How To FIGHT BACK when you have FALLEN BACK into Your Old Sins!

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I want us to open the scripture in Matthew chapter  12 and verse 43 it's a very famous verse and it's   many times used specifically against people who  get delivered as a sense of warning and today   we're going to just look at this verse we're going  to be praying during the message as well so we're   going to work with the sermon Matthew 12 verse 43  when the unclean spirit goes out of a man he goes   through dry places somebody say dry places seeking  rest and finds none somebody say praise the Lord   and he says i will return to my house from  which i came and when he comes he finds it empty   swept and put in order then he goes  and takes with him seven other spirits   more wicked than himself and they  enter and dwell there and the last   state of that man is worse than the first so it  shall be with every person who gets delivered is that what the bible says  what does the bible say so it shall be with this person who got delivered   no with this wicked generation amen i want you  to i want to highlight few simple things one but it has one interpretation and many  applications jesus is talking to religious   leaders he is not talking to a person who just  got delivered he is speaking to religious leaders   who are questioning jesus who are saying he has a  demon because he casts out demons who are asking   for more signs so they can believe in jesus  and jesus is using this parable as an example   of what's about to happen to them jesus is not  speaking to a person who got delivered to give   them a warning that they will get more demons  even though it is true he spoke to one man who   was healed and he says make sure you don't do  more sin otherwise worse can happen to you there   is always a warning when a person remains empty  instead of being filled after they are delivered   but it's important not to take this verse out  of context and produce unnecessary warning   because our goal is not to produce warning  today our goal is to produce strength today   warning is always there but our goal is to equip  and to empower let's break this verse down jesus   says this when an unclean spirit goes out of the  man somebody say goes out it's not being cast out   this is not speaking of deliverance   because during deliverance and demon doesn't go  out at demons gets expelled banished and cast out i live right now with my brother and my  sister-in-law every single day i go out   of their house but leaving their house  and moving out are two different things   you might say how is that possible for a demon  to leave a person it is possible for a person   to have a demon and experience relief somebody  say relief a relief from a demon for a season   for a moment the bible says that king saul  had a tormenting spirit who would come and go   demons look for a dwelling place but whatever  they dwell they don't necessarily have to be 24 7.   that's why a person who has a demon of anger will  have a moment of anger and then the demon would   leave when a demon leaves it doesn't mean that the  demon is removed it just means the demon just left   for an unbeliever this simply is a moment  of relief for us we have to understand   we are not here to wait for a demon to leave  deliverance is not us waiting for a demon to   leave deliverance is us taking and telling the  devil pack your bags and you're being evicted   eviction is different if my brother today would  tell me vlad you are moving out of my house   tomorrow morning i wouldn't be just leaving  his house i will be moving out of his house   so what is happening this weekend is not demon  leaving you it is demon being removed out of you   that means they are losing their dwelling place  that means they are losing their mailing address   that means they are losing their  right to call you their house   that is why the demon said my house  because he was never removed is simply left   deliverance is not when a demon leaves  it's when the demon is forced out   my friend i want to tell you something there's  only one way to remove a demon it is forcibly except through banishment  eviction and forceful removal   demons do not know no they don't take no for an  answer they don't agree they don't can they cannot   be bargained they cannot be negotiated with they  cannot be asked politely they have to be forced   out for those of you who are maybe like sometimes  see why we pray aggressively why we commend   aggressively because you must understand one  thing about the nature of expelling demons   they do not leave voluntarily they have to be  forced out by a force that is greater than them   and you must understand so number one if you  are taking notes write this down is deliverance   we drive demons out by deliverance  demons will not leave voluntarily   but but they don't move unless they are removed  when an unclean spirit goes out i don't believe   he's speaking about you and i because when  an unclean spirit leaves my life he gets cast   out he doesn't leave voluntarily if a demon  voluntarily left your life he is coming back   but when a demon is forced out he loses his  residence he gets evicted and therefore your   goal is not to wait for kobe to end so you lose  your fear your goal is to force your fear out your goal is not to find a new  boyfriend so that rejection will leave   your goal is to force rejection out your goal is not to find a new job so that the  curse of poverty leaves your goal is to force   the curse of poverty out because we evict demons  we don't wait for them to leave but i want you   to see the second thing is the demon says i will  return to my house somebody say my house number   two if you're taking notes i want you to write  this down is that remove demons by repentance   remove demons by repentance we drive them out by  deliverance and we have to remove them also by   repentance a demon cannot say my house concerning  you if you repented repentance changes ownership   repentance replaces bosses in your life when  you only experience deliverance but you did not   experience repentance you will experience relief  from demons but not rest from demons because what   relief does is this is that you temporarily  feeling good but if there is no repentance   done in your life demons claim ownership  to your soul to your mind and to your life   a lot of people what they do without  repentance is they settle for relief   instead of deliverance they settle for a relief  they use advil of church attendance and they feel   better in god's presence they take the tylenol of  worship music in their car and it gives them it   numbs the pain but it does not remove the cause my  friend there is only one way to pull the root out   it is through the shovel of repentance and  that's why it's easy to come here and say i want   to manifest to be delivered and that is awesome  but you must understand for a demon to lose its   hold over your life you don't need to manifest  only you need to repent that means you need to   repent you need to turn around and give your  life entirely to jesus christ you got to change   your mind about immorality you got to change your  mind about media you got to change your mind about   what you're drinking and what you're watching and  what you're listening to repent is to change your   mind and turn around and give your life entirely  to god somebody give god some praise right now number three revoke demon's  access by jesus's authority   i will return to my house how does the  demon have the audacity to call a person   my house well he has the right to call somebody  their house if they have not been evicted yet   if the demon has not been removed yet  and if somebody did not revoke their key   their access key their contract or their agreement  me and my wife have had people that lived with us   for a very long time and there was a time where  we had to remove somebody from our house we had   to ask them to leave our house it was very a firm  conversation this wasn't like do you want to go   this was more of like hey this is not working  out and uh you you have to move out by this   particular time and when we would tell the  person and sometimes it was a nice person   and there were times where it was it was a  difficult person to deal with we had to ask them   to uh to leave the next thing that would happen  is this is the keys in the house would change why because those people typically not only  have a key to our house their cousin has a key   to our house come on all of us know we we make  the copies of the keys and we're just going to   hand them out to our family that's why when you  repent you not only should repent you should   revoke the axis that demon and their groupings  have because the devil is a clever devil the   spirit of jealousy always gives an extra key to  the spirit of envy the envy always shares secrets   with the spirit of bitterness and the spirit of  bitterness when they get together for coffee he   gives it a key to a spirit of offense and next  thing you know initially you only invited envy   how come his offense has access to my key to my  house how come bitterness and unforgiveness how   come now sleeplessness and insomnia intrusive  thoughts suicidal tendency why because devil   makes copies of the keys but today has come a  time where we must revoke the access change the   code change the password and tell devil i've  ripped the contract with you i know when i was   in sin i know when i was weak i made some deals  with unforgiveness i made some deals with fear   i made some deals with nightmares i even maybe  went to some things like a witchcraft and a cold   maybe my mom or my grandma took me to some kind of  a doctor who made me drink something that an evil   spirit entered my life maybe in my college years  i made something that i regret like i committed   abortion or something and the devil has a contract  when you repent you replace the lord in your life   but then you have to rise up and tell the devil  i am changing the keys i am revoking the access   i'm revoking every access that you have had to my  life you have to do it verbally you have to do it   intentionally and you have to do it powerfully  can somebody say amen i believe god wants to   revoke today and access that that the enemy  has had over our life the access of soul ties   the access of vows that we've made i will never  i will always the access of covenants i remember   praying right there in the back of a young man  who though being a christian made a deal with   the devil that if he will give him a lot of sex  and money that he will serve the devil this guy   was a christian in triceras a young man i was  17 years of age and when he got saved on our   thursday night youth service we started to pray  for him and next thing happens we have to tear   the axis away and when he started to confess  i revoke that access demon started to manifest   you have to revoke the curses spoken  over your life by somebody in your past   you have to revoke that you have to simply  tell the enemy i am not letting that rule   my life i've revoked that in jesus mighty  name in fact i want you to rise to your   feet right now let's just take a little break  during the message and put this into practice every axis of the enemy  has to be revoked right now every spell must be revoked right now say as a  child of god i belong to jesus i revoke every   spell over my life in jesus name say i revoke  every witchcraft i revoke every dimination in jesus name listen to me satan i revoke every  oath in my life in jesus name every demonic   covenant every demonic covenant be revoked to be  revoked right now right now in jesus name every   covenant with spirit of fear be revoked in jesus  name in jesus name every covenant every covenant   with spirit of immorality spirit of immorality  be revoked be revoked in jesus name jesus come on   right now open up your lips begin to revoke every  covenant that you have had begin to right now   revoke every contract you have had in jesus mighty  name jesus name i want you to take a seat just for   a moment the bible says that i will return to my  house from which i came see when we revoke satan's   access by the authority of the name of jesus  we no longer belong to the enemy you no longer   become the house of demons you become the temple  of the holy spirit that's why i believe that   this verse doesn't necessarily apply to you and i  unless after we get freed we don't get possessed we have to become possessed after we become freed  why because perfection is not what protects us   from demons possession does have you noticed  that the person was clean swept and put in order   it's what every person wants to have in their  life to live a clean life to be swept and to   put their life in order i'm gonna tell you one  thing that is what makes you the most vulnerable   your greatest protection against demonic attack  is not clean swept and put in order it's possessed   it's to be possessed by the holy spirit is to be  owned by the holy spirit is to be filled with the   holy spirit that is the greatest protection not  clean because we all fall short of the glory of   god we all make mistakes we all trip and fall slip  but when we are possessed i'm not just talking   about that i have a little jesus living somewhere  buried in the basement closet on my soul i am   talking about being possessed see many of us the  devil comes to our house and he sees the lights on   and we're fooling the devil thinking that  because the lights are on but nobody's home   nobody's home why because we're still available  god doesn't want you to be available god wants you   to be out of stock sold out when i was a single  man and a girl would flirt with me i said you know   what i don't like you when i am a married man and  somebody flirts with me i say uh i'm i'm not even   in the market see you have to understand is when  you become free and you still become available   you can no longer be available to nobody and you  have to be sold out to jesus christ the same way   you serve the devil you have to serve jesus  the same way if you party in the evenings you   can't make up excuses why can't you pray in the  evenings if you wasted your money on drugs and now   you're debating whether you should tithe you're  still available god wants you to be possessed   burn burning out for the lord consumed by jesus  christ many christians when they get delivered   they seek this thing thinking this is what going  to protect me from the devil clean swept and   put an order my marriage is in order my finances  is in order my credit card is in order my credit   score is in order my schooling is in order and i  want to tell you one thing that's what makes you   most vulnerable the greatest protection against  demonic infiltration is not to be clean swept and   put in order is to be filled is to be cleansed by  the blood of jesus to have a new heart and to be   possessed by the holy spirit i understand  come on many people will say things like   you know a christian cannot have a demon  because the holy spirit possessed as a christian   now i have in my life seen few people possess  and you probably have as well if somebody comes   to you and says i am possessed by the devil but  they don't exhibit evidence of that would you   believe them if they live a normal life everything  is normal and they come and say i i am possessed   do you have nightmares no do you have intrusive  thoughts no do you have anything in your life   that evidence is that no but i believe that i'm  possessed you will say well the thing about it is   that you're delusional if a christian comes to  me and says well demon cannot live with me why   because i'm possessed by the holy spirit and there  is no evidence no prayer life no bible reading   nothing how in the world can you say you're  possessed by god if you live a normal life   how can someone say they are possessed by demons  if they are normal because one thing demons do   when they possess you you can no longer  be normal you speak gibberish you curse   you cuss you have violence you have things that  are not natural and things that are not normal   and that is the evidence you are possessed by a  demon my friend stop hiding behind this notion   god it lives in me and i cannot have demons  question is god doesn't come like a church   mice that hides and just shows up when it's  cold outside god comes in to possess to own   he comes in to live through you to manifest  through your hands through your eyes through   your mouth through your finances and so my  friend the greatest protection against demonic   infiltration is not a clean life it is possessed  life don't hide behind oh i broke every chain   oh i broke that stronghold my friend you are not  protected when you broke it you are protected when   you're burning you are protected when you are  consumed by god somebody give god some praise amen and the bible says this is that i  will return verse 43 and i just want to   just take a moment and speak to those people  who will go back home after they got delivered   or who are watching us on zoom right now when an  unclean spirit goes out of a man he goes through   dry places usually after deliverance  a person who got delivered experiences   dry place israel came out of egypt  what is the first thing they entered   wilderness a demon goes out of a man  goes through dry places wilderness scares   newly delivered people because in wilderness  you begin to doubt your deliverance   in wilderness you begin to feel a little bit weird  sometimes if deliverance was powerful you were so   fatigued that for next few days you physically  tired you're physically exhausted but i want to   encourage you with one thing demons did not dwell  in dry places they went through dry places demons   don't dwell in dry places they dwell in dead  places if you are dry remember you're not dead   if you're in the wilderness remember you're  not in the wickedness demons live in wicked   places not in the wilderness so when you are  delivered this is what typically will happen   the demon that you had lived on inside of  you a lot of times will come and attack you   on the outside and it will feel like man but i'm  still being attacked but you have to understand   that demon no longer lives in your basement  now he is on the outside knocking and you're   experiencing spiritual wilderness you may  not feel the presence of god for a moment   you might feel like even god abandoned you for  a moment and i give you a simple secret that   worked in my life and i've seen it work in  people who move from deliverance to dominion   when you are dry stay hydrated in your wilderness  you will find water in two places the word   and worship the bible says and this demon  could not find rest somebody say no rest   why was there no rest there's only one secret when  you hit a dry spell run to water when israel came   out of egypt what is the first thing god drove  them to to water why because demons can swim   when you run you're dry maybe you feel empty you  feel a little bit confused two things you gotta   do in your wilderness maybe you come home and  it feels like even hell is breaking loose you   entered your wilderness it does not mean you're  in a warfare it just simply means the demons now   are looking and in the dry places for a place  to rest give them no rest give them resistance   by staying hydrated with the word of god run  to god's word run to worship when you don't   feel god's presence feed yourself with god's  word when you don't feel god's presence run to   church when the doors of the church are open you  gotta be there why because when you run to water   you will shed demons that pharaoh will die in the  red sea but you will be cleansed by the red sea   when you go to the water god is gonna drown the  enemy god is gonna drown the enemy your wilderness   will not last in jesus mighty name your dry season  will not last in jesus name you will last you will   overcome you will overcome that season and  you will come on the other side in dominion   in the promised land and in god's breakthrough  somebody give god some praise right now hallelujah   the last thing that i want you to see is the bible  says that evil spirit says i will come and the   house is swept clean put an order he goes back and  says i will take seven more demons and come back   and live and dwell there i find it interesting  the person never resisted the demon never   created a war against the demon that's why  i don't believe this applies to you and i   because if the devil you got delivered from  comes back knocking there will be a position   there will be a struggle there will be uh  no there will be excuse me wrong address   talk to my hand i have no idea who you're talking  to the the spirit of lesbianism uh that maybe   the old resident who lived here but it's the  wrong address you're barking at the wrong tree   that spirit of pornography that will come in  and say you know what no i met a covenant with   my eyes that i will not behold any wicked thing  i don't know that devil that's that is the wrong   address return to the sender why because  there will be resistance this person had no   resistance and this is why because the person is  referring here is referring to a wicked generation   you're not weak at generation because  bible says you are chosen generation   you're not wicked generation  you are somebody say chosen   the bible says you are royal priesthood you are  not religious passive person the scripture says   you are a holy nation no no no not clean nation  see clean is wiped clean a holy is separated unto   god holy is dedicated it's consecrated and god is  saying you are not just swept in order but you are   consecrated you are sold out to jesus christ  you are chosen generation royal priesthood a   holy nation and then it says this his own special  people god owns me he owns every fiber of my being   he owns my body he owns my body members  god owns me therefore when the devil comes   back and he will he's going to meet a  totally different person and that is why   he is not going to come back to you with  seven more demons even if you fall seven times   you will get up why because you're no longer  wicked you're righteous you're no longer wicked   you're chosen you're no longer a religious you  are a priest now you are no longer empty and   clean you are owned by god you are different and  so you should not fear seven more demons devil   should fear that even if he gets you seven times  you're gonna be right back up right back up why   because the righteous man falls seven times and  gets right back up but the wicked person gets   knocked down first time and seven demons come to  them no no no no no no my friend i'm not afraid   of seven demons because the devil is afraid of  hitting me seven times i'm gonna be right back   up right back up right back up right back up right  back up somebody give us some praise hallelujah i want to encourage somebody here when i was  delivered from the i really believe it was a   spirit of pornography i wish i would say i never  fell again i fell never mentioned this publicly   this is my first time mentioning that is a right  after that maybe a year or so i fell back into   the same sin and there was a battle part of me  at this verse came to my mind oh my goodness   you need deliverance again oh my goodness  you're gonna have seven times more of demons   and at the young age people taught me well that  not only i was delivered but my mind has to be   renewed that the person that now fell into the  same sin is different than the person who was   delivered from that sin let me say that again  the person who fell back into that sin is the   different person than the person who got delivered  from that sin and so when i rose up this is what   happened instead of fearing that demons are  gonna return to me i quickly return to jesus   because jesus told peter he says simon  simon same and asked satan asked to sift you   and he says you i pray that your faith  will not fail and he says when you fail   return to me and then you'll strengthen your  brethren he did not say demons will return to you   he says you're a different man now  and when you fail you'll run to jesus oh no no no no i'm not gonna walk to  jesus i'm gonna rest i'm gonna run i'm gonna run the bible says the  demon says they'll return to that man   they'll return but jesus says to peter  when you fail peter you will return   to me and that's what happened to me i had a  choice wait for demons to return to me or to   realize jesus is waiting for me to return to him  now wait for three days now wait how many more   demons are gonna come about right there get  up and say jesus i don't know what happened   i don't know how i tripped up but jesus i'm not  the same guy who needed to deliver this before   jesus i'm not the gay person i'm not the  lesbian person i'm not the addicted person and when the devil sees you grabbing the  feet of jesus there's nothing he can do   when the spirit of lesbianism sees you grabbing  jesus that spirit is gonna run when the spirit   of pornography sees you grabbing jesus the  spirit has to run i want to challenge you   when you fall back to fight back if you go back  home and that nightmare comes back fight back   when you go back home and depression seems to be  but i was free for three days if what happened   fight back don't let the devil lie to you and say  that now listen nothing changed my friend do not   let the enemy come back seven times more without  no resistance and without withstanding it be the   person who doesn't have seven more demons but  be the person who can get up seven more times   and still remain righteous still remain faithful  still remain committed still remain glory to god   somebody give god some praise right now  somebody give god some praise right now   come on give god a shout like you mean it you  are righteous person you are thousand person i want you to stand on your feet in exodus 14  13. and moses said to people they get out of   egypt with joy and excitement oh how glorious  he was they finally slept eight hours a night   oh how glorious it was those  thoughts of sin was no longer there   oh how glorious it was the symptoms were gone  i can finally breathe this was so beautiful i'm   free i feel something left to be  this is awesome but three days later   was that pharaoh why is he why is why is he coming   oh he's not coming to congratulate us  because they're driving too fast moses   why is he i thought that got delivered  and pharaoh is gone why why is he there   and when they got close i want to notice what god  said to the children of israel do not be afraid stand still and you will see watch this you will  not see change after your deliverance until you   don't fear that you will go back i will lose my  healing do not fear going back have faith that   you will go forward that healing that happened  to your body if the symptoms begin to creep on   in that lower back oh it just came back oh it must  be came back no no no do not claim it as your own   do not fear it coming back stand still in who  you are i'm a healthy person fighting sickness   i'm a victorious person fighting sin stand still  and the god says this and then you will see the   salvation of the lord which he will accomplish  for you today and this has been my promise   and my anchor for the egyptians you see  today you will see again no more forever   and guess what they did after that and the  bible says and they went to get some water and   they went into the water because right after  you stand still you have to go to the water   immerse yourself in the word of god and  the devil will still try to follow you   immerse yourself into worship and the devil  will try to follow you but there will be a point   where god will be one click and the water  will fill you and the enemy can swim when the worship will fail you when  the world will become part of you   and that enemy that was keeping up with you says and you will just walk out out of your dry place  out of your wilderness into your dominion into   your victory into your breakthrough and there  will be a new season in your life and the demons   you battle with all your life will no longer be  a part of your family tree and that sickness you   battle with all your life will no longer be a part  of your children's lives why because thus says the   lord the egyptians you see today you shall see  again no more and the bible stands by be still   be still the reason why i'm sharing this  word is because i know what happens here   can make good videos on youtube and leave  an amazing impression that god is moving   but i also know the battle real battle  in here continues afterwards and people   panic it's one of the reasons that this is not me  promoting fight back book it's one of the reasons   i wrote the fight back book is because we all have  dealt with it ourselves for those people in here   who are walking today free of homosexuality  or lesbianism walking free of pornography   walking free from diseases or even feminists or  generational curses of divorce they all had to   apply this thing hit a dry season be confused  sometimes even doubt i'll make a decision   even if they fell into alcohol again one more  time they're not justifying their sin but   they rose back up and they've read to jesus grab  jesus peter said jesus i don't know what happened   but it wasn't me please forgive me please wash me  please redeem me do not wait for the devil to come   back because jesus is waiting for you to come back  and if you tripped up don't wait for seven demons   make the devil wait for you to get up seven times  because you're not a wicked generation you're a   chosen generation why because you're not religious  you are a righteous person because you're a god's   own people can somebody say amen come on  lift up those hands right now for just next   few moments open up your mouth right now begin  to declare that who you are in christ begin to   declare that you are a chosen generation begin to  declare right now that you're a royal priesthood   begin to declare make up your mind you returning  home different make up your mind that you will   be a different person than the one that you came  in the person before the liberalist is different   after deliverance because god is changing you god  is possessing you god is filling you right now
Channel: Vlad Savchuk
Views: 21,533
Rating: 4.9554849 out of 5
Keywords: demons, demons and devils, angels and demons, devil, the demons strike back, demon, demons and evil spirits, how to cast out demons in the name of jesus, how to be delivered from demons, spiritual warfare prayer, spiritual warfare prayer cindy trimm, spiritual warfare sermons, spiritual warfare john ramirez, spiritual warfare derek prince, spiritual warfare motivation, vladimir savchuk deliverance, hungry generation cast out
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 1sec (2281 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 02 2020
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