Kevin Wallace | First Wednesday

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let me explain please because I want to preach but somebody is waiting on a moment that you could create and oftentimes we want to respond to the moment with praise but we miss the fact that praise creates the moment some of you want to go home delivered from depression and you think when it happens our dance like that some of us want to go home the head and not the tail above and not beneath blessed in the city and blessed in the field and when it happens we think we will dance like that but I want to unconfuse you and tell you that most of the people dancing in this house are not dancing because they already [Music] than this victory [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] trap yours hallelujah look at your neighbors say neighbor if this is too much for you I give you 30 seconds to grab your belongings and get to the balcony does that you sit here beyond 30 seconds I brought a place [Music] premeditated like and this one ha I feel us after all fashion shows in trouble some of you got generational stuff that's been chasing you for years that's coming off your life Jesus came into this room [Music] [Applause] come on slip those hands up with me all over this house we worship You God we bring our praises to the king of glory [Music] we thank you God for glory sure about Saturday Oh [Music] Oh Oh if your glory settling in now I felt glory coming the weightiness of the look the lord's presence is witness hallelujah i wanted just to say this i'm going to go into the to the word in just a moment [Music] it is no secret how i feel about your pastors I cherished them and I honor them Holly your pastor was such a strength in a very transitional place in my life and such a voice of wisdom to me spoke the truth to me and loved and I'm grateful for that pastor Jim I love you sir pastor Don Devin and I honor you we love your family we are family and I love this house I feel like it's a second house if pillock was just a second home [Applause] something's happening in this moment in this place I believe the brothers here with me would testify in our place in places in the earth that are open to God the Holy Ghost is real I was in a prayer meeting in my church last night just a prayer meeting and I didn't know we I don't know how many we had show up for prayer but I let my brother-in-law Pastor Gary open service of a prayer and he began to pray and then he went into praying in tongues and I thought man he's still in somehow a feeling tonight and at the end of service we found out we had a chief of the Iroquois nation from somewhere in the Midwest who came by for the prayer meeting and he he walked up I wanted him to bless the service and end it and he said before I pray pastor I want you to know that when the young man was praying beginning of service tonight he spoke in fluent Iroquois now you've got to know my brother-in-law he's he called redneck hillbilly he hauled but the man started speaking in Iroquois and I said what was he saying and they said he was saying I am the Lord I am God alone and there is none beside me yo I'm inviting you into a supernatural thing that's happening in the earth with an unbelievable awesome God this is not some God you can cram up on the chimney mental and place it beside Buddha and Allah and Krishna and all the other gods do Tereus no other God besides Allah in fact I'm reminded by now was story in the book of Samuel they they put the Ark of the Covenant in the room with Dagon the god of the Philistines and they woke in the next day and Dagon had fallen off his perch and was laying on the floor and so they picked him up and put him on the mantle and they come in the next day and not only had he fallen but now he was broken into many pieces to the house of God and often nicely done live Jabbar's and prize [Applause] [Music] now I would be much more formal but this is just like home and I just want to declare to you the best is yet to come Calvary the best is yet to come I don't know what you've seen but I want you to know that what you've seen is not all there is to see there is more of God's glory hidden than has ever been revealed and whatever you think you'd sing that will get a hold on and thank God for it but I want you to expect the greater dial the floor [Applause] [Music] I want you to take your Bible I want you to go to 2nd Kings chapter 6 and I want to walk right through this tonight and I want to get to why I believe God assigned this tense to me and what I feel like is the assignment for this house 2nd Kings chapter 6 when you got it's a word come on how many love the people you're sitting next to I hope you do in fact look over at him at um you look 12 pounds lighter this week than you did last week come on tell somebody you look so good tonight second Kings 6 verse 8 when you got it let's read it together now the king of Syria was making war against Israel and he consulted with his servants saying my camp will be in such and such a place and a man of God said to the king of Israel saying beware that you do not pass this place but the Syrians are coming down there then the king of Israel sent someone to the place of which the man of God told him thus he warned him and he was watchful there not just once or twice therefore verse 11 the heart of the king of Syria was greatly troubled by this thing and he called his servants and said to them will you not show me which of us is for the king of Israel and one of his servants said none my lord o king but Elijah Oh got a troublemaker here Elijah the prophet who was in Israel tells the king of Israel the words that you speak in your bedroom so he said go and see where he is that I may send and get him and it was told him saying surely he is in Dothan somebody say Dothan therefore he sent horses and chariots and a great army there when they came by night and surrounded the city and when the servant of the man of God arose early and went out there was an army surrounding the city with horses and chariots and a serpent said to him alas my master what shall we do look at your neighbors say what shall we do he answered do not fear for those who are with us are more than those who are with them and Elisha prayed and said lord I pray open his eyes that he may see and the Lord opened his eyes the eyes of the young man and the young man saw and behold the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire were all around Elisha so when the Syrians came down to him watch this Elisha prayed to the Lord and said strike this people I pray with blindness and God struck him with blindness according to the word of Elisha somebody say Lord opened my eyes somebody throw both hands up lay your Bible down and say Lord open my as in the name of Jesus tonight god I pray you're open the eyes of our heart and let us see in and by the Holy Spirit we pray in the name of Jesus and I arrest every power and principality that would fit to interrupt or distract in this house tonight God you have an assignment and you're moving nuts glory to glory and from faith to faith by the Holy Spirit in Jesus name and everybody said any man you can be seated in the presence of the Lord I'm not the best storyteller but I have a story that is germane to my assignment tonight and it is a true story that occurred when I was about a 12 year old thirteen year old boy it was a Saturday morning in the fall my father had left to go fishing my mother had surprisingly been called in to her place of work and there was about a 30 minute period between my mother's departure from my home and my dad arriving from his fishing expedition my sister and I were laying in the bed that morning watching cartoons in our bedroom and watching some show and suddenly on the front porch at the front door I heard the most vicious banging on my front door and so startled and perhaps a bit alarmed I ran to the front door I looked through the peephole and saw no one on the front porch by the time that I had reached the front porch to investigate the matter the individual had run to the back of my house to find a weaker door and so he comes to the back door and we had a long sliding glass backdoor and it had a thin sheer as a curtain on that and the Sun was behind this particular door and it revealed the shadow of what was an enormous ly strong man beating the glass on that back door and it was literally shaking the glass I ran back to my bedroom I grabbed the phone I said Mandy here's the phone call 9-1-1 somebody's breaking into the house she said what are you going to do I said up on the high and so I jumped in the closet and she jumped in the closet with me and I'm on the phone with the lady on dispatch and I down on one water she said what is your emergency I said someone is trying to kill me and my sister she says sir I need you to be very quiet if they don't know where you are then they can't get you she said I need you to remain calm and I'm in my mind thinking ma'am you remain calm I'm about to die this person looked like grabbed a beating on my backdoor what seemed like hours passed by but in a few moments the woman the woman says sir the cops are there the SWAT team is there and they have apprehended the suspect a yard did a praise break in the closet laid up in the closet praising God walk to the front door open the front door and to my surprise standing in front of 26 police officers was my father in handcuffs and the police said is this your father and I said no and slammed the door and went back in my bedroom [Applause] it's a true story and that morning I got a revelation that many times things are not what they seem many times we see images that present us with a reality that is not in fact a reality see I looked and solved the shadow of a very large man beating down my back door but had I just looked behind the curtain I would have seen that was not a felon or an intruder that was my daddy and many times y'all we got to get something fixed and I walk with God it's this thing called vision it's this thing called perception somebody say perception the reality is that things aren't usually as bad as they appear yet Satan understands that one of the keys to paralyzing us in our journey is to constantly barrage our eyes with images and fill our ears with voices that feed our fears that the enemy plants in our heart as it was in the text before us and as it was for me on that Saturday morning perception is everything what you see and perhaps more importantly how you see it has a way of speaking to you the ability to see appropriately and properly is critical vision is a huge component of the journey in fact the vision is so potent that one writer said where there is no vision people perish it's not just something that we might want something that it's an option it's not just something that we can choose vision is a necessity for those who want to walk in victory you have to have vision and the story we read tonight reveals several critical truths about spiritual vision and i'ma tell you I came here tonight with this word because as I began to preach I begin to pray about what to preach at this house I know this is a little a little beyond what I would usually do in another place when I feel comfortable in this house and when I say what I'm getting ready to say but God said to me I want you to talk about vision because I'm giving this house with 20/20 vision because I'm bringing the watch watch don't miss this I'm bringing them into a vision by 2020 God is adjusting vision for those in the kingdom because I believe the by the time this house gets to 2020 there is going to be such an alignment with the kingdom in this place that it's going to shape an entire region I'm a pastor I don't flow by to say grandiose things to get you to shout I am Telling You God has designed and destined this house to be a hub of Awakening and revival in an area that needs not just a religious touch and in what are we in we're in what month March so that helped me here that means we have nine months left in this year is that right and we have 12 so we have twenty-one months I declare this over you that in the next 21 months alignment is coming in such a way that by the time 2020 reaches this place you know what I believe the Holy Ghost is going to do I believe the Holy Ghost is gonna kill your dad by 2020 I don't even know what the debt is I don't even know what that that is you may be debt-free already but if you're not I'm telling you in 21 months increase and blessing are coming on this house y'all think I'm crazy I went to PF Changs for lunch today right over here by the Daytona this is true story I walked into that place and she looked at me because I was having a spiritual experience and I can tell she's wondering what was wrong with me I said ma'am every time I come in to pee a change it's a spiritual experience for me she said what are you talking about I said I'm gonna have lobster and shrimp fried rice and lettuce wraps Wow because the last time I went to be a change and had lobster and shrimp fried rice and eight lettuce wraps a four million dollar miracle came into our house afternoon I'm preaching this tonight I typically would preach something else but this is half this is this is family and I believe what God is going to be birthing in the next 21 months here strategies plans programs paradigms and here this patterns God told me to tell you you are not gonna be able to follow a pattern you were becoming one y'all know what a pattern is don't you my mama come on how many other than me was raised broke busted and disgusted jacked up from the back up tore up from the feet up floor up and beat up from the I didn't have nothing growing up my mama went to the material store and bought some material and brought a pattern yeah I don't know nothing about this is there are three people who can help me right here my mama bought a pattern got my blue jeans a pattern is what you lay on the table and you cut the fabric according to a pattern so that it becomes useful and can be filled and God told me to tell you what you're getting ready to step it - you can't go read it in a book or get it out of subclass you don't get it in a pratfall set and it's gonna be a Holy Ghost download that [Applause] but in order for this to happen you gotta see right I felt like God was saying to me in prayer there's something fresh happening in the earth and I'm inviting calvary to be on the front end of what is net slap your neighbor tell them it's not on that wasn't a right neighbor because they looked at you like they got grouchy but look at your other neighbor and tell'em next next next next next next don't be stuck in what used to be get ready for what's next I'm not trying to I'm trying to tell you that [Applause] it's the thing a pattern God is making this house of pattern as we will find out tonight the enemy's attempt to paralyze the church succeeds only if we look at life and the journey through the wrong lens too many people are making long-term decisions based on temporal situations too many churches are making spiritual decisions based on natural things but if tonight is nothing else it is a challenge to walk after what we see not with natural eyes but what we see with spiritual eyes [Applause] there are two kinds of vision two kinds of vision in your life and the vision that you walk by the majority of your time will determine the kind of joy peace victory or depression worry and fear that you walk in if you walk after the natural you will live a life of heaviness and oppression say natural eyes say spiritual eyes there is a natural add that each of us possess which provides us with the ability to see the natural world around us with our natural as we see and enjoy the blue skies as I flew in over Daytona today nuts Chris I said look over there there's the beach I saw the beautiful beach line I saw the blue skies I saw the Sun that's what we see with our natural eyes but our spiritual eyes allow us to see things that God is up to say natural sight lay your hands on your eyes and say natural sight now let your hands on your spirit and say spiritual sight perhaps there is no person in the Bible that better illustrates the dichotomy between a vision than the man bartimaeus notice I did not call him blind bartimaeus because that is not true why don't we always call him blind he was only blind for a season he didn't die blind come on be careful how you let people talk about you blind bartimaeus the devil is a liar I know you used to be hooked on drugs but you ain't anymore and don't let anybody in your past try to reach up and grab you out of your righteous purpose and pull you back into something God's already brought you out of look at your neighbor say neighbor that's not who I am anymore I know you knew me at the club I knew you I know you knew me when I was shipping apart Collins and smoking the camera like I know you knew me when I stood on the corner of the street that's not because you're saved but Emmaus was born blind naturally but it had spiritual vision Helen Keller said the saddest thing in life is not being born with no sight it is being alive with no vision oh there's something sadder than a person that can never see a snowfall or never see his daughter smile or never see the sunset and never see the birds fly there's something sadder than that it's a person sitting in here tonight who can see in the natural with 20/20 vision but in their spirit they are miserable they are broke they are helpless they are oppressed they are happy because in their spirit there is no spiritual vision Bartimaeus could not see with his natural eyes but he started talking to himself and he said oh I hear Jesus is passing by and instead of missing his moment his spiritual vision compelled him to cry out David have mercy on me I'm telling you tonight if you can get spiritual vision you can call on a God that can turn your whole house around you can call on a God that'll break every curse over your life and set your feet on a solid rock but you got to have vision we're living in a time when people are walking by what they see with their natural eye and that's why there's so much oppression in the church most of us are consulting Fox News and CNN for our sermon material on Sunday but the devil is a liar I'm telling you right now I've said it every time I've come here myself one more time before I get on the plane in the morning and go home my answer in Washington bartemaeus got a breakthrough and a healing because even though he could not see with his natural as he had vision only inside when they told him to shut up he hollered in a hierarchy you got to be careful who you hang out with cuz I found out some people like you until you get crazy some people like you until your hair falls down and your bobby pins fly and you throw your red-bottom shoes off baby and dance like Miriam on the other side of the Red Sea they like you as long as you look cute he's sophisticated dignified but when you have a flashback and start remembering what the Lord did for you and forget about who sit next to you and your body stops getting free and you start gathering their things I call Abu Dhabi a bi the worship bureau of investigation that Pharisees spirit that don't mind you coming to church as long as you don't get loud but anytime you start cutting the rug and dancing before God they bring that praise but time out and here's their favorite phrase that's the flesh let me help you understand something my flesh has been screwed up Oliver [Applause] [Applause] don't praise her because I asked you to raise up it was you the best thing the best [Applause] y'all believe in miracles I got 9 minutes and 45 seconds to finish this that'll be a miracle watch the Bible says the Bible says that in this text I read to you there was an enemy who was coming against the people of God and Elijah had something we call spiritual vision not just natural vision he can see by the Holy Ghost and when you see by the Holy Ghost watch this you're always one step ahead of your enemy so so let me greet Chris coming up so so let me let me show you how this was Chris give me help me so this is the king of Israel this is the Syrian king the bad guy what's this what he was doing was setting up an attack against Israel but Israel had a prophet with a spiritual life you are not following me right here and the Prophet came to the king and said don't go over there to that place don't go to that place don't marry that one [Music] I'm coming I'm like not SEMA tonight I'm coming up under the foundation I'm getting all up in your business tonight don't go to that place on the issue is we don't pray we don't pray we don't get a yes from the Holy Ghost we get a yes for my parking lot prophet friend let me give you honesty single people lift your hand if you're single looking for somebody to get married to lift your hand don't be ashamed oh now you go to hell for line lift your hand if you're single listen if you want to test on who to marry the Bible said do not be unequally yoked right listen that is not about oh god don't let me get on this cuz I'm gonna break somebody's heart and fix somebody real quick that is not about skin color hillbilly that is not about skin color well you know that folks on where Mary white folks shuttle the devil is a liar this ain't what the Bible's talking about if you ain't gonna know something don't say sir when the Bible said don't be unequally yoked he's talking about Paige somebody say pase pase pase is about how fast can you run so if you want to know who you're supposed to spend the rest of your life with he has an acid test take off running after Jesus and if they catch up [Applause] [Music] [Music] they it starts me they will pay their ties don't go to that place that Minister I'll kill him in five minutes in there okay so the first thing I need you to see is spiritual vision please have me back to finish this I love coming to preacher spiritual vision keeps you out of that place thank you the second thing spiritual vision lets you know that what you see with your natural dyes is not what's always going on in the spirit now had time and I don't but if I did I would take you over the first guy will Rick Lee first Kings chapter 18 when a man named Elijah walked into a cave and God said go out stand on the mouth of the cave and tell me what you see he saw the fire he felt the wind and his sense the earth shake and God was not in the fire God was not in the wind God was not in the earth shake he went back in the cave came back out God said here it comes again fire wind and shaking and God wasn't in any of it this time the Bible said the Prophet took his mantle off where's my tower where's my tailor where's my Terrace I've got to show you why he put his mantle read your Bible first Kings 18 he put his mantle around his head why because he did not want him to make decisions or what he was seeing in his natural eyes and he did not want him to make decisions based on what he was hearing to his natural ears he said I want you to get in a place where what you see with your natural eyes can't mess with you I want you to hear the steel and here's my prophets have lost their prophecy because we're walking by what we see and we've dropped our meant [Applause] right here we've lost our Mantle's in the church and we're what we're preaching according to what we see we're responding instead of declaring profits don't wait on things to line up before they say this is what the Lord's doing the Bible said God will do nothing in the earth without first revealing it to his prophet which is why Elijah could look at a Hebrew said if you don't get there you better get in your horse and chariot and run because I hear a sound bring the papacy soon the Bible says in 2nd Kings chapter 6 that Elijah is asleep now don't miss it it's early in the morning and the servant always rose before the prophet the servant gets up and goes out in looks on the front porch and he sees with his natural pass an enemies surrounding him and in fear somebody say fear fear if EA I didn't come up with this this is not a Wallace original but it is true nonetheless sphere f.e.a.r false evidence appearing real why did i call 9-1-1 when I saw a shadow on my back porch because it looked like somebody's trying to kill me why do you panic when you get a bill that you didn't expect and wonder how you're gonna pay it why do you get afraid when you feel something on your body or a little pain in your back and the first thing you think with the small little pain is I got a cancer I'll tell you about that interest you demons have been assigned to rob you of your joy why are you people in the church giving up the faith and running out of the house of the Lord and just giving up because they look at all the crazy chaos in the world and they see how I can Lucifer where they turn and they wonder is God in this wheel you reading the wrong report CNN wants you to think hell's breaking loose Fox want you to think hell's breaking loose but I can read my Bible and I drove that flew up here to tell somebody I read the back of the book and it's not up for grabs and there will be no debate and isolation [Music] [Applause] I've done what I'm done a promise 48 seconds the devil is a liar watch he wakes up the prophet now there's so much here because this is a younger man asking an older man a son needing the prayers of the Father the first thing that the father and the Prophet says to the servant and the son is the fee or not which is what we always do when we see things that we don't know what to do with we fear but God has not given you a spear anything it did not come from God he said fear not they who are I feel the Missionary Baptist thing getting on me right here they who are with us ah more than they that are with our enemies yes and I came by Calvary tonight to tell somebody that what you've been seeing with your natural eyes isn't as bad as it seems in fact I came to tell you there's something already going on in an unseen world that's getting ready to take care what you're worried about [Applause] [Applause] it's not what it seems [Music] [Music] the devil is somebody shout that Demarest yeah that's what I said in first Corinthians - yes ma'am [Applause] [Music] the romantic spirit has anybody been gone three women singing warfare lately but doesn't mean what God was doing in you he would have left you alone three months ago handleable boss so let me say this and I'm gonna sit down Keo Sarat and I'll shine pretend acarbose and it is cheb ah not only is God getting ready to open your spiritual island give you 2020 spiritual vision but God has smitten your enemy with Bland's and that means he doesn't know how this is gonna work out I can see clearly now the rain is gone oh let me rewrite it I can see clearly now religions gone I don't know what you've been dealing with satan's assignment is to use what he showed you to try to convince you to believe you're in trouble but there's a spiritual reality that is more real than the natural reality you were concerned about you and if you could just see through the eye of the spirit here's what's crazy the Bible said that the Prophet prayed for the servant said God opened his eyes the problem is his eyes were already open because he saw the enemy it wasn't as natural as he was praying for he was praying for his spiritual eye he was saying God let him see like I see maybe you can't see your way out of what you're dealing with but you know what I'm fixing to pray for you God let him see like I see right now cuz some see dry bones I see a Nanami some see a multitude with only five loaves and two fish I see a miracle in the making we got to go here and I want you to be released to go get your babies and I want every family to know that this house loves you and that if I lived in three hours of this place I'd Drive here every Sunday so I feel about this place if I live four hours away out flat but I'm called to preach in Chattanooga so I'm gonna stay there this is the house you need to plan here so if you got to leave we understand there's no shame of condemnation bless you we love you but there's some people in here tonight they need to see again both safer both Shevat Oh Bubba Korea's mobile revolution come on praying the hole that goes with me but uh buh buh buh rokosz and I got my bath see these Sunday that ever been so no more ended it it had been shale you said I don't know how to pray in the Holy Ghost lift your hands and receive the Holy Ghost right now see that I'm about capable not under they or credit on my Monday today Bohus and come on come on come on come on just just two minutes of this cost see I'm telling you right now when you when you step into the Spirit ah you're a begins to open in the spirit mind Oh bullsh and AH we sing this song I don't know if you're singing here but it's real simple and yeah you don't have to follow me but it says it may look like I'm surrounded but I'm surrounded by you it may look like I'm surrounded but I am su I wish you would throw your hands up and declare that whether you feel it or not come on it may look like I'm surrounded I'm surrounded sing it one more time I'll surround and surround as this is hell cuz this is how I fight my battles this is how I fight my back I feel it rising this is how I find my hands [Music] [Music] [Music] very quickly I want to pray for people who need a healing in their body right here across the front if you need God to heal your body I know this doesn't seem like what I preached about but some of you have believed a report instead of a truth and I want you to know tonight that report is a fact but the truth is that bad God strikes you are healed we're not denying facts we don't deny what they found in your body we just believe the truth is greater than the fact stretcher hands this way I need somebody to walk with me right here I won't everyone that's full of faith to stretch your hand toward the altar right now and let's God give me a prophetic word for you girls go lay hands on you and say be healed that's all you need is to be healed in the name of our shea butter Optima in the name of Jesus be healed in the name of Jesus be healed in the name of Jesus be healed in the name of Jesus be healed in the name of Jesus be healed in the name of Jesus and remember Jesus created [Music] oh Jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Jesus Jesus Jesus his holy ghost church at night [Applause] [Music] let your hands on your ass everybody lay hands on your ass say lord thank you for this vision somebody blind I believe is getting healed right now I know they're not everybody is naturally blind but somebody who just did that by faith I believe God's healing yes no no no lay hands on your eyes again say lord thank you for this natural vision but from this snap forward I will not walk by what I see I will walk by faith and I will walk by the word of the Lord over my life as spiritual eyes I command you to see [Music] oh Jesus where's God [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] my [Music] I said [Music] this is how [Music] somebody to praise him like you believe you a more than a conquerer raising like you believe [Music] I'm [Music] and the seeds right look at your neighbor look I'm right in the eye if they were to look in the eye then look them upside the head but tell your neighbors now your neighbor say neighbor there's more going on tell them God is moving behind the scenes for you come on give the Lord a praise if you believe it you can be seated for just a minute I won't be Usher's to come quickly I'm so glad you didn't run out some people left but I'm glad you stayed because here's what we're going to do we're gonna bless the men of God how many of you believe you got an uncommon word tonight come on make a little noise if you received an uncommon word I've learned that when I hear the uncommon I want to do the uncommon and tonight I challenge you in this uncommon moment join pastor Don and I and we're gonna so an uncommon seed how many of you believe in four uncommon things Amen so tonight here and by livestream I invite you into an uncommon moment hmm believing in an uncommon God to do an uncommon thing and and you say well pastor what's an uncommon seed it's a seed that you normally wouldn't sow and it's amazing how often we want God to do the uncommon while we do the ordinary okay y'all we're shouting just a little while ago but I challenge you tonight to so an uncommon seed and I believe as you do that the Lord is going to bless you I want to be a blessing to Bishop Wallace come on give God praise for him he just he brought what we're needed tonight I want everybody to get an offering if you can give on your phones and if you just give and make it special everything that comes in is going to go for the expense of this meeting tonight take that offering and hold it before the Lord do you have ours babe bring it up here and let's hold it up together give it on your phone we'll bring your phone baby they may even come up here with me because I just look better when you're standing beside me ain't she good-looking man I out kick my coverage I'll tell you that when I got her all right I want you to take your offerings and hold them before the Lord right now come on father we thank you for an uncommon word we thank you for an uncommon minister who brought an uncommon word to an uncommon house and I pray tonight that you will bless on come and seed here and by livestream bless as we give in Jesus name and everybody said amen now I want you to sew and I want you to give tonight I believe that God is up to a new thing and a big thing how many of you know that Sonny don't leave me babe come on come back I told you if you leave me I'm going with you yeah I told her that said she ever leaves me I'm going with if she packs her bags she got a pack mine too come on but in a way I this Sunday is time change Sunday we springing ahead but I want to speak prophetically to you and tell you that time is not the only thing changing I got 12 people that receive it I said time is not the only thing changing [Applause] God is changing situations circumstances come on he's changing doctors reports he's changing children he's changing jobs he's somebody's getting promotions God is changing things coming you know there's got to be some changes and God ain't changing can I get a witness he don't change he changes our situations one of the things that happen everybody stand now we're gonna close in this meeting in prayer while the service was going on and Bishop was preaching pastor Don was communicating with Traci Hoxie her son had been put in the hospital and he struggled quite a bit CJ and his platelet count had plummeted and they he was bleeding internally and they were so concerned that he may have leukemia and other serious issues he's a wonderful young man about 20 years old 21 years old he's young and his father his birth father actually died of cancer well we took up a prayer meeting I mean y'all believe in the power of prayer and they've been doing all kind of tests and they may be watching right now but tell him what happened Dave I got a text tonight this she said CJ is home I know many of you have been praying for him been in a dire situation his platelets tripled overnight the doctor just came in and South said what a change in this report and CJ said while he was alone in his room he just felt the Holy Spirit come in and just he received a special touch and so CJ is home tonight and we're just declaring when these tests come through that they're going to receive a good report the report on the lord that with the stripes CJ is healed and whole in Jesus name I want you to get that not only did it triple it was down to 52 and they were concerned about it normal is 150 suddenly just in a moment he is shot up to 178 so God is just not the normal God is above he is beyond somebody make a little bit of noise if that's the kind of God you serve all right raise up your hands I bless you in the name of Jesus I declare over you that those that are for you are more than those that are against you that this word is your word your enemy is blind hallelujah the devil is blind you are more than a car and if you receive it give the Lord a great shout I love you Sunday morning don't miss it god bless [Music]
Channel: CalvaryFL
Views: 12,758
Rating: 4.8009048 out of 5
Id: B2RlO-tcBew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 30sec (4170 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 08 2018
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