Fishing With The Most Controversial Catfish Bait

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welcome back to m hood fishing everybody today we're fishing with my good friend ray from rigged pfa his mother's actually down there we'll meet her later what is the most controversial catfish bait you can think of that's what we're fishing with today if common carp is what you guessed you guessed it right now it's actually a normal catfish bait there's a lot of guys who fish with common carp it's been going on for a long long time even before the internet was really a thing but once the internet became a thing whenever you do a video where you're fishing with common carp for catfish the fire the hate let me tell you why common carp is actually a respect fish in a lot of places by a lot of people and and places where they're not respected so what do i mean it's actually considered a sports fish in the uk and in europe and there's quite a lot of people now in this country in america that have a lot of respect for the fish including me i fish for them too i have a great time fishing with them but i do not have a problem with using them for bait as you see i got a smaller one here about maybe four pounds or so this is going to make really good catfish bait i actually got this in the cast net yesterday afternoon after i i finished filming my video for yesterday now it is legal to use this as bait here in this country it is legal to keep them from the cast net not a big issue but i'm gonna get it right i'm gonna get it yeah you're right i realize a lot of people are butt hurt that i'm fishing with carp this morning so i thought i'd spare your feelings and not show you me cutting it up we're using adot octopus circle style hooks here it's kind of both it's a hybrid 50 pound mono is the leader three ounces of lead on sinker slides 12 foot rods with 80 pound braid well that rod tip's already bouncing let's get this out real quick pretty sure that's just the current we're on the mississippi river if you didn't know we are probably going to have a decent morning without any rain but there is rain in the forecast for today it's been storming every day for over a month well over a month now but i think this morning's going to be good it did rain pretty good yesterday while i was trying to catch bait man so common carp is not from america it's an invasive species but it's been here for well over 100 years it was brought here in the 1800s by the government actually as a food fish but then they realized nobody really wanted to eat it i mean at one time it was a popular food fish but it's not so much in this country anymore there are certain parts of this country where they have a tradition of smoking carp like and i don't mean with huge rolling papers either so that would be minnesota wisconsin and michigan and i've had it it's actually pretty good smoked a lot of trash fish is good smoked that's about it but so it they've been here a long long time so in a lot of states they're considered they're considered a native species but not a real one sort of uh yeah so it's not illegal to do catch and release there are some states where it is still illegal to release them there are places where they're a real problem but in most places they're just accepted as a fish that you know belongs here even though they don't well guys bear with me i was trying to put the chesty back on he's trying to get the chesty back on and and this happened this might take a sec i'm going to keep a tight line here my bra strap might be twisted though but yeah there we go i got the chesty in place this spot has a hefty drop off and i think i'm pulling this fish up over the drop off i want to get close to my other rod oh i feel my braid rubbing up against something this is not good oh do i have a tank here or do i have a tank here it feels like i got a miata oh this fish what is up with this fish is not moving now i wonder if this is even a fish since we've been having a lot of storms lately there has been a lot of debris in the river and it's not out of the possibility that a log big tree has caught my line and done this i don't feel any evidence of a fish yet like clear evidence i have had something take drag but i haven't had head shakes i haven't had straight runs just a slow pull on me and i feel abrasion on the line gator i can't get them up i don't know what to do just sit here and wait for this fish to do something i mean it hit pretty strong about took the rod i mean look at the the sand spike over there i was just putting the chesty back on after giving you the run down the history of common carp here so come on fish we might just have to put this down and and see if you know we're gonna have to wait on the fish oh something's happening awesome oh this is good news i only had to have the camera off for about 15 seconds and something changed out here we're pulling something up it's either a catfish or a chunk of cypress i don't know hopefully it's not something with a license plate oh oh stubbornness he just you just push the stubborn button there we go i might be working a big fish up a drop off that might be what's up here we go what's up oh yes there we go that's a fish look at that oh finally he turned the power on and started doing stuff that tells me this is a fish it is not not not a volkswagen oh there we go oh uh it's over there robin [Music] oh and then you know this fish doesn't look terribly big why why has he got so much power on me was it the drop off that may have been i've never fished this spot but i was told by a friend oh look at this you were you were talking about flatties that look like this watch here let me i want to hand the rod to robin yeah careful this clay deposit is i'm using the net like a spatula here wow oh he came in with some other line you almost slip again guys this is robin hi guys i'm the assistant right now and this is a tank flathead wow i've caught bigger but my goodness i did not expect to get this this morning damn it sorry fish all right guys we're gonna put them on the scale but this is your chance to guess i'll give you a couple seconds here i'm a horrible singer sorry all right you good we good let's let's go let's see what he weighs okay i tell you not bad almost 30 pounds 29.30 pretty good pretty good i was about to do the show off of the flathead you know with the tripod after weighing them and the other rod has gone off bringing in fish number two at least i won't have anything to worry about now huh i can do my my show off and not worry about a rod going in the water now wow you're running to the right i wonder if we're going to end up fighting this fish over a drop off this spot is paying off so is this bait yeah nothing nothing to write home about unless you want some shark bait there you go first five minutes out there two fish one's only shark bait but this one almost 30 pounds not my biggest flat head down here or in the river at all i think my biggest one was out of natchez around 60 pounds and got another one down here a while back 56 or something but yeah you're right we getting down and dirty today here it goes awesome i think something's going on here what do you think i was busy over there doing something around my stuff looked up and i was like oh my rod is falling down i met her i better run over there it's always fun running across wet clay you got to kind of run like you got a big diaper on all right is this a big fish or are you just coming up a big drop off there is a big drop off here whoa every time i fish with carp good things happen except for the people on the internet i might have this fish over the drop-off already oh there's a little fight everything's going for the ugly stick everything's big on the ugly stick today oh this fish might be into my other line or i'm about to have some chaos here oh i felt headshakes just i might need some assistance yeah but i might have two or it's into my other line it might just be into my other line i don't know my other rod's going off oh he's going over there here's here's the play here's the power here we go yeah i don't know i thought something was on that other rod on the beef stick was getting a tap tap may have been this fish running up against the line of that iowa beef stick this is this fish has not shown itself but i think it's going to be a nice fish it's got its head down a lot you know what that means it is that kind of morning that's what that means oh my goodness yes sir another up look at that op oh it's prettier than the first one oh look at him go across the rocks this is an op spot for sure this morning that's my new nickname for appaloosa i'm shorting it making it real small up so [Music] i opt in today ray yeah you're right it's in the pudding people the evidence right there feel like yoda calm down calm down this is definitely not as heavy as the first one but prettier 24.58 yeah you're right nice what's better yesterday morning or this morning slippery little thing yeah that is awesome wow he was ready he just went yeah you're right yeah you're right controversial bait it actually works i always catch big stuff when i use carp so the bite just came and went it is coming up on 10 o'clock down to the link that was just down to the description i'm tired guys down in the description is a link to my friend's channel here would you go check it out yeah you're right his mom in his video catches the biggest fish of the day yeah you're right all right guys thanks for watching and subscribing and i'll see you next time
Channel: M. Hood Fishing
Views: 589,678
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: bbD4C2EOvVo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 56sec (1076 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 18 2021
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