When Drugs Make Your Choices | Joey Diaz and Theo Von

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and you've been super-supportive do weather you know whatever I'm doing music or no I don't even do music play the flute play the flute you wanna make noise mainly Joe is really supportive I make a phone call my [ __ ] coming the Gotti boy I mean comedy or just chilling you've always been supported man so I'm happy I feel I was gonna go to a meeting tonight but I was like you know what I'm gonna come here and spend it with you guys man saying thank you very much thank you for having me cuz I said I thought we're gonna get more from when we get in a meeting sometimes tonight this before the show started we were talking about the use and abuse we were doing you know and yeah going into scams and the mental things you go to in just the first year I remember it took me 90 days to just [ __ ] realize what was going on and I would go to bed early I'd force myself to go to barely not to have that withdrawal yeah nighttime withdrawal yeah how was it for you yeah it's true the ladies staff the more you get lonely you know you can feel the wolves starting to kind of climb around inside of you you know that's how I feel like I feel you know like they got these dangerous squirrels I kind of live inside of you and the later you stay up the more they start you know kind of peeking their head around you know looking for drugs or looking for [ __ ] or something you know and I feel like if I would go to bed earlier you know shut things down like we'd get a book or do something calm light a candle do something that kind of sets my mind down a little bit that I would feel better that's what I started to notice you know so it addiction is it'll get a mental thing for you it seems like it's not like I always thought addiction would be like a more of a physical second town that sounded very mental it's both yeah it's both it's it becomes it starts mental for me at the end of the last two years like I've said before dog at five to eight my body would ache really out of what I hate for dinner no matter what type of a day I had at 5:30 bro my body would start hurt and I couldn't think I couldn't think except going to the ATM was all I was on my mind yeah as soon as that man answered the phone my heart started beating I take a [ __ ] and leave I'm saying yes when you came in here and told me the story about New York a year ago yeah I think that scared you a little bit that night that made you realize I've always thought about that story and how you said it on the podcast yeah I always thought that you're very intelligent because you learned something then that was nothing it could always get worse yeah just kind of affected like I showed up at Opie and Jim over there with Jim Norton and uh at their show and I was [ __ ] up you know couldn't even talk I just had like my mouth opened Darryl strawberry's air you know and he freaking and I'm like doc gooden you know I'm out there you know look like I just been smoking the moon you know and uh and I kept drinking coffees and I couldn't oh I couldn't close my mouth also which was weird after a while you know you can't even close your mouth and they kept giving me hot coffee and I was just like damn and I just kept thinking you know you wouldn't I wouldn't have chose to be in this situation if somebody asked me a year earlier hey you want to go on Opie and Jim Norton not even like yeah I'm excited and they're like yeah do you want to stay up do cocaine on like the night before you go on that I've been like no way brah gotta be him I got to be in top top condition when I get there but here I was doing that so I'm thinking I must not be making all of the choices for myself you know that the drugs are starting to make some choices only you've been doing coke not that long man you know and I just had a couple of but every time I would get heavy into it maybe a couple years but just sparingly occasionally well when you ago you would go yeah when I would go I would go on I started to notice it was like then it was first it was like six times a year you know and then it was then it became like once a month and then it was becoming once a week you know and so I was like oh this is escalating man and that [ __ ] escalates quick dude like one night I left the I was in my apartment didn't I was all [ __ ] up and I used to put on I got in a box of vests dude somebody had ordered some vests and I don't know if it was like a joke or somebody accidentally got some vests into the wrong person you know but I got a box of vests you know different types of you know vest Church without arms you know it's a yeah and different colors and everything different colors different styles different patterns everything and so I would like at night I'd be doing all this cocaine and putting on these vests and [ __ ] in kind you know like enjoying myself a little bit listen to some good music you know some Aerosmith or something you know just just vibe and you know and uh one night I was making a milkshake because I don't like to eat honestly I like do you make milkshakes more often so I'm making a milkshake and and I left the blent and I got the blender on right and I went outside of my apartment door and the door locked right it's like 4:00 a.m. my blender is going right I'm out there home cocaine I got on this vest is kind of kind of tangerine kind of I guess some material it was maybe like Mogadishu you know some [ __ ] kind of fly so this thing's [ __ ] going dude there's only like eight units in my building right so I'm like and then I guess the Machine started smoke and the alarm starts going off right now it's 4 a.m. dude I got that the things shorted out the thank God the blender shorted out but I got the alarm going off in the building now I'm standing outside of my apartment wearing boxers in this [ __ ] orange vest got on sun shades and then my landlord comes out and I'm like Jesus Christ you know like just look at the [ __ ] that's going on you know and now I gotta tell him I'm just up going to piss you know like so just things like that started to get weird you know I remember I fell asleep in some lady's bed and just urinated in her bed and she got angry you know and she let me sleep over and I told I usually I tell people for I sleep over - I went to bed once in a while you know so but anyway man it was yeah just just wild stuff started to happen you know be over at people's houses you know just it's getting late you know you're touching some girl's crotch outside of an apartment building over there and you know Studio City are out near the airport and like what the [ __ ] am i doing you know it's not bad but I'm you know I did this already I'm still doing this you know so that was some of the issues that I started to notice some of the patterns you know ah it's very sad when you look back at the stupid [ __ ] you did it's true it starts over the talk we were having before the podcast on is it always starts off recreational yeah listen man for me in that way for me in that way what's a good thing for me they're like well I would get a call in 2002 you know I get that call on a Monday and they said you have spots Tuesday Wednesday Thursday in the old days you called on Monday and Tuesday morning they called you at Tuesday Wednesday Thursday she wouldn't give you Friday Saturday til Friday it [ __ ] - huh she would bury you till Friday you keep calling me God I don't know sometimes they'd be there Thursday but anyway that's not what we're talking about here I would you look at the week and you see what you got new plans I would plan my because for me the best time I ever had in LA was going to the store drinking a cocktail and drinking sodas before I went onstage and then I'd go on stage I'd go right out to the doorman I'd get four packages $20 a piece and I'd do two of them at the store yeah and you drink for free yeah and I take one of the managers I'd snort with him we do lines and the managers [ __ ] office and we'd be [ __ ] ah Polly [ __ ] up I can't how many times I was out there smoking cigarette after cigarette after cigarette talking about he Griffin and Bob Paul Mooney and Bobby Lee was [ __ ] up on and I'm [ __ ] up on my [ __ ] and Freddy so no rest is God rest his soul I mean there was maybe 20 people up there in circles that were getting me evil yeah and drinking you know and you knew it and everyone saw why you cause pass on it back into a blast I'd love to and they give you a blast of some [ __ ] they had they had an extra 20 on them and you bought one and then yeah next thing you know it's ten the two year at the store you can't get in your [ __ ] car and there's no yeah there's no very no burn those days Lisa at and you're [ __ ] sitting there with two packages burning a hole in your pocket and you know you ask somebody for I don't wanna kind of come in and [ __ ] so you're looking for a waitress to go home with this I mean those days were horrible but there was so much fun yeah like our it would be up there all I wouldn't do get high when Rogan was up there when Rogan was up that minute how to leave I believe there was no fun more Rogan was out of town and I was up to have a Tuesday I can't [ __ ] it lit if I because I never liked being I Roger and we make him feel really awkward really good he tell unit oh yeah he had a friend that was kind of crazy so he learned from him and Joe really loved them when the guy died oh man yeah yeah everybody has crazy stories that's the thing it's like at some point it's not that much fun anymore you know and also it wasn't it wasn't that fun at the store like it was more like you know well now it's out now there's a couple people snorting right a couple people but they're squirrelly that but they keep it down it's not when you walk into the hallway and there's eight people with jaws going yeah in the old days 12:45 doing that all the way you'd see people's jaws go on people double-fist and be as [ __ ] like a synchronized it was hoppin now at 12:45 and you knew you had to 1:45 to put away as much booze as you wanted and that's what the goal was and I'd start giggling those Jack and Coke [ __ ] yeah those Jack and cokes Oh [ __ ] oh my god those gin and tonics well I snorted coke Li all bets were off if you told me you had come flavored vodka I'd raise my head Wow and put ice cubes in and delude the [ __ ] flavor like that that's what you drink it's 2:00 in the afternoon and you ain't high go [ __ ] yourself get out of my face I want you around me like I want cancer my ball sack I'm sayin you gonna come around here looking at me with your [ __ ] white eyes thinking that you know I'm gonna be I'm gonna reform go [ __ ] yourself my morning starts at 5:30 a.m. there is way
Channel: Joey Diaz Clips
Views: 401,580
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tom Segura, Eddie Bravo, Conor Mcgregor, UFC, Ron White, Joe Rogan, Dana White, Boxing, Mixed Martial Arts, Bobby Lee, Debunked, Brendan Schaub, Nate Diaz, Comedy, joe rogan experience, Felipe Esparza, MMA, Lee Syatt, Conspiracy, Hoax, Bill Burr, Theo Von, addiction, NFL, Football, Alex Jones, bert kreischer, Jon Jones, stand up, Ari Shaffir, Funny, podcast, doug stanhope, Jim Norton, Joey Diaz, the church of what's happening now, Ultimate Fighting Championship, Interview
Id: HjZWl09yF5s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 37sec (637 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 07 2018
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