Hikaru Teaches the Advanced Caro Kann | Legendary Openings 4

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I have the advanced car console I'm gonna  play here here and push the pawn and now   I've got the advanced Karo Khan which is a  very good setup because you again have very   easy development get your king out of Center very  very quickly and the Oscar goes to Karu Nakamura [Music] okay now I'm Gonna Keep playing Scandinavian  yeah it's it's a pretty good opening uh now   here I can go here but if he doesn't kick the  queen right away I will develop my knight I'm   still gonna play for the same setup with the  fish from the pawns out they go here push the   pawn with the bishop move the pawn move the  bishop very very basic setup here very very   basic you just have to be careful if white  puts a bishop here and moves a piece that   you don't hang the queen that's the one Pitfall  of playing the um of playing the Scandinavian so it's all good can knight F3 I guess  I will play Bishop to G4 here I can go   to either Square you do have an option and  now I'll close the Knight push the pawn to   develop the bishop and finish the uh finish the  uh finish the finish the development I should say okay let's just take the Knight okay so I will play uh takes develop push the pawn  move the bishop it's all good have I heard the the   uh the kid from Argentina who's nine years old in  2200 palestino Oro yes I have heard of him so I'm   just going to move the bishop develop the king  finish finish this first part which was Castle can I play the king UPS or the Knight F6 line I  could consider it now I'm up and pawn because the   bishop has great scope on the diagonals I checked  the king get my king out of the center it's all   very very good rumors are true what rumors what  I think separates Magnus Carlson everybody else   um it's just pure consistency that's  it how's everybody feeling about he car   streaming on quick I'm having a great day guys  I'm enjoying it a lot it's great for a stream   no I'm having a very I'm I'm in a pretty  good mood it's been a good first day   go [ __ ] about six oh the rumors of last  night were true yes they are there might be   another big announcement in the near future  though for all you guys who are wondering   um there might be another big announcement  as well in the near future foreign I'll take the pawn on D3 maybe  I'll make a check with the queen   or maybe I move the Rook I think  I'm just gonna check the king here   I'm going pro yeah that's a good one  I'm moving to YouTube now yes I'm gonna be like I'm gonna be much more calculated it's  like one day you announce that you're moving to   kick next thing you announce you're moving  to rumble that's that's what you do right I'm gonna get the double stacker  this is really really powerful here let's take and make a checkmate keep going I know I'm beating a dead horse but  oh man what a match against Wesley truly epic   indeed so let's play E4 I need to make sure  I have my my list of openings open as well   so I can play the fried liver the Jerome  Gambit the Gucci piano or the Four Knights   uh filler is not here so I'm gonna try  to play some version of the fried liver   foreign yeah we're gonna go  for fried liver immediately   and now it's my return to chess full time  no sir no sir those days are gone by the way checkmate let's keep going all right at this time I will play what  we call the Danish Gambit let's play   um let's play this a Danish  gamble D4 and see-through   it's also considered a very very  good opening at the lower level so we've won 30 or 30 and zero we just keep going  now what you do is you gamble some pawns here so   you get very quick development of these Ops you  try to move your pieces very quickly and just   Checkmate your opponent why do I play chess  full time Kush house is a tough game you guys   I'm just a streamer I try to do my best at this  game but I am a streamer at the end of the day   Now The Rook is under pressure I can move  my Bishop back to D3 it's all very very good   for an ICC partnership this is great as well  a good one yeah I've been feeling really had   no luck on trust you have any advice for new chess  players um I would say what I always say to people   is easier said than done but it's you have to sort  of play the game for what it is not for what you   want it to be in by that what I mean specifically  is you have to play because you have to play you   want to get better but you need to enjoy it when  you start worrying too much um about the results   and this applies to all levels of course but when  it's like when you lose some games you get really   angry you have to sort of step back and try to  just learn something from it as opposed to sort   of having that Competitive Edge now I'm gonna go  here and collect one of these Knights because he's   going to lose one of them he can't save them  both just take this Knight and then that night it's all very very good here there goes the bishop  there comes the check this game over very soon this will be over very soon foreign here can't complain I just go rookie one checking this game over but is another Competitive Edge that made you so  good at chess of course of course it's helped but   I mean at certain points you have to dial it back  when things aren't going the right way it's very   easy when things are going well to be like very  cocky very over the top but when things are aren't   going the right way you really do need to like  rain it all in and figure out what's wrong [Music] thank you all right let's keep going oh let's keep playing  E4 same thing Italian game is good I'm Gonna Keep   playing the Danish though for a little bit keep  playing the damage I give them all the juicers if   he doesn't take I get a big white center here  with these Pawns in the middle of the board   and now the pawns start to harass the knights don't forget to follow the stream yes yes exactly new xqc tweets chats are are  you trolling I don't know yeah I don't know what you guys think  about it now I'm gonna go F4 E5 I got   this great connect five with all these pawns and  they're just gonna kick these nights out of town   let's take the Knight the popular  chess influencer into a new platform   you mean xqc I mean he is of course the most  famous chess uh chess influencer of all time his problems developing because this bishop  can't get into the gandy's pawn she'll stop   the Bishop from ever moving go here at  Castle the king very very good stuff if I do more Reddit reaction you'll  guess of course I will absolutely   I'm just gonna go for me instantly [Music] there's actually a checkman  too [Music] let's keep going F I don't know what f is bro Levy  doesn't believe you're a kick yeah   really for real someone should  like give him the link to the   stream that's hilarious okay let's play  Scandinavian again and take [Laughter]   it's great someone has a clip I could always  watch it all right let's go C5 and Knight C6 go here on Bishop five Hikaru mods must be loving   kick it's great yeah it's great  it's all good it's all good yeah okay okay we're gonna have to ban people goodbye  there you go all right this was good in that now   you have you have lunatics coming in okay  let's play E6 here and finish developing yeah not good not good not good at all let's play A6 and takes okay I can take on D4 I will take uh and I'll  play Rook C8 here was there ever time you didn't   like just I've always liked chess but there  have been moments I didn't want to play chess   let's go here [Music] go Bishop G4 Knight F5 what ELO I'm  gonna run my rating all the way up to 3   000 you guys three thousand I think it  is beansy for the sub as well I think   so it's B and Z I don't know exactly my  score is but I'm gonna assume that I will   win three more after this and that'll be  pretty good okay let's take another Knight   of five put pressure on the Central  Pawn here all looking very very good so let's see what is Genesis gonna do this  will be number 33 by the way if those you   guys are keeping track at home this will be a  33rd win in a row or two two wins away from 35. let's just take I can play D4 I can take more  pawns here I have two extra pawns I've got a   great Central position here and it's very good  side is very smooth I mean I'm having a great   stream I'm enjoying it I'm enjoying it let's go  Bishop C5 trades and pieces here so yeah [Music] oh this is going H6 hit the bishop how  do they call it signing well I mean I'm   gonna be streaming I said before  I'll probably stream like 85 90   on Kick and 10 on Twitch so I mean it it is  basically strong it is basically a signing [Music]   so all right MCC Castle here I can play Bishop  D6 maybe Rook C4 maybe just Bishop A7 fall but   it works for a very very good position just  up a bunch of Pawns like I trade I go Rook   C4 I hit the queen I hit the Knight Pawn  guards I've got to connect five of course I guess I'll go here hit the  pawns maybe here and go from eight who is my favorite pro chess player right now  I'd probably say Magnus Carlson in terms of   a player I'm gonna go here hit the pawn Hit  The Rook threaten mate in one it's all good I hit the Rook I hit the pawn it's  just check me there we go next game do I think the 95.5 split will last I I think  it'll last for a while at least yeah um okay D4   I'm gonna play King xenix is one of the best best  openings you can play hopefully Magus is not your   favorite poker player now he's just moving  the Wayward Knight but everything is guarded   here like both these pawns everything is guards  so I will just kick the pony back out of town can twitch find you for porting and banding  them or recording and bashing them what are   you talking about let's take the fisherman take  yeah I don't know what you mean by that let's take   yeah I I actually don't know what you mean by that   I've never seen someone play an iPhone 5  yeah 95 is not the best move definitely not and these nights very powerful very much  in the in the game he's got one two three   four five pieces undeveloped and he's gonna get  Chuck made a here he just did a bow test Gambit [Music] let's just check and this is just me  next game coming up let's keep going uh let's just play E4 again against the Karo  Khan what do I have on my list Carl Connors   have listed I have the advanced cargo console  I'm gonna play here here and push the pawn and   now I've got the advanced Karo Khan which  is a very good setup because you again very   easy development get your king out of Center  very very quickly let's go here in castles   as long as I see the pineapple I know the stream  is real indeed it is real indeed let's Castle here   two nights Karo Khan also very good yeah also  very very good I'm gonna play Seether and build   my connect five again very very solid setup C4  so I'll play B3 to chip away at his connect five   take and take what opening do I use the  most many uh many openings I mean probably   E4 is what I play the most these days but I've  also played D4 and C4 on move number one a lot do I like the uh Queen's gamut  on Netflix great show great show   I could have done the first stream um  I could have done the first stream as a   title Tuesday just three run video why  would I do that you guys that's just   not the right thing to do have we been to  Czech Republic many times this is live yes   will there be a shrimp tomorrow absolutely you  guys we'll be streaming uh tomorrow and Friday   um however the one thing that I did say  before um or maybe I didn't say it actually uh   um yeah I'll put something out on um on  Insta later I think something on Insta   probably let's go here hit the pawn on D5 but  basically just like train I will be starting   my streams on Twitch and then moving over to  kick I I don't know if I actually mentioned   that but I will be doing that so it'll be like  I go on go on Twitch for like 30 minutes and   then we come right over to uh to kick so I take  and I play Rook takes D5 and it's all very good   so yeah I don't know if I said that but that's  what train does and that's what that's that's   what I'm gonna be doing train isn't train wrecks  yes train wrecks TV do I do Master stuff I wasn't   intending to I mean I could do some react um  I could do that I don't know it's possible I   haven't really thought about it I could wind  it down with that if that's what you guys want am I hyped for the World Chess Championship um  no trainerx is a weird streamer to copy off of   good one you guys um but it's not I  think it's that's kick not in train   wrecks that'll be fun Master  Chef I could do Maths for chef   if that's what you guys want I have  an urge to eat a lot of peaches yeah maybe does Rook B1 Rook ba just  finished the game very quickly   Master Chef Master Chef I could I could oh  I kind of wanted to keep it just specific   mostly we've already had a little bit of Poker  so maybe not just keep pushing p and end the game does it bother that Magnus Carl Magus  Carlson is better than your chest why   would it bother me it's very similar to um  some years back there was a um there was a uh   what was I gonna say some years back there was  um there was um there was Phil Mickelson he was   he was asked I'm gonna play D4 play the Danish  once again he was asked by um by the media he's   like he's like so you must hate Tiger Woods right  because he's better than you basically something   along those lines and Phil Mickelson was like why  would I hate tiger he just brought more money into   the game of golf like why would I hate him and  I pretty much have the same general thoughts   as far as chess goes like Magus has been good  for the game of shots so Max has been good for   chess so why would I hate Mac that's exactly it  just I mean it just doesn't make any sense like   why am I supposed to hate him when I mean I think  everyone's benefited because of what he's doing so I always find it weird  when people like you must   hate him I mean he just gotta hate hate the dude because trade I'm just gonna Castle I  finished all my development he's got one   two three four five six pieces  on their original squares here because you need a rival that you hate  that's true like oh there goes the queen there goes the pawn there was  the Knight or The Rook disaster uh frustration you're in the shadow of the success  without magic should be number one well it's like   it's like if you go go ask Roger Federer for you  asked Roger Federer he's like well you know I   would have probably won like 60 Majors if Novak  Djokovic and Raphael Nadal didn't exist but you   know you can't live in some fantasy land reality  that's not true so let's just take the Knight   take the pawn on C7 play like  Knight G5 and it's all good   so yeah oh let's developed at night  play E5 next move and keep going play E5 94 and the game version let  me count the which which game this is a big game number uh let's just take the  pawn let's take on let's go check mate see what number this is quickly so I don't I'm  not way off when we refresh the games I've played   um this is number this is number wise one second   26 27 28 29 30 31 2 3 34 35 36 so four more to  forty four more to 40. [Music] let's go here let's play uh I don't think I have the  Kings Gambit on my list of openings but   let me double check um my list of  openings I have the Vienna gambus   let's play the Vienna game with Knight  C3 and F4 let me start the timer as well for the Vienna Gambit here with Knight C3 F4 to  play a four next move a knight of three quick   development here I sack a pawn but I get the  pawn back of a big white center and I'm very   very happy here just take and play Bishop  D3 I can go here kick the queen back Pawn   guards the bishop attacks the queen develops  Bishop Knight Castle very very good who is   the best oven Comer in chess I don't know  I don't know who the best open camera is let's go here play Knight F3 develop Castle push open up scope  for these these Bishops I want to   go here to open up the scope at some  point but now I'm also aiming with   both Bishops so I'll go here and then  push trade open up the Scopes foreign today is my first day on Kick yes it is  today is my first day so I'm gonna take   um and I'm gonna play Queen to age five  check and just take the bishop on H3   subscribe button is bugged on my phone anyone  else oh sorry about that that's unfortunate I will just go check do I watch football  do you mean American football or european   football I don't know do you get hit with  ads here like on Twitch nope you guys no ads   no ads so if you're watching right now you're  probably like oh man I've been watching like six   hours wear them ads wear them nine ads every  every like 10 minutes and it's like hmm they   just don't exist on kicks no ads whatsoever  thanks so much in the timing Nick for the   gift that's up to Omar tomorrow I appreciate  let's activate the Rook activate the bishop   what how welcome to kick you guys welcome to kick  welcome to a new era of ad free streams no ads   I miss the Lactaid ads okay  dude okay dude whatever you say maybe it's a good move but I am gonna win this  game this guy's played pretty well good good play   so here kick the queen away take free Tower ggs ggs I guess I'll just go here when the  knight in the corner That's All She Wrote   what happened to Raj probably seems to  fall from Chess World yeah I mean it's   it's tough let's go check move my Rook  there aren't many tournaments either   uh let's play rookie one stack The Two Towers here favorite Chester I've been to is probably the  one in chess class that I played some years   back I played that tournament every year from  2009 through through 2018. I spent 10 years   every November December I was in London I  spent 10 of my birthdays there so I'm 28   right now so I spent 10 out of 28 you guys do  the math um just short of 50 of my birthday is   in this lifetime and um in London so uh very  very special tournament very special place   so it's all good plays H5 okay  let's go check kick the king away um let's go check mate next game coming up [Music]
Channel: GMHikaru
Views: 234,486
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hikaru Nakamura, master chess, chess instruction, magnus carlsen, chess commentary for beginners, hikaru chess commentary, chess tournament, twitch streamers, chess game play, chess tricks, master chess moves, chess speedruns, hikaru legendary openings, hikaru speedrun, hikaru speedrun 1, hikaru nakamura speedrun, hikaru openings speedrun, hikaru opening speedrun, hikaru legendary speedrun, unbreakable openings, legendary openings, legendary chess, legendary hikaru
Id: hGdovfC6EH4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 42sec (1362 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 12 2023
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