When you accidentally write songs that already exist

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okay so your assignment last week was to write an original piece for me let's hear it i've actually been cooking up a little something that i'm pretty proud of can you speed that up a little bit why i just want to see something yeah that sounds very similar to imagine what imagine john lennon does it though does it sound similar uh yes i see it's very similar i was really excited about that one too i had a title for it and everything okay what did you name it pretend for a sec daniel i know do you have anything else you could play i actually did write another one yes [Music] sorry could you slow this one down okay that is definitely piano man no it isn't or were you gonna call that one music gentlemen or thinking of calling it keyboard person keyboard person daniel you can't keep rehashing music that's already been written i'm not doing it on purpose okay uh maybe instead of going down i i can go up go up like uh and then change things up i go back down that's plain on me okay scratch that you know what i'm gonna do i'm gonna change the instrument to guitar and i'm gonna transpose it up a couple so i don't even know what key we're in all right there's no way that this is gonna match anything that has ever been written don't [Music] no bad [Music] you know what that is play anything else [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah real original this is something new something you've never heard before and i have to go wait yes i know i have something original inside of me okay i can feel it okay but if the next thing you play is an internationally known song we're gonna stop taking lessons that's what we're gonna do it won't be because you get to pick the key now okay but you have one shot all right give me key e major e major easy e major so what i'm gonna do i'm gonna invert it on the right hand a little bit give it some give it some variety and on the left hand i'm just going to all right base it up give it some bounce no you know maybe i'll move it up to b maybe give it a c sharp and right about here daniel stop this can't already be a song kenneth you know exactly what you're doing i can't stop once my hands start going i can't stop just a small town girl it's a bop though it is it is about today's video is brought to you by audible by the time this message is over with i hopefully will have made a princess crown here we go hey if you can understand my voice that means you can understand audiobooks and get knowledge if you know me in real life you'll know that i've been using audible for years and i'm proud to be somewhat well read because of it this month was an audible original titled caffeine it's a short listen that's just the right length to keep me interested about the history of hot bean water short but strong like a cup of coffee huh anyway if you go to audible.com danielthrasher or simply text the word daniel thrasher to 500 500 you'll receive an audio book on me regardless of price and while we're all at home you get access to all of the audible original monthly selection as an auditory guy i really do love audible and you can listen anywhere and the only reason i'm somewhat well read is because of them so again visit audible.com daniel thrasher or just text daniel thrasher to 500 500 and get to feeding that brain child no no this looks terrible it looks so bad it's supposed to it's supposed to look kind of like this but you can't you can't do it on a time crunch
Channel: Daniel Thrasher
Views: 23,892,059
Rating: 4.9805808 out of 5
Keywords: 18 micro-songs to boost your mood, when you learn a riff and out it in everything, daniel thrasher, Daniel Thrasher, when you wanna play piano but its midnight, when you hit a tritone in medieval times, when you hit a dead key in medieval times, how to play piano, piano for beginners, piano lessons online
Id: xD-IQaxHcE4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 25sec (265 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 26 2020
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