Tips for moving to a new state ALONE | Overcome your fear with faith

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[Music] hey you all so today I wanted to make a video about moving out of state and I think this is something that a lot of people in my age group either want to do or they are doing it so I wanted to make a video and share my experience and my advice to anybody who is thinking about moving out of state so I'm gonna start with my story I knew that I wanted to leave my hometown for years and that is nothing against my hometown I just felt like I had seen everything that was see I had done everything that was to do and I just desired growth and expansion so I felt like I needed to leave I need to go see somewhere else and try to see if I can flourish there so that was my mindset and I started thinking like that when I was in college but of course I had to finish college and then after college I actually signed a contract with a local hospital so I had to finish that contract out before I could actually leave oh I'm going to tell you all this God will make it clear when and if it's time for you to go I'm telling you he certainly did that in my case so when I started my job I absolutely loved it like my co-workers were great it was a great work environment I liked going to work everyday it was just it was all good I was best friends with everybody it was fabulous when they got closer and closer to the time that my contract was up it became almost unbearable it was miserable tension at work was crazy like I just hated it I absolutely hated it and I feel like God did that for a reason I just felt like I didn't sure feel like I would have stayed but maybe I would have stayed a little bit longer but the way that things were going at work I was literally like as soon as this contract is up I'm leaving I'm going somewhere else and I had always planned on moving so that's what I'm gonna do so it was very very clear to me I definitely say pray and don't make you no rash decisions like when things first got bad I thought about even getting a completely different job but I just prayed and God didn't say it was my time to do that so I just waited out my contract and then I left so what I did to prepare I researched I researched so much we found a travel agency I'm a travel nurse so I can stay in a place for up to 13 weeks or you know I can extend I can decide to go staff somewhere so my plan was pretty much to travel to different places live in different places find a place that I like and then decide whether or not I want to settle so all this research in all types of different cities because my recruiter was sending me all kinds of stuff so this is what is extremely important for you to look up I highly recommend this so I wanted to know the demographics of the city I wanted to know safety questions I wanted to know what the attractions were things like that are important for a lot of people you know whatever is important for you or whatever you want to grow in that's what you definitely want to look up our Sports important for you is entertainment important for you like you want to know whether or not the city has a sports scene so look things like that up also I highly recommend looking at the Census Bureau's website because it's facts they're statistics and everything is always up-to-date so I looked at that diversity was extremely important to me so I would look at you know the percentage of each race because I wanted to feel like I belonged I want it to be somewhere progressive you can see people's median incomes you can see whether or not they graduated from college in high school how many people own their home so you can see the percentages for pretty much everything so it kind of paints a picture of the city for you I also looked at blogs as well like for people who had moved to the city they would tell you like different areas of the town and different things to do while you're there so that's good but you also have to remember that blogs are people's opinions so you know and kind of get shaky there like definitely look at this is this Bureau though for sure because that's like straight-up fact so I research that I also like I said research areas of the city because you're gonna want to know like all cities have areas that you shouldn't go to like you should avoid was just for the safety and security reasons so I definitely looked that up also lastly I looked up my apartment so I wanted to live somewhere that was kind of heavily populated not like busy busy but I just I wanted a populated area so I felt like you know downtown would be great for me also I wanted to be very safe so I found a place that was secure you know you have to swipe to get in almost every single area in here and there's cameras everywhere and I love that cuz I'm 100 pounds and I'm by myself so that was very important to me also it was very important to me was finding somewhere that was all-inclusive because I don't know how long I'm gonna be in each place I don't know if you know this is gonna be the place for me whenever I'm traveling so I'm like okay I want it somewhere that I don't have to open up you know a contract with cable and lights gas and electric or water no I want it somewhere where you know I just pay rent every month and that's it I pay one person and when my lease is up and it's time for me to go I can go no ties no complications nothing so I wanted an all-inclusive place and I also wanted a place that was furnished because I wasn't lugging furniture with me like who was gonna move it in came by myself no so I went in somewhere that had furnishing had housewares and it was super safe there's a gym downstairs that's great for me because I can get lazy and not want to go sometimes whoo so all of that was is extremely important so definitely look all of those things up next thing that I did was secure my job which sounds crazy but I wanted to look at every single thing about the city before I decided oh yes I wanted to accept this job or I want to accept this contract so that's the thing that I did second third I talked to my pastor because wherever I decided to go I definitely wanted somewhere where I could still be nurtured spiritually I didn't want to like let my faith walk fall by the wayside just because I'm gonna be in a different city that just wasn't optional for me so I asked my pastor for recommendations of churches because it's so hard to look at church up online like you can Google is this a good church then really work like this so I asked him for that the fourth thing that I did who was started to pack I packed for an extended period of time because I didn't want to just be throwing everything in boxes or crates or whatever very last minute because then I'm gonna love something like I know me I'm strategic I'm not a procrastinator so I needed to be very organized about it something that I will also recommend for you is those posts that are in the back of your closet that you're like oh one day this is gonna go with something or I'm gonna find this is gonna come back in style like don't bring that stuff don't don't bring the pants that one day just maybe you'll be able to fit back into like no bring the things that you know you're gonna use you know you're gonna wear things like that because you kind of have to I mean all of your things have to fit inside of a vehicle or a truck or whatever you're doing so you want to be smart about stuff like that so that's what I did and it also gives you a reason to shop whenever you get where you're going as well like you'll be fine the last thing that I did was say goodbye so I let my family and friends know like hey I'm leaving I had brunch with people I had dinner with people like little hangouts just to say goodbye to a few people and goodbye for my family was extremely extremely intense I had like a small dinner but just must have stirred my mom and it was it was a lot it was very heavy so I want to hang out here for a second because I think that people may be able to relate to this sister and my mom were very very emotional because we're very close we're all that we have you know for each other and that's understandable but seeing them being so emotional kind of made me feel bad it made me feel guilty and I started questioning myself in my decision I was like you know what I am gonna be really far away and do I really need to move but I thought about it and I'm like yes this is what I want for my life and I think it's so important for us to decide to be selfish sometimes you know at the end of the day my mom and my sister have each other where they are they have extended family they have a church home they have familiarity because that's the time that they were born in reason as well so they have all of that they have a support system but I'm going away by myself and it's nothing but me and Jesus so you know I had to realize that as well and then I also had to remind myself this is what God wants you to do he wouldn't have placed this on your heart to move he wouldn't made a way for you he wouldn't have opened a job opportunity he wouldn't have aligned all of these things he wouldn't have made you uncomfortable at your last workplace he wouldn't have done all of that if this wasn't meant to be like you'll be just fine they'll be just fine and those thoughts in your head like I don't want to move away from my grandparents they're getting up an age or I don't want to leave my parents I don't want to leave my sibling you know I don't want to leave my friend group because they need me like all of those things in your head what is saying gonna do like I personally for me I felt like what if something happens and I'm not there I'm not God if something happens and I'm there it's not gonna make a difference either so I had to remind myself of that and then I also had to tell myself that my happiness and my growth my personal growth I have to put that first in my life everybody has their own lives their own lanes they have to do what they want to do to make themselves happy and that pertains to me as well I think especially as women we always want to make other people feel comfortable and nurture other people but you have to be selfish sometimes you absolutely have to and I'm like I can do it I can even go back if I don't like moving so definitely definitely put yourself on the front burner like go out there and do it be selfish for once in your life because at the end of your life when you look back you're gonna have to be satisfied with that no I'm gonna look back for you and say oh I'm glad that you made such and such decisions like no you're gonna have to wake up with the choices that you made so okay I've my soapbox now things that I wish I would have known before I actually left I totally totally totally like did not look into the weather here enough I love the south I'm biased my family is from the south so I just like warmth I like friendly people I like grass you know things like that so being like further up north I'm like oh my goodness it's so cold it's so gloomy it rains a lot I just don't like that I don't like that so definitely look into the weather I was just looking at like oh it's next week gonna look like or you know what is the season look like but I mean I had no idea that there was like very minimal sunshine so yeah look into the weather also look into like places to go for things like things that you need maintenance wise so I learned that when I got here I had no idea where to get my eyebrows done where to get my hair done like nothing like that you don't even think about those things and then lastly I looked into the different areas of town but this is something that I think you'll learn the longer you stay somewhere you can go to an area and you can go a little bit too far down the block or something and totally end up somewhere that you don't want to be you know just like awkward so definitely those things you'll learn when I first got here I didn't even know where to go to the grocery store like the grocery store chain here um yeah anyways I have nowhere to go so those little things like that they'll pop up but you'll figure them out so those are the things that I wish I would have known before I left also I definitely don't want to end with my recommendations without giving you this definitely pray pray pray pray before you go because I had prepared so much I mean I had everything packed up I had told my family about all this stuff and I knew that I wanted to be leaving but something inside of me still had a little bit of fear like just a little bit I mean I'll be honest but I want to encourage you just because you have fear don't let that keep you stagnant fear doesn't mean oh I just should not do it because the people that we admire the things that we admire them for I'm sure they did it err I'm sure they did it scared you know we think of the biggest entrepreneur is the biggest businessman the biggest business women the biggest political figures all of that they've risked so much and there's no way that these people I mean they're human just like we are there's no way that they made all of these risk and all of these life-changing decisions and just absolutely we're 100% confident in them and didn't think what if or didn't have some type of fear in the pit of their stomach but the difference between us and them is that they actually did it and so I highly recommend doing it scared if you got to do it scared do it scared I'm telling you I had a little bit of fear in my stomach as well but I just did it and I got here and I'm like oh my gosh I'm growing so much it's only been one month and I've grown tremendously I've gotten to know myself like no other and I mean it's just been a great experience and I would not have known that if I would have just let fear keep me complain and keep me in my hometown so don't let fear stop you that's another point I want to make all right so that has been my experience and lastly I just want to leave you with this because I love me some scripture and it gives me life but in Genesis chapter 12 God tells Abraham to go to the place that I will show you he tells him to leave his family and tells them to leave his land where he came from and he tells him to go to the place that I will show you doesn't name the place in that verse and that I can draw so much inspiration from like so much fire came from that and just really pushed me to go because Abraham was constantly obedient to whatever God told him and he every time that he obliged God made a covenant with him and God kept those promises and he prospered Abraham and he blessed him he blessed his life so I think that it's important for us to oblige when God tells us to do things as well he had no idea where he was going no idea where he was gonna settle but he did it anyways because God pushed him - and I'm telling you that God has placed this on your heart you're watching this video for a reason you're thinking about moving and God has placed this idea in your mind and the spilling and the pit of your stomach for a reason and as long as it aligns with his will I'm telling you something good will come from it so definitely oblige get out there and do it so that's all I have for you all today I'm definitely praying for you I hope that you're inspired and I hope that you're gonna get out there and try something new and I know that you're gonna flourish wherever you end up thank you
Channel: Courtney Denise
Views: 25,795
Rating: 4.9557109 out of 5
Keywords: moving, to another city, to another state, how to move, what i wish i knew, tips, pros and cons, faith, overcoming fear, overcoming insecurity, christian, bible study, genesis, packing to move, apartment hunting, millennial, dreams, chase your, god, covering, jesus christ, christian lifestyle blogger
Id: VnP01klKOAg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 47sec (887 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 04 2019
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