Hellmuth BLOWS UP against Italian Poker Pro ♠️ Best of The Big Game ♠️ PokerStars

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i only play the nuts like you buddy it's just unreal what happens to me at this point you get a little bit of his tilt juice here how can this happen every time i'm in the game that's astounding it's astounding actual start here on phil hellmuth with nine seven off suit limps again phil's been limping around all week hasn't really worked out for him so far but he should probably keep trying king treya diamonds for minieri raises to 1100 over to elky folds lock who just got caught bluffing i played that hand poorly calls and so many ways i get off the tilt hard to get off that tilt six eight for the cannon and he's gonna defend pretty loose but decent pot odds phil's gotta call now and he does four-way action to the flop seven king seven rainbow hellmuth hits trips i meant to say phil hellmuth's a genius martinez checks and hellmuth checks daryl's got top pair and he had the pre-flop betting lead this could get ugly for him that's 2600 lock is out martinez out for hellmuth this is probably a spot to just call it would be easy to chase away action on such a dry board even though we know daario wouldn't fold top pair even a call would look pretty strong here though there is the strong looking call from phil we'll see a turn king of spades boat for daario i don't know a lot of italian poker terms so i'm just gonna go ahead and say go check from hellmuth really really tear a bad card for phil especially since this looks like such a great card for dario to keep barreling on 53. he bets 5300 almost impossible for phil to get away since dario has such an aggressive rep and phil will not get away makes the call well he's not drawing dead i mean he could hit quads river nine of spades no quads for phil and manieri's got it locked up totally inconsequential card phil checks how big will dario's value bet be seventeen thousand two hundred dollars worth nearly a pot size value bet a lot of players would feel forced or frustrated into calling here but great players they fold here sometimes oh man that's only sometimes let's see if phil can get away calls king i only play the nuts like you buddy dario wins a 55 000 pot if i have it oh boy that's gonna be the one it's just unreal what happens to me at this place i mean it's just i'm just so sick of it you know i mean i just i mean i did best on the chart at the best time on the river you guys have two outs every part of the best in preflop and they had the best and pre-flop unless you're yourself nice and brilliant thanks chief i mean what the is going on in this place oh please dario you know i mean you just cooled me off you hit a two outer and you know and now you're a genius i just batted my hand i don't feel a genius that was pretty dirty but not dario's fault this has nothing to do with you i mean i i i know you know i i i want to just trap you i mean i think you have two outs or you're drawing dead so i just got i'm not i'm not make this him but if the other king doesn't count that's what i'm saying yeah you don't lose any more right right you don't lose any more on the hand right of course yeah chance for dario to go back to back he'll start the action here what are they doing to me i mean this is that you think i'm stupid that's the only thing that makes me crazy phil any words of advice mother i mean it's just gonna keep hitting two out or something that'd be the one do they find these cards hellmuth a king and another king phil had queen's cold deck by bill perkins kings earlier in the week i see virtually no way phil could lose with these kings any min raises over to migneri makes the call with the ace five suited elky out it's usually where you raise it up on my daria yeah you wanna dario to three bet no such luck queen four for lock folds cost me four bucks to play perkins calls with the 10-7 i get to play against my new target how many targets you have dug it omg i think feels jealous to the flop ace ace queen and dario's run down phil again bye bye kings i check perkins checks as this hellmuth checks around dario trapping the trapper turn five of diamonds full boat for dario now even if phil hits his king he still loses check perkins checks i'd better but i gotta you better bet something 1200 hellmuth bets 1200. hellmuth runs worse than a 78 pacer dario could raise here but he has virtually nothing to protect against and he doesn't want to chase his action away meniere he calls i'm gonna fall and perkins is done with it phil's soon to be done with this whole game jack of diamonds on the end how much will he fire into the abyss 28. phil now guaranteed to lose at least another 2 800 dario knows he's raising and he knows how much he's just mentally preparing himself for the verbal abuse he's about to incur dario makes it 6600 it's just a really kind of unreal night huh wow how can this happen every time i'm in the game phil doesn't do himself many favors but he runs worse than a hot chick in a horror movie and the carnage is unfortunately just as entertaining i guess you got me nice handbag i gotta check out you'll never bluff zarya takes it down he's five that's good phil shows the kings good the king didn't come on the river look at that silver lining huh unbelievable this kid was drawn to a two outer on me and a three outer and a four router you're pocket kings yeah kings i only lost 10 000 so it's pretty like good that's astounding it's astounding and you only lost you think i ever win you think i ever win in this game with kings or queens they always hit their freaking weird cards you know that weird card the ace perkins is straddled for 800 hellmuth with king 10 calls phil doing what he can to make his own prediction come true dario migniri manieri jack9 makes the call elky with jack trey of hearts looks like he wants to play and he'll call out of the small blind helmet's practically priced in the whole table queen eight for lock and he'll call let me look 10 deuce for perkins go please see this is so sick i limp with this hand for a specific reason i'm sure you're going to tell us it's a good trapper hand says the man with only one leg jack four nine rainbow two pair for dario elky's flop top pair but it's not the best top pair dario has top pair with a kicker that's also a pair lucky bets 2200 lock folds over to perkins i'm scared of you let's go to that guy thoughts the guy the guy in the middle he looks too serious dario looks too serious he looks like a lost puppy hellmuth calls 2200 with a gut shot and one over got shot to the nuts action back on dario the serious guy eleven thousand died knew it saw that facing that's a serious raise to eleven thousand from migneri great spot for a raise he can get called by draws and maybe even someone like elky with top pair but elky folds phil doesn't have a ton of money left behind he does have one over but this would be a pretty loose call for a quarter of his stack we know phil stuck in steaming which doesn't always lead to the best decisions all right that's cool and hellmuth will make the call with the gut shot helmet is really gambling now to the turn queen of clubs and this would be a bad time for a snack break phil hits his gut shot yahtzee checks i like the check by phil dario is pretty likely to keep firing that queen wasn't a good card for dario but he's still pretty likely to think he has the best hand he does bets fourteen thousand seven hundred now this would be a pretty good spot for phil to race and stario's probably got something and like michelangelo's david phil's got the stone nuts phil's been waiting all week to get a piece of dario and phil does not have very much left behind that raise it's gonna raise we're likely to see it all get in here 29.99 and phil is all in hi cole how many times do you want to run dario makes the call well you might be drawing dead so i'm hoping you're drawing that i hope you have time i might be drawing that yeah thank you yeah nice call on the charm on the flop sorry i'm not drawing that anyway we'll see what you have good call on the flop as you say to everyone that's the only reason why i said was a pretty ridiculous call on the flop tilt juice you get a little bit of his tilt juice here yeah dario's taking it pretty well look at that smile he's adorable phil might finally have a hand that holds up daario looking for a jack or a nine they're only gonna run it once river five of spades and phil will double up five spades it's over i wish i could call river cards like that twenty six twenty nine nine twenty nine nine fill you're up after that for the first time all week and he's speechless i think he might be tearing up a bit [Music] that hand is so tilting and phil hellmuth is tilty as charged yeah i mean the game was getting a little bit crazy i had raised a couple of pots right before that hand came up there was a live straddle from perkins loose cannon falls helmut call on the cutoff i felt like there's a decent chance i had the best hand and i'm risking 800 but i'm trying to trap so i decided to limp with king and 10. i was on the bottom with jack nine and i didn't want to get that crazy so i decided to call alki called fila cold go please got a decent flop jack 9-4 the action was on aki which lead out for 2200. everyone falls to philadelphus and i called and dario made it 11 000. he made a great raise because it made me think he was drawing and make it look like a squeeze which which was what i wanted because i talked to apparently and so i was losing against warsat i started to think he had queen 10 or he had 10 8. the action is back to aki which just falls and now it's to filament normally i would fold that hand 9 times out of 10 but i thought maybe he had a draw and that he was going to check on the turn so i called and i might put him on tennie or tan queen because he called me and then boom mcqueen pops off which was gin for me so i checked there was a little chance he has his jack or king jack but i didn't think so because he didn't raise on nokia so i thought the best way was uh trying to make a bet and figure out something i bet at 14 000. it was kind of an easy no-brainer to move all in there that race 29 the bat was very big and what was putting him on was is jack or king jack small chance via screen time i'm pretty big favorite i decided to call hi cole how many times do you want to run well you might be drawing dead yeah tanking yeah and i was wrong because he had kingdom and now the river was a five five spades it's over in that hand i was lucky obviously it's dario so he could have i thought he had ten eight i never smelled my money that was a nice really nice hand to win at one point super dario was huge running around collecting coins spitting fireballs now king koopa over there shrunk him down to his normal size phil got super lucky hitting that gut shot he's not allowed to complain about running bad for the rest of the show phil you you got the sickness a little bit late in the game for a good shot you got the sickness a little it feels good that the gutter ball and then get yeah that feels good almost right pay for the gutter ball get there get the whole stack in on the next card out he was ten to one the whole stacking on the next card helmet you just did it kid action over to phil queen oh boy queen the get the bleeper ready boys he might be bluffing here boys
Channel: PokerStars
Views: 799,475
Rating: 4.8492632 out of 5
Keywords: minieri vs hellmuth, phil hellmuth vs dario minieri, phil hellmuth, phil hellmuth blow up, dario minieri, dario minieri poker, phil hellmuth blows up, dario minieri vs phil hellmuth, Pokerstars big game, the big game, big game season 1, big game season 2, throwback big game, best of the big game, pokerstars, Poker, poker stars, pokerstar, poker star, poker game, poker 2019, poker 2020, poker tournaments, poker videos, poker hands, top poker hands, poker live, poker brat
Id: siygBUw-Uug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 9sec (789 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 01 2020
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