It a 100% is not enough but God isn't looking for  a lot. Supernatural is God adding His super to   your natural and God never compares your natural  with your neighbor's natural. He says, yours is   enough if you surrender it to Me. The little  that you have is enough if you give it to Me.   The little time that you have, the little talents  that you have, the little gifts that you have if   you give it to Me then I will do the rest. Now,  one thing that I want to highlight here is this.   Jesus did not tell the boy because in John chapter  6 it says, it was the lad who had the five loaves   and two fish, it wasn't the disciples. Jesus did  not tell the boy to go and feed the multitudes   with five loaves and two fish. Jesus told  the boy to give those loaves and fish to Him   and He's the one that did the miracle. Something  I want to highlight to people that are serving at   the local church, people that are giving the local  church and people that are giving of their gifts   and talents, it's important that you realize you  are not serving people when you're serving people,   you're pleasing God. Let me say that again,  when you're serving people, you're pleasing   God. If you miss the God component in serving  people, you will always be disappointed. You bring it to God first. When  we gave our funds to the building,   it was into the building. Come on, we  know that better, we brought it to God.   When we show up here and we serve on the  parking lot, when we serve in the kids ministry,   when the worship team serves very early, we  are not doing it for people. We're first and   foremost doing it for God. So when people will  not like it, when people will not receive it,   it doesn't throw us off, we will continue to do  it. Why? Because it's God we're seeking to please.   Now, if you're doing it only so that  you can impress people, please people,   serve people and they will take a bite out of  your loaf and say this is not cooked really well,   you will get discouraged. You say look at these  people, they don't like what I have. I got church   hurt, that's it, I'm deconstructing. I'm walking  away from Christian faith. Why they just did not   accept me. The church did not provide a place  for my gifts to shine. The church did not treat   me well, other people didn't treat me well and the  hurt begins to build up. Why? Because you miss the   component that it goes to Jesus first. Jesus does  something with it, gives you back in a broken form   and then you give it to the people. I've been in  ministry in the full-time ministry for 20 years   and I can tell you one thing and you guys can  testify, everybody who's been in the church for   a long time, the church is full of imperfect  people. Church is a place where it attracts   immature people and one of them is you. One of  them is me who are in process of sanctification.   Church is full of people just like your family.  Crazy one. That's always the church just a larger   one. Imagine your crazy family multiplied by a  hundred, that's what church is a bunch of crazy   people. Now, they look all nice on Instagram  and they look all nice on Sunday morning,   that's why some of you are afraid to go to a  small group, so they don't find that you're crazy. And some of you, you're afraid to go to a  small group, so that you don't find out who   else is crazy because if you're crazy, they're  crazy, we're gonna have a really a lot of crazy.   But see what keeps you grounded in the church  is if you fix your eyes and giving you five   loaves and two fish, not to Peter, not to John,  not to Bartholomeo, not to other disciples and   not to the crowd but you bring it to Jesus  and say Jesus, it's You I'm giving this to.   Lord, I'm preaching to please you. Lord I'm  guiding cars in a parking lot to please you. Lord   I'm emptying my bank account to please you for  the building fund. Lord I suffer for you. Lord I'm   doing this for you. Use me for the people Lord but  it's you that I'm trying to please. When Jesus was   dying on the cross, may I remind you in the Garden  of Gethsemane, He didn't say Father I can't wait   to get beaten. Father, could we make this goal  faster? I can't wait to get whipped. No, He didn't   say that you know why? Because He didn't want to  die. You know why He did to please the Father.   I don't believe that He did just because  He absolutely loved to be beaten,   He did it because He really wanted to honor and  to fulfill His Father's request. So I want to   challenge you sometimes, ministry will get you  to a Garden of Gethsemane where you honestly   don't want to do it, where your motivation fizzles  out and the reason why it fizzles out is because   the motive that fuels motivation is wrong. What  is the motive, to be seen, to explore my gifts,   to touch the world. All of that is great until  you reach Garden of Gethsemane. All of that is   great until the very people you're trying to  please don't seem to appreciate, acknowledge   and honor and the devil fills your mind with  thoughts, drop it, it's not worth it, do you   know you're not even doing anything worthwhile.  Nobody appreciates it, nobody's rewarding it   but see if you keep going back on your knee and  you're saying what Jesus did, Father it's not My   will but Lord is that what You want me to do if  the answer is yes, I will gladly take the cross.   I will gladly deny myself and I will walk after  you Jesus, serving the world for you Lord Amen. So this vision that Jesus has, we have to look at  what we have is enough for Jesus to use. Secondly,   we bring it first to the Lord. You bring your  gifts to the Lord. Some of you brought your gifts   to the church but you didn't bring it to God.  You came to church and you want Vlad to notice   you and he did notice you. It's just there's  nothing I can do. You have to bring it to God   but I want him to notice it. No you don't. Because  it is God who will take the little that you have   and He will break it and He will sanctify it  and He will return you back that thing and   then now it will begin to do miracles,  it will begin to change people's lives   Amen. The last thing I want you to notice is  that Jesus takes the bread, He multiplies it,   gives back the disciples and I want you  to see this in verse 19. He commanded   the multitude to sit down on the grass, He took  the five loaves into fish looking up to heaven,   He blessed and broke the loaves and gave it  to the disciples and disciples gave it to the   multitudes and they all ate and were filled and  they took up twelve baskets full of fragments   that remained. Now, those who have eaten were  five thousand men besides women and children   and the last thing that I want to share with  you and that is this is that God will increase   what we have, He will multiply what  is given away not what is stored away.   When Jesus blessed the five loaves and two  fish, they still didn't multiply. He only   broke them. They only multiplied when  the disciples gave those loaves away.   You can be gifted and anointed and you can be  called by God and that calling will not increase   until you serve, give, exercise. For example, all  of us have muscles. Some of us, they're buried   under deep layer of tons of other substance  that even fasting couldn't break through. You don't come to God and say Lord, give me  muscles. You typically go to the gym and you   exercise the muscles that you have and they  increase. When you receive the Holy Spirit,   when you receive the baptism of the Holy  Spirit, a lot of you already have received   gifts you don't even know you have. They're just  buried under the layer of excuses and laziness.   They're buried under the layer, I don't have  what it takes. I'm just not, my body is not   made like this. I'm just you know just my body  and you keep blaming your body but in reality,   if you're only seeing cheetos and you don't see  the gym, don't blame your body. It's your choices.   Same thing with spiritual. Exactly same thing  with ministry and spiritual gifts. People say   exactly the same thing, ah just God didn't give  me enough gifts. I'm just, God didn't call me to   be that. But in reality all of that is just bunch  of excuses. If you're filled with the Holy Spirit,   if you are speaking in other tongues, if  you've been baptized in the Holy Spirit,   you already have so much more in you than you  realize but it's like a muscle, you don't just   come and say Lord, give me more because it's  okay pray for you, you got another prophecy,   it's like same thing as you saying okay I'm gonna  subscribe to a fitness instructors and every night   I will watch fitness videos. Therefore I'm going  to have bigger muscles by watching fitness videos.   So you watch the first day, you watch 20  fitness videos, after that you just feel worse   by yourself. The second day, you're depressed  and the third day, I am not wired to be fit.   Because you don't become fit by watching  videos, you become fit by exercising.   You don't become powerful when God breaks the five  loaves and says look at you, have it. Yeah, I gave   you five, you gave me ten but because you broke  it. Jesus, I need a miracle not for you to break   it. Yes but multiplication does not happen when I  break it. It happens when you give it. I blessed   it, you can multiply it by releasing it but if  you bury that talent in the ground, it will remain   one. If you store that in your savings account,  you will only get an interest rate of your bank's   account but if you begin to give away, you will  begin to see the increase and multiplication.   People sometimes ask well how do I  grow in my spiritual gifts. My friend,   you have to start with little. If the little  that you have, Hey I can help with children.   Do you know how much help we need in  children's ministry. For those of you   who may be like oh but I'm too anointed for  children's ministry. Well that's a problem   but Pastor you don't understand, I have a gift,  a powerful gift that means you can guide cars   in the traffic. No no no, I need something bigger  than that. Well you can do that in the lobby then   guide people in the lobby. No I need something  with the podium. See then you're not looking   for a dark place to shine in, you are looking  for a place that has light so you can shine in.   Light does not need well-lit stage. Light lights  up the dark places. You are a light. Your gift   is an answer to somebody. You need to find a need  and fill it, water the Bible says that those who   believe out of their innermost will flow rivers  of water that means that God is looking for you   to have an outlet not just to have an inflow. Many  Christians have become bottles, they received from   God. Jesus broke it multiplied blessed it and give  it and they're not seeing any results because the   water has to come out but I want you to notice  it's the water that's coming out not rocks. If   you notice rocks are stubborn. A rock comes into  the room and says, if you don't open the room, the   door my size I'm not getting out. That's how so  many people are. They come in they're like, I can   only do this in the church and that's it I only  have this gift. I have this education and I have   this gift. I cannot do anything else really like  you can't like sweep. You can't like clean. No.   See the Bible says what will flow out  of you is water. Water is flexible.   It's fluid. You don't have to open  the door for water, a crack will do,   that means that we have to be flexible to serve  where the need is. I started on the worship team,   thankfully they kicked me out. But I  would not know that leading worship   wasn't part of my gift until  I wouldn't get into that room.   I've tried other things. People sometimes say how  do you get better at preaching by preaching more,   studying more and preaching more. When I  was in my younger days as a youth pastor,   most people don't realize I preached at  least about three times a week. People's   like yeah but I want to preach three times a  week, nobody's giving that to me, jail does.   Homeless shelter does. Parks don't have signs says  don't preach. YouTube does and a lot of us what   we do is again we're like rocks, stiff, if you  don't open the door, nobody loves the gift, nobody   allows that. No no just give what you have, where  you can give and it will begin to grow and it will   begin to multiply and then God will begin to open  opportunities and God will begin to bless you and   give you His grace and so instead of coming to  church and saying is there a room for my gift,   you simply say is there a need I can serve in.  I want to grow the church not just grow my gift.   I'm not here to use the church to build my name.  I'm here to use my name, my gifts, my resources to   build the church Jesus died for. Come on somebody.  The gifts will grow, the gifts will multiply,   the anointing will increase if you will begin to  give of yourself up. A few years ago, we went to   Israel with our team and we went to a dead sea and  Dead Sea is beautiful if you've never been to Dead   Sea, I would encourage you at least one time in  your life to go into it or put a lot of salt in   your bathtub and pretty much it could be a Dead  Sea. A dead sea is it 30 miles long, nine miles   wide. Its shoreline is 1300 feet below sea level.  Seven million tons of water evaporates every day.   Salt content is 10 times saltier  than the oceans of the world.   Now, Dead Sea is so salty that only bacteria  can survive there. It's the lowest point on   earth. You can float but nothing can grow  there. Plants can't live there, fish die. Why? It looks beautiful. On the outside, it looks  good. You can have so much fun in it but there's   no fruitfulness in it. Now, River Jordan flows  into the Dead Sea but nothing flows out of it.   There's another sea in Israel. It's called the  Sea of Galilee. We hear miracles about it. The   Sea of Galilee is different. The Sea of Galilee is  smaller but it has life. It's 13 miles long, seven   miles wide. It's the largest freshwater lake.  20 types of fish live there. See, Jordan flows   into the Sea of Galilee and it flows out. Jordan  flows into the Dead Sea and it doesn't flow out.   One has so much salt, everything dies and see some  of us are the salt of the world, we're too salty,   we're so salty only bacteria lives in us and one  characteristics we're not volunteering, we're not   serving, we're not giving. Statistics says that 20  percent of the church does 80 percent of serving.   Only twenty percent of the church is responsible  for eighty percent of all the giving.   So that tells us church I want to invite you today  not just to be someone that others can float in   but be something that grows life. Begin  to serve. I want to invite you to begin to   serve. Don't preoccupy yourself, what gift  you have. Look for where there is a need,   we have too many people trying to discover their  gift and too little people trying to deny their   selfishness and build the kingdom of God. Your  gift will become evident with time. When I was   started at 13, I wasn't looking for my gift. I  was just looking for an opportunity where I can   help. It started with folding chairs and setting  up our sound system, early before the service but   that's what the need was. It was later on that  the gift started to become more apparent. Other   people spoke into it. Don't start right away with  what are my gifts is, where is the need. Now, some   of you may be starting with the place but I don't  have a passion for it. Well you're old enough to   do something that you don't like and put a smile  on it. You're not a baby. So sometimes there are   things you will do not because you like it but  because there's a need. Every parent knows that.   Every husband knows that, every wife knows that  and so if there is a great need, we look for the   need not for the passion and then you will find  the passion and hopefully later on, you'll do   something that you're super passionate about.  As this new service is starting in few weeks,   I want you to prayerfully consider those of you  who come at 10 am service and you love HungryGen,   you just not connected really anywhere and of  course, I know you got 20 million reasons, I   forgot about them or maybe you feel like you don't  have anything to offer, I want you this year. Do you want to make some  progress, stop making excuses.   Put those excuses aside and humble yourself  and say you know what, I'm gonna serve   once a month. You know what, I'm gonna go  to a small group and yes there's a danger,   I'll warn people in a small group, crazy might  show up. So be patient but you will grow. You will   become a better Christian. The world will become  a better place because of you. There are some of   you here today and you always talked yourself out  of giving because well you just don't understand,   I have so much debt and have so much stuff and  so much really excuses what if you would give   God the little that you have, watch  Him multiply it, watch Him multiply.   You know last year before our generosity  Sunday, a few months before that pastor Ilya,   Paul we're meeting and Paul presented how much  the building would cost gave me almost like a   little heart attack and then we looked at how  much money we raised last year for 11 months   for the building which was 137,000 dollars  but we needed 3.5 I felt sick to my stomach   because I knew that you know we have a problem. So  I went back home and I really felt that hopeless,   what can we do 3.5 million and we barely, we're  not even scratching the surface and we don't want   to go into this hyper mode of fundraising.  I don't like that, we're a local church and   I was like God, people have given all they could.  There's nothing we can do God, you have a problem And after I finish complaining, felt a  still small voice ask this one question,   what do you have? I said God,  what does this have to do with me? You have a problem God and we don't talk about me,  whatever I have is not enough plus okay just FYI,   it's not enough. He says, yeah it's not enough  to pay for the building but it's enough for you   to obey Me and I can do something. I said, God  it doesn't make sense in my head if I give what   I have, it still won't solve the problem and God  says, you're giving it to Me not to the building   and I remember when I presented to my wife and  you know my wife first was also very hesitant as   I was and then I let it kind of marinate because  you know the Holy Ghost kind of knows how to talk   to people and stuff and then few months later,  I remember my wife looked at me and she says you   know what, I think we have to take our five  loaves compared with our need at the church   it's not enough. She says but we have to do our  part and we have to trust for a miracle that we   will see as we give our best, we believe for a  miracle. This is going to be a miracle, there's   nothing short will do. Interestingly, that Sunday,  first Sunday of December as we took that step   and gave what we had. Now, it didn't seem fair it  because this was our lunch. This was our savings,   we prepared for it for ourselves, we didn't plan  for somebody else to eat it, us and looking at   that little lunch leaving our hands, it did feel  death and a funeral. You know three services later   somebody else gives exactly the same amount.  Two weeks later somebody else gives the same   amount and in two and a half months, we raised  800,000 dollars for the building in two months. God started to move upon people. Right here,  I'm holding a letter from a businessman who   donated an LED screen outside. People who  started to come even from outside of town   and including Tri-Cities could don't even go to  our church and said, I will help with painting.   My company will take care of painting, you  buy the paint. What I started to notice is   this is it started a domino effect. I'm not  saying, I did anything because it was simply   an obedience with what you have to God. See God is  responsible for your miracle. You're responsible   for your obedience. God is responsible to  do a miracle in your finances but you're   responsible to do a miracle of obedience. When  you say God, I trust you with the little. Lord,   I give you the little. I'm not gonna stress out.  I am not gonna be walking in depression. I am not   gonna live this year in anxiety. I will give you  what I have and I will trust you for what I need. I will give you what I have and I will trust  you for what I need. Come on somebody. This   is a word for somebody. I will give  you what I have and I will trust you   for what I need. I will give you my  children. I will give you my broken   marriage. I will give you my broken past  Lord, I will trust you for the future.   God is gonna do it for HungryGen and God is going  to do it for you in Jesus name. God is going to   do it for you for those of you watching us on live  stream because this is the year of miracles. This   is the year where we take limits off of God. This  is the year where God will open the floodgates   of heaven. This is the year that we're gonna see  prodigals come back home. This is the year, we'll   see marriages being restored and addictions being  broken, sickness is being healed in Jesus mighty   name. Barren wombs will be opened, blind eyes  will be opened, deaf ears will be opened where   God will take limits off of our church, where  God will take us to a level we only dreamed of.   He's the God of miracles. Somebody shout, Amen.  I want you to place your hand upon your heart And say Lord help me to be obedient, whatever  that is help me to be obedient. Miracles is Your   specialty, obedience is mine. Come on just tell  it to God. Maybe you're believing for healing,   maybe you're believing for deliverance,  maybe you're believing for a breakthrough,   maybe you're believing for a husband or a wife,  maybe you're believing for this harvest and you   say this is not possible. There is no way this  is going to happen, leave the miracles to God,   promise Him to be obedient. Just tell  Jesus, say Jesus, I will be obedient.   Miracles is Your job, obedience is mine.  I will serve where you want me to serve. I   will love. I will forgive. I will give.  I will be molded to your image Jesus. Promise Him you're obedience right now, promise  Him to obey, promise Him to do what He asked you   to do, He will turn water into wine. He will turn  your debilitating disease into a healing report.   He will take those cancer cells and turn it into  a healing report. Only God will do what God can   do but God says can you give me the loaves, I will  see the masses but could you provide the loaves.   Could you give Me the little bit of faith that  you have. Could you give me this problem right now   into My hands, I will do a miracle. But I ask you  for your participation. I ask you for your faith.   Hey! Thanks for watching this video. If you  enjoyed this content and this was a blessing   to you, would you help us and hit thumbs  up, so that it could help more people to   discover this video. It costs you nothing but  it can go a long way to help with the algorithm   as well as if you're not subscribed to our  channel, hit subscribe, click on the bell,   so that you can be reminded each time that we  upload videos. Thank you so much for being a   part of this community. If you're interested in  learning more about Hungrygen, our internship,   our conferences, deliverance and so many  other things go to hungrygen.com for more   information and as always, remember, 'Better  is not good enough the Best is Yet to Come.'
Channel: Vlad Savchuk
Views: 97,600
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: intentional limitations, embracing limitation, visitation, god's plan, god's grace, god's plan for me, god's plan for you, the power of god's story, the power of god's sotry, meditation
Id: vvNFIvMvIuM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 23sec (3023 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 20 2023
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