When Tony G gets.. KARMA ♠️ Best of The Big Game ♠️ PokerStars

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you could shut me right up the ground shows on the bad news i can't hit one hand unreal well done you never you never win any hands too easy she's consistent daniel raises to 3 000. okay riley's gone yeah you thought if you could have a rush that right now action folds over to tony g who makes the call two strong hands going on the flop queen six jack king of the world check by tony g tony g's missed daniel's gonna fire with top two that's 5500 tony's looking to make a call here tony has two over cards even though they're no good he's really only looking for a 10 to make a gut shot there it is faster you can say andrew lloyd webber tony checks his broadway he's got the stone nuts right now daniel that's 14 grand a raise to 50 000 by tony g a quick raise of 50 000. tony's the kind of player that could be doing this with the worst two pair he could be doing it with a draw he could be doing it with flat out nothing but a raise that big that fast usually means only one of two things a monster hand or a monster bluff daniel makes the call using his hand to keep his mouth closed because he's probably watering right now the river gives daniel a full house now even though daniel knows he has the best hand he's still trying to put tony on a hand tony checks by determining tony's hand he can judge how big a bet tony will be willing to call here on the river daniel wants to make tony g the honorary mayor of valuetown that 80. negrano makes it 80 000 to go snap call from tony the growner shows on the bad news hands in the keys of the city get ace king yep well done well done thank you sick one there and i had it i didn't think he had ace king no i know i know he played it good nice deal sorry tony you played good i know that look at this one is that it's me and you i gotta raise it twelve hundred what if it wasn't called predictable as many things so if you re-raise then you build a pot so big and then you're gonna get bluffed out in a big pot oh boy vanessa's got pocket rockets uh i'd say it's the perfect time to listen to tony and re-raise it just call it keep the lows i bit 2 000. that's fair you know i thought i think it's better than betting in the dock tony bets in the dark and flops two pair a dark rays that's hard and commitment to the game om tony g karma has left the building i think we're about to see two people committed to this pot vanessa raises to 5 000. i want to raise it again re-raises to 20 grand you can get it all in tony g sounding very confident you ready tony g is capable of this song and dance whether he's strong or bluffing vanessa is going to have a hard time getting away from this one you ready if you're in the hand you'll keep me quiet [Laughter] i don't believe you that bluff i'll call that bluff i'll call tony just added unspeakable equity to this pot vanessa calls tony's bomb the flop which may make vanessa think he's on a draw an ace on the turn russo has top set hello nasty as tony g would say ace from space and vanessa has gone from zero to hero tony g does have a flush draw ten thousand and bets ten thousand you could shut me right up that ace dramatically improves vanessa's hand but if she put tony on spades he just got there she just calls on spade watch i checked tony checks in the dark the river a sick card the five of hearts now you've got to show some some guts can you beat this so you're going to make a really weak check now on the end go on with this you can do it for vanessa best card ever full house over full house all in cool aces wow very nice that's the best very nice you got screwed i got a full house too on the end wow and a flush draw see that shut me up well done vanessa vanessa doubles through kind of lucky obviously oh really i mean it's uh we took turns getting lucky i got lucky to get the aces you got lucky on the flop i got lucky on a turn i haven't won one hand when i'm like i've been good it's consistent but if you if you really had five six that's super unlucky of course i had five six that's really on that karma has re-entered the building let's see if it sticks around ace jack off suit for phil laak strong starting hand he's gonna continue to play passively so it's just a call tony g queen three on the button makes the call phil hellmuth chin and ernest wiggins i'm gonna go get my better jasmine with this one he wants to play e-dub he calls daniel negrano straddling this hand raise announcing a raise daniel's last to act because of the straddle he's going to see if he can get rid of some of these limpers i think that's right right he's raised to 5400 clears out phil laak tony g calls here how much because his hatred of money builds by the second phil hellmuth folds so is the loose cannon so daniel's managed to eliminate three of the players i have no idea what you have just the record 7-8 jack is what we have on the flop daniel has the best hand with king high but tony has flopped the best draws daniel does also have a gut shot draw daniel checks tony checks daniel makes his straight on the turn daniel checks tony betts 25k daniel lets tony do the betting for him this is a frustration bet from tony but he still has two monster draws so this is also a semi bluff daniel could already be beat by queen 10 but he does have the second nuts so it'll be hard from the fold does not fold he calls the river card jack of diamonds is the board pairs checked by negrono checked by tony i got a straight unbelievable i mean why can't i hit one time it's like i can't hit one hand blade it's so big like well daniel scoops up a nice pot of almost 64 000 action begins with vanessa king jack calls daniel suited connectors raises to 1600. this pots already started to get juicy eight eight for siever including toady g in the big blind there's three players with money in this pot so far there's about to be four scott could be considering a re-raise nope just a call could be getting out of line though brunson folds good time for me to get out of line every time is a good time for you to get out of line folds to tony who's suited and calls tony stays perfectly in line i don't see vanessa folding she might be thinking about a squeeze to see if she can take it down pre-flop there's a call she probably figures that a squeeze wouldn't get many of these maniacs to fold so four to the flop eight tray seven scott seavers flopped the best hand with three eighths tony has fired four thousand vanessa folds tony semi bluffing his flush draw daniel with middle pair daniel knows tony could have anything he's not likely to fold second pair on this board to one bet there's a call after bet nicole scott knows there are a lot of cars he wouldn't like to see at the turn looks like a raise i'm all in daniel's out i call scott cause that's bad you got flush draw there however many times you want to run it is fine once once it's fine by me three eights flush draw thank you daniel that's nice good luck on ouch harsh a spade is coming for sure the board might there but i just there's like no way you're so due to hit a flush you're so dude haven't hit one i'm happy to go home actually scott seaver is the one that's all in right now tony i really do like you but i got to admit i'm rooting for myself i want a spade to come nothing personal no that is something personal no i don't really care about you and your money you have plenty no that's a different way i didn't say personal towards me it was personal so tony's gonna need to hit a spade or running straight cards the turn a nine no now you need a six that'd be much better six would be much better lots of outs come on let's do it one time i don't know us kids on the internet talk about too many out syndrome when you pick up this many outs on the turn never hit you need to be like cut down to two outs going into the river to hit here i believe it yeah i know believe it it's science it's not impossible it's mathematical fact this is a classic too many out syndrome right here truth be told tony's only picked up one more out the river's the three of diamonds too easy she's consistent well thank you see you later man well done everyone okay like awful nice tony seems to think he's busted if you want to count to double check the d7d he actually has more chips at the table either doesn't know or doesn't care welcome back to the big game and over the break tony g returned though oddly he has decided not to re-buy how much you got there tony where's your money i'm telling you you're going to play with that crap you're not going to embarrass yourself here yet again phil produce pull out your money i love this show action begins on the loose cannon aaron jensen from seattle washington folds obviously now i have to be raising yeah i agree you guys saved off the phone trapped how to speak australian trapped is the same as stuck okay thank you action folds around to todd brunson who's got a hand i think we're gonna see todd brunson come out of hibernation we do how bad is it are we lower we we could have the same hand then just give me the pot the flop 4-8-10 top set for brunson who checks tony betts 2000 date with a knight the poker poet laureates betting second pair into the rockiest player at the table todd's got the nuts and he knows tony's reputation i'm going to follow the phillies okay todd raises to six thousand i think i can't fall only calls i gotta see the turn tony must think his eight's good but todd's been playing really tight the turn deuce of hearts todd's got tony drawing dead and brunson fires 12-2 todd still got the nuts for this board he wants to make tony pay to continue to draw all right cool tony calls not sure why tony's calling his eight is almost never going to be good in this spot against a guy with an image like todd's the river four of diamonds giving todd brunson a full house todd's got to be thinking tony's got a better hand than he actually does so he may think he can get paid on a decent sized value bet the bet is 21-2 ah cool tony calls wow tony may have leveled himself from his own table talk todd wins a pot of 82 000. just wait for the nuts just play the one hand very nice action on tony g and he raises to 1 500. vanessa folds daniel suited gets out of here siever also suited but he's playing calls todd folds and aaron jensen the loose cannon also suited but he folds on the other end of the spectrum of todd we've got scott seaver tony can be pretty sure ace jack is ahead of his range king queen deuce all clubs top and bottom for siever too easy tony's got a gut shot in a flush draw and fires 3 000. pretty sure scott knows he's ahead comes over the top to 11 000. with no club in his hand he's trying to protect his two pair tony doesn't really have anything except for a draw here if he's not folding he must be trying to think of a way he could make scott fold scott's capable of making a play but i don't think he'd do it against tony in this spot tony re-raises to 40 000. i'm all in scott's all in tony calls running once again yeah yeah okay he has two pair he has the straight the straight for sure tony you have a straight no you have a straight this is again the too many out syndrome i wish you just had ace jack no club but then i'd be in trouble ace jack with a club though too many outs scott and his friends contend that too many outs can actually hurt you kind of like how when you have kings there's a 90 chance an ace will hit do you think you're gonna hit this one for once no he's so dude it's unbelievable jack on the turn okay you said this is way too many alex syndrome way too many outs this would be sick if you don't hit this i'll be really annoyed this this is just an advanced needle by the way there's no reason to do that because he's not he's not hitting it he has too many out he's been missing so much i know no you don't you haven't seen oh i meant today at least i know tony has picked up some more outs in the turn he can make a better two pair of trips in addition to a straighter flush the river a brick unreal well done you never you never win any hands not crazy sorry tony hold on todd just wait for the nuts take it bye this time tony walks away for good having lost nearly 280 grand in 38 hands tony it didn't go so well for you out there today no it was a disaster disaster but you're always willing to put your chips in yeah i mean i like to have fun and you know play but things didn't work out i mean i haven't hit one hand the whole the whole thing so it's time to go you know you've got to know it's bike time i've got to get on my bike and drive back to the wind i guess we'll see you next time yep see you next time you
Channel: PokerStars
Views: 1,307,592
Rating: 4.8131518 out of 5
Keywords: tony g, tony g big game, tony g phil hellmuth, tony g best moments, tony g vs hellmuth, tony g poker, tony g vs daniel negreanu, Pokerstars big game, the big game, big game season 1, big game season 2, throwback big game, pokerstars, Poker, poker stars, pokerstar, poker star, poker game, poker 2019, poker 2020, poker tournaments, poker videos, poker hands, top poker hands, poker live, vanessa rousso, vanessa rousso poker, vanessa rousso tony g
Id: rmpnDES4-oY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 39sec (999 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 09 2020
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