When God says "Move"

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hi happy Tuesday beautiful kings and queens I hope that you're enjoying your day it's amazing yeah a very impactful and insightful week and today we're gonna get started with a word that God has given me actually a while ago but he's been perfecting it and then I've been sitting on it and so this is a must be amazing I'm very excited so of course like always let's get into prayer thank you lord oh god we just thank you for today father god I just thank you God for everything that you're doing father god I pray in the name of Jesus that you were opening hearts father God for the viewers who are listening who are watching this father god I pray that you are opening their minds by the God and just put something in that heart to let this message convict them and let them know that they should pick up the pace and do what they need to do just hope just as you have done for me father God so I thank you for that father God I pray father God that today this would be a day of purpose this would be a day of vision father God to go back to a drawing board of everything that you wanted us to do that you've needed us to do that today if you say today I'm going to do it because God but you start in this you will also finish so God let the work be done in Jesus name I pray amen so the title of the message that I'm going to speak on today is called when God says now I will let you know my difficulty in this one thing is God was telling to move on so many different things he was telling me - well I can't really share everything but trust me you'll see you'll see it all I just follow me on Instagram but yes when God says move you must move because there's a timeline there's a specific season there's a specific time that God wants us to drive certain things and we need to be in position to grab to grab it to take hold of it you know so one of the things okay let's so for example this day with this YouTube video God wanted me to start a youtube video and it was more so like oh god well I don't know I'm kind of scared you know like my voice was so high-pitched and you know all these different things and God like understand that it's not about your voice it's not about hey I like all these things it's about what I've called for you to do it's about the people who are going to be reached and touched when you deliver this message you know and so again it's deeper than self it's bigger than you and even though it's bigger than you it will still bless you you know so so god he has you doing things that's really going to change your life and the lives of others so we have to be open open for that so God gave me a revelation about how I needed to take action and he was telling me that I needed to move and I'm like okay guy you know we think about when someone says move we're like well where have I gonna get theirs if I first is about train is by boat by plane you know where are we going exactly is it a long way is it long distance or short distance like we have all these questions in our mind and I realized that God was just saying just touch just move like when I tell you to move just move and know that I'm going to make provision for where you're going so I'll write this down God God gave me a revelation oh and a dream actually it was a dream it's this parallel street I am here standing where I am I so say I imagine like I'm here in the street is in front of me like this so I look to my left and there's this long road and it's very very curvy it really just feels like like yo this this road is endless right then I look to my right and I see this yellow sign it's a yellow diamond sign is saying dead in and I'm like Lord you know I think this dead-end sign here it looks like it's very short distance and I see this side on my left and it's a curvy road that looks forever you know it keeps going and God says I want you to go right number in it I love God I do I trust him with all my heart in this dream and I might even like even in the real life sometimes I'm like that but left looks like I should be going but it looks like I should be going left because you know there's so much cars like I'll be able to do so much more like are these things and when I was right on Mike you know it has a dead inside there God like I can't even go a mile with this dead-end sign here like it doesn't make sense but again what is kingdom sense isn't common sense and I want y'all to really know that what God is asking you to do knowing that God has a plan he's already factored in this dead inside you know but in my mind you know because it's me I didn't realize it at first I'm like oh god you know maybe you're wrong on this one um but clearly no I was wrong so in in the dream he's saying go right and I'm like well why do you want me to go right or you know am I supposed to walk there or I'm asking all of these questions and God is just like if you just turn your feet to the right if you just plant your feet if you just go right then there's so much that I can do with you doing that so that was like the first part of my dream so then a few days later happened and then I had to dream again but this time I actually stepped right so it was it was the same conversation but then when God said I want you to go right it was like my body was already in a lima it was already moving to the right where God wanted and he didn't need to go and so I didn't look back to the left now granted this long endless road on the left over here is going forever but instead you know I go right like God has told me to do so I'm going right and I see the dead inside and I'm in front like literally in front of this dead inside but God shows me knocking the sign over and creating my own way trouble easing my own path what he's called for me to do and my understanding of that is that he's calling all of us to do that you haven't we all have a path that we must take we all are caught on a different journey on a different Road in life and so it's very important for us to move when God says move because there are some barriers that are going to be broken down as we are moving in the direction that God takes us so with this particular message I I probably will add scriptures toward like to the to the message so that you can have a deeper understanding but I really want to encourage you out to move like it is so important because we need to move and you make the God move he's going to do so much more in your life he is going to open doors that you never saw that was open before he is going to make a way out of no way possible like you clearly see that the street stops here there is nothing that she can do there's a fence like it's a dead inside but I am making my own path for people to follow for people to come for people to travel with me like all of that and he has the same thing for you so what I really want to plan on is one don't get distracted I do not get distracted at all about what you see make sure that you are operating and moving in faith and not in fear make sure you are moving in faith because of what God tells you to do not a fear because well you know I'm just gonna go this way because it looks longer because it because I see this understand that think not about what you see like faith is is not what you see faith is the evidence of things hoped for but we don't we don't see it you know say it's going to come it's going to happen you know I'm saying but we don't see it first off you know so that's first first freshness first second listen to God like I mean God is telling you something or you know some people say like it's your gut feeling like it's so important because there's something in that there's something for others to be set free and knowing knowing knowing knowing that God is going to bless you in that also I mean look at my that's really awesome so with that understanding that the left side represented disobedience for me to go left means that I'm going to be disobedient to the word of God so what God has told me to do no one wants to be disobedient at all to anyone you know so why would we want to be disobedient to God who has who knows everything about our life he knows the the into the beginning the beginning to the end he knows everything in the event he knows where you are right now what you're going through and so the left represent what I later realizes the left represented disobedience now the right represent obedience so when you are obedient to God as well as when you are obedient to others things happen a lot more smoother you you know things that you hoped for are now becoming things that you receive you know so with that the right side represents obedience and open doors and opportunities that God has already had your name on it there's no delays or anything like you get it now by taking that step to the right another thing that I've learned is that the time is now like the time is right now if for example I am 24 years old for 24 years God has been prepping me for a time like this for the time such as man he has been prepping me so I trust his preparation and even on the times that I didn't have a job or when I did have a job and you know I was in school or whatever the case may be preparation meets opportunity so knowing that when God tells me to move I know that there is already something there he's already prepared me and even when he tells me to move he's still taking me on this preparation process every day is a time to learn the time to grow some time to develop so understanding that like okay God what you want me to learn today what we doing today is helping you go into the direction that he is taking you so make sure that you are moving in that it's very important for us to yield to God to know hey God I'm available to you what ways do you want to use me I went to UM I went to this memorial a while back and there's the amazing woman of God who people were talking about and something that she did probably every single day would say okay god I'm going here meet me here one first God meet me where I'm going god I'm going to meet me of our car meet me at the grocery store meet me at church meet me wherever it may be meet me at the mall and then the second thing is okay guy who do you want me to speak to or what is the word that you have for my brothers and sisters that I can deliver what is it that you want me to do so being open and available in that area being used by God in that area is going to strengthen you build you up to help you grow so help you learn what it is that God is calling for you to do so that you can get in tune with his voice and knowing what he's directing you on and saying to you so whenever he tells you to right you can instantly go right without hesitation and you don't have to worry about all was it God was it not God like you will know there is a knowing that will come out of that so you have to it you have to exercise your gifts you have to exercise the voice of God when he's telling you to do certain things you know just go with it and move without any hesitation at all because if you hesitate someone else is going to come and do what you were supposed to do and I would rather God use me and for me to do it than someone else to be doing it I'm not saying that in like oh I want to be the one number one but I do want to be the one I want to be the one if no one else is willing I want to be the one that's always willing I want to be the one who is always about my father's business because there's work that needs to be done and there's no days off like people be in the gym like oh you know I know days off you know games all this stuff same thing with God no days off games in the kingdom I want it Kingdom take over we are winning and I want everyone to win so I think if this message is more so very important for us all to know the ways of God hear the words that move when God says move because there's so much out there for us to receive there's so much out there for us to gain and I want us to win and by winning is by hearing God and moving when God is moved without hesitation so I love you so much I pray I pray I pray I pray that we all get this and know this because this is something that God really wanted like he had on my heart to share and I'm like oh god I don't really you know know if this is really important but it really is important because it's November 24th right now and there are some things that you wrote on your list that you want to see done or have accomplished by December 31st before this year is out and God wants to do all of those things for you but are you willing to move your feet are you going to stand stuck in in fear and sin stuck in all well that hasn't happened yet some know you are going to attack it and I've declare that over your life right now that you'll attack all of those things and you will go out and get what's yours and when God says move you will move because there are so many things up there with your name on it and I will not be accountable for you missing it because I'm not even gonna be coming for myself missing anything because I'm not in you're not so today we will take what's ours we will take our inheritance and we will go and we will move when guy says move so I love you god bless you thank you so much for listening I know that this is very different from my last videos but this was like the real public service and that's what God wants us to do in order to move forward so I love you god bless you
Channel: Mariah Izuegbu
Views: 13,681
Rating: 4.9419451 out of 5
Id: HpKQ1woLPk8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 42sec (822 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 25 2015
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