The Fear of God | Francis Chan | Sunday Night Service

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good evening Jesus Image Church set our hearts towards the Lord tonight close our eyes and look to him oh Jesus we love you so much we come to love you tonight Lord open our hearts Lord open our hearts Lord so that we may see you tonight face to face Jesus expand our capacity Lord to love you to behold you tonight Lord O Lord be lifted High be lifted High Jesus you're worthy you're worthy Jesus there's none like you there's none like you Lord you bless your name Lord be glorified and magnified tonight in Jesus name amen [Music] I love you Lord [Music] and I live my voice to worship you oh my oh my soul rejoice [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] oh my soul rejoice take joy [Music] in what you hear and let it be sweets [Music] anyone one more time tonight we sing I love you and I lift my voice [Applause] for my soul rejoice [Music] in what you hear and let it be us [Music] your eyes [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] in your ears one more time just the voices [Music] [Music] oh my soul rejoice [Music] sweet sweet don't let it let it be asleep [Music] go on every voice in this place tonight can we begin to just love on the Lord in your own songs in your own words just begin to open up your mouth and fill this room with love and praise and adoration towards our kingdom [Music] we lift up the name of Jesus tonight [Music] [Music] thank you [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah cause I will give you [Music] alone I Want To Worship s [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] cause I will work worship [Music] with all of my heart and I will praise you crazy [Music] time to see you all of my days [Music] [Music] I'm looking [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] to worship you alone [Applause] [Music] my toys [Music] [Music] [Music] fear [Music] and God does [Applause] [Music] [Music] and I don't care if you are again [Music] you are [Music] [Music] going to be foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] oh and I will lift up [Music] my eyes to your phone my eyes [Music] [Applause] [Music] question I will give [Music] you cause I will give you all my worship I will give you all my prayers you alone [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you're worthy of it all [Music] to your world [Music] [Music] you deserve Glory foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] before [Music] seeing that again all the saints and angels [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] before [Music] of God you weren't worthy of it all [Music] you are worthy of it all [Music] from you to you deserve the Lord [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] of God exists [Music] you are worthy of the Lord [Music] is [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you baby [Music] foreign [Music] day and night night and day days [Music] good night day and night night and day that it's been so right arrived [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] days [Music] [Applause] [Music] day and night [Music] night [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] day and night night and dance [Music] [Music] surprise [Applause] [Music] you're worthy of it all you're worthy of it all [Music] far from you are always [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign foreign [Music] [Music] what is Hallelujah [Music] [Music] for the Lord God of my demand foreign [Applause] [Music] Hallelujah oh holy oh [Music] Lord God [Music] for you are please oh holy are you Lord [Music] Worthy is the land [Music] I Hallelujah ah [Music] for the Lord God Almighty Hallelujah [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] holy [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] you know [Music] [Music] I'm beautiful [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] Worthy is [Music] [Music] [Music] Glory are you Lord [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] thank you I'll wait away [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] God [Music] s [Music] the heavens are telling telling the Earth how great you are and we are responding to your love the oceans are rising rising and falling at your work [Music] and we are responding to the order my God how great you are how great how great you are [Music] my God [Music] before Heavens are dead ly the Earth how great you are [Music] responded to be yours the oceans arise [Music] [Music] you are great [Music] how great you are not happy when you are [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] and we sing [Music] [Music] walking away [Music] please [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] power always [Music] Glory everything [Music] [Music] all glory Glory everything everything [Music] [Music] everything is oh wisdom hearts [Music] of Glory days every day foreign [Music] all the things [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] okay [Music] everything [Music] day every day every day every day every day okay [Music] all glory everything everything all glory all on Earth [Music] everything everything all glory all on Earth [Music] face [Music] away [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] waiting for you to pass by [Music] your head over his face so in your presence you wouldn't die I told [Music] your glory and it shines down through the edge [Music] called us to boldly seek your face [Music] show me your face [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] I can make it till the end if I could just see your face [Music] David knew there was something more [Music] within the Ark of your presence [Music] in a Manger Messiah was born [Music] all of Israel Saw Your Glory and it shines down through the air foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] When you pray Grace I could take it to the end if I could just see your face Moses stood on a mountain [Music] waiting for you to pass by you place your head over his face so when your presence you wouldn't die [Music] outside your glory and it shines down through the air [Music] now you've called us [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] if I could just see your s [Music] we just all lift our hands to the Lord and close our eyes and just from the depths of your heart that deep place [Music] would you just begin to minister the Lord with words of affection [Music] just melodies making Melodies in our hearts the Bible says Psalms hymns and spiritual songs let us be personal right now just even Jesus nothing is too small to thank him for nothing [Music] if you don't know where to begin just begin with the cross again with the blood [Music] sending the Holy Spirit he did not leave us as orphans he said I'll send another comforter one just like him thank him for his word that he honors above his own name thank him for your salvation may he restore that Joy the joy of our Salvation tonight holy hope holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy Worthy is the Lamb who is slain wonderful Holy Spirit help us minister to Jesus right help us help us in our weakness we know not how to pray but the spirit you're the answer but the Spirit Come Holy Spirit make us vessels right now minister to the worthy son wonderful bridegroom Beautiful Jesus receive affection tonight receive our love receive our song receive it Lord receive it please let it be an acceptable sacrifice an acceptable sacrifice of praise [Music] oh you said we approach a Heavenly Mountain just keep blessing them guys we approach this Heavenly Mountain this heavenly Zion foreign [Music] if I were you I would just I would just get lost in this presence [Music] this world has nothing for us nothing at all Worthy is the Lamb it's holy is his name holy is the name of Jesus is greatly to be praised great is the Lord [Music] we may feel like you have nothing to bring in you bring him your love bring him your love if you don't know how to do that just bringing your heart if you don't know how to do that bring him your words and if you have nothing to say just lift your hands [Music] just give them what you you can give him he wants you he wants you he wants you right now [Music] and he loves our worship he loves our worship so much [Music] we love you Lord and we honor you we honor you I pray that we would build a reputation in your heart here as ones who will adore you and love you because of your worth we say this this evening there is no one like Jesus nobody nobody [Music] I worship you [Music] there's some moments like tonight that uh the Lord comes so close faith is available because he's the author of it the Perfecter and the finisher of it the holy spirit is the spirit of faith and so I just feel that tonight you should find somebody next to you and come into agreement right now and I just can just put a hand on their shoulder if they're okay with that and I just want you to begin interceding for them we should offer up the prayers prayer pray big things don't don't be shy at God's presence [Music] pray for their family their children pray great things over your children if you're here with family pray for your city for the for your nation for those of you who are visiting [Music] pray great things great things pray that they would love Jesus so deeply Hallelujah pray Great and Mighty things [Music] you strike the ground with that Arrow right now foreign Lord May a generation serve you [Music] let us be trusted vessels [Music] pray that first love would explode with him and just explode [Music] they would experience the first and great commandment [Music] take another minute if you don't know what to pray just pray in the spirit [Music] he says learn miracles happen in people's lives it's come to Jesus and ask [Music] never let this lamp go out Lord never let this land go out never let the lamp of this house go out [Music] [Music] my house shall be called a House of Prayer for all nations [Music] pray strength virtue pray for them tonight that God will change their life tonight I'm I'm asking the Lord don't leave me the same touch me deep brand me for Jesus sake [Music] worthy are you Lord [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you that you hear us according to your word you hear us when we dwell in you and your words dwell in US we believe we're praying according to your will tonight Jesus you said the father would answer for his glory father you heard every prayer prayed every desperate need offered up to you every request and we as your church we give our amen we say Amen come on just say Amen in faith we say Amen one more time amen one more one more amen thank you and we praise you father in Jesus name which let's give the Lord praise and seal those prayers two more and oh what a wonderful Jesus tell a few people that Jesus loves them you can be seated cutie on yet to step into giving tonight and the scripture came to my heart and I thought I've never gone here for tithe and offering and my husband said it was on his heart too so I believe it was the Lord tonight and I'm reading from Luke chapter 12 beginning at verse 13. and it says then one from the crowd said to him teacher tell my brother to divide the inheritance with me but he said to him man who made me a judge or an arbitrator over you and he said to them take heed and beware of covetousness for one's life does not consist in the abundance of the things he possesses then he spoke a parable to them saying and this is Jesus the ground of a certain rich man yielded plentifully and he thought within himself saying what shall I do since I have no room to store my crops so he said I'll do this I will pull down my Barns and build greater and there I will store all my crops and my goods and I will say to my soul soul you have many Goods laid up for many years take your ease eat drink and be merry but God said to him fool this night your soul will be required of you then whose will these things be which you have provided so is he who lays up Treasures for himself and is not rich toward God and I thought how often with our resources do we spend money on things that have no Eternal value you know they say keeping up with the Joneses build this do that have this get the nice things and it's not wrong but it's attached to your heart and Jesus is saying there's no there's no Eternal value in that we get nothing from that we can store all the goods we can build the big things and we can sit back just like it says here and we can we can just eat drink and be merry the scripture says but this is called the parable of the fool and so I felt the holy conviction of the Lord saying where are you building what are you building for May our hearts long to build and bring something to him because he's worthy because at the end of the day we take nothing with us when we leave this life nothing comes with us but we can sow into eternity we can sow into his hands and there is where our treasure is where our heart is there our treasure is also and so would you just hear the words of Jesus tonight not my words but the words of Jesus and will you let the Holy Spirit speak to your hearts tonight the tithe is obedience but let's move into above obedience into generosity and bring him something that has Eternal value amen so let's just pray Holy Spirit we thank you we thank you for your words Lord help us holy spirit Lord forgive us for picking and choosing what words we want to hear for picking and choosing what will be obedient to Lord we want to love you with everything with everything in us with our whole Hearts not just with our words but Lord with our finances with our actions Jesus Lord we don't want to just sit back and relax and be at ease Lord we want to give something costly we want to step outside of what's comfortable so Holy Spirit speak to our hearts Lord speak to our hearts Jesus let us be generous let us give for eternity just like Pastor Michael said this world has nothing for us Jesus so we joyfully and cheerfully give into your hands tonight bless those in this room Lord thank you that you will meet every need thank you that you're a good father we love you and honor you Jesus near name we pray amen amen so when you're in the room you can give to the number on your screen if you need an envelope you can lift your hands and the ushers will come find you if you're watching online we love you so much if Jesus image has been a blessing we invite you to give into the Lord's hands this evening as well you guys can Rush the buckets and we will be right back thank you there's only one name that is worthy there's only one King on this phone he is the light of our salvation [Music] all praise belongs to him alone [Music] and there's only one way to the father Jesus one heart that melts a Heart of Stone he is [Music] belongs to him alone [Music] see the Son of God the Savior crucified see his crown of thoughts is worthy forever [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] his name is Jesus Christ Our God [Applause] see the son of God [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we're singing to the one we're singing to the one who is crucified the one who laid down his life we're singing to you forever Jesus Christ [Applause] [Music] Saints and Angels Testify the anthem Echoes In eyes like fire hair like whoa voice like babe [Music] [Applause] foreign we'll know that a Jesus movement is upon us when people start coming for the sake of Jesus and will know that a Jesus movement is upon us when we're more aware of Jesus than the movement there's only salvation in Jesus [Music] [Music] [Applause] Paul says here I am determined to know nothing except Jesus Christ and him crucified [Music] nothing this world has to offer will ever satisfy your soul only Jesus will satisfy your soul Jesus is so real he's so near [Music] he's the hero he's the hero Jesus is the hero [Music] good evening everyone welcome honored to have you tonight how many of you came from outside the city of Orlando to be in the room tonight would you just put both hands up would you stand did you stand for a minute wow honored to have you here anybody come from from out of state to be here in the room wow welcome welcome welcome where did you come from where Iowa well wow incredible how about you guys there Houston Texas nice you ma'am Pennsylvania wow how about you Virginia anybody come from a different Nation to be here to Worship the Lord wow where did you all come from where Canada that's just Michigan anyone else from a different Nation you can't yeah where did you come from El Salvador wow oh anyone else anybody else from a different Nation you came here wow it is a privilege to have you it's something we don't take lightly and gosh Lord just uh thank you thank you for what you're doing what an honor to that the Lord would move this way so the nations would come drink of the Lord's presence amen um a few and just one quick announcement I'm not a big announcement guy but Jesus 22 as you saw is one month away and uh man that went quick I I remember starting it in the 2014. and What the Lord Has Done is incredible and those of you who have not registered I would register quick that field will fill up and you're going to want to be there it's going to be a holy sacred time I'm believing that that same presence and same worship that same wonderful Touch of Jesus if it can happen here it can happen with the masses amen and as I mentioned this morning the last night we're going to do something we haven't done except for one year we did it at New Year's we're going to receive Holy Communion together with the Nations gathered I think we had 120 Nations gathered at Jesus 19. I'm pretty sure so I'm expecting that those of you who are watching online from a different Nation come come be in the presence of God bring the sick bring those who need Jesus and for all of you in the house I want to invite all of you tonight think about people who need the Lord who need to be in his presence the gospel will be preached in Clarity every night and some of God's dearest friends will be ministering to us for two straight days we'll take communion the last night and then pray uh impartation on all of us and I'm getting in on that one too amen this could be I think as I mentioned earlier possibly the largest convenience service we've had in our city maybe ever I don't know but certainly in a long time and that would be an incredible time together amen and so um Francis thank you thank you for being here thank you for having an open heart to to the body of Christ thank you for your teachings lately on what the Lord is yearning for from a Unity perspective and um may the Lord continue to use you to bring people to Jesus and how many of you know we all need to lose these walls that we put up and let the Lord genuinely make us one and I believe that that is a huge part of francis's mandate so I just want us all to stand and welcome a dear friend of ours and somebody the Lord is using mightily [Music] thank you it's such a great time worshiping with you tonight I mean I really felt like this connection with heaven like like we were just one you know with the angels and the Saints and we're just all before the throne and I just loved it and I I'm not sure if I I'm trying not to exaggerate I just don't know that I've been in a gathering where I felt like that like I did tonight I mean I came last year and it was great and I remember coming home and just going okay if we ever do a gathering again it's gonna be like what I just experienced um and I think you know I've been talking to the elders in our church and I think we are going to start doing something because of what I've experienced here I'm like no you can gather and it not be a show and you can you can be led by the spirit and he really can be Central and and we can just expect him to do anything and it it can happen and so you know pray for us because just because I say oh I want to do that doesn't mean it's going to happen you know there's you know I just want the spirit of God to move the way he's moving here and so as I was worshiping I was thinking gosh I wonder I mean a couple things couple thoughts go through my head first I thought wow this is the happiest place on earth for me seriously for me like I didn't want worship to end I was like this is so good I just want to keep going and so even there's a little bit of a fear coming up here right now where I go God I don't want to break the worship I don't want to I don't want to go up and do my thing and you know it's just God I just I I want to stay I want you to stay Central I want you to be you know moving and speaking through me even if it's it's something I'm not expecting to say or something that's hard to say or whatever God I want to be yielded to you you know I'm just picturing that Throne as we're worshiping and and you guys you were singing that uh Moses song at the end I don't know what that well I just heard on an album recently and I is that new or is that old it's old right yeah because I heard it on Grant singer's oldies album whatever but um well whenever my dad's hymns I think it's called right am I totally off okay that was the first time I had heard it but I didn't ever pay attention to the words until tonight you know I because I just think her voice is so cool I get caught up in it but tonight we're saying not that whoever's saying your voice wasn't cool but it was just I focused on the words and and I was picturing that scene and I I didn't realize that the song was you know Exodus 33 34 and and I've been looking at that and and and and it always it struck me as as Moses went up into that mountain right and I mean you go back to Exodus 19 and it's on fire and he's walking into a fire and and I mean if I we watched Michael walk up a mountain that was a blaze you would just think it's it's done it's over right you just no seriously any human being walking into something like that not an ordinary fire I mean the whole thing is filled with smoke it's it's shaking you know every time Moses would say something God would respond and thunder and so he's walking up there and and and and you gotta understand that Moses heart right it's like I want to know you Lord I want to I want to see you I want to know your ways so that I can so I can be pleasing to you and I just think all the people at the bottom at the end just wondering okay what's he going to say what is what is what's the message God's going to tell Moses he could have said anything when Moses says tell me who you are I want to know your ways you got to understand they didn't have thousands of years of History this is Exodus and so you know you see those movies where they're like I don't know what this how to appease our gods or what you know those those types of things and so here's this man walking into a fire it's like what did that God say what did he say because well he put me in this this this this this rock is gonna need kind of hit me and then he passed before me and and here's what he could have said anything he could have said God is so angry at our sin and then and there's nothing we can do to appease him I mean this is God what are you gonna you cannot you can't argue but to come back down the mountain and he said Yahweh Yahweh a god merciful and gracious slow to anger abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness I mean can you imagine being at the bottom of the hill knowing all of your sins and you're waiting okay what did he say what did he say he goes he's the god that's merciful and he says he's he's gracious and he's slow to anger and he's abounding like overflowing instead fast love and faithfulness can you imagine hearing that just going yes that is the greatest news our God is merciful and gracious this is who he tells us he is that's why we're in this room he's going do you understand I I am merciful I'm rich in Mercy God being rich in Mercy because of his great love with which he loved us and God says my nature is that I want to forgive oh that's the greatest news he says my nature is that I am gracious that's why we came here tonight because we go wow God you are gracious you are gracious like you just love to give things that we didn't earn like that's that's my character who you are this is your heart is you're a gracious God and one of my favorite verses is Ephesians 2 7 it says so that in the coming ages he might show the immeasurable Riches of his grace and kindness toward us so that in the coming ages he might show the immeasurable think about this immeasurable riches of his grace and kindness toward us this is this God he goes you know what I want to do I want to take someone like Francis and in the coming ages I want to show off I want to display I told Moses I'm a gracious God but in the coming ages I want to display the immeasurable Riches of my grace and kindness toward him in Christ Jesus that's who our God is that's who your creator is that was the good news that Moses came down with and so we come here to tell God this is unreal we cannot believe we have it this good that our God is merciful and gracious and slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love and kindness it's the steadfast love and faithfulness this is what unifies us right like Michael said we we stare at him and we're all amazed at him and I just I peeked up just a couple of times during worship because it it almost felt like we were not alone right and I'm just looking around the room and just seeing your faces and so often I'll go to a place and there'll be that group you know it's usually like you know a dozen or so uh usually Brazilian and they're they're in the front and they're just going at it and and I'm like oh praise God look at that example of those guys um but I I look in the room and I'm like oh my gosh it's the whole room I mean there were a couple of you that heard but 95 of this room I would say is just like me you're just going oh oh I don't want to leave this I just want to keep telling you how good you are I just want to I feel like I can see your throne right now I feel like I can see the angels and I'm I'm saying the same thing with them and we're all in agreement and this is so good I I just and I I start wondering I wonder if these guys know how good they have it because some of you this might be your only Christian experience you know and so you just go yeah yeah this is church no no this this should be Church everywhere and I believe it can be and I'm praying that it will be but you got to understand something as special is happening here I mean in all honesty I was thinking wow I love your leadership here Michael and I thought I could you know I I would easily work here under you like and I started thinking okay how many guys on Earth would I work for I bet I could count them on one hand and then I thought no it's just Andy and Michael it really is that's what I think like in my mind I I you know I I jokingly sent him a video the other day because you know Lisa was driving and listening to Michael coleanos podcast she's heard more of your talks than mine podcast if you ever listened to my podcast yeah no okay exactly I'm okay I'm secure I just want you guys to know that she's thinking oh Francis saved his thousands Michael is tens of anyways but I really was thinking I could I don't I really don't I'm not a super trusting person okay I've been burned a lot I've been uh you know it's just weird it's just a weird time we live in and I I understand that and it's hard to trust and I'm not even saying I know you so well but I just hearing the spirit of God move through them I'm in all seriousness those are probably the two guys I would come under and just know I'm good whatever whatever you want me to do whatever you want me to do you you used me you just tell me what to do so I tell with Andy with the sand I go look I'll just do anything anytime you want me to speak anything you feel like I'm supposed to be at just tell me I'll set the date aside the answer is yes and I say that to him and I say that to you and that's it I mean I love other guys and I like other you know but as far as trust I want you to understand there's something special here and with that I was just praying for you I was praying for the church [Music] um and maybe I'll just talk about this tonight because there's there's two thoughts that come to my mind one is for you and one is for the rest of you so let me let me just preach to you and everyone else listen in um I've never done this before um but I was reading this passage a couple weeks ago totally convicted me got me excited I repented I'm going Lord I want this it's in second Samuel 23 and it's the last words of David okay and when I read this a couple weeks ago you seriously came to my mind I mean first I thought about it for myself I need to repent I need this I want this Lord and then secondly I thought of you he says in second Samuel 23 now these are the last words of David the Oracle of David the son of Jesse the Oracle of the man who was raised on high the anointed of the god of Jacob the sweet psalmist of Israel the spirit of the Lord speaks by me his word is on my tongue the god of Israel has spoken the rock of Israel has said to me when one rules justly over men ruling in the fear of God he Dawns on them like the Morning Light like the sun shining forth on a cloudless morning like rain that makes grass to sprout from the Earth David says this is what God has taught me this is what God says to me he goes when someone leads justly when one rules justly over men ruling in the fear of God he goes when you have a leader who genuinely fears God he goes it's like it's freezing outside it's dark outside and then the sun comes up and you feel its warmth he goes it's like a drought and the ground is dry and then this rain just falls on the earth it's like oh yes life is it was it was just God saying when you lead in the fear of God now when you're gifted now when you're you know this organized clever leader because when you lead in the fear of God everyone's going to feel it it's going to feel like when that Sun hits your face and you're freezing it's like that's why I thought of you I thought oh I love when he's leading I love just being on my knees on my face standing up whatever it's just like oh I've been thirsty for this someone is leading me who's actually has a fear of God that is so sweet and you're like that dry ground that's gone oh I needed this I needed this I needed this someone who does not want the attention someone who just wants the presence of God like you do and someone who fears God and leads that way and I wish I could name just hundreds of people leading in that way and by the grace of God I hope that there will be one day and by the grace of God I hope that some of you in that this room are those leaders but I was just praying today for Michael because I thought man there's so many traps for your leader I I I've walked into so many of those over these years the enemy is so crafty and suddenly once you have some recognition then suddenly there's this this human impulse to keep it once you have a crowd there's a human impulse to keep it there's a disappointed when fewer people show up and you know smaller offerings or even though you know at the core of your being it doesn't matter it's there and and so I just pray I pray you keep leading in the fear of God this thing's going to be over any time and we're going to stand Neo fall before his throne of this holy God if there's any desire for attention for yourself or glory for yourself you've got to kill it you've got to stay just fearful of God and not what anyone else thinks or says oh man I pray for you man of God that God's spirit just stays in you and just hold you and and keeps you from any of the Temptation or the no desire for Glory that you just want to drop every crown and just scream out his name in his glory god that you wouldn't that then Mike would never be ashamed of your words no matter how unpopular they are may he be that II Timothy 4 preacher that preachers sound Doctrine even if people will not put up with it and will run other places and have their ears tickled but you man of God you do the work of an evangelist you endure the suffering the spirit of God just beyond you and stay upon you and anoint you with power may you lead and disciple may this multiply in Jesus name the other thing I was thinking during worship is you know here I am a visitor um you guys never make me feel like a visitor you know I but I am and I sometimes you visit and sometimes things look better than they really are and as a pastor I know that as you get a little bit more in the weeds and in people's lives that things aren't so Rosy I mean maybe they are but I'm guessing some of you today that are worshiping with us at some point the enemy is going to deceive you that's what he does some are you going to get deceived I'm seeing it happen all across the country young men young women just believing I get it and no one else does I'm like Elijah I'm the only one that understands it you don't get it the leaders in your church don't get it it happens all the time it happened to David you see all these people rising up you know here's David who's ruling in the fear of God and yet his whole life was about people rebelling against him and he just kept ruling in the fear of God just because you're ruling in the fear of God doesn't mean that everybody else is feels that sunshine and loves it I mean those of us who are walking with the Lord love it but there's others of you who will get deceived and you'll think no not me not me see the thing about okay you know when you're tempted right we feel it when we're tempted you're just like no no no you feel it but you don't know when you're being deceived that's kind of the definition okay if you knew you were being deceived or not being deceived okay do you understand that like the enemy is The Great Deceiver that's why I've been praying oh God I don't know show me I know he's working on my way I know he's trying to deceive me somehow God opened my eyes to it please God I don't want to be fooled I don't want to come to the end and realize I was fooled I don't want to be deceived and I've looked people in the eyes we've all seen people who are deceived this is never us we we've met people where you're like there is absolutely no reasoning with them I mean this is so clear so obvious and all the elders and all the church agrees but they're unappeasable like second Timothy 3 says in the last days are we people they're just unappeasable you you can't say anything and you can't get just angry at them because you realize the deceiver got to them and they genuinely think that they're the only ones that have it right some of you are going to leave Jesus image and you're just so sure you're right you listen to me a guy who's 55 been walking with the Lord for 40 years been in Ministry for 30 something years and I'm telling you I would follow that man he's one of two guys maybe then I would follow but no something's got in your head well you don't know what you're talking about he doesn't know what he's talking about they don't know what they're talking about you know what you're going to tell you because you're 20 something and man you're Brilliance of all those years of Minecraft it it just got you to where no you just have this wisdom I I can't reason with you it's going to happen it's going to happen it happens all the time because the enemy's going to try to divide this thing you see and here's the hard part this is where I feel for some of you I was realizing this the other day we were born as as Believers living in the 21st century we were born into a culture of divorce in the church okay we've inherited a divorce call it's like a kid who grew up and his mom had a different husband you know and had five different husbands you know then you you go and get married what do you just assume it's not gonna last I'm going to split split split I inherited division okay in 1054 we had the great split East and West there's no longer One Church of Jesus Christ and we have the Eastern Orthodox it's you and then we had the the Roman Catholics in the west and you just had this division and then and then and then you had the um Church of England the Anglican Church split and then you had the you know the Reformation and then you had splits the splits but and all of us grew up in a church that split off from another church I was a little kid when I remember our church split and I'm like um half my friends are gone that's normal then I just worked at another church there was a split from another church and then and then I was about another church and they started splitting and I'm like um I'm splitting I I'm I can't handle this anymore I'll start my own church then I left my own church you know it's just like this is it's become like this crazy thing we just inherited that we just Norm it's it's normal and so some of you may go well I don't like something that happened there and so let's start our own thing and we'll call it whatever Jesus Focus I don't know whatever right and you do your own thing and you say oh but we're friends we're brothers you just it's just it's ugly we've inherited this as I was praying about the spirit of divorce a couple months ago as I was praying and Lisa and I were praying with a couple and I go oh gosh this thing came to my mind I don't know if it's of the Lord I'm just gonna say it you know with the spirit of divorce I go the movie came to my mind The Parent Trap it's an old movie okay super old movie I think they remade it with that that that girl but um but it's it's it's about these two girls who show up at a camp or something and they look at each other and go what in the world it's like looking in a mirror and and they're twins but but they're freaking out because they didn't know they had a sister and they're just like what what who are how is this and they start you know figuring out their story I live with my mom well I live with my dad and but wait a second were we separated that you were taken there I was taken here and they have such a good time at camp they're like you know we're good let's just switch places let's play a trick on our parents because I'm not leaving you you're my sister you look just like me and I'm not leaving you and it's this whole thing where they work together and I think they eventually get their parents back together right they set up this whole thing and I just wonder you know those of us who come from different backgrounds when I go but you don't understand like everything he says I'm like I love it I love it that's when I think that's what I feel and and and I just wonder if this generation and and maybe it starts here that this becomes a place where you go I'm done splitting you know I actually want to commit and in fact those of us who have been separated I'm going wait a second weird it's like this Spirit of divorce that we inherited we don't have to play that game you know we can just commit to each other in fact God commands us to and if there is a movement of young people from different denominations different backgrounds that are suddenly seeing their brothers and sisters and going wait a second I don't have to go back to my camp and you go back to your Camp let's even switch places let's just figure this out could this be the generation that actually brings the church back together foreign because you think about the heart of God his desire is for one Temple right here's Christ the Cornerstone the apostles and Prophets here's all these Believers throughout history and he says they're all being joined together into one Temple like Christ is joining us this was his eternal plan this was his plan for the fullness of time this was the great mystery that we would become one then we would attach ourselves rather than ditching each other it's like coming together and it's not a competition it's just this is what God wants let's come together and and I I you know that's why I feel for some of you because you've grown up in a culture of divorce in the church and we just are used to splitting splitting splitting and even when we try to come together then other people in the church get mad and it's like no that's not what God wants though he wants us together and we're going to fight for this and this morning you said some things about how the Next Generation forgot how you said it like they must expect greater than what we have to offer like you I don't know is that what you yeah Joshua and you know you tried to proof text it with that but okay no no you did I actually that's what that's what got me thinking was no he was just saying it it is you do see it in scripture you have too many people that just want a little bit um and then you went to Elijah didn't you you know it was crazy a couple weeks ago I was in Israel and and I was um I was standing in the Jordan River and I never knew you probably knew this but uh at the spot where I was is where Joshua crossed the Jordan and and the arc you remember comes in and it was a whole thing of God saying you see how I was with Moses I'm with you you're gonna you're gonna do this in fact you're gonna go into the land and Everywhere You Touch it's going to be yours so you actually get to go into the promised land and I tell you I'm going to be with you like I was with Moses so when the when the priest carried the ark into the river and the river stops and they walk across on dry ground it was God saying what I tell you it was clearly a picture to say just like I was with Moses I'm with you and even more so because you are going in the promised land and you're taking my presence with you I mean it was a powerful moment I did not know that that spot according to you know all the experts or whatever it's the same spot that Elijah and Elisha passed through that same location based upon when you read where they would come from where they're going they're going this would have been that same most likely spot and what happens there same type of thing right where Elijah hits it with his cloak and it opens up and like you mentioned this morning you know he says Elijah you can stay here why go you know he's like no I'm following you and I want twice what you have right and he sees God you know take him away in The Chariot and what does he do he grabs his cloak you know he grabs Elijah's cloak and goes are you with me Lord and he throws it in the water and it splits and it's like yes I did it I'm gonna get a double portion of Elijah and he passes through I didn't realize that was the same spot that John the Baptist who came in the spirit of Elijah I mean the Poetry of God he is there and he's saying there's one greater I I gotta pass on this ministry to someone even greater and now the Ark of the Covenant walks into the water Jesus himself the very presence of God right and all Heaven opens up and goes this is my son and the Holy Spirit comes down has all happened right here it was the passing on of the greater Ministry from Moses to Joshua from Elijah to Elisha from John the Baptist to Jesus and then Jesus says it's going to be to your advantage that I go away because if I don't go away then I can't send the Holy Spirit and then I'm going to send the Holy Spirit to you and that's why we're amazed at what Moses experienced but we sing that song and go God you you tell me to seek your face you tell me I can have more Glory than Moses that's why everything your pastor said this morning about you can't just go oh I go to Jesus image so that I can just keep my relationship you know with God strong and you know I have tough weeks and I just go back and it gets no you got to come here and go God I want a double portion of what he has that's the way God works that's why so many kids that grow up in Christian homes and they just try to hold on and the parents are happy that their kids held on to some sort of their faith and that's where I'm like God I'm not happy with that I want my kids to have a double portion I want them see but the key is you've gotta you've gotta stay connected and joined to this body okay you can't have this ditching divorce mentality in you this Elijah complex like I get it and I'm the only one left I'm telling you God is going to bless our Oneness our unity and um I actually want to have a moment Okay because I'm going back to Israel because I was like I love it here you know there's so much I learned and so many things and I want to take a couple more kids with me and and taking my elders and all their kids because I want to bring them into the Jordan River and actually have a moment like that where it's time to pass on and that was the thought I had this morning as you were teaching I was thinking gosh I almost came on stage I'm like I can't do that you know um and I just thought where I just wanted like an impartation and this isn't like a arrogant thing like oh you think you should it's I'm in worship going God I mean I'm weeping going Lord I remember falling in love with you at 15 years old and I'm 55 and these 40 years I've wanted you more and more and more why am I still just obsessed with you God and more than ever all I want is your presence meanwhile I saw so many of my friends go a different direction that we're in the youth group with me I'm like aren't you poured a Grace upon that's all I'm saying it doesn't make sense I'm not I'm not like this you know disciplined you know Godly everything it's just the grace of God that I'm going to God thank you that I just know that nothing is greater than you and I'm just telling God I don't even care I don't care about platforms I don't care anything I just want you and I want to hear you say Well done I just this is this is all I'm I'm obsessed with this God please keep me on the right path Lead Me Not in Temptation Deliver Me From Evil keep me leading in the fear of God I want to be like David I want that son just to fall on people that Sunshine that rain just I need to rule and a fear of you God I need to lead and a fear of you use me in that way God I go why did that happen somehow God you just gave it to me whenever you gave me at 15 years old that made me love you for these last 40 years not that there weren't some ups and downs let's just forget my college Years but other than that like but but I've been on this trajectory and that's no like oh look what I did it's nothing to do with me because it doesn't make sense people heard the same thing people are more disciplined than I ever but for some reason he just poured his grace I'm like God can I like give that pass that is there some way that that everything that God is doing through Michael the same thing is because I know the desire is there the desire is not oh man I hope that I just have the hugest name when I the desire is God whatever you gave to me could you pass it on in Greater measure to this next Generation somehow this this desire to be one and to be unified this desire to just fear you and treat you as holy this desire to just break bread and just be in awe of the presence of God can you multiply that into this next Generation can we pass it foreign a couple weeks ago when I was in Israel I had my wife and then my 17 year old and my 18 year old with me and I'm thinking okay let me just take one last trip with them because who knows what happens you know next you know my kids tend to marry early and and so it's like okay let's just get some time I want to show you the holy land and we walked through hezekiah's tunnel if you've ever been through that in Jerusalem you read about it in second chronicles the king that had to create this Waterway because the Assyrians are coming and and uh and then you walk through this tunnel that's 3 000 years old and the waters rushing through your knees and this pitch dark and you're walking like I don't know a quarter mile half mile in this thing that they cut oh everyone knows this is what it is it's Hezekiah stinking tunnel from 3 000 years ago this is unreal and then and then we it took our kids up to the Mount of Olives and I'm like like somewhere around here this might have been the spot that Jesus ascended into heaven from and we're standing here you guys this is real this is this is a place we flew here this is not wakanda it is it's a real location okay do you get that and I'm and we're looking down at Jerusalem I'm like there's Jerusalem look I'm staying on the mountains this is where the the great procession the triumphal entry Lazarus would have walked down with him everyone's screaming but that's not the only thing this is the same place where Abraham went to sacrifice Isaac this is the same place that that you know David we were just at his house we walked in David's house this is where Solomon built the temple this is where where Christ was crucified this is where Christ ascended into heaven and one day he says he's going to come down back onto this piece of land and I go and this book this is 6 000 years of history and then and they have taught all the same things and the same truth we touch it we feel it then suddenly one of your buddies at school has a Feeling an opinion a new way of thinking and you're going to follow her and you're going to ditch 6 000 years of history that you can touch in all these poetic beautiful things you were in the Jordan River with me just a little bit ago but your friend is thinking differently so you're going to follow him and just looking at my kids going do you get it why I attach myself to six thousand years of History rather than your buddy and I go I don't care if everyone on Earth right now believe something different you're talking about the most depressed generation in the history of mankind and you're going to say oh six thousand years of Biblical teaching and What God Says in his word it's wrong because we came up with something new you guys are growing up in a generation where everyone wants to come up with the new tick tock video you know the awesome tweet the quick little video something new and they'll look at what we're teaching here and go oh you're gonna listen to those ancient yes I am I am you know I'm proud of that not ashamed of his word yes it's ancient that's why I'm not going to go with something you just thought of and I read this passage because I I just noticed this the other week I love it Psalm 81 okay look at this look at this Psalm 81 verse 10. I am the Lord your God who brought you up out of the land of Egypt open your mouth wide and I will fill it but my people did not listen to my voice Israel would not submit to me so I gave them over to their stubborn Hearts to follow their own counsels do you see what God's saying there he goes I said some things now remember I said let there be light and then boom life was created that's what my word does it has power but the people didn't want to listen to my word so I judged them by giving them over to their own desires and I made them listen to each other's counsels that's the Judgment of God it's the Judgment of God for you to go oh what did that person tweet you actually care think about this this is the Judgment of God if you really think about it does it make sense when you go well he shoots a basketball very accurately so I want to hear what he has to say think about that for a second she has great plastic surgery so what's her view don't you understand that's a judgment of God that you would just go yeah that matters to me it matters to me what he says I don't care what the God who said let there be light I don't care what comes out of his mouth I want to know what comes out of her mouth I want to see what he says guys that's because you wouldn't listen to me you don't want to listen to me I'll help you listen to people you guys we need a generation that fears the word of God that is not deceived into listening to these other voices like the rest of the world that think well he's rich so his opinion must matter and we don't tremble at his word we tremble at his words and no one else says okay there should be a giant Gap between his word and anyone else's and so we are not the fools to hold on to the ancient voice of God the Alpha and the Omega and say this is the way it has been from the beginning and I know you came up with a nice new thought and convince some people and maybe you're right maybe you're just more brilliant than everyone else but I'm not going to bet on you this is what God Said and our job is to pass this on to next generation and go now you hold on to this don't you be the one that drops it and you write your own book okay we're passing this to you this is why you want different Generations in the same room because I think there's something that's supposed to be passed on and I don't I've never done this before um you want to just come up here with me and I don't know if the spirit of God leads you to do anything I don't want to do like a thing just to do it I don't want to trite little example like I really want to believe and I don't know God if we have authority to do this we're just telling you this is our heart this is my heart if there's something spiritual I could pass on to you whatever it is that God blessed me with grace to me with again it was just a gift it was a gift to make me love him for 40 years straight okay and not deviate from that and go God all I want is you now I want you more than ever and now I want to somehow impart that to you then maybe some of you here are going yes I want I want to end like that and that's not even enough I want double that you know you mentioned your colleges I don't want any of that I just want I just want purely in his sight I want to fear him I don't want to be just just unaffected by all the world and the schemes I don't want any of that deception [Music] I just want to pray and ask the Lord [Music] if he would impart whatever he's given us to a greater measure [Music] that's my desire and I know it's your desire from hearing you speak this morning that's why I just think the Lord is leading Us in this direction tonight and so now if you're sitting there and you're going that's exactly what I want I've seen too many people go down and I want to last and I want to love an increasing measure [Music] that's you [Music] and you have faith that our gracious merciful god wants you to have this I just know that we have a god of Grace and then if we ask will receive and if we seek will find and if we knock the door will be open to us and so if that's your desire [Music] if you see Michael and I as Godly leaders only by the grace of God for some reason he's given us something and you're saying I want that would you just stand and hold your hands out [Music] foreign [Music] Grace out on us [Music] see Jessica and Lisa you guys come up [Music] faithfulness in marriage [Music] in Ministry and a longing for you [Music] God of mercy and Grace slowed anger abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness God you are a god of Grace thank you that you're a God of Grace and you've seen us in the Heavenly places with Christ so that in the coming ages you might show the immeasurable Riches of your grace and kindness toward us God would you pour that Grace out upon us now and God especially on this next Generation Lord [Music] may they have double what we have power the integrity the intimacy with you the fear of you the resolve to teach your word of God your word God to tremble at your word even more than we do to obey your word to pursue holiness [Music] oh Lord would you pour your spirit out [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign would you pray for your leaders Michael and Jess [Music] that God would protect this marriage [Music] them both humble and contrite in spirit trembling at your words so that God will always look to them God will always stare at them because they're humble and contrite in spirit and tremble at your word [Music] pray that God would fill them mightily with a deep passion friendship with the Lord is for those who fear Him pray that they would always fear Him this is for you this is for your blessing that that son would Shine On You that you would have a leader that leads in the fear of God [Music] father please keep your servants leading with the fear of you please please Lord please protect them please destroy anything the enemy is trying to do in her lives destroy it right now in the name of the resurrected Christ destroy it all just make this the purest couple that's holy humble God-fearing Jesus loving couple just Spirit-filled Hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] fight with you until serious making [Music] um I'm not sure I've been in a meeting quite like this but there was such a heaven-sent direct word for us and I feel the fear of God all over me faithful [Music] tonight [Music] I I [Music] want us to all have the real thing the real walk with the Lord but I don't I don't want to have to preach a message right now this is a word from the Lord Francis shared but if you need if you know that you're holding on to your life [Music] said that if we lose our life we gain it and if we hold on to it we lose it if you know you're holding on to your life but you feel the presence of the Holy Spirit drawing you to forsake all and to cling to Jesus I want you to get out of your seat I don't care if you've been to a million altar calls because altars don't save it's the spirit Jesus said it's the spirit who blows where he wishes that brings us into this life so you just get out of your seat Wherever You Are come to the altar I want you to come to the altar and healed everything [Music] it's just not worth the risk [Music] Jesus said what good is it if a man gains the whole world and loses his soul what can a man give in exchange for his soul [Music] is a Holy Night Francis thank you thank you for yielding if you're in the balcony we'll wait Jesus didn't share a PowerPoint when he called people to him he said come follow me leave everything come follow me we'll wait for you those of you who are coming down [Music] it's the spirit who gives life the Bible said foreign from the Lord stuck in sin you don't you don't have to stay that way that's a lie [Music] you can leave with a brand new life tonight not a changed life a brand new life and Jesus said that a lukewarm life is absolutely not accepted it's vomited out said I wish you were either hot or cold [Music] the Christian life is not just a little bit of Jesus to get by it's just not what it is it's a marriage it's forsaking all for one and when you come to die life fills your being Maybe you hate waking up in the morning it's because you may be just too connected to your own life your own will come lose it tonight and he'll fill you with his life [Music] father I just want to thank you for tonight just want to thank you for these hearts [Music] that are responding to the preciousness of the Holy Spirit [Music] what can we all just pray this out loud tonight and say this heavenly father foreign [Music] against you and I confess my sin your word says that if I confess my sin you are faithful and just [Music] to forgive my sin and cleanse me from all unrighteousness forgive me cleanse me [Music] give me a soft heart a new heart a heart of Flesh Is Us [Music] thank you for dying on the cross shedding your blood [Music] for me I do not deserve your mercy is your idea thank you [Music] and Jesus I believe and I declare tonight you've been raised from the dead [Music] because you are God almighty and tonight Lord Jesus have my life take it all [Music] you are the Lord of my life and you're coming back again find me ready oh gosh make this your prayer guys find me ready find me ready without spot or wrinkle [Music] I belong to Jesus [Music] I forsake this world and I renounce the devil Jesus is Lord amen would you just lift your hands the Lord those who came forward actually all over the house Lord Jesus you don't have to pray this just receive Lord Jesus you're the one you're the one who baptized this plunges us into the depths of the Holy Spirit would you do that tonight oh thank you Lord May the fire of Heaven Fall on every heart to purge the draws and burn up the chap let a pure and holy flame burn in all of our hearts your word says it's the heart of man not the lamp of the Lord thank you burn in US Lord burn in us with Holy Fire Holy Light you are the light of the world [Music] rest on your people [Music] come and live here with us live with us Lord we don't have it all figured out we don't even know what that will look like but live with us [Music] you said in your word to create for me a habitation that I might come and dwell among you build it according to the pattern that I showed on the mountain teach us your ways that you would live with us guys there's no other reason to have church teach us your ways teach us your ways that we might know you come and live with us Lord fill our hearts and our homes and our minds our thoughts that All Things become shadows and the light of you [Music] all of it all of it come and be with us trust us with your feelings trust us with your heart and teach us what moves you what draws you what keeps you and help us to never grieve the Holy Spirit or to quench the wonderful month of the Holy Spirit [Music] hallelujah thank you Lord foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] help us holy spirit break our hearts soften us soften us and blessed are the meek they will inherit the earth you're going to trust the meek in the age to come [Music] soft and a softer lower lower softer hearts Lord gentle [Music] soft and gentle sensitive to the spirit more loving to our brothers and sisters our enemies more like you Lord more like you a lamb of God [Music] I think we spend more time asking the Lord to make us his employees and to make us like him [Music] Jesus Jesus made us give us a sweeter more Clear Vision of you that we'd know you the merciful god [Music] filled with Mercy [Music] friends it's it's in atmospheres like this and moments like this where you can just ask [Music] sometimes what takes us years in prayer to see can happen in a second in a gathering like this [Music] there's an anointing present I would ask right now and I would ask for the most Grand request which is teach me to love you that's what I would ask for to love you loving Jesus is life's greatest achievement everything else will just happen I promise you just Ken this this I cannot ask for this is not a gift this comes from the depths it's an internal touch [Music] you need no man to teach you you've been anointed Within [Music] is that sweet touch of the spirit within us oh Jesus teach us to love you Holy Spirit you love Jesus more than we love him this is your job it's your joy to make Jesus real to our hearts turn our eyes toward him open our eyes to see soften our hearts to follow him [Music] disconnect us from this world and its draw on its passions and its voice [Music] and don't let us recover we don't want to recover we don't want to Turn the Page [Music] we worship you would you just take a moment just Lift Your Hands to Heaven and genuinely listens unless genuinely genuinely see there's worship that is supposed to be of spirit and Truth genuine and wording from a genuine heart so genuinely just genuinely begin to tell them what he means to you [Music] doesn't have to be loud tell them Lord remind us of what you saved us from remind us how you came skipping on the Hills to redeem us what you saved us from who you saved us from [Music] all in your mercies Francis said your s fill our hearts with Mercy thank you thank you Jesus we love you there's none so beautiful none so lovely I'm so kind None So Glorious and holy I remember being saved in this room I remember it I remember leaving and everything was just more beautiful [Music] Lord I met you here I met you right here thank you and I want everyone here to meet you [Music] experience so much more than just praying a prayer Lord I met you [Music] and you've been with me all this time I'm so loyal and so faithful to keep us from ourselves [Music] you're a much better friend than we are to you thank you wonderful the Lord wonderful Lord [Music] for Jesus [Music] and you're holy [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] okay [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] everyone Michael and Jess here we are standing on the exact location where the headquarters for Jesus image will be local church Jesus School a house of Bethany all of that relocated right here in fact in the exact spot where Jesse and I are standing will be the beautiful pond in front of the sanctuary but we will most likely be holding baptism Services occasionally so excited we're right here in Seminole County off of Lake Mary Boulevard we own this land God owns this land I should say and the building will be right behind us Sanctuary the admin building and the prayer house and so listen we just want to say thank you so much thank you for standing with us thank you for giving thank you for praying thank you for being so patient and believing with us we're believing God that the Nations will descend on this property that they will worship Jesus let the sick will be healed here that the Lost will be saved that the presence and glory of God will rest here we want that we believe this is Holy Ground and that the tangible Glory of Jesus will be right here on this land and so we want to invite you to come and invite you to be a part of what God is going to do here yeah we are just so very thankful for you thank you so much for your prayers and your love and support we are truly Blown Away with what the Lord is doing and we cannot wait to have you here with us one day yeah and we're really excited about what we're going to show you right now I want to take you on a journey and show you the incredible design detail and vision of what will take place in this problem our Jesus image home will be located in the beautiful Seminole County right off of Lake Mary Boulevard this is a thriving area filled with families restaurants and the Beautiful amenities that this area the vision of this property is simple we want the presence of Jesus Christ to be known we have a deep value for experiencing the Lord and his Beauty and the Majesty of his creation this facility will host our local church family Jesus school which is our discipleship training program yearly conferences the Bethany House of Prayer and it will also be an Outreach hub for the state and Nation there is Vision behind everything the location of the buildings the Landscaping the water features and of course the architectural design of the buildings themselves all speak to the beauty of the lord we want all who enter the property to feel as though they've entered into the Peace of the presence of God with all the stress and turmoil that people face on a daily basis this will be a place of Serenity worship reflection and adoration rather than this feeling like a headquarters we want this to be the house of God and a home for his people you will notice that the structures themselves have a Timeless look in design from the stonework to the stained glass it will feel like the house of God the gospel will be declared from every side of the property in multiple different ways as you pull into the new Jesus image home you will discover a massive parking area that will be framed by and filled with beautiful Shrubbery and trees there will be plenty of room for you and your family a beautiful drive leads you to the sanctuary building he will enter through a stone Archway upon the archway one of the foundational verses for Jesus image will be inscribed this verse carries the heartbeat of our lives and the construction of this house a one thing is needed Luke 10 42 upon entering the front door to the main building you will see a massive Gathering area it is a two-story structure the first level will be filled with life this will be a place to congregate with friends and family to get your children checked into children's church to eat or simply enjoy a coffee around a beautiful fireplace the first level will also house the youth room we have a major focus on seeing this next Generation Love Jesus [Music] the youth room will seat approximately 500 people this room will also serve as the second year facility for Jesus School our children's rooms will be located on the first level this will be a convenient experience for children and parents upon their arrival our children will receive amazing Bible teaching a worship experience and knowledge of the presence of the holy spirit for themselves the second level of the main building will facilitate working spaces for our board of directors our staff and interns this will be a great blessing for us as we move forward in wisdom as a ministry as you know God has Grace Jesus image with a massive reach through media thousands have come to Jesus and so many have been healed and set free through our media Ministry we will have our very own Production Studio where we can create content and continue to stream live to the Nations we will release podcasts social media content videos and much more multiplied Millions have watched our media content and we believe our creative team will flourish in this new space as they step out into this vital and anointed calling as you walk across the main Gathering space you will discover the sanctuary what an amazing space this will be while we will have state-of-the-art technology in the sanctuary the space will take you back in time a time when churches had a sacred feel to them you will discover beautiful stained glass behind the platform stained glass will line the sides of the sanctuary as well all telling the gospel story of Jesus there will be Timeless Wood beaming and stonework throughout we long for his presence to fill this place and it will be a home for you as well we will see it approximately 1500 people yet it will not lose the personal feel that we so deeply value the platform will be spacious with plenty of room for Ministry our worship teams and of course a baptismal you will notice a round stained glass image on the back wall of the sanctuary depicting a dove in fire descending in the room May the Holy Spirit fill our hearts each time we gather as a church family the sanctuary space will also serve Jesus school this will house our hundreds of first-year students as well as our general School sessions these students will be missionaries to the nations of the world and to their Generation The Gospel will be declared from this Sanctuary space multiple times per week and people will be raised up from this place to share Jesus with the world and may Millions be saved healed and touched by the Holy Spirit lastly for our favorite space on the property the Bethany House of Prayer this will be the prayer house for Jesus image it will be a place for adoration silent prayer reflecting upon the scriptures and worship you will notice that the house will be built upon a pond the setting will be quaint and breathtaking Stone and wood Mark the space with warmth and a traditional look that we believe will transcend Generations we believe this will be the Hub of entire property a place where intimacy with God and pure prayer ascend before him it is named the Bethany house because Bethany was the place where Jesus was loved deeply therefore he rested there Mary found the better part and it is our prayer that all who enter will find Jesus there and fall in love with him may Jesus be pleased with all that takes place here may he be adored and worshiped on this property may his word be taught with Clarity boldness and love may his gospel flood the Nations and may the generations to come find him here will you stand with us will you pray and give toward this Vision will you give sacrificially for the sake of Jesus and his gospel will you be a part of something that will outlive you for the sake of Eternity thank you we love you Jesus is beautiful [Music]
Channel: Jesus Image
Views: 260,912
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: omabmnAs_XI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 210min 24sec (12624 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 13 2022
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