Bad Poker Etiquette followed by KARMA: Tony G vs Jason Mercier ♠️ Best of The Big Game ♠️PokerStars

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jason were you really upset with me asking to see that hand um no i'm not i wasn't like upset i just i just don't think you should do it fair enough it's like getting information by checking your girlfriend's email because it was open not cool now tony g is a colorful character sometimes as we've seen in the past he can be guilty of exhibiting poor etiquette at the table in this video he targets jason mercier but jason is on hand to serve some sweet sweet justice in tony's direction enjoy and subscribe he's out so it'll be three to the flop tony has the best hand but jason's got the best odds of ending up the winner jack queen jack tony's hand is still the best through the flop but jason's got a lot of outs tony fires 3 000. hackston folds jason has an open ender he could semi bluff raise here but if tony decided to re-raise him he'd be stuck with ten high mercier calls the turn seven of hearts giving jason a straight flush draw tony checks jason's picked up even more outs any heart will make him a flush he checks the river queen of clubs tony checks tony's played this pretty passively jason looks like he's gonna bluff at it and he does firing 7 300. tony's only got ace high but it is the best hand let's see if he falls for jason's bluff call you got it can you open the hand sorry why do you want to see my hand i just want to see what you call the flop with that i'm sorry nothing personal right asking for a hand to be open is a big no-no in live poker that's fair enough isn't it i yes it's real i don't want to be nice to anything i'm just i don't think it's being an ass it's just it's just badass sorry it's just bad editing you see the hand the losing hand it was bad etiquette to ask to see the losing hand it was you wouldn't ask you know that i hardly asked but that was an interesting situation you never asked yeah i've never seen another one you shouldn't have to see the losers a lot of players would raise on i mean it would have been i just wanted to shoot against me if i bluff and you call i'm proudly tabling it i i usually wouldn't see it but i just get specific about when there's pairs on the board i'm not trying to pick on you but i think for the people at home that are watching this they should know that you shouldn't ask to see the losing hand you know it's a bad etiquette but you know that i don't well i don't i'm sorry i think if you pay i'm the one playing i'm the one paying 7 300 you know it come on man i don't i know it's fine it's fine to see that in that situation i know it's fine to see the hand whatever i feel is correct that that's how i have to go by whatever your account is correct okay but then don't ask is it bad etiquette because then you're asking for everyone else's opinion in your world it's not so no it's not a big deal well that's in that situation it's like if you're golfing tony if you're golfing for money with somebody and you shout in the middle of their backswing it's not illegal but it's bad etiquette please that's very different yeah i i think i don't know if i buy that analogy four that's the way it used to be that's like cheating i mean this that's the way it used to be in the in the past to ever ask cnb's hand was horrible at a kid it's changed i know it's not this was an interesting situation what tony did was within the rules but frowned upon five king deuce middle pair for tony which is the best hand he checks mercier fires 2 600 and tony calls the turn eight of diamonds ding ding ding jason binks the turn and it'll be tough for tony to put him on an eight tony checks over to jason who bets 5 700. tony may not suspect the eight but with jason now firing twice he might be a little concerned about him having a king tony calls tony g doesn't fold pairs the river the nine of spades tony's now got fourth pair but he does have some showdown value tony checks jason's hand isn't much better but he hasn't checked behind yet and he remains aggressive firing 11-7 this is pretty impressive jason mercier is value-betting third pair tony folds as jason gets a little revenge on his poker buddy let's see the hand no thanks suited one gapper for jason mercier raises to 1500 king five suited for phil hellmuth's been quiet for a while looks like he's tired of riding the bench he calls russ harlow the loose cannon ace nine on the button facing a raise and a call and he calls ace nine is a dangerous hand but he does have the best hand right now tony g's gonna make it a four-person party russ is in the lead heading to the flop but tony's got one of his outs king jack ace two spades tony g checks top pair jason mercier checks his flush draw filled with second pair looks like he might think it's the best hand that's 2500 harlow top pair and he folds if you're gonna call a raise with an ace and you hit one you should at least stick around for one bet that's what tony g is doing tony just called with a worse hand than russ folded and mercier calls the turn eight of clubs tony g's hands still best bets 8 500. tony wants to make sure anyone pays to draw right now jason's got a pair and a flush draw so we probably can't fold for a bet that's less than half the pot he will not fold he calls phil's got to have a pretty good idea what shape his hand is in now hence the laborious uncapping of his cards he folds another eight on the river giving mercier trip eights tony g checks a terrible card for tony not only did it beat him but it doesn't look scary because it didn't make any real draws jason's hand is super disguised he bets 28 000. so tony might pay off a bigger bet here than normal for a lot of players this would be a pretty loose call and again tony is a pretty loose player tony calls and jason will gladly show his hand to tony g this time my tony g didn't buy in for half a million dollars to fold a lot barry the first to act leads out with 9 000. it's a great flop for chow his hand is so strong he'll want as much action as possible
Channel: PokerStars
Views: 446,468
Rating: 4.8429775 out of 5
Keywords: Tony G, tony g best moments, tony g im the best, Phil Hellmuth, Phil Hellmuth blow ups, Phil hellmuth Rage, Jason Mercier, Russell Harlow, Antonio Esfandiari, Isaac Haxton, bad etiquette poker, Pokerstars big game, the big game, big game season 1, big game season 2, throwback big game, best of the big game, pokerstars, Poker, poker stars, pokerstar, poker star, poker game, poker 2019, poker 2020, poker tournaments, poker videos, poker hands, top poker hands, poker live
Id: uOamtZlGJKk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 10sec (490 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 07 2021
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