When Was Your Mom Right, It Was Only A Phase?

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what was your it's not a phase mom moment and was it actually a phase i tried everything to become a doctor i tried thinking about it tried doing nothing about it and i tried thinking even harder about it but alas twas but a phase now on to becoming a fireman step one start fire my sister went through a phase where all she would do was listen to a thing called wizard rock it was just a bunch of people singing harry potter songs look it up it's on youtube became a wiccan in seventh grade had a box full of candles looked up spells online and even wore a pentagram necklace and made sure it was visible in my yearbook picture oh god our blonde areas painted my nails black with sharpie started wearing lots of bracelet at one time anything girly was stupid and started claiming that i hated preps yep went through the emo phrase 8th through 10th grade i am nothing like that now 8 years later i realized halfway through 10th grade that just being myself is so much easier i'd argue that sometimes especially when you're in that tween teenage range it's tough to be comfortable in your own skin and know who you are trying to be emo goth literally anything can be a way to help figure that out if something was just a phase well that phase may not have been who you are but it gave you some information on who you're not which is sure a start the cowboy phase frick that crap when i was four or five my parents wouldn't let me watch power rangers because it was too violent they didn't let me play with toy guns or gi joes either they did however let me watch john wayne movies there had to have been a hundred of these colorized pink shirt sociopath cowboy movies on extra length vhs tapes so like a proper kindergarten age boy i got my ultra violence in but not with the sparks explosions and synth electric guitar solos and people in suits it was all the freaking sensible technicolor blood i could handle commercial free and usually in a western theme and you know what i didn't care for the cowboys in general but i was spellbound by whatever role john wayne played where he kills the frick out of whatever villain with stern level-headed precision and no hesitation i liked the longest day and all those wartime flicks also the comedies like north to alaska which was a break from the type casting true grit and the shooters were shining points basically every other movie was the same movie and bulls i was only in it for the violence but what did my parents see oh it's so cute he wants to be a cowboy let's buy him those tight wrangler jeans and a tee bitty cowboy boots and flannel button-ups and get him a nice hat and we'll take him to rodeos and he can have a lasso and lasso the fencer posts and the goats outside e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-no goddammit i wanted blood like every other five-year-old boy the cowboy thing was incidental to the bloodlist not the other way around just like the dinosaurs that was all ranch handballs so yeah the cowboy thing was just a phase it was my parents phase though i'm glad they outscrew it excellent diatribe thank you drawing i remember being around 10 going downstairs and asking my mom to get me some things so i could draw she straight up said something like you can't draw thanks mom not many 10 year olds can they went my hopes and aspirations of a dream great minute long phase parents should never say no to something that would cost 15 tops at the start i love harry potter i was so excited for my 11th birthday and my mom even let me clear out the under stairs cupboard to make room for a bed i lasted one night and there just a phase this is why i shouldn't have kids i would have encouraged that behavior and set up some elaborate hoax colorful letters we are hiding from you find ways to attract owls to chill around the house hire a giant biker to come to you late one night oh yes yes you are a wizard andy but voldemort won since you're not a pure blood i've come to remove your powers dressing like apple levine back when complicated first came out and i bought her cd i worshipped her bought every magazine with her face on it wore a tie and white tank top though i was too embarrassed to keep the tie on at school spent so much money on products trying to get my hair that straight it stopped for a while until her third cd and clothing line came out then i had to have all of that too i still look up what she's doing from time to time but i'm proud to say i outgrew the phase eventually and holy frick she now has some of the worst fashion sense i've ever seen thankfully i developed a different style in the last few years being a magician it started at five yo i stated that i wanted to be a magician when i will be old but my parents found that cute bought me some magic boxes and said that it's not a real work and that's only a phase i went to college to becomes an id while continuing doing magic and had some gigs in the past doing my job i was always thinking that i was at the wrong place that i am a social guy that need to be in shows and things like that and that i have to do magic only thing possible or else i'm going to be sad three months ago they cut me at my job because of government crap i went to a magic festival near my town saw my friends who are magician they are from different place across the world and i had a better idea on what it is to be a pro magician i already knew it but never had to see it that obvious when i went back i was convinced perfect timing to switch full-time magician three days ago started my own company as independent artist and now i offer my performances for any event like corporate parties commercial fairs restaurants etc i'm actually in the process of producing my promo stuff such as photos facebook page and continuing writing my show keep learning other tricks and writing a routine for a contest in a magic festival next year when i announced to my parents that i started my company and want to switch full-time magician my dad was like ah you and your magic you always said that you were going to be a magician thought it would be a phase now that's a reality i always thought it would be risky but if you don't try tl dr always wanted to be a magician when i'll grow up now i'm starting my dream job professionally illusions michael longboarding wasn't really because i got bored but more because it got expensive and my town has the worst roads to try and board down my college was better but most of the campers were brick paved which made an insufferable noise and vibration brr mbr rrrm i wanted to be a race car driver so i asked for a go-kart for christmas not only did they refuse they flat out told me i should give up and that i would never be a race car driver that was 11 years ago now i'm going to college for engineering so i can get a good job and afford to race at an amateur level i'd be lying if i said i don't resent them for it race car driver is the one of those careers that a kid will aspire to when they are little and hold on to for their entire life i wanted to be a race car driver too but i wasn't from a racing family now i'm at college working towards a mechanical engineering degree so i can work on and design race cars in the future it's crazy how much motor sport can impact your life best of luck to you when i was in middle school i had terrible fashion sense and poor hygiene i would wear the same jacket every day zipped all the way up the jacket was like a second skin because of my growth spurt my pants didn't really fit either also i would go for days without taking a shower my parents had to yell at me to take a shower where deodorant and shave it was that bad i did this because i was depressed and didn't care about myself i thought i'd never put any effort into myself because i didn't think it was important or was worth it my mom told me that the depression was only a phase and the way i dressed was only a phase obviously the depression part is a lot more complicated than that sometimes i still deal with the aftermath of my depression but i take care of myself now i'm glad my mom was right when she said my lack of hygiene and low self-esteem was only a phase at the time i just thought it was the way i was and that i'd be like that forever i too had a disgusting safety blanket hoodie i've been a punk a hacker an atheist etc but my worst phase was probably my second year of college when i discovered ah maleficent this i thought about what people were wearing like fifty percent of my day in class i'd look around to see who wasn't following fashion guidelines set by rmfa and every couple minutes i'd look down at my clark dessert boots and uncomfortably tight jeans with a smug grin thinking everyone's probably thinking about how cool i look right now and it wasn't an art major it was engineering where there weren't any girls and no one cared about clothes at all so i was completely in my own saddle cd world como cbd world fix that for you i'm not an emo mum i seriously wasn't she just kept buying me emo why things come on i mean i didn't care at all if people did think i was emo but my mum seemed convinced that i was going through an emo phase when i was quite happy to wear pretty much anything i was given i had sort of the opposite in eighth grade i wore a lot of black i recently heard my mom say i dressed moody that year i was very happy that year and it was the first in a long time anyway i just wore black because it doesn't clash and looks nice manga anime japan and no even though i'm not as into it as i was seven years ago i can still enjoy a good anime and some lro ncl i'm in the same boat as you i wasn't obsessed when i was younger but i loved it quite a bit now i just love japan as a whole and like to watch the occasional anime when i'm bored or need a laugh i was a vegetarian i was pretty serious about it i even did it for two years from ages 16 to 18 but the minute i moved out and had to buy my own food bye bye to clarify when i went to college i did not have my own kitchen for the first two years so i had to either eat out or eat at the cafeteria the cafeteria did not have many vegetarian options aside from salads and pasta my vegetarian phase began when i was about 13 and lasted clear into my 30s until i got pregnant and started craving chicken and bison punk it's been 8 years or so and i still consider myself one i stopped wearing mohawks ripped jeans and such a long time ago when i realized that punk has nothing to do with the clothes you wear i dress normally now and still go to concerts festivals and such it gave me a different approach to the world and a different way of thinking if it weren't for the music i would never be the person i am today my parents told me i wasted too much time playing video games and that no one was ever going to pay me to play games for a living in a way they were right no one pays me to play games but i do get paid to make them every time i ever disagreed with either of my parents about race sexuality politics faith or pretty much anything was always immediately attributed to my age i was always told that in x years i would grow to understand and agree with them nope they are still just incredibly prejudiced narrow-minded i used to play runescape in middle school not so crazy right well i also used to make roon escape parody videos where i sang rune escape related lyrics over songs forex shorty god low noob got owned yeah that bad i'm a girl so i got away with it but i'm embarrassed just typing this out i'll give you 300 gp and a steel pickaxe if you be my gf i was going to join the amish church i wore veils and cape dresses and everything did that for about a year and a half turns out i am transgendered and was severely overcompensating i think i just got shyamalan insane clown posse also this was 1997-2002 admittedly it was a very fun time in my life though oh for the record i am atheist death metal and any music with screaming yeah it was just a phase but i have an understanding and appreciation for that style of music despite not liking it anymore i hope i never grow out of metal at 14 i thought heavy metal and death metal were the only good music out there now i listen to freaking everything i used to be into the 911 conspiracy theories and watched a lot of documentaries about it it took one south park episode to realize i was being an idiot pokemon i freaking love pokemon my mom told me by the time i was 13 i'd be over it 19 now and still aiming to be the best trainer to be fair i am freaking shocked pokemon is still going strong here piercings i got my first done at claire's when i was 16 my mom said that's enough no more i tried to make jew had sweet tinkerbell earrings i got at disney but i wanted more i looked up how to pierce your ears at home and just went to town honey why are there apples in the freezer oh those are mine i like them cold up okay cut to 17 i have short dyed black hair wore a scarf everywhere living in southern california and painted my nails black daily i had piercings up both my ears about 10 on each side i had an industrial too and an eyebrow piercing i almost botched i told you it's not a phase mom i am an artist carter now i am 27 i work in logistics have short natural colored hair no piercings at all no nail polish and i only wear scarves to visit my folks in colorado in winter and i have a manly beard i am a straight guy if that helps clarify the above i thought you were but manly beard the one time i don't assume everyone on the internet is male d not my mum but my dad when i casually mentioned i was bisexual he got disgusted then laughed and clapped me on the back and said that it was just a phase it wasn't a phase we don't get along same here i told them that i was bisexual they told me it was a phase they were right i'm really a flaming homosexual i started studying catholicism after my catholic aunt died i used to go to church with her when i was younger and staying at her place during the summer my mom found out i was praying to mary and got all weirded out bitched at me and said something like i don't know why i am so worried about all this it's just a phase it's not a phase mom i'm going to convert i think i became a wiccan just a couple of months later talk about something that really freaked her out luckily that was just a phase two i used to cut myself not for attention like a lot of people thought i was going through some stuff no kid should have to experience and cutting was a source of relief at the time i really didn't see it as a phase i thought i would always cut myself and probably never live past 18. i'm 29 now and i'm proud to say that i haven't hurt myself in nine years the urges still come sometimes but i've developed healthy coping skills that replace the ones i turned to as a kid i used to be a super obsessed twilight fan then grey's anatomy then glee i readily admit i have the worst taste in everything then i went kinda goth for a bit still mostly we're black but i like to think i'm not in any particular phase anymore i regret basically all of my teenage years slipknot being my favorite band my mum and older brother both bet me when i was 15 years old that i wouldn't still like slipknot in five years and if i did they would give me twenty dollars each i got my forty dollars bucks slipknot are heck good i think people grow out of the fashion more so or at least try and mold it into what society deems as acceptable but you never grow out of the music i thought i was going to be a science guy got really good grades got into the uni of my dreams did honors got first class and top of my faculty for the year phd scholarship dropped out to bum around europe and play music i'm now a washed up 30 year old music bum well that was a [ __ ] phase i don't plan on ever having kids my mom says once you find the right person to spend the rest of your life with you'll want kids with him what she doesn't know is i'm going to marry my boyfriend eventually and still not have kids im not having kids either been with my wife for 12 years married for six we're both in our 30s neither of us wants kids you're not alone vegetarianism i was a grunge obsessed adolescent and getting really into hippie culture hey it was the early 90s yo much to her dismay i swore off eating meat which made mealtime a pain in the butt for a while she pulled out the big guns though she bought me the sweet leather jacket i had been hounding her for prior to my vegetarianism and told me i could only have it if i stoo and ate whatever she put in front of me i folded like a house of cards that jacket was tight though i sometimes get into a pretty bad show out of genuine interest that i have no idea where it came from it doesn't last long but man can a show snag me out of nowhere the worst one was caroline in the city i'm still ashamed mum told me boys with mohawks don't graduate high school i did with high honors then i went to trade school graduated that then took on an apprenticeship and got the highest score in my journal exam for my class 11 years from when she told me that still rocking the hawk i told them i wanted to be a girl they said it was a phase and sent me to therapy to cure me 12 years later i'm finally transitioning my very christian mom keeps insisting my atheism and homosexuality is just part of a phase in god's plan and i will return to being a christian and a straight man after realizing he loves me he had been to christian living classes learned about god's love nope still a gay atheist after watching some documentary i decided i wanted to become vegetarian two days later there were burgers for dinner quit being vegetarian burgers my lobster phase which isn't really a phase as much as it's my life i am a lobster i was born a lobster in a human's body and i will die a lobster please for the love of god avoid hot tubs and rubber band factories came out lesbian to my mum and she told me it was a phase because other girls faked being b to get attention from guys and that it'd be straight again after high school or uni graduated both now and still lesbian go frick that noise people being before attention are the reason people tell me that i'm not b because i'm a girl with a boyfriend well that's how b works i've always told my parents i wanted to become a worshipper i am now a university student but my childhood dream to become a lumberjack still persists [Music] edgy punk rock hairstyles but eight years after my first mohawk age 12 and i'm a girl i still have pretty punk hair styles right now it's half shaved with a pink and blue peekaboo and a couple dreads so no i don't think it was a phase to clarify i am by no means punk rock i get odd looks with my rocker hair because i'll pair it with a lavender flower printed dress and high heels or some girly outfit like that with the exception of my hair my whole style and personality is very girly i don't know why my hair gets to be so edgy i guess i like it after reading the lord of the rings in fifth grade i was fascinated by languages throughout my teenage years i even invented multiple constructed languages when i went to college i majored in linguistics my mother was convinced that i was going to be a linguist and that it was my life's passion then i suddenly lost all interest in school got bad grades dropped out i took a year off then went back to school and changed my major to physics of all things i had been struck by inspiration by the great carl sagan and wanted to be a scientist i suddenly went from being a d student to being a b student for the first time i really knew what i wanted to do in life instead of having simply some vague idea but my mom still has this linguistics thing stuck in her head and she keeps talking about my current coursework as if she thinks it's some kind of phase she seems to be completely oblivious to how passionate i am about physics or alternatively she does see how passionate i am about physics and assumes that this is a sign my interest will eventually burn out it won't physics and i are uliweds yes eventually we'll just be an old married couple but i'll still love her when i was 10 a little show started called mighty morphin power rangers if you've never heard of it it's been on tv for 21 years well my parents didn't have money to buy me the toys so i made my own morpher and weapons out of sticks and cardboard and whatever else i could i even made a cardboard green ranger shield which i wore all the time i begged my parents for karate lessons but again couldn't afford them now i'm 30 in this past weekend i met jason david frank at a convention in richmond va the actor who played tommy the green ranger it was everything i had ever hoped it would be he was a complete class act the whole weekend with every single fan tl dr i love power rangers it's not a phase except i have to explain that to my wife not my mom if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Studios
Views: 25,770
Rating: 4.911252 out of 5
Keywords: not a phase, just a phase, parents, parents stories, parenting, parenting tips, parenting 101, parenting hacks, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub
Id: N52R5iyiD_k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 51sec (1431 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 21 2020
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