When Opening Theory is NOT enough | Caro Kann ONLY Rating Climb

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hey everyone in this video we're gonna be breaking down the following typical themes of the kharokhan in the first game i'm gonna be showing you a super fresh sideline that you can use against the pan of attack next up we will be dealing with a heavy theoretical line from the advanced variation after that we will be annihilating the knight g3 sideline by going for the fiance and at the end of the video we'll be facing the exchange variation if using a 2100 opponent we're going to be trying out the karakan we see knight f3 and the exchange variation maybe he'll combine it with like knight e5 that would be the ambitious way of playing but it looks like we're getting back into the pan of attack and i'm gonna be doing my uh little sideline here with a6 this is going to be featured in one of my upcoming courses on the blackburn gambit after adc6 people can still play d4 and get back into the karo khan i'm going to be breaking down this line there okay white goes c5 so i think yes this line is nice to play g6 bishop g7 and castle with 94 but we need to make sure that we're getting in some kind of knight e4 or like bishop g4 it's like for example if they go bishop d3 bishop g7 h3 i think it's we can pretty much remain without counter play so we need to have one of those moves in the reserve so like if they go h3 now knight e4 is going to be amazing and bishop d3 i think bishop g4 is doable and this is big flat and one on d4 drops so i think black should be doing quite well already c5 is like a common move by the way point of a6 is like let's say to give you an example line cd95 so here bishop c4 as i was saying bishop e6 is strong and now on queen b3 knight a5 is a good move and you see that with a6 on the board if they go for the check we'll have b5 as a move so it's a little bit of a subtle difference i know but it's a pretty useful move to have openings bishop b1 now though defending but we could still take one f3 and he has to take with the g pawn which is a pretty terrible concession that he'll have to make i think we should go for it and then we could even go more aggressive like knight h5 is a move hitting pawn on d4 and the f4 bishop kind of forcing bishop e3 i think i like it and the bishop b3 there is e5 and after the d4 wins a piece so he has to play 92 but then we can take and open up the position which looks amazing so i think black is just close to winning already we haven't even passed the 15 moose mark which is yeah pretty nice because a lot of people are wondering if you can still like play for a win with the karo khan and that has always been a funny topic like it's it's only sicilian to play for a win right but it was only sicilian okay just gonna go for the simplest and again probably simplest they can rotate and like on king f1 i think this is pretty amazing like looks amazing so lion goes bishop g7 queen h3 king g1 and i'm wondering if can mate they've got like queen f1 but there's like 92 winning the queen which generally is uh is a good sign i don't think we need to go more in depth with that yeah check only move king g1 and just the knight to f4 seems to seal the deal queen f1 but then 92 forcing him to give up the queen end yeah he can try to save the bishop but he's still completely lost yeah bishop d4 i'm expecting but just i'm gonna double up it's pro he's probably that he's never gonna get the circuit to the game so okay bishop e3 just rookie three and queen f3 with mate otherwise through key one is gonna happen and bishop c3 d4 wins yeah deflecting the bishop so we can get through q1 there were other winning moves as well so jake would just be taking could also play uh rookie five rook g5 so rookie five f4 uh what is like the smoothest win i guess queen f3 is like simplest plays rook f1 and then this is mate and we do see resignation all right i think that was a pretty smooth game can we run like uh like a game report i'd be curious what it was that was like pretty nice actually it was a pretty precise game i'm not sure if i can show you like here it was 95. great job based on this game i have some training suggestions i'll need to contact them later for that and let's try out the carol khan okay d4d5 we see the advance let's go e6 and we get more into the main lines right now so you see once we get into like the 2100 ish they're starting to play more of like mainline stuff so on bishop t3 i'll just play the edwin la mi line with queen v6 uh yeah it has like really a lot of boom move by move stuff in it but that's yeah kind of how this lines go in the color like you have to memorize this to make a first draw or you get slightly suffering positions by playing other setups okay knight c3 i i'm already trying to remember what i was supposed to do so like queen beto i'm pretty sure there they have uh queen b1 i think i'll start this way and after castle queen beto 21 i think that's how the line goes then we place c4 or something yeah i think that's it and like knight b5 we have c4 and knight c7 king 98 and bishop c2 and all those crazy lines and now and queenie one we're supposed to take and now they take with a bishop i think yeah i know it was knight x bishop b4 and this is like a lot of theory and i think i'm supposed to take with a bishop or maybe yeah i think queen takes they've got rook b4 that is kind of annoying so it's bishop c3 rook b2 bishop e1 and then b6 something like that now b6 and knight x on f5 they can even go check and i play king f8 this is a lot of theory i studied this line at some point from mervil nami's course but hard to remember but so far i mean we've got into the end game which is like pretty safe and there's an idea that we play with g5 i can remember king of e6 maybe g5 then okay rook b3 i still remember i'm pretty sure this is fury and now i think it was like maybe g5 rook c3 and king g7 rook c7 was that it maybe not there maybe against this one there's uh the rules like h5 in some positions k97 he may try to do this nia rook c3 i don't remember here if it was rook c8 or not i i don't know i wouldn't really allow him to infiltrate honestly but maybe that's how i'm supposed to play i'll just play the natural move though and if that's bad okay we'll check it later we can trade 1097 he's got maybe c4 as a problem yikes yeah i am i didn't know that yeah that is suffering now still i can try decent g5 it's very close i mean one step wrong and you're kind of doomed but i mean if you remember it you have easy draw that's pretty much how the storyline is in this lines yeah so do we take on e5 or start okay king g7 e6 so we kind of have to take but he's got like our opponent b7 which yeah looks winning for him maybe we still have resources with roxy8 maria i mean the good thing is if you're playing the karaoke as a beginner you'll never really get into this lines until uh 2100s and i think we're kind of unlucky because we're playing against a very well prepared opponent by the way quick check okay this seems like a normal person but like normally people are not so incredibly well booked up like my opponent is i think looks it and still may be decent drawing chances although i missed bishop a6 yeah that could be a problem because if i play rook c7 he has room b4 figure manager still okay on bishop a6 i'll try to still i think you should have probably a win somehow but not so simple still have some activity wait what is he doing because like if he takes that's a dead draw and i think we might have equalized now after he allowed me to take the pawn and this is big threat to trade everything off okay let's do knight e3 bishop f1 and maybe ruxito trying to win the pawn immediately rook d5 there is uh okay king f6 rook king f6 rook f5 that could be a problem oh it's not because it's defended rookie's defended yeah can we play this one uh for a win if you can go for the win and check i go f6 although maybe that's not so clever has bishop d3 and he's safe no nicey too okay now we can play this one out because 91 is a flat and if we get to play descent games it's pretty risk-free and we can press k91 isn't this lost might be lost now like knight f3 coming way this has to be a mate yeah with knight f3 funny we've got a checkmate let's go okay that was didn't really expect to win this game but uh okay the fact that we managed to survive that super long line it just makes me happy but let's check it actually see how the fury was okay probably this is also fine if i find knight g6 because like this is uh sort of oh this is okay with king e7 what a strange move allowing d6 and king is six and you're just like chilling crazy lines the opponent opens up with d4 let's go for a karaoke and then see what they have in mind against it okay looks like it's gonna be a tartar cover and i guess knight g3 i find g6 to be the best counter i have tried all of them h5 e6 i play this a long time but i find g6 to be the easiest way to deal with this lines connected with bishop g4 ideas and lego knight e7 and the keybrake will be with e5 so h3 we take window e5 and i always feel like black has very easy equality here and yeah maybe bishop e3 is now a move i think can take a bishop d5 okay maybe even met by c5 and bishop b395 so against this i think we're quite happy to see because we can take one d4 and try to play against the isolated pawn against that thought maybe that is 95 could also start h6 pressure page four p95 queen e2 knight c4 queen c4 and just uh queen d5 maybe i think i like that he has to trade queens and then we still get to play against the isolated pawn which might end up being pretty instructive yeah and now he's going to be winning back the pawn but i think we're still going to have a slightly better position after this move queen d5 just taking back with a knight then rookie 8 bishop will constantly be having an eye on that pawn i mean he doesn't really have any other moves because this is under attack as well so has to take and go cd but just recreate this and nice he can't even play rookie one i think because we take and then take on d4 in that position c4 that is like a really creative way to play this i guess opponent simply hated to play with the isolated pawn so he came up with this move but just knight b6 didn't play knight before because oh i wanted i offered draw accidentally wow and opponent declined so i wanted to show on the board that do not go on high before because of bishop e7 in the first row by accident and the opponent declined pretty funny hope he can't accept now one move later that would be hilarious but he plays rookie one and yeah we're just like better i mean winning but need to play some technical moves knight 97 looks good rerouting the knight and like 92 worst case scenario c5 but he's not even threatening to take the pawn because we'll take only one and then the knight drops so 94 by just rookie 6 covering d6 square stopping this and preparing to double up i think we've got everything under control we're up a free pawn and let's see b4 just gonna double up i think we're winning a piece because f3 there's f5 and opponent simply couldn't keep it together this game but that's just because we killed all of his play from the opening we just got that nice counter with g6 and then the e5 break black has complete equality and white doesn't really have much room for creativity either it's not that he can do much to to deviate and yeah we're just getting really easy and straightforward play yeah i have three but just f5 and collecting the knight on the next move come over the night because this guy will drop and that is pretty much resignation time opponent plays 96 with the idea that if i take takes on e8 but simply losing to rookie one so he tried his sort of last bullet right or maybe it wasn't last one maybe still has some other tricks taking three pawn playing v3 bishop c3 next checkmate or d2 okay gonna be winning the night as well okay you can have my bishop i don't mind this is strange i found the style matrix sure all right i guess we get to see the mate on the board gain the black pieces once again let's go for the car con getting into the exchange variation and i'm gonna be showing you my uh favorite pit line this is not amazing i know what he's trying to do he's trying to meet uh bg4 with uh knight f3 simply but i think this is we have this interesting queen b6 move it's a bit advanced stuff but okay i think best movie is knight c3 for white here if my memory is right but that's a strange one like if he plays b3 we can just go knight c6 i think that was the point like b3 do not take one d4 because bishop b5 but b3 just uh nice e6 and c3 bg4 i'm not sure that's so good but i think that's how the line went okay it goes bishop back to c1 but uh that doesn't make a lot of sense because we'll get into the queen c7 lines in the upper tempo so i could go knight c6 c3 bg4 we're just up a tempo compared to normal stuff f3 bishop d7 i think it's nice even though bishop h5 also doable ghost queen a4 opponent getting creative um i think just going a6 you want to go 92 knight f3 but that will have the closed bishop so it's uh a bit of an improv version because normally the bishop is sitting on f4 in this lines so it's this is good news for us this bishop d6 not really afraid of this move castle now i think we just got a superb version just queen c7 because the queen is not ideally placed on b6 and we want to prepare the minority attack because that's the key plan in the casper structure and another easy way to deal with this is just getting the bishop to g6 but i think that in this positions it's it's not a must and just go e6 with b5 really nice that we have good control over this course so 95 is never a thing just preparing b5 and if queen d1 gets played uh this is something he has to watch out for so it would be clever for him to start h3 but maybe we can use bishop f5 idea like um something similar i think is given in irvine let me scores and then the double pawns are actually quite helpful because we can play for 94. it's pretty big flat position flat i mean keep on taking his time and i think that's mainly because he's not familiar with his positions really close pressure but on h3 as i said like bishop f5 is pretty clever because we can trade and this is good structure with the double pawns because we have very nice control over the center and the knight e4 will be really unpleasant for opponent she's going to go for it immediately still bishop is not getting developed easily so he's hitting this pawn we can defend it with a tactical trick because if he takes on d5 we want bishop h2 okay missed knight e3 but we can just do 97 still keeping everything defended our main plan would actually be to expand with g5 at some point under good conditions we'll need to have this one well defended though wouldn't be shocked if we play something like king f1 to avoid the bishop h2 tricks here finally we play bishop f4 okay a4 but could do g5 could do bishop f4 f4 doesn't work because of an id5 you could also depend upon with queen c6 not sure i want that maybe it's like a nice move to queen lift at some point kind of playing some caveman chess i think just this will be the plan and he goes for that as i'm mentioning with a mishap if he plays it but just this i thought it's good then g3 maybe we have some like really nasty bishop takes on g3 ideas and otherwise this is very annoying could also play like f6 in some lines controlling e5 square so no knight t5 trying to suck upon and get active so you see that he is already going for it but i think he can just take and he doesn't have enough play because our coin will eventually infiltrate over to h2 and that's kind of decisive and f3 i thought again there's like knight g3 check could also play queen h2 maybe and sacrifice knight g3 is simplest though king f2 just f4 okay can we do just f4 he's got knight c2 only move um just uh queen g5 or something need to be a bit careful with this we've got this one in the pocket maybe just knight g6 idea to bring the knight to like h4 maybe play for attack you're also threatening to win the pawn on b7 but i don't think that's such a big issue here okay i'll follow my gut just go on ig6 no calculation please knight detail hmm can we still do check liking after queen g3 i think that's kind of working but he asking f1 as an alternative probably have to simply play queen c7 keep everything defended and i'm up a pawn sometimes you just stick to simple chess and therefore knight f5 oh yes there should be six ideas that we want to keep an eye on yeah just this oh i blended upon jesus christ trying to not blunder one thing and blended the other can you guys relate holy smokes what is this this is not total mess this is not total mess i no longer understand anything from this position if i ever did wow take once thanks for the night baby queen d5 absolutely insane i'm losing track of this game completely he's got like such a solid position all of a sudden this is just uh very strange rookie five gosh he's attacking that pawn just rook d8 yeah i definitely feel like i'm gonna lose this one even though i might still be doing well the way it's been going i don't know what to say we've got an end game though which is nice defending the pawn uh maybe he's got knight c5 still okay knight back try to support this guy definitely trade i'll let him take though i'm up upon even though it's a double one i think we should be doing well and gibb should be completely winning [Music] oh it's not checkmate jesus when vm goes back holy smokes how many queens do i need to win this goddamn game that was hilarious didn't expect that he lied what was good flag there that was so bad thanks a lot for making it this far into the video and if you're looking for more content make sure to check out some of the previous episodes from the same series
Channel: IM Alex Banzea
Views: 13,459
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: caro-kann defense, caro-kann defence, caro kann, caro kann theory, chess theory caro kann, best opening for black, opening against e4, how to play the caro kann, caro-kann all variations, chess, chess openings, chess opening theory, play the caro-kann, hanging pawns, chess opening for black
Id: vy5M2oUMtlM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Wed May 25 2022
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