When The New Employee Caused A Mass Firing Among The Other Staff [AskReddit]

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workers when did a new employee cause a mass firing / quitting among the other staff to start with I didn't want to be there in the first place it was 5 o'clock on a Monday morning but my dad insisted it was freezing cold the glass on the front windows of the store was fogged over where you couldn't see out except for a little peephole beside the door that I scraped clean with my fingernail you see he owned the butcher shop in the small town we lived in at the time this particular morning my dad wanted to spend some quality time with me while he shouted at his employees and I worked the cash register because the girl that normally worked was out of town visiting her arms my dad is always loud and obnoxious his moustache wiggling with indignation about the slightest thing but this morning he was particularly agitated the new assistant butchers were all in the back staring nervously at each other as my dad barked out instructions his hands clasped behind his back and under his apron my dad prided himself on a job well done and preached quality over quantity the day went by without a hitch until right around lunch when a particularly loud crash from the back made me jump I waited for my dad's yell but heard nothing I finished waiting on the customer at the front and cautiously made my way to the back of the store i ginger lee pushed open the door to the cutting room and tilted my head around the door did I really want to know what had actually happened it had to have been terrible for my dad to have lost the ability to speak I stuck a foot in the room and peered around the door with one eye then I froze taking in the scene before me there was so much red it covered the floor splashed up on the counters splattered on the walls and covered everything in sight a giant metal ball teetered back and forth on the floor the metal clanging against the floor three assistants stood frozen poised would read on their rape runs coating their shoes and splashing their pant legs my vision swung to the left to see my dad standing still staring open-mouthed at the scene he wheeshed hearth and wiped some red splatter off of his forehead his fists clenched and he positively vibrated with rage the top of his head to Redmond and he spluttered angrily he's talked up to each of the assistants one by one and ripped their rape runs off he held them in his fist and shook it and really under each assistants nose before throwing the apron down in the bloody mess on the floor he shook his head and motioned to the door throwing his hands in the air quickly the three men exited shamefaced Lee nearly tripping in their haste to get away from my angry farmer I still stood in the doorway staring as my dad turned in circles looking at the massive mess that covered his once pristine floor and that is a story of how three people got fired without my dad ever saying a word I had been working at the restaurant awhile four months into my job as a hostess I was pretty settled in the routine of the place the work was fairly easy the people were nice to work with and I had really nice hours we had two managers they were lovely managers as long as you did your job they wouldn't bother you that was until the new manager came along we will call him John John was an older man holding and with the biggest chip on his shoulder his pants had low inciting comments from customers on occasion he also talked really fast and hated repeating himself whenever the restaurant gets new blood everybody is wary of the person for a little while until the newbie proves himself to be competent John walked around like he was king of the restaurant and liked to tell everyone how to do their job he was cocky to the point of annoyance and possibly the worst communicator in history one night we were particularly busy and understaffed instead of calling in more servers John insisted we all work harder he mouthed off to three veteran servers and over sat each restaurant section until we had people walking out the door he sounds like the manager from Hell right it gets worse one of the server's had had enough of John and cussed him out in the kitchen loud enough for customers to hear she let him know exactly what she thought of him and very colorful language while we all stood frozen in shock after bursting into tears and screaming some more she calmly returned to her tables Apollo and continued with her service later that evening John called the waitress into the manager's office way he rebukes her actions and told her she should be fired when the server tried to leave the room he blocked her way and held the door handle refusing to let her leave after she became insistent he exited the office and locked her in for a few minutes supposedly to let her cool down when the server exited the tiny office space she was a crying mess and promptly left the restaurant we were all just shocked at the turn of events and stayed quiet hoping to stay out of John's way that night the next day the server was back and she talked to our other manager telling them the situation and apologizing for her in discreteness but also condemning John's behavior our other managers were shocked and angry and called John in to talk to him in the end the server turned in her two weeks notice when the other managers decided not to fire John she insisted she would not work with such a horrible person she served out at two weeks and left two days later John was arrested on assault charges and was fired it was snowing lightly the day it happened I worked in the coffee shop next door to the ski lift I will leave the location unnamed for obvious reasons every day I would take coffee into the ski lift operators and chat with them a bit one day something really bizarre happened the chief ski lift operator went missing the other ski lift operators told me the story and laughed about it but it was no joke not as we will call him was the main ski lift operator on one Saturday morning he was a young guy presumably with money and he was good-looking enough that all the girls flirted with him one girl in particular we will call her Daisy frequented the ski lift quite often and every time she rode the left Don would flirt with her and sometimes even ride up with her if our accompanying seat was empty the other guy on duty would normally cover for him this particular day Don had the keys to the ski lift in his pocket Daisy and he flirted like they usually did and he hopped on the lift with her to ride up while his partner operated the lift from the bottom halfway up the mountain da and Daisy were heavy into their conversation when the ski lift stopped at first they thought nothing of it but then 10 minutes past Daisy was getting cold and Don was panicking about being caught by his boss down on the ground at the bottom of the ski lift things were getting complicated Don's partner was having some annual difficulties the ski lift needed to be restarted from inside the control box this would have posed no problem except on had one of the only two keys to the control box he was suspended in the air with no way to get down and his boss had the other key his partner on the ground was panicking he didn't want to lose his job and he didn't want to make don't lose his either but there were several passengers stuck on the ski lift and unless he figured out something quickly he was surely going to be fired in the air Don was waiting for his partner to figure something out luckily it was the end of Don's partner's shift and the two other guys that were supposed to be relieving them showed up just as Dom's partner was about to take an axe to the control box they quickly stopped him and one of them called the boss thirty minutes later the boss showed up furious because 15 people had been stuck up in the air for almost an hour at this point he produced the key and opened the box restarting the ski lift and operating it himself Don said goodbye to Daisy at the top and began the slow descent back down once he hit the ground the boss strode up to him and held out his hand shamefaced Lee Don handed over the key in the boss handed it to the two guys who shift had just started then Don and his partner were escorted off the premises I worked at a business for a number of years as a manager and I was transferred one day to a new store no one knew me and I had no respect given to me by my new employees one month in I was working one day and I watched two of my employees whispering to each other before noticing me and quickly hurrying away this was just one of the small inconsistencies that I had been noticing another month passed and inconsistencies were beginning to become consistently inconsistent I do not know if they thought me stupid or hoped I would not catch on but I did I had made a list and cataloged every incident that warranted suspicion nearly every employee I had was under review I knew I could not legitimately get away with firing nearly every single employee under my watch without contacting higher management no matter how much evidence I had so I did I took all the data I had collected and presented it to my boss and let him know that if he didn't do something soon he was going to be robbed blind every single employee under me was stealing from the store after much debate my manager agreed that we had to do what was necessary to keep the store in business I returned to my store and for the next few days acted like nothing had happened I called the meeting and discussed the money issue stating that someone was stealing from the store hoping that someone would speak up and I wouldn't have to fire them but no one did the next day my manager arrived at the store when he walked in I noticed a lot of nervous glances and a few glares my way I simply shrugged them off I had given them a chance and they hadn't taken it he took them all into the office and I followed standing by the door casually as he told them all what I had found there were several explosive moments and even one where one of the latest tried to attack me one of her friends pulled her back and they calmed her down while still shooting hateful looks at me I felt bad but if I had just continued to stand by and let them get away with what they were doing I would have lost my job too because a store would have had to close as it is nearly every single person under my management was replaced and I had to interview and hire new people the moral of the story is to not steal or cheat your job out of money don't bite the hand that feeds you it was the warm summer day the Sun was shining brightly outside and the birds were chirping in the small town where I lived jobs were few and far between so for one summer my senior year I worked at an insurance company my aunt got me a job there she was the head insurance agent and office manager my job was to file papers because the office hadn't gone digital yet and probably never will I had to sort organize and filed tons of data and files every day everyone in the office was friends of a sort we all got along but my aunt was kind of like the general in command of all of us she acted like we were her soldiers with guidelines we had to follow one specific day she and one of my co-workers got into a little spat my aunt is planning on retiring eventually and the cow walker that she fought with is the one planning on taking my aunt's job my aunt is very old-fashioned and is not computer literate at all because of this the whole filing system of the agency is out of date well my aunt and Kalka got into it one day files got lost and my aunt blamed my cow walker for trying to take shortcuts the Kalka was adamant that shortcuts needed to be taken because doing things the way my aunt was doing was taking 15 years I found the lost file but before I had a chance to show it to them my aunt had accused my cow Walker of unladylike behavior I turned around and they were squared off like two cowboys in a Western Street me and the third cow walker were simply staring waiting to see what would happen it wasn't the first time these two had butted heads and the other cow occur and I practically ate popcorn and watched the scene unfold my aunt sat in her desk chair her legs primly crossed and her skirt pulled modestly over her knees the other Kalka had her hands on her hips going then all of a sudden the door opened and in walked the agency's boss the two arguing looked up startled to me and the third cowl can nearly choked on our surprise the agency boss looked aggravated and he motioned them into his office telling them if they couldn't agree to disagree and behave like civilized individuals then something would have to be done minutes later both women walked out of the office and stalked to their desks gathering their belongings as they exited the building the head manager walked out of the office and grinned we looked at him questioningly and he explained that he had filed them immediately I started to panic thinking my job was in jeopardy but then he turned around and said he was rehiring them tomorrow they just didn't know it me and the third Kalka started laughing as he exited the building the very next day my aunt and other Kalka made their way back into the building and sad grumpily at their desks they didn't talk to each other for a week
Channel: Humor Studios
Views: 233,289
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Keywords: reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, ToadFilms, EmKay, GioFilms
Id: dCYt8K2UuoM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 29sec (809 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 17 2019
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