Is upgrading to AM5 worth the investment?

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do you think an investment into an am5 build will eventually be paying off over time as the platform May support newer CPUs for longer and may also allow the ddr5 ram to be possibly reused in the build after even though one is actually looking for a more budget oriented build based on say 5600 and b550 board as prices for ddr4 and aim for platform are becoming extremely affordable so this is sort of like the budget do you go with the am4 platform with ddr4 that's kind of dead but is certainly very affordable if you're a budget Chopper or should you go for like the budget am5 build which is a bit more expensive but gives you that CPU longevity and sort of like could you reuse the ddr5 and stuff like that like is it worth it at the moment right so yeah we're coming up from it is it not worth it type situation because obviously if you're trying to spend as little as possible you don't have a computer you need a computer you don't have much money want to spend as little as possible as I said obviously am4 is going to be cheaper and still give you a pretty good gaming experience and you've got access to Parts like the 1500x 3D don't know what that's called priced at now was like 300 but obviously you want to get something like maybe a 5600 that that'd be below 200 I'd imagine I haven't seen prices in the last little bit uh but yeah I would personally uh cover the extra money get myself um like we I've talked about the the ASRock b650mhdv won't have the full name we've talked that's 120 us I would be inclined to spend probably closer to 200 even for a for a budget system to get like a good quality b650 board um full-size at export maybe four dim slots for a bit of expansion there down the track a few extra features and things because I'd plan on using that board for it'd be like my b350 investment but an actually good motherboard yeah that you know and one or two generations from now you could get a 3D V cash equivalent type CPU and get it just a a monstrous like think about you know be a decent b350 board um with like a ryzen 5 3600 with ddr4 3200 memory that was a pretty good value combo back in 2017. and then you upgrade that to a 50 100x3d and you're getting monstrous like 80 plus gains so if that's achievable again again we're just spitballing here we have no idea what the future brings for the am5 platform but if anything's remotely similar to that uh then it'd be worth spending a bit more money now to get yourself a half decent board um yeah ddr5 memory is coming down significantly I realize it's still much more expensive than ddr4 probably roughly twice the price for a sort of equivalent type memory but that's what I'd be doing I'll be getting the investing in the ger5 now because I'm sure like ddr5 6000 CL 36 32 30 that would be um perfectly fine with like a Zen five CPU you'd still get a lot out of that yeah um I think it really comes down to whether you're you see yourself as an upgrader or you're going to hold you onto your system for a long time like there are certainly budget buyers who you know they've saved up a lot of money over a long period of time to afford their system and that's likely to be the case for their next build as well so if you were you know you're saving up a lot of money and you're still you're only looking at like am4 sort of pricing you want the absolute best performance because you know you've saved up you want the best the best value then I think there's still a case to be made for am4 like if you're not planning on you're thinking just you want the best now and you're going to wait another five six years for an upgrade then there is that case to be made you buy the best stuff now the best value stuff which would be am4 but if you're if you see yourself more as that upgrader where you know you're thinking I'm gonna buy this now and then I am going to have the budget for a new CPU in a few years I'm gonna have the budget for you know maybe a memory upgrade at some point or other upgrades then it makes more sense to go down the am5 path and but it really depends on sort of your budget and what you see over time and that's really difficult on the budget cost because there are a definitely a variety of different Shoppers like there are people that spend money consistently throughout many years but that amount of money is low which means they're still in the budget class but then they're people that spend a lot of money at once and then we'll wait a long time yeah so I think it can depend there you have to weigh it up I mean the advantage of am5 is it is definitely faster in all circumstances right now it's more power efficient and it's faster so it's not like you're it's not the future proofing angle where you're spending a bit more for basically the same now hoping it will pay off down the track you're definitely getting you're spending more now and getting more that's true but then like price for Price you'd probably because per frame is roughly the same well if you've got a really cheap am4 system yeah it could be better yeah it certainly could be better value but I also expect things like you know like what we predicted with eight gigabytes versus 16 gigabytes of vram I'm predicting that ddr5 memory will win out massively over ddr4 with the Next Generation again that's true like what we've seen with Spider-Man for example and there's been more examples of that since ddr5 is clearly the much better memory to use moving forward uh for games like they are going to become much more balance sensitive than they have been like what we see with Spider-Man so there's that angle as well I think you're you're getting more now I think you'll get continue to get even more as time progresses and it there's no right now you can't definitively say you're right I'm wrong or vice versa that will only be evident in two years time where it's like hey there's this 300 CPU that offers 100 more performance and all you have to do is update your bias and drop it in whereas you know you'd have to buy a new motherboard and new memory for the am4 which you know that may be only like 150 cost in a few years time but it's a cost you don't have to incur uh and that cost would offset how much Great Value their am4 isn't it without knowing the future it's very hard to answer accurately I'm thinking more like min max people where an am5 even the interest of level am5 system is right on the edge for them in terms of their budget and that might mean significantly reducing their GPU performance or whatever yeah it really depends like how budget do you mean like if you're if you can definitely afford an am5 entry level system that's probably the way to go but again there are people who their total system budget like maybe 600 or something in which case am5 is a significant portion yeah the question is do you think the investment will eventually pay off yeah my answer is yes I'm I can't tell you for sure it's like hedge your bets kind of thing I'm not giving Financial advice I'd investing in PC parts but I would invest in am5 personally because I I would enjoy the extra performance I'm getting now and features and I think down the track it will just continue to pay off and yeah yeah so that I would be going am5 I would not be looking at am4 anymore for a full system build um if you obviously have an am4 motherboard already get some ddr4 memory and you've got a older ryzen 5 2600 3600 yeah 5800 X 3D is an awesome way to breathe a lot more life into that PC um yeah and I guess for aim4 you're probably better off like if you were doing a full system build like looking at used parts and used Market sort of thing because you'd be that budget constrained that there's so many ways to go about it so yeah like I said if you try to save every last dollar then your am4 is very appealing if you're like look I want to get I want to make sure I'm getting good bang for my buck but I'm not penny pinching I've got a bit of money to spend here you know I could afford a a 7600 or a 7700 and you know a sort of mid-range entry level-ish type b650 board then I'd be like yeah look just stop thinking about it get am5 um and yeah just hopefully we'll get some great CPUs down the track that you can just throw on that board with a boss update
Channel: HUB Clips
Views: 38,440
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Id: jgyrMQMa4_E
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Length: 7min 57sec (477 seconds)
Published: Fri May 05 2023
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