Canon of Scripture (Taglish) - Jeff Eliscupidez

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[Music] we are now on our fifth week of our series entitled the word of view anybody here you're now enjoying reading your your bible [Applause] please invest in the in the word of god and this is a story that we're going to talk about again the importance and the really the the need for us to be guided to be directed and we've been talking about that for the past four weeks we're going to look at the story of these two men okay papa wayne and the story goes something like this okay selena gave up jesus they put their hope in this jesus and yet they only found out i sacrifice and all so upon they've given up let's open our bible to luke 24 and we'll see here now that same day this happened on the same day that jesus was resurrected so this was actually the third day after jesus now crucified and disappeared on the same day two of them were going to a village called a mouse says that's where they live and about seven miles from jerusalem it's about like a two to three hour walk so it's about seven miles from jerusalem and they were talking with each other about everything all right so it's about 11 kilometer walk and with all the rain and they're now leaving jerusalem they put their hope in this jesus i could just imagine these two guys negotiate just like the rest of the disciples still peter and john remember in iwanila tax collector matthew they left everything for this jesus hoping that this misconception is about jesus they're thinking for the longest time now one day there's going to be a messiah a king that will come and hopefully we'll liberate them physically and hopefully that's where they're banking on they're looking forward to a king and a physical king that will trample the roman empire once and for all you know they were from assyria to babylonia tomido pressure travels alexander the great and the afternoon alexander the greatest nation so that's what they're banking on about this king and young king all ins will be touching they talk and discuss these things with each other jesus himself came up and walked along with them i like to highlight the word jesus himself came up it's jesus once again who joined them who initiated in joining them so somebody thought but they were kept from recognizing him siguro young resurrected body christ recognized and all ma nina recognized jesus they were kept so this was on the third day and i see jesus [Music] so they were just rewinding and rewind but they're disappointed anybody here you've been disappointed you know the word disappointed you're do you have a set of expectations in a disappointing disappointment about the something that in a s i'm willing to wait willing to wait they were just they were just actually they're amazed something about jesus of nazareth look at the words he was past tense saiyan sheikh he was a great prophet powerful in words beatitudes before god and all the people and the chief president the chief priests and our rulers handed him over to be sentenced to death and what's worse they crucified him it's game over boss as powerful as he is he was actually powerless against our rulers look at the verse we had hoped past we had hoped that he was the one who was going to redeem us israel but wait a minute but wait there's more disheartened have you ever felt disappointed have you ever felt disheartened you have the sorrow and confusion and disillusionment and and that lead actually to despair you know the word despair it's actually a complete loss or absence of hope now i want to make a disclaimer [Music] indeed look up on the screen some of our women amazed us they went to the tomb early this morning but didn't find this body they came and told us that they have seen a vision of an angel who said he was alive so they're kind of confused they're kind of parang hadn't been reached jesus and they let it on the third day he will rise again impair is a sign of giving up they're now headed back home they've thrown in the tower and i'm feeling you know what desperation impairs vision when we're desperate they have been totally blinded by desperation they totally forgot that jesus taught them on the third anybody here you've been desperate and began to question or doubt god anybody here you're so desperate are you desperate enough [Music] are we desperate it impairs our vision of who god is saying in the past and you're doubting god's goodness at the moment at the moment you're doubting and questioning god regardless calling in the past then some of our companions went to the tomb and found it's just a woman that said jesus if they did not say jesus i mean just like them the 11 also were in despair but here's the thing we're going to learn today an empty tomb doesn't equate to an empty promise isn't it [Applause] i've waited so long as you know i i have now i'm now trying to secure my future i bought this three hectare sorry three packs okay four months ago i started being a farmer so i started building an empire of uh of of tomato plantation so i started with three parts okay that was december okay november last week november mancha this is the end of you've given up on god you have given up on jesus you've thrown in the tower some of you here you're heading but how can we go from cups away to camp now now jesus was now will now rebuke them and will now reveal himself to them eventually so what would jesus do here's to coppo men natalia can despair they've given the second great citizen that's why when jesus came he's trying to uplift the value of women but anyway since what would jesus tell them here's what jesus said he said to them how foolish you are not just foolish but also slow how slow to believe jesus was not saying your unbelief no no no i'm bargaining but they're looking forward to a conquering king instead of a suffering servant anybody here your expectation mode and deliverance negotia you're thinking of something mighty and grand only to find out is something that indeed wouldn't expect and sometimes we're like that we're we're humanly thinking that's why i see jesus under the radar how can anyone expect a king long time ago indiana totally unbelievable they were confused because of the masada mobility maternal events and then jesus opened to them the scripture the value of scripture that's what we're talking about here since january 1st january 2nd jesus to them messiah did not the messiah have to suffer these things you're so looking forward to a mighty valiant king no this the the messiah that will come will have to suffer sabirito then enter his glory and simula caimo says and all the prophets he explained to them what was said in all the scripture i like to highlight the word all the scriptures concerning himself so jesus solution to their desperation is himself machado in depressed jesus could have said something like cayenne [Music] jesus no no no no old testament you know uh you know the word moses and all the prophets and all the scriptures happen new testament jesus right so jesus was talking about this term tanak okay don't don't worry we're gonna go uh medjool technical here and and academic here so to pave way for the practical later so he was mentioning about tanak it's an acronym form by the first letter of the hebrew word segment the old testament it's talking about torah which is the law in the first five books he was talking about the navy he's talking about the prophets you among the prophet spa the major and minor prophets and he's talking about the cat of vim don't worry with the words of him that talks about the writings some proverbs in the book of job and then see the root daniel and s and the rest of that actually jesus talked about the entire old testament desperation and this being disheartened is the word of god and we can bank on the word of god because jesus trusted them and taught them jesus it is written so jesus is deferring the old testament it is written have you not read so in my words day on jesus was talking about the reliability of the bible we're holding right now and this series is all about building the reliability of this world when you talk about reliability we've talked about we talk about the authorship the inspiration that deals with the origin of the bible last week you talk about the infallibility and able to fall and all it talks about the authority and enduring nature and then and then a sandwich nothing infallibility and inherency that the bible means there's no error attached to it so bhaktivinatinpo for the past two weeks we've been talking about we can rely on the word of god and last week you talk about encapsulated because it's trustworthy anything reliable should be trustworthy but there's another uh element of of reliability and that is the word everybody say consistency you cannot be trustworthy peru indica consistent trustworthy there should be an element of consistency you will never put your trust on something nah indeed both consistent consistently and trustworthy anybody here mcdonald's under your chair of course mcdonald's have proven themselves reliable because of two things are you following the moment indeed is you will not put their trust in them consistently but anyway when you say reliability does not vary in quality over time are you listening and jesus is saying from the moment it was spoken from genesis all the way to malachi it's consistently showing and it's consistently appointing at me jesus deferred to the ancient writing and we call that the canon of scripture we're gonna go a bit it's the rule of law that was used to determine if a book measured up to a standard but canon of scripture it's the rule or measuring stake now listen up back it you learn among a book that has a bible that's what you're asking because catholic bible additional and we're going to deal with that later but well first things first it's important to note that the writings of scripture were canonical the moment they were written when god asked two weeks ago when god asked those people who wrote it they were carried along by the holy spirit the scripture was scripture when the pen touched the paper the parchment so this is very important because christianity does not start by defining god or jesus or salvation the basis of christianity is found in the authority of the scriptures an old testament from genesis to malachi god was the one actually writing through the authors in between the old testament and the new testament majority of their teaching doesn't uh uh indeed incongruent to the entire teaching of the bible apocrypha they were pushing for giving alms and making atonement for your sins they were they were saying give arms to make atonement for your sin and we know in the whole entire bible only jesus can atone for our sin and you can see there you can pray for your dead relatives the idea of purgatory was there apocrypha was actually included by the roman catholic just to the in the 1500s in early 1500s see of see luther because this guy this german monk that catholic and born again suddenly was propagating the right bible salvation by grace salvation by faith alone roman catholic they included the apocrypha in their bible that there is actually another way by works and faith so couple your faith in god by good works pray for the dead by this indulgence says so kasibo is a teaching on the apocrypha you can actually pray if you look at maccabees you can pray for your dead relatives and hopefully you hear abner imperial can be alleviated or the next level the next day which is unbiblical that's why if people ask you bible you can say because it's not incongruent indicia in harmony and unity with the whole teaching of the bible and just in case you're not aware for you to be able to make a doctrine you have to gather all the bible verses and make it in harmony and in unity before a doctrine of grace in doctrine bible verse about grace above all the new testament and then until in demo faith it cannot be a doctrine are you listening you don't reason from a part of the bible you reason from the whole bible you don't just get a bible verse and then start a church it's a bible verse whereas are you getting the point so you don't just get a bible verse you know the criteria para maging masama human new testament okay that's a new testament you old well for one the first criteria was conformity to the rule of faith did the book conform to christian orthodoxy christian truth recognizes normative in the churches you ask your small group leader or your pastor scholarly and we have plenty of great scholars but so conformity to the rule of faith but kame writing that hindi confronted the rule of faith mean to say orthodoxy and then it's out it's a bible verse apostolicity was the writer of the book an apostle or one who had immediate contact with the apostles pakistan it's either they're an apostle or my direct contact with the apostle hindi you new testament 500 years after lana see jesus christ catholic catholic church means universal church did the book have widespread and continues acceptance and usage by churches everywhere just to give you an idea young bible because of those written uh uh books hindus akinu late until the time so indeed no it's universally uh accepted during that time i don't confuse jesus did not hold the scripture points to me from genesis uh uh serpent you will strike his heel but he will crush your head malachi so as i was saying old testament was new testament concealed catagory new testament old testament alphabets in your new testament it was actually old testament revealed oh my gosh it is it is happening so it's just it's just a validation of whatever the prophet have spoken the book that you're reading right now a lot of people died just for you to have that book today a lot of people were martyred martialed parama preservian so make no mistake about this india it's the only book that can transform your life you can read a lot of self-help books good luck financially okay but only the bible is the living word of god that can totally transform you maybe but then the transforming power of the bible is undeniable and then look up on the screen as they approach the village numbers as they approach the village to which they were going about two to three hours okay jesus but look up the screen they urged him strongly i don't know they felt something i know stay with us for it is nearly evening the day is almost over so he went in to stay with them look up here this is very important proximity is a gift but intimacy is a choice god is everywhere we know that right we have no choice god is omnipresent proximity with god is a gift god has dwelt among men he resides here on earth but you see intimacy with god is a choice will you urge him to come strongly jesus i need you in my life because it's everywhere but intimacy with god is actually a choice it's a choice it's it's it's a it's voluntary jesus i want to be in your presence it's a choice and it's also a choice to deflect him god has given us free free will and then moving on let's finish this when he was at the table with the supermarket jesus look at the verse see jesus besit allah he took over he took the bread and gave thanks and began to give it to them but he could be glad you know what can invite me to jesus he's not going to take sides he's going to take over are you listening hindi come on let's give god praise when you invite jesus in your lives he's going to take over warning he's not going to take sides it's going to take over of your life why because he loves you he's going to he's going to approach he's going to take the bag because when you invite him he wants everything lordship 101. it's lord of all or not at all i want to go to your basement i want to go to your upper room i want to go everywhere i'm going to go to your cr and inaudible i'm going to take over and give thanks and give it to them and their eyes were open i don't know maybe [Music] and they recognized him and jesus just disappeared recognized the word recognized simply means to know through personal relationships i know that hand you in the union secretary personal relationship no matter how we run away from god he will always provide the way back to him he will always provide a way back he's the one who joined the two he did not see him jesus is going to come and join us in this time no no see jesus joined them he joined them while they were walking so look up here icon icon that you've thrown in the tower i have good news for you god wants you back he wants you to go back in fact we're not our hearts burning their eyes were not just open there's a conviction in their heart when jesus opened the scripture when you're reading the scripture there's no way but really your hearts to be convicted and it's burning from from from disheartened to burning heart right now within us the word burning since impurities and as we walk on the road and open the scripture to us you know what they did at once everybody say at once at once they got um returned it but it doesn't matter there's so much good news so they hurriedly went back to the 11. [Music] here's a picture what's this [Applause] it is true [Applause] yeah it is true the lord has resent he's never late he's never addressed he's always on time on the third day i will rise on the third day we will defeat the enemy it is true the lord has risen once our eyes are open you can't help but to share the gospel it is true the lord has reason and the word of god will lead you to that opening your eyes hearts burning it's proclaiming the gospel you can't help but to say it to everyone it is true the lord changed my life it is true that's the power when you are driven by the word of god it is true the lord has appeared and the two thought what they just happened became and then he said when he broke the bread guys let's all stand on our feet today are you in despair you see from despair to delight god will not allow you to go further he loves to reveal himself to you would you invite him today because if you're here and there's so much there's complete loss or absence of hope i'm going to tell you something god wants you to know it is true if he conquered death and sin and finding he conquered if you're desperate today believe me your desperation will lead to really impairing your vision of who god is but the key will you know him will you recognize him will he invite you will you urge him and some of you here today you're either disappointed with god but acupuncture cancer but indeed you're either disheartened or worse you have complete loss or absence of how you're in despair but regardless where you are right now i'm going to tell you something the word of god is true the word of god is your only hope because through the word of god we will encounter god himself it is true he has risen he defeated and conquered death and nothing in this world indian he conquered amen let's just pray lord you see lord god our situation we can we'll either be disappointed lord god is a situation sometimes lower this heart and then and lord we're in despair but lord whatever the situation that we're going through right now we're just praying lord god that your word will minister to us we're not going to defer to self-help books we're not going to defer to to uh about life we're going to defer to your word we're going to see every word in that bible points back to you because ultimately the solution to our desperation is you alone jesus kept going on we long we are urging you strongly would you just commune with us and take over sabuhi namin because lord only then we will really say lord i will never ever doubt you again because you have spared us from death and sin and coming from so lord thank you for these people are trusting you today be with them lord we urge you strongly be with us lord god don't don't allow us to go to our emiratis don't allow us to go further lord god lord call us lord god to us communion with you and we know that those who seek you with a full heart i no longer you will reveal yourself to us father we honor you we thank you in jesus mighty name everybody say amen amen amen amen come on let's give him praise our god you
Channel: Victory BGC
Views: 16,286
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: victory, victory fort, honor god, make disciples
Id: vlEPPrFgLB0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 54sec (2814 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 04 2018
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