When To Target Big Catfish In Small Creeks

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[Music] that float's getting hit there it goes there it goes see what we got [Music] he don't feel very big [Music] unless he's just swimming into me [Music] [Music] we're hooked up [Music] we are hooked up double hooked up [Music] [Music] [Music] these are some honorary old things right here number one on the float he's pulling these are pulling come on up catfish that's a lot bigger fish right there that's close to a 30 pounder right there let me go ahead and throw this float back out that lets me know they'll hit a body piece i caught this first one on a head piece that's good because sometimes they'll only want one or the other and when they want both you've got more bait oh yeah yeah this is closer to a 30 here oh thick fish they always going to curl that tail in the other way where you ain't going to get a good length on them but he's a nice thick fish man yes sir you're going to put that tail out where they can see you just one time just one time for me he ain't gonna do it so we ain't gonna worry about it either way it's a pretty nice fish man both bites i've gotten are closer to this brush right here and that's why i'm kind of pulled over to the side where i can't easily get a lot of my lines close to it it's about 1 30 in the afternoon hopefully this wind concentrates it don't get me blown sideways it's trying to come in sideways i've got a storm blowing in i've literally got maybe an hour and a half to fish today and i drove probably an hour and a half or better just to get to this place so i'm gonna drive three hours to fish for probably less than two hours because i knew these fish were in here i caught a good one in here uh in one video previous probably a 40 pound fish and we've got a cold front that's already came through so it's colder today i've got another one hitting right now it's going to be colder tomorrow and by this weekend we're going to have uh highs in the 30s i'm already getting hit i believe and that could push these fish out of this creek so i'm taking advantage of them while i can this is a flooded creek basically way up over the banks coming off the tennessee river i'm going to put one more on this catfish dave bling bling rig and put it way up on this other bank i tried to do it with this left rod but it's an egg sinker and the current has kind of rolled it towards the middle of the river so i'm going to put on a different kind of weight see if i can't keep one right on that bank over there here we go there we go pull and drag do gonna take a bit to wear them out this close to the boat oh shoot oh oh yeah it's a nice fish i see him i see him if i can get it before he takes off again if i can get him he came right to the top [Music] oh yeah oh yeah that's the biggest one of the day same spot man right up in that brush right over there that one's definitely a high 30s very aggressive [Music] i'm gonna let him simmer down a minute he thinks he's still on the water another big chunk of bait right there doing well on these body chunks that's good because i got plenty of them and a lot of rain fixing to move in on me i had to make quick work of this and so far we're doing pretty good three fish just sitting in one spot man in about 30 minutes time oh no i didn't want to do that oh no oh you got to be kidding me y'all you've got to be kidding me let me show you all this fish we'll fix this all right y'all the sun is right in the camera that's a nice fish man yes sir yep nice fish see if i can get i don't think i'm gonna get my hook back but i'm gonna try to get my sinker back yes sir look at there nope there goes the bait catfish going to get them a free meal this is the reason i got these rod holders set up like this i got a spread going out here i seem to be having most action close to the brush well i've already caught two out of this one spot right here and i don't really feel like moving the boat yet so i'm gonna bait up one more and i'm gonna throw it farther down river and try to get it right up against the bank down there these big fish they're probably hiding right in that brush but i've got some spread out in case they are just moving through one thing about that float rig is i can just keep sending it down river so that's what i'm doing i'm hoping it'll kind of drift over towards the right we've got a good bait spread the fact that we're here in the middle of the afternoon and haven't been here very long we've done pretty good that float's getting hit lock her down oh yeah there we go there we go [Music] isn't this fun [Music] do [Music] there's two on the float there we go yeah [Music] yes sir if that float ain't doing nothing where it's at you got a little bit of current just let some more line out i can get the ultimate bait spread man between covering from that bank to that bank and then that float rig i can just work it down the river we're doing pretty good we're doing pretty good for a quick afternoon run trying to beat the rain there are several reasons that fish will move out of a large river and come up into a smaller creek like this one is extreme flooding when they get weeks of just super hard flow those fish will get tired of it man and they'll start moving their way up on the banks or up into these creeks into slack or water another reason can be uh as you're getting up close to spring these creeks will heat up a lot faster than the main river out there with all the deep water we actually have two of those things going on today i've got the flooded conditions i've got 64 degree water temps water temps out in that main river 58. uh another reason they may come up in these creeks is when it comes time to nest uh that water starts getting in the mid 60s uh when it hits 70 degrees blue cattle ready to spawn so these big fish will come up into these small areas like that where they can get under stuff and make nests we are real close to that season right now it's early march yeah we still got some cold weather even some snow on the way but just a couple days of bitter cold won't change the river temperature too drastically so we are getting up close to the blue cat's nesting time i've kind of got the perfect storm going on here and with the storm coming i've only got uh less than two hours to fish it but either way i figured it would be my best bet with the upcoming weather to pull off some decent fish in a fast video gotta have those algorithms [Music] that's a big fish yes sir coming right up under the boat that's what we want this is the biggest one of the day right [Music] that's the here we were looking for oh yeah he's pulling drag [Music] wow oh yeah [Music] he's pulling drag [Music] we're gonna have to let him do its thing [Music] i see him i can see him come on come on oh i'll tell you what he fought a lot harder than what he is but he's a nice fish man yeah he pulled a lot harder than what he is and i expected that thing to be over 50. he's a quality fish y'all he pulled harder yes sir yes sir he pulled all right y'all we ain't caught no monsters in here but we have caught a couple nice quality fish man for a quick trip gonna get blown out by the weather for the next few days hey i'll take it man i chose the right place to come i came and got her done i'm going to go ahead and head back to the ramp because the dock is actually under water and if the wind gets to blowing me trying to put this boat back on the trailer by myself and bad weather ain't gonna be good especially with not even a dock i can tie off to so i'm gonna head back we gave it a go and caught some catfish for the catfish dave show this is a video there was fish in the video that makes it a fishing video this is catfish dave with another one signing out
Channel: Catfish Dave
Views: 361,667
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How To Catch Catfish, Fishing For Catfish, Blue Catfish, Tennessee River
Id: rmInT29WAbU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 11sec (1691 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 21 2022
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