When the Kpop Fancams Go a Bit Too Far...

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a lot of these accounts won't get taken down quick enough, twitter is taking absolute ages to review reports because of the corona working from home situation.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/ARubberDuckEater7 📅︎︎ May 26 2020 🗫︎ replies

The situation on instagram is even worse if you type #fancamsituation its full of these kind of videos where profiles post them delete them after 30 minutes and thrn re-upload them

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/eltsaro 📅︎︎ May 26 2020 🗫︎ replies
hello guys and gals me muta Harr and today I wanted to talk about a new emerging thing yesterday we talked about kpop Twitter and how wild and freaky it was well today we're gonna talk about good old the bad side when fan games go wrong you know ladies and gentlemen now today's video I want to make specifically because I want to just reinforce um disinformation that's flying around and I want to just step into it and just sort of cover it myself because I've been tweeted at it and it's becoming sort of an emerging like popular thing so here we've got an account Mika's boots alright now she's made this [ __ ] viral tweet where it's got like a hundred and twenty six thousand likes and she says everyone stay safe be careful now of course when somebody on the internet tells you be careful you know you know I shit's getting real so let's go look into it real quick you know this is so basically she's pointed out this diss symbol for you to check out like as you can see there's this one symbol right here this I actually checked back it's actually a Down Jack jot all right now of course there's a whole historical segment to it but I'm not gonna really get into it if you want to check it out I'm gonna try and just leave the link in the description below all you need to know is this is just some random symbol that's been selected for this case right now as you go to the right this is the real thing if they have this weird sign I think it's their logo but I'm not sure on their page then block and report them and spread the word that they are doing something very bad so there are fan cans that look normal for the first few seconds if you don't know if fan cams are again it's like when you see the kpop dancing you know like a little music videos in general right it could be anyone could be kpop could be Taylor Swift broke it could be whatever you want dude it could be it could be something like Sesame Street [ __ ] so there are some fan cams that look normal blah blah blah and then it's someone shooting themselves in the head or two people hanging or a jump-scare if someone dm's you the question what are you afraid of or something similar do not answer don't try to be funny with answering with your mom or butthole or something I mean that's what a [ __ ] five-year-old would do but sure similar because we don't know who these people are and what they're capable of they can find your address and maybe do something harmful they have also threatened to kill people if you come across with one of these accounts then block and report and send a screenshot of the account to add fan cam situation they're spreading like wild they're on Instagram Twitter and there are rumors of them being on YouTube and tick-tock spread the word and be safe okay so it's a pretty alarming post right like obviously somebody would look at that and say my butt cheeks are clenched now this type of stuff I've seen before if you look back like months ago dude like months ago there was like something called 1488 which like or like something like that it was like four numbers aligned rain bot and I did a video on it where like people reloaded this video of like this dude blowing his brains out that video actually got so much traction that YouTube stepped in and prevented anybody from using that string of characters in the video I know this because when I was uploading my video it automatically removed my video just for the title alone so these situations tend to get results pretty quickly once like you get this deep level of moderation tossed in now to prove that it's not [ __ ] and then I'm not gonna like you know I'm not throwing any of these people under the bus by you know just kind of being on the side of it being a little less scary is coming across accounts where you meet like stop breathing fat ass alright now this is obviously a toxic account it's using a different symbol in this case I don't know how clear and like ready you can see that but it's not the symbol that they showed and they're in their post but then again these symbols are always gonna be randomly picked what is scary is when you look at one of these posts oh this is a fan came and I'm going to mute this just because I don't want to get content Aidid but it starts out pretty fine with like what appears to just be some k-pop sing and and then after a couple seconds it should just shift completely to this now I'm not gonna tell you what's going on I'm gonna blur all this out but effectively what I just saw was a vehicle being flipped on actual human beings like [ __ ] straight died right now on camera for me now this doesn't freak the [ __ ] out of me out because you know ever since we've done deep web browsing 1 I've seen a lot of my gore footage I've seen a lot of cartel violence [ __ ] like that so this kind of stuff is not super desensitizing like I'm desensitized to it but I can definitely see how if somebody who's like not into this at all who doesn't look at stuff like this would come across this and be pretty scarred because that was like genuinely freaky footage like a vehicle straight flipped on people like there was one do to the end crawling away I don't know if like his legs were missing or some [ __ ] like that but that that it proves that this isn't something that's that's that that doesn't exist and some of these posts can be quite old like these accounts are definitely old we're talking from like May 22 and they're constantly retweeting at each other following each other so there there there is something of validity to all of this now here's fan cam info who's like if you're still confused yes you can all see really disturbing fan cams are going around Instagram most of these include people getting killed people getting tortured people hang people cutting themselves many people getting shot and many more I've seen the first one all right that much is true okay I'm not gonna deny it okay so I just want to tell you for the record there is a ways you can stop this for instance if you go to your Moore section and go to settings privacy there's a tab under accessibility where you can go to autoplay and just set that to like never so once you set it to never videos gifts will just not play until you actually select them and hit play yourselves now there are ways to do this on iOS and Android and if you do that you know you you can you can do the same thing on your mobile devices just fine there's plenty of people sharing that information not hard to do just follow the general settings in your mobile app go to autoplay and just disable it now one of the things that I wanted to make this video is also to spread like a bit of like proper information now some people have speculated by interacting with some of these accounts you can get hacked and it's very similar to the Logan story that I covered like last week where people had the idea that you could get hacked simply by interacting with another platform like another user on a platform and I considered this to be nonsense back then the only way that that could have happened is somebody's exploiting some like crazy zero day on Twitter which is super unlikely because for a zero-day to be used on a popular social media server that's a lot of money and not only that the whole point of using a super is like zero day like that is to make sure you don't get caught for the longest amount of time no one would burn it on some like nonsense like this so realistically I'm just gonna state this for the record you will not get hacked if you communicate with these people your account is not at risk if you simply like a tweet retweet or just post or in this goes for any social media platform as far as it goes it makes no sense for an attack to happen when you've got literal code being sent from server back-end back-end that they just doesn't affect you are not come caning directly with the actual account data lies okay so it just doesn't make any sense to me it really does not anybody that purports that I feel is misrepresenting the truth and they just don't understand exactly what they're talking about now it is true that if you interact with some true psychos on the internet they'll probably look at your Twitter handle or your tick-tock handle or whatever it is and they'll just put that into Google they'll find your Facebook they'll find your personal information depending on how careful you are on social media and that's a different can of worms and it's really why you shouldn't interact with like psychos on the internet because given the fact that we're under quarantine people have a lot of free time to do to do really screwed-up [ __ ] and and and and that that's something that you just don't want to get involved with now it's we're like when we're sort of closing this video off that I just have to give sort of my actual opinion of what all this is you know what I think it is I think it's just some weird 4chan reddit trolling operation that like people are sort of like really falling for at this point right like ladies and gentlemen I'm just gonna put it out there like the use of weird weird symbols and spreading of gore footage it's not new for the Internet some people might consider it to be but this kind of shocked Internet content is nothing new for like a lot of these image board like if you've ever been part of image board culture people have done this this is it happened this is not anything new it's really just taking a couple seconds out of fan cams and then you're taking a couple seconds out of whatever Cartel death footage you find and just combining it together and sending it to random people there is definitely gonna be some outrage and some fear but this is where I want to kill the fear and scare mongering you're not gonna get hacked and nothing's gonna happen just sit down and block these accounts as you go across definitely report them because the more and more I look into it the less and less it's becoming a threat so far as long as you keep reporting to Twitter you'll get rid of all this [ __ ] [ __ ] menace just don't feed into it and just feed into the scare really so to speak this is a problem but it's not you know it's a problem that can definitely be sorted out in a couple days and it's something that we've seen before time and time again so yeah [ __ ] the people who are sending [ __ ] fancams to individuals like it's pretty [ __ ] up it's pretty wrong there's definitely kids who use Twitter probably they shouldn't in my opinion but they do and they're probably gonna come across some [ __ ] up [ __ ] like this that being said though this is me mood [ __ ] if you liked what you saw please like comment and subscribe and this like it if you dislike it I out [Music] [Music]
Channel: SomeOrdinaryGamers
Views: 947,897
Rating: 4.970202 out of 5
Id: BR_khOIeoS8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 9sec (549 seconds)
Published: Tue May 26 2020
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