When Satan is your boss

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All right. We're checking out the only game where you get to be a boss that pays your employees in death, it's Boss Life. It's my first day as a boss and I already have to promote one person and fire the other person. I don't know what any of this means. Does this mean that I have to pay him more? Or does this just mean that like he carries more in his wallet? All right, we got time management over here. Ah, this is what I really care about. I don't want it high by the way, this guy is way too smart. [crickets] This dude over here looks like the Monopoly guy with a full head of hair and he's stupid, which is perfect. You're promoted. Ah, we have a crime that we have to deal with. I'm not really sure why the police aren't handling this, but you know what? That's what I make the big bucks for. Stole office supplies, pooped in your office. I like how he's angry and he's embarrassed. He's like, I really don't know what I was thinking. Poop on this guy's tie too 'cuz it's got the same coloration. Honestly, someone who has this much creativity, I don't wanna fire this guy. Meanwhile, poop tie over here is shaving his face with a lawnmower, you're gone. See what I'm looking at here? Unhappiness, depression, fear and this girl's just somehow levitating above the floor. You know how we fix problem children like this? We vomit money at them, yay. I love how as they get their money, they go super sayan and they just develop new parts of like clothing. Look at what this guy's, did he just smack that lady in the face? Is he hitting on him? Is it him that's getting slapped? I don't know. Let me grab my camera from 1989 over here. Ah, impropriety. This is a really weird conversation because he is like, do you know what my tongue tastes like? And the girl's like, it tastes like joblessness. This is probably the best invention of any workplace I've ever seen. All it is is a wheel where I get paid more, that's all it really happens. Everyone gets to stand around while I spin the wheel and then I get the money. Yeah, that's right and everyone, I think I've done so well that I get a raise. What is this job contract? I want no benefits and I agree to work with no pay. You are unbelievably hired for your incredible skill. You may have a picture of the devil. All right, so far it kind of just looks like a sad cat. Now it looks like a malformed cat. Here's his little- here's his little devil goatee. There here's an arm growing out of his neck where he wields his pitch fork, there clearly the devil, I got another person. They also want no benefits and agree to work with no pay. I love how it is basically like, "Hey, Gray real quick. Could you just draw this star?" And I'm like, "No." Here's a car though running over a dead body, that is gorgeous. Do you also want no pay? No joke. Whoever scouting these people is gonna get a raise. What's probably funny is the person that's scouting them all probably has no pay either. How about this? I'll pay a double. All right, Helen, we're playing a game. See? It's a word. It starts with H-E-L. If you can guess the last letter [laughs] I'll pay you triple. Does anyone know what it could be? It's a P and you're signed. The boss noise meter. Oh, okay, listen. Gloria, if you keep laughing, it doesn't matter how quiet I am. Just shut up. Stop it. Okay, real quick. If you're sitting at your desk working and your coworker has her camera out with the flashlight, you know something's about to go down, go, go, go, go, don't worry about the noise meter, just do it, just do it. This guy's like the owner's kid. Aren't I the owner? I'm the boss. What is this? We'll call you later. Oh, we've got an application for a gossip specialist. Adam light, his one quality is he's slightly handsome, intelligence is a three outta five, too high. All right, I love the bow tie. Let's see here. Growth salary is terrible. I love it. Timing is all-- apply for master handshaker is a gro- has groovy dance skills. All right, if you can promise me that someone will bleed on your tie. By the end of the day, you may have a job. All right. How about you? What do we go? Whoa. Five-star intelligence. So wait a second. I just wanna mention something real quick. He's got a five in intelligence and only a three in speed, but somehow he's the fastest hot dog eater in town. I really hope that I am like legitimately just shredding these right in front of everyone. What is this? What is happening? Not allowed. Why wouldn't this be allowed? Can I just let this guy go? This guy got all dressed up work, he only spent like $3. You can get both of these things at the dollar section at Target. I-I don't want to take this stuff off of her. She actually looks amazing this way. All right, to be fair. It is May. All right, chill out. Santa doesn't love you, get outta here. Good morning, boss. Uh, hi. Oh, am I supposed to like, make coffee? [laughs] Uh, I dunno. Okay, this-- a-actually, I-I don't really need that much coffee. Can I get the sugar? I want all the sugar. I don't really need that much coffee. Do I need a certain amount of coffee before I can get? I don't want the milk, can I do the sugar? I can't do the sugar yet, right? Yeah. Let's just spray that milk everywhere. Fantastic. No, [laughs] I didn't know getting violated by caffeine would-- What is going on here? [screams] I don't know what to do. Oh, no, nope, no epilepsy- no epilepsy. Everyone leaves, everyone has to leave the meeting, everyone leaves the meeting. All right everyone, time for your daily high fives, you only get one, boom, there you are, Gwendolyn. Yeah, you keep- you keep not making me pay you, that's fantastic. We got one over here from the right side. Good job, love that fist pump, plenty of effort in that one. We're going low, boom. Right there, you'll probably won't be here by the end of the day. And I'm pretty sure I fired you all the way in the beginning but since, the fact that you found a way past security to work here anyway, with no actual reason, I'm gonna let you stay, great. Now I have to deal-- Is this-is that Sailor Moon? Why is he watching me intently when I'm trying to take cookies? Yoink, I'm the boss. Oh, yeah, oh, I love diabetes. All right, yeah, there we go, gotta get all the cookies, all 6000-- Oh, where exactly are you looking? Cause your eyes are kind of low. She's like, "I'm watching your stomach because I can literally see you getting fatter." Yeah, well, guess what? No chocolate chip for you. Meeting starts in two minutes, okay. Oh, I have to drive like a maniac. Okay. You gotta overtake the car. What happens if you crash? Hold on, I need to hit this police officer, it's for science. He's-- [groans] there we go, yeah. Come on, they just can be one, boom. [laughs] All right, well, can I run into him this way? This way? There we are, oh, I am murdering everyone. If I would have known about this in the beginning, I could have probably killed at least three more people. But I mean, causing, I don't know what was this? Like 16 accidents before I even get to work? I'll take it. [music] I love how I still got 200-plus small boss. [laughs] I love that the size of my bossliness is directly related to how many people I kill. What is this? What does it say, you have messages? I have messages? Requesting a raise. Oh, oh, I can't give anyone a raise. Okay, got it. Yeah. [laughs] Oh, well, we're-we're just- we're just crushing everyone's hopes and dreams. [screams] "You just saved a lot of money." Oh, it says my favorite time of the day. It's the give Gray a big pay raise day. Here we go. Hey, an extra $100, actually, can I spin that again? Oh, I can get a rocket-powered seat. Come on Rocketchair. Rocketchair. [screams] Yes, all right, here we go. It's time for the CEO race. Yes. [screams] What do I even know? Is this, like a Starbucks card? I'm gonna hit all this, I don't care. [laughs]. I'm the winner cause I got turbines on the back of my chair. [chuckles] It's your birthday, like my birthday, or his birthday? Wait, I'm paying for my own pizza on my birthday? Is this is my wife? I'm sure this is one of the girls I hired like yesterday. This dude's like, "I'm getting a big tip, right?" Listen, do you understand the complete lack of morals that I have? Get out of here. Nope, no, no, no tip. It's no tip. How come it's no tip? It's supposed to be no tip. Ah, over here at the copier. Everyone's working hard, typing up their charts, messing up their lower backs. Why is this just like a picture of me looking angry? [chuckles] What are you supposed to do? [laughs] What a great use of office materials. [growls] In breaking news, if you can't face the day without your morning dose of coffee, then look no further than the Florida Man Coffee Company. For Florida Man Coffee Company serves up a big chaotic ride with every sip. And if you're anything like us here in the newsroom, it's all day, every day, preferably via intravenous drip. [bleep] Man, this printer tastes like Saltines, so strange. What are you guys eating, Long John Silver's? What, were you scanning a chicken sandwich? What is even happening in this picture? I feel like licking the printer is a great way to get rabies. What is this? Unprofessional. But I can't even drink on the job? What do you want me to do with it? Oh, I just ate the whole plate. Yeah, I'm gonna-- See it's not unprofessional if you're drunk at the time, it's only unprofessional if people see you drinking. Gonna eat these socks too, high in fiber, and these fidget spinners that no one's used for the last 12 years. My poop picture's unprofessional? Come on, guzzle down the entire bottle of wine. The employees not working. What is this guy doing? Was so depressed he's just staring at a black screen? I go and like spy on him? Yeah, keep working your sickos. If I close this, do they immediately stop? I love how they're just like-- it's like an odor. An odor of money is just pouring off of them. Accept the stare of judgment. I c- I can't-- oh, I-- okay, I can see all the way over here. Yeah. Oh, but that's making them too unhappy. What, are you guys walking out on me? Oh, I'm getting mugged. [chuckles] Wow. I finally get to hire John Wick. [chuckles] Crime. Shoots water at people. Loves puppies too much. There's no such thing as loving puppies too much. Get out of my sight. That-- I didn't want to get murdered by John Wick. I feel like this is an underrepresentation of John Wick, because yeah, okay, quote unquote, "water at people." He's probably blinding my employees with bleach in a Super Soaker, which I am totally okay with. And whenever John Wick kills me, he can have the business. I'm happy with that. And hey, folks, hope you enjoyed this episode of Boss Life. Till next time, stay foxy and much love.
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 1,822,276
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: simulation games, graystillplays, gray still plays, greystillplays, simulator, funny, game, app, ios, simulation, mobile game, mobile games, bad choices, simulator games, gameplays, android, 3d game, best simulation games, top simulation games, boss life 3d, boss life 3d gameplay
Id: Ai2puD10xOo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 42sec (642 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 03 2022
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