When Students Return To Visit The Teacher | School Stories #23

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teachers have read it with former students returning to visit you what's the most unexpected thing they've told you my shyest quietest student ever no exact came back to me via my tv as she had become a comedian and is now a household name in japan that was a shock a former student who was in college at that point i knew her when she was in high school contacted me looking for advice about college and finances because her parents had decided to stop paying for her education midway through part of the way through the conversation she mentioned that she started working as a professional dominatrix to pay the bills definitely didn't expect that from the quiet but funny girl that i remembered fishing for clients she were i wasn't really a teacher but i was a co-director for an after-school program i'm white and everybody else was black this didn't really bother me and i didn't think it was a big deal at all well a couple years later i ran into a student and he told his friends in front of me that i was the only white person who ever liked in him this made me sad and i later i asked him what did you mean by that and he said something like oh you're the only white person that thought i could amount to anything i hope to god he's wrong about that and i told him something like he doesn't need white people to like him to become successful exactly it's the jews you gotta get in good with if you want to get ahead everyone knows that s more like random musical festival run in i was dancing to bass nectar when a recently graduated student saw me in my bikini top it was steamy toronto summer knew he shouted as he pointed we laughed and hugged we always talked about music but he never believed i actually went to shows lol teachers don't have lives outside of school though i've taught acting classes sporadically in the last 10 years and i recently had one of my former students come to me and tell me that i was the best teacher she's ever had and that i was the sole reason she had the guts to move to la and give it a real shot and she's doing quite well i nearly cried move to la give it a real shot she got into p this is my first semester as a teacher so i can't really say just yet i saw one of my high school teachers recently though he hated the fact that i used control plus alt plus dell once because i was supposedly deleting important files from the c drive i told him that was stupid and he expelled me from his class i teach computer science at a college now the things that some older people believe about computers can be really funny i always laugh at the classic your game gave our computer a virus statement that my parents used to tell me i didn't have a student come to me but close enough i was laid off last year one of my colleges asked if i had heard the news which i of course didn't one of my students a junior when i left that school had given birth in her home and dumped the baby in a trash bag in the alley terrifying my middle school math teacher loved my group of friends and i who were athletes kids who did math competitions i ran into her last week when she saw me working as a barista at a cafe and i told her i'm working towards a philosophy degree she looked surprised and slightly confused opposite side because f these comments visited my high school math teacher towards the end of my freshman year of college i was with a few buddies from my graduating class and we were saying hello to several old teachers anyway we walk into her classroom and she doesn't even say hello just jesus up syndrome it's the freshman 15 not the freshman 40 then we laughed but i took it to heart and have been living a better healthier lifestyle these days you got wrecked m8 when i was a sophomore i gave my english teacher heck i'll spare you the details fast forward 10 years and i'm a teacher at the same school she teaches at this was 10 years ago roughly i go up to her at the teacher workshop before school and say hey mrs so and so you used to teach me at this school i'm really sorry for the way i treated you i was a stupid kid back then she says no i couldn't have taught you i transferred to abc school in 1994 at mid-semester me yes you taught me first semester and you transferred halfway through my year we had a new teacher after you her what's your name me ipalindramiyai at this point she makes a face like she has seen the devil and walks off without saying a word no joke part of me felt terrible and the other part of me was p my german teacher was upset recently because she will soon have her first grand student a former student in her late twenties adopted a teenage daughter and that daughter now goes to the german titches school so technically a grand student god this reminds me of my seventh grade science teacher dude was so old that my social studies teacher had him as a science teacher when she was a kid too here's a kicker she retired before my science teacher i haven't checked but i'm pretty sure the man is still teaching to this day i have been a substitute teacher for the same school district for the past eight years four years ago i had taken over for a fifth grade teacher with cancer from november to the last day of school the teacher ended up passing away that april so sad well when i went up to the middle school while these kids were in seventh grade a student from that fifth grade class came up to me student hey mrs b i just wanted to let you know that you're letting us do free writing in the beginning of each day has really made me love creative writing i'm going to write a book someday me or i'm so glad you enjoyed that time make sure you dedicate your first book to me or something like that as just a substitute this was pretty amazing for me it made me feel good that i was someone's inspiration without actually having my own classroom i am not a teacher but i am actually the principal of a high school there was that one annoying kid who would always come into my office to make suggestions on how to make the school a better place i mean it is rather admirable however the ideas were rather unique you could say examples include to allow skateboards in hallways to prevent people from running in hallways or having to extend the lunch break from 15 to 30 minutes he was always such a nice kid and now my assistant principal visited my pay teacher he always assumed i was just a lazy blow off because i slept through his 7am class a few times i was generally pretty respectful but he was always a huge dong to me and everyone for no reason the first thing he says how are you tempinator where are you at these days insert local community college in a super condescending voice stanford felt freaking great a pay teacher being condescending about the rank of your college university is hilarious late to the party but i was a student who went back to visit my guidance counselor senior year i had a complete mental breakdown later found out my parents almost institutionalized me yikes went to her office one morning because i felt like my life was falling apart this june i brought her my transcript i'm graduating summer cm lord with a degree in cellular and molecular biology with a minor in chemistry come this december and i applied to medical school i had made it after all she cried i found out she's been using me as an example for struggling seniors now makes me proud congratulations on your recovery i'm sober and i'm sorry step nine then he put his lanky arms around me and started to cry and said you were the first adult in my life that said you loved me and meant it he was a train wreck he started smoking and with his dad in middle school and when he got sober was smoking 17 times a day alcohol was his drug of choice i've got great drunk stories about him three years in and still sober and doing well we talk often in school i was a top student after i graduated i took a year off went to school for a year then took another two years off at some point during my time off i went to see my old choir teacher who i had been close with when i told him i was taking time off he got so disappointed in me and said so well now i'm graduated with a great job in my field some people just need to do things in their own time i'd like to see him again to tell him gonna be honest in your teacher's defense when most people take time off they don't go back good for you though not a teacher but when i went back the first thing my ex-english teacher asked me was did you nail my kid weird cuz i did this thread makes me sad my freshman year in high school i had one teacher who truly made a difference he always went to parent teacher meetings even though he wasn't required to because he was only my band teacher it was his first and last year there and i left shortly after freshman year when the band program went to crap i always wonder what would have been different if he had stayed and what he is up to now i really wish i could get in touch with him at the very least i would like to thank him for the positive impact he had on me he can probably be found on facebook find him and write him a note former student remember me you always used to scold me by saying pay attention nobody is going to pay you to stare out a window teacher oh yes what do you do now former student i'm an airline pilot my american federal government teacher will get on to me for drawing in his class we had a huge argument in the middle of class and at one point i told him i was a heck of a lot more likely to become an artist than to work for the government i now work the government and often have so much downtime i draw and doodle all day opposite thing saw an old teacher from school who was delighted to see me as i was always smart but a class clown figured i'd be finishing a college degree by now told her i'm currently on bail and if convicted and facing four years plus jail she looked so depressed i think i ruined her day this more the unexpected thing i told my former teacher when i became a teacher and in return the unexpected reply when i started teaching at the high school from which i graduated i went to a party at one of the administrators houses the weekend before the first day of class in attendance was my old 11 12 grade literature teacher about 30 years my senior smart and sexy as heck she had taken early retirement the year before but was still hanging out with old colleagues and me as the night wore on i got it in my head that i should ask janitov so i made my move about six bison i proposed we get dinner and drinks at a local establishment one night she patted me on the head sweetly and said no she couldn't go on a date with someone 30 years her junior much less a former student i applied her a little bit assuring her that my intentions were innocent and that she'd always been my favorite teacher and she actually said yes well she said okay fine but i was completely flawed that i'd actually succeeded long story short we have coffee talk on the phone some and when things started getting familiar she got weird and that was the end of it still felt like a triumph to 23 year old me kinda the opposite but i ran into a former teacher a few years ago at the supermarket now i was a complete idiot at high school class clown who failed pretty much everything her class especially anyway we talked for a bit and she asked me what i was doing these days probably expecting me to say unemployment the look of shock and surprise on her face was priceless when i said that i just finished my master's degree and was about to start working for one of the top four consulting firms in the world i sucked at math i sucked at math so freaking hard i think it had more to do with our ridiculous method of teaching concepts from the top down rather than the bottom up that tripped me up but for whatever reason i almost failed every single math class i ever took and almost ended up not graduating i had one math teacher my junior year of high school that really busted her butt to help me graduate got me into credit recovery for some of my previously failed math classes and probably single-handedly saved my butt i was not sure if i was going to get to graduate until five minutes before the ceremony i did thank her but not as much as i should have i didn't have the perspective to truly understand what she and my counselor did to get me through it i went to community college for a year but had to make up at least two semesters worth of math classes the requirements changed a year before i got there so i ended up dropping out i did get a job as a help desk monkey at a managed service provider though did a lot of tech work got promoted up the help desk as far as i could go and formed a really good mentoring relationship with the guy who owns a company he is the quintessential hands-on management type i ended up quitting because my direct boss was and but who didn't respect my boundaries found another job as a systems admin it paid very well but i didn't feel like the work was very important or rewarding it was an alternative media company so i asked the company owner if i could come back as purely a network engineer and nothing else he agreed and matched my current salary plus profit sharing plus i get to run my own department autonomously so i went back a year or so later my role has been evolving somewhat i'm currently in the build-out stage for a bunch of new products and services being hosted out of our data center that were mostly my brain child i'm finally in a place to put money into savings as well as a nice discretionary fun to do interesting stuff with i'm 22 years old and haven't accepted a single dime of help from my parents since i was 19. my boss the company owner is very active in the community as it turns out including being on the board of trustees for the school district i attended high school at i told him about how this teacher helped me out massively and he nominated her for teacher of the year opening this proposal with my story i really wish i could have seen her face when she heard it i really need to go visit her again she definitely wasn't the only teacher that shaped my future but my life would have gone in a completely different direction had i not graduated on time going with up syndrome i went back to see my chemistry teacher in high school who i always really loved and told her i was planning to be a teacher she said incredulously what does your father think about that i was completely dumbfounded whatever she thought of my dad she was completely off i didn't become a teacher in the end but my dad was supportive i was disappointed that she wasn't more so well back in 2008 i was an english teacher my students were mostly 12 or 13 and were really nice to me except for this girl who was a juvenile bee there wasn't a day that she wouldn't get on my nerves i quit at the end of that year to pursue other interests last year i went back to the school to see my former colleagues and as i was talking to the head teacher my ex-student is leaving her class she sees me makes that oh my god it's your face runs towards me and gives me a very tight hug saying she's missed me and that all other teachers she had sucked ha ha she then asks me if i've got some time and we go grab a bite she said the only reason she behaved like that was because she had a major crush on me we've now been dating for a year and a half yay tl dr female problem student said she only gave me so much trouble cause she had a crush on me we're together now you are living a porno i was an awful young girl class clown in school my maths teacher once pulled me out of class by my hair saw him at a friend's funeral last year woke up next to him naked the next morning oops i'm going to go along with the assumption that it wasn't a particularly close friend i was walking down a street a few months ago and a man walked up to me and asked if i remembered him i didn't but he explained that 10 years earlier i had been teaching a technical training class at an adult extension school and he had been in the class he told me that the class had turned his life around he had been unemployed and drifting but he said that the passion i had for the field in my class had infected him and he decided to pursue a career in that area ten years later he had a good professional technical job in a bank a home wife and family he said that it all started for him in that class a decade earlier i never had any idea that anything i did could actually have a life-changing effect on anyone i found a private place i cried for 10 minutes late to this thread and will probably get buried but i had a 6th grade science teacher who was really fun and i used to stay after class to talk to him and we became friends i was always the kind of kid who got along better with the adults and with the other kids a few years later i was at a different school for middle school and there was a geography b and by some miracle i won it i didn't even realize a geography b existed until the day it happened apparently i have a very good visual memory for some reason later that day i had occasion to stop by my old elementary school to say hi to that sixth grade science teacher he was very happy to see me and we chatted for a while i mentioned at the beginning that there had been a geography be that day but i didn't say how i fared and we changed the subject and caught up about other things he eventually asks me so how do you do in the geography b i said oh i won and i reached into my pocket and pulled out the medal i had been given he almost fell out of his chair you won it was great to see him and great to give him that surprise i had a former student contact me while she was in college asking my opinion on a piece of writing she'd done apparently her english professor thought she could do much better i had taught her journalism not english where essays were customary i took a look at it and agreed with her professor it was terrible i suggested some edits and suggest she try harder she was very grateful for the second opinion i know this teacher doesn't use redit but i figured i'd tell this story anyway she was is a drama teacher at a rather ordinary high school in sydney australia she still has letters that one of her favorite students used to write her that student was heath ledger she showed her students the letters on the day that he died on the other side of it my now wife and i were dating in high school we had a photography teacher for different classes he also ran yearbook which was the class she was in my wife was known as a troublemaker and i was his golden photography student he never let her in the dark room as her class didn't use it but i could come in any time and use anything towards the end of our senior year the class was given a free reign project with the ultimate goal of having our picture judged by the community the picture i submitted was actually taken by my wife of my back all scratched up after some vigorous teenage sex he booked at it constantly said it was inappropriate and encouraged poor choices he was trying to say that he disapproved of my relationship with her in a fatherly way in the only way he could in a way with my parents divorced at a young age and never seeing my father i felt like he was a father in a way ultimately i convinced him to let it right i won the photo competition and life went on about five years later my wife and i visited home with our two-year-old daughter i convinced my wife we should visit him under the pretense of dropping off lunch to my little sister who was a senior at the time caught in between classes and it was great while we caught up he let my wife take our daughter in the dark room and see what it was like a warm all-around feeling kind of reconciliation in some roundabout way i caught up with my teacher from second sixth grade small school a few years back we'd never spoken about music before i didn't even know he was passionate about it when we caught up we spoke for about half an hour about nothing but metal bands was fun actually something pretty crazy happened sophomore year of high school i was a student in class and a recent senior alumni came into class and started talking to my english teacher when he takes out his wallet and shows her an ultrasound he said he was going to be a father and my english teacher was speechless this boy really wasn't a good kid always in trouble plus he was just a freshman in college she was really nice to the kid and he seemed pretty excited about it too i guess i just kinda expected him to be depressed and kinda upset also this is a very catholic school so she was kind of in a pickle with the word she could use in front of a classroom of religious students i especially loved my english teacher because she made him know she backed him up 100 for keeping the baby and actually seemed proud of him because he wanted to raise it on the opposite spectrum when i was in college i found out my high school teacher was freaking a chick in the grade above me for god knows how long while she was in high school they're dating or engaged or something now she used to babysit his kids their girls about five eight years younger than her i mean she was out of high school so live and let live and all but it still creeps me out he has daughters way closer to age to her than he is this thread is making me want to contact my middle school english teacher i tried looking for him on the internet but couldn't find him talking to him about star wars made middle school less crappy i remember him telling me encouraging things when i was crying because middle school girls are horrible i forgot what he told me but i still remembering feeling awesome afterwards i just want to tell him that i'm a second year and a bio engineering major at the university that finished the human genome project mr santo yo wherever you are i hope you're doing well and thank you for always encouraging me to do my best end of it over here after failing biology in high school my teacher made it a point to tell me that i'd never succeed in the sciences next week i get my msc diploma and have a paper coming out in a pretty high impact genetics journal boom if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Studios
Views: 18,505
Rating: 4.9064746 out of 5
Keywords: school, school stories, teachers, high school, education, students, teachers share, learning, college, visiting school, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 50sec (1430 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 17 2020
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