Why Did "That Guy" At Work Finally Get Fired? (r/AskReddit | Ask Reddit Stories)

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why did that guy at work finally get fired hi reddit guys subscribe now to support cute rabbits guy in the shipping department kept calling the shop manager a clown to his face and was warned to stop the guy finally got fired when he decided to play circus music at full volume the next time the boss man came around this is pretty funny though the music was a nice touch she messaged in the grupt chat we had four employees saying something along the lines of how she hates the job and she hoped the building burned down loved that girl he was found sleeping under his desk when awakely was caught repeatedly sneaking out the back door no receptionist and leaving four hours he was taking credit for the work of others while trying to pawn his work off on the data entry girl he worked there for 2.5 weeks there was a guy at one of the refineries near me that would come into work in the morning go through the morning meetings then jump on a bike and ride off to some out of the way part of the perimeter fence hide the bike jump the fence get on the motorbike he'd left there and go home he'd then come back in a bit before finish time park the motorbike jump the fence grab the push bike and head back in like he'd been busy all day he did it for quite a while before they caught him apparently they promoted him and he was a manager while i was there damn this is my most upvoted comment yet d okay edits couple other things from there the refinery lets people order clothing whenever they need it there was a guy who was caught ordering new boots like every week and selling them on ebay i think he may have been fired one of the workshop supervisors told me a story when he was an apprentice there he worked with a guy who was always sneaking off somewhere so one day he followed him into a storage shed and discovered that this guy was sneaking off to rip a few cones the apprentice is now the stoners supervisor i had a guy like that as my manager for a grocery store for a while he would clock in and go on break to run his power washing business the store managers didn't care because he would arrange to power wash their houses for free on the rare occasion he was on the hot seat with them he would still do it but leave instructions for us if he was paged to let them know he was on break and call his cell phone he would leave his work site and order a breakfast sandwich for the managers and strolling to say oh i was just left to buy breakfast here is yours worked every time he actually never got fired and it only stopped when they closed that grocery store chain worked with developmentally disabled adults one employee was accused by a client whom i've never seen angry before or since of groping and staring at her naked body in the shower this client didn't require any kind of supervision in the shower the facility decided not to fire the employee just move her to a different house she was finally caught on camera sniffing clients dirty underwear while doing laundry no one was sad to see her go got caught vaping in a clean room with hydrofluoric acid butanol and a salt bath with a temperature of 500 degrees celsius near him just like what the frick how is that dude still alive was he trying to have a near fatal accident the only thing you're supposed to do near hf is concentrate on not dying near hf even retaining bowel control is optional so long as you don't die i've worked with a lot of scary stuff but hf is up there with oh jesus i should have brought the brown trousers hf as in holy frick why is this in the lab guy always got to work high as in couldn't function high we worked at a grocery store so the work wasn't hard but we tried extra days of training anyway guys said the job was too difficult in that he was going to quit we tried to convince him not to but left him alone after that about a week later we have a picture of him in the office on the do not serve wall turns out he sent a letter to management threatening their safety and had a no trespass and no contact order for the premises why in the world would you convince him not to quit if he came to work too high to function sometimes you literally just need a warm body in the place they don't have to be competent they don't have to have any hustle they just need to be capable of not burning the freaking store down i've been at more than one place where i could do all the work required but i couldn't do it while also attending customers i may resent the bench warmer for being a useless it but then i remember oh hey the bench warmer is what allows me to have days off he missed a major deadline and didn't tell anyone and didn't show up to work to face the music then they found out he was assigning some of his work to another co-worker but turning 18 and saying he did it then they tried to fire him but he didn't show up for three days they basically drove to his house to fire him wait why did they need to fire him in person couldn't they just stop paying him i'd figure companies are under a legal obligation to ensure that they've fully informed an employee that their contract has been terminated it's probably smart to cover all your bases legally in that kind of situation not an expert but that would be my take on it most employment contracts have abandonment clauses that's harder to prove though the ex-employee would make up some sob story and then all of a sudden you have two competing stories about whether he abandoned his job or not even if he's lying you're asking a court to get into the weeds about to his right which is never where you want to be conversely if several employees can testify that they were present for or knew about an actual firing their story is a lot more convincing even if the ex-employee claims it never happened it's one guy's word against many and maybe a paper trail and that's if the guy's made-up story doesn't fall apart upon scrutiny source i was a litigator watching peen on company computers and came to work high all the time also was an hour or two late every day guy lasted one week i honestly thought this only existed in movies i didn't realize there are actually people out there stupid enough to do this i don't understand people that watch peanut work do they really have such an urge to rub one out that they can't wait until their eight hours shift ends just use your phone like a normal person i assume that people like that get off on the concept of doing it when they aren't supposed to could get caught most likely true but what the frick use your damn phone not the company computer that tracks what you do a customer finally made a complaint about a axial comment he made backstory this guy was super weird with women got really depressed a lot and would talk about being alone forever often despite being 24 when he was in a good mood though he would apparently be hitting on customers as a cashier at a fast casual restaurant he's done some pretty creepy things towards women from the stories he's told me the kicker was when a customer pointed to a picture on the menu and said that looks delicious to which he said not as delicious as you must be she phoned dean and he was fired sounds like someone i used to be friends with nice looking guy nothing special but still a nice looking guy he couldn't figure out that the reason he couldn't get and keep a girlfriend was because he had such a pretty personality i finally had to tell him that the handmaid's tale was not a how to guide for dealing with women were no longer friends 55 year old slovenly pervert imagine the stereotypical neck but with a few more under his gas covered belt walked up to a 17-year-old female employee grabbed her face in both his hands and told her i want to teach you how to please a man security escorted him out of the build 20 minutes later a car he was loading on the flatbed rolled off down a hill and threw a barn and instead of calling the cops or our boss he went to the liquor store and downed a bottle of vodka right outside we'll call employee gabe just because gabe was a relatively fresh hire six months or so he had already been responsible for damage to several vehicles and some of my fellow employees myself included had tried convincing the boss that he was more of a liability than an asset but the boss wouldn't hear any of it because gabe took the majority of the calls he didn't want to handle personally the late afternoon everyone is basically already mentally clocked out in thin head if they aren't on call for x 5 30 rolls around and gabe just got back from a rollover and is about the clock out when one of our best customers frequent flyers calls and asks if we could move his fancy ass old mustang to the paint shop for some work gabe goes and loads it up with little trouble it doesn't set the parking brake very hard or put it in gear it's a stick shift drives it over to the paint shop and decides that on the big ass hell is the perfect place to unload it instead of the loading dock he could have literally driven it flat onto i assume because he wants to drive the mustang so genius gabe unhooks all his straps and everything holding tension on the car and starts manipulating the bed to extend and lower it soon as it gets to a certain angle that mustang starts rolling down aforementioned big ass hill and it rolls into and through the storage area basically an old rep opposed barn next to the paint shop i know it sounds like a load of bs but every single word is true he was drunk beforehand probably what he did was actually relatively smart then option a he calls his boss police get there he is found to be drunk and might have to pay for the damage and probably loses his job option b he goes straight to the liquor store drinks lots of alcohol gets fired but the damage will be paid for by insurances or the company you're forgetting the most important part he doesn't get a dui work would still be responsible for any damages while on the clock since he was acting as an agent for the company hospital tech was working third shift he was using an out-of-view work computer to view pain he had been doing this for about a month before he got caught he was caught because one of the sites had infected the computer when the decidedly female chief mammography tech started the computer in front of a patient in the mammography room the screen started filling up with pop-up pain ads when the investigation was done the listing of all the sites he visited during his misadventure used up nearly a ream of paper i'm trying to use this mammogram but i just keep getting pictures of tits okay reddit guys subscribe now to support cute rabbits
Channel: Reddit Guys
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Id: KcAlriZ74Gs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 29sec (689 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 09 2020
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