PALM SUNDAY /// HOSANNA| Pastor Caleb Klinge | New Life Church

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hey new life family welcome to church online we're so glad you joined us in just a few minutes we're gonna kick off worship but before we do I encourage you to say hello in the chat you can also leave a comment or share a prayer request for our team as we start worship you'll see the words on the screen even if it feels a little awkward or uncomfortable singing along with your TV or device please know that you're not alone hundreds of other people are singing and worshiping along with you alright let's pray Lauren we just thank you for your presence this morning god we thank you that you got you dwell in us we don't have to be in a church building got to feel your presence Lord that you meet us here in our homes God Lord we just pray God that as we worship you in our homes that you would just your presence would spill out into our our neighborhoods into our communities God that our neighbors would feel your presence that our neighbors and neighbors would feel your presence God and that people God would just begin to feel your hope and your love God Lord I pray during this shelter-in-place god that we wouldn't only shelter-in-place Lord but that we would shelter in you God that we would just allow you to truly lord over our lives God to help us feel hope to help us just feel the joy God that you intended for us to feel God we thank you and we worship you this morning in Jesus name Amen let's worship [Music] [Music] we praise [Music] we praise [Music] we praise you we praise you we praise we praise you [Music] we praise you we'll see we'll see you break down every world will watch the Giants fall we vegan [Music] breakthroughs on our side [Music] we thought creates [Music] we'll see you break down no watch the Giants fall fear cannot survive when we praise you the god of brief news on our side [Music] with all creation cry God we praise you [Music] [Music] we [Music] we praise you [Music] we praise you we praise you [Music] the highest [Music] I was ospa he brought me Oh [Music] the Sun sets free is free [Music] yes [Music] saved [Music] me [Music] [Music] yes [Music] see you see [Music] not again see I am [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] see some of the stage I searched through it couldn't feel me man's empty praise treasures of fame I'm never [Music] you came put me back together every design is now satisfied love oh there's nothing better than you there's nothing better than you or there's nothing nothing is better than Oh [Music] I'm not afraid [Music] show you my weed failures applause would you see the ball you still call me the god of the mountain is the [Music] there's not a place your mercy grace won't find me oh there's nothing [Music] there's nothing there's nothing [Music] there's nothing [Music] there's nothing [Music] dancing [Music] crazy guards [Music] [Music] oh there's nothing better than you there's nothing better than you oh there's nothing nothing is better than you sing that again oh there's nothing better than you there's nothing better than you or there's nothing [Music] you turn crazy the gardens [Music] turn cz2 highways [Music] turn crazy [Music] you're the only one the only one who can you're the only one who can you're the only one [Music] do you change these [Music] at the king of my heart be the mountain where the fountain I drink from but the king be the shadow heir [Music] he is my son as you are [Music] you are good let the king of my heart the wind inside my sails the inker in my way [Music] the king [Music] you're never gonna they're never gonna let me down you're never gonna let never gonna let me down you're never gonna let never gonna let me down never gonna let me down [Music] you are [Music] you are [Music] and when the night is [Music] Oh No [Music] this is how I find my bad this is how I fly my battles this is how I find my battles this is how this is how I find my battles this is how I find my battles this is how I find my battles this is how let's raise our voices this is how I find my battles this is how I find my battles this is how I find my battles this is how this is how I find my battles this is how I find my [Music] this is this is how [Music] let's bring it down he may look like I'm surrounded by [Music] he may look like I'm surrounded but I'm surrounded by you let me look like I'm surround but I surrounded by you he may look like I'm soon [Music] [Applause] this is how my rules this is how I find my battles and this is how I find my battles this is how one more time this is how I find my bedding in church this is how I find my battles this is how I fine [Music] for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds Jesus today we just as a church we pray for what's going on in America and across the world God we just thank you God that when we go to you you are the healer God you are the one that turns the tides you're the waymaker and God we just pray God in the spirit Jesus that you would bring change God that you would just come with your peace and your power God in our cities God that you turn the tides God with this pandemic that's going on God Lord we thank you that this is how we fight our battles and just during worship I know it's different for you guys you're not able to be in church there's no fog machine going on in your house there's no crazy lights a lot of you guys are even watching you know on your phones or on your laptops or on your TVs with you know maybe in your own room but I encourage you you know it doesn't have to be the church experience like it is on Sunday for you guys you can still encounter God the same exact way one of my spiritual fathers Rob you know when we'd go out to churches we'd go here we go there we'd go to Bethel you know I would always be the guy in the front just jumping this is how I fight my battles this is how I do it this is how I encounter God and I remember just watching him and you know he would just sit in this chair the entire time with his legs crossed just enjoying God and I feel like for those who are watching on TV 2 right now watching on YouTube that you don't have to do all the crazy stuff you can just be be still in this moment and know that he is God and he is with you and that he's fighting your battles so right now I just want to pray and if you can close your eyes with me we're just gonna pray Jesus we just thank you for your presence God we thank you for your power god we thank you for your peace God we just release a hat mascara piece in every home from every smart device right now God that you just released your presence God to every viewer to every household God and I pray that your presence would just seep into the neighborhood's god that hope would rise in our communities God in the name of Jesus and everyone said amen [Music] you guys can type Amen with me if you guys are experiencing a New Life Church for the first time today we're so happy to have you and we look forward to seeing you in person soon if you can take a moment to fill out the contact form in the description we'll send you a coffee gift card for our cafe parents please note that a special children's lesson is available today just check out today's service on the website now let's let's welcome pastor Travis back up to lead us in giving all right well good morning church I hope you guys are having fun thank you for tuning in I just love worship you know I was very blessed I got to actually be here in church for the worship set and I was wrecked just crying my eyes out in the back felt so good and I hope you're feeling that same presence right now if I get the pleasure of leading us in our tithes this morning and I felt like the Lord leading me into the scripture in 1st Kings 17 it's a story of Elijah and the widow so I'm gonna read from there this is the Travis paraphrase by the way there was a drought in the land and God was transitioning Elijah from one place of provision to the next God tells Elisha go to Zarephath there I have commanded a widow to sustain you some translations actually say he's prepared a widow to sustain him in obedience Elisha goes to that city and he finds the widow the widow gathering sticks he asked her for a little cup of water and as she leaves to go serve him he then asked for a little morsel of bread basically a little piece of bread now during the drought we see a man of God asking the most likely of people for help today we're gonna be receiving our tithes and you might be thinking pastor draught how in the world can you ask me to give don't you know of the pandemic that's going on don't you know that I just lost my job well let's keep reading the story the woman says I don't have bread just a handful of flour and a little oil in a jar I only have this you might be saying I only have this unemployment check I only have what's left what's left of my PTO or my sick leave but Elijah said do not fear go and make a small cake for me and after for yourself and for your son this is like us saying you know go continue to be faithful and what God has prepared you to do in your relationship with him what God has commanded you to do for this for thus says the Lord the flower shall not run out nor the jar of oil run dry until the Lord sends rain on the earth so she went away and did according to the word of Elijah and she and her husband her household ate for many days the bay no flower was not used up nor did the jar of oil run dry according to the word which was spoken by Elijah from the Lord so I kind of want to pray into this this morning maybe you're kind of feeling like Elijah hoping for the Lord to just supplied you supply your next provision or maybe you're feeling somewhat like the widow where you only have so much and God's actually preparing you to give as well but I want to encourage you guys to serve I want to encourage you guys to give because we serve Jehovah Jireh we serve the God who provides he's the one that actually says you know test me in this and I believe that when we give God actually it opens up the door for God to give back to us and I could go down the list of testimony after testimony of things I've seen in my own life and my friend's life but when we give out of lack and how God comes through and you know I feel like we would miss out on an opportunity of seeing God come through for us when we begin to close the door when we begin to say you know what I only have this much you know we the woman the widow would have missed out on the the the supply for the season if she didn't prepare to give for what God had let her into and I want to pray as a church that we can be a giving Church even the season of drought even in the season of pandemic where it seems like we can't that there when there's a will there's a way so let's pray Jesus I just thank you that you are Jehovah Jireh God you are our provider and you're a good good father and lord I pray for all the needs in the season God that you would meet them and Lord I pray for all those that are on the edge of just giving God that you would just encourage them to take that step to take that step out of the boat God and to just walk on water with you to walk in trust with you God to walk in faith with you in the name of Jesus amen amen so there's many ways you guys can give you can give through our online portal you can text to give or you can give by mail always are secure and I also wanted to highlight that if you want to give on top of your normal offering we actually have opened up through our online giving a section called Kovan 19 relief and it's just a way to help people who are in need to help people who have lost maybe a job in this season or who are just struggling to make ends meet but let's be the church in this season let's let's let's be Jesus's hands and feet let's give [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] happy Palm Sunday to you we are really excited to have you with us this morning for this time of worship as our team was worshiping right then I was just reminded of Psalm 125 verse 2 it says as the mountains surround Jerusalem so the Lord surrounds his people from this time forth and forever and I feel like that's a word for someone today watching you need to know the Lord is with you that he's surrounding you that he's doing that this time forth and forever I so appreciate our worship team and our time together worshiping even though we're at home we're not alone we're together we're worshiping and I'm excited for this this is Palm Sunday today and this Sunday marks the beginning of Holy Week the week we also know as passion week where Jesus sacrificial work was done for all of humanity and I'm really looking forward to this week together we have a lot of great ministry going on this week Good Friday is still going to be the combined Good Friday service at 7:00 p.m. on Friday night with marine churches it's going to be online it's going to be on video but we are going to be doing the combined service and looking forward to that experience and for Easter Sunday our theme this year is graves to gardens he turns graves in the gardens we were singing that today that's what Easter Sunday is all about for us we have something special planned for that online stream at 10 a.m. also I encourage you this week just you're gonna see in the on the website on the graves two gardens page you're gonna see a Bible plan a seven-day plan that starts today for Holy Week we encourage you to join in that plan with us and read in the scripture together as we are in Easter week so today we are talking about the triumphal entry we're gonna go to Matthew 21 in just a moment but as we go to Matthew 21 it's good to note that this story is actually recorded in all four Gospels this is a very significant moment I'm going to spend some time talking about the significance of this moment what it means for us and then taking us forward to some personal application today so you might have noticed from the title it has kind of a personal application I'll explain what got junk means in just a few minutes but let me just ask you to note this with me about Palm Sunday do you can following along in the notes today you can download them from today's service page or from the description you'll notice that it says the first blank palm branches are a symbol of triumph and victory and I love that because four days after this triumphal entry moment in Matthew 21 Jesus dies on the cross and that looks like what might be the ultimate defeat but in fact it is the greatest victory the greatest win the planet has ever ever seen or ever will see and it's very appropriate that they're waving these palm branches like you see behind me today they're waving them it's a sign of victory it's a sign of welcoming the king this was a significant moment it wasn't something they did every day it wasn't just like hey you know this guy won a chariot race wave of palm branch this was a big deal in this culture I also want you to understand that as we're looking at Palm Sunday what we're seeing here is that this was the day of Christ's official presentation as the Messiah to Israel he was being introduced as the Prince of Peace as the Messiah and in this moment much of the nation was gathered together about half of the nation was there for Passover already so over a million people were in the city I'll show you some more numbers on that in just a moment but what I'd like to do is just dive right into Matthew 21 you have your Bible open with me the words will these scriptures will also be on the screen for you but let's read together beginning in verse 1 it says now when they drew near Jerusalem and came to Bethphage at the Mount of Olives then Jesus sent two disciples saying to them go into the village opposite you and immediately you will find a donkey tied and a Colt with her loosed them and bring them to me and if anyone says anything to you you shall say the Lord has need of them and immediately he will send him that was a guy that knew his purpose he was preparing for that moment where God would need his donkeys where the Lord would have need I loved that moment and then it says in verse 4 catch this all of this was done that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the Prophet note that in verse 4 because so much of what we're seeing here in Matthew 21 is a fulfillment not only of this next verse but so many Bible prophecies very very prophetic moment it says in verse 5 this is quoting from Amos tell the daughter of Zion behold your king is coming to you lowly and sitting on a donkey so the disciples went and did as Jesus commanded them verse 7 they brought the donkey and the Colts that's a very powerful thing Jesus coming in as the king he was coming on a there was a mature donkey and there is a young donkey it's actually a picture of Jesus riding in on the Old Covenant and bringing in a new covenant He fulfilled the law he came to bring something new riding the law on our hearts he was coming to do a new thing but he wasn't he wasn't setting aside the old he was actually fulfilling the old it's a very powerful picture that we see so they brought the donkey and the Colt laid their clothes on them and set Jesus on them on both verse 8 and a very great multitude spread their clothes on the road I'll tell you how many in just a moment others cut down branches from the trees and spread them on the road they made a whole highway for him to come in on verse 9 then the multitudes who went before and those who followed cried out saying Hosanna to the son of David listen to this language Hosanna to the son of David blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord hosanna in the highest this language is very powerful and very specific it says in verse number 10 and when he had come to Jerusalem all the city was moved saying who is this verse 11 so the multitude said this is Jesus the Prophet from Nazareth in Galilee so this was a very very powerful moment all four Gospels this is covered I want you to see first of all just take note of the language they're crying out Hosanna in the highest I want to tell you what Hosanna means Hosanna is a powerful word that means o save or save now or victory now and it's also an exclamation of adoration it's both an exclamation of adoration and an invitation for the Savior to come it's worship and it's invitation it's an invitation for the Savior to come and a belief that when he comes he'll change everything I want you to know that when you invite Jesus when you cry out Hosanna when you say Lord save when you say Lord come he will come he will change things he will bring victory in your life he's the God that brings victory he's the God that loves you he's the God that's for you he's the God that's with you we can we can make that word Hosanna our own personal exclamation of worship so this word is both a prayer and worship at once it's saying it's saying like Lord we want your victory and we know you're the one that can do it right here in this moment but I want you to see something else in this they were saying Hosanna to the son of David and what that means is this the son of David it was known by everyone that was in the nation of Israel that the Messiah would come in David's lineage so when they're saying Hosanna to the son of David they're acknowledging that this man coming in in this moment was the Messiah Hosanna to the son of David and then they were saying something else that was reserved for the Messiah they were saying baruch haba b'shem adonai 'blessed it is he who comes in the name of the Lord hosanna in the highest blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord hosanna to the son of David what I want to show you right now in this moment as all of this was language reserved for the Messiah waving these symbols of triumph and freedom calling him the son of David blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord this was a moment with all those that were gathered got the revelation and they had the understanding caught up in this prophetic moment that this man coming into Jerusalem on these donkeys right in this moment is in fact the Messiah I believe there's a moment in each one of our lives ordained by God where we come to the realization of who Jesus really is who Yeshua really is and it's something that's a miracle in our lives it's something that's a gift God brings us a gift of Revelation a gift of understanding and I believe this was like a moment where so many had it at once it was incredible so the first thing we really see highlighted here in this story that I want to highlight for you is just this moment where they're realizing he's the Messiah Jesus was being presented and revealed to the nation as the Messiah right at this moment the day of the triumphant entry Palm Sunday the day were remembering today the second thing I want you to see is where this fell on their calendar in terms of the Passover and the Hebrew feasts we know that back in John chapter 1 verse 29 John had introduced Jesus as he introduced him in several ways but one of the things that John the Baptist said about Jesus was behold the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world he was introduced as the lamb and the lamb who takes away the sin this was the week that Jesus was going to come and be that lamb but listen to this this is very important the Passover was on the fourteenth day of the month and this this day Palm Sunday was the tenth day of the month and on the tenth day of the month the book of Exodus appointed that the Paschal Lamb the Passover lamb should be taken up set apart for service kept in or near the house as a part of the household and it was on that same day the tenth day of the first day of the month that the Lamb of God came and was presented to the family of God to the nation of Israel to be that Lamb brought near to them that little did they know in this moment that four days later he would be the Passover lamb for all of humanity his sacrifice on the cross his life laid down and by the way Jesus said no one takes my life I lay it down it was something he did willingly for us in love for you and me in love what an incredible love so as I mentioned this was the tenth day of the month the day the Passover lamb was selected and this was the moment they were all seen in acknowledging the Lamb of God Jesus Christ there was a very well-known and accomplished historian named Josephus a Jewish historian he recorded the number of lambs that were sacrificed at this exact Passover and that number was two hundred and fifty six thousand and usually there's one lamb for every ten people or so and so when you put those numbers together it starts to really look like the gathering that may have happened in Jerusalem for this Passover was over 2.7 million people that would have been over half the population of Galilee and Judea at this time they were Greek converts their presence nations were represented there it was an incredible moment so when it says multitudes there were a lot of people maybe not everybody in the city was there for this moment but it was everybody in the city was moved by this everybody knew that something was happening that somebody had arrived I want to show you one other really cool prophetic word about this from the prophet Daniel Daniel chapter 9 verse 25 and 26 Daniel was having a vision from God and God spoke to him something very specific and without going into a ton of detail I wanted to show you that the Lord showed Daniel that from the time the command was given by Cyrus to rebuild Jerusalem until the time no Saye enter Jerusalem he said that this span of time would be 483 years on the Hebrew calendar on the lunar calendar and we know that that command went forth because it's very recorded in Scripture the command to rebuild Jerusalem was nehemiah's day that happened March 14th 445 BC and the triumphant entry happens exactly to the day when you convert on the calendar to the day that Daniel foresaw so what I want you to see is that this entry was more than just a bunch of people kind of hyped for the Passover yeah the power of servlets we're just it's kind of mob mentality everyone's kind of just psyched and like get looking forward to this moment is more than that it's more this was a moment to the day that God showed a prophet and and more than just showing the Prophet it was a day that God had had in his heart revealing the Passover lamb the day God had had in his heart from the foundation of the world that he'd spoken through a prophet over five centuries before this was the precise moment Daniel foresaw by prophetic vision to the day that the Messiah would be revealed and Daniel said in that moment that he's revealed right after that he'll be cut off but not for himself what does that mean Jesus wasn't cut off for himself it wasn't for his own sins it was for the sins of all the world so we could be reconciled to God brought it into eternal life brought into right relationship with God brought into newness of life brought into abundant life now when all these people were crying out it says in Luke 19 some of the Pharisees called to him from the crowd and said teacher rebuke your disciples get these guys under control these guys have lost it they're calling you the son of David they're calling you the the Messiah basically stopped them they shouldn't be doing this and jesus answered and said to them I tell you the truth if these should keep silent the stones would immediately cry out there was such an anointing such it was such a moment in time that if people didn't open their mouth to give God praise the earth grown forth a mighty sound of worship just because of the moment of what God was doing verse 10 said the city was moved it means it was shaken I want you to know friends that when Jesus comes in it shakes things up in a good way Jesus shakes things up in our lives in a good way when Jesus comes in to our lives when he comes into our homes and he comes into our world it changes things everything really changes and this right now I know it's a season where things are very unsettled and a lot of different things are going on in our nation and world today with the coronavirus and all that's going on is new news every day it's a lot of very heavy-hearted news and we're all doing our best and believing it's making a difference and I really believe that prayer is making a difference let's keep praying for our leaders for our government for people that are on the front lines of this man my heroes right now are the incredible doctors and nurses and health care workers let's be praying for them let's be believing together standing together but at the same time what I want us to understand is there's like this moment that God has for us in the midst of this I spoke on this on our live devotion on FaceTime this week and what I am really feeling that right now it's like it's like a cocoon time for us it's a cocoon time for you some people are calling it a Sabbath rest say la a pause it's kind of this international moment where we're having to step back but I believe it's like a cocoon time right now and what happens in a cocoon is a metamorphosis what happens in a cocoon is that a caterpillar in that cocoon something is being transformed and when that caterpillar leaves the cocoon it now has abilities that it didn't have when it went into the cocoon because it's been transformed it goes in crawling and it leaves flying I believe we've come into this season and it's a hard time than we feel feel all of us really still and homebound and all these different things but God wants us to come out of the season having received something having been changed having been set free having stepped into something more in him and that's kind of what I want to talk to you about as we move ahead in this message today on Palm Sunday so let's go on to this next section where it really shows the next step Jesus comes into the city on these donkeys and then the first thing he does on Palm Sunday is he moves into the temple let's read together verse 12 then Jesus went into the temple of God and drove out all the hoes who bought and sold in the temple and overturned the tables of all the money changers in the seats of those who sold doves and he said to them it is written my house shall be called a house of prayer but you have made it a den of thieves then the blind and the lame came to him in the temple and He healed them but when the chief priests and scribes saw the wonderful things that he did and listen to this the children the young people the kids crying out in the temple there was a bunch of young people and there a bunch of kids in there they were in there cried out Hosanna to the son of David this whole thing happened in the street that whole worship thing meant it kept overflowing they followed him all the way into the temple they kept crying out in there and there's just this incredible moment that was continuing they heard the children crying out Hosanna to the son of David the Pharisees were indignant and they said to him do you hear what these are saying and jesus said yea have you never read out of the mouths of babes and nursing infants you have perfected praise then he left them and went out to the city of Bethany and he lodged there man I love this moment of worship they were having I wish this morning we could have just kept going I am so looking forward to win this shelter-in-place is over we come together and worship man I just want to have like hours and hours of worship and celebration and just like big big praise dance time together I'm looking forward to that and I feel like God's calling us more and more into praise and worship in fact I almost did today as devotion part 6 because the the the scripture says in Acts chapter 2 they were praising God and having favor with all the people so I just had to work that in right there for a second but um let's talk about this moment where Jesus cleanses the temple okay now Jesus cleanse the temple at the of his ministry in the beginning of John chapter not in the beginning of John chapter 2 after the wedding at Cana Jesus there was a Passover going on at that time too and he went and he cleansed the Temple in Jerusalem that was the beginning of his public ministry and now at the end of his public ministry he's cleansing it again setting it in order again and the Bible calls us the temple of God so this becomes very personal becomes very personal in a good way so we've established that Hosanna is an invitation for God to move in our lives and it's it's an exclamation of adoration it's an invitation for him to move and it's a trust that when he shows up things will change I want you to know that to say it with me Hosanna Hosanna in the highest man what a powerful word let's make that our cry today and let's talk about what this means for us we're in this time you know of spring cleaning we're in this time of clearing out the clutter and as we journey through life we can kind of start to collect clutter this is especially evident when it's time to move like if you're ever gonna move somewhere you know that dreaded packing process begins and you start to kind of ask like hey where did I get all this stuff in a minute I'm gonna show you a picture of a bunch of of some hoarding and we'll get there in a second but I I just want you to think about your own life and where you start to you accumulate things like maybe a garage or a closet or a junk drawer or something like that other storage areas and when you know when you accumulate those things over time and when space is needed or it's time to move you have to start making decisions and you have to kind of clear things out now a lot of people have a spring cleaning routine you have a time every year maybe or maybe around this time maybe it's what you're doing while you're sheltering in place kind of finishing up projects and spring cleaning it's a good time to do that maybe you have a garage sale or you you donate stuff and give it away but you know some people actually have an addiction to stuff and I don't know if you've ever heard of this show or seen it on TV but um there's this show that depicts really extreme examples of this called hoarder and you can put that image up there the thing that the people in each episode really have in common is this they are unable to let go of even the smallest tiniest possessions they can't let anything go it's just like we got to hold on to everything and it starts to accumulate into a mountain of junk that is almost burying them alive and people are held hostage by that accumulation in their own homes often sleeping on piles of items that they've hoarded because there's barely space to move and it leads to all kinds of health problems and toxicity and all kinds of things going on and eventually they need an intervention so Jesus was bringing an intervention in the temple in Jerusalem in this moment he brings interventions in our lives as well and it's a good thing I want you to know that now the individuals in the show I was describing they've developed a dependency on stuff but the things that people think they can't live without are preventing them from actually living and that's true of a lot of folks with the accumulation of stuff in their hearts or their minds things that they are unwilling to let go of in their lives or it could be you it could be me at certain moments it's something we think we can't live without but the moment we let it go that's the moment we step into freedom it's the moment we step into our purpose it's the moment we step into God's blessing it's the moment that we step into who God's called us to be it's the moment that we step into healing so I want you to understand that today as we look at this and apply it in a personal way in our lives because you might not be a you know a physical hoarder but there might be things you know in the house that you are that you need to let go of in order to thrive and so your relationship with God can thrive in your relationship with others can thrive so our hearts can become focused on materialism or lesser purposes instead of being fixed on God it could be disappointments that accumulate and build up over time it could be unforgiveness even bitterness that slowly starts to creep in sometimes you there's a certain odor in your in your house that you stop noticing because you're so used to it you become nose blind sometimes things like bitterness can be that way in our lives we come a little bit blind to it other people might be able to kind of smell it if they haven't been around us that much but we don't really see it but an intervention is needed because the atmosphere in our lives has become a bit toxic so we need to have a restoration so Jesus he's he's so good at making all things new we see this kind of intervention in this moment and I want to let you know that in these hoarding situations professional organizers are often brought in to help decide you know what to throw away and what to keep but in Kingdom life there's an anointing from God a special grace from God to reorganize and realign our lives around what really matters to the Father's heart I feel like right now that's going on and many of us in this cocoon time there's a reorganizing going on in our hearts and lives is an internal work happening and I believe there's an anointing that God is releasing on us for that and that anointing in Scripture is called the zeal of the Lord it's something that comes with a grace to start seeking first the king and seeking first his kingdom and getting back to our first love the zeal of the Lord against the clutter out of our minds and hearts and we get realigned with purpose in the first time Jesus cleansed the temple of John 2:17 it says his disciples remembered that it was written zeal for your house has eaten me up they remembered a psalm where it says zeal for your house has consumed me they're like that's this right now Jesus is on fire he's a man on fire this is what scripture said and they noticed that and I want to let you know that that's zeal in the heart of G that kind of passion that's something that we are called to have as well it's something that we need as well I believe the Holy Spirit is recalibrating that kind of zeal and you this morning in me this morning let's look at Romans 12 for a moment and then I'm going to give you three quick points about our the temple that we are being cleansed in Romans 12 it says love must be since Cyr hate what is evil cling to what is good be devoted to one another in love honor one another above yourselves now catch this verse 11 never be lacking in zeal say that out loud with me never be lacking in zeal but keep your spurt spiritual fervor serving the Lord verse 12 this is really important instructions for right now in this season that we're in in this day in this time of shelter-in-place be joyful in Hope patient in affliction faithful in prayer share with the Lord's people who are in need practice hospitality and there's ways we can do that right now even if we're not experiencing physical community now the disciples remembered this Scripture zeal has eaten me up and you know zeal kind of connects with that series on devotion we were doing zeal is like I would say it's like intense devotion it's like okay I'm committed my affection is is directed towards this and it's what we see in Jesus and it's something that equality that we need as well it's time for some spiritual spring cleaning in our lives it's time for some clearing out the clutter that's accumulated so that you can live and freedom and have some space to be creative and to thrive and to be innovative and to have joy and to have peace I don't know if you're ever around clutter you just feel like you can't relax that's what happens when it's in our hearts too and I want you to know according to haghia chapter 2 verse 9 the glory of the latter temple shall be greater than the former says the Lord of hosts and that's the temple that we are as well it's it's his temple it's his people it's the temple that's going to be rebuilt I believe but it's also the temple that we are and he says the glory is going to be greater and he says in this place in my temple I will give peace I will give Shalom I will give wholeness that's his promise for the temple that you are the temple that I am the temple that we are God wants to bring wholeness he wants to bring peace he wants to bring Shalom nothing broken nothing missing everything as it should be totally and completely whole that's what it to have the temple cleansed ultimately so let's take a look at this number one when Jesus cleansed the temple he removed what didn't belong he removed what didn't belong there I know that's simple but Wow sometimes there's things in our lives that don't belong there now I don't know if you've heard of that commercial I talked to you about earlier GOT JUNK it's kind of my title today if you've ever heard of that commercial 1-800 GOT JUNK they have a really fun jingle on the radio and I'm not going to sing it right now but you can look it up later and I don't know if I'm gonna - friends a copyright since we're streaming you know so um but they have a really fun commercial and basically they say call us just points and the junk will disappear and yeah one 800 got junk now listen I want to encourage you to make that call today I want to encourage you to call on the name of the Lord and I want you to remember that the number is not 1-800 GOT JUNK the number is Hosanna to the son of David inviting him in to the mess inviting him in to the hurt inviting him in to the brokenness and saying god I invite you in bring your victory in my life come and cleanse this temple that I am come and restore my life Hosanna some 18 verse 1 it says all I need to do is call to you all I need to do is call to you singing to you the praise worthy God when I do I'm safe and sound in you Romans 10:13 for whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved delivered given victory made whole friends I want you to know that there's some things that you were not meant to carry in your life there's some things that don't belong in your life let Jesus be your supernatural organizer Jesus I want to let go of this junk which you come and remove it I'm calling you Hosanna 1-800 Hosanna come and save come and make me whole you know hoarders think that they can't live without the things that are keeping them prisoners in their own homes and we might be like that times two we could be like lord I thought I needed it but I realized now I don't need it I give it to you I thought I had to hold on to a fence I thought I had to hold on to the hurt I thought I hold had to hold on to the pain but lord I cry out Hosanna and I give this to you I'm pointing at it Lord take this out of my life remove it out of this situation take this junk I thought I couldn't forgive I thought that if I forgave I'd be letting go of control and giving people a chance just to hurt me all over again but I realize Father I begin any imprison to the sphere I give it to you I let it go I'm not gonna hoard it anymore get it out of my house God I'm calling on you I'm looking to you maybe there's been a pattern of sin in your life that gives you a temporary comfort but in the end every time you're engaged in that activity it just makes you feel worse and worse it could be a pill it could be a bottle it might be something you smoke or eat or watch it could be pornography it might be some other distraction I want to tell you maybe you thought you couldn't let it go but that thing is holding you back let it go and step into freedom step into thriving in Jesus Christ let him come and remove from the temple what shouldn't be in the temple could be dependency on stuff the material trusting in in money and let's get our trust back in God today there's so many things that could clutter our hearts this is a moment to step into freedom know that God has that for you number two when Jesus cleansed the temple he restored priorities this is a really cool thing I want to show you here so the first one he removed what shouldn't be there that's what happens when he's working and transforming us then he begins to restore priorities remember the number is Hosanna I'm inviting the Lord to bring his victory in my life and he will call whenever we he will answer whenever we call now in the temple there were a number of different sections number of different courts and it's really amazing when we travel to Israel we got to see some of those places going up on the Temple Mount and experiencing that historically it's been documented that the moneychangers that we see in this passage and the people that were selling sacrificial animals and things like that had occupied the coal that was dedicated as the court of the Gentiles there was a court of women a court of the Gentiles a number of different places were that were set aside as sacred spaces for people to come and just enter into worship even for the Gentiles to come and be drawn to the God of Israel what we see happening here is that instead of making a place for Gentiles to come and be a part of the temple they had turned it into pretty much a farmers market and kind of like an exchange bank and Jesus came in he's like not today nope that ain't gonna happen and he cleaned house he did some spring Passover cleaning and he drove things out of the places they should not be and then he said something very specific he said he actually is quoting Isaiah 56 verse 7 he says my house shall be called a house of prayer now that's powerful right there by itself that we are a house of prayer we are a praying house we're a house that is to pray for all nations and that means also that it is a house of prayer that belongs to all nations like the purpose of God for his house for his temple is that it be a praying house for all nations and in this moment they had forgotten that purpose that God had called them as the sons of Abraham to be a blessing to all nations Jesus came in he brought that priority back so the activity that was going on was filling the space God had designated for a different purpose maybe you can relate to that today it's very strong symbolism it could picture a church or a person that's become cluttered and allowed the Father's love and passion for people or for what really matters to kind of dissipate to allow the the the sense of the Great Commission and God's love for the world every tribe tongue a nation to to be let go and not really be important in our lives anymore if my picture a believer who's lost their passion for God's presence and for worship and has become disconnected from from purpose in the process now I'm sure no one woke up that one day and said hey let's just fill the court of the Gentiles I believe it was probably like hey we can there's not anybody really here right now let's kind of just take this one little section yeah we can set a couple things up here a lot of people come for pasture yeah we can we can add some animals in this section and it probably was a slow encroachment over time and that's how it is for us it slowly accumulates until things began to get displaced the Song of Solomon says something very beautiful it says let's take away the little foxes that spoil the vine small encroachments lead to larger encroachments here's what happens clutter tends to attract clutter until the essential is displaced by the meaningless have you allowed what's essential relationship with God relationship with your family you know having healthy relationships and your lies have you allowed what's essential to get displaced by what's meaningless this is a time to get priorities realigned and reset Hosanna Lord come in restore me cleanse the temple Jesus anoint my life with zeal and passion so I care about what you actually care about and what's actually important reshaped me as a pot in your hand suited for your purpose shape me mold me make me re realign me recalibrate me get my priorities back in order that's what this is talking about when we see that Jesus came in and in cleansing the temple he restored priorities and finally number three when Jesus cleansed the temple he brought healing this is a wonderful moment now I want to highlight here that his healing is physical mental emotional and spiritual it says the blind and lame came to him in the temple and He healed them the word healed there is therapure it means to heal cure restore to health it's not just kind of like I'm making you feel better it's actually restoring health it's bringing wholeness there are those that were blind those that were had disabilities and Jesus in that moment he healed them and his healing is unto a cure it's unto wholeness so what I want you to see here is that as the temple was cleansed the power of God flowed miracles flowed healing flows and let me tell you right where you are right your room right in your home right in your car wherever you're watching this you need to know that our God is a God of miracles he's a God of healing and he wants his healing to flow in your life right now when you invite the Lord into restore you he's not he is removing what shouldn't be there to bring you freedom he is helping you get right priorities in your life so you're reconnected to purpose but he's not just taking things out I'm telling you today he's bringing things in he's bringing healing he's bringing wholeness he's bringing blessing he's bringing his goodness his mercy to flood over your life to follow your life his goodness to overtake your life he has healing for you today sometimes I think believers can be a little bit like the older brother in the story of the prodigal son the prodigal comes home and the robe is put on him the ring on his finger sandals on his feet there's a big celebration and the older brother who never left he comes in and says you know father what's going on he he took advantage of you he took all his money he spent it all and now you're throwing a party for him I don't get it and the father tells the older son son all that I have belongs to you what do you mean like he didn't realize what he had I feel like sometimes the children of God forget what's available to them what their inheritance is what God has promised them it says here that it was the children in the temple that's you daughter that's you son that's you child of God the people that were already believers already in the family sometimes I think well yeah that's for people that they really need to be convinced that God is good but now that I'm in the family of God like I you know I don't know if that's for me anymore no no no the people in the temple cried out Hosanna if you're already a child of God you're already walking with God here already in a sense of maturity and you're a strong disciple and you've had areas where God has set you free but you're still having struggles I want you to know that you can call out to the Lord and say Hosanna to the son of David and let him come and bring healing into your life right in this season of your life right now no matter how long that's been going on I just want to break off that thinking and that lie that says healings not for you or breakthroughs not for your victories not for you he has it for you today as we wrap up today we close with the time of prayer Jesus cleansing of the temple this shows us how zio works and how powerful it really can be zeal is such a wonderful grace zeal creates space again from what ultimately matters it clears the clutter that accumulates over time things we even become blind to you know sometimes zeal is associated with legalism and I just want to say that like a religious spirit often wants to hijack zeal and turn it into harsh legalism but legalism has never advanced the kingdom true zeal is the passion of the Father's heart the love of the Father's heart and parted to your heart passion brings the increase that's that that legalism cannot the Bible says in Isaiah 9:7 of the increase of his government apiece there will be no end and it says the zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this Wow there's things that pass there's an increase that passion brings I believe today this is a time for spring cleaning this is a time to let the Lord come in and restore the temple that you are and we're gonna pray for that in just a moment but the first thing I want to do right now for anybody watching wherever you are I want you to listen to me very carefully you may be at home you may be in your car you may be I don't know where you're watching today but I want to talk to you and speak right to your heart if you're a person that you you have yet to begin a personal relationship with Jesus I want you to know that today he is knocking on the door of your heart and he's just waiting for you to cry out Hosanna he's waiting for you to say come and save he's waiting for you to invite him in and when he comes in everything is different it's amazing I want to pray with you right now if you say that's me Caleb you know pastor Caleb I want to pray I want you to do something with you right now I want you just to put out your hands to the Lord and I want you to pray this prayer with me this repeated after me Lord Jesus thank you for your love thank you for the price you paid for me Hosanna save me come into my life heal me change me and help me from this moment to live for you Jesus come into my life and be my Lord and be my Savior I pray this in your name amen you prayed that prayer for the first time today I would count it such a joy to be able to meet you to pray with you personally when we get back into services that are in person we want to meet you we want to connect with you but for now if you just fill out the contact card and let us know that you made that decision today we want to reach out to you we want to connect with you and stand with you and this new step in your life the next group that I want to pray for today is we wrap up as I also want to pray for all of us that are watching today you know I just feel like this message about spring cleaning and restoration it's something God has for you so wherever you are I just want you to like right now in this moment of just soaking in his presence just just come before the Lord with your own hosannah come before the Lord asking him to you know letting go the thing you thought you couldn't live without and letting him replace it with his love with his peace Jesus I open my heart to you now I invite you to intervene in my life come and redesign me Lord come and reorganize me come and reprioritize me come and reshaped me clear out the clutter that's displacing my fellowship with you I give it to you reset the priorities in my life so I'm living with your purpose I call on you today to remove that junk I just want you to name it right now just give it to him this name is Lord I prayed is breathed on your people by your spirit today let their hearts be fanned into flame the flame of your love let it just be fanned in their hearts today God let there be a fresh move of your spirit Lord as we come into Holy Week or as we come into this time of Good Friday and Easter I pray Lord we know that the work is already finished but I pray this would represent a time of breakthrough a time of new beginning a time of new fruitfulness or at a time where we really truly go from graves to gardens or where you make all things new and I thank you for that to the oh Jesus I want to pray right now for anybody that needs healing on this stream you're in your house you need God to physically heal you or emotionally heal you we just right now are praying The Healing Touch of Jesus we're crying out Hosanna with you we're praying against cancer in Jesus name we command it to go Lord wherever cancer exists wherever it's in the liver wherever it's an internal organs wherever it's in the body wherever it's in the lungs we speak to cancer in Jesus name and we say you cannot stand to the blood of Jesus you cannot stand up to the healing power of Jesus what we pray for anybody that's battling diabetes today we just pray your healing touch lord over physical pain Lord chronic pain we pray right now or that you would release your healing today just stretch forth your hand to the screen you can put your prayer requests in the chat so we can agree with you today we're agreeing with you in prayer for breakthrough and healing this morning god bless you today so we have some of our ministry team that's been a part of putting this together today this service that have some things in their hearts they're gonna come and pray over you as well so I invite them to come at this time yes so just during today's message I felt like God was actually specifically highlighting people were having vertigo that he actually wanted to release healing to you just through our youtube channel so if you are having problems in your mind if you're feeling dizzy at home or maybe even if you're just having migraines I feel like God is just stretching forth his hand so right now we're just releasing healing over vertigo and over just mental just mental health if you're having problems even just with depression I feel like God is actually just bringing a booster of just comfort and joy right now I got a word for wrists and movement and fingers and I feel like God just really wants to heal that today so if that is you just close your eyes and we're going to pray for that so Lord we just pray that there is no pain in your kingdom god we pray that you would just come now and they would just feel your fire God on their fingers and on their wrists Lord we just pray that you would heal them right there and then Lord in your name we pray amen I have a word for anyone with heartburn and also anyone that has pain in their ankles I feel like God wants to heal you so I'm gonna pray dear Lord we thank you that our heart burns only for you Jesus not because of any disease or anything wrong any any problems with our heart our heart burns only for you Jesus and when you speak you have our full attention Lord and I pray for healing over people's ankles over people struggling with vertigo at home and anyone struggling with heart disease that you'd heal them right now in Jesus name Amen I'm gonna invite cast to come up and share this week's announcements thank you again for joining us today this week is Holy Week and we invite you to join us for our Good Friday and Easter Sunday services online this current situation is very fluid so please be sure to check out new life Nevada comm regularly for updates you can also join our Facebook group for daily devotions with our pastoral team just search New Life Church Novato group in facebook to join this Wednesday we'll have our normal Wednesday services movement youth will be on Instagram TV and YouTube Pursuit night will be held on zoom and you can also go online for a list of life groups that will be held on zoom' you can look at the home but not alone page all of these links are on new life Nevada com have a great week so as you wrap up the service today we are looking forward to seeing you for our Good Friday service we're looking forward to seeing you a pursuit Good Friday Easter please invite a friend and what I want to invite you to do right now is I pray and dismiss us go to today's service page and you can come and join us in our zum Lobby our after church zoom hangout time we'd love to see you there pray together talk together have a little fellowship let me pray for you now father I pray as we wrap up today your blessing on every family and every person I prayed the Lord bless you the Lord keep you the Lord make his face shine upon you and lift up the light of his countenance on you the Lord be gracious to you and give you his Shalom peace we bless you today we love you with more to seeing you soon - god bless you you
Channel: New Life Church Novato
Views: 1,287
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Love, Faith, Family, Community, Supernatural, Healing, Prophetic, Revival, Fun, Joy, Adventure, Presence of God, Bible, Christian, Praise, Worship, Assemblies of God, Hope, Bible Study, Prayer, Missions, International, Church, Preaching, Sermon, Marin County, Sonoma County, San Francisco, Non-denominational, Renewing of the Mind, Evangelical, Spirit-Filled, Spirit-Filled Preaching, Church Online, Live Stream, Church Online Marin, Church Online Bay Area
Id: _qA68vOohSQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 9sec (5049 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 05 2020
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