Abusing typical beginner mistakes | Caro-Kann ONLY Rating Climb

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in this video we're going to be covering the following typical themes of the karo khan how to punish the questionable bishop c4 how to deal with the aggressive bishop b5 lines in the exchange variation and then we will have a look on how to maneuver your pieces against the advanced variation using the knight h6 plan here we get a game where it goes z4 meaning that we're gonna be playing the uh karo khan and perhaps we could see the hillbilly attack i guess he will simply take on d5 though bishop b3 is the uh sort of interesting gambit the hillbilly attack i think it's still like slightly worse for white but it could lead to interesting positions and fun to play i don't really recommend it though so on the check uh playing bishop d7 is like also fine but i simply like to develop the knight and then we could perhaps use this bishop later on to like g4 i think he will eventually take on c6 anyways now i can just develop gaining a tempo the quenchity we're going to be playing e6 with the idea to develop on d6 and gain another tempo okay hitting the queen really important he's got to play like when h4 or something from queen h4 can we play g5 or that's too much i think it might be a little bit too much queen 3 also find like i can't really play d4 because of queen d4 but we can uh simply drop the bishop hitting the c to pawn then we could castle and then d4 actually will become a frat since the knight will no longer be pinned does go g4 are we taking has the three and our bishop is getting almost trapped i think we just play bishop g6 keeping it simple he does go d3 now but we can castle so just notice as long as you pre-prioritize development you should be crashing in this ratings i mean imagine we started down the tempo and already by move 11 we have finished developing all the pieces we have castle then just look at this ugliness queen on e3 please e5 yeah it is that simple you just have to win by uh developing faster just gonna playing d for now taking advantage of this fork again you see that whenever he is attacking one of my pieces i'm looking for a way to counter attack the first instinct should not be to retreat which is usually what the weaker players do you should always look for a stronger fret a similar fret and then if there is nothing else just retreat the piece or something so the reasoning behind that is well let's say he plays quinito we can take the knight and after he takes and what we can think with the queen defending that opponent i'm evaluating that as slightly better for uh for us it does play queen f3 meaning that it's gonna be a little bit uncomfortable after he takes because i don't want to take quince but in that position i can actually also play uh 95 i could also start with 95 right away i think i'm liking that move uh better i think i'll just go 95 immediately hitting the queen once again going for the counter attack if he takes on b7 i mean i can even activate the look with rugby then he's gonna have a hanging bishop we see quintix on b7 but again just look at our beautiful development we have rook castle four pieces developed a frat and he only has two pieces developed by mo 15 this is just not how you should be playing okay it doesn't really matter you're upon you're up to pawns you can't really play with this kind of pieces i just can't stress this enough this is like so common for this uh rating range you see it literally in all the games equine a6 we can win another tempo with rook b6 yeah i like rook b6 because in some lines after he takes i want to take with a queen and bishop will be hanging so i'm just starting with rook b6 now so i mean imagine he attacked my knight like three moves three moves ago i still haven't touched it that's just simply the power of counter-attacking see i mean the knight's been hanging for like four moves by this point takes on a7 and uh again i'm not gonna be moving this night but we simply take one c3 and this time take on a7 it's a mistake not that his position was savable at this point but after he takes my knight then this guy will be now hanging on b5 so that's why he was supposed to play uh queen a4 or something to have the bishop defended but still it wouldn't have really changed the the outcome of the game here we see a4 we can simply move the knight now that is under attack could also play something like bishop c5 idea to play rook b5 yeah again just counter attacking we're not even touching this knight on f6 okay i said it we're not gonna be touching that another counter attack taking the bishop on b5 so i mean keep that in mind after rook takes on b5 we're not only like attacking the queen but also flattening the fork so rook b5 hitting the quinn and he's gonna play something like 26 i think attacking my rook but then again we're not touching that rook we will be using the part of the counter attack by taking obito threatening to take the rook and promote but okay just hang the queen so we'll be taking any flag but the position was was also losing so we do get the black pieces we're facing e4 meaning that we're going to be playing the super solid car con we're gonna be going for d5 and honestly in this ratings i'm expecting like a lot of your opponents to go for the exchange variation but so far from what i have seen in the previous games it's it's a bit of a mix like you see some advance some knight c3 line some taking i can't really make a super educated guess right now like what is the most common move played in let's say lower ratings like let's say between a thousand and twelve hundred but uh i would say taking is still uh among the most popular ones i mean it's a pity that you don't really have a player pull analysis on chess.com like you do on leeches i can actually like attach a statistic on the screen on yeah what is the most common uh move for like lower ranks i would say e5 is generally very popular always but okay we do have the exchange lines so let's actually try to focus on this game so we have the knight on c3 and the knight on c3 is actually not ideally placed there because it normally it belongs on like the d2 square just imagine like the ideal setup is trying to get back into a london and then this knight will go via d2 and will try to later rotate to the e5 square so on c3 it's already a little bit misplaced it's not like losing just yet but it's something that you want to keep keep an eye on so again this i would say very common for low ratings when they play this exchange variation but without really knowing what they're doing they're just trying to get some development i guess and without really having a long term game plan okay so i'm just gonna be developing my knights he does play bishop b5 which is spinning this night and could be dangerous if you combine it with like knight f3 knight e5 ideas but we're gonna be meeting knight f3 with bishop g4 immediately and okay he does play bishop to f4 that is an interesting move because i can play bishop f5 but then maybe he develops to f3 we can play e6 and then he has knight e5 putting a little bit of pressure on this knight but uh it looks like we can defend it with rook c8 he has an option to play aggressive with like g4 i'm not sure i wanna like really allow that so i think actually it's very clever to start with bishop g4 because even if he plays f3 i think he can perhaps either go bishop h5 or like drop the bishop to d7 and try to argue that he doesn't have the ideal square for the knight which is f3 so we're just hitting the quinn and i'm really expecting either knight f3 or pawn f3 so we'll see which one my opponent will uh will play here we see f3 which i would say it's the sort of more ambitious move and do we actually go back all the way to d7 or we do go bishop f5 like the difference is against bishop f5 we are allowing him to push us back with g4 and then h4 i mean it's not like a disaster but he will take some space so yeah this game is is becoming a little bit double-edged so f3 yeah i would say we'll just go back to f5 in this case if he wants to play g4 i mean that is pretty risky as well it's it's an attacking move but um it also comes with some risks so he simply plays knight e2 we're gonna be continuing development e6 idea to play bishop d6 next and yeah he simply castles and you see that we've managed to uh make this knight a little bit passive on e2 because it would have been ideally placed there but our bishop g formula was actually pretty clever and we can simply go bishop d6 castle short on the next move and black has a completely fine position and yeah we have equalized we can take it from there uh yeah that is pretty much like the goal in the opening we're just trying to get uh a playable position just finishing development without really having any weaknesses if possible and that seems to be the case and yeah we'll try to like slowly outplay our opponent so a planning dispositions could be after castling to just go a6b5 and try to expand on the queen side which is usually so called the minority attack but it's usually called the minority that the attack when this pawn is on c3 and then we play for like b4 but we see my opponent is taking voluntarily on on c6 which is interesting because it gives us the chance to take with a pawn and there is this sort of super basic rule that you should be capturing towards the center and by taking with the pawn we do actually improve our position in the center but i'm afraid he might get into some knight a for knight c5 and perhaps we take there we open up the b file but i'm wondering can't we just like make better use of the c file let's say we take with a queen and then we combine some b5 b4 and already the opponent's c2 will be slightly weak so i think in this scenario taking with the queen should be preferred but i think you know taking with a b pawn wasn't terrible either so i just think 26 is perhaps slightly better and taking with a pawn would have been somewhere yeah close to equal we see 9g g3 hitting the bishop we just drop instantly to g6 we don't allow him to double our pawns and we're gonna be castling short ass up again we're just trying to castle as fast as we can basically and then we can yeah just like push b5 start some active operations yeah just castling b5 b4 cb you'll be having troubles defending that opponency as i said earlier and you see that this knight really should be on e5 that's not really doing anything on on g3 and that is all due to our sort of clever bishop g4 move i'm not so sure it was super clever if you would have gone for the aggressive f3 g4 but the get the way the game went it seemed like we managed to achieve something with it so that's going forward which i think is a good move trying to play f5 and uh yeah complicate things a bit i think we can still go b5 though since f5 we can just take it i think he's just like one tempo short maybe he was supposed to start with like f4 in this position with the rook on f1 probably made more sense than plays f5 and i think the position is actually quite close to equal there but after b5 i don't know it does feel like black should keep a slight advantage with b4 coming yeah simply on the next move we do see rookie 5 which is i think a good idea trying to push for f5 but we can simply play b4 and i think we can capture on c2 on the next move so yeah also taking with a bishop could be an alternative but as i was saying previously in this series as a karo khan player yeah you should be super satisfied whenever you manage to get rid of the queens especially when you are up a pawn so we're taking with the queen we just want to get into the end game and win with our extra pawn so the strategy is like pretty simple from that perspective okay we do see f5 just need to be careful do not take this way because you blundered the queen but we can take one d1 first and then like take on f5 that looks to be the most natural thing to do and yeah i'm really expecting something like knight takes and he could be having ideas of going knight e7 and then taking on d5 so i think it's completely fine to just get rid of that annoying knight and then it's a question whether to start with rook e8 hitting the knight or trying to occupy this c file that is quite opened so i think i prefer this just because infiltrating on the second rank feels like it should be prioritized in this case like normally whenever you manage to infiltrate the second rank or aka the seventh rank uh if you're playing as white you're having a really good position and rook d2 is a good prophylactical move sort of but i think maybe we have knight e4 forcing him to go back and then we play rook c2 it looks like he's going to be winning the d5 pawn but i think we can trade this pawn for this to pawns on the on the queen side after like rook c2 and then we take uh each so i think that should be a good trait for us we do zero d3 i'm just gonna be continuing the plan and playing rook c2 and i think this is sort of inferior to having played rook d1 okay he simply blundered the knight but the point that i was trying to make is that let's say after rook c2 he plays like knight f4 okay okay that's actually just allowing mate so yeah can't really make any points let's see he plays knight g3 still we can trade but in some lines we even have this uh mating idea with rook c1 that wasn't really a thing with the rook on d1 in the game though he takes on d5 meaning that we can simply capture this guy on eta and threatening mate plus collecting the beat upon so we do have a completely winning position and we're just getting the checkmate now so yeah i just want to quickly check with the chess.com engine whether bishop g4 was clever or not so this is the position that we have on the board and as i was saying i wasn't necessarily sure what to play at this point but it does look like bishop g4 is quite clever even according to this weaker engine and after f3 apparently it really favors bishop d7 but it does seem like bishop f5 is also fine and i was just curious about what if he goes g4 then apparently it's kind of important to play bishop d7 i think i would have gone bishop g6 in the game and i think i would have met h4 with h5 and played this position which i think it would have been sort of double-edged pretty unclear close to equal as you can see so it would have been better to just play bishop d7 then and then uh the argument that we're trying to make is that uh well the spawns are like a little bit over extended and yeah if they try to go even deeper with g5 we can play knight h5 uh knight d5 does not really work because we can take there and then there's queen a5 picking up the bishop simply like that and yeah that was just uh i think a good idea to do in the opening and then you see that his knight on it was pretty much always misplaced and as i was expecting i think playing f4 would have been better but the upcoming positions are still very good for us if we simply play rook f8 so okay that's pretty much it about this game we do get a game opponent going e4 we're going to be playing the good old solid khara khan and against knight fc d5 expecting them to take can we see e5 once again this is like very common i played c5 in like a previous game i think uh i'm gonna be playing bishop f5 this time i think this is also like perfectly fine just going e6 d4 yeah i'm like in this position i used to play a lot of c5 but i think bishop f5 is fine as well i actually don't know the theory i haven't really checked that position since it doesn't really have any theoretical value but maybe i should because it's like it's like super common for lower elos so uh okay i think i'm gonna be doing this setup where we play bishop g6 and then knight h6 knight f5 such weird animations i thought they are looking nice don't you guys like the animations i thought it's kind of kind of looks look nice but maybe not so playing knight h6 i'm fine with white taking yeah i mean we might use that g-file for the rook trying to decide whether we break with c5 or not i think the play is like this and usually we possibly play king j8 and king gage and then rock g8 but maybe now because we have this position i'm considering g8 immediately but i think i will just go with the standard play it's like really important to have a safe king and then we can try to yeah mess around okay i mean opponent should throw in 22 at some point hitting the spawn we see 92 uh by the way whenever the knight is like retreating this is like more of a general rule for the advance variation but after let's see the play knight one you should sort of always strike with c5 in the center so i'm trying to understand whether it's like same situation i think it kind of is we're playing c5 following the uh rule uh okay opponent does play knight b3 meaning that we have a choice between taking and going c4 i don't think c4 is that bad in this position because we have this bishop uh putting pressure on the queen side i was thinking cd because if knight takes then we just win the free pawn how about queen takes though okay if queen takes then we take the other opponent on c2 i think this is just good like queen it's really easy to forget about the pawn on c2 and with the knight just take the pawn on e5 and even though it looks like we have a bit of a weaker king i don't really think it's that bad of a weakness i think we need to this time hitting the pawn i think i'm going to be setting up a trap playing knight c6 inviting him to take and then pick up the punk because there will be a bishop g5 type of move just trapping his queen hopefully he's gonna fall for that would be a pretty beautiful picture hey and he just goes right into it walking right into that trap and he's like oh no my queen don't think that uh yeah you shouldn't really think about it as just setting up a trap i actually played a good move and additionally i gave him the chance to make a mistake so what normally low-rated people do they just set up a trap but they make such an ugly positional move that uh if the opponent does not fall for the trap then they just have very in position for like the rest of the game so yeah here is just like playing a good move if he allows that well that's really nice if he doesn't well we just play the rest of the game in normal fashion and he loved it managed to win the queen and he also resigned which is a nice uh signed sign of respect do see e4 and we're gonna be playing the karo khan we see knight c3 gonna play in d5 i'm expecting takes yeah we do see takes which is not great like usually there's a line like a theoretical line where you play knight retreats the so called two knights which is actually uh one of white best's uh ideas um against the karo khan it's like really fashionable nowadays we see bishop b5 check which i guess is like very common usually it's gonna play knight c6 so uh after knight tree we're just gonna be pinning him with bishop g4 that is pretty much the rule and whenever they play h3 i would say keep the tension but you have to be super careful when this bishop is on b5 because if we would be answering uh let's say a3 with bishop h5 he can perhaps go super aggressive and then play knight t5 and that could get pretty ugly so in this position actually when the bishop is on b5 it's totally fine to meet h3 with bishop takes on f3 and just play normal there go solid knight f6 bishop d6 like the usual play we do see castle gonna be playing uh knight f6 just developing stuff e6 special d6 next to cd4 again just uh e6 if bishop f4 i'm always looking for traits he's trying to unpin himself with the idea to play knight e5 so we need to be super careful for that and for this reason i'm gonna be taking on f3 now just avoiding my e5 at all costs that is pretty much the only risk that we are running and i think can just develop with bishop d6 and bishop g5 will be met with shot castle i mean that's a really important move that a lot of uh low-rate players might be missing on because they're afraid of this move but then you can actually just go for the end games and it doesn't really matter that we have double pawns and on bishop f4 we're definitely fine with the traits also after castling the knight has been unpinned and the pawn on d4 is hanging so he does take one seasick we just take back we see bishop takes on d6 queen takes on d6 and we've got a bit of an of an equal position but i think we should be very slightly better because i'm gonna be breaking with c5 we have these two pawns in the center that are yeah quite valuable and yeah he does play b3 and if he is somehow able to play knight a for knight c5 i think he is equal but we can simply play like c5 or like slightly better main reason for that is uh because we can just uh yeah bring pieces in the game we actually have blue color here i wasn't aware of the fact that we can draw blue arrows but uh yeah we're just having a lot of pressure uh on the c file with his pieces okay he's trying queen e3 she's gonna be playing like rook c8 could also use like the other rook but i think this one is fine as well uh queen before he had 92 there okay queen before i mean you don't even attack this knight by the way so you can like defend can play anything uh so yes if i and then plays rook c1 but we can simply take the knight he tried to defend the sea to put in advance but forget about the knight i guess right i believe it's mate okay we got a mate with three knights let's go opponent opens up with e4 we're going to be playing the karo khan and against bishop c4 we are just going to be going d5 he takes which is which is pretty bad bishop b3 is somewhat more interesting going for the hillbilly attack but i guess these guys simply don't know how to play against the karo khan so that's why they end up playing bishop c4 for some reason and i think we're gonna be following this rule just spinning the knight when we can even though starting knight f6 was also fine just trying to make it easier for you to remember and now uh knight f6 we could go like super aggressive with e5 but i wouldn't really overextend like that since we don't really gain much in exchange i would say and i would just play with e6 keep a solid setup and just playing bishop d6 castling short we're not really trying to win this game from the opening even though maybe we could it's not really the goal yeah we can just castle with all the moves that i'm making i'm trying to develop something or improve my position so he does take i'm just gonna be taking back so i think what i did so far looked very simple and perhaps now we could look for ideas to expand with e5 e4 still not really like a huge fan of that i would like to actually advance this pawn to like a4 it's a bit trickier to explain why but we're just like taking space on the queen side and if he plays a4 himself then we would have you know perhaps created some weak squares as the b3 one now okay he plays queen e1 id at one pin and play knight e5 uh maybe we can just play queen c7 stopping knight e5 and after h3 maybe we can simply play bishop f5 hitting that pawn he does go g3 and i think now we're definitely more inclined of playing with e5 but even better we can like actually trap the exchange just keeping it very simple just taking advantage of opponent's mistakes if he would have played let's say something else like winnie two i would have gone for probably rookie 8 and trying to break in the center with uh e4 he does go knight d4 and again there's no need to actually rush with taking the exchange because it's not like it's going anywhere so can play e5 grabbing space hitting the knight most likely he'll have to go back or to a more of like a passive square like b3 and c2 funny thing if he goes to b3 we can trap the knight with a4 so yeah that's pretty nice he does go in high v3 which is always saying we can just play a4 and the knight is actually running out of squares and we're not only gonna be winning the exchange but we are yeah gonna be winning a piece and if you do the math we're gonna be up a full rook at the end of this line because we're capturing a rook and the night and we only give up a bishop just making it easier for you to calculate he's going with full confidence all the way to c5 good luck with that i mean i like the confidence he had when he played king c5 though that was nice okay end up getting the game i like to thank you a lot for making it this far into the video and if you're looking for more content make sure to check out another episode from the karokan rating live or if you want something from the white pieces you can have a look on the job offer rating crime that they're doing so like to thank you again and i'll see you around the channel take care
Channel: IM Alex Banzea
Views: 108,384
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: caro-kann defense, caro-kann defence, caro kann, caro kann theory, chess theory caro kann, best opening for black, opening against e4, how to play the caro kann, caro-kann all variations, chess, chess openings, chess opening theory, play the caro-kann, hanging pawns, chess opening for black
Id: V-RfajNfs2o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 11sec (1811 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 27 2022
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