Hellmuth LOSES HIS COOL vs Perkins ♠️ Best of The Big Game ♠️ PokerStars

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well thanks for the vote of confidence mr cocky i'm just speaking the truth man no you're speaking your opinion man what's going on here i had you on 9 10 off suit i knew you were getting desperate now you know i'm just a straight degenerate fish supreme donkey number one hellmuth raises to 2000 with a pocket pair fishman folds gamble double devil the president spares a turkey every year but i'm not sure what the policy is on donkeys three to the flop trey jack five oh man lock check i was actually thinking i was i'm like yeah you will i'll be back next semester hellmuth bets 5 000. make it 15 000. perkins raises with a flush draw helmet's got the best hand this is a tough board to value raison so phil may read it for the semi bluff that it is quick and easy quick and easy it's been called quick and easy has been called take it easy lock folds now whether phil's making the right read here or not these guys do not like folding on the flop especially when they've already put a 5k chip in there and we've got police academy's michael winslow in the two seat hellmuth calls i checked why why not why would you do that that's not right phil's checked in the dark six of spades on the turn 20 000. perkins bets 20 grand perkins and his choo choo have picked up more outs which is always a good time to keep firing and by betting you do build your own implied odds if you hit your hand phil calls oh no i think i might be in trouble the river deuce of diamonds giving perkins bottom pair hellmuth checks phil's check so this would be a decent card to fire again on the four card straight board but there's also a chance perkins may think his deuce is good enough of the time to just check behind so phil i got a question for you do you think that technology is the cause of human people human kinds problems or do you feel that technology will be the salvation and the cure to people's problems some folks will sometimes ask a question like this to gauge someone's comfort level no answer on that question whatsoever no no thoughts and some folks just want to put phil on monkeytilt i guess he's a robot i'm not getting involved in this one i'm just looking at you just to look away from him i checked what you got you got a jack you got me no hellmuth shows the tens nice nice hand wow that'd be sweet if you turned over four after saying that oh that would have been that would have been salty phil hellmuth holding on with the underpair phil wins a pot of almost 77 grand i should have said something he would have bluffed again and action begins on phil king queen raised to 2000 fishman king eight folds four tray for perkins who calls i guess that's what he calls shifting gears queen five david williams out lock folds ace queen for kata calls kata's got hellmuth dominated perkins fugats six tray six perkins from worst to first for the time being kata checks hellmuth looking like he wants to maintain that pre-flop lead bet seven thousand perkins calls cata frustratingly folds so far perkins has once again outdrawn phil hellmuth seven of diamonds on the turn how much you have oh i see okay and then i check helmet checks check go four diamonds on the river perkins improves to a better two pair but it's essentially the same hand he had before check hellmuth checks it's actually not a very good card since it doesn't really add any value to his hand and it puts a four card straight out there scared of you phil it doesn't look like there's a ton of value in a bet here well there's a better 2 000 that's the standard 1 10th river value bat still scared called 7 000 on the flop huh certainly confusing phil really can't beat much of anything but it's such a small bet help me with calls spike call two pair good perkins wins a pot of nearly 25k guy sticks phil with the thinnest needle value bet of all time and all we get is a rye smile out of phil i feel cheated now perkins is stuck only 27 and a half grand i had you a 9 10 off suit i knew you were getting desperate i'm getting desperate yeah but i didn't think three four i didn't know the depths i was still upset about the hand that he raised me on my depths of your depravity now you know i'm just a straight degenerate fish supreme donkey number one supreme donkey number one sounds like a combo meal at taco bell ace jack for phil raise it up oh dear two thousand raises to 2 400. this could be seen as a steam raise but phil's got a legit hand and the best one i'll give you the 2 000 you gave me last handbag there it is that's perkins calls burn so does williams three to the flop trey nine deuce two spades top pair for perkins perkins has again out flopped phil i have a feeling that any c bet is going to be c old action on hellmuth 55. fires 5500. perkins raises to 11 grand and williams folds perkins has given phil a really good price to call if he thinks his over cards are live hellmuth does make the call might have been a little more spite in that call as well six of clubs on the turn hellmuth checks perkins fires 9 000. time to let it go phil no what the is going on here the businessman's running lucky huh phil folds donkeys get lucky i want to say you're doing too bad you're up a good amount yeah did you beat this phil maybe huh let me know you know i had ace jack you had me nice and buddy hellmuth raises with ace 10 pocket pair for fishman calls so is perkins he's representing poker well supreme donkey supreme donkey on the other hand mr businessman the business man will you the businessman i love it i love it let's go locks out too mr value bet you can call you just look at me like a piggy bank three to the flop trey jack ate three diamonds perkins flops a flush phil's got the nut flush draw we know he's not going anywhere hellmuth checks fishman checks and perkins slow plays the businessman set in a trap ten of clubs on the turn six thousand hellmuth bets six thousand fishman folds this isn't a very good card for phil he may think his ten's the best hand now that phil's let out it would be a good time for perkins to try to get some value out of his flush mid-race there's the race to 12 000. every time he said min raised so far he's had the best hand helmet calls perkins has been holding over phil hellmuth so far four spades on the river helmet checks the river bricked for helmuth but perkins may still be able to get some more value with hellmuth holding second pair perkins fire six thousand another very tiny value bat hellmuth calls and perkins shows him the business businessman is turning over queen high flushes that supreme donkey to you sir [Music] i was dodging that i was dodging that ace how did you flop three diamonds with the two in your hand and then then defend against two more diamonds coming out well i mean how lucky did i get i'm check raising mullet on the flop by the end of that flush draw and it's the it's the businessman you know [Laughter] what business are you in mr businessman hellmuth no you started it with me six four suited and i'm going to finish it fishman king eight how do we kids in high school relax perkins calls williams he's in lock calls maybe when these two are in the middle of a pot and you keep piping up and they're studying each other maybe maybe that's when you shouldn't be talking catachecks making it a five-way flop six king four two pair for perkins and hellmuth perkins is best this should get awesome i just want to tell you the first time just so you know he asked me what was the question so he spoke to me okay well then that's fair okay it wouldn't to me though i didn't want him to say anything action checks to fill fire's 2600 was it wrong for me to talk to him during the hand when he was not actually when two people in a pot for one guy in the pod to talk to someone else is it really okay perkins raises to 10 000 who gets quiet all of a sudden when he flops huge action folds back to phil we know phil's beat but typically he should three bet here with bottom two against perkins nope range calls a master trapper at work the turn the eight of diamonds hellmuth that's 15 grand perkins still out in front now he's the one trapping just calls off to the river the ace of diamonds hellmuth that's fifteen thousand perkins oh i'm dead excuse me fault and i just flopped two pair i have two pair king six perkins probably could have gotten in a raise there the business man i flopped two pearls somebody gave me some seven of card is the businessman drive back in the 70s i don't know sometimes donkeys get lucky now action on bill after fishman folds ace king big sigh for big slick that plays every hand and he's winning it's unbelievable he's a businessman i mean i mean he just i mean he's just hitting flaps it's crazy i think you're going to lose a hundred i think i think you're going to lose 100 but i think you're going to spread it around to these guys i hope i can get some of them well thanks for the vote of confidence mr cocky i'm just speaking the truth man no you're speaking your opinion man yeah okay well that's not the truth that's just yours so my opinion my my opinion i don't think so highly truth to me just cause you're married to a woman for 20 years doesn't mean that i'm going to tolerate you perkins raises in more than one way so relax buddy you may be able to push other people around but not me the big talker wins with big slick let's keep it friendly boys i don't want to have to break up a fight and i don't want anyone's eyes to get punctured we had that last week you're gonna treat me with respect just wait till you see this on tv that's all you'll be surprised i'm gonna start giving out hugs soon help you ace queen raises to 3 200. that's more than a third of his stack correct is anybody else in the hand just you and me baby what would you like me to do i'd like you to move all in how much do you have left i'd like you to call phil only has 4 900 left you asked for it you get it phil he's never done that perkins guy is nice it doesn't matter perkins always out flops him anyway i like you to move oh the flop 796 top pair again for perkins against hellmuth as i was saying hellmuth checks i'm gonna bet how much would you like me to bet if you're gonna bet you might as well bet 4 900 that's what i have left 4 900. so there's the bet 4900 by perkins all right phil calls good game phil sees that he does have some outs if he hits an ace or queen he doesn't want it to be a club that's for sure oh you want to give you want to make some insurance no i'm not this is a this pot's like four dollars if you felt them it's good because he reloads fat or jason comes with a fat stack that's what we want is a real amount of money not a dribbly dibbly thing you know all right roll it the turn deuce of clubs uh-oh wow four outs i have time to have the driver warm up the rolls he's gonna pull the school teacher on me the rivers are six i survive okay man nice to see you guys do the best phil nice to see man that's it for phil david nice to see you bro it's good playing with you i'm gonna give you the hug the game man i'm sorry please please please come on awkward shake your hand gladly all right shake my hand good game i don't have cooties playing the game bro nice pod bro thank you so much that was a very very well very well played you played really good too thanks i appreciate it good luck well if you're going to hit the road it might as well be the high road wp [Music] ph
Channel: PokerStars
Views: 1,108,452
Rating: 4.7212749 out of 5
Keywords: hellmuth vs perkins, phil hellmuth blows up, phil hellmuth angry, phil hellmuth, phil hellmuth poker, bill perkins, bill perkins poker, phil hellmuth biggest blow ups, Pokerstars big game, the big game, big game season 1, big game season 2, throwback big game, best of the big game, pokerstars, Poker, poker stars, pokerstar, poker star, poker game, poker 2019, poker 2020, poker tournaments, poker videos, poker hands, top poker hands, poker live, hellmuth blows up
Id: I6aphFccS_E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 12sec (912 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 22 2020
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