Dr. Jamal Bryant Live in New Jersey

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[Music] foreign clap of praise would you extend that hand towards heaven we pull on the cord that was wrapped around Hezekiah asking for God to add years to our life because we've been Faithful over a few things we now want to be ruler over many God if you're going to give us longevity give us longevity that is matched with good health as long as we live help us to be able to drive ourselves and to clothe ourselves to be able to feed ourselves we hold back the hand of every Spirit of sickness cancer Strokes aneurysms heart attacks will not be able to bombard our bodies hold back the hand of Alzheimer's and Dementia keep us away from hip replacement and knee replacement have us not bound the wheelchairs not regulated to hearing aids let us be cognizant and cogent at all times of who's in our presence be mindful of what it is that you have done we thank you that the worst is behind and The Best Is Yet To Come and those of you who are thankful and expectant about what God's going to do in your glorious future but you clap your hands and give God glory come on give God glory give him praise give him Thanksgiving be thankful unto him bless His holy name from the rising of the Sun to the going down of the same our God is Worthy you may be seated in the presence of the Lord how timely and befitting that the Holy Spirit would deposit into the life of our Bishop for this longevity encounter that in the same week that this longevity experience takes place of the same week that Cheryl Lee Ralph materialized and manifested after waiting 30 years what it means to finally be honored longevity means at something that this is the very week that the NFL would have to Hallmark the oldest quarterback to ever go out on the field but in this same season of longevity Serena and Venus Williams modeled to the whole world of athleticism that it's not just for a moment it is for Lifetime Achievement history and anthropologists will have to Hallmark the life and the witness of Bishop and Pastor Hilliard for showing us that Integrity matters and that longevity still means something [Applause] come on let's give God glory for them let's salute them let's celebrate them [Music] Dr Martin Luther King Jr said many years ago it is not the longevity of a life but it is the quality of a life and they have modeled both of those to honoree for uh tonight W Dr Franklin Richardson who is a living legend I'm honored sir just to be on the same stage up with you and I'm just grateful for your life bishop and Reverend C Wright this is Foundry lambia your point of personal privilege I am coming Bishop from Mississippi where Jackson Mississippi the home of Mega Evers is dealing with a third world crisis in a first world existence and one of God's trusted trombones is with us who's been working heavily on the field and was really helping me to navigate we brought Dr Richardson and I sent 25 tractor-trailers of water to Jackson Mississippi this week and uh I want to commend one of the young preachers who is really serving that City well pastoring the oldest church in that City Dr Rhodes I want you please stand I just honored that you were here thank you for what you're doing for your city for your community and even for this generation if you have your Bibles would you please stand to your feet and meet me in First Kings chapter 7. amen amen First Kings chapter 7. and I want to eliminate for your understanding verse 13 and 14. First Kings chapter 7. if you've gone the second Kings you went too far man if you're in third Kings that's not the Bible you read First Kings chapter 7. verse 13 and 14. King Solomon sent to Tyree and brought Huron whose mother was a widow from the tribe of naphtali and whose father was from Tyree a skilled Craftsman in bronze Hiram was filled with wisdom with understanding and with knowledge to do all kinds of bronze work came to King Solomon and he did all of the work that was assigned to his hand you may be seated on this the first night of this longevity conference I want to preach using as a subject going for the bronze going for the bronze not long after the Winter Olympics concluded in Beijing I stumbled Upon A study conducted by Northwestern University that discovered that bronze medalist I need you to hear this bronze medalists are happier than silver medalists bronze medalists are happier than silver medalists the researchers found that silver medalists tend to focus on how close they came to winning which left them no satisfaction the silver whereas the bronze medalists tended to focus on how close they came to not placing well this reveals about our human nature is that your focus determines your reality how we feel then is not determined by objective circumstance if that were true then silver medalists would be happier than bronze medalists because they had a better end result and so I needed you to hear Pastor Mary how we feel is not about our circumstance it's about our Focus are you happy about where you are and are you unhappy about your placement the wisest man who ever lived was Solomon and according to First Kings it took him 13 years to complete the construction of his Palace 13 years as a full kindergarten primary middle and high school education combined took him 13 years and I needed you to know Cathedral he couldn't focus on the roof while he was digging the foundation and he couldn't develop the Attic while constructing the kitchen at the same time there had to be levels to his Focus you can't learn the vowels and compound sentences at the same time you've got to know where your level is when you stay focused on mastering your level it is only then that you get promoted to the next grade Educators who are amongst us will tell you that those students who do not master their level we'll have to repeat it there are a whole mile of people in the body of Christ who are in remedial class because they never learned how to master their level Solomon had just finished everything but there were some details that had been left undone that were necessary in order to take it up a notch but details were dictated by God himself to use luxurian colors to use the finest Fabrics to co-opt the greatest jewels the reparations of 400 years of slave labor was now going to be placed into the construction of this project can you imagine that you are going to build off of what was going to break you inside the temple was the menorah was that the incense was the altar was the show bread or was the table was the Ark of the Covenant and all of those things were made out of gold but everything on the outside was made out of breyas gold represents kingship silver stands for Redemption brass is judgment brass is an alloy of copper and zinc and it is a symbol of man's susceptibility to sin it shines up brightly but it tarnishes easily different from gold and silver I need you to hear this I needed you to know different from gold and silver a bronzer requires a constant care bronze is uh it's laborious it is tedious it is cumbersome why because bronze and Brass always have to be rubbed down I think I've lost you it was important in the construction that God used an element in which you will leave no fingerprints so whenever fingerprints were left it had to be rubbed down again because God says when this is finished I want nobody's fingerprints on you but me Hallelujah he he says I I know I know it's Gonna Shine but I gotta keep laying hands on you because of the vicissitudes of Life there will always be new smudges but to keep the Purity and the authenticity of what is being constructed I don't want you to think that when it's finished it's through because there's always going to be somebody who's got to come back and wipe the fingerprints off so that you can't see who touched it before I think I've lost you because I'm I'm in the Old Testament there was a man who was blind and Jesus touched him and said do you see anything he he says yes but I need you to touch me again because I got some smudges on me please forgive us you sit near somebody who still got some fingerprints on them from what happened in there yesteryear and in their past but God says tonight I'm wiping you down again because of how people mishandled you and because of how people treated you and talked about you when you get to this next level I'm gonna let nobody take the credit for your elevation that is not coming from the east or from the west but this time it's coming from God you are to thank God that nobody living or dead will be able to take credit for where it is that you are in your life God says I am making a way all of the smudges [Music] because anybody who touched you outside of God left a mark I need you to lift up your hands your Bishop brought me because he trust the anointing on my life I want you to lift up your hand I want you to lift up your hair not because I am calling you into prayer I am not even asking you to lift up your hands cause I'm asking yourself into worship a hand so you wouldn't block God from White push from the stuff that you won't address the stuff that you won't talk about the stuff that you need to be in therapy for twice a week the stuff that has robbed you of your sleep the stuff that contributes to migraine headaches the stuff that makes you eat when you ain't even hungry the stuff that makes your order online when you don't need another pair of shoes the stuff that makes you feel lonely when you in a house full of people the stuff that makes you feel inadequate after you're already successful God says I'm wiping away the Fingerprints of whoever it is that has left the mark on your life I got a pause right here because now I need you to worship because what they said about you will not contaminate you what they tried to do to you will not recharge your process how God is gonna Elevate you they'll be enough fingerprints right there Hallelujah would you just take one moment I need you to open up your mouth said lift up your hand I want you to just thank him that there's no fingerprints from the divorce hey Kim there's no fingerprints from the bankruptcy I I need you to open up your mouth no fingerprints from the Betrayal nothing the prince from the promises that were not met God says I'm raping them all so there'll be no smudges on your life most of you can put your hands down I'm not even talking to you I want you to lift that hand and I hope you'll open open your mouth over this God says not only am I wiping you down but there'll be no smudges on your children [Music] God I can't hear nobody whatever it is that they've been dealing with that makes them aspirate in the spirit of all Disobedience and rejection and feeling as if they know all the answers God says I'm wiping off the fingerprints from your children hear this evil if the fingerprints are from you I dedicate the fingerprints off of them Hallelujah Hallelujah you may be seated I feel Glory coming now [Music] Hallelujah Hallelujah thank you holy God I feel Glory coming in just about six minutes Hallelujah I got a pause right here please forgive me but I need somebody just five of y'all if you just feel like God is taking away some stains off of your life Hallelujah don't worry about what other people think what other people got to say I need you to open up your mouth like he'll take stains off your credit report Hallelujah he'll take stains off of your criminal background he'll take stains off of your medical history God says watch me wipe off the fingerprints thank you gold and silver have more value but bronze requires more care so when it was time to build the brass elements he had to make sure he brought in somebody with expertise Solomon sent for a young man by the name of huran who's from Tyree Bishop C Wright what is amazing is Tyree is a hundred and four miles from the construction site but when you are good at what you do it requires a demand I don't know how many of you will receive it but would you just lift up that hand again I got to say this to you nobody can do what you do here's your shout nobody can do what you do nobody can do what you do maybe those of you online nobody can do what you do for a hundred miles for them to find somebody that carries your level of Grace and your level of favor and your level of anointing you can't be easily replaced it'll take you a hundred miles for you to find another me around the corner the First Kings chapter 7 verse number 14. he had wisdom he had knowledge he had understanding hear this for all things bronze [Music] you understand Solomon is the wisest man who ever lived so he don't know all things Iran does not he just knows I hope you all to get on this bus he knows better than Solomon the things that are in his wheelhouse and Solomon has got to be secure enough in his knowledge to bring somebody who has a comparable skill set God Deliver Us from insecure threatened leaders God help me if I know what I do that don't mean you is less anointed y'all ain't saying nothing God sent me here to help you not to compete with you but if you scared of what God has brought into my life you ain't ever gonna accomplish what it is that God has assigned to your hair can you trust God to bring you brilliant people are you secure enough to surround yourself with your deficits [Music] I don't know whether I'm going too far might even be treasonous for me to make this claim allowed but I might as well since I am here can I say to you tonight and I hope you'll be able to handle it that three-fourths of the disciples had more education than Jesus maybe you forgot Jesus is a blue collar worker [Applause] and he's surrounded by a lawyer by a doctor by IRS agent y'all ain't saying nothing to me but God says because I know what my assignment is dummies around me I I need some people who can advance what God is calling me to build God forgive us for just keeping cheerleaders in my pocket we need some people that can tell us we're wrong you're spending too much you're going too far this is gonna break the house you need people who've got some expertise [Music] [Applause] he's anointing you to be the specialist in your field you are too gifted to be an employee you're a consultant God I can't hear nobody you shouldn't be there five days a week you should just pop in two to three days make sure the machine is running and go back home and watch Judge Judy I need some real people you are the coach you are the advisor everything pertaining to the matter rest on your knowledge the deal will not get done unless you're at the table they can't stand you but they can't fire you because you are so necessary for the operation that God has called you to be here I'm waiting for three of y'all to shout right through here watch this they can't stand who it is that you are cause you don't even do it by the manual but you know how to do it more efficient you know how to do it better and when you seek the whole department don't know how to function because the glory rests on your life Iran has gifted he doesn't have the knowledge of Solomon but he knows what he's doing when it comes to bronze and brass he could according to Sacred writ he could make everything that comes out of brass brass is not silver and Is Not Gold silver and gold you can find in Tiffany's God help me in here you can every kiss begins with k [Applause] and then neither of those jewelry establishments can you find anything that's made out of bronze but but don't think just because they don't get the glory that they don't contribute value as pretty and precious as gold and silver is can't um make Springs out of it I'm lost gold and silver is pretty but you can't make Springs out of it you you you can't bounce back from gold yeah cam bounced back from Silver but you notice coming to church tonight you um you drove over a pothole yeah and and your car had Springs God what what gave your car buoyancy was not was not silver or gold whether you were driving a Mercedes or Mitsubishi it had to have some bronze or brass in the Springs to make it come back over what it was supposed to fall then you you watching me tonight and you didn't even drive the church so let me let me just tap you on your shoulder when you get into your bed and if you tell open the mattress there is no gold there is no silver but there's some springs for for the nights you can't find your rest when you're rolling over y'all ain't saying nothing that and sickness is trying to get into your body when you find yourself for the first time in 30 years having to sleep by yourself because your spouse has gone on to be with the Lord It's the spring things that help you bounce back I think I've lost you I'm talking to 20 of you there there are people in this room you ain't got a lot of gold you you ain't got red bottom shoes you ain't got a Louie bag you ain't got a Gucci bag belt but what you do have is a bounce back because there's some people who got no idea what you came out of the last two years if God wasn't on your side you would have lost your mind but if I got 20 in this room that nobody's like to start life over again who who got any idea what it means to lose everything and God gets you back on your feet you know what it's like to have a bounce back reaction yeah Hallelujah bronze is a critical because bronzes brass is not just used for Springs um I wish I had time to uh to get to Psalm 150. it's used for musical instruments um it is um a David's instrument of choice yourself is used for acoustic guitars is what keeps the tension in the piano it is the traditional Middle Eastern instrument known as the sitar how when a dark Spirit would arise up on Saul he he didn't shower him with diamonds and gold he he found an instrument that had the requirement of brass strings why because it it makes the sound warmer and stronger how humid is and it makes the vibrato ring longer a Psalm 150 and 4 says praise him not with gold hallelujah praise him not with diamonds praise him not with silver he says I need you to praise me here it is with something that will last has something that will reverberate in the earth I I need you to praise me here it is when you ain't got to be in church to worship him but but all you need Bishop C Wright is a trigger that when I think of the goodness of Jesus and and all that is within me your your larynx is a replication of the heart that is stuck in your throat so when I worship him I will bless the Lord at all times in his praise will continuously be in my mouth those of you who ain't always been saved let me give it to you in DC go go style Let Me Clear My throes because that there's something that I Gotta Give over to God here it is that no other instrument in this room is able to give here it is it's able to stand strong when it's been screwed in hard I don't want to be too guttural cause I know y'all the Suburban I bet you don't know how to worship until you've been screwed over you don't know how to give God glory until you've been through some stuff where people left you but you know the oil of God is on your life not because you're speaking tongues but because you didn't cussing it grows out you know that God is with you when you worship him all by yourself in the car in the shower sitting by the edge of your bed I want to just pause for 60 seconds would you open up your mouth and just make a sound unto God would you lift up your voice and just cry out thank you for sustaining me thank you for keeping me thank you for holding me together come on you got 10 seconds left where's your worship Jersey come on where are you New York if you ain't been through nothing don't say nothing I need you to give God glory and you can't stand your job I need you to give God glory and you got friction with your kids I need you to give God glory and you're scared to go to the doctor I need you to give him glory and you're living out of your savings account I need you to give him glory [Applause] foreign [Music] the presence of our God [Music] we're discovering this passage that her rounds father was also a skilled laborer he's a skilled laborer in bronze and I don't know how many of you will be able to receive it I'm in the text but his father died before the project I I am on tiptoe anticipation because you had no idea that you are about to be enlisted in the biggest project of your life everything you did up to this moment was just training wheels for what you getting ready to work on next I might as well take a step further you are getting ready to do with the people in your bloodline that could not even fathom Hallelujah can can you imagine tell me I'm trying not to cry can you imagine the shoe in houses your grandmother would have bragged about cleaning God I can't hear nobody in here can can you imagine God will take you to Nations that your cousins don't even know how to pronounce can you imagine that you'll be driving cars that your uncle would have bragged about cleaning can you imagine your children going to universities that you wouldn't even have the mind to apply to can you imagine your nieces and nephews going into industries that in your generation did not even exist who knows but you were born for such a time as this we have reduced the notion of Boaz as just some mythical husband figure while diluting the importance of the significance of who he was Boaz is the Kinsmen Redeemer that when everybody else in the family is in a drought this is the one that can bring the whole family out some of y'all ain't shouting cause you don't even understand we spend too much energy talking about generational curses but nobody talks about generational blessings the oil that's on your life is not because of you but you ought to be shouting because you are about to be the beneficiary of your grandmother's prayer you are getting ready to get what your mama didn't know was possible you are about to possess what your father didn't have enough nerve to even dream about watch God do exceedingly abundantly beyond what you can think [Music] his father was a bronzeman but never worked the project his mother was a widow and so nobody ever asked how when every other area of the project has a team that Iran has got to do the brass alone will you I knowing it who told you you were supposed to be supported God help me who who told you you supposed to be a firmed I'm talking to those of you who Hallelujah you doing the job of three people and you don't need no plaque you don't need no corsage you don't need Bishop to call your name all you know is I was born to do this I can't even see myself doing anything else it ain't even work for me this is my reasonable portion father's died and Mama's a widow so he says I'm working this job most of you won't be able to identify I won't be able to relate he says I'm working this job because you don't know how much family is depending on me Hallelujah ain't no insurance policy in First Kings God help me it's no one no PPP loans in First Kings no no Obama Universal Health Care the only way Mama gonna make it is on haran's work ethic the grace on your life is so heavy cause it ain't just for you help me the grace on you is so pervasive because your family bloodline is dependent on how you do this next job I don't know where you are but if you're in this room would you just speak your last name out loud would you speak your last name Hallelujah come on I need you to say your last name out loud can can you imagine the bishop of the worship you give God tonight whoever carries your last name and hey is being assigned to them that the glory of God is going to meet them right where they are I can't hear the sound to worshipers I dismantle every generational curse I can't hear nobody no more alcoholics in your family no more drug addiction in your family I cancel the spirit of divorce and depression and the incest in your in you listen everything Hallelujah everything he was assigned to do haran was able to do it Hallelujah you may be seated in the presence of the Lord Hallelujah I don't know what has happened in the commercialism of uh Americanized colonized Christianity that um we have made the church a place of competition thank you and we now find the value in the worth and the weight of our ministry based off of which church is the biggest God help me we we forget that David's sin greater than sleeping with Bathsheba was counting who he had God y'all don't like Bible here I better get on the midnight train back to Georgia all right Hallelujah and we go through bouts of depression and weighing our significance based off of the size can't figure out why why it quote ain't working because we forgot that comparison is the thief of joy it's amazing how we become jealous of who we should be learning from we're hypocritical of anybody that's got a larger crowd than us they ain't saying nothing over there ain't no real Holy Ghost over there I don't understand how that's happened they're not even Seminary trained oh y'all ain't saying nothing to me and and God is trusting you with a number and you can't even be thankful for your number because you looking at somebody else's crowd and confusing it with a congregation [Applause] [Music] did y'all hear what I just said I I don't want a crowd I need a congregation and I need those who know early will I seek him that I need those he though who know how to turn their plate down that no I'm looking for celebrities and athletes I'm I'm going after drug dealers and strippers I'm I'm looking for those who walked away from their family to go back to their responsibility why because we keep going for the gold and uh the new false God is Not Baal the new false God is Not manner the new false God is called Mega [Applause] all right help me and somehow we have bastardize the gospel and we think that if it ain't big it ain't God [Applause] can you imagine can you imagine uh Pastor Phyllis uh that uh the first pastor and I only had one member [Applause] and failed to disciple her can you imagine that the very first mega church was filled with animals God yeah he had members he couldn't even talk to members he couldn't even identify with y'all ain't saying nothing to me animals that if they were not trained would eat him alive but God says I am looking for leaders who don't have to be first they just want to be placed if I can just be in the number that when the trumpet sounds I know we don't talk the Rapture no more I I just want to be in a place that they win the trumpet sound that the dead in Christ hey will be lifted up so as he completed um everything that was assigned to his hand and quiet here's what his amazing dumbfounding and almost stupefying to me is that even those of us who matriculated through Vacation Bible School don't even know the name of Huron that there is not one Church in New Jersey to Macedonia that is named after haran no Montessori School Bears his name on the side of the van because he was of the mind that I am not doing it for adulation the racket will show I did my work my time is almost over I am I didn't mean to keep you this long please forgive me I am As Leaders do I have enough maturity that I can lead without being upfront Dr Richardson is um now one of the um Gatekeepers to the civil rights movement and he will notice something that I've got to share with you tonight that is a critical time in the puberty of the movement of our people it was shifting from the Civil Rights Movement to the black lives matter movement I told the students at tougaloo College last week in Mississippi I told them it's it's a hard place for the church high place for the movement because this is Dr Richardson the very first Civil Rights Movement for black people in America hear this that wasn't birthed out of the church black lives matter is hard for the church to get behind because it is the very first Civil Rights Movement I need y'all to hear this that's not led by your preacher [Music] in the words of my grandmother I slip is showing because what we are modeling to millennials but we are suggesting to gen Z is we don't know how to support what we don't lead [Applause] thank you if we ain't on the program y'all y'all ain't saying nothing if we don't get my time and I can't get involved and God's saying I am anointing you and I don't reckon they'll be um in the neopentecostal tradition there'll be too much shouting it's anti-climatic on this closing point I I am looking for a church that does not mind the anointing of anonymity [Applause] that God can trust me if I never get big I can trust me if my account never gets verified doctor trust me if I never get to sit in the back office with Bishop cause I'm here just to do my assignment I need you to lift up that hand I want to speak over your life you you will not die until everything you were anointed to do has come to completion I speak of every heaven and you are forbidden from becoming weary in will doing I declare over every lifted hand those of you who are watching at home God is don't send you the support team that you need for the biggest project of your life I declare over every lifted hand that every person who is dependent on you will never know a day of lack I've never seen the righteous forsaken or their seed begging for bread I gotta bid you a dude but would you just take 30 seconds with that hand lifted would you just hear me hear me not for cars not for money I want you to do what heaven will consider an alien sound I want you to worship God for one minute hear this and one minute just for your skill set whatever it is that you know you know how to do would you lift up that hand and open up your mouth whatever you know God has given you an undeniable irrefutable gift I want you to give God glory for it Hallelujah even the people who can't stay at it that stand you can't can't God I can't hear nobody the people who don't can't deny the grace of God that's on your life you only got 10 seconds left I dare to open up your mouth now you gonna do what your mama could never do you gonna do what your dad was never able to accomplish you only got 10 seconds left I need to hear you open up your mouth I need you to cry out under God I need you to lift up your voice I'm going for the bronze I may not be in first place I may not be in second place but I'm just glad our place those of you who know that God is speaking directly to you tonight would you give God your best shout of Thanksgiving even right now [Music] [Applause] come on I can't hear nobody [Music] know [Applause] sometimes sometimes Bishop Hill your greatest liability sometimes your greatest liability is the level of your parents accomplishment [Music] you allowed the level of your parents accomplishment both physical and spiritual to be the litmus tests of your assignment I'm a third generation preacher I like grandfather Bishop Harrison James Brown Pastor bethlehemian Church Baltimore Maryland 1300 Druid Hill Avenue his greatest desire was to fill the balcony his greatest desire 1500 member seating Church fill the balcony he could never do it outside of Easter New Year's Eve my father some years later comes on takes on that same church fills the balcony does it twice eight and eleven o'clock fills it even in the Overflow Bishop Elliot the Hallmark of my father's Ministry was 5 000. and I set in my mind if I could just get to 5 000. because I set my father's accomplishment at my limitation I had no dream Beyond five thousand had no aspiration Beyond five thousand and God dumb Church online then had to show me um that I was using the wrong model Pastor Phyllis since March of this year since March of this year I've taken in 3 000. maybe I didn't say in my Ministry I didn't say since January I said since March 3 000. which means I need you to hear me by November I should be finished ah living at the level of a previous generations accomplishment because I was looking at the wrong standard it's a great man of God Bishop Bryant great man of God Integrity character virtue but that ain't who called me so I had to re-navigate I am called to bronze I'm not called Bishop Hill yet to pretty people I'm not called to Shiny People I am called to people we have a lot of smartges [Applause] I am I am called to people go Prince lifted [Applause] Bishop Elliott Pastor Phil has been walking with my parents my entire life they'll tell you the nights they stayed with my parents on the phone praying them all through yeah getting me to where I needed to be [Music] the ideal son of John and Cecilia Bryant was reflective of the seed they put in the ground would not produce a Jamal you would produce a Tama yeah ain't no way in the world John and Cecilia Brian should be the parents of somebody who failed the 11th grade Ain't No Way in the world the son of a John is to see you Brian should have a kid out of wedlock son of a I'm trying to say your Brian should go for a divorce while you're in Ministry and he said I needed your Witness so your life will not remind people of John oh God I I never witness so that when people see you they don't think of Cecilia I needed somebody who I can raise up as exhibit a with sponges all over them to see what can God do when he wipes away the mistakes off of your life [Applause] and Elevate you into a position that doesn't even reflect Who You Are don't even match your pedigree I had to realize I was a joint heir not operate out of melanated white privilege [Music] my testimony to you tonight would mean nothing if New Birth was Amy [Applause] then I got I got it because of who John and Cecilia Brian are God said I had to bring you out of an entire Reformation and put you under an abrahamic Covenant where you don't know nobody but you gotta lean completely on the authority of my name I'm gonna pray for you but I'm not even praying for you lift that hand I'm finished I'm praying for your children I'm praying for you you are smudged children God I can't hear nobody huh did y'all hear what I just said I'm I'm praying for your smudged children it's a lifestyle don't even reflect your home whose attitude don't even reflect or mirror your real right now I'm I'm preaching over your children children got fingerprints you don't recognize you don't even know how they would fall in love with this kind of person y'all ain't saying nothing to me you you don't mind average and they living with somebody I can't hear no real worshipers right through here you'd have made out of the artists and they don't want to go to school yeah yeah y'all ain't saying nothing to me you didn't work this hard to run no daycare center for grandchildren you didn't birth at this point in your life you shouldn't be giving money to them they should be giving money to you y'all y'all really gonna be quiet right through here but God says I'm wiping the smudges off of them Hallelujah I wonder how you would worship if I told you the blessing that's coming ain't for you is for your children God I can't I wonder how that I said if you know everything you didn't get your daughter about to get it everything you didn't receive your son is gonna walk into it God said that's how your blood pressure gonna go down that's how your anxiety is gonna stop that's how your hair gonna stop falling out give your children to me and let me take the smudges off of them [Applause] I declare over the fruit of your womb [Music] that they will be anointed for their area whatever is their skill set whatever is their passion whatever is their gifting I can't hear nobody whatever is their primary interests Iran is not a priest I can't hear nobody your child ain't got to be no preacher to be great they just got to be great in the area they are called free your child from Heaven to follow in your footsteps [Applause] speak generational blessings [Applause] over your grandchildren God where am I worshipers your grandchildren will never witness domestic violence I can't hear nobody your grandchildren will never know what an eviction know this looks like your grandchildren will never have to be in fear for their safety I can't hear no screamers right through here I declare a hedge fence of protection over every being in the earth that carries your DNA every being in the earth that has your blood type every being in the earth that saves your molecular structure let's jump not arise [Music] [Applause] let your enemies be scattered and those of you your grace who realize his grace is sufficient for the project you haven't even started yet would you give God glory for it even right now [Applause] I can't hear anybody I said would you give God glory [Applause] I really thought y'all was gonna shout better than that maybe y'all got it twisted I said this for your kids your sons and your daughters will prophesy I believe it to be so you may be seated in the presence of the Lord Hallelujah I need you to just prophesied whoever's on your road tell them your children are going to be all right your children Hallelujah day to look at somebody tell them there's a major assignment on your child's life Hallelujah I need you to just tap somebody tell them the enemy cannot have your bloodline y'all didn't hear what I just I said the enemy cannot have your bloodline Jesus break up every relationship you have not ordained you you gotta have better for my child [Music] I declare it to be so [Applause] declare it to be so I'm going to stretch the elasticity of your faith tonight I want to bring you into uh what Alice Walker calls the Temple of my unfamiliar I want to ask um you two are function in the capacity and in the footsteps of Boaz knowing you are the Kinsmen Redeemer what God is putting into your hand will outlive you it should be synonymous but it is not longevity ought to be synonymous with Legacy Dr Richardson will tell you that most of our black businesses never live past the second generation did y'all hear what I just said also about businesses don't run into uh the second generation because the kids decide they don't want to do it young ain't saying nothing to me we're not passing down no houses we fighting over the lamb Mama wanted me to have the stall yeah I found out that uh in Jewish culture I need you to hear this in Jewish culture the first year of marriage uh in Jewish culture the first year of marriage they don't let the couples work they spend the whole year getting to know each other hear this while the family pays the bills [Music] in the black family we go broke for the reception foreign [Applause] [Music] we got a shift what it is that we are establishing for generational wealth what will outlive us what is it that we'll put into place that our children will be able to eat off of without them operating from the sweat of their brow isn't it amazing that when Jesus called the 12 disciples he called all of them while they were at work and called none of them at church because Jesus wanted to see before he called them what was their work ethic because if you don't have a spirit to do work you're not fit for Ministry [Applause] it is amazing therefore um Bishop Hillyard has brought us a goulash at a black church experience from methodism the COGIC to Apostolic Pentecost you can get all of that at the Cathedral yes I mean yeah yeah I mean it's the whole Council of churches is right here yeah yeah yeah amen because um y'all got candelabras that they're going to use it the Queen's funeral on Monday and a drum set I mean we got it all right here wow he wearing a dashiki you got all of that going on in the same construct because Bishop is well versed in um ecumenism he'll tell you that to start a COGIC Church you need 50 people you get 50 people sign up say today going to support division they send a letter with their 50 signatures down to Memphis Memphis send you your credentials you coach it that is not the standard to set up a synagogue to set up a synagogue you don't need 50. I need you to hear me Cathedral you need 12. but the 12 Bishop C Wright have to have independent wealth so as a consequence Google it when you get home as a consequence there's not one synagogue in America not one synagogue in America that has a mortgage because they know the value of taking care of the house they have to make sure that independently wealthy people are running the leadership of the church why because they know that the pastor will never dream in budget [Applause] if you can afford to do it it ain't from God God will always give you a vision that doesn't match your Finance he gives you a vision that matches your faith and then if you got the faith God will show up with the fine hands y'all ain't saying nothing to me the 12 disciples that Jesus called the 12 disciples that Jesus called watch this none of them shut down their business none of them shut down their business of the scriptural evidence of a United Seminary is that after the resurrection they said let's go back to the office so can you imagine can you imagine two fish Five Loaves can you imagine um you operating here it is and receiving residual income for three years for a job you don't have to be present for you it's uh it's with the old people were called mailbox money it's it's just it's just coming you ain't even got to be that y'all I don't know what's wrong with y'all you you got to have that kind of Legacy building faith and that's what I want you to operate in that's what I want you to trust God for I want to raise up 12 12 people of independent wealth to do something significant something meaningful that would be a lasting Legacy for the generation that comes behind you the anointing that God has put on my life is the oil for entrepreneurship and I'm going to release it to 12 of you who are in this room I opened the last Black Friday this day after Thanksgiving that ain't Kwanzaa it's the day after Thanksgiving is Black Friday and uh I opened on Black Friday Sister Mary the first uh completely black owned mall in America so it's a hundred a hundred and ten black owned businesses Under One Roof 110. in the charter of this mall uh you're put in the chart of the mall that 15 10 of all the businesses have to be members of New Birth it's in the charter of this small it's called The New Black Wall Street those of you got friends in Atlanta please send them uh Bishop C right I average 10 to 12 000 visitors a week and my members are receiving that residual entrepreneurs I need you to think in your mind what a difference it would make for your business you see in 10 000 people a week because I'm of the mind I can't have a mega church and you can't sell your product we got to cultivate an ecosystem of Economic Development here it is where we are all eating I say to the members of my church I may be in trouble I say to the members of my church never go to a church where you can tell which car is the pastors hear me why because 12 other people should be driving just like that y'all ain't saying nothing to me 12 other people should be eaten just like that when you're raising up the spirit of Entrepreneurship you ain't gotta hide where you live yeah I ain't gonna beg my members for a Movado watch foreign y'all to get that later you you got to be in a place where I am raising people who are getting to that next level I'm gonna raise up 12 of you even 12 of you who are online I need you to hear me and hear me well it's not the Lost episode of Let's Make a Deal I want 12 of you who are carrying some area of expertise some Grace on your life that you know has a monetary benefit to it and you wanted to operate in perpetuity so that your children your grandchildren your great-grandchildren will be able to move to that next level 93 of black children cannot name their great-grandparent I better say that again 93 percent of black children can't name their great-grandparent why they didn't leave them nothing who got the body amen I want to raise up a place where The Unborn generation in your family will rise up and call you blessed because you did something Monumental here's the catch at the longevity conference 12 of you very quickly to all of you who are online are gonna imagine that 12 of you I want you to get a seed of 300 in your possession 12 of you are going to do that whether you're going to do it through Give Love whether you're going to do it through cash hat is only church people who still write checks as that you you write in a check uh and said you'll get that amen everything else is on auto pay but you're tired amen I want two of you to get that seat of 300 would you come stand in this center aisle for me very quickly 12 of you I want you to do it don't hesitate I don't want you to deliberate I want you to move at the speed of your expectation 12 of you I need you to come quickly 12 of you I really need 13 because one of you are going to betray me I am I need 14 one of you gonna deny me come on quickly please I want you to get it in your possession I don't give to be seen but I don't mind being seen given because folk don't see me do some other stuff Amen Let It Be said that I sold into the Next Generation those of you who are on Church online I want 12 of you to mirror what it is that we're doing in this physical space I want you to do it in Virtual space don't you dare eat and run you don't got this good food don't you now go to Netflix and Hulu stay right there I want the 12 of you to sow that seed while they're giving we're getting ready to do two things at the same time hear this is that we're going to uh assassinate the spirit of jealousy y'all didn't hear what I said we all assassinate the spirit of jealousy when they start coming hear this when they start coming I want you to start clapping why Pastor because even if I don't have it I'm glad somebody does and if God blessed my neighbor that means he's in the neighborhood Bishop C Wright has already given us the motto of you're giving electronically than just as a point of uh contact you're going to touch that basket with that phone whether you're using PayPal cash app uh gimplify uh or uh you're writing a check Cash Money Records whatever it is EBT cards we're going to take it all uh at uh 300. do me a favor come on uh Cathedral would you clap your hands for these who are coming Bishop lead us thank you so very much come on clap your hands this evening and it's all right thank you
Channel: Dr Jamal Bryant
Views: 9,999
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Keywords: jamal bryant, dr jamal bryant, pastor jamal bryant, jamal bryant preaching, jamal bryant sermons, jamal bryant 2022, jamal bryant 2022 sermons, jamal bryant 2022 sermons youtube, jamal bryant new birth, pastor jamal bryant 2022, dr jamal bryant 2022, New Jersey, Dr Jamal Bryant Live
Id: zAYJhw2wKMU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 35sec (4535 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 21 2022
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