THE PROCESS | Dr. Hart Ramsey

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i want to talk to you we're starting i don't know how long this series is going to go but i want to talk to you from the topic the process the process and it's a term that we talk about a lot everybody say i'm in the process and i don't even know that we understand always what it means but i'm speaking of a specific process and um what happens in church many times as we come and and we get involved in so much of what is happening in the world i want to say to you that that something troubles me when i watch especially preaching on social media is that i say a lot of preachers who are becoming very well versed in in motivational speaking and so you're getting a lot of how-to's and a lot of um how to start your business how to do this and how how to handle a relationship and the problem with that is is that all this motivational speaking is happening and the saints hardly know their bible i did i did a social media post the other day and someone attacked me and the argument this is a and i went and checked the person that they just got saved maybe about six seven months ago maybe it looked like a year or so walking with the lord and the person attacked me on social media because i made this statement that love does not require you to reward abuse and and the person was like that's not true the bible says you should reward abuse i said i think you got your words mixed up you mean to say reward and he fought me all through this thing and and i was very very bothered bothered by this and um when i when i saw the lord about this i said he's a new believer so i'm not really that concerned and the lord pricked my heart to remember or to remind me rather that what we're doing in church is that we're teaching you what sounds good what feels good to you because we want the response my job standing here is not it's not to prick your ears to get you to respond to what i'm saying what my job is is to teach you what the bible says and i'm gonna tell you something i would read some of this stuff and think to myself dear god this doesn't even seem relevant and the law says it doesn't seem relevant because you don't know what it is it becomes relevant when you understand what the lord is saying the word of the lord endures forever will that mean listen the word this little word endures forever it means it fights its way through every season through every shifting climate in the earth the word of the lord stands up and it endures and it prevails and so what we're going to learn today we're going to learn some things about this thing we call the process in first thessalonians chapter 5. and i feel very uncomfortable with the microphone in my hand because i feel like i want to preach and i know i can't and so so i i'm a teacher at heart that's what i do as as if i try to preach or remind me just just like like ella just they just shout teach you know because i'm i'm not a preacher and the bible says in first thessalonians chapter 5 verse 23 and the very god of peace sanctify you holy and i pray god your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our lord jesus christ faithful is he that calleth you who also will do it father we thank you today that the word of the lord is the hammer that breaks the rock in pieces it gives understanding to us we declare over our own lives that insight and understanding comes to us so that we could um uh promote your plan in the earth and do what you've called us to do in jesus name everybody say amen amen i want to begin today by highlighting the word sanctify here's what the bible says the very god of peace sanctify you completely but what is god after in your life why would god allow certain things to happen why would god allow evil to prevail and enemies to have the advantage why is it okay with god that people can do things to you say things about you and he not respond he expects you to take the high road every single time what is he after well what's going on in our lives is that we are in a process called sanctification and i think the terms that we use get lost to us we are not of this world when we were saved the lord called us to hold different lifestyle the bible is the in the word in the bible rather is the word of god and in the word of god the different terminologies that speak to who we are and what's happening to us there's something happening to you right now here's what the bible says may the very god of peace sanctify you this word sanctified it comes from the um the har ghost word family now you're going to learn some stuff so get ready to write har ghost word family and the reason these words are critical and i want you to get this and let it become your language is because it speaks to what's happening to you this is the language of what you're going through the hoggles word family when applied to people means that god has snatched you by your life and he's not willing to allow you to breathe in any direction but his not because god is jealous the devil is alive not because not because god is jealous but because god understands that what he's called you to the safest place for you is in his process what does this term hagos mean it is the word family from which we get the term holy or holiness and the one of the most misunderstood terminologies and teachings in the body of christ is teaching of holiness be ye holy for i am holy what does it mean be holy when we think of wholeness what we think of as a dress style um the way we we our makeup or the way we carry ourselves maybe the way we're here whether or not we wear jewelry when we think of wholeness we think of a behavior but holiness is none of that what holiness really is initially is an identification god's characteristic when you describe god you say you know when you describe a dog you say well um you know my mom bought me a dog and the dog was furry and and people could in their minds can they get a furry dog or you could say the dog was big you ever seen a muscular dog you know you ever see ever seen you know or um or she got her cat and and the cat was sneaky or the cat these these descriptions are conjured up images in the mind so when you hear the lord i am holy what do you think here's what i want you to start to imagine when you hear the word holy separate from anything you've ever seen different that's the word the word the words are haggles it speaks of what's different um the word sanctum is an english word sanctum means you talk about the inner sanctum it's a a safe place a holy place a set aside place when when we start talking about this word family hagos we these different words jump out haagi adzo which means to sanctify that's what we're talking about we'll speak about that hagiotis is the word holy or a holiness the word hagia sunni is the quality of being holy the word heart or hagios itself means the person or the holy person or listen to this word the saint whenever you see the word saint in scripture it is the word hagios so when when when paul calls the corinthian church hagios or saints after he just described the level of sin they were involved in listen to this when you read first corinthians up to the third chapter in chapter three paul tells the corinthians he said listen he said you guys are so carnal that i can't even feed you with meat he said i have to feed you with milk in other words you're not ready to chew food you don't need not a true food you don't you don't understand what it means to go over something over and over in your mind till it breaks down he said i have to give you food that i break down for you or else i'll choke your spiritual life to death he talked about in in chapter four or chapter five he talks about how there's a situation in that church that was so unbelievable that a man was sleeping with his father's wife but paul calls them hagio he said they're saints how is it possible that their behavior is so unbecoming but their status is so high and lifted up why why is he calling them saints if they're not behaving like saints it's because you don't understand what a sainthood is when mother teresa died the the first thing that happened in the earth if you paid attention to mother teresa's sisters of catholic fame if you're not a catholic you probably don't know what i'm talking about when she died the big argument broke out shouldn't she be a saint shouldn't she be inducted into sainthood and the catholic church went into this big old argument about whether or not she qualified for sainthood because they don't understand that sainthood is not based on what you do as a matter of fact what you do will never change until you embrace your sainthood i want to walk this through but how does sanctification happen the bible says the very god of peace he sanctifies you wholly completely and here's what paul goes on to say to the thessalonians he said and i pray that your whole spirit and your whole soul and your whole body people preserve blameless what does he mean by that he means that once you get into this sanctification process god is not just after your spirit he's after your soul and he wants your body because i mentioned something earlier here's what i mentioned is that the enemy didn't he doesn't possess you but he has membership with you he has membership he has access to your members and so what what you can what happens to you now the enemy his whole purpose is to steal kill and destroy and what he can do is at times he can come to you and barter with you for use of your members to hurt other people for use of your members to take from other people for use of your members watches now to even destroy or to hurt yourself and so god now what he does he forces you into this process and he leads you through ways you'll never go and what he's going after in you is a breaking down of things that you can feel touch taste he's breaking down what you what you are accustomed to to build you back up into something else holiness is god trying to give you his identity now listen to this in john 17 and verse 17 jesus is praying and he says this he says sanctify them through thy truth thy word is truth he says he says oh what sanctifies us is truth what means when i watch this it means that if if i'm sanctified through truth that means the thing that's stopping my sanctification has to be a lie it has to be something i believe that's not really the way i perceive it your process is intended to show you what is what and think about what you're going through now sometimes what we what we do is we'll come to the doors of the church and we dismiss everything that's going on and we come into the presence of god and we we enjoy the lord and we leave and go back to life god doesn't see it like that the way god sees this whole thing is i'm taking this person on a journey and every single time they choose not to walk with me god says i'll they'll leave me but i won't leave them and i make the path that they chose for themselves so difficult simply by removing my hand in certain areas to the point where watches they have to come back on the course the part the path that god has for you is nothing you would ever choose for yourself but the end of it is better than anything you could do for yourself when i was going when i was going down to uh dothan alabama back in 1992 just a long time ago some of you weren't even born yet shut up you know when i was going to northern alabama i remember going down the highway car packed driving down the road thinking to myself the first chance i get him out of here i was coming through fourth fort a rucker down in that part of alabama when i came out the gate on the i believe was the south side of fort rucker there's a big sign that says welcome to ozark and the sign was over a graveyard as the lord is my witness when i saw that i broke down and started to cry i was driving i was cr grown man i was crying going thinking no i said this to the lord if you show me what i did wrong i repent of it right now because i told the lord i'm going somewhere to my for my dreams to die little did i know that what god was sending me was the very place that my name would go around the world see i was running from the purpose of god because i thought that god didn't have anything good for me in that place hear me you are not wiser than god you don't understand what he has in play for you now i want to give you some information from the scripture and this is strictly doctrinal the believer goes through a three-fold process you're gonna hear me say this about a thousand times as i'm with you okay number one the moment that you believe in jesus you are justified everybody say justified all right law say justify come on class we will get this together here's what justification means it means that god literally expunges your record he takes the righteousness that jesus earned and he gives it to you as a gift so as far as god is concerned right now if you were to drop dead you go straight to heaven people become uncomfortable when we teach that we said what about what they did if salvation was based on what we did nobody in this room would be saved he said well i just think you got to repent of your sins okay let me ask you a question do you remember all of your sins are you wise enough to know that of some of the sins that you committed you didn't even know you're committing sin so justification happens the moment the moment i believe the moment i say yes lord i received all jesus as my lord and savior in that moment you're justified your record is expunged watch this now god looks at your name in the lamb's book and he smiles here's the thing that people don't understand is that from the day you were born you'd never see any time in scripture where anyone's name was written in the book of life nowhere you never saw it and in that moment god wrote their name in the book you didn't you'd never see that but what you do see is people praying do not take my name out of the book because i want you to see the faith of god from the time that god releases your spirit into the earth when you occupy a woman you come forth god writes your name in the book of life he does it by faith knowing your story he writes your name in the book of life watch this and you do you know what you have to do to get your name blotted from the book do you understand that you have to we use this term a lot we talk about uh a reprobate mind do you understand reprobation what reprobation is is when a person finally gets to the place where they tell god leave me alone i'm done nothing you and god in his love never bothers them again reprobation is not a curse it's one of the highest acts of love that god gives to a sinner that doesn't warn him reprobation is the term for love letting you go it's a form of grief when god turns you over to your own mind and he says okay well do history god engage god's mentality god's mentality is i can't bother them anymore he takes away every form of conscience from you why does he do that because he doesn't want you bothered while you throw your life away because god understands it's the only enjoyment you will have so he lets you go and it doesn't do to the angry heart he does it with a broken heart justification is the first encounter of a human being with god is the first encounter where we come back to him and he says you know what this is what you are this is who you are is the story the picture of it is in luke 15 and the prodigal son the father sees him coming he runs to him he embraces him he kisses him he calls for uh the sandals of a son the ring of authority he gives him he calls for the fatter calf to be killed what is he doing he's reinstating his son that's that's that's the picture of justification at the end of a process is a a thing called glorification glorification happens the moment that we see jesus face to face the bible says the moment we see him we'll become like him it happens in a moment in the twinkling of an eye it happens in the moment in the twinkling of an eye so watch this justification happens the moment i believe glorification happens the moment i see him whether he comes from me or calls for me whether rapture happens or my body ruptured and i die glorification happens when i'm the moment i see him i become just like him if i see him as he is watch this but in the sandwich between those two parts of the process is a lifelong process called sanctification sanctification is the process i want to give you this as you got the processes in your in your head today this process the verb there's a difference between the verb process and the noun process we're going to probably cover that later on but the verb process is what i do when i get information if you're not processing in the process you're missing so much in the process in my journey what process really is a journey as i go through my journey i have to look at things and i ask for definitions what is this and what is that what is happening and what we do in church is we treat one another like i am better than this person here's the problem you don't know where god found me he gave me so many listen god gave me so much that even my children i had a long talk with my son who took oh my my church of ncc and and my son and i talking and and he heard my story his whole life the first time he encountered me i had a flashback quite recently and and yeah i had you know we got a flashback i went off not it was more than that i went to the i went off i i went off and and and a friend of ours called me said man i was telling you son he told me man he's i never seen him like that and i said yeah they keep hearing those stories and they don't know how true they were but god found me celeb listen we need to celebrate each other is there anybody in the room that you say folk don't even understand where i came from talking about i just i just thought you were more spiritual but more spiritual you don't know how far i came [Applause] back in the day you just gonna talk any kind of way to me i roll up on you where i came from you didn't talk crazy to people you're around here talking talking social media man you get your whole life snatched well i can't know for real no no no anybody here from miami tell these folk that miami and liberty city are two different places liberty city is not miami that picture of y'all so that's not my that's not that's that that's just something else that's our beach or north beach but liberty city where we from no no no you see you don't understand when when god and the fact that he brought in sanctification is a process whereby god here's the thing he targets things in you one item at a time so as to not discourage you and so the moment this is fixed he targets something else and you think you're right and the time you think you're better than target something else and think he said look at her i don't well never she going for amanda she should be ashamed of seven times you get to judging her then something comes up in your life you say oh see what happens to us is we we we read scripture and then we we subscribe to this form of doctrine that's not even biblical because what it's doing is teaching us how to remain in this life can i share something with you you're called to represent and replicate the lord jesus in the earth but you're not connected enough to his doctrine to see miracles jesus said in john 15 here's what he said he said i am the vine you are the branches have you ever seen a vine vines don't grow straight up the reason the reason that was just the the vine is in is in heaven in the holy of holies in the throne room that's what the vine is it's hanging down in the earth the branches are hanging in the earth bearing fruit in the earth but the root of the thing is in the holy of holies but he's sitting on the throne so what you're looking at is an upside down tree hanging in the earth what we're teaching you how to do is how to be fruitful in the earth without even the lord says without me you can't even bear fruit because it's not about knowing more about how the systems in the earth work it's about being connected to the vine in heaven the problem is is no one wants to teach this because it's hard it's not entertaining nothing sexy about this here's the thing you need to understand i want to say it again justification happens the moment you believe he gives you're gifted righteousness right standing with god it's a gift everybody says i have a gift call righteousness listen right decay sunni in the greek it speaks to who i am any any word hagia sunni the kaya sunni the sunni suffix means it's not something i do it's something i be it's an abstraction you can't do an abstraction it's an idea it's a thought it's who is one when you've got when god looks at me god says that's a righteous one god called david a man after his own heart knowing goodwill what david was going to do i guess in the chicken you crazy didn't kill a whole man stole a whole wife and watch this and god called him you did you ever read god's in the new covenant is a wonderful thing the new covenant is full of amnesia how god never remembered anything anybody ever did wrong by faith nor built an ark to the saving of his family and then he got drunk and cursed his grandson but god god's like what are you talking about by faith david he's slain a giant but wait he stole you write his wife and he had and god's like what i'm gonna raise up the tabernacle of david but what about what david did god that has nothing to do with it why i've gifted him righteousness [Applause] see how this works justification glorification is something we look forward to i can't wait to see jesus face the face but i'ma tell you something these things happen by timing and sanctification i'm about to help you the process that we're in right now you cannot enter into it fully till you commit to it so it stands to reason that you could be going through a lot of what you're going through for nothing you have to commit to it what is this about lord i'm trying to make you like jesus what would it take lord in in the scripture i i began to read some things about it and i just wish i had time to go through but it's so much it's an orderly layout that i have to give it to you because the way the human mind works is a thing called anchoring anchoring works like this whatever you whatever you believe first will govern what you believe in successive order or order afterwards after so i have to lay it out for you but i want to give you this this is so super important if you do not at some point in your life as a minister as a leader as a believer as a person settle in your mind number one the day you gave your life to jesus your old life ended settle that number two it's a scripture that actually says i have been crucified to the world and the world has been crucified to me that was strange to me i looked it up in the original language you know what it says it says i have lost interest in the world and the world has lost interest in me so everything i get god has to give it to me everything i become god has to make me because watch this once i commit to the lord you know so we're doing with dumbing down doctrine so we could fit in with culture and we want to be relevant you know the word relevant means a microcosm of what's there if we want to be relevant to the world that means we're going to become a small version of the world so why would people why should people come to us if they want the world why come to like come to the faith go to the real thing we want to be relevant and the lord is saying to us if we want to be relevant we're going to forfeit what we're supposed to be doing i got so much to say and not enough time and this microphone in my hand is not doing any justice here's the thing that troubles me about what we're doing sanctification is a gradual becoming it's a gradual becoming and the thing about the becoming part is that i don't think we understand what it means to become and so someone can do you wrong in church and you will mark them for the rest of their life as what they did to you let me tell you how i stopped doing that when i when i went through a divorce years ago there were people who i would have given my life for that threw me away like i was yesterday's trash and while i was in my sabbatical during my recovery i was dealing with certain people and they were encouraging me i spoke with one man i would call his name he's such a brilliant therapist and bishop and he walked me through some things and when i was coming out of it he says to me he says you're going to be more merciful than you've ever been before i came out of this thing whenever i would see a person fall or struggle or stumble the first thing i would say to myself is this i was there i know what that is they're going to be okay and people start telling me you just excuse anything no it's i don't excuse anything i just refuse to hold people at the place of learning god will select you he will trust you with a person's human moment knowing oh watch this counting on the fact that you've been where they were in some way and what god was said to use let them let them mess up because you know it is to mess up in the place and have to get up and wipe yourself off and keep walking process doesn't stop because folk write you off listen what hap what happens what process does is you gonna they're people right now and what they remember of you is the last thing you did well all they know of you is that version of you they don't know that you're graduating and you're gradually changing this there is in process or gradation so to speak a stepping a moving forward it has to happen like that now get this relationships are destroyed when we fail to understand that becoming is a process on the way to being thank god for who you are but you didn't just get there you didn't wake up one day and love the lord like you love him today you didn't wake up one day and and become the per um uh woke up and you become the person who you are you became who you are through the process of life now listen to this statement in in john chapter 1 and verse 10 it says he ca speaking of jesus he came to the very world he created but the world didn't recognize him he came to his own people and even they rejected him verse 12 says but to all who believed him and accepted him listen to this he gave the power to become children of god say those were say power to become he gave the power to become the the power to become said out loud against the power to become now here's my question to us today and and this is for real i don't believe in wasting you do understand that if you're honest about your own life the areas of your life where at least your desire needs to be renovated can you think of one area in your life where what you want is not what god wants so here's what he says the moment i receive jesus he gives me the power of the word associated to become and the word becomes an interesting word because it's this word is mentioned twice it says he came to the very word he created that's on gina my and then it says the power to become and the word becomes gina my as well and i'm wondering why did the translators not translate it the same way so listen i'll say this again in verse 10 he says he get he came into the very world he created the word created here is the word gina my g-i-n-m-m-a-i get him i and then it says oh he gave them the power when they believed on him he gave him the power to become that's the word get him i as well so here's what so really what he's saying is this he came to the what he created and then when you accept him he gives you the right to be created the right to be recreated the right to change now i'm going to tell you something that you need to know and this is critical we think that god has called us to change god is not interested in you changing this is not change i was studying this difference between people when i'm in transition and i think we mistake the word you're not in transition you're you're actually transformation you do understand that a caterpillar gets to a certain point in his life and he literally s creates his own tomb with the power that god gives him he literally out of silk creates this this sleeping bag the problem with the sleeping bag is that it's permanent and he creeps into this thing shuts himself in and the the scientists and people many of you who study this you know the true names for it but he goes into that and he never comes out what goes into that thing never comes out and here's what's interesting do you know that when a butterfly emerges from the cocoon or the crusader or whatever they call it when he comes out he never ever sees his wings instinctively he knows he can fly but he never ever sees his wings the way his eyes are set up he can't look to he can't look over and see his wings but something in him tells him what is at the command all he has to do is will it decide it he can land when he wants to he can fly when he wants to but he never ever lays eyes on his wing he just knows what happened in order for him to rush in order for caterpillar to come out of that sleeping bag of that of that tomb a caliper had to decide to die the butterfly a butterfly emerges because a caterpillar died i'mma say this again says to you the thing about change is when you change you can always change back has anybody ever changed back y'all sitting live with your silence no no you're gonna talk back to me i'm not just up here for my looks uh listen as anybody to have a made a change and then you gradually just slip back there's a term i think we call backsliding see here's the thing you know why the lord seeks transformation because in transformation you can never go back the door closes behind you when the caterpillar goes into this this uh or cecilia or to the or the tomb or the cocoon whatever you want to call it when once he goes in what went in never comes out and what comes out looks nothing like what was do you think this was metamorphic in romans 12 is a word of god the holy spirit chooses words for a purpose romans chapter 1 says the invisible things of god are clearly seen being understood by the things that are made what it means is this watch this it means that god creates certain things just so we could look at a thing and say oh that's what he's talking about when he uses the word metamorphic he's saying i want you watching sanctification really happens when i leave the place of justification he's expunged my records he's gifted me righteousness and he says to me i'm going to lead you to a place to die to die he said well pastor i don't even like that part of it let me tell you something here's what jesus said jesus said i lay down my life for the sheep i lay down my life that i may take it again he said no one takes my life from me i lay it down why because the other life that's promised to me is what i'm after if any man follows me he has to take up his cross and watch this if you seek to save your life you're going to lose it but if you lose your life for my sake you're going to find it what does that mean here's what he's saying to you there's a life i have for you that's very different from the life you're living now it's it's a lot watch this it doesn't lack struggle but what it what it does but it doesn't lack struggle but what it does lack is a misunderstanding what the struggle is for in that life resources become available whatever struggle comes you see i'm okay i'm putting you like this i remember a time when money was at the forefront of my mind right now is the least of my worries pastor you're rich i'm not rich but what i am is this i understand that whenever i need it it finds me no no no listen and i'm not up here preaching no weird doctrine of of of distorted prosperity that's not what i'm telling you i'm saying to you there's a connection you could have with god in a certain area and what he does he targets an area he said we're going to sanctify this we're going to make this area like me and and you have to arm wrestle god and when you get to a certain place here's what happens god will say give it are you going to give it up or you're going to keep it let me tell you what my i told you before it happened with the tithe i was battling with this thing with the tithe and i came home to a disconnect notice on my door the one the short of the story is this i had to make a decision am i going to give god what's his i'm going to take care of myself and in that moment i decided we're going to light candles tonight because the god that promised me i need to see can he keep his word little did i know that that one decision broke the back of financial like in my life i've never lacked again whenever i need anything listen to this god always raises up somebody somewhere to use their power their ability and their influence to help me every single time i bought bit listen i'll never forget the last i remember i found bankruptcy in 1998 bought a whole building in 2001. ain't never again like frankie well let me back up hold up yeah i fought bankruptcy i'll tell you why because my life got overwhelmed i tried to do things myself and all these bills stopped pointing and i said i can't do this and i went and i remember saying to myself i remember saying to myself god has to take care of me i went to my attorney what i do he says you need to write all this stuff they were medical bills a member of my family had four operations in the same year the beds were ten thousand dollars a day medicaid they were charging me ten dollars for one tylenol i was young didn't know what to do five bankruptcy watches what happened and two years in the lord says i want you to buy that building with what how am i buy a building when i watch this and the law says just follow me and all i did was continue to follow the lord and follow him through the valley of the shadow of death and when it got to a certain place i was writing the letter to the man that we were leasing the building from the owner telling him we can't afford the 80 000 down payment when he's when he called me and said i need to get dressed and follow me you heard my story before i he said i want you to go somewhere with me he took me to meet a banker you heard my story and the banker gave him a loan and the other day the uh ncc was looking to get something and i said hey call on this bank over here and tell them um dr ramsey said to give him a call i want i want to listen i want to use the money market to get a loan from myself to pay for this piece of property you know it was the very same bank i did business with in 2001. they i keep a money market there say pastor why are you telling us this to show you that when god when you die in one area what god raises back up looks nothing like what died you don't understa you are being in every challenge you're going through now is an invitation to sanctification saint holiness is not something you give to god you have none to give to him be give the lord a holiness offering a sanctification offering what sanctity you can't give what you don't have your best act abs listen to me you dressing from head to toe don't wear no makeup don't wear no gold or jewelry or silver jewelry you you you have a definition of holiness you know folk we're skinny jesus i know how to you know all of a sudden i'm talking to you you you're judging people because you think you're holy but you're struggling and you know why you're struggling because you have holiness to give to god that fake holiness that you're giving god doesn't want it god wants the kind of wholeness that god wants to give you holiness that's the problem with the god this is maybe the very god of peace may he make the world sanctify make you holy it's a process and it goes through your entire life justification is immediate glorification is immediate but sanctification is a journey as you travel with god and there be times when you're doing well and the lord will knock on your life and say listen um there's an area listen to this this duck you've buried this so deep last week pastor taurus talked about trauma you've buried this trauma so deeply it's there and we have to dig it up and he will take your life through a series of pressures to trigger the response for you to see that you never were healed you buried it under all that scriptural knowledge on all that intercessory prayer and tongue talking you you buried you buried what you what's this and so now all of a sudden someone does something to you and you hold off in cuss and your question is where did that come from how did you see where did it here's where it came from it came from deep down where you had buried it under all that church all that religion all that set watches all on all that self-help you had buried all of that trauma under all this stuff and god goes and he digs it up and triggers it and god says listen i don't judge you but now we gotta deal with that and you say well god take you take it away from me and god says i'm not gonna take it away from you that's not how it works we're gonna journey we're gonna journey till you choose to build a cocoon and walk into it and don't leave till that thing dies and when you come out the other side of it the person that did that would you won't even know how to do it anymore it will not even register to you i'm gonna give you this i'm gonna give you this uh illustration this is true i tell this um story all the time i used to smoke terribly i was a chain smoker cigarettes and i'm not gonna talk about the weed but just the cigarettes and so um i used to smoke and um new porsche was my thing new porsche was like a a different kind of cool you know so it's the last struggle i had after being saved now let me share something with you that i think is really good for you to know the battle i went through with cigarettes was was actually for me a marquee lesson in my life where i wanted so badly to be rid of it but that thing had me by the heart have you ever been there the bible says god is at work within you both to willing to do this good pleasure in in um sanctification there's three things that happen uh we talk about the transformation but this first is information then there's reformation and then there's transformation write those down number one is information number two is reformation or reformation number three is transformation the thing about these things and i'm skipping over so much because it's important that we kind of get into the heart of the lesson i revisit them but you have to understand this in this process of sanctification anything that must be developed will undergo this process that the process is about moving forward it's about learning lessons is about getting better it's about growing wiser and whenever you hear this word okay whenever you hear words like like uh moving growing learning think process okay um what and don't think if this word transition is a very modern word everybody's using the word but everything is not a transition everything you can tell when you're in transition when it feels like you have no foundation but you still feel settled on your foundation but you feel like something else is shifting that's transformation that's god trying to kill the old you or get you to submit to the old you dying so that some a new person could come forth so this first is information information number two reformation number three transformation you got those let me give you number one about information real quickly i got about seven minutes information is directly related to enlightenment it is literally listens informing you listen we say words so quickly let me inform you listen to what you just said let me inform you information is determined or designed to form something in you when the holy spirit in the sanctification process chooses in formation it's never for your head it's always for your heart the holy spirit understand that information in the head can make you arrogant and sometimes we think because we know it that we're doing it there are a lot of preachers that know a lot of words ain't doing a whole lot of word no no i'm not thrown off i'm saying it's real i have to literally make myself pray god teach me so i could teach them i would say speak to me and then speak through me in that order i don't want to learn anything that i can't do you got it sometimes we forget so information is god forming something in you you won't know what you don't know if you don't know that you don't know you won't know what you don't know if you don't know what you don't know and so what god does he shines a light on the areas of your life that are immature the areas of your life that lack uh um um governance and what god does god says look at this right here look and god would literally show you yourself and another person there are people in your life right now grieving your spirit and the reason that god allowed him to do so is because you're just like them and you you will admit are you there you complaining about and god says that's you all day long he said she always talk about people god's like with information again the holy spirit targets your heart so that what you know doesn't make you smarter it makes you wiser listen to me the holy spirit targets your heart with information so that what you know doesn't make you smarter it makes you wiser wisdom is not about knowledge it's about perspective wisdom is not about knowledge i know people who are way smarter than me but they have the wrong perspective i have i i tutor students who are way more uh advanced in the bible it's in terms of knowledge but their perspective is off so they come to me to teach them perspective you got it no that's not a boss it's not a flex what it really is is to show you that when you once you learn differences when information starts to work then you you move to the next step which is reformation reformation is about and the word is reformation is about god taking what we think we already know and elevating it to a place of view of usefulness so that the truths from his word and the visions of that you have given up on can come back to life let me show you something how many of you were here or used to hear certain things preaching you get excited but now you hear them preaching you just go right there's some things you still used to really get excited about and you said well they didn't work for me so so even when you even when we have lines for people to be healed your mind is saying well laying enough hands doesn't work cause i i gotta handle it they don't mean nobody healed me i mean it didn't heal me it didn't work there are things that you trusted god for oh we will cast the devil out the devil's not gonna come out you don't believe those things you know why because you you attempted them with knowledge and not with wisdom you you from a disconnected state you try to get connected results you can't get connected results from this connection you just can't so there's this reformation when god is reforming your life his goal is to upgrade your thinking he's targeting among other things all these four things number one your identity who you think you are in in sanctification god goes after who you think you are here's a good question does anyone ever ask you who do you think you are and you never we never respond to that because to us that's an insult that's a throw off but have you ever stopped to think about that who do you think you are can i subscribe to you that your limitations are found in who you think you are your identity the first prophetic assignment your parents had in your life was to name you my parents named all my siblings names that began with l and when they got to me they named me heart isn't that interesting and when i was when i was being released to ministry a prophecy said to me she said the lord said that your grandmother named yourself yeah she said yeah i know jesus the lord told me your grandmother named you hartley because he wanted to use your heart to touch people that was 40 something he was wondering why am i different from my siblings the first prophetic assignment is what they call you the second watches now the second thing that comes with that assignment is you not have to find out who do you think you are can i say that your marital status has a lot to do with who you think you are you're going to talk back to me do you know that the the relationships that you find yourself in and out of has to do who you think you are the second thing when god is reforming you god goes after what you think you need what do you what do you need to be happy what do you need to be satisfied why are you spending your life going after these things you think you need them the third thing in reformation god goes after is what is what you are who you want to become what's your ambition what is what's your desire the next thing he goes after is how do you see him how do you see god this is your god consciousness how do you see him is he is he a part of your crew is is he is he a fixer what does god do for you what is his role in your life these are reforming things and then the fifth thing is why you do what you do when god is dealing with you from a place of reformation god goes after he asks this question why are you doing that why do you do that why why do you and god would allow you to struggle in an area of especially of self-medication and then he asks you this question why do you always go back to that you think that god is concerned with the what of it the what doesn't bother god it doesn't say why bothers god why do you go back to that and he will allow you to fall off the ramp the same place every time until you start asking the question why do i do that see this is why we don't teach doctrine right here because in order to teach doctrine i got to get you out of your feelings into your head and i got to get you thinking about the faith that you claim you you have and i've got to get you watches are looking at god and having god look at you right now you're face to face and the issue becomes what god is doing in your life we could call it a lot of other things psychologists have one name for it and then you go to another preaching they call it some other thing and then they have you shouting on or letting folk go and half the folk we trying to cut off we cut them off and find another one just like them because god is using them as a mirror remember this when you read the 23rd psalm and we're going to cover it it shows the power of process he's your shepherd but the places he leads you before you get to the table you go through the valley and the reason you go to the valley is because there is where you go for things to die where you go for things to be buried in the valley is where you go for things to for you to change and the word change is transformed father i pray today in jesus name i'm asking you for as we go forward in this in this series we're going to dig into some deep places but we thank you lord that this doctrinal lesson on transformation will cause your people to become who you've called us to be we choose jesus over everything else we choose jesus over our own comfort we choose jesus over our own dreams we choose jesus over our own names and as this continues to be our our call our our place with you the bible says that you've given us power to become the sons of god and in this becoming father we we set our hearts we're going through different stages of grace different parts of development and some of us we just don't understand don't understand exactly why but we trust you we trust you and we ask of you in jesus name holy father as we walk through these valleys that you've selected for us and you point out things about our very lives our very responses the way we choose and the way we refuse i ask you in jesus name that you have us god to stop and to pause and say father i want to create right in this place a sleeping bag a cocoon or a tomb to my old self so that someone new can emerge i pray for every person under the sound of my voice for this church as we begin to build as we begin to attract people who come may they come for jesus may they come for your presence may they come god for the transformation is promised to us hallelujah we receive that from your head everybody give me this everybody standing together lift your hands real quickly [Music] hallelujah lifting your hands real quickly thank you lord i want you to say this with me say father i trust you with my transformation beginning here today i choose that everything you point out that should be laid down i choose to lay down not because i know what i'm doing but because i trust you make me someone new no no no i won't just sit and sit about your heart say make me someone new now for my hands are lifted while your heart is in the presence of the lord i want to do this with you think about this that would you what you're asking god to do in your life right now is to literally shift the trajectory of where you've been going and what you've been doing there's some there's some people in your life that that you've cut off that god will give access to again that people in your in your life that that you don't think um you could do without and you're gonna have to do without them there's some things in your life you're giving god permission to say you don't need this right here and you need that right that you're giving god permission to make some transitions in your life are you ready for that are you ready to walk away now this is not an altar call of repentance no no nothing what this is about is giving god access to your process suppose i told you that the thing you're fighting with all your might to resist is from the hand of god suppose i suppose i said to you that that the your wildest dream is not coming through coming true because god is saying you don't need that suppose i said to you that the struggle that you're in right now has everything to do that the struggle with the struggle you've been in this new development has to do where you're coming from god is saying to you let me get you out and this is the way we do it the squeeze that's on your life right now is god's saying let me get you through the way i want to get you through so don't you give them a yes say god say yes lord i get sad give me i give you my yes continue your work in me you'll continue to work in me father we bless you come on i want your worship right here continue continue working me if you're watching by my social media listen to me what god needs from you is a simple yes but the yes has to do with where you're going the yes has to do with what god wants to do in your life the yes will have to do with you letting go of things you think you thought you had to hold on to it has to do with you laying down certain contracts and certain covenants things that you thought that you needed to live god says i need that from you so i can go forward and do what i need to do the platform the the development the promotion whatever it is that god has for you is going to be on the other end of the death that god wants you to die in this part of the process father we bless you and we praise you for this in jesus name let me get up let me get a psalmist real quickly real quickly
Channel: All Nations Worship Assembly Atlanta
Views: 9,721
Rating: 4.9885716 out of 5
Id: 0cJ332h3CH0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 8sec (3488 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 26 2021
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